TALK IMMIGRATION Speakers at Irrigation Congress Have Various Ideas. m MORE LAWLESS FOREIGNERS Irish, of California, Would Close Our Gates Tight, and Give Amer cans a Chance, Koine, Sept. fi. Vice President W. Hhurlllffe, of Ogden, presided at the opening of tliia morning's session of the National Irritation congress renator barter having returned to Montana, Govern ir Albert K. Mead, ui wanmiigiuii, later was calloa to the chair and Governor Chamberlain, of Oregon, presided a part of the day. William K. McAllister, of Denver, the fliit speaker, deslt with the immi gration question and rained issues that Involved the congress in most earnest discussion. The ('oloradoan advocated foreign immigration, and an a model to be followed urged the methods of the Mormon church in settling the valleys of Utah and adjoining ntaten. Under the methods of the Mormon church tin fie immigrants had been drawn from the agricultural classes of Northern Jiurope, from the Itest of the hard work ing peasants. lion. John P. Irish, of California, asked the congress if it would not be better to clone the country's gates to the more than KOOO.OOO of foreign im migrants who were coming annually and give the youth of our own land a higher opportunity. The Califernlan declared that the immigration today was not a patriotic immigration, but a parasitic immigration C. W. Molt, of Kt. Paul, general Im migration agent of the Northern Pacific railroad, agreed with Colonel Irinh . lie said the Northern Pacific's success in peopling the territory traversed by their lines had been in the Kantern taten, nut in foreign lands. The kind of immigration wanted had been found in the Kantern states, and 76,000 of these, neatly all American citizens, bad been nettled in the Northwest dur ing the paut year. The law less immi gration from even Kurope, lie believed, wan nut wanted. W. Keidt, a foreign born delegate from Oregon, praised the foreign immi grant, who wan needed in the upbuild ing of the country. The trouble with Americano, he mid, was that they were all looking for "soft jobs." PEACE MOVEMENT STARTED. All Parties Holding Conferences With View to Ending Revolt. Havana, Sept. 6. Peace is in the air, and on all sides tonight there is hope that matters will be arranged be tween the government and the insur gents so as to avoid further bloodshed. However, there has been no tangible advance toward an agreement or to a definite arrangement for negotiations. In the meantime, fighting has been practically suspended. Delegates, in formally chosen by a small group of veterans started today to the camps of Pino Guerrera, Colonel Asert, General Guzman and others of the insurgent leaders with the purpose of learning what will be acceptable to the actual fighting leaders of the revolution. A eimilar committee started for Cienfue gns to consult, under a flag of truce, with the insurgeut leaders iu Santa Jlara province. I.ate thin afternoon General Menncal, General Cehreco an I other veterans held a conference with Alfredo Zeyas, the leader of the Liberal party, which, iiowever, did not result in reaching any understanding. At the same time the executive committee of the Moderate party was holding a conference at which the subject of peace was excited ly discussed, although no determina tion was reached. Fighting Ancient War. Madrid, Bept. 0. The newspaper Kspana Nueva, in the course of a fresh attack today on the conduct of the Spanish-American war, states that Gen eral Linares, the Spanish commander at Santiago, asked Admiral Cervera to land a few guns to supplement the in adequate defenses at the Morro Castle and La Socapa. The admiral sent two fcuns but General Linares did not at tempt to mount these guns until the sortie of Admiral Cervera'a squadron, when he found the breech locks had been lost. Igorrote Hunt Indicted. Memphis, Sept (J. Two indictments have been returned against Dr. T. K. Hunt on the testimony of Feola and Dengay, two full blooded Igorrotes, members of the band which visited the city some time ago, charging "larceny" and "larceny from the person," which are felonies under the state laws. Dr. Hunt has been arrested in Chicago and will be brought back to Memphis to stand trial. He was in charge of the band of Igorrotes a year ago. Train Wrecked by Dynamite. Ironwood, Mich., Sept. 6. A dyna mite outrage, resulting in the wreck of a Wisconsin Central ore train, occurred here yesterday The engineer and fire man had close calls from death. The dynamite had been placed on the tracks with the Intention oi wrecking a pas euger train. PINCHOT ON FOREST RESERVES Chief Forester Explain to Irrigation Ists Government's Scheme. Boise, Sept. 4. The policy of with drawing vaKt areas of the public domain from entry under the land laws in order to create forest reserves or eonierve the water supply for purpose of Irrigation, which has been vigorously opposed by influential Interests in the West, had its deenders and opponents at tonight's sennlon of the National Irrigation con gress. United States Senator Carter, of Montana, the presiding oflicer, gave a brief outline of the leglilation enacted by congreM giving to the prenldent of the United States the extraordinary authority to exorcise his discretion in setting apart such reservations. He made the declaration that it could be set down as the definite purpose of the national congress not only to stop fur ther destruction of the forests, but to set aside reserves'on which new timber may grow and where the headwaters of the streams may be conserved. Mr. Pinchot stated that the policy of President Koonevelt was "to givs every part of the public lands their very best one. ' I lie problem he said, was one of the most difficult, and one in which the forest service "had made lots of mintakes." Piobably it would contin ue to make mistakes, he said, but the ffort wan to study, in connection with the people, the question of method by which all parts of the public reserve can be put to the bent une. These re serves to a certain extent control the stock buninens of the West, he said, for the chief summer range is in the re serve, ihe stockmen could not be kept off en.'irely at the demand of the irrigationists, nor could the service let them have free run of the reserves. Ho you see," said Mr Pinchot, "that the forester stands in the middle and he gets it coming and going." The speaker stated that some reserves were practically without trees and one in Kansas was without a single tree facts which had been the subject of much criticism but it was the purpose to put trees there and to restore the grass on the range. The service, he said, had the biggest job of tree plant ing on the face of the earth. Mr. Pinchot gave the number of rangers in the service as 1,137 and the supervisors as numbering 105. Under the laws ol Prussia, he said, the same reserves would be controlled by 110,000 rangers and 12,000 supervisors. Senator Heybum was called to the platform and immediately launched in to a bitter attack on the administra tion's forestry policy. Some of the delegates were with Heybnrn; a far larger element stood by Roosevelt and Pincho. Once, when Heybnrn n ale a particularly unjust criticism of the president, he was hissed from all parts of the convention hall and forced to suspend. When the hissing began to subside, Heybnrn, mad through and through, and waving his arms furiously, roared at the audience: "Hiss, you geese, hiss." The hissing was renewed, and when it had again subsided, Heybum shouted: "Don't try that on me, I am too old a stager to be scared. You will listen to what say." REVOLUTION CONTINUES. Two Thirds of People Said to Sym pathize With Insurgents. Havana, Sept. 5. As days and weeks pass with no appreciable diminution of the revolution, apprehension increases. The most conservative testimony from the country district of the provinces of Pinar del Rio, Havana and Santa Clara is to the effect that two-thirds of the people in the country and small towns of these three provinces are insurgents in sentiment if not in fact. It is gen erally believed that the government ul timately will subdue the insurrection, but in the meantime the crops cannot be developed, and it is a grave question whether the rebellious spirit even then can be actually quelled to the extent of restoring the country to a normal self governing status. A realisation of this is the cause of the renewal of efforts for the restora tion of peace. General Mario Menocal, whom the people trust as one capable of bringing the warring factions to gether, if such a thing is possible, rame to Havana today and held two confer ences with President Palma. General Menocal after the conference absolutely refused to make any statement. Would Quash Indictment. Findlay, Ohio, Sept. 5.- A hearing on motion to quash the information filed against John D. Rockefeller as the responsible head of the Standard Oil company by Piosecutor David was heard here today in Probate Judge Banker's court, ii Klein represented the Standard company, and the gist of his arguments was that the Standard Oil company could be criminally prose cuted only under an indictment found by a regularly constituted grand jury. Prosecutor David argued in support of the informations. . Bauer to Beat Down Revolt. St. Petersburg, Sept. 6. The situa tion in the Shusha, Javenshir and other districts of Southeastern Cauca s is, where Tartar-Armenian hostilities are in full sway, have grown bo serious that the viceroy has eusperseded Gene ral Golochtkapoff, governor general of Elizabetbpol province, by Ganeral Bauer, whose name was coupled with that of General Alikhanoff in connec tion with the strong methods by which order was restored in the Caucasus. Brazil's Generous Gift to Chile. Santiago de Chile, Sept. 5. The government of Brazil has appropriated $300,000 toward the fund for the relief of the Chilean earthquake sufferers. IRRIGATIONIST MEET fourteenth Annual Session Con venes at Boise. FAIRBANKS THE GUEST OF HONOR Vice President of United States Given Cordial Reception Delegates From Many States. Boise, Idaho, Sept. 3. -Boise Is fill ed with people and filled with enthu siasm. The city gates have been thrown open and hosts of visitors from all parts of the West have poured in by the trainload to attend the 14th annual session of the National Irrigation con gress and have a good time. Notwith standing the big crowd, the biggest Boise ever saw, the citizens are happy, for their congrens bids fair to be the most successful ever held. The first day of the congress passed off according to schedule. Speeches, nu merous but brief, all dealt with the subject uppermost in the minds of the people irrigation and home building in the arid Went. Prenident Roose velt's letter, read by Gifford Pinchot, was the keynote, and ttie talk of Vice President Fairbanks followed along the lines of that letter. Fairbanks was the star attraction at the congress. He was greeted by hun dreds prior to and afier the meetings, and at the public reception tonight was tendered a typical Western welcome. His Bpeech this morning made a decid ed hit, demonstrating to the congress that the vice president, like the presi dent, had given an ear to the demands of the people of the West and stands ready to lend them a helping band at every turn. It is the intention of a certain ele ment to push the $100,000,000 idea at the subsequent sessions of the congress. Fred J. Keisel, of Salt Lake, is the principal promoter of this idea, but there is little liklihood the congress will suppo't him. President Roosevelt in his letter very clearly expresses his disapproval of the scheme, stating in plain language that there must be no direct appropriation for the construc tion of government irrigation works until the present national irrigation law has been proven a success and money invested has been returned to the Federal treasury. GREAT FLEET IN REVIEW. Pres'dent Roosevelt See America's Naval Strength. Oys'er Bay, Sapt. 4. Under skies that broke brilliantly blue before a whistling westerly wind which swept down Long Island sound and blew out to sea the sullen clouds and tempestu oub ralna wihch threatened immeasura bly to mar the spectacle, President Roooevelt yesterday, within hailing distance of his summer home, reviewed the most magnificent naval fleet ever assembled under the American flag. Forty-five of the most splendid types of fighting vessels afloat lay at anchor in three long columns as the naval yacht Mayflower, which just a year ago was written into history as the meeting ground of Russia and Japan, passed up and down the lines, the president an applauding spectator on the bridge. The Mayflower's journey was made amid a continuous boom of saluting cannons, and gun atfer gun spoke the navy s honor to the commander in chief of all America's military forces. The 45 vessels are all within range of Sagamore and could train 1,178 guns on the summer residence of the presi dent. Indeed, they roared out to him tremendous salute as. he came among them on the Mayflower and last night they painted the hieroglyphics of peace on the sk,y with their searchlights for his edification. The tl jet reviewed by the president consisted of 12 battleships, four ar mored cruisers, five monitors and un protected cruisers, six torpedo boat de stroyers, six torpedo boats and two submarine boats. Rebels Search All Trains. Havana, Sept. 4. The Cuban Cen tral Railway company today made pub Ho announcement that it would no longer accept freight or merchandise for transfer over its lines except at own er's risk. It is stated that thia ia nec essary because nearly all of its trains are held up and their cargoes inspected oy armed bands of insurgents. Late tonight the government learned that 400 insurgents had entered the town of Calabazar, in Santa Clara province, had confiscated a quantity of arms and taken many bead of horses. Navy Yard Men in Union. New York, Sept. 4. Employes in navy yards, naval stations, arsenal and gun factories, today formed a national organisation here and elected officers. The declaration of principles contains: Adopt and put into operation an effective plan for keeping the employes more steadily employed by having the men in the different crafts join hands, in order that the best interests of the government and the employes can be Berved." No Hope for the Sheridan. Washington, Sept. 4. Dispatches re ceived today at the War department from Honolulu indicate that the trans. port Sheridan cannot be raved. She ia nearly filled with water and her englnea are flooded and useless. REVOLT GROWING RAPIDLY. Santigo in Rebellion Insurgents Con trol Santa Clara Province. Havana, Sept. 4. The situation here In lar darker than at any previous time since the insurrection broke out. News of an uprising In 'Santiago province, wniie not yet published here, is spread Ing about the city and caus'ng the gravest concern. When Mr. Sleeper, the American charge d'affaires here, was told the contents of an Associated I resn Santiago dispatch, he endeavored to verify it through the State depart ment, but wan told it was absolutely untrue. Subsequently it was rerifled from private newspaper sources. The extent of the rising in Santiago is not known, but it is the opinion here that the worst calamity of all to the Palma government would be an insurrection in Eastern Cuba. The Associated Press was informed tonight by two reliable eyewitnesses that Cardenas, which hitherto has been considered a perfectly peaceful citv. was the scene yesterday of desultory fighting between police and rural guards on one side and roving insur gents on the other. The only province remaining per fectly peaceful is Puerto Principe. The Associated Press c respondent at Cienfuegos telegraphed tonight that there are 3,000 armed insurgents in that vicinity and that all the small towns in Santa Clara province are con trolled by insurgents, who attack and loot trains anil seize the property of foreigners as well as that of Cubans. Trinidad is surrounded by insurgents, and the government appears powerless to protect the property of Americans and other foreigners. Railway trains are held up at will, and passengers searched. The Cuban Central railroad has declined to assume responsibility for the safety of paisengers or freight. Recruiting for government forces is making good progress here. The gov ernment continues to make fine bead- way wherever there is open fighting. The troops in the western part of Pinar del Rio have not yet come up with Pino Guerrera, and, according to the Associated Press correspondent with the troops, there is no present likelihood of their doing so, as the troops might march for ten years and all the while Guerrera would be just ahead of them in the hills. There are thousands of mount ain trails with which the insurgents are familiar and which lead in all directions. If Guer rera cared to harass the government, its troops could re killed off by abarp- shooters. The government has no cav alry in Picar del Rio, and the only real soldiers are the artillerymen, Dot, as they are on foot, they cannot cope with the well mounted veterans on the insurgent side. FREEZE OUT FOREIGNERS. American and British Merchants Fear Enmity of China. Victoria, B. C, Sept. 4. Advices re ceived from Pekin by the steamer Tar tar tell of increasing anti-foreign mach inations. The correpondent of the lo- kio Mainichi reports that Tung Saoyi vice minister of foreign affairs, is tak ing advantage of bia growing influence in the government to strengthen the powers of Chinese who have been ap pointed directors of customs, having the support of the an i-foreign element among the Chinese. The correspondent says American and British communities are much in censed at the Chinese attitude, Ameri cans in particular feeling great anxiety as to the future course of events in China. The Pekin police have in structed Chinese that no premises of any kind must be rented to foreigners. The same correspondent says that the Chineee comiesioners who have re turned from travele abroad have had a conference with the emperor and em press dowager and the decision was reached to formulate a constitution for China. The Asahi'a correspondent says dras tic changes in the central and provin cial administrations are contemplated. At Pekin there will be a premier and two general secretaries to control the eight state departments and in each vine royalty the administration will be divided into seven sections. Chitung Chou Fuh is quoted to the effect that the constitutional government in China will be established in the course of from 10 to 15 years. Swam the English Channel. London, Sept. 4. It ia reported at 1 o'clock thia morning from Dover that T. W. Burgess, the swimmer, who at tempted yesterday to swim the chan nel, has landed near Calais after 17 hours in tie water. Another report ia that he ia within but three miles of the French cost. On account of the heavy fog which covers the channel Dover people fear for the awimmer'e safety. Burgess has tried three times to awim the channel, failing each time. He says be can do it, and ia determined that he will. Plotting Against Mexico. Tuecon, Ariz , Sept. 4. Collis Hum bert, a Frenchman, and Leonardo Vil lareat and Bruno Trevino, Mexicans, were arrested early today at Mowry and Pitagonia, mining camps, where many miners are employed. The arrests were made by Immigration Inspector Mur phy and Rangera Olds and Clark. It is charged that the men are agitators who are attempting to organize a force of Mexican miners to attack Nogales, Sonora. Warning of More Bombs. St. Petersburg, Sept. 4. The woman who assassinated General Min still re fuses to disclose her identity, but she admits that ber passport ia false and baa warned ber jailera that St. Peters burg ia on the eve oi a series of acts ol terrorism. A Little Lesson In Patriotism "I.ct our objwt be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country." - Daniel Webster. With the name of W'llllnm Lloyd Garrison and John Brown must be re called the name of Gerrlt Smith. He wan oue of the most ardent supporters of the Anti-Slavery Society, not only writing for the cause and contrib uting time and money, but taking pert In all IU con ventions and per sonally assisting the fugitive. He was temperate In all the discussions, holding that the OXBBIT SMITH. Nort w , p. ner In the guilt of the crime of slavery and that In the event of emancipation without war the North should besr a portion of the expense. The attempt to force slavery on Kan sas convinced him. however, thnt the day for considering peaceful emanci pation was pant. He then advocated whatever measure of force might be necessary. He gave large sums of money to free- soli settlers to Kansas. He was charg ed with belnsr an accessory to the af fair at Harper's Ferry, but It was shown that be had given money to Brown only, as he did to ncores of other men In the cause, and that a far as he knew Brown's scheme tried to dlHcoursge him from It It is characteristic of Smith that he should have been one of the three sign ers of the ball-bond of Jefferson Davis. He was a man to whom the welfare of the whole country wns dear and who did his best to aid the cause of human ity. During his lifetime he gave away to philanthropic and humanitarian en terprises $S,OOO.0OO. Chicago Journal. OUR SECRET SERVICE FORCE. Marked Development of Thia 11 ranch of Government. There Is probably no system of po lice In the world that Is qulte'llke the nlted States Secret Service, of which John E. Wilkle U the chief. Mr. Wll kle Is proiHTly classed among the men who do things from the fact that he has built this little branch of the Uul- CHIEF JOHN E. WII.RIE. ted States government up to a standard which places It on a par with the best police forces in the couutry. In a country where men vote and have a voice lu the choice of their rul ers, there is less or political crime against the state than lu European countries, where men are dragged from home and fireside and confined to dun geons for years to expiate crimes that are considered as nothing on this side of the water. For Instance, a German paper that came to the newspaper of fices on this side less than a month ago contained a long account about a Germaa who wns sentenced to six months In a military prison because he drew a picture of his Emperor lying In bed snoring. Under the picture was the caption, "Wake up to the needs of your people, oh, sleepy head." This picture was found pasted on a dead wall In a small city and the se cret service bureau spent some time In tracing the crime to the perpetrator. Happily the secret service in this coun try Is not called upon to trace the au thorship of cartoons against the Presi dent. If it were, Its force would have little time to do anything else. The secret service through Its chief keeps In touch with the big police sys tems of other countries and iu that way Is able to follow the movements of so- called duugerous Anarchists who may be sent to this country to take the life of the President. The currency of the country Is guarded against counterfeit ers and In a thousand ways the secret service proves Its value every day. FOOD HURT HIS FEELINGS. Gentlemanly Bewar Would Take Cash, bat lietused to Eat. Apparently he was In need of some one to extend a helping hand, or a hand out, to him, but he had the Instinct of gentleman, although his clothes were J il V ....'i; i ; ..; ti .4 severs! shades the worse for wear, say the New York Tribune. "I beg your pnrdon," snld he to n pedestrian who was giving a llfe-nlzt demonstration of a New Yorker who had an engagement to meet and Just half time enough to meet It; "I don't want you to give me any money, but could you take me In somewhere and get me a bite to eat?" "Certainly," was the reply. Then he added, sympathetica lly, "you haven't had anything to eat In two days, hnve you? Come alon and I'll fix you out." The victim of hearties capital wa somewhat surprised at ttie cordiality of his reception, but admitted that he had been fasting for the length of time nam ed. He followed eagerly for half a block and then began to hang back. Th would-be philanthropist observed this deflection and assumed that the poor fellow was weakened by starvation, a It must be especially difficult for a starring man to carry his 180 pound at a rapid pace. "I don't want to Inconvenience yoa any, sir." said the mendicant, noting the sympathetic look, "and If you're In a hurry and don't want to stop yon could let me have a quarter and I " "Oh, I don't mind at all about the time; I'm not particularly busy Jut now and as I have the Indigestion my self I have a notion to nee how a hun gry man eats Just for old-time's sake." They went on for another half-block. but this time the falling off In the hun gry man's speed was too noticeable to be ascribed to mere physical weakness, and when the benefactor turned again the unfortunate one said: "You're a gentleman and can under stand how I feel. Don't you think It would be more considerate not to humil iate a poor fellow by advertising bin poverty In a restaurant Just because he's down and out? If you could let me have the money I could walk Into the restaurant like a man and retain my self-respect." The man addressed could not see H that way, however, and when he turned around a moment later he was pained to observe that his hungry friend had become lost In the crowd. TmoroTed the Shfnln- Hoar. "Sometimes," said Mrs. Marchmont, ruefully, "I wish people wouldn't apolo gize for their children's misdeeds, but w-ould spend the time spanking the chil dren." "You speak with feeling." returned the good woman's husband. "What's the trouble?" "Why," returned Mrs. Marchmont. "right after breakfast this morning Mrs. Sniffen came in with one of my very best tulips In her baud. As near ly as I can remember, this is what she said : " 'O Mrs. Marchmont! I'm so asham ed of my little Edward that I don't know what to do. He came right Into your yard and picked this perfectly lovely tulip, and I left him on your horseblock and came right In to apol ogize. I've told him time and again that he musn't pick flowers out of oth er people's gardens, but he's always do ing It I don't know what you'll think of him. He Isn't a bad child, but be does love to pick flowers. And your tulip-bed Is always so pretty that It seems Just a shame to pick even a sin gle blossom. I know bow much you think of It and how much time and money It takes to have a pretty gar den.' That's the way she talked." "I don't see," returned Mr. March mont, "that there was anything out of the way about that." "There wasn't," returned the owner of the tulip-bed, sadly. "But while his mother was apologizing for that one blossom Edward picked all the rest" Harvey' and the Oyater. Washington has now lost her most accomplished restauranteur In George Washington Harvey, whose establish ment on Pennsylvania avenue has long; enjoyed a national reputation, more particularly for Its choice oysters and the manner In which they were served there. Once uioii a time the writer oC this paragraph went Into Harvey's res taurant and ordered some oysters on the shell. They were promptly served, but they did not present so plump an appearance as the wrttor had been accustomed to, and Harvey's attention was called to the fact. "I understand your difficulty," said he; "those oysters are opened on the deep side of the shell Inside of on the shallow side, ond they don't look to you as plump as those you have been accustomed to. I presume you are from Boston. That Is the only place I know of where they habitually open oyster on the shallow- shell and thus lose all their natural Juice." Boston Herald. Had Another Gneaa. The wUe doctor takes his patient's pedigree first. It saves embarrass ments, such as, for Instance, that of the physician who was waited upon by a man who confessed to playing in a local brass band. Shortness of breath was the trouble In his case. The doc tor said: "Ah, that accounts for It. That bras baud is the very worst thing for you. You'll have to give it up at once. What Instrument do you play?" "The big drum," came the unexpect ed answer. An Opinion. "Don't you think that members of Congress ought to receive more compen sation?" "Some ought to got more," answered Senator Sorghum, 'and some ought to be contributing to the conscience fund.' Washington Star. No wonder some men never have money ; th.dr pockeU Lave holes at botb. euda