Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 29, 1906, Image 1

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Devoted lo the Mining, L,uiibcring and I'ain .ing Inti k :-ts of this Community.
NO. 32
And (iencml Mining New
(lathered from lixchaiK'cs.
I'. J. I laid in ficaMy I'Ii-ummI
Willi the ut li k at l ho camp and
x 1 flu l fee it making its mmk
in tin: mining world nunii,
The wuk :it tin- Vesuvius in
bring pushed liflit along. The
new rails HccnMv t.d:cn to I he
mine a ie I ciiig put in ' hapc.
A. I'.. Woo I is 1 pi-. to. I t" be
lii !; froin I lie 1 -1 : t -. t "'I'mi, and it is
undi'istod Mint he j, going to try
to tak" in the Nationil J rri ;;uti'ni
CongtcsH "l Ilohc, Mull", tli first
of S it 111! it before 1 1 turning.
I'mpitrlnil lo llvjlld Fiiima' n
(Jiotind is being jollied and
prc aiti"in 1 1 1 .-n ! - i )::. I Ln'ic ) ,
com 1 1 1 1 1 ill'' 1 1'. ''! i1 ii 1! H rn.-.v
'1 uii k sil vcr Itn inn ! oil H i i '. i.H (.(
ttio model exhibited by W. )',. '
11 m , tlio inventor of Mi'- furnace, !
Btid the plincipid owner i,f tilt?1
IH.iek liit t- ipiii Uilv- i j a up i tics.
Iiliek has all Ih.-i.mi I. tin e I h,r the i
lurnnce, and con-,! 1 i.i iioi, -.votk will!
soon 1... under way. Tin- mm that
have been wot',; in- m tin- mine
uddiui: to the is or ;',..)' f. tt of:
v lopiiient w 'i
have hern brought
t he rapid etc-1 i"ii
Trust President Looks Over
the Situation on Coast
which run fliTon-di rifd
list:i'1s. The Col 11 nih:
Decl-i the cj'y v, ith
.tin- 1 I y .1 ,!),
'lit to -1 j.)
th,. plant Mr.
. 1
I JcnniM t x I t ! lo liavi
lenih lor upei atioii this .
it is lead)' lor i iperat ii
woi la cut ;ih now pi inn
il all
, a 'i it
Ill'lM- trv
.as I
1 cat
een u 01 kin:' Ii 11
promise i t 1 1
will he lii inly i
Mr. Den nr. I
u-.ns on hi" new fuina-e and nov,
lias it developed t) Mm- point .v Ti j
he in sure it will do just Vhat he
wants a I 1 do. While he has hi en
Win. Ih-td and Win Crifhlh of
Oicgon City, forineily tie- owm-i of
the Hroidwaw elaim, in Hoht'inin
District ll''W owned I v the Oiegoll
S'-i 111 it i" Co. and in which the
licit on- w.r lotind last f ill are in
town town for a h w d iy, having
coin'' down to if-eivr Me- (i u .1 1 pny
UPlit on the I!ri.adwiv -1 n i rn Mr.
(Irillith is another of the old llifil
w li 1 e J p' 1 1 t si e I toll, 1 mil co me to
the ft, ait ! lure ho V' iy loiij;.
1'.. II lii'diaiii. the l'!uitiie vinr- man it closing out all liin ICn
Keiie piopej-ty and investing in
I'oitl ni l. He was in the (Srve
last wick on his way to H oheinin to
look after hi pniity there, hut
exincts t hold outo them until the
day when sotno compnny li an
upeiiej up the lint. ict enough to
innke it euier for "iii'iHer compuuies
t ;,'ek siit"'l, and to get triinnpor
tation. In nu interview Mr. Inc
hain wtate 1 that he did not feel liko
ptitliny a li .t of money into the dis
trict whni the cost of putting in a
plant for tieatment of the free uiill
i ii ores, and coneentrntion for bise
ores, would with the cost of trans
portation and snidtin charges ent
up practically all there was in the
ores, hut Huid tha tho larger com
panies should jo ahead, get th
railroads in, get the smeltera close
at hand, then the mii'iller fellows
would get to work. That in just
what in holdin;: tho lioheniin lii
triet hack, that practically all the
claim- are h' Id by nun who cannot
or will nut do mote thau their
asseHsmeU woik, each waiting for j right along side, of it.
soinebodv the to innke it easy for nany expects to have
tunnel vok mh been conipleteil in
tho e,eat ipiuksilver niouulain, at
the Iiiimi- o! which the tut ti ::.--i and
cainpH are locate- I, and en at i hi
titien ol ijic have la-en blocked out
out tea Iv for kruckin;; d v.mi and
1 1 ansferring to the fun. re l.y tram
Mr. J'c-nnis eonfi !i utly p ' : i .
wiinm ti Men t nine as t-oon as his
larger fun a'k I ;i j :., i i i
Hatif-hu t Jt y , t' ' e; cct d! jlL j- f n ''i.i.f s
I till latger t pe, and o loy
great imtnbvt.i t nu :i. The iiiek
j si 1 c i 10 i in f of I. am:!y, will
under Mr. I ennis" able hi e. with
in a lew years be herald. d tar and
wide as th- greatest pin-Usi 1 s er
inin'h d the woinl.
.Stool Glrdora Arrive.
A hi; steel carnrrivd in the
C.rovo l ueHilny loaded w ith a d .en
ste l gi'dcr spans for the new S. I',
Ijiiiltp over t lie loast J'or,;, near i
town. It is expected that the steel I
work of the btidgiH will he pat in J
place 1 1 f il e w inter. i
The Willamette Valley Co. H fix-I
ing its plant at tliH point u;i in
good shape. Tlio building has,
been given a coat of red, paint with-
Th Htuelter trust has pructically
decided to build u plant in the
liotthweHt, and J'ortland stand x
( client c hanees of waring th in
stitution. Jieports are now being
gathered of all the miueH in this
s' lion, and Ahiska, a- wfll, and
will be forwarded to the bend of the
1 1 ust at New York.
Daniel ( oiggenheirn, prt-Hident of
the American Smelting & Kenning
Company; commonly ktiown as the
s!Tt"!l.r trntt n1u Ti r,.4ii il r r f if Ti
in - it out, thousanda offer, of c.. i i' . 1 -s
. . 1,1 , . . (,"gg''!iheun I'.Tploration Company,
as well aH of the American Smelt
ing Seeuritiis Company, and hii
br"th"r, Simon ii. Uugenheitn,
meiiiler of the executive commilteo
of the Amerieuu Smelting Ke
fining (!ompnuy, ere in i'ortlaiu
sHVmal diyn ago and held a con
ference Tvith Dr. K. O. Smith, a
niinirig exiiert of this eitv. Tho
i '-suit of thn niet-line; was to the cf-fe;-t
that the (Juggenheims re
'iiiefp'd Jr. Smith to secure all the
data possible relating to th; copper
and mining industry of the north
went and forward it to them.
J he (iuggenheims have decided
'o bud i a railroad into tho Copper
River Valley, in Alaska, to develop
tnetr niinci in that section. Ihe
work will be'in uext season. They
will also develop the mines which
their eompanieH control in the
K ioinliko und other sections of
Al'tHka. These people also own
and control mining lands all over
the. northwest.
Portland has been selected as thtr
possible center for the smelting
works of the great concern, for
" vi ral reasons. In the first place,
it is accessible to all the ruining
country of the Pacific coast states,
and has an excellent waterway to
out, and it is mid' ni. iod tint the ; the ocean. Within the next few
inside will be fixed up, bv ceiling j years the (uiggcnheim copper
md painting it. ihe two boilers , mines iu Alaska, which promises to
Ocean in;l it, bur. 1 i;i this vicinity;
oiler every ivlneem' at for th'i con- J
htruttion of an immeriso smelter j
which will give employment to i
thoic and--; of mr-n. j
Dr. I ", ). Sn.ith is one of the j
piou'cr n ,i'i!::g encineeTS of Ore
gon. ii. h i 1 tin vi ! d iii all parts j
of tl' w .:i'!, a'.d fur months has i
l.l.nn t i , i,,!,-nli,Lii ,.,itl. fl... .
Jhe Oregoman of Monday has ,., ... , . ,i; i 0:...t '
the lollowing of interest to miners os,, , ,. , sP!)t ,r !
hicn. 'I'htirsdav nf'e.rnoon a ,
Council Should Pass a Fran
chise Granting Willamette
Valley Co. Riht to do
Business Mere.
;or f. eve-nil months the 'ju-.-t ion
of a franchise for tho Wibamctte
ferenco wan held at the Ilo'e! I' " Valley Co has been before tho coun
Innd. when !." president of tf."cil. The Erst franchise was re :orpora;io:i M ite l hid plans jetted. A new on was prepared
totho Iv.-tluid mati. "Wo want j and has been hanging fire, bsiDg
reportM of r.'l the mines in this kcc
tion ' f tho eoantrv." D micl (iug-
geidc i;:i
liavo n i Ii ;
j prod::' c and
idllS t i have
1 'o Di . Smith. "We
u- to u !:at Alaska will
are particiihirly aux-
ing r,
-..-st i:
all iletail.s on the
in th
Cnally tabled, but Monday night at
a special tnting was brought up
and denied, as it conflicted with the
city charter, there being- no cluase
permitting the purchase of the
plant by the city, as the charter
ectiou and the ! states shall be.
." I A new franchise was on hacd to
. m . be read that it is thought the Will-
, -atiiette Valley Co. will accept,
W ill Guard C hln Phoass.nta. . , , ., r ti
that has been gotten up by Medley
There wid be a gathering of all j & Johnson for the citizens, and
tho deputy gam- wardens of tho ( jos not conflict with the charter.
Willamette, valley, l'riday, AugUBtii,, this franchise it pives the c ,un-
ing Ule va
f-ivn, Kain is badly needed in all
sections west of the Cascade moun
tain to extinguish the forest fires
and to clear the atmosphere of
Ivist n! t' o Cascade mountains
nun erous thunder-bowers occurred
and the atmosphere contained but
little smoke. The temperatures
averaged below normal, and in
of the higher valleys frosts oc
curred, and in the mountains some
snow fell. Fo damatrine: winds at
tended the thunderstorms and the
rainfall, as a rule, very light.
diiiirgthe month of September,
After such a, meeting as this, it
will t.'ot be safe for hunters
in onem. io arrange ior uav-ic r0wer to rezulate the rates to
M,..r 1 ,r,rn , 1 r Ii 1 7 rntmltdd i i i t -. . , .
...... j ic..-w- rje cnargei, ana gives me cityngnt
to buy the plant any time after live
vears, auj dues not give tho cotn-
tO at- 'ilf,r,v r mritiori(,1v of tlif town li Tilt.
tempt any '-funny business" with irg'orpower.
forbid leti fruit unless they are A petition signed bv 20 of the
villir- to pat up the pri ;e of a j representive business "men of the
ne- ' town was presented to the council
Game'.vard.jii IJaker says he x- ; asking that the new fruDchise Le 20 or 25 men sta- rcaci auj actea upon.
"ie I When the franchise and petition
n- i ..r.rp Tii-etr-Tif e:l O: t h p er,nneit Kw
! phensJiU.
Bori to Mr. and Mrs.
Griggs, u U 1 .'
urday Mie -"j
child 'Icing well
Joseph H. Walker
Joseph If. Walker, an old soldier
died at the home of bis son, Ulys
ses Walker at Cottage Grove on
Saturday evtning the 23th. He
was born in I Joss countv. Ohio.
Sept. 1), I83I, and moved to Illi
nois in ;So2, whore he was married
to Mrs. Carpe nter in lSo, and from
that state he enlisted in Co. A.
i2Uh Illinois Volunteer Infantry,
of the U. S. Army and served 18
months, and was discharged in
i86t on account of his disability,
and aftor having fought in many a
terrible battle. In iH-g he brought
his family to Orgcn, where he has
resided ever since. He leaTes an
aged wife and two children, Ulysses
Walker and Mrs. J. M. Durham.
The funeral services Sunday were
on lucted by Rev Olson of the
Christian church, assisted by the
G. A. II. post.
A Speedy Stallion.
Zo'ock, a pacing stallion now in
training at the Oregon State Fair
grounds, has been doing the mile
in the "work out" on the track in
2;o7 with ease. Arrangements
have almost been completed for
this wonderful horse to go against
have been net on h-.-avy foundations be one of the greatest copper' coun
and cement floors laid in front of tries in the world, will be opened,
them. As soon as business ju-ti- ( railroads built and tho ore shipped
ties it, the company expects to in- to the states by shiploads of thous
stall an engine the duplicate of the 1 mid of tons.
present one, on a big foundation The smelter trust Cuds mauy in-
i'lio com- I ducements here to build a smelter,
power and 1 Portland has connecting railroads
light for all purposes when mc lcd. to the north, east, south and west,
Uuned in the vallev
month, an 1 they will rigidly
ioree tno law lor orou-ciing uie ii,, in nore tlir rn-mril !
j hut. ,kiik ta J- ' o j k - x il v 1 & 1
through the mayor refused to an-nv
i . . 1 1 . it. rr.
1 intra 10 ue reao, puuing u ou w tiraa during the Fair, Sept. lo-i5.
David! the next session. The air got should such llf h,,! n .
pound girl on Sat-. rather warm about the time of this ; hibltion such as has never been
li:jth mother and action, as the citueus felt that it seen on tLe ro,flf Yn.f,f1 th.
was a direct, affor to them, and nt,.nAr nr ti-c i,nraa ,.vnu
Mrs. J. H. Chambers entertained j 'Lat Jf council sbo"IJ ave ( in better condition than ever be
. i...i:.. - t..K or dered the papers read, and cousid- frf,-,n u ;c fov fuM k-.
the citizens in the matter J hor,e iu hU cUs9 0Q the padfio
which the council c! ,-nied- j c0 l3t if uot in the world
I - -
J. M. Gilker.on
the ladies cf th; Wonau's club of
Cottage Grovo at her home on last
Saturday afternoon. The event
ll.a 1.,' -.,,-. t. '1, ,Tn 1, .it.. rr rtT f1,A
ITH3 U1C UI'lltlMI L-UlKlillt "I '"l.l. , . ,1
, , . 11 . .-1 4: me uext regular iuccii .
club members who have staid at a
home duricg the hot season, and " " 1
was made U cooling ell day. The1 Wether Summary Weott Aug. 28.
ladies took everything easy, and: West of the Cascade m juntaius
planned their cool trips to the hills j the weather during the week was
and sea shore. Mrs. Chambers fur-1 dry and sultry. A few small
- "
nishing the ice cream aud cake and I showers occurred Thurd iy and
good solt drinks to cool the heated Friday along the western .-dope of
discussions and delisrht the ladios ; the mountains, but they w;-re not
taste. The club does not get
dawn to hard practical work until
in October when it st.uts its win
ter course of study and the preparal
sufficient to extinguish ;!:- forest
fires which were burning in -any
localities. The winds were luht,
and the smoke from the forest li e -
of elaborate thesis on the topics 'of! hung like a pad over the vali y;
the day and nge. ard made the weather very oppves
is now located
at Rochester, Wash., and says he
must have his paper sure.
J. i!. Callaway of Eugene has
been spending a vacation at Loo
d )u Mineral Springs, and passed
through the Grove on his way home
Robt. S. Bean, supreme judgeof
Oregon, passed through town Tues
day on his way to Glendale tor a
vacation. Th3 Judge and Jeroai;
Knox were classmates at Mon
mouth .
S10 f
s tKe use
or a Bunch
t P
ot Air
Ibuuy si
You are asked to )ixy the extra ten because a certain name irf sewed under the coat collar.
But not at this store. We have no interest in assisting egotistical clothing makers to make
you believe they are the only fellows in the world who make ood clothing. You know
this is not so. There are many makers who produce "ood" clothing and we buy our stuff
from several ol them we only ask you to pay what the goods costs us, with a small, safe
margin added.
Vvv'lciHMEJCK ca
fSTm r '"jssss.. STT-- Ct-