L ll 1 .jfflR&A -tils. Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Funning Iru tc it; of this Community. COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1906. A VOL. VIII NO. 34 TQA1 lffff ( i : j I I ? i i ! f 'I L i BOHEMIA AIIN ING NOTES Ami General Alining New (iallicrcil from lixchangcs. J on Pamowood and wifo curue lo.vn from their homo on the HiudKraMde ro.nl on Tuesday. Irwii lli'tk-y arrived in town Moiul'iy ;i 11 I went ii to ca'np to day. Mr. llaitleyis manager of the. (licit IiiHt rn Mining Co. 11 of. J. M. Hyde, h a I of the do puitiiK'iit of mining in the I'uivcr si y of Oregon, ban resigned his position to accept a lucrative o Mtioii with a bi mining company in Mexico Judtfe Ilnrrl Kotvirna From IJo homltv Judge Munis Attorneys Mo Key of Cottage C.rovrand Wil liams of F.iigeuu returned from u trip of investigation to B iliemin. in tlio Muit of tlio Iowa (loll Mining Coiiip'iny vs. A 'ex I.uiiHerg et ul. Mr. D.ivi' (lover. 'he principal wit iicms of tlio phiintifT was present, there was alo pn-t-eht in tlio in terest f tin defense nearly all the loini' i witnesses and Ht-veral other miners fundi ir ith the diNtricf. Wo do l ot know what Judge Han is miuI the Httorns nay 01 think hut I'i'tli si Iih claimed that they hud driven nrioun tunnels at vuh shown in open eonit. Many witnesses claim that thes (unnelH were nt "ii ground claimed by the Iowa odd mininir Conimnv whiln Mr. CI v rtinnly asserted that they wcro nnd that he performed the work. Judge, lliurin hint expressed no opinion nnd will probably re serve his decision until the next term of court. Temporary Organization At the meeting of the Will .1 ti i ttc Valloy Development Ij'ngu.i ut Forest drove the, inert .diunl-i of tho state made a temporary orguuiuwon (fthe Merchants St'itc Froiet.tivc organization with (J. E. Iv.-iidt.-rn of Albany, president; M. IMt-tfon of Forest Grove, vire-pr fi den' ; find Ceo. F. Rodgers of Salem, m-i retary aud treasurer, as oflW-rs. The or ganization iB to help tho gi-.n i d good of retail and wholc-eilo busi ness aud the handling i f uodit. Snivel thoCaali. The first National Hank has just recoived the latest improve! pro- nnd other business places use them. '1'lie First in continually adding new and improved nppliancos and de vises for t tic Having of time and bi bor. 1111 I making in rp p'.'rf.'ct their wo 1 k. Small Concentrator Plant. The Combination Mining Co. ex pects to put in a Hinall concentra tor plant before fall, probably not over ten tons, to thoroughly tent it- ore, which is piiuripally hilver uiel lea l. It is tho intention to run tho plant by water power, if the necessary flume can be built in tun". A Miiall gasoline Hawmill is Nt iiij; inst'dWfd to cut out the lurn- Smos for Ilvor;o 'i'licie wen: three asfs suein for divorte in the ('out ty Cf)'irt, on of theru l,riti" Ui) . I'ottare (rove, of Which til'1 ( l.l! d S'lVr : J'.tti V. I'rcy'd Cottage Grove hui HU"d V. K. J V' y for divorce on Ther were on account of dev-i ti n I married at Toledo, Wash., on May lio, i'Ji)), an ! 0:1 January I5, i'Jo5, Mrn. i'rey u.) ;; s, her husband left her and has nee.- failed and neg lected to prowd for her. Medly A Joliti'-o:! ;:! licr a'.toriicys. At . Courthouse, Virginia, a little ivt.il" 'i:'o t!:e wotnen were c-r init1' d t 1 V-t to decide which 1 good run Andy Graham is in Kugc-nc business. Mrs. W. 15. benni.s returned from a week's visit with her mother in I'ort T )wnsend, Wash., on Mon day. Mrs. G- B. Dennis, a nisterof W. 13. Dennis, and her daughter have been haying a visit at Blackbutte, and returned to their Spokane heme last wefk. Albert Stocks came down from Star on Tuesday suffering from an ! iujurv received a little while aeo. I and will take a short ' The Star Lumber Co SCHOOL BE GINS MONDAY Teacher's Meeting Saturday Afternoon Examinations Monday. IS vacation. making Bohemia. Miners. v...) ..... 1 ..- J V -. i ' - ' .; 'H, . ; ,. , ; ... . "' '...;; -'' i-. J .. if r M. T- nil ::... - I f. lla.rdv Thainpaort ()u .Saturday, Sopteraler H, ut i p. m. Mrs. I'.muia Jorris Thompson was married to Mr. Charles A. 1 lardy at the home of her nister, Mrs. J. V,. i;ronaufh on Willamette Heights in Portland. The cere mony was performed in the presence of immediate relatives and friends by Rev. J. Whiteomb Brougher, he noted Portland minister. The couple left at once on a trip to Jiritish Columbia. Mr. Hardy if one of KuHene's well known attor ney 'h aud the bride in t lie daughter of Attorney ami Mrs. Geo. B. Dor lis of this city and has a host of friend who wish her huppineas. Sunday Register. v-. C, ,v'vL;. y,Xi-. - v., --,; r:; i,..: ...... lVof Strantre arrived on the overland Monday morning from jScdro-Wooley, Washington whera 'he has been visiting his parenta and j recovering from an attack of sick I ness which had laid him up all sutn- rcer, but is now feeling strong and ready tor a good years work. lie states that the teachers will most of them be hero before the end of the week and makes the following an nouncements. The teachers will have a meeting in the principals room Saturday afternoon at 1 for assignment of work and preparations for Monday. Examinations will be given Mon day during the day in the principals room in the east Bide building, to all those wbo were con ditioned in their studies la9t fall. Clus.-iSeation of Dew students will begin Monday morning and lfssonswill be assigned, regular recititiong begiuningTuesday morn ing. TORI'S OF TEACHERS EAST SIDE High School, Prof. C. L. Strange, Miss Mary Mundy and Miss Lulu Currin. Sevetith grade, Miss Vena Powers. Sixth grade, Miss Hefty. Fourth and Fifth, Miss Neva Per kins. Second and third, Miss Jessie llson. First grade Miss Cordelia Grant. WKST 8IDK Prof. Worth Har- Witnesses for defonso in the famous suit of Iowa Gol 1 Mining C v-. Alex. Lundberg, et. al. e Fifth grade Miss third, Miss Nora tectocrranh. which is a machine to stamp into checks or drafts th? amount drawn, so tnat ine ligures connot be cbinged by era u res or any way. This machine stamps in the checks "Not good for more than one hundred dollars" or any other amount, and iu stamping it in.no cuts and destroy" rhe paper, that while the writing in perfectly isable, it is not possible to change the figures The old machine has been turned in, and the new one is No. 33707, which shows that a great number of banking houses ' bt r for this work, aud then tho preparations for the mill w ill bo ' cmiplated. If the water power cm not be relied upon in time, a' gasoline engine will be put in, or if. necessary two of them, us owing to j the packing it may be impossible to i put a big engine in over the trail. 1 I Mr. Hopkins states thut they are ! I going to give the property a thor-: ough test before going to any great expense, in putting in a large plant. of two tc.-.cl.c is should bu retained for tbu hi-di school W. K. Green of Creswell was a tit-itor in town Monday. was held in the courthouse, thore were regular printed ballots aud the Iiiehirond Leader eavs that this was ruhrips the first time that ladies were permitted the privilege of voting in this state. After it was ail over lie district sctiooi board n et and calmly elected the teacher not the "pcoplo's choice-' ', as indicated i",- the election but the other one. A goM example of the way that ' the hand that rocks the cradle ruh s the world." Esther Mitchell and Mrs. Cref- Tho election i field will be examined as to their f ...... In CarUIa )A1ati . . ) )l . result depeuds whether th?y will go to the insane asylum or fac- a tr.al, with a probable death sentence 'or the death of Geo. Mitchell. A Corvallis man is said t 1 lie the meanest man on earth fo'1 the reason that he puts rocks in his horses stalls to keep them' from lying down at night in order that he may avoid the work of cuuyig them and the expense of 6traw. H must be mean. Kigbt grade, vey. Iourth and Ella Anderson. Second and Beebe. Firtt grade, Miss Gertrude Pal mer. Prof- Strange expects to have an even larger attendance this school year than last. During Uie first week of school is the Cou ity Institute, which every teacher is required to attend and which gives the school children their first vacation but comes be fore they have gotten settled down to regular work, so does not break into their studies. Fre 1 Russell returned from a trip north and drove up to Dorena on Monday. m mm Do you preper to buy your T3 o n i 16 Direct from the factory where you get to choose from a large stock? If so, trade where we make this PS our exclusive business. We also make Suits to order. Our Fall Stock is now here EBB Vv JC-JL TT WOO J V I. m X