BOHEMIA NUGGET ! ' j iir.rix r3' " ?-. ... I. n 7 'V r1 i:; .v. nr. WILLAfiTETTE MIYBRSIH. 4; ; Di23 J.LH2tths er Pres. Joba iLCcfczn .-. v. ,i: t : ir ir i i win Ull Hill. ii L3 f t-I'C III' "ir.' 9. ni v. c I Ci ic i? V." j Flou patronise jl-lontc Unbu6tr: r.TJW CCT. Ut1t5. - V- . s-i i... r 1 1 : ,-, ;i ! 7 ' VI t V . Hi-lf.l L A 1 1 - K ' A v.-. J.- A'. . - : J.' ! I ' ;t. it--: turn &nf :-. 1I l-t F. Ac T---, 1 I 'I' Knowles & Gettys j eft liohcniia, Oregon. Knowles & Gettys It'; .'it. vrt, . v Jlit r,t 'i tr- ';.! Vlf, Hi' i 2 s, SjZ.1'irS3 '.i."ti. b 'Tsi ?.r J ' i '".':, , Hi Jli Mut:-;. Tlt ititl itu frci'.rij A-idr Dr. Si,Iivs. c jra'e tia of Lr ffc-I:- liliM&M vjnu la'fKi:it Mil' J;.' at,J ilcitn to itltgatt by Hu- i;r j;J 'fily cotve fvtr ttr- j osi'-o. r: lfl'r To 'iay ftr tbU j Tc-;-A .7;n' FaVfSr.;jfbt ii'V'j, lb? a.tav;j, a yoa.i u.fc j M'k". o .' of tb'.: hwi.u -rL J ynyLt. -zr a cokx jj not I-ti'.".r J.o'-3 uJ g Vv boa- tiit : - Orscco, Oregon. H C fc..' i.t fcf, ivxLietax LIr Lr e j of i . , !-r: t tit: tsti'.-i-ki orfi: of tLt r l'.o 7TV .1 s;vritx' of .ViI- !:tib- hi ii y.BTj lo''j iftiftt, W'fcp m-jli .'-b?..aii t -Ijr fX-od to tbat diiii 'or ityiu huz.'.!. PrL-; it i tat tb? rr JyM.tia! tc;p4;? 2 ry! to b ! fcugbt Out is otrabT ctzt for tLrt i aa usioilrf tntLui:zi for b;':- tiibv ;.rov '3- 'ri f'r'iJ 1L: -Llbir.k-it,g arc at ti forgtt gfc it t-tn yjpulir Hith's:a2 in'; Ligb. afj-J it fortosite h! f r ba tin: To '.r-j'a' las!', a I Cc:'itt G f;rb J. Usrt- to ' ?rk.-' ai t' CtUge Gfu. ;v U. ci ifary lJ..iy t Verca ii I "A":ker; Jots 1 7. Uk 3. FeriiL af tv Co Mar G a : - . cat tbe M'-e. fccg'- a.d R-by Silver 'j :artz tU:a ;s the lio- Miners Supplies at reasonable prices. Our A lot to: Good Goods at Reasonable Price. General Merchandise i r i Miners Fools and Amunitions ? S-a!t 1 b -A;)i I t rrti'i'i to Sjtecn'rr r-t'i ?or h-- :r, ap- Vrrhiu b-auMs tb ltrrontr are 'yt rea-iy 'f b;ta, jttbow him -ri a bUj; x'S'tt-.x.K l gbt tbfi h-re' .rviina''j r : ail iiuuk Dae-, uj biviotJi Jom tie o.ttagr: Grove S. r. d'.;-'1 niio.eLtat.dcf the locl 'i' ' to tbc-h!ack Iatte rtif.t-s. I.;-!oci. tbfc cirJerut it'e- .d-Jre,? of wto'.: ver tt ooo! !! M. C2U0J ' rt-ftr t i:t." fl rirfirVa 'H fiil '.f wrrI Mia. V.'L:ieAl,tj.SjllfXfl joo-Kev. M jdoo Ly Mr. Kryaa. ctief of t.t:cb w. i. i. or city Mr. Jioii&er J,.T. L. Mr. 1111. t . t . . i . i. r i...,n 1. . 1 tee f2inerut stale are requested to -tat (.ustr-.i i,f.,m;ty. i'reti. ianipt.i. NevertLdws it catMU x"'-r-' fa-w, tbey ca keji w.,rlir.;f. A J'i"-- ottrn lor a fei'jglc a.oiaeit tLat a'i o I' V Cm i r-t4 wM, T. , Lucia F. Addifrj, nte president. ; ttro yefcrfc 0ff( tb dett'xr! have I : rb car .Wty b ben eri i . already sartei t preiiiiiary eti ! Classified Advertisements. ufcly ftit 0ttay.t Grote, kortej Offfciing Iendict)Ori. igHg'meiit. Mr. Br; an La. lot no j uti w-re tLn j FfciiMy, a. m. JtJtne. Kro' bi great ovation in ! .tber. 'Jbe laut to wMrk it La j ,4 fl . ! ....... ' Nw Vork L invaded N'e li&g- j For Sale Ueo wiutb wrw tba. Ufore, bit '"? ; laud to ccubl itL tb de.cratic I;.ifith tlab J. blocks ar.d .BVu,n-i- .i,,. aD j toa,d tLt4 iu lbiS!uini,x,iLKsal l..Vr load debv- yfcar'm;r;VHhs, for tin ytar ie-! tr?,i I'h'ji". No 501 liro u Lum- A MID SUMMER OPPORTUNITY ijje railroad 'yyjjiv orofje tLat tiir "i-i b rnor :ar from no n. 'Jb Urown Lumber Co. rout dfwfi Jat wek "U acurit of h'rt: but tU?i up on donday of thi w:ek ajjain. Uar- the fcbut-dovnu, mrjy of tbe mfcfj rs k j't t u'si.' at variou I J.-e iiuv, tty-tr -hal and j ettin Auv b-t r f,b. Othfcr Mil) Lave be';n hatnpeied 1 tb'ir work by t!; J k of ar, bit all are keopin oin and bo: l.'ie itntion will be U ttjr !,jfors lont;. Wanted. II. J'AlfiViU. Ktr,icorfiru.uee.. garded Ly tb derat, evr;-;UrCo. ;;UT' ... rr 1 wLer-, of vat irityntince. The I - IO.3O- -.lection of office., hop) t0 win mUf;h ,ieW tritor, 00 1 we.-irui wceK-ie. i-fM.iei.uu. tbe of Bran enthasiara . , . , - .. , , QUou U -Stat president. I othfcrKH, L,v;wa Ut(4 bwk. ) f.rabam. ir. j.una r. A''mon. SugK'1'""' f'r work. 1 14- Iiva'g;litjc w rvi':e. t'i li'SiuU -ra;fcr. ; ward in i-jformirig JJryan of the J W&od Vantfed. for him and for demount v. Won- lite to x-b'ii;; fiooJ Our East Window is now dis playing a few specials in Summer Suitiims: 25c values 19c 20c " lnc " Good 15c 12 l-2c Wr In Cult. TL Ihland of Cub' in evidtuly hjain falling inlo the antrchiMic i onditioti from whch the United t tttft r'iutl ii aLout l iLt years (fo, wbilo J'reft 1'alma lri-i to ffc little tbo ditiu Lauc und in fact 'uh lipt-ration of tho iiitturntx ar not tiler niv, the ovi-riiiueut Luh i howri jtM If iii' apibk- of handling the troubR Kach fcida i waiting olid tLe inland i kept in a tate of muofct "'! pfp'"' mj fieri fig yreut dnriage. Kifi the I). S. i.iliifcd ov r the control to the ov MMiiiviit Ami'n Lave invented iniMioiid hero. A'ith a t'ovrimiont iintanabl of keeping u( h pc-t'y a ttuLihtical uprioing In check, it i i be eijxx td lluit under me pro- ihioin iiifbr which tho govern tnoiit wan turned ovr that tho V H ahoiild Mguln Ink" LoM, and that if it do': g'ii'i it l'"uld do m p-mitlvrly. C. F. (JounU of Siuklyou anl (). M. iJuHMt of Drain have bton up in Jlohtmia the past wck doing ft t Min-nt on thfir clainu mid are dying tlx ir hund on the game at the muujc liuc. ' KtpMblicaimar called upon lo Mji9c,e f"f V'y '3 .weigh well thess things; to ak ,'- I themf-elv-a whether it ii wie to ' permit a democratic victory hicb I might lead to tariff HmaMhiog and Department Ifour What, j feferal ownerbbip of railroad, How, and Why. Tm niifiiites to ' which would i-ievitsbly give en-' eadi dftpfirtrnent. ; rouragtuieiit to an enemy that is I' lower mnsiori - l-adftr, Mm. already bristling with confidence. Swdey. Ah our r.asiern -aj er ee it. 2 ft Co;iveutiou called by couu ty r:ident, Mrx. Calkina. Devotionalu Mrs. Wiloou. Nci''tt For Sale. Fire to ;er old Hhoithoru bull. D. G. M' Vaui a.M'. Oregon State Fair SALE;M, SEPT. lO-lS, 1906. THIS YEAR THE BEST EVER New Attarctions, New liuildings, New Ideas, Tun by the Ton, Amusement Galore, livening Entertainments BEAUTIFUL CAMP GROUNDS "IT'S A HEALTH RESOR.T" $25,000 for Displays and Races W. II. DOWNING, Iredont FRANK W. DUR.DIN, Secretary Hop Hcking Wi'l Ugin .S;ptcnibr 'J l J. Heavey bro. Lopyard, Joat';d o'i ndle northeast 'd l:.i'.' i': on the HiK iii" rier, I'icking v, ill last fr. fi 1H to 20 l'iv. TL'.- pr ico is fl.v'ijcr ro lls Gol camping cr uiid with the bc-fl of wit:r ai.d j a -lure fumisL'-d tin: JVopIe moved from Springfitld, Coburg unl Kugeuo free- of eLarg". Wood Wanted. Will accept wool for rc-ncwaN of Hubscriptiontt at this ofheo. Hoppickers Wanted. Hopnickiiig will l.iu at the Win Nfciws hopyanl one inilo libnve Hpringfi(:id onTu'hduy, Sd'l'J,ll,''er 1'ino hop yard, plenty of slab- wcxi'l on phi'e furuished frco. Good water. Will py the ruling price per box. Wm. Nj'.ihh. Wivkbed nnd Ironed ctirtuinH, clothes repaired and pressed by Mrn. Geo. JJohlmiin. licuve work at Ostranuer'a ijiirLier Space does not permit other bargains in Summer Fabrics. -AT LURCH': The Hodge Jigs give a perfect (separation ofiue-r,end-OreN J O H N A. TRAYLOR MINING MACHINERY I6M niakoISl. DKNVF.R COLO Reduced Hound Trip Rates. txcursion Hound tiin iiiHoiit-er rntca Chi- cago to Portland nl icturn, via direct line will be 75.00 ami from Missomi Uiver points Oo.oo. These- tickets will be on Bale daily comtiK iiciug June 1 i t and continu ing until Sept. 15th with final re turn limit of October Hint. J. M. Ian AM, "Ntloil Irrlf.iion Congre.." Poise, Idaho, Kept. 3rd, to 8U1, P.o6. Por the above ot cnsiou rate of l'.l.fic; for round trip will bo made. Nuto dates Kopt. 1st und 2nd, IjinitH : Continuous passage, k'oiii!,', final return limit JJo days from date of sale, with stopover privileges returning. Children: Ono-half of above rules. J. M. IbiiAM Ageut,