Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 12, 1906, Image 2

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    4 Bohemia Nugget
Is a Ccztoed Fcra z: tzr
A Rwm of the LSS Import! but
Not Lets Interesting Events
f th Past Week.
Building is Fan TnzKirco is progres
sing rapidly.
Repairs to tb rt:.ier Eider are i
tnoet txrr. f itei.
Tb Hill rai'.roa3 wi'l ir-creas tb
rolling tUr.k e per cent dcrmg tb ceil
Bobber at ViedivoeHk seen red
1 107.000 from a bark intended to jay
troops w:th.
To cruiser Wt Vig it !., Cclorvio
Maryland and Pennsylvania Lav Uii
lor tbe Asiatic ration.
A bomb thrown into a street cat at
Eiga, Earia, killed on man and
wounded "Bitiff cf others.
Secre'-irr Eoot, on board the cruiser
Charleston, Las left Cb i jean waters and
it &o rtopping at various placet along
the coast of Peru.
The HarTimaa line bar two mere
steamers which wil be pet c& the
Fortland-San Francisco run if trade
warrant the Lucre.
An extra eeesion of the Cuban con
gress La been called by President
P alma to consider tbe Cirtarbed condi
toa of tie cone try aod devis means
fair ending the eitsa-tivC.
During th lart seren months tLe
sie of vodka in Ecesia Las ircreafed
greatly. Tte receipts were $13, 750,
000, an increase of $25,5!r0.0j over
the corresponding p-eriod cf IK5.
rebels ire aga.n causing
Russian peasant are destroying crept
to cripple the government.
Secretary Shaw Lu forbidden banks
to loan government money lot epecula
tion in Wall street.
There it fear tLat Etentland m ill
commit euicide or escape before he it
returned to tbe United States.
Tbe United State Las authorised the
release of five Japanese arretted for
teal poaching in Alaskan wattrs.
Maj jt Boee, cf Kansas City, Kan.,
Lad reignd. lie vat in favor of ta
loont and Lit resignation beatt tbe li
quor element.
Tbe trial cf Esther Mitchell, tbe Ore
gon girl who killed Ltr brother rn Se
attle, has been set for fceptexber 24.
Mr. CCieSLeld viil probably be tried
in October.
The American minister to Chile bat
cabled the State department that there
ia much aoffering at a reealt of the re
cent earthquake and urgee the Ameri
people to tend relief.
Railroad oSkiala ray tbe tew rate
law will work hardthipe on the North
wect, at "Lomeeeekera ratee" can no
locjrer be giren wit boot eetablitbicg it
at the regular rate and thit they can
not afford to do.
Terroritt agitaton orerrun EoatLern
Cannon eayt Eooeevelt may be preti
dent till 1912.
Eteneland't extradition from Morocco
Lat been ordered.
Both partiea in Arizona have nnited
againet joint etatehood.
Tha gorernment it inTtistat)Dg de
fect in the grain inspection tyttem.
Arrangementa are in pro?rea for the
trip of the president to Panama thit
Mexico Laa prepared a warm recep
tion for any revolutionist! who may
catrt trouble.
Efforts at ieac in Cuba may result
in the placiujf of Vice President Capote
in President Palma chair.
Opinion differs at to the possibility
of earing the transport hberidan from
becoming a complete wreck.
The Pacific Mail steamer Manchuria,
which struck a reef in the Hawaiian
islands, reeta easily and it may be the
Teasel can be saved.
Nearly all tbe ttrikere on the Ean
Francisco street car lines hare returned
to work pending a settlement of differ
ences by arbitration.
Tbe commander of the battleihia
Alabama mar be courtmartialed for
mismanaging his reesel and causing a
collision with the Illinois July 31.
During August the national debt was
decreased a little more than 3,U0'J,uou
An Anglo-Bpanisb alliance it likely
in the near future.
Governor Johnson hat beea renom
inated by Minnesota Democrats.
Thousands of strikebreaker! are being
aent to Ban Francisco to work on street
Fletcher D. Proctor, ton of Senator
Proctor, bat been elected governor cf
Bankwrecker Ktensland declares that
Cashier Hering ii responsible for his
Governor Ciamberlsin is being boom
ed for president of the National Irriga
tion congreet. 1
Nt A!Vojs to Mtp C'
Panana C-al.
York, Sfft. 10. Ctr'. Y;p
T:e. the Pwrpott Morraa tf Clifee, ;i
in ibis routtry iisrrt:rt;rc 1L crea
tion f tte 4-nvencaa r;'ro4 y!-tti
He is as 4artcAiJ Chit-a nan, vbo
is a CttaAnal and pc!;t--! p-.'rr ia
Cfcita. Lavjcf rortly tra crmd a
taolai It 11 -ir l"?r. ?ik:ci cf
i'b coolie labor, be eaii today:
"It if y lor roar prtiert to Kay
the iK lsUoa of tee labor problem c
tb Paxkarca rata! nay t oet by tbt
in. porta ti.o of CLineee cocJiea. It is
co:te aoUkr Kiatter to r-t cooli? ia
any rreat nsmtcr to woik on yoar
f-rat eetrpri vnder tl-e ro&d:tictif
n3ed. y:tber By rovron;t tcr
ay pecf are atxious to farther tbit
w c-rk. Tbe r-.verr metl reai; tbat
ti,e ex. wta"d net rereiTe t!-e na
ct'iirideratit'a the an tbe laborers of
other eatioaalitie ajd tre coaaiia
pecpie tteiiieeiTes bate lc:ne tbcr
oQtiilj 'Jti venuii t with a'.i ti-e detaiif
cl ycer excicfion lat. of tbe el:tr!c
jru of Pacaa and of the lend: rr
rcbetce af ertitf laborers on tie
canal. I think I can Km ep tie:r feel
irre bert by ravirr that tbey will not
beip bny II0.0O3 worth of Aaeritn
rroepenty at the expens cf II worth
c-f Cbiceee labor and suSericg.
"If the United tate nsnl bare la
borers live to sacrifice wty net em
rlcy a lew cf tbe thousand of ether
foreigners who are admitted to your
country at this port erery yearT We
know the Talue of our labor and intend
to keep it at home as much at poeei
Fear Gr That lrteretion Aloe
Can Restore Peace.
.Washington, Sept. 10. The State
department it keepitg in cioee tuch
with cond;tkr.e
pen ttat the
n Cut. The feeing
time when there mnt
be ictertentioa is not far C:sct. 11
the inrsrrecu make any headway in
their CKiTxtst up:n Havana or mani
fert any disposition to interfere with
tbe Tatt AaenctD ictere.t m te is
land. Tncle Sam will take a Land
Oicials detiite to discuss the sabjut
The gOTerrment will act promptly in
preventing filibustering expeditions
but it does not want to send fortes into
aba until that government has plain
ly demonstrated to the world that it is
enable to eooe with conditions and
properiy protect foreign interests.
Attorrey Genera! Moody Soon to Ad
vance to Supreme Bench.
Washington. Sept. 10. Political
wiseacres who have been predicting
that Atorney General Moody would toon
retire to private life are all aog at the
report that he it to be elevated to the
Supreme bench. They now claim they
fcave inside information on what will
be done. This is the war they Lave it
for thit rear:
W. H. Moody from attorney general
to supreme bench; C. J. IJonaparte
from Navy department to attorney gen
eral: Georee Von L. Meyer from St.
Petersburg to Navy department; Lli
M. Shaw to retire from the cabinet and
Postmaster General Cortelyoa to suc
ceed him.
Steamer Leaves New York With Arms
for Palma's Troops.
New York, Sept. 10. The Cuban
srovernment steamer Maria Ilerrera,
which has been loading arms and am
munition at the foot of Forty-second
street. South Brooklyn, tbe past week,
sailed this evening, supposedly for Ha
vana. The veeeel't departure was un
expected, a Senor Aldemo, the Cuban
official who waa in charge of her, said
be would not leave New York before
Tuesday or Wednesday. According to
Acting Consul General Antonio A hi
miri, she waa to ship 800 tons of arms,
couipment and ctber munitions of war.
At noon today scarcely one-fourth of
her cargo had been put on board.
Aniline Dyes Are Barred.
Washington, Sept. 10. Candy man
ufacturers all over the country are pro
testing because the Agricultural depart
ment has determined to bar aniline
dye in candies under the pure food
law. These dyee are used extensively
in candies and the manufacturers insist
that prohibition of them will hurt their
busineea. Dr. Wiley maintains other
dves will do at well, though more tx
nensive. and noiota out that the beet
medical authorities here and abroad
have declared tbe aniline dyes hurtful
to the kidneys.
Make Sultan Take Medicine.
Washington, Sept. 18. Ambassador
Leishman expect to be received by tbe
saltan of Turkev at an early date. The
State department today received a dit
patch from Leishman saying that the
sultan has recovered from his illness
and would irive an audience to the
French and British ambassadors. After
receiving these foreign representatives,
it is believed the sultan can offer no
further reason for not permitting Mr.
Leishman to present his credentials.
Reformed Spelling Illegal.
Washington, Supt, 10. A local law
yer declares that President Roosevelt's
simple spelling order may prove ille
gal. He says that over a score of years
ago congress paeHed a joint resolution,
which became a law, recognizing Web
ster't unabridged dictionary at tbe
standard for government spelling, and
that a Supreme court decision afterward
affirmed tbe act. The records are now
beiDg examined.
ir 1
Polk Cwtj Stock Brings Top-fvotCh
Prices for Breeding.
Inurpeodence There were loaied
ati shipped frors ln4r;enie&ce or
day last week 703 I t k lal and ?3
Leal of tborvegtbred Atrcira r'-.
Tbe boyer of this blooded rtcx-k was
Alexander lVnadan, of beridu. Wy.
osier- The selier was W. W. Perci
val. cf this place
The iambs were pr;nc:p"!y f rou
Po k cocnty, altbocjb tkre mere a few
ia tbe sh 'pxsest from Yai&bul. Eerb-in,
and Marios. The goa'.s were ra iei ly
Mr. PrJcival. It Keren liDtVe
detkoi cav to carry the Tte
iaat are Liacc'.ntbire and C-ctac:d
tre-df. lor wh eb Fo!s coasty it t
rosEirg fames. A !w carUiaif were
shipped to Wyoming by Mr. Peroral
iart year, and tb:s year he received an
i order lor decile tbe a&oact.
For treJitg parpows tbe To'.k coan
ty iaxbs brixg fancy pr;ree, whxh tbe
batchers cannot pay, and oaners of
sheep are nalcraHy tarnicg their at
tention more to the raicg of Lborocgb
bred stock. T&e shipment inclasied
iatrbt from tbe J. E. Misp and Wii
lim Eiddell farms, already iaoa
aanjcg Eastern stockmen a producers
of high grade sheep and goats.
Oa larnn from the Eidieil farm, one
year oU. sheared 23 pounds, and
weighed ?T0 pounds. The fleece at S5
cent brought $5.41. At the market
price of lamb, it would have brouaht
110. e-0, wbkh, together with the
f!ece amounts to f 17.24. For breed
ing purposes the lamb sold f Dr more.
There were a number of lambs ia
tbe shipment which ihear 21 to 3
Small Outlay Will Eradicate Cod:n
Moth and Other Pes!s.
Milwaukie J. 11. Keii, cf this
place, who has made a clce study of
sprays for codlin moth and fruit pests,
believes that wormy apple are not
necessary, and that it is possible lor
aU who raise fruit to keep it free from
eodlin moth or other petts. Contrary
to the supposition that the cost of
spraying is exceeeive, Mr. P.eid gives
some figures to show that spraying is
not expensive.
Mr. Eeid cites the apple orchard of
Mark Levy, at Milwaukie, who had a
total of 300 boxes of apples and pear.
Each time he sprayed it tock 18 hours
There were two men employed at a
cost cf $9, one team at o, and cost cf
material was $10, making tbe total
cost $26. This was lees than e ' cents
per box. A great many of Mr. Levy's
tree are young and not in full bearing,
and for that reason tht cost for spray
ing was larger than it would have been
had the trees been in full bearing.
"In a large orchard like that of Mil
lard O. LowDsdale, in Y'amhiil coun
ty," said Mr. Beid. "the cost would
not be more than 4 to 6 certs j-er box
lor spraying. When tbe spraying is
properly done the grower does not have
more than eight or ten per lots
from worms." '
Salem Has New Industry.
Sa'em Tbe only sienna paint fac
tory on the Pacifie coast and one of
the few in tbe United States, is now in
operation in Salem. A complete out-!
fit of grinding, lifting and mixing ma
chinery baa been inttalltd, but the
demand for tbe product already indi
cates that the plant will have to be
duplicated. Tbe factory is being oper
ated on material shipped from the si
enna deposits discoverd a year or twoH
ago south of Eugene, in Lane county.
At the deposits cover an area of 62
acre to a depth of 50 feet, there is
plenty of material to supply the factory
for a number of years.
leeta have proved that the Lane
county deposits are of at high grade at
tbe Italian tienna and it hat been
demonstrated that the Oregon material
can be placed upon the market in com
petition with the imported article.
Epidemic of Hog Cholera.
Seaside E. K. Willard, who runt a
dairy on the Wauhama, report! an epi
demic of heg cholera tbrooghont his
neighborhood. Willard had eif ht fine
porkers that he intended to slaughter
within a few davs, but the cholera beat
him to them. Mr. Thompson, a neigh
bor, who is also in the dairying buai
nees, hat lost all hit hogs, and Mr.
Dawson, who Uvea on the Clatsop
plains, hat lost hit entire herd from
the diseaae.
Record-breaking Prune Crop.
Oregon City William X. Davit,
who ownt a 20-acre prune orchard near
Cams, report that he will have a record-breaking
crop of exceptional qual
ity thit year. He eayt his tree are
loaded to their capacity. Mr. Davis'
trees are all of the Italian variety, be
having plowed up his acreage of pe
tite, supplanting them with tbe Ital
ians which he finds more profitable.
Large Crop of Cabbages.
LaGrande Harvey Clark, from a
20-acre tract of mountain land, located
four miles south of town, will harvest
500 tacks of potatoes and 16,000 beada
of cabbage, weighing from two to five
pounds. Hit potatoes will bring $400
and the cabbages fsuu, or a
total re-
tarn of $1,200 from 20 acres.
Vandals Cut Hop Vines.
Salem Unknown marauders entered
the hop yard of Iling Quong, near this
city, and cat all the hop vines on about
an ar-re of ground. The hops will be
of little value.
Prominent W.Umrtt Valley Dairyman
Sava "Bwy Cows.
Independence Ttitt the cow is tbe
bert of ttotey makers tot lb farme.
t tbe assert oa ! K. C. I.idrtdge. cf
th.s piare, o ner of creamerie at Inde
pendent. Latkm, Jf!eron, Loco
and JuwtKia City, and ons of tb larg
est bu vert cf cream in the Willamette
"A larre part of the prosperity of
the Wi.aetw valley ha come from
thf niich com," be faiJ. "I'arying
bt!f wbeatra'.ritg out cf t'gbt. Abd
tbre or Jcnr years of ra ryicg on
wbt Ian J vi ill dsnb'e tbe w beat grow
irg cfacity of tbe soil. A nuoite' cl
Saraeis in Pu.k are raificg more tban
tashfis cf wbeat to tbe acre oa tath
lani. w sic h eeveral vefff Afi wonld
not prcia;e more tban 12 to 15 bath
els. A firmer Bay SO coat, al
though that's a rather b:g herd, and
wi!L hog aci chickens a arceorief,
ran make more money ths n do many
of tb country batk tbt i, if be
use brains as well a band. It's a
bonanza for him. sar enocgL. Farm
ers are fast comics into realisation ol
tin; in fact, many of them realise it
already. Dairy product always ctn
find a market wit boot hunting for it,
at hign price. But dairying require
constant attention every day in tbe
year, and for this reason some farmers
are ucwilling to take up with it.
"One nan of my acq ain stance who.
six year ago, owned SO acres of land
anl im in debt, by going into tbe
dairying basin paid his debt, bought
70 arre more for $3.S50, aid has paid
$2,!CK) of this price already. Tbe other
dav he sold 24 six-months old beg for
Cofstrjct Eagle Vate Line.
Eaker C.ty David K.xle ba decid
ed to take in La.od tbe construction cf
tte Eag'e Valley railroad, a project
wbitb has long been looked forward to
by the peope cf this place a cf great
importance. Mr. Irie Las himrelf
aencuaced that he will bui.d the line i
and has called upon the people of Ba
ker City to ait by raisirg a f'ock
Bubecriptin of $10O,CO0. Ttis work
has already been takes ur and good
progres made.
Seaside Bath House Burned.
Seaside The large bath house owned
by E. N Zeller, loca'eJ on the beach
near the Batter field cottages, was to
tally destroyed by fire a lew days ago.
There was no wind, or tbe eurrourdmg
cottase would have been destroyed.
Adjoining cottajes were protected by
the but ket brigade. The loss is par
tially covered by insurance.
Dry Rust in Valley Hop Yards.
Woodbarn Dry rust ha appeared
in bopyards in the vicinity of Mount
Angel, where there is considerable com
plaint, and an immense amount of
damage is liable to be done. This is
tbe firs, appearance of dry rust iu this
section. It has a musty smell and ab
solutely destroys the flavor of tbe hop.
Wheat Gab, 65c; bluesUm,
valley, 69170c; red, 63c.
Oat No. 1 ahite, $2222 60; gray,
Barlev Feed, $20(321 pr ton;
brewing', $21 50(322.50; rolled, 23.
Rje$l .S0 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $26; cracked, $27 per
Hay Valley timothy. No. 1, $10(3
11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
$12(314; clover, $77 50; cheat, $7(3
7.50; grain hay. $7; alfalfa, $10;
vetch hay, $77.60.
Fruits Apple, common, 50(375c per
lox; fancy, $1.25(32; grapes. 75c
$1.50 per erste; peaches, 70c$100;
pears, $1 25; plums, fancy, 60f375c
per box ; common, 60 (3 75c; blackber
ries, 6 (30c per pound; crab apples, $1
01 50 per box.
Melons Cantaloupes, 10c$l 25 per
crate; watermelons. 1 (3 1 ,4 c per pound ;
casabas, $3 25(33 60.
Veetable Beans, b( 7e; cabbage,
l?422c; celery, 85c(3$l per doren;
corn, 15320c per dozen; cucumbers,
25c per doren; eg plant, ltc per
pound; lettuce, head, 25c per doren;
onions. 1012c per dosen; peas, 4
6c; bell peppers. 12X15c; radishs,
10(8 15e per dozen; spinach, 2 (3 3c per
pound; to ma toe, 25 50c per box;
parsley, 25c; squash, 11(31.25 per
crate; turnip, 90c (3 $1 per sack; car
rot. $131.25 per sack; beets, $1,253
1.60 per sack.
Onions New, lQlc per pound.
Potatoes Oregon Bnrbanks, 70t(3
80c; tweet potatoes, 4G$4c per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 23 27c
per pound ;
Eggs Oregon ranch, 24c25per doc
Poultry Average old hens, 3G
14c per pound; mixed chickens, ISO
JS'e; spring, 14f15r; old roosters.
9(3 10c; dressed chickens. 1415c;
turkeys, live, 17(3 20c; turkeys, dress
ed. choice, 21 (322 c, geese, live, 9(3
10 r; duckt. 1315c.
Hops 1906 contracts, 17)20c per
pound; 1905, nominal; 1904, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
1519c epr pound, according to shrink
page; valley, 20322, according to fine
ness ; mohair, choice, 28 30c per
Veal Dressed, 58o pr pound.
Beef Dressed bulls. 3c per pound;
cows, 4xi&4c; country steers, 636c.
Mutton Dressed, fancy. 78c per
pound; ordinary, 66c; Iambi, fancy,
Pork Dressed, 78fc per pound.
D.i., Imi.llcals Marmann,
T W w - -
Williamson and Othart.
Portland, He-t
7, Hei'lieii
fK.tislai I'uter, wlmoe conn
lion wllh
Orevon land fraud s anlls Is
torku and wl.o l.r many yrars lived
by his wit and Lis knoaelMlg" ol
Jelbs ol lelt.i.liMg tb Fe,lert gov
err.ii.ent br corrupt prarllrra In the
United HUtes land olll. es, I.K.k ll.a
stand a a ltii lor tl.e prosent -turn
in tb Blue Mountain conspiracy
yesterday and laid bsr hi '"tlr
r..ti,,n m nh that ami older plots,
reetlcl and tinsiirssltil, to rob ti
United Hate of H lands.
By bis testimony he Implies'. n"1
only in tbe Blue Mountain . bnt in
otbers similar, some of tbe mt pro.n
ineot j-ililif ians and public men ( "
fU.eol Oregon, and furulshrd to ih"
last and stronne-t link in tlibai" ol
evidence ajfainst l-rariklin Pien Mays.
Willard N. Jon-'. i-'rg horelison, ri
Cornmifiorier ol tl.e lienernl I -and
OrT)C 1 lerifiwriii. ei-('oi)gresmii Wil
liamson and the late r-enator Mil hell,
against whom the indntruent in the
ae do on trial aa returned.
In bis story, complete as to name,
date and circumstance, be revealed
ith remorselees randjr revolting
rrel a to the operations of the land
fraud rins. ol abich he vav a member,
showing tbe actual partnership of the
binb ffHals mentioned, snd others ol
scarcely leas social and political promi
nence, in the operation ol the ring and
their participation in the profits.
National Irrtralion ConrreiS Elects
Him President and Adjourns.
Boise. Idaho. Kept. The roar
teenth National Irrigation rongreo
r it rijns this evmir.if afr
voting to hold tbe nest congrees at r-a
ramento, Cal.. and electing presi
dent of tbe Fifteenth emigres liover
nor George E. Chamberlain, ol Oregon
The enthm-afm of tbe Calilomian
over Sacramento's victory mas the more
pronounced tcaupe of the narrow mar
gin by mhich the victory won. Thf
attrartiots of the Jamestown eipsitioit
tad been cleverly presented, and 01
tbe first ballot fur the convention city
Jamestown was in the leal, hacra
mento won on the second ballot, with
207. Jamestown received 155 votes
Oregon adopted tbe unit rule early an
at an erly morning caucus decided
upon Sacramento a the convention city
for 1907.
Tbe other officers elected are: iirrt
vice president, John Henry Hoiith, hal
lake City ; second vice president, II
B. Maxson. Keno. ev.; ttnM vice
president, George W. Barstow, Teias
secretary, D. H. Anderson, Cicago.
Commander Cannot trust Men and
Officers Threaten Terrorists.
Sevastopol, fept. C. In answer to
the publication of a notice .'rom the
terrorists that a sentence ol death had
been impood on Colonel Dumbadie
romrr auder of a rifle regiment here
the officers of that cjrps in an open let
ter have announced that in case of an
attack on the colonel tbey will exact
vengeance on the leaders of the progres
sive partie.
Admiral Skrydloff, commander of
the Black sea fleet, and the military
commander here are very apprehensive
regarding the attitude of the sailors cf
the fleet and the garrison of the (ort
ress. The cruise ol the training sqnad
ron as well as the regular neet maneu
vers have been postponed, the ships
scarcely venturing beyond the range ol
the guns of the fortress.
The military patrols of the city have
been withdrawn inside the walls of
tbe fort, due, it is said, to the fear that
the soldiers w ill be corrupted by con
tact aith the masses.
The merchants of this city have prac
tically been thrown on their own re
sources in tbe matter of protection
from lawlessness. The governor, st a
recent meeting, advised them to organ
ice their own guard, as soldiers could
no longer be spared fir police duty and
tbe municipality is bankrupt.
Will Bring- Stensland Back.
Chicago, Sept. 7. State's Attorney
neaiy vouay rereiveu a message Iroin
Assistant State's Attorney Olden, who
is now in Tangier, with Paul O. Htens
land, the fugetive banker, asking that
be and James Keeley, managing editor
of the Chicago Tribune, who made the
arrest, be appointed to bring him back.
On receiving the telegram, Assistant
Bute's Attorney Barbour wired to Gov
eroor Dineen at Springfield, and the
governor has made a written request to
President Roosevelt that Olsen and
Keeley be delegated to bring htm back.
American Flag as Protection.
Tampa, Fla., fept. 7. General Ace
Vdda, a Cuban military otllcer, has ar
rived here on a government mission to
ascertain the real attitude ol Cubans lu
Tampa regarding the Cuban revolution,
Two firms in Tampa have ahuit 40,000
head of cattU on Culmn rangns, which
are valued at $500,000. Out. tlr 111 pur
chased large mimbcis ol American lings
and nipp.syt"! them about Mis Cuban
ranges, hopii g thus to provwut ilonrti-
dationa on pioperly.
Will Work for Joint Sutohood
A Ui.iqi.iie, N. M., N.tpt, 7. The
K-(ioblit tin 'lYriitntlwl riiininltlitM , 1 . 1st
.(tern .on 11 il. d III lliimlltnti joint
isieh i 4 hc I v a vol it ol lift to 10 and
poi I N lllillllllUtiM ol II VM III
work with a lik commlttim from thtt
Demociatt. It is prohahU that h op.
position tn statehood will light Indorse
ment In the convention, which will bs
held In lat egst September ill),
Cuban Insurgents Assume Ag
gressive With Force.
Gucrrcr BloS Up Railroad End
and Issues Ultimatum Hops
of Peat Now Go.
Havana, Sept . All peae orr
turesr blked by the refussl t f I'.u ,
(iuerrrrs, tb Itsargeot leader 'n Pinsr
del K10 province, to erter into njr r-rangeii-siit
lor an armistice, ueffer
ansasr to the grvtrnmenl's
menl ol its sgreri-nt to grant a tr.t
armistice is the b'aitg up 1 1
two bridges on tb Western railaa.
rutting rallaay rommnnif alion lyii l
I'mar del Bio city, and an attack un
San Juan de Martinst.
It is said her tonight that San J . an
1 Martinet IS io the hands cl tt. in
surgents, and that tb garrison, consist
ing ol 100 g-Tvernment recruit and a
small lore ol mounted rora! guards,
had leen deleated or raptured.
The lact that other leaders ol the in
surgent lorres ar willing to agree to 1:1
armistir can hav lit! I effect so long
as (ioerrera is determined to prosecute
the war, and there Is slight doubt in
t.v ouaiter that Guerrera can control
the Situation in his on region,
lorce is re,rted by all those ho
ha e
f r rn
e I
an I
visile. Mm recently at rmi.j ti-f
3.IH.1O to 4.0(H) men, all of them
mounted and some of tbetn weii
o'hes indifferently arml. Tfe
ie g'iv-
hi. h m
erniiient lofte oppoekl to biro,
on'ier ctmmsi.d cf tVjlf.nel
romi'Visen alout 1'h.K) n.en
It re
inforced at 7 o'c'.kc k this erenicif l r
Lieutenant Colorel Clews with .?'
men and three machine guns frm 1U
vana. Colonel Avalo' lorce, with the
eiception of small deta hmerit le!t at
Ssn Juan de Martintt and San Lois. :
at I'tnar del K10 city, but is without
means of transportation to go to tb re
Iiel ol San Juan d Marlines. Not
more than 400 ol them are mounted.
General Menoral said today that
liuerrera evidently had not tea in
formed that the government had actu
ally, although informally, granted an
armistice, adding that a srwnd commit
tee bad been ent to him. but could not
reach him tiefore tomorrow. The fact
is, however, that (tuerrera refuse
point blank to accept an armistice ei
cept on condition that the last presi
dential and congressional elections shall
be annulled. That the government
should consent to this is out cf tt e
question, and tonight prospects point,
to a continuance ol the war.
President and Party Wilt Go to Isth
mus in November,
Washington, Sept. S Arrangement
are in progress for the trip of President
Iloosevelt to tb Isthmus of Panama
this fall. The start will te made early
in Novemler. Three wesks will likely
le consumed. It is, of course, tbe pres
ident's desire to complete his inspec
tion of the canal work and reach here
before congress convenes December 3.
That the j iurney may be made safely
and expeditiously, tbe Navy depart
ment will provide three warships.
(Mailed plans have not b-n com
pleted, but il is lik ley that the presi
dent, Secretary Tall, and other guest
will occupy a tirst class battleship, the
members ol the Canal commission an
other, and newspaper representatives a
third, which is to be a cruiser.
This will enable the president and
party to make the trip in comlort, give
them healthy accommodations while on
the isthmus and iacidentally provide
against the possibility of delay through
accident to any of the ships.
Agree on Meat Labels.
Washington, Sept. 8. After numer
ous conferences between Secretary Wil
son, Dr. Marvin, chief of the bereau ol
animal industry, and about 40 repre
sentatives of the various parking hous
es, the problems which have arisen
over the question ol labels which must
be put upon meat products have been
settled to the satisfaction of all con
cerned. At the conclusion of the con-
ference, the packsrs announced that
they would at once prepare the labels
snd have them readv hv October K
when the law goes Into effect.
' Bring All Battleships Home.
Washington, 8ept. 8. The Navv de-
tiartment Las decided to concentrate
sll the battleships ol the navy on the
home stations and to replace those on
the Asiatic station with armored cruis-
ers. Ill accordance with this tvnlirv tha
battleships Ohio and Wisconsin, which
have been In Chinese waters for several
months past, have started back to the
United States. The Ohio sailed Irom
Che Foo yesterday for Hampton roads
hv way ol tho Huts canal.
May Us Gobbled by Trust.
Philadelphia, Sept. 8. It was re
potted tcvlay that th Pennsylvania
railroad had concluded a deal by which
It eipocts to turn over to the United
Slates Steel corporation its control of
U Cambria Steel works, but all
sfToits to confirm tl.e report were uusuc
1 i'i sstul,