Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auctlon-saie principles: "colng, golne, g-o-n-ei" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks Tallinn hair, and always restores color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years. ' M hair rania mil o hnitlr I narlv lot It All, I lind lienril tn miirli nIii.iiI Ajer's Mulr Vllliir I lliriiinl.l I ttiiulil Klvn It a tilal. tin; i nihI It oninpletely aini'iio't n,n fulling, ami tin.. In iiiy Imlr ii veiy, "- Mamv II. I IKI.ll, Siilllllil'lil. Mm. A Made by J. O. Jy.p (', . Lowell, Mesa. A leu niaiiuratitursra of - ' SABSAI'AIUI.I. 'ft u tin m ptxtoral. No l.n.'lt r iM'rliinli y. Ml (.imilnri Think of Ilium- prior. tH'irli-rtiMl -It 1 1 1 1 tt of Mr. ( fT.-f i ci I I ! I low run j on rtju-rt I Ihmii lo U- well Minn rrttin O, I ilnn't know. The tinv linil five or n ilifTeri'iit kirpfnl lii-rt miic or thum tjiiite rrsyrclable and wall cuvuuliig tnn. AIkiuI lo MnLe linnar. "Nonili, nre you piik.-icmI lo llmt o- lK'I'llllltl Willi 1111111 lll'l lo SCI' )oll no often?" "Vi, inn'mii, bill I've givi-n liiiu warn In1." Now 'I her Dua't l-nU. Clara ln't he iir) lcil If Willlo Kiiplcigh ii-nMi..)t n 31, ii in night. Maude 1 riiriniiN ! 1 o j mi 1 lit iilt lie will? ('liiiu Sure I !i. When I refused I1I111 li-l nl'lit In mill n didn't 1 arc w I. at bv iiini1 of him. How's This Wp ofTiT Oim II iin tri'il Ih.'Anrn ttrwunl for Ii) (' -il ntairli that (aiiiiot liu cured 1 Jlall 1 ainrrn nre. r J. HI M Y A () . I'roi. Tnli'.Io. O, We, the uinli'Mlgneil, hetit Vim n I. J, ( hniiey 1 1 r the lal Id yearn, nl lielievo lilm irloi'tlv iiiiiinraMt' In all liu 1 11 1- traimao- (lima ami lluatirlally able to rarry out any ob ligations made l.y tiii'ir linn. W r A I Hi' 1 1, W holeaale I 'rugglats, Toledo. O. W il.l.lMi. k IhfAM k Mshvi.n, V uulesalo Drug ll. Toledo, O. Hell's I aiarrh Cure la taken Internally, arU Ink directly upon the liml anil uiuroiia aur In.ea ol the aluin. I'rlrn r. per bulU. bold by alt I'riiKKlx. Testimonials free. Hall a family Pills ara the best. lUnirruna, Sh! Iioti't whittle on this thinner strict : timer -Wlmt's the matter? Some one nick ? liunncr-- No. I'.ut I'm afraid the vi bration will knoi'k tin- city halt down. Chlcugo Newn. t'nrla Alien. ".V rtirlont (IiIiik ntiotit 11 man that linn 11 lot of Mock In a firo inmiritntf coiii inny," rcinitrkcil t'in-le Allrn Sjiarkn, "in that a bis tiro gi'ticrully gives him cold r.rt." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho glguaturo of rrop.Tlr lleaenlliiK It. "Your hiiHliniid," aaid Mm. ItiKlnnii, Sracioiitly, "i tleridi'dly i n 1 1-ront iitjf and nii;iiinl, pvi'ii If lie dm' auiiuM inn's lilow bin own horn a little too " "It ihn't ()!"' indignantly fxclaimed Mr. (Jnswi'll. "My hiiHhand nlwnyn list' liib bundkerchit'f !" I'hiciiBo Tribune. I'revlona Tralnlntv All for Nothing. Ilcalcr How does your wife liko the Willi; machine you toii;ht for her? You n K IliiKhand She hasn't learned liow to ojierale it yet. She had an idea It worked oiuethinK like a typewriter. TITO rioni-e null all Nert'ima Klai ntes fl I O JMriimiiently etmil tiy !r. KIiiii-'h urmt Servi' ll' Hiiiri r. 1-i'inl fur I- U I- 1 : f 2 1 rlivl In. ill . iiiul IreatlU'. J)r. It. Il.hlln , UI..V.I1 An-li M., I'tiila.,!'. IIIITerent. yoln Tho lawt tlnit I kiiw you you were IdoU'mk for a position whore you could keep dressed up all the time. Did jou K't It? I licit No. The only Job I could find one where they keep nil the tltiio JreHliig me down. Detroit Free I'reiS. Nothing Accomplished. "Tlie Boclety paper wpenk of her aa a youiiK woinnn of many aeeouipllHh mentrt.' Is alie really?" "Oh, yes. She's a sort of female Jack of all trades; not much good at any one of them." I'hlhulolphla Tress. BACKACHE IS KIDNEYACHE. Get t the Cause Cure the Kidneys. Dont' neglect backache. It warns you of trouble in the kidneys. Avert the danger by curing the kidneya with J loan b Kidney r.lla. J, A. Haywood, a well known resident of Lu( kin, Tex., Bays: "I wrenched my back working in a sawmill, was laid up elz weeks and from that time c la 14 a wa had pain in my bac J whenever I stooped 0 J lifted. The urine wa back or was badly disordered and tor a long time I bad attacks of gravel. After I began using Doan's Kidney Tilla the gravel passed out, and my back got well. I haven't bad backache or bladder trou ble since." Bold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. robter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, : 0LD JaVorite I 11I011 nml lllierlr. Flag of Ihe lierocx who left 111 their glory, Home through our batlln (ieldn lliuu iter 11 lid II11 me, 1;m,iii'I In minx and llliiniliwil In titory, Wave o'er nn nil who Inherit their fume ! t'p with our banner briKht, Sit'iiiklei with marry lihf, Sjircinl Iih fair euibli'iiia frifiu mountain to Hbore ; While tlirottgli t)ie miimilini' nky, loild rinj'H the luiliou'H cry I'lilou and Liberty! one ever moi-o t Kmplre iiMieejit red ! what f'xj nhnll n-etall I bee, Iteiiriu ihe sliinilard of lilurly'n van? Think nut the of (by fallieri hIiiiII fail tin1, Striving men for the birthrlicht f mun ! Yet If by iimlnem and treachery tillj;bted, I law 111 the dark hour when the aword thou miiNt draw, The 11 with th arm of thy million. united. Smite 1 be bold traitors to Freedom and I.11 w. Lord of the unlvei Shield uk and Kllidn UN, Trtjatlus Thee alwayi, through ahadow and ami ! Thou hunt united !i, who nall divide u? Keep Hi. O keen tia, tbn Many in One! I'p with our banner bright, Sprinkled with atarry litfhf. Spread It fair emblemi from mountain to aliore ; ' While through tie aoundiug .ky, IjoikI riiigx the nittion'M cry - t 11 ion ami Liberty! one ever more! - O. W. Holme. LIFE OF GRINDSTONE ERIEF. lujureil lij- l: poiure to Hie Nun anil "M'ihI pei-Hoiis," said the hardware druiiiincr, "have the Idea that If there Is one IIiIiik In life fi mail doesn't have t buy twice It In a griiKUtone. The fact la that they tire mining the beat heller we have. "The life of a grindstone la not very loiitf. From two In three year, on a fiirni and fnwn it year t' a year and 'i half In a blncUHiiilth simp put most of them to the bud. It sometimes hap pens If a 11 1 11 1 1 draw a poor stmie that It will be out of service Inside of nix 1 1 j 1 j 1 1 lis. "There are n Rood many things about a Ki'ludsione that most persons don't Uiihw. lor Instance, a mlstaUe most farmers make Is In leaving the stone uncu ciimI. When 1 wan a boy the usual place for the grindstone was out by the orchard, where It would be han dy for the men In the fields. The wise man nowaday houses hl grindstone. "I't a good, drenching rain come along and the stone will absorb a lot of moisture. Often It never becomes wholly dry again. "Some pciple have the Idea that let ting the sun sbl ne 011 a moisture laden atone will bring It out all right. Funni ly the nun has a damaging effect. The defect will Hot be noticeable for a time. but the stone beconiea oft uml crum bles. "Most of the grindstones used In this country come from Ohio and Indian. 1. ( Icvcliind Is the great center uf th.j Industry, (irludstones are made of 11 jiiart.llke mindHtoiie. F.vcry giludiir,' leaves new points of the stone protrud ing and they never, as a rule, wear per fectly smooth. "Another reason why a stone I cast aside after 11 couple of years' service Is that It wears down considerably and too many revolutions become necessary to sharpen the tools. This wear Is usually most on the softest part of t'ie stone and It acquires a Jlggly motion that Is not pleasant. "There Is practically no difference lr the tju.illly of the stones turned 011 and the dITcrcnee In price, ranging for or- Unary ones from $.r to $7, is due to the character of the frame and the tpiality of the wood used. Many of the sUuies Hold to the big ranches and farmers are equipped with power attachments to bo run by windmill force or gasoline engine. "The fanner Is the best customer for grindstones. In later years the black smiths and machinists have pretty gen erally taken to the use of emery wheels. l'hese cost more, but they last n great deal longer." Charleston News and Courier. CAN YOU FIND THE BALANCE? II la a I'rettr l.lttle Problem Ovw Which 10 perl a IHaattrrre. One of my customers Is a man who has lucid Intervals most of the tlmo, hut has occasional paroxysms of Insan ity, ku.vs a writer In tho Huslness Mau'a Magazine. One afternoon atiout two weeks ago he came Into my olllco after everybody rise had gono home. I Imd Just finished writing up my cash book and had ruled It off and brought dowu the balance on the debit side. IIo said he wanted to pay aomethlng on account, but that It must be entered on that day and not on tho next. To humor him (as I needed tho money) I agreod to scratch out my llgures and lines aud to euter hi" payment that day. lie started by asking me what bal ance I had on hand, and, rather than luive a row with an Insane man, I read the figures to bliu. lie w rote them on a scrap of paper find divided the am iuiit by three, lie then an Id that he could divide nny number by three Unit hail certiln Is'i'iillarltles ; mid he Mild that If any number that wan exactly divisible by thriii should be subtracted from the quotient he had obtained by divid ing my cash baliuice by three tlw re mainder would also be exactly divisible by three. For Instil nee, fH.70 was exactly di visible by three. So. having divided my balance by three, he subtracted fH.70 from the quotient ; and he showed me that the remainder could be di vided by three. He then remarked that he was sav ing to pay me n whole lot more thin that, am) so he multiplied the remain der above mentioned by Itwlf and gave me his clnek for ;tn amount qiial to that product, lie then Look out of his jxicket H check that he bud received for $10;.2'1 u 111) Indorsed that over to tne. I now noticed that my new balance, after entering tbew receipts, would I' exactly ten times my original ha In 11. e. I started In to make my entries, and had proceeded only so fur as to get the old balance and the lines eniKed from my cash Ixmk, when something hapM'iiiil. I found out afterward tint the lunatic had been taken with a vi olent frenzy and had suddenly struck me a terrific blow on the side of my head. When I recovered consciousness the man had dlsapiwared. lie had taken the checks lie had ghen me, as well us every cent from the ensh drawer. Kven worse than that, he had torn up my cash lok and thrown It Into the oen gnite. where nothing remained of It but a bunch of ashes and a few charred cinders. Absolutely tho only fragment that reinalmsl of it was the credit side of that last day's work, which lay on the f!'or near the fire place. This contained only a few Items. The figures brought for ward had been burned off. and as I had scratched out the balance 1I11 red I mid the sum (in black), I hud no record of what my balance was, and I could not and I can not remember It. ISut I recollect his peculiar way: He divided my old balance by three, and from the quotient so obtained he sub tracted $8.70. The remainder he mul tiplied by Itself and be then gave me a check equal to tho product, be sides a check for $ lis;. nn. nnd I 110 tbfd that, after 1 slsiuld make these entrlca, my new cash balance would be Just ten times my old balance. I have had two exjiert accountants figure at this thing, but their calcula tions of my original balance do not agree. There Is nearly $1!U difference between them. Ilotv Deep la the Alrf One hundred and thirty-one miles Is the height of the atmosphere, i:s meas ured by Prof. T. J. J. Sec, who de termines the thickness of the air en velojie by noting the difference between the time of sunset and the complete disappearance of blue from the sky. The moment at which the blue changes Into black can lie observed yulte easily with approximate certain ty by the naked eye when the air Is clear, and by trigonometry may be as certained the distance below the hor izon of the sun at the moment of change, lly this in cans may be calcu lated the height of the smallest Il luminated panicles of oxygen and ni trogen, which give to the sky Its bluest tint by the reflection of the smallest 1 wave lengths of the sun's light. The Instant of change from blue to black Is possibly a little dKIlcult of exact observation, but the method Is not more doubtful than that based on the observation of shooting stars. The shooting star method gives a result not greatly differing from the vanish ing blue method. The former gives the height of the atmosphere at Hiy miles. Stand on One I. en-. There appears to he no end to the variety of health exercises, and the latest Is the most novel of them all. "Standing on one leg," asserts Stylltes. "Is the finest exercise In the world." He devotes a quarter of an hour by the clock to It every day, and on one mis guided occasion he actually kept his balance for twenty-five minutes at a stretch, "It exercises every muscle In the body." he dtvlares, "and keeps nie In tip top condition. I should advise your readers to begin with a minute at a time. They will llnd It quite enough." Tit-Hits. II i Found the Sepnlrher. "When you go to New Zealand I wish you would Inquire after my great grandfather, Jeremiah Thompson." "Certainly," said the traveler, and wherever he went he asked for news of the ancestor, but without avail, accord ing to The Dundee Advertiser. One day he was Introduced to a flue old Maori of advanced age. "Did you ever meet with an Englishman named Jeremiah Thompson?" he asked. A smile passed over tho Maori's face. "Meet him?" he repeated. "Why, I ate him!" New York Tribune. In Neareh of a Mate. Clarice Miss YVrlnkles is going to Europe this summer. Virginia Ah, she's tried every re sort In this country. I suppose she hopes to cure her trouble abroad. Clarice Her trouble? Why, what Is it? Virginia I suppose you might call It Involuntary singularity, Fuoblo Chief tain. The average married woman Is not very well suited with her husband, but she thinks almost any girl would be glad to get hlni. SI D There is nothing1 more distressing than an itching, hurn ing skin disease, and upon the return of warm weather those who are afflicted with skin troubles find the symptoms r ppear ing and know that they will be tormented through the hot summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid matter, and as they arc forced to the surface the skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skin diseases with exter nal applications is all wrong, because they do not reach the trouble which is in the blood. The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning and cover up the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disease returns. All food taken into the body contains, in some form, the elements necessary to sustain the different parts. One portion is used for the making of blood, another for muscle, one for bone, still another for fat, and soon. After these different properties are ex tracted from the food there still remains a portion that is useless, or waste matter, which is intended to be disposed of through ihe natural channels of bodily waste, the Liver, Kidneys aud Bowels. At this season of the year, however, these organs become torpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and these accumulations remain in the system aud are absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition, aud begins to throw off these acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne, Kezenia, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description. ECZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, though other parts of the body may be afflicted. In TETTER the skin dries, cracks and bleeds, and is often very painful. The acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition and giving it a leathery appearance. ACNE makes its appearance on the face in the form of pimples aud black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body. One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM. It discharges a watery fluid, form ing sores and producing intense itching. The head and face are the parts usually affected, and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp. These aud all skin diseases are due to the same cause burning acids and humors in the blood, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and made pure they will continue. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the blood so that the skin, instead of being blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood. It goes dowu into the circulation and forces out every particle of waste or foreign matter, blood. Nothing equals S. S. general health. Write for our We make no charge for either. TREETOP IS A MAN'S HOME. Novel Mrnna to Karape Hay Fever Followed by a Hermit. Warren Carrol, a coal prospector who has been operating in the vicinity of the Chetcamp Klver, south of Grande Etang, Cape Hreton. tells of meeting a man In the barren lands who has been living In a tree for three summers be cause be believes it will cure his hay fever. Carrol says that the man. who claim ed that his name wa Strong and that he came from St. John. N. B., had built himself a comfortable cabin of one room In the branches of a giant hemlock and was thoroughly enjoying life. The ! house was set nUiut forty feet from the ' ground and was reached by several lad-' tiers which were spiked ngalnst the j sides of the tree trunk. j In the cabin was a bed made of houghs, a stove constructed out of sheet j iron, three looking glasses, a lamp, three rustic chairs and thicty-sli cush ions stuffed with balsam needles. The place was as neat as If kept by a worn-1 an and was built so that there would be no waste space. i Strong was rather reticent, but Car- j rol learned enough to convince him that 1 the man was In his right mind and that 1 he really believed the "tree cure" was ! doing him good. He said he couldn't! explain why the hay fever would not attack hi 111 as long as, he lived In a tree, but that It was a fact and Be took ad vantage of It. lie lived mostly on fish and game, but he had some vegetables stowed away In hollow tree trunks near by. Ilia Knowledge of AVeeda. At a suburban residence near Phila delphia there recently appeared an unkempt-look lug individual who asked for employment. It chanced that his ap plication was made to the lady of the house herself, who was superintending the transplanting of plants lu the sir den. "Are you a gardener?" asked the lady. "Ain't had much experience at gar denln'," was the reply. "Can you plant these bushes?" "I'd hate to risk spoiliu' mum." "Then what can you do?" "Well, ilium," responded the un- kempt-looking Individual, "If you was to baud me one of your husband's ci gars I might sit in the greenhouse an' smoke out them Insects that's eatln' the leaves of them rose-hushes." Har per's Weekly. Among Frlenda. "Whew! What, Lottie ltrown engng ed? That proves what I've always said that, no matter how plain and badly tempered a girl may be, there's always a fool ready to marry her. Who's the poor man?" 'I am I" Life. builds up the blood and cures all skin diseases promptly and permanently. S. S. S. does not leave the least par ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids the blood of the cause for all skin diseases. S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry off the natural waste and refuse matter through the proper channels, instead of leaving it to be absorbed by the S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the treatise on skin diseases and any medical advice you wish. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. HOWAHD K. BTRTOX. Assarer and Chemist. Leaitville. Colorado. Specimen prUs; oli, hllwr, I-ad, $1 ; tiold. Sllvr,T.x-; Uofd, &Jc; Zliicor Copper, fl. Cyanide fetus. Mailing envelop! and full pr(c list sent 00 application. Control and Vm- ptre work solid led, lttlexvnctil CarUonaia rt'ar iiuual iJaok. DAISY FLY KILLKK destroy a!l the files and affords coniH rt loevery ffrtM i-lAt2l:?te home-In dimmc jl 'V(iT''fci?y!w0-I rK,,l, H;eepin files are trouble some. Clean, iiHMi and will not sod or iti tnre anything. Try them once and yi'U will never he without them. If not kepi bv dea -rs. sent prepaid for 20c. Harold Suinere. My l-H-Kitlb ave., Brooklyn, N". V. HOLD UP! and confide! the on rrr I-ICU i"JL Aim BRANDLICKEH II KE ALL VWERPRDOf CLOTHING. lsmadt of the best malm ah, r. black ootllaw Jul h Aid Mn ttoLand vi b rtiwwt dwltrs rvnywhtf t tl7 STICK TO TNE tr.M ntTUt riu fisimtf!) Townt CANADIAN (LUVHI JT0V CO. To. ONTO. CA1. BtiSTn. r-iis I'&A w-- mvmuMf ii.Tn.i ir jw vmM CLASSIFIEDADVERT1SING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre sentative Business firms. IKKAM SKrA KATUHS W. Ki ara ilea ilia U.S. tvpurator to ba the beat. Write iur free catalog. Uuielwood Co., t'lnti aod Oak. MKN'BCI.OTHINO HufTuin Panttlaton, aole annals Alfred Banianna A t'o.'a correct clotliaa. KvvrylhliiK la men's ruriilflhtnjr& Morrison aod bixib siraaia. Oppoelte imaloItK'a. PIANOS A OIUIANS Many tin Ion runieiiln re vert to tia aicoiini s rkneHs or removal of buyer Vrita t'or dencr pllou of p alio now on huiul. terms, eto. Write loilay. tiilhert Co., i'orilaud P. N. t). No. 35 -06 w HEN writing; to advertisers please Mention luia paper. V Every reader of this paper can get a package of "20-Mule-Team" Borax and a bar of "20-Mule-Team" Borax Soap, with a Beautiful Souvenir Picture 7x14 inches in 10 colors; Absolutely Free. For a loniti'd time only, on receipt of 10 cents in stamps or silver (to pay postage and packing) with ymir name and address nnd your dealer's name, we will send you m full size package of that universally ustd Household Ne;e sity, "20-MULE-TEAM" UOKAX; also u bur "L'O-MUl K-TttAM" liQUAX SOAP, fre; and b elude a beautiful souvenir picture 7xH in 10 colors culled the 'OLD'ri UEVEIUE," wl h a Si. page-bjoklct giving 1UU0 valuable uses for Iturax ill tin) Home, Kirni, Garden and );iiry; Ho rax in the Laundry, NtirsL'iy, Sick Itooin aud Ki'chinj Preservativ i uses cf Ilonix, nnd bints on "How to Have u Clear Complexion" and urticl s on the "Hair and Hands." WHITE NOW I cnelnie a dime with your name and a Mr s nnd dealer's name, end rereiv" bv return mail thin 'r e nil' r ami snivciiir Addie-itf, lViCitio Coast it rag Co., Oukluud, t ualoiuiu. ACME, TETTER, ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, SALT RHEUM. THE ITCHINO WAS ALMOST UNBEARABLE. Dear Sirs My body broke out with a rash or eruption which In spite of all e.Tortg to oure continued to gt worse. The itching, cBpucially at night, was pimply terrible, it would almost disappear at times, only to return worse than ever. I had tried many highly reoommcafled prepa rations without benefit, and hearing of H. S. S. determined to Kive it a fair trial, aad was inexpresribly delighted when a few bottles curd mo entirely, removing every blemish and pimple from my body. 1 shall not fail to reo ommend S. S. S. whenever aa opportunity occurs to do so. Escondido. Cal L. MARNO. GASOLENE ENGINES 3 to 4 horse power lully warranted. II Jo. All size an. I tj lea at loweat prices. Write for catalog. RCICRSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Oregon. 6 O ,iaaarw a a n mm m i Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15 j Prepares for Dramatic and Ojratic , Stage and places (iradiiatcs. liecog- nized by leading theatrical managers. Send for Catalogue and list of gradu ates and their succeeB. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Egan Hill Arcade Building, Seattle. FRANK C EGAN. Principal. Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Tli a wonderful Chi nese Iioctor Is called great becaiiae lis cures people without opera tion that are Klven up to die. He cures Willi Ihode wonderful Cnl-nt-sj herbs, roota, boilM, barks and veicatables inn are emireijr ul- it , ji J ' It. ,r i kiiou a to medical scl- "ri 1" Bill) IyT' enva In Ibia country. Through the ue of Ihoai hurmleits remedies this famous doctor knows llieaotlou of over 600 different remedies which he auccesafully uses In different diseases. H liuaranieeatocur catarrh, asthma, lung, ibma; rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver: kid neys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials. Chanies moderate. Call and see him. f atlents out of the city writs for blankr and circulars, bead stamp. COMSULTA 1 iON a'UKh. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162's first St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND, OREGON.