Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 29, 1906, Image 5

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    The Bazaar
Pine Summer Shirts,
Tics, Overalls,
Jumpers, Gloves and
Socks for men and boys
Lace and Gauze Hose for ladies
at 25, 35 and 50 cents.
(!iitmc hiuhI ivU-Iich, pork mid
ln'iuiH In iwiiih, rMip.;l beef,
chicken pate, veal loaf, mtnllrx-a
etc, ....
Kodaks, Photo Supplies, Edison
and Columbia Graphophones
and Records
The Bazaar
SurpliiH itml t'mll Mel I'n.iltH.
Nidify to ln:iii mi iiproVfl M-M-iirity
ICxi'luuii'M H'jIiI, iivniliible hiiv
place In the United SIhIi'H
T. C
The First National llaok
Cottage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
Hems of Interest in and about
Cottage Grove and vicinity.
Subscribe for the Nugget.
1 ir it f t
i lie Harvest is un
000000 000000000000 000000
W. II. AIIHWM, II. I .Hull, W. A
imiTi mi, run. iikcki.kv,
Bank of Cottage Grove
Paid Capital $15,000.00.
W. H. Abrami
B. Larch
C. Rom Klnf
A. M. Ktlio
AuUtanl Cathlar
We H'lllrlt tin iiv'countH of cor
jiurn t ioiiH, (iriiH find Individual.-!,
and will U- pic-fined to meet
with tlios win) contemplate
We pay 4 per cent on time de
poHltH utter Augiiht 1, l!)()(t. We
will be moved to our perma
nent liomu on or nlumt that
date ...
KILLth. cough
Dr. King's
Jew Discovery
0UGH8 an
50c &$1.00
Froo Trial.
Bureat anU UuicKoflt Cure for nil
Buy on Credit!
this $60 Machine for $25
FREIGHT PREPAID. head' ball bearing' lock
tltuta, double Iced, fell
threading ihutUa: bat
automatic bobbin winder
and otbrr lateit ImproTe
meuti. TliUUtha ANTI
the iame machine agent
are anklnj you60 tor. All
attarluneut.gowUb taoh
machine. Bold lor only
t.'i ra.h and O monthly.
Write TODtT for free FURNITURE CATAL06UE thowln
Irganl li"u.rliold good, we will 'JPfrt-jhl
repaid) on Eur PiymenU-our new MtOIT pUn.
Oovurtz Furnltuno Oompany
173-175 Firm St.. POUTLAND, OR.
"How to keep off perlodly attacks
of lillloiiHiioHH and habitual constipa
tion was a mystery that Dr. Klng'a
New Life 1'illM Molvod for 1110," writes
John N. I'leiiHiint, of Magnolia, 1ml.
The only pllln that are guaranteed to
give- perfect Hutisfaetloii to every
body or money refunded. Only '5c at
j-ieiiHon's Drug Store.
inhklf dkfknkh.
Major Jlanini, editor and manager
of the Constitutionalist, Imminence,
Ky when ho wan llercely attacked,
four year ao, by I'ilos, bought a
box of Uueklcu'M Arnica Halve, of
which ho Hiiys: "It cured me In ten
day and no trouble Hluce." Quickest
healer of Hum. Sores, (Juts and
Youiids. Wo at DeiiBon'a Phtirumcy,
The Iiloctric Light Co. in wiring
lots 01 new houses.
A homo brand is the kind for vou
1 a
10 smoke C. ti. cigars.
W. A. Hctnenwfiy has bargain
counters full of bargains.
Hopnickinif will commence next
Monday throughout the valley.
Trunks, vuIiscH for your Hummer
vacatiotiH at Veatch & Jwhohh.
Alberton Wood in in McMinn-
ville At present doing Home work.
W. W. Cathcart left for Kay-
mom, Wash, the last of the wck.
Miss Helen Mogee returned from
a visit to friends at Salem on Mon-
Mrs. Albert Zerull is quite sh'k
at her hotue with an attack of
W. A. Heiiieuway'H Htoro west of
bridge, in Eakin A JJrintow's bid..
Wall and Water St.
Four carload of people from the i
(Jroe went t' liueno to take in !
io circus on Kriday.
"The l est year ever" is well ap
plied to the Oregon State Fair, the
leader on the Pacific coast.
Camp furuiture, stools and rots,
everything to make camp life cum
fortablo nt Veatch A I.uwson's
Herbert Eakin is making several
impruveinonts at his resilence
while Mrs, Eakin is away camping.
Ii. M. and G. F. Scholl of Hub
burd, have been visaing with their
brother I). J. Scholl of this city fori
a few dayu. ;
W. L. Hubbel is waiting for the!
arrival of the Hteel -oiling m order
to finish the new bank building up,
ready for use.
The farmers ore all busy hauling
wood to town these days, and the
piles are accumulating ut every
body's houses.
Jvvcrybody goes to It. It. Hayes
A new lodge for mining men is
tho latest.
Stanley Lock wood has been visit
ing in Eugene.
liugene Steam Laundry. Allison
and Hastings agents.
Andy Clrabam made o business
trip to Eugene Saturday.
40 bars laundrv soip for $1.00 at
W. A. Homenway'H store.
Goo. Coiner made a ouick trip to
Ivugene the last of tho week.
Jvistern capitalists buy 40,000,-
000 feet of Lano county timber.
rixty hunters licenses were is
sued lust week in Lano county.
Mihs Llara l'otts of liugeno js
visiting with some young friends
Binding Twine.
Machine Supplier.
General Hardware and
Camping Supplies.
i rreo samples of Chase t San-
! bom's Tea or Coffee at Metcalf A
i Urund's.
ricking begins at the Hays yard
at Lreswell on Sept. v. Pickers
Ask for a free sample of Chase k
Sanlxjrn's Tea or Coffee at Mttcalf
fc Hniud's.
David Fiun repaired the fence
and Bidewalk on his vacant lot near
th depot Saturday. It is much
safer uow for pedestrians.
Mrs. G. A. Cavanaugh left Tues
day for a week's vacation with Mrs.
C. Paul Jones camping out at the
nd of tho O. t S. K. lino.
The S. P. expects to have the
Springfield bridge finished within
about three weeks, and shortly af
ter the trains are expected to be
ilie fllerry Go-Kounu Las quit
business here and tone to Roseburg
to open up lor the Roseburg Fuir
It did a fair business for a town of
this size.
lidwm Tullar of the firm of Tul-
lar and Baimbridge, liveryman, has
been confined to his bed for a week
past, but hopes to be ablo to be
around soon.
Don't bt led way from home for
your hop picking. Prices are the
sstue throughout the county de
spite other statements. The best
advantages and comforts for your
hop picking can be had right at
home in good clean yards.
The Roseburg Spokesman says it
is informed that the electric road
building up the valley from Port-
and, has its eye on lioseburg, and
expect to make its ultimate ter
minus Coos Bay. Roseburg is very
jealous of Drain, and insists on hav
ing a line to the coast all its own.
A large shipment of window
frames, door frames, etc. for the
Drain Normal School addition.
being built by Geo. Lea, were sent
lown byi freight Monday by the
Cottage Grove planing mill. The:
mill is kept very busy these days
supplying material, in the way of
sash, doors, frames, etc. for the
new building going up at the head
of the Drain, Coos Bay road.
Rev. H. V. Currin who has been
visiting his brothers, left Monday
for Inn home at IlenleviUe, Calif.
eaicu ci ijawson nave in a new
line of go-caits of the best and
late st styles at reasonable prices.
; Hammocks of all kinds at Veatch
iv Eason s. L,et your foUs at
home keep cool in tho hammocks,
J ho Pacific Homestead, is a good
wrc-kly farming paper, and can be
had at a reduced rate with Nugget
For an expert piano tuner and re-
pairer. call up L. L. oodfl, late of
Kimball's Piano Factory. Chicago,
on phone 393.
Chicken fanciers get a Poultry
Journal, and keep posted. The
Northwest Poultry Journal and the
.Mi gget lor I.70.
Tho work of grading and surfac
ing oeconu street will have to wait
1 : 1 .. .
unui uexi spring; wnen the con
tractors will not be so busy.
1 he W lllaruette Co. is working
on the big bridge over the Wil
lamette river at Wilsonville. Work
We are anxious to have every Re
publican in clo.-c touch, and work
ing in harmony with the Republican
National ( 'oirn -sional Committee in
favor of the election of a Republican
Congn. s-!.
1 lie Corii'ros'-ionil campaign must
be ba.-t d on tin: administrative and
legislative record of the party, and.
that being so, Theodore Roosevelt's
personality rnu.-t be a central ficfure
and his achievements a central
thought in the campaign.
c uoirc to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tions of One Dollar e ach from Repub
licans. To each subscriber ve will
send the Republican National Cam
paign Text Book and all documents
issued by the- Committee.
Help tis achieve a great victory.
James S. Sherman, Chairman.
P. O. Box 2063, New York.
Fred Fink was a visitor in town
on Tuesday.
Rev. M. C. Wire was in the
Grove over Sunday.
II. 1. Crites and Iiobert Gawley,
of Monteeano. Wash., are erecting
a mill near Wild wood, on the Ore
gon & Southeastern railroad. Tbe
mill will have a capacity of -?;,ooo
feet. Timbermaa.
The Twelfth Annual Astoria Re
geua will 00 held Aug. 00, 61 and
September 1st. It is expected that
there will
be some extraordinarily
on the construction of tho line up fine races
li Vnllnn 1 -A.- 1 : 1 . . I
i fcieacuiy progressing. Wotiou Lumber Co.. sf Drain
More victims of the Valencia dis- is tLo successor to tho Palmer Lum
aster have recently bern found Jn a ber The mill has been com
cave on the Snunri in nmiaalncr lifo. pletely overhauled and has a
boat from the steamer where they Pac'ty f 75o feet daily
died from exposure and starvation.
E. II. Ii. Green, son of the fa
mous "llettv" the woman financier.
Texas re-
The reps
Texas in
mm wm be operated on
&hift. Timberman.
J. S. Benson says the deer look
out for him and get out of the way
for they known his failing, and as a
result he did not get a single deer
out of his two day's hunt last
week, while John Cochran went out
and in aBingle day secured three,
probably because the deer werut
afraid of him or wanted to be
killed. Benson says "You just
wait until it rains, then I'll get my
The Pittsburg Reduction Co.
which has a large power plant and
work at Niagara Falls, is com
pelled to come west for power on
account of the government regula
tion of the amount of water that
may be taicen from the falls, and
they have filed on water rights on
torse creek for 20,000 miners
inches inche, It is the intention
to develp the mineral resources aud
to furnish electric power, light
heat, etc The Register seeing to
think that a large plant will be
milt in or near Kugene for the use
of this power,
has been nominated bv
publicans for governor,
may elect a governor in
the year 2222.
Two young hoodlums had an
other scrap over a girl Saturday
night, as it is the Becond occurence
of the kind for one of them, it
ought to be enough for him, and it
is certainly more than enough for
the citizens.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Dorward
started Tuesday morning on their
trip to Iowa where they will spend
some time visiting at the home of
Mrs. Dorward's parents. We wish
them a pleasant visit and a safe re
turn to Oregon.
C. O. Forco writes the Nuecet
that he has just purchased a fine
new home at St. Tohns, and to
send his paper there hereafter. We
are glad to know that Mr. Force is
nicely settled and hope he won't
forget the town at the beginning of
the Willamette valley, a$he is now
at the other end.
Lincoln Taylor was out bright
and early Monday morning setting
stakes for the work on Perkins
Avenue. All tho contractors that
have contracts for grading streets
expect to get to work this week, 90
as to get the streets finished before
the wet weather commences. They
have all been scouring the country
for teams to do the work, and from
how on there won't be an extra
team to be haj for love or money,
or any other reason.
"Going to the Oregon State
Fair? Why yes, of course ;" but
say, don't fail to make an exhibit
of some kind, if only one article, it
will add that much to the display
and no doubt be a winner for you.
Don't go and view the exhibition
and say "Pshaw, I have U tter than
that at home," but look here, take
articles along, as comparison i the
proper means of establishing their
worth. Try it this year. The
week of Sipt. 10-15 inclusive will be
the "banner week" of the Oregon
State Fair history.
Miss Nellie II. Wheeler, a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wheeler
of Gowdyville and Olin V. Black
more were married at the home of
the bride's parents a short distance
west of town, on Wednesday even
ing of this week by Rev. R. C
Grace of the Presbyterian Church.
A company of about thirty people
"were present to join in the service
and speed the young folks "God
After the marriage a splendid
feast awaited tha people, in which
young and old folks surprised
themselves with- their joyousness
and lightedncss.
Work Is Uelntf Pushed.
The Drain road is beiug pushed
as fast as possible. More teams
and men are constantly arriving,
and the grading will be pushed as
fast as possible before the rainy
sets in, aud by that time the work
at the tunnels will bo in such a
shape that the work on them can
be pushed all winter. A number
of teams from tho Grove are down
in that eouutry hauling supplies,
but most of them will be back to
haul gravel and assist in the grad
ing on the streets.
Improvements tvt Wildwood
wo s mill.
Wildwood, Or.
Tho Timberman: We have
taken over Mr. Hengeu a three
fourths interest in the Wildwood
Lumber Company, and have been
doing considerable improvement
work. Tho new company consists
of F. 1 Johnson, J. J. Johnson,
Geo. W. Andrews, Jacob Krieger
and M. K. Dunn. We have a log-
flume just about completed, which
taps Row River, aud furnishes
wator for the pond. It is 500 loet
long 1 feet in tho clear and 10
feet high. Have just installed
new carriage and head blocks and
expect to make a daily average of
35.000 feet. ery respectfully,
'or 11 boy or a girl to wear tho -
Mtcr School Shoe.
It is wear,
worry and
It ha.s style
and charac
ter and Ls
worth more
than it costs.
Also a line line
Gents Shoes
of Ladies' and
Ladies Fine Hhoen ?l.."'i to
$.'!..00. Gents J-'ine Shoe-s
?2.ur to :m.
All to fit ull sorts of feet
i Bohemia ilupget
All tbe Hew?
fill the Tin?e
Neat Job Work of
I All Kipds Dope
KJc'll treat Vou Rigftf
Griffin Veatch
Hardware, Stoves, Plumbing
goods, Miners' Loggers' and mill
supplies, Wagons, Buggies, Agri
cultural Implements, Sporting
goods, Guns, Ammunition, Hercu
les powder, Caps, Fuse, Etc.
Hop Picker Wanted
Hop picking will commence at
I. It. Hayes hopyard one mile east
of Creswell on or about September
st. Good camping grounds,
plenty wood, good water. Price of
picking $1, per lod pounds. Good
ean yard, nice largo hops, yard of
about fifty-three acres. Send in
application at once. General store
in yard selling at Creswell prices.
R. A. Uraely.
It is announced that Pres. Roose
velt is in favor of a spelling reform
and has recommended that the new
tyle of spelling adopted by the
Carnagie committee would be ac
ceptable in the departments of the
government. Hereafter it will be
Xoardln- and day ichool lor youuK ladiea.
Muslo ( l.3chtlit4y method), Art: Comploia
Aciulenilo Courae; apeclal Inducement, f9t
Information addreai Slater Buoorlor,
lif " v""r '""I" yurai'If
Ja- ittt utfrtti'tivt' u nntfgltiti. If you have
in u il l y, mi I low,
wrluklt'il. HiiMlirhtlf
cniiili xl,,n. l.-urii lu,v to i'iuln u rfei't
klu hy h; rinl uiniriuilr. il inrtlioiU. I
will Kt'iut y.Mi u frt't j4iiiiiUtt, lu a ilulu
envrln.r, nil imrtlruliirN. If yon
wrlto tiulii;. . rivt ycuin tulillalii'il.
MADAME. ilUDSOff. 2i7 Miiclruy bldg.,
'JmI 'ii,4hli:l,ii l'ortluml, tlri'K"ll.
1 ti r-yir 'iriitinrv mmm mumm m auj.j
correct to ept-11 Knglish as the
words sound. We wood like to no
how the spelling books will agre
when tho Carnagie committee get with them.