Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 29, 1906, Image 4

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J. McKF.AN FISHER, Manager.
Make nil rhnlii ylle lu N fftK I'ub to.
Kctrl at the iMtnfltax t OolUKe Urovt.
viton ixmmiii cl mall matter.
f months 1.00
I vwir fl M
1 montliM f'.'.OO
If paid in advance.
Clubbing Rates.
The IWthtMnht NiijfKvt one year
v It It any one of the following pub-Is-ation
one yrnr for amount set
t itoMe Monthly f-'.OO
W'eeklv Orvnonian (Portland)
Weekly Journal ( Portland I f-'.OO
Hailv Milling li.vcd (I louver) S.YW)
Weekly Mlnin IWord $2.2o
Pacific Iloinostond S-..-"'
North west I'oultrv .lournu) $175
Thl rmixT is kept on ale T Til K AMER1
'.N MINING OSiiKK.SS, ChmubtT ot Com
ii.o. ce Hul III i iik I'fiiver, Coin, where vir
ir i'liTH til lt ni'U'oiiie tu tlie !! u( Ilia iwtil
;u.t Huf frilll the aruniii imiiliiK wtli na ol
thu isl, a st iriititio libiarv anil uiiu-'f1 i'x-Clbit.
riMS I'AI'KK Ukt,t on tlli-at K. U. t'lake'a
. lvcrtLnln Aki'Iicv, t.l an.l (V .Merchant Kx
. htnitc, Snu Knuii'ix o, Calilornia. lien in
lacta lor ailvrrliainK ran be mailt' (or it.
WliDNKSUAY, At GI ST 29, 1 906
The -itic'i s ol Cottle Grove
S''ein 10 feel Unit the Willnuiette
'al!ey Co. is utitl d to a franchise,
eena thirty-year franchise, and
tbat however, under suitable n
stricliui. Severil ordinances have
been prepared, and month have
been wasted ' over the matter and
nothiug done. Any large corpor
ation expects to h ve a right to do
business, the same us any small cor
poration or firm, and that is right,
i'he Willamette Valley Co. have iu-
v' ted more mouey here within the
last few' mouths, than any other
hi'igle comnanv or person. True
they are nuking mouey off the
light they furnish the citizens; the
merchant is uaking money off the
groceries be tells, but the Vil
umette Co. is paying out wagesto
H8 men, fuel, and a thousand other
xpenses all the lime, the same as
the merchant. The company does
not expect to get a franchise that will
throttle similar industries, it simply
wants the right to act as servants
f the public, and it should be
grantedtbat right.
Cottage Grove and uo other place
ver grew or became any place
without such corporations, and they
must have rights to do business.
We waut to see Cottage Grove
grow, an I become not only the
town of Lane county, but to staid
at one end of the W'llamette valley,
; 8 Portland does at the other, and
that will never be if corporations
are not granted a welcome to the
town, and that under fair fran
chises. Within a short time the system
of a tax ou gross earning will pay
i.ito the city treasury far more in
ihe way of income, and that com
mensurate with the cities growth,
than anything thut could be
planned now, und more equitably.
Let the council cousider the pre
ent franchis", and if it is suitable on
noth sides grant it, uud bid the
Willamette Co a royal welcome to
do business here. The citizens
j.i;l that it is right and will look to
the council to carry out their wants.
Dairyiug exhibits will be made
i prominent fenttne of the State
Fair, For, the first time it may be
possible that Cottage Grove will be
1 'presented. Dairyiug here is
coming to the front fast. More
;ream is being brought to the
creamery every jiunth, md the
Jarmors are im roving tlmr stock,
md giving that end of their farm
ing more attention.
The Oregon State Fair will -o n
1j9 on. Those who have attended
uavo found it a wonderful educa
lor, so to speak, when they have
gone to the Fair seeking light.
The Fair is uttended by cruwd.
and people from the farms' go to
the Oregon hUate Fair in large
numbers. It wouM, however be
interesting to know what propor
tion of the farmeis have.never been
to tbe State Fair. The statement,
would doubtless be safu which
claims that one-half the farmers in
each state have never been to a
State Fair. Th'ey lo-e much by
not going, as Stute Fairs are in a
sense indications of Uie pulse of
progress. Tbe muu who never
goes to tbem is in danger of being
iiuable to keep step in the forward
movement af agriculture. Is it not
theboundeu duty, therefore, of tho
farmer, who has a neighbor who
never went to a State Fair, to try
to persuade him to go, if not . only
for once? In very many seuses the
words "come and nee" may be significant,
n. tk ?v vy - w -, w w vk 'A n n n f
' .t
'v. mi v. m v m- v. m v. m v. m.v. rv. m v. m v. v--v mm.-itml
Largest Denominational I'uivcrslty t the
Two new IiiilliliiiK'. Adciinato Kquip
nicnt. 4j rrofiS!ors and Instructors.
Two new Courses added till year:'
English Commercial and
Electrical Engineering.
For Particulars Address:
$ Dean J. T. Matthews or Pres. John II. Coleman
To the Public.
Kept eventatives of the I'milii'
Stales Tt'lcphoin and Tdegrnph
Company havo Ntnrte-I a lions. to
holme iiiiivass among the Turners
of this txvinty, lV"riiig them an x
treiuely low rate for instill
men Is to be used in roMiu'clioii with
the Central oflioes of tin Conp.iiiy
throughout the contttiy.
For right ami om thiid cents n
mou Hi the subset iber is -given (rvv
switching with all other subsotihcis
connecting with his Cc-ntcial cx
change. I'mler this mte it would
nppear that 110 rural resident need
be without 11 telephone and its at
tendant advantages especially us
every assurance is given of prompt
and efliciout service.
Mr. Ii. 1. lktinctt is in ch.irge of
the canvass in this county and he
states he may be seen tt the Cen
tral offices of the company in Ku
gene, or will visit any community
or organization of I irmeis inU nttcd
in Telephone matters.
Lvctur Couraa for Winter
The Commercial Club has under
taken to guarantee a course of lec
tures and musical entertainments
for the winter season ihts year. The
course will consist of live evening-i
entertftinmeut. a month apart, and
the Club will engage a h til this
week, and set th? date1, aud shortly
after tickets will be on salu for the
course. The course will e well
worth the mouey and all citizers
should buy takets and heip to
make such a course a yearly occurrence.
The Club at its meeting Monday
1 . - 1
uigiit appointed a committee con
sistiug of T. K. Campbell, George
Comer, Jas. Hemienway uud Marion
Veatch to attend the next Wil
lamette valley meeting at Forest
Grove and to try to have the No
vember meeting set for Cottage
Grove, changed to a meeting the
last of June in order that the dele
gates might be taken to llohemia,
at a time when good weather could
be assured.
A committee was appoiuted to
attend the Oregon Development
League at Salem during the Fair.
Oliver Veatch was appointed assist
ant secretary of the Club.
The advertising committee was
asked to look up the cost of adver
tising in the Pacific Mouthly, as
the club might think it best to ad
vertise Cottage Grove.
City Council Lets Contracts for Im
provment of Four Streets.
At an adjourned meeting ot the
City Council on Thursday night,
the council let contracts for the
1 grading and surfacing with gravel
of Pet kins, Mill and Weber streets,
ami the west eud of Wall streets,
the bids being as follows:
Wall street, Geo. Comer 1, 60;
Harry Hart $i2;jy.t;o nd srTiO'.l.oo.
On petition ol property owners the
council with Mr. Hart's consent
changed the width of u ravel to be
laid from 16 feet to 1 2 feet an J cut
1 his bid, which was the lowest to
$20 .50, which was accepted,
Mill street, W. Ij Hubbel
and I,. Taylor 5j'2iS awarded to
Taylor. I'eikins Ave W. L. Hub
I bel $.2163 I,. Taylor $2o"i,
awarded to Taylor. Weber street,
only one bid H C. Hart $2.VAio,
! which was accepted.
i oiu tor neconu street uuu uuen
put in by L. Taylor but after hav
ing gotten two confracts he with
drew his bid on that street.
! The franchiso of the Willamette
I Valley Co. which had been tabled
at the last regular meeting was
taken up and afrer considerable
discussion, in which several citi
zens spoke, next Monday night
wos bet as a special night to con
sider the ordinance.
Makes life now as nafi in that city
a: on the higher uplands. I'). W.
(iotnlloc, who rcsidcM (in lMitton SI ,
in U'aro. Tex., need-t no sea wall for
safety. lie writes: ''I Iiaf used
lr. King's New IMseovcry fur con
sumption the past live years audit
keeps me wi ll uud safe. Itcforc that
time Iliad a cough v 1 1 1 1 1 1 fur years
had been growing worse. Now it's
gone." Cures chronic cough", la
grippe, croup, whoopliig cuuh, and
prevents pneumonia. Pleasant !
take. I-'.very holtlo giciranteed nt
l'.elisou's I'lial iiiaey. Trice ."ill cents
and $1. Tilal bottle; free.
Silk Creek
The theshers are busy ia our
neighborhood and it is probable will
Premier Escapes
Twenty-eight ieople are dead as
a result ofau attempt to assassinate finish the last of this week.
Premier Stolypin at his home near 1 ... . ...
St Petersbu.g The whole front of ! . ur ,levv Public school budding is
his house was destroyed Saturday j 0U1K V- It w. l ...deed seem
Ly the explosion of a bomb, while K00'" to ".ee a nat clj"01
he was holding a reception. The our neishoorliood after all these
. I jcm-i ui wmuug iui 11.
anl were L,. G. Paap went to Roseburg
Friday to attend tbe S. I). A.
Camp meeting now Leins held at
conspirators came in a carriage as
though to the reception
refused admittance, and during a
scuttle the bomb exploded killing
not only two of the conspirators but
2G of tho Premier's guests, and
wounding many others. A daugh-
ter of the Premier's was killed
a little sou terribly injured,
Stolypin himself escaped.
at tbat place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wheeler in
vited iu their relatives to spend the
evening with them Sunday night in
honor of the coming of age of their
son Oscar, who was 21 on that day.
' ' Ice cream and cake was served and
Tbe Oregon Development League I all enjoyed a pleasant evening,
will hold a big convention at the ! Messrs. August Heiurich. lylward
Fair Grounds at Salem Sept. 12th 1 litbcock and Miss May Miller fur
and l-'Hh. F.verybody is invited to j nished music- Oscar received sev
attend. eral nice presents.
Lovers of tho highly -bred race j Mra. Dalla Martin and children
horse will find at the Oregou State j 0f Cottage Grove vtsi;ed friends
Fair grounds this year a string of here the past week.
switt goers, sucn as Have never!
before been assembled there. Ifi
it's an exciting timo you are look
ing for don't miss a day as each is
Miss Mary Miller of
visiting friends iu our
hood this week.
Divide is
hlled with th" speediest ol races
both harness aud running.
A pamphlet Int., beeu issued by
the U. S. government on "Investi
gations of Irrigation Practice iu
Oregon" gotten up by A. P.
Stover, irrigation engineer. The
book is a concise aud valuable
treatise on the .subject and can i
obtained by writing to the U S.
Dept. of Agriculture.
Miss Alice Wheeler is out again.
I ,11 1. uaucocK was quite sick
Friday night, but was able to go to
work again Monday.
Tbavv's plea f x the killing of
White is to be emotional insanity.
It don't take long to get over such
insanity it seems, and furnishes a
good kind of exeme for a crime.
Oregon State Fair
SALEM. SEPT. 10-15. 1906.
New Attractions, New Buildings, New Ideas,
Fun by the Ton, Amusement Galore,
3 veiling Entertainments
$25,000 for Displays and Races
W. II. DOWNING, President FRANK W. DUR.BIN, Secretary
mi ii .in., .gawiijiij '-J-
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates
On and alter June 1, I'.lofi, the
Southern Pacific, iu connection
with the Corvallis vS: Kastcrn rail
road, will havu on sale round tiip
tickets from points on their lines to
Ncwort, Yaipiina ami Detroit at
very low lates, good for return un
til October 10, il-o6.
Three-day tickets to Newport
and Yaquina, good going Satur
days and returning Mondays, are
also on sale from all East Side
points, Portland to Eugene, inclu
sive, and from all West Sido points,
enabling pcoplo to visit their fami
lies and spend Sunday at the sea
side. Season tickets from nil East Side
points, Portland to Eugene, inclu
sive, and from all West Side points,
are also on sale to Detroit at very
low rates with stop-over privileges
at Mill city or any point east, en
abling tourists to visit the Santiam
and ISsitenbush Hot Springs in the
Cascade msuntains, which can lie
reached in one daj
Season tickets will b good for
return from all oints until Octobt r
to. Three-day tickets will be good
g'-ing Saturdays and returning
Mondays only. Tickets from Port
land and vicinity will bo good for
return via tho Hast or West Sido at
option of pissenger. Tickets from
Eugene and vicinity will be good
going via the Lebanon-Springfield
branch if desired. Pagsrage on
Newport tickets checked through to
Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Ya
quina ouly. Sunday excursions to
Newport on the C. Xt K. will begin
June ioth or 1 7th and run every
Sunday thereafter leaving Albany
at 7:30 a. m.; leave Corvallis H a.
S. P. trains connccwHh the C
& Ii. at Albany and Corvallis for
Yaquina and Newport Trains on
the C. t E. for Detroit will leave
Albany at 7..1o a. m. enabling tour
ists to the Hot Springs to reach
there the same day. Trains from
and to G-rvallis connect with al
East Side trains on the H. P.
Full information as to rates
time tables, etc., can bo obtained
on application to J. C. Mayo, Gen
Pass. Ags.rC. & E. R. It., Albany
A. L. Craig, G. P. A., S. P. Co
Portland, or any S. P. or O. & Ii
Kates from Cottage Grove to
Newport $d, to Yaquina $(.
Classified Advertisements.
For Sale
lb-inch slab wood, blocks and
trimmings at $1J0 per load deliv
eud Phono No. 501 Brown Lutn
ber Co.
Wood Wanted.
Would like to exchange good
bicycle for wo-d. "W" Nugget
For Sale.
Fine two year old Shorthorn bull
I). G. McFaki.ani.
Tom Awbrey hag returned to
Cottage Grove and is again writing
insurance polices in the Oregon
Fire Relief Assn., of McMinnvillo,
and the Alilnu Firo Insurance Co.
of Hartford, Conn.
Wcuhed etrtd Ironed
Lace curtains, clothes repaired
and pressed by Mrs. Geo. Iioblman.
Leave work at Ostrauder's barber
-. , , A",1HTU"nn.tll--
ft vc . X
:-' .
r-uuuK 1
'.i?nB & HANSEfi-V
Our own itirvkn.
Knowles & Gettys
Bohemia. Oregon.
Knowles & Gettys
Orseco, Oregon.
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Our Motto:
Good Goods at Reasonable Prices.
General Merchandise
Miners Tools and Amunitions
Our East Window is now dis
playing a few specials in Summer
Good 2nc values 19c
20c "
15c "
12 l-2c
Space does not permit other
bargains in Summer Fabrics.
ThcIIoclgc Jigs give a perfect Hcpiiratlon
nf 7liinT
- Kvtill-Ul ATM
Reduced Round Trip Excursion
Uouud trip pussenger rntes Chi-
ago to Portland and return, vip
lirect line will be $75.00 and from
Missouri lliver points $fio.oo.
Ihese tickets will be on sale daily
commencing June 1st and continu
ing until Sept. 15th with final re
turn limit of October 31st
N.tlonal Irrigation Conare.."
Boise, Idaho, Sept. 3rd, to 8th,
the above
&flri0T, triPw'ilt bo made. nopr. 1st ana 2nd
L'mits: Continiion
going, final
vwmumous nasBncA.
return limif .1
froniflnio fu..i" ...V.. uays
. "ir, W11U
privileges returninrf
One-half of above rates.
stop over
J. M, ItfUAU,
J. M. Isiuu Agent,