Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 29, 1906, Image 8

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    Lodge Directory.
A. F. & A. M.
Cottage drove Lodge No. 51.
Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
of each month.
L. F. Wooley, W. M.
J. H. Lurch, Sec jr.
G. A. R.
Appomatix l'ost No. 34.
Meets at 1 p. m. on the 2nd and
1th Saturday of each month.
Dr. D. L. Woods, Tost Com.
G. W. McReynoMs, Adjutant
w. o. w.
Bohemia Cirup No. 2h0.
Meets each Friday evening.
F. C. CedTman, Consul Com.
Chos. Vat.Uenburg. Clerk.
O. E. S.
Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4.
Meetings held ou 2nd and 4th Fri
d ly of each month.
Mrs. C. H. Burkholder. W. M.
W. S. Bennett, W. P.
Miss Celia Lurch. Secy.
K. of P.
Juvenilia Ldye No. 4S.
Meets every Wednesday night.
L. W. Baker, Chancellur Coin
Chas. Vanlenburg, K. ofH. A S.
I. O. O. F.
Cottage (Jrove No.l'.s.
Mettiogs every Satur lay night.
S. S. Shortridge, N. G.
Gus I. Gtohs, Secy.
Royal Neighbors.
Meets 2nd and 4U1 Wednesday ol
1 ac'i month.
Kthel Bisby, Oracle.
Mrs. C. W. Wallace, Recorder.
M. W. of A.
Meetings it and ard Tuesday.
LeBoy Woods, Consul.
C. W. Wallace, Secy.
Cottage Grove No. 24.
Meetings i&t. 3rd and 5th Friday ot
each month.
Etta Baker, N. G.
Katie B. Veateh, Secy.
Modem Brotherhood of America
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday at I. O.
O. F. Hall.
T. W. Jenkins, Sec.
w. o. w.
St. ValcntiDe Circle 121.
Meets ist and 3rd Tuesday in W.
O. W. Hall.
Flow J. Miller, Clerk.
L. O. T. M.
Lady Lamson Hive No. 42.
Meets 2nd alio -tth Friday of each
Mrs. Mary Sehrautz, L. C.
Miss Leta Snnford, K. K.
K. O. T. M.
Cascade No. CC.
Meets every Thursday night.
O. II. Veatch, Com.
R. K. Be on is, Cooter.
International Convention of Christian
Buffalo. N. y., October 12th to
to 10th, l'JOO.
For the above occasion the round
trip rate from Cottage (Jrove will
be as follows :
Both ways through Portland
One way through Portland and
one way through California $98.00.
Sale dates, Oct. 5th and 6th,
Limits: Ooing transit limit ten
days from date of sale, final return
limit November I5H1, 15)0(5.
Labor Day Celebration at -The Oaks"
Portland. Ore., September 3rd. iyo(!
A rate of $5.5)0 to Portland and
return will be mado for the above
Hale dates, Sept. 2nd and 3rd,
Limit: Final return limit for all
li-kets Sept- 5th, l5)o(5.
Children of half fare age, one
1 alf of above rate. J. M. Isham,
The Oregon Guards have re
turned from their outing at Camp
'I n)AitOI D 111
their drilling. J
UnnJrrlLl I ni, ni . r..ri In I'rkliu
In 1 1 IV 'I ! nr.
A t 1 : 1 t'ii! .1 ti :'.!' : v 1' 1 F. 1 ; s hi
Ue-e M? t' ! ! lilt- I'"! I WO lliina . 1 ie iii"- ti l
vnincmeiit 1:. 1 "1 1 1 " I 'ii mil
lou;i 'liul 1." ,''!:.. N 'ind
U up: :l rcat ! ' ' I ? tin'
Vint:,.. I'ont "' ' '. ..' In IV
kin.-, it I..;- 1 - ! : ' '' 1 -
fll.llij" v...;:!l ' vi;-1 -in; ill their
H.fV. I'lll II. :: "-I ' . i"' ''I 'l0-l
lvi.ed f."' v. !... is ; . ie
In t.i-siiu I'm" .li I'.-' (!' s.i'M'Ih
fecal to I the 1 1 1 t ;..Uiu.' 1 ' I n : 1 ' i 1 -1111:1.
T!ii" ."' tl.Te st ':i:"'l
little :, li . 1 '!'' i'l !; i:-u I i 11 1 Fie
(liCU!t.lU si. I.t.s aid ::!'' v e ild
ever Ui ' '' s. "'in ; 'c't't
Tin- l ii.U' l 'i' !... I ! . 1 :,;i'.i to
ripiilr iK- i-- '": !'''"!
have an A : 1.1 i .-k I v, n the Lull
of MKIIiV fiil."l ivnarlv Nil" til-'
buad t'.n'it ilifi.r-'i are tot U-in
con"ite i.. .' It .:i l-'Ui" :i .!. The
centnl 1'.. .1 'i'-. "I" a' ' t m'''M
yard-" In w ititii. W ' i.:;: well i.iacad
iitnU"! .'.t!i Hi'" .d "f 1111 roller.
TliN U 1: 1 i' 1 ill -'.!' 1-y -dial
IllW di.ii.l' 'f 'fl' I. ' "' . .i low 'f
Ins's, :in ii! j ' i 1 ij' (' In e vard
In ri'i'.iir. I11 - 1 a ii.i!""l sidewaik
of; vvi,::!i. I" M'1' c.uien;.--!
with itoim ! I '.r i,' ;.:i.! f.irtli The
bu,id!ii-' l.ii.- ' i-.-.. str:i! Iit-n.-.l.
( u.MC'i:t.iii:i'.. t'1 1 .i.l iui-' f 11. any
I sliops t':i- re!: I 'll.'. 1 i 'i of v li i. 1 1 is ii
! kc'pi.i- with r-f r--i. I '!'- fin'lt',.i
js' i's; lei i. li.- :i l ",, I :ni'l l.i. i-s
of mo emciiO-s 'i ,-i (.'l. (In- ut of
I w!ii Ii Is : : im ' i ini)i;l-". ;. . I iiaiiiiit ra-
ll! u;wi!:'!v - ',' !i liav u
pU-.l li:l!f :!. H)'.''u;iy i;r.- I"'!ll If
u;ovi-. f i'cx it is l:";i -(l. ini'l tfn
sn!att--r. I s, ; ;:; h Ii.t li. lds i:i
; whlrli t. 1. 1'. ;!i-.r t. i Tl:i' new
I ,(.,. u . . i j I 1 i'j i i ; i i f" :- ii 1
I kIi-c l:i lii i: s'.irv i.. 's aii'l kfpt
j In fni--r ! n'i I i ; ir r. I'iin
tci'l'li'HIl' ll)l"s. ;,'M.- W Cirllll !(
! cni:i t wir !'. : tin- li. ; turvy
: line of II. I.i-i f v - T!i' tele
I plioin is :ii I hi. ft- a t'liriio! y. Irit i.4
I fast I no!,,.' a i:.-i-:-ssity ( j.r-.Vf.s-
Ivo busln.'.-s iii.'n l..--i',.li l-'ranklin
; ;riy).'s In '-utiuy.
'I lie I uiiiTit .'otj id! l ira.
A suliiiMTiiiiMii a- "Inn t!w:iters
will bo blliit 111..!. r-luuiul iimi Il.e busy
liuiu of f.T-t jfl. m will res u':.l from f.T
beneatli tl:,.' siilewiilk. was f.nMst by
Engineer John M. in an inhlress
before tin' Men's Hub of St. Peter's
Episcopal church. Ewcu's subject was
"Erecting ut'tikao SUyscrancr." While
he poinb-il oi'.t that ti.e erection of
bu!lling-i lifty stories liili is perfettly
feasible, he saiil it U alsi) pro'ci b'.c that
In future un.r i.'i 'iit.mi will b.- paid
to digging l::ibli.:b'i" !:-! s I t Heath the
street level. K-.vni :le Iaied that the
San Francisco earllnjiiak" jir'ived tin?
superiority f modern l:reprjf ste I
construct ion hum' a!l oilier iiieth'ids of
building. Hi- ad vo.ii ted th" use of
wire glass wilh metal frame imd sash
In jdace of plate g!as uad w.oi'en
frame and sash as a measure of lire
protection. lie outlined a new method
of construction. Stated brietly. It e.,u
templates leaving trie earth unexcavat
ed until th ' superstructure is well
along, the exact rcver;e of the other
method. Kv.'fii said the advantage of
the method lies in the f.;ct that it in
sures against the sinking of streets and
adjoining buildings. San Francisco
Uinlnir 1! coin In (in Apl Trrf.
An Ingenious family of litut Aurora,
N. Y.. er-rfiinly le-.erves honorable
mention i'i a "k'-ep cool" sy inpos'nmi.
Close by t!i; home Is a wide branching
apple tree, and in this, v.ilh the ni l of
simple carp. -airy, ha be n co'istnicicd
a novel dining 10011. A roomy
form, easily reached by 11 short (light
Of step1;, has been built amo.ig the ap
ple IxjU'-'hs imd'i'i'r'.ed iy 11 low
railing. When the round dining table
Is placed o'i this platl'.iv.u th'Ta i-t am
ple space fi r th.? chal;'-i ami ihelr occu
pants and i'l-o for the passing to ami
fro of the m;.!':. A pulley line U run
from tin; window to out? of UK
apple boir hs. .1 id It litis means linen,
dishes .".ml loil :'iv Ir .ll 'yed back and
fort!) in a hn.e thus simplify
ing mid liati':!ii. ,' the getting and
clearing 11 way 01' I'unh. I'nder the
leafy canopy with the spicy fragrance
of ripening nppiei im e. v, lis:;- ineii
time become i a ilelirht -ven 0:1 tin?
hottest (lay. (loo I I !o isekeeping.
A l.nrr' Sclietitf.
Loudon had recently a novelty in a
breach of promi-e suit or at any rale
In the evidence introduced. The young
people, basing arranged to got mar
ried exactly 110 weeks li'im their en
gagement, kept tally of the lime by
threading 110 Hiuarcs of cardboard on
u piece of string mid biking one olT
and throw lii'; It away ecry Sunday
wening. This is a decided linprove
Inent upou the schoolboy's pi in of tho
Dumber tit days t the holidays, with
no day crossed out eve.'y night. Inci
dentally It may help the assessment of
damages If a breach rc-ulls. In this
Instance nlni'i. nine Mpiares had been
removed when nil was er, and $iilT)
was claimed and aw irde I.
.,!.! :; W ith ( red- Oil.
One of 11' tii.evt I. ok l on 1 lie I'aclCc
eoast Is ( Ki':ii:g b iiic:mis of thick
crude oil ' : !i Is burn" I with the aid
of SUpi'l'!' " " : I sl-aiil. The bM-.iei"(
wcie placed i'i th" I. a" ! c i".l ranges
prevh iir-ly In i.c mil ulso In twelve
lai'.e ocii. The oil hit been us -d foi
thive I'I' ll'ln i'Ml. S : I. ',':) Ihe I lot-'!
W-rM. with m'vhi.v f ::s.'actory re
milts and at a s 1 ''iv over oil whl-.fc
will amnunt to ;,.0bo a , "t.
M. 'inlay. A'i. J"
( Mihs Lai-y K( becoa Job,
i tr of Mayor B. W. Job and
: Cottage Grove, dropped
wife of
Mouday Morning io the slot p that
knows no waking, alter having
patiently bore. jenrs of suffering,
I knowing well her years could l
j but tew. She was not quite iS
and has for Hoveral years been in
very joor health. Her tnorher
and sister have leen with hi i in
Southern California until the l ist
couple of months hoping that the
climate would benefit her. but find
ing it did not returned and until
last Thursday she has done, very
well, but then began t fink,
quietly aud easily falling asbep,
ith le: dear ones gathered round,
'skill aud living e-.ue availed nodi
ling A s in pie Itinera! Her vice was
j li-ld Monday evening and Tues
jday morumg the lualy was taken
'to Corvallis, her birthplace and the
jfimilv lioine, for interment.
I She was always cheerfui and pa
tient, with a kind and tender word
for everyone, aud it is '.bought
tliHt her sickness was to a certain
exieht resultant upon her rapid
growth, her nmbitiou to make the
most of her unusml talents, and
her close iii)i 1 hard study. lb r
death leaves a void that is hard to
fill in t ho home
Another Pioneer Gone to the Last Rest
Alvaro Haw ley Hubbard, 111. old
pioneer and one 'f Cottage Cltove's
ol lebt citizens, difd at the faintly
resilience on Seventh street in Cot
tage (Jrove on Tuesday evening at
10:15 of dropsy. He was bm
May 7, iSilj in AHeghanv county,
New Ycik, and in eroh.scd the
plains to Oregon, loc lttng at kose
burg. where he nude his h"iue and
was married on Oct JiSth, 1N60 to
Susan ('lenshaw, v, ho survives
hiui. On Nov. 2H, lHj'2 h moved
to C 'ttnge (iiove where the ftmily
has r .sided ever since Ten chil
dren were horn to them of s horn
nine were liviu;,'
A short service was held at the
family residence Thursday at 10
o'clock ly Bev. Wallace, after
which 'he reuiuins were laid to
rest in the Brumbaugh remeteiy.
Kugene and Roseburg papers please
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank our friends
for their assistance and their kind
expressions of sympathy for us in
the loss of our dear .1 nsband and
Mks. A- H. Hi i;rii
asu Family.
Fair. Second Southern Oregon District
Agricultural Society.
Roseburg, Ore , Sept. 1, 5, 6, 7,
8, 1510(5.
For the above occasion a rate of
one and one third fare will be made
from Cottage f Jrove to Roseburg
and return.
Sale dates, September -i, 1, 5. 0,
7 and 8, 10,06.
Children of half age, one half of
the above rate.
"Oregon State Fair"
Salem, Ore.. Sept. 10th to 1 5th
inc. i!'o(J.
p'or the above ocrasion rae of
$'l.H to the Fair Grounds ami re
turn will be made.
Limit: Continuous trip in each
direction. Final rtttnn limit Sept
ib'tb. Dates of sale: Sept !th to
rsth inc. Children. One-hab
above rate.
J. M. IiMM, Atjent.
Depurt men t of the Interior.
Land Otlice nt KoHebur, (tckoii,
July I!MM.
Notice in hereby kIvcii I hat the following-named
seiller b.iH liled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim aud that said
proof will be made before llceji-ter
ami Receiver, I'. S. Land Oflice, nt
Itoseburg, Oregon, on September Clh
I'.kmj viz:
K I A! Kit IlOOKirTLK,
II K No I IDS.!, for th. N W 't SW'A and
lots 'd aud :i of See !M, TI' 'M S, It 2
Me names tin foltowliiK wltneHces
to prove Iiik continuous renldcnee
upon and cultivntion of snld laud viz:
Jasper 1'atton of Cottag;e lirove, Ofe
gon, lb Ij. Knghind, oT Cottage drove
Oregon, Ferry N'anScholael:, ol (Jot
tage (irove, Orcijoii, Frank Males, of
lioieria, Oregon.
lieiijamin b. Kddy.
Dtpnrtinent of the Interior,
Land Oflice at Koneburg, Oregon,
July, :i lUOii.
Notice Ih hereby Riven that tho fol
lowing named Hcttlcr ban filed notice
of bin Intention to make final proof In
Hiipportof bis claim, and that wad
pi-oof wi:i be made before W. V. Cal
kltiH, IJ. M. Coiu'r at hia oflice at Ku
gene, Oregon, on September L'illli,
i'.tOd, vl.:
II K No. 107'j:. for the SIC J-4, and
S'i XXV of Sec L'M, TF !i(J H, 11 4 W.
lie names the following witneHHCH
to prove bin continuous residence up
on and cultivation of Haid land, vl. :
Samuel 11. McKeimm or,
Ore., Leroy II. Woodruff, of Lorano, ,
(tree-on. .Ii',h 11 Hunt, of Koiane. Ore
gon, Samuel (J. Lockwood, of Loniue,
PKNJA.UIN li. KbllY.
I luted st , i,., I ninl 1 :!,, . .
llosebnl i'. On-., iv !, I " 1
Nnlii c Is I111 el i v i li I 1 1 1 1 in 1:1.
pi i.l mi' with t h pi . ivl " ! lie .11
of t '1 111 g 1 cms 1 if .1 1. 1 c I I . s . . 1 1 1 1 I ! '
till "A II net fur tie -.:!e n' I Hub. o
hmiN In th" Males .( I'nl 11. .1 i'i.'
Kon. ,i ada ;i od . 1 -! . . 1 1 1 . . t 1,111
tory," as extcmh'd .i nil lie- l' i' :h
Lain! States bv act 1 ( n ' i.l I.
OS( l; S. W Oi l I: I
of Cottage ilravi', (o iti'v .1 I. .-re-.
Sta t?' I r Tern 1 1 11 if i:''ii. hn j
this 1 1. IV tilts I ill this oil ic ' his inii
si nl. in. 11 1 n (.s.'iJ (..r i!ie 1 nri'h 1 ei
or the SV NV II. WV I 1 s II.
. . : O ... -1 ... 1 .i
III ie(loll .(. 1 IK limn ' i ' .
south, Range No iwisi .11 1 -v 1 1 : t
(ei proof tu sh n t I1.1t (!' I 1 . 1 .i.'iit
m lllnle N.lllll'.ie li'l' lis t 1. .I., r !
M"lie than f..r mui icult mi a. p
imd to est.iblirh b's . I.iim !.
10 .,.-s.
.11 I III I
iN-f.-le W. W. ( -.ilkins. I . s i .-oi. 1,
siolief, at his ulli e nl I " 1 . : 1 -1 . I'm-
( ui, on I ri lay . t he Ji:h I i .
mist, I'iim;.
I le iiaines as wit iic--.'-s :
lidiii Shelbm. A lubr -c I '.V .... i
aid. C ,. Caril!e. i . 1 dl-. a'
id Col t me linn", I ei ! o 'i.g li
A 111 a lid 11 1 1 i's .,1- t 1 1 . : ,id
crsely t he id'i e de- 0 1 1 d i . i i , -1 1 .if.
reiiui'stcd ! HI" t In ir 1 ! 1 . hi t h i
oflice oil or before -ail '.'Mb day "
August, poor.. 'o ; 1
l',i:S.IMIN I, I'.IMiH, lle -i-Iel
I" I M I.WD M l .VI It 1. 1 fi:
I I I'd. H A l i iN .
I'ldted Male, I,.u..i ( 1,1,. .
lb ebui .'. b e . 1 LV pin'
Not ice N beo b giiii l!:at ill com
pli.'UH" with the act of I ..ll.'ri'-, i:
.Iiiiioo, lsTs entitled an ".o t ! m Ih.
sale of t illibef lauds m I 1 1 e s i , I
C.ilifi il lna . I I: cii 111 . N x a I i a u I ,i h
ing ton Tel I iior , " a - c tended ! . 1 1 '
the I 'III I li' I. and M it, - I V .0 I . i
August I. Is'iJ,
oi lvigeiie coiiiity of I. at. r
Tel'l i lory 1 "f Un'i'ti, ha ll,i-.i.i
tiled in this oili, e bin -worn t ' 1 1 -lnciit
No. lis.",.",. !o I In- p'i 1 clrise , .( I h,
N' SV',. lots ::. I oi .-s. , 1, on N , : l in
1'oWiiHidp No. 'J'J south. 1 : 1 ; - No . 'I
west nil I will oll'el pi. 1.1 I -how
that t he la n l soi 1 n lit is 11 ,. ,1 .il m 1 !
for it h Mud N-r n- -t one 1 h ,m i m . s i i -
cultural '"f s and 1 i ibl.-h ln-
cl.iiru to said b. h .re U . W . C.d
kins, ( S. I 'oiiinii i. 'in r. al i n '1 ;,. .
Oregon. 011 Friday the -l i d.u ..:
A u'ust , r.Hii;. lie names a- w it n
Ileiny Combs. ( !, it, Wdli 1 in
Witte. .lo'bua II 'll-e ail of 'I 11.
Liliot'n., Oie.'oli. Any and all per
sons claiming adver-cly the 1I1.0.
described lands are I ei i;t I to I.l.
their claim in thM olhee on .,r l i 1 0
Hald iMMi day ( August, F"
I'.I N I M I I , Fl IM .
jo ;:o l;e-;-lei .
TIMIlFi; FAN I), ACT .1 1 N F .:. b
NdTK'K Oi: l'IT:LI(.'ATI N
Fluted States F ind 1 11I1. . .
Ko-ibiirt-', On'., May . l'"'o.
Notice irt herebv iv -li that 111 c. on
pliaiue with the provi-ioiis of li.e ail
of CoflKH'HS of June II, s7". elllilied
"An act for the nale of I iinbi r la nd - in
the Stales of California. Oregon. Ne
vada, and Washington '!'-1 1 1 1 t ' . " .1
(xtcmlcil to all tic I'ubl.e I .., n i
Slati s bv act of Am."i-t F
of June, County of Fane, Slue o.r
Territory) of Dublin, has this 'day
ti If 1 ill this nllice hi I' r- vv 1 .I'll s 1 .1 1 eliieii I
No. MM. lor the 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 : 1 - - of t he s',
1-1 SW 1-1 of Seciioii No. I. in To.mi
bhi(i No. '() S. Kaiioe N . I W, and w A'.
oiler proof to shoA' that the land
nought Ih mole valuable f.a its I i n 1 1 r
or Htone than f'T ni icultuial .ui
poses, and to cHtabli-h her i laim t.,
said land before W. W. C.dlviii -. F. N.
Coinliiissioncr, at lu.s ollu e at Kuuene,
Oregon, on Tuesda v, he "'l-t dav "i
August, l!)l)ii
She nauicH us wit ne-se- :
Joseph . Whitney, of Irvili.'. Oie-
jron; Frank II. Whitney, "f living,
Oregon: .les-e F. 1 1 "I brook , of June,
Oregon; William II. Whitney, of
J une, Oregon.
Any and all persoiiH claiming ad
vernely the above-described lands me
i'e(ijcHtcil to file their claims in tins
office oil or before said 'Jl-t day of Ail-
t'ust, i'.idi;.
2l-: I'.i;n.i a.miv F. Knuv, ib i-ier.
F'lllted States 1.,'lhd Olliee,
Uosebuiv, Ore., June 1 t li , I'.IDi',.
Not lee 1m hereby iveii that in eoiu
plilllico with Hie pi isioiis ol t lie iicl
ofCollgiertH of Jlllie I-.7S, entitled
An ad for the s.'ih' of timber binds in
the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and Washington I'd 1 iloi y." as
extended to all the l'ublie Land States
bv act of August 4, I s'.ij,
of loiiiiaui, County ol ( hehalit,
Stale (or 1'eri Itory ) of Washington,
his this day liled in 1 1 1 1 -t olliee her
hwoi u statement No. li'.i 1 1 , for t lie pur
chase of the N K I I, SW l-l, SI', l-l,
NV l-l, S 1-2 NK l-l or Section No. ,
ill ToWtlshlpNo. 2DS, KailKc No. I W,
ami will oiler proof to show thut the
laud Houu'ht Is liioro valuable for its
t i ruber or stone than for nuncultural
pu : tioKCH, and to e-lablish her claim to
mo i.i land before W. W. CalUins, I '. S.
(.oinniisHioncr, at hl.-i olliee nl. laicne,
Oicyon, on WediicMhiy, the Jiith da.v of
tptember, I'.HMi.
She names as w itiieshi-s :, 1? 'rniii llsejir I. lli'.'iin of A b
ikiiojr -' , ...
fi'deen, WaHhUitou, Joseph M. Whit
ney, of Irving, Oregon, William II.
Whitney, or J une, beeou.
Any ami nil peisoiia chiiinin nd
versely tlio abovc-desci ihed Finds are
reiiicsL id to lile tlicit claims in this
lieo on or before Hald L'tith day of Sep
tember, I'.IDIi.
lill.N.I AM I N L. KliliV, ItetflHler.
TIMUKK LA Nil, AC F J I 'NK.'l, 178
United SlatCH Land Olliee,
KoHchurn', Oie., June lHth, l'.lOli.
Notice Is hereby Klveii thai in eoni
pliamte with tho provisions id tlie
act, of Con;rcHH of June II, ls7K, en
titled "An act for the hmIo of timber
lnt.ilu lii I be SI ales of I 'alifol'llia. Oro-
cun, Nevada it ml Washliiiil on l errl
torv, as exleinicii loan ine 1 iniuu
Jiiind SlaleH by act of August I, IMC,
of Aberdeen, County of Chehulla,
; J
. '
li 1
Afford you 1
The privacy of your home -Thscpmforts , of a cIuj I
The luxury of a first class hotel. f
D.uiyLi tv.ctu St Caul Minncoplis. Pugct Sound and Interme- I
,l,i In PriinU VII tllC i 1
1. 1 ... -t
F..I d.-t. ide, I inform ilhui. i. -
v: , - . i ;
S 3. D.ikobi s.nls for
ivery Feed & Sale
Potts & Powell, Prop.
leioi- i . ri i!"i i ' f W a-hin'ton.
I. i I, I . ii I h i - . 1 1 . her HWorn tate
ii. ,,' V- ' ' li. for t In- I 1 1 it liii-e ot I he
" ' . , .. I...! I li. I I .f Section No.
..ii I o ii !.;;. No. '.'n S. K.uiye No. 1
..ii. I u ili i .if. r '!. i"l t i - how t
t I I .nuht in more valuable for
i I . ;n I ! r r i one ;iu lor .-irirul
I .l. I Ulj.o-i -:, .11)1 to ebtlll.llsh her
. :. . in I . I. in, i bef.,re W. W. Cab
l.;.-. F.S ! ; . I . i .- i , 1 1 . f . nl bin olliee
,it ! ML'' lie. 'Me;;,.!!, oil Wed lie Hl:l' ,
I i e '.'I',' I, ,.-i v , ,f September. IIMHJ.
Si ,e I ,'. I ,e- . I - w i I iii'wh:
i in in. I. Fi i, Kate ( '. Law
i : ,-, of 1 1 ii. mi, Wasliliiioii ;
J..-.. h 11. W hiii,. . o Irvine;, ore
e.oi, Willin iii 1 1 Whit in-v. of .1 line,
"l . LC'.II.
u .ini nil ., rNons elniiiiini-' ad
t i . Ivthe :il.u,..i,'iii'iilii. l.ind-inre
j e. ;eM'ed to tile their claims ill t I : I i-t
'Ml.' I !( f.uc -.ill '.'it h day of Sep.
ti Ml.. I. F' 111.
'.' I '' I I'.i i m i . I. I : i ! . i , Kcji.-tcr:
I IMI'.I.I. I. AM'. d' .M SI-: :i IkTh
mu ii i: im: l 1 r i; Fit 'A'lit )N.
I i, iii d -i. i;, .- F.o,. ( tflice,
I : , i -1 i .ii t , . ii,, ., M ,i v h , I'm n; .
N !:.', i- hi n bv L'ieii tliiit in emir
i .h.oice iil, I In ,i , , i. hi- uf the net i f
'('.,li;'l' I .ilili.' .'!. 1-7. entitled "All
' act the m ii.. , i Iniibei hinds iii the
-t.i'''- of '.till.. i ni.i, I Infill, Nevada,
i:ie. ' !.iii.".,ii Tei l itni v," um e.
I' i, ., . Im, 11 the Fill, ie- I. and State bv
! aei , l Ai.'.'n -t I, Is'iJ.
i w I i.i.i m t i;f,
'.I I i ,n . in , t ,,iin v of Ihill'ahi, Slate nl
'Mil!i'-ta, h.i-i lln- d.lV tiled ill this
iilliee hi - - U ', II -t illelliellt Nn. 117"!!, fur
the ,'iu !i.i e .,f (he SF I, ,,f Se, io, .W,.
:: ! in 'l'.-st ii-hi. No. i'i s, Ibnu-c N,,. '
W, and u ill ell'.-i i,i,of o -how that the
; land -uu'iit is mule valuable for its tini
! bi-r oi 'tone Ih in I'.i a.'i ienll nrnl 1 1 r -
i'i-i-", and t'i estaUi-h liis claim bi mi id
I land b. ',io the Fi'i-lei and Receiver uf
I tlil i.lliie ill l.'u-ehiii.r. (Iret'ou. nil
W'e.bii -d.iv, the 'JUlh dav ul Seiteinbei,
I'n ii;.
I Ie name i ; w it hc.-.h'.- : I'.lew, lien. W. Mi'lueen,
I bi mini T. I'utv.A 1 1 . ( 'i -u-iiii, of Cut-
tare lint'', be.
Any :nid nil iei"uiis claiming a I
voely t be n I mv e-i level i bed holds lire
I eij 1 1 1 .-, I ( d t u li le t heii claims in this of
lice I'll or before (-aid 21''! li day uf S'ci
tClllbel I'.Mlti.
ji;-:t IbiMvMis F. lii.nv, Iie'islcr.
On Ir 1 1 1 'i Is i (li i.' A mi 'in, fir nway, far owty,
W liiir Dr. i ,i , ii rits An etc I I lnvi is to dU ilny.
All ,i, kol'vi i -, in Anjn- t hi ele Hrail,
A u' iil.l..' l'hc u .nil. . c, an l,.ii;;s tu l,e dnr (.till.
jIAu;ui'.t IMovvcr is the only medicine
(ircc from alcoholic stimulants) that has
been siitees.liil in keeping tlie entire
tin; ty two li i t of digestive iipjiiinitus in a
normal condition, and assisting uatiire'H
proci s i of di'.'c-.tiun, sejiai Atiou an I ah
hin pli. hi -f.a building and re I ''ililin;.;
by previ iitine; A I.l, ii I Cj.;iilitr or uimaliirai
(.him s whit h i 1 1 ti-t ii i t li '.dthv and per
feet natural JiI'uccsm's and result in iules indi:;e, tioii, Ciilanhal afleclious
(cauiiie; iippi'iidit ilis - :.tojipii(.;e of the
i;.ill due.), fermentation of unhealthy
food.., nervous dysx pai i, lii ad:iche, con
htipati 'ii and other i'uiii 'iiints, hiicli n
culic, biliou-'i'-ss, j iuiK lico, etc. i
f uj.;iist Flu".' r is nature': intended rce;
ulittui. 'J'wo :,!.. ',, j,-;c, 75c. All driigiiiiiU.
Natures Great Invention 1
i- i'i -,r 'ws xzr i
ff - 14 A II
itc - i. etc., 11001.
I' . venl I ie
tlie Orient Oct. 2U
, Tin: i.i of tiii-: wui:i.i
Ol troll'. li'H that robbed F. IF
Wolfe, i f I'.ear lilove, la., ol ail Use
fillnesH eamc when he hi (.'a 11 t it li I II li
Fleetrie I'.il lef-. He Willed "Two
years iin kidicy trouble caused me
lireat -ulf. rlii;' w hich I would never
ha vc Mm v ive I h id I not taken Fiec
1 1 le I'.jl ters. They also cured me of
general debility." Sun- i iief.inll
Niuiiiach; liver, and ' idncv con i. In in is
blood dlseascM, headache, dizlncns
mid wi'iikue or bodily ! hue.
I 'rice cents. ( iilal allteed by I'.ell
h. ill's Fli.irinacv .
.1. S. Medley. , . '. .IoIiiihoii
Alcrilvtj ,y Johnson,
AttoriieyM-at law
tiffirr Suite :t It llhl,.
Seclal attention jrlvcu to Mining
mid orior.'itloii Favv.
yittomcy-ut-Lu iv
Olliee mi Slnln I reel, VV el -Ma
I'.',ulrlim l rcnioiiiiMo cfiiirreii.
All wiirk Knamulcc'l II mt-elitkii.;
Vlehe,( l,M-kHii,l Jvwolrynt huwext I'rloe
COTI'AtiF. (iKOVK, oiiK.
" i
.linn in
All Um latest iri'iilineiili.
Ordinary Cases $12 per Week. A
- s
!t Kur fin tliiTiiiirlleiilarsaililri'si
ir. ii. c. sciim:i:i 1
No- ( tt.m. w. u:.:;.:..:;.rw iS
0. (6 S. E. II B.
Time Table No. i
lo take elfeet April L'd, l!)o5.
li 'j i
Ihf Voniliinliim
mu omnia U
KhhI Ho 11 oil
No H - No I
I'.M I Jt.M I M
2:ii7:;i(i u
2:M) 7:riu M.2
7:(Wi 6
2M1'!'J .8
H:lUH:tl 7.7
Hill Mill H.I!
11:17 H:17 .6
SiHIl H-.W 10.
8 ..'i
3:ilH H:W U
8:41 M:4.'I2 K
HiMl UilM ir. 1,
:!f. :15 111.(1
3i!!,'!t 'J'"us!,,iyw. iiouud
Hlul Hut (inly
I unit bnlly Kx-
Uit Hiiiidiiy. NO2-N0 4
HIitTloNH j Kluv I a. kj, I r,i
V Hl'HKD lirovo...
. WhI.Icii
t'erro (iordo,...
. lliiKer
. bureau '
..Hud Uiw. ,.
.. (irHvol I'll,,..
HtBr ;
.Kni'ky I'olni..,,
. . Heil llriiluu
. V I lil wood . , . .
. . . 11 Mil t'H '
.Eiulot I'ruek.. '
1.71 11:10 6.15
710 10:411 bM
e'17 10:41 4:f,H
7,0 lo::i i-M
Ni7 111: Hit 4:47
Ml 10:.Ki 4:44
WU 10:2.1 4:88
WU 10:'20 4:B6
14 10:01 4:'J0
017 9:4k 4:ja
dill 0:46 4:111
!0'-0 V.HFt 4:oa
HMO t;M 4:00
Htilijoitt tucliuutru w 1 Llo.oi ,,o,.
All outward frelKlit forwunloil oaly it tha
Joint rink of Htili.i.ur audcoiiHlKi.uo. '
Hlngo leaven vtlldwood alter the arrival ol
trulii 011 Woii.tuya, Wodiiohday. ana Kr" 8v.
for Hon la ami orsoco. i(..t.l.i.h,J Tii?J!
1 U'H, 'llliiiMliiyi,,l HiiliinliiyB
I' rek-lil Mill not 1,0 recidveil at (lie fi. ,V H K
U. K. bei'i.t iilier f, p. ,. -j ,, 11Mlri, ,
iliK.iU .iext l.Hl.1 frelKhl nM l,e ilol'v ., ' .
aiiiilollliiuto.rnillolil 'eliuj bllloa,
A. , WOOD, Mttuaffof