1 BOHEMIA NUGGET J. McKEAN FISHER, Manager. ItOH U.MIA NUUUhT PUBUStllM" COMPANY. Mkc ll rhrnkn ylW to Nliffget Tub Co. Knured t the BoaioflWe t Cottar Orove, von ncoutid cuuw tnU matter. skhsckiption katkj. C. months J) I .vwir -;C, IS month -w If piiM in advance. Clubbing Rates. The lloliemVi Kugcet oue year vlth uiv one of the following put licutlona one year for amount net l-.iplflo MmitlllV 2.00 Weekly Oreon'tan (Portlaud) -.f0 U'wkl'v .1 mi run I ( Portland) $2.00 I ailv Minimi Hecord (lHMiver) .".60 Weekly Mining Kecord Pacific ilomentend Northwest Poultry Journal Thin Mlr is kept on Hie br T1IK AMERl CVN HIMMl COMiKKSS, ClminbtT of Com u;etoe Building. lenver, Colo . vbere -r icAiier will te welcome to the use of the iu nix iper from the various minlnn wll n of ire West. M-U.-nti!ic library and luiie.-r-' n Dibit. rlUS r.VI'K.K in kept on meat K. C Drake' rtJvcrtinlnn Aitiiii v, 64 an. 1 65 Merchant fcx liange. Su Krancl,o, California, where ctin ractB lor advert iniuK can be made for it. Wednesday, Ai gi st 22, 1906 The Guard and Register are at it again. The S P. Co. for the first time in it i history has paid a dividend cd the common stock of the road, and still the roa I is not miking money. Too bad, as long as that is the case, that it did not spend that extra money in buying more cars so as to r lieve the car famine, which always Lin Itrs the produc tion. A number of complaints have bem lodged with the paper re cently about the uou-delivery of papers. The subscription list in always printed on a large sheet and then nffixed to the papers by a machine, and very seldom are any mistakes made, and we are confi dent that the mistakes cannot br laid to this oOice. We are glad to have our attention called to any delays, and will investigate them promptly, and do what we can to have papers received regularly. The newspapers are making a good deal of fun of Harry Louus berry, the genial S. P. Co. man tbat makes the statement ttiat there ii do shortage of cars, and esperi ally so in Lane county. Of course Loun8berry knows his busi ness and tells absolutely nothing but the truth, but the mill men of Lane county don't exactly agree with bis truthful statements, and would prefer to state that he came nearer to telling absolutely nothing but slight prevarications of the car Hituation. With every mill com pany putting in orders for cars to fill their neels, and beiug lucky M get one twentieth of what they ab solutely have ta have to ship their orders, of course there is a surplus of cars which the S. P. finds diffi culty iu keeping in service. Copper Kintf Mine Sold to Spokane M&n, Medford, Or., Aug. U. The Copper King group consisting of eight claims on Joe Creek in Blue iedge Distiict, was purchased by Win. Perdue of Spokaud from the original owners, Ii. N. Anderson of Medford, It T Blackwood of Pboe tlix and Prank Edwards of Hunt i.igton. Mr. Perdue acquires live rixths, tbe other sixth part having been previously bought by Mr. Twomy a pro nitieut railroil eon 'ractor of PuBadena, Cal. Mensm. Anderson, Blackwood and Ed wards realize the sum of $6,000 fur their property. The claims ure h- ated on a ledge that shows a width of about one hundred feet. Con siderable work bas been done iu the v ay of prospecting by numerous open cuts ami about 100 feet of tun 1. cling. The ore body shows the same general characteristic as that tA the fatuous Blue Ledge and other mines in that vic'nity copper sulphide with good values iu gold. The Copper King group was the first localion made after the origi nal I3lue Ledge locations. It is the intention of tbe new owners to put a force of men on development vork in the near future. Journal. Knights of Pylhlaa Attention There will be a convention held in their Castle Hull, corner 4th and Main Streets, up stairs, on Wednes day evening, Aug. 22nd at H p. ni. for the purpone of Identification. Kvery member of the order ia ex. pected to be present. If you can't come send your photo. C. 11. VanDknuuw, K. of R. & S. Subscribe for tbe Nugget. r Mlffi UNIVERSITY eft 9 Dean J. T. Matthews or SALEM, Realty Transfers. C. C. Coffmau and Pantha J. CctTinau for $3500 to Z P. Lawson lots 9, 10, 11 in Sec. 10 tp 20 sr!l w. J. B. Lawson and Jantte Law son for $1000 to C C Coffinan hit 7 in block 1 in Cotftge drove. Milklntf Machines The dairy operatsrs of the norlli west will have an opportunity to witness oue of the latest applica tions for "induing mechanically" in operation dailv in connection with the dairy exhibit during Ore gon State Fair week (Sept. 10-I5). This is certainly a won-h rful ma chine, the working of which is per fect, the lucieal fluid being ex tracted gtt.tly, speedily, and thor oughly, therefore removing a great amount f th drudgery in connec tion with this very profitable ad junct of our gro.viur agtieuUupd district. The dairy section of the Fair has outgrown its building and additional Bpace will be provide!. Important Request Made Owners. of La.n4 Register Eddy and Receiver Law rence, of the Roseburg land office are in receipt of an important com munication from Acting Land Commissioner Pollock, which reads as follows: "Gentlemen: Senate resolution of March I9, lyoC, is as follows: "Resolved, that the secretary of the interior be, and he is hereby, directed to furnish the seiiate, on the first Monday iu "December, nineteen hundred and six, the names of tbe persons, firms, and corporations wbo conveyed or re linquished to the government of the United States lands within the limits of government forest reserves, and who duly recorded the same in the proper county prior to the act of March third, nineteen hundred and five, and wbo hail prior to said act failed to select other pub lic Iaud in lieu of the lauds so con veyed or relinquished, or who have; failed, through no lault of their own, to obtain patents to lands se lected by them in lieu of lands so conveyed or relinquished, as pro vided by the act of June fourth, eighteen, hundred aud ninety-sevcu, and who can not on account of said act of March third, nineteen hun dred and five, make such tielectton. and also report the number of acres so conveyed or relinquished. That in order to proouie such information the secretary of the in terior is heieby authorized and di rected to require all such persons, firms, and corporations to file in the ljnd deptrtment, within a time to le by r 1 1 in designated, such proofs of then conveyance or re linquishment as he mty prescribe; and he is further authorized and directed to make uch further or ders, rules, and regulations us may be necessary to procure the infor mation hereby required. "Pursuant to the 'provisions of the ubove resolution all person", tirms, and corporations who con veyed lands to the United States government within the limits of established forest reserves by d?eds duly executed, acknowledged, and recorded iu the proper county of fices prior to March '3, i'Jo5, with a bona fide intention of thereafter se lecting other public lands iu lieu of the laud so recouvcyed or relin quished under the provisions of the act of June 4, 1 807 (Ho Stat. 30), and acts amendatory thereof, and who fai ed to make and selection in satisfaction of the lands by them so relinquished or whose selections under the provisions of the wfore said act of June 4, i87, Lave failed through no fault of the party mak ing such relinquishment, and who by re on of tbe approval of the act of March 3, i0o5, sro now pre vented from making any selections, are hertby directed to file in the oflico of the commissioner of the general land office on or before Oc tober 1, j006, an instrument in, writing describing the land reliu- f 3 S i i i Largest Denominational Uulvcrslty Is (he NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN but not SECTARIAN Two now HuMdiiiK. Adequate Iviuip niont. "45 Professors and Instructors. Two now t'ourses lidded this year: English Commercial and Electrical Engineering. i i For Paitienlars Address: Pres. John II. Coleman OREGON. 'uished to the government prior to March 3, l9o5, and containing rt p lesentations by the person or cor poration who made no relinquish ment, that no selection in lieu thereof has been made, or iu any lease an v selection was tnuue ana the selection has Hded without fault of the party makiug the re linquishment, a reference to the re lecliou or attempted Helectiou, which will euable the commissioner of the general laud oftlce to readily identify the same upon the records of the office, and that the Mid in cluded in the relinquishment has not, eiDce the deed of relinquish ment was filed for record, becu i-old or in anywise encumbered by the persou or corporation making the relinquishment to the government. "This statement should be ad dressed to the commissioner of the general l nd office, should be styled and brieted "Statement conform able to Senate Resolution, March i9, 1OO6," and must be accompa nied by the deed of relinquishment to the government of the United states, executed and recorded prior to March 3, 19o5, and an abstract of title duly authenticated showing that at the date the deed of reliu quishruent was recorded the title to the laud wan in the pereon or cor poration making the reiinquish tnen. If the deed of relinquish ment has been lost or for any reas. 011 can not be produced, a copy thereof properly certified by the re corder of deeds of the county iu which the land vs situated vill bo accepted. "Deeds and abstracts of title will, upon the request of the prty filing the same, be returned after they have been examined and noted by the commissioner of the general land office. "The persons, firms, and corpor ations interested herein are ex pressly hereby notified and warned that while the statements and ac companying paper herein described may be filed for transmission to the general laud office, iu the local laud offices, and that while the data contained in all statements received in the general land office at a time when its incorporation in the re port to the senate provided herein is pructicable, will be included in such report, all responsibility for the filing of such statements and accompanying papers in the manner herein provided, rests with them, and that they are hereby directed to meet the requirement made at the earliest date possible. "If deeds ol relinquishments an I accompanying papers as p. ovided herein, are filed in your offices, you will immediately transmit them to tho geueral laud office with special reference to these instructions." Buck Deer Season Beginning from Now On. Commencing today it is lawful to kill buck deer in Oregon until Dec. I next. Tli season tor does ends at the Hume lime, but does not open until Sept. 1, nt which lime ulso it will be lawful to kill pheasants. The grouse season opened o., the first of this month. It closes Dec. 1 as does the pheasant eenson. The open season for quail is from Sept. 1 to Dec. 1. Llks are pro tected until 1907. The seapon for trout, which opened April 1, closes Nov, 1. The following brevities, extracted from the Oregon game laws, will be of interest to fports meu. It is UNLAWFUL. To sell any game. To kill more than lo phensinis, grouse or quail in one day. To catch trout less than 5 inches in length. T J catch ttout other than with hook aud line. To catch trout by night fishing. To hunt deer by night. To hunt deer with dogs. To kill more thau 5 deer in ove season. To hunt game animals or birds without license except upn voin OWtl gl'Mllld. Ill tck buss Noliw. S ' i pc N" law. Monday. September 3. is Labor D.iy. j Sitli in, Ant:. !". - - (" n'i : Chambcil tin this iiliu noon i-.mio1 a proclamation settitw: aMle Mon i day, September ;s La''oi I'.iv. j The text of the piofhmatioii In!-! lows: "Whereas, the first Monday in September of e.ieh vimi h is In 1 11 set apart and dechind to le a pub be holiday iiiid. i the designation ' I I.aboi Day; "Now, then fine, I, ie"ij;e I',. Chanl'cilui:i, as gi vet nor ol the State of Oiegon, pursuant to the statute in such eas- in.i'le and pro. vided, do hereby dot-hue Monday, tho 3d day of September, A. D.. HUM;, a legal holiday, bl e known as Labor Day. "The peopl-ft ;'.. ht ii - mc to cougiatuliited upon tlx- fiiendly 10 littions which have :'.lwv'-; existed between the employer and the em ployed within its juris liction. To To this condition is birgely dm the prosperity that surrounds us on every side. "It is to be hoped that the d ty hereby set apart for f bs-i vunce a- a public holiday will be generally obset ve l by all classes ol our liti zens, and that the wtk!.ops and the store and nil places of business wid be closed, so that the tinploei as v U as the employed may com pletely rest from all l ibor." Cutting Atray al Alca. . Last Weilnesday tin ic came near : to being another murder nar hue, through the stabbing ol .la-per Pat-! ton, a Cottage drove man by an Italiau named John I)e Knssard at l. A c iwinill Tin re are a number conflicting st-n ies about the , trouble, hut home ol the men from ; the plant saw thai the men had been drinking ami that in a scullle the Italiau diew lus knife and stablH'd at Patton, striking directly!; ovir the heart, but the knile Int the fifth rib and stopped, otherwise Patton would have been a dead man instantly, " but as it was the wound was slight, and was diessed by Dr. Rest, who pronounetd it u littls thing, with no dinger at tached. Th-J man was enptuied and brought to the drove to bo eared for bv the marshal, in cast) the mill men might get unruly, until the sheriff of D-uglas county, Alca lieing in that connty, could come and get him, which he did n Thursday and look him to Aha for a preliminary triul. (iAhV IISTON'S SKA WALK Makes lift- now as saf- in tliat eli.v ai on tin! higher uplands. K. V. (iotidloe, who lesiiles on I Ml 1 1 fill St., in Waco, Tex., needs no sen wall for safety. He writes: "I liave used Dr. King's New lilseoverv for con sumption the past live years audit keeps me well and saf". l'.efoiv that time I had a cough which fur years had tieen growing vvore. Now It's gone." Cures ehionie eoliths la Hfippe, croup, whooping coiiyh, and prevents pneiimoida. 1'Ii-asant t- take. Kvery hottlo giurant'-ed at Jieiiwon's l'tiarmaey. Price r.O cents and 1. Trial hottlo free. Change in Time Tables. The Southern Pacific Co. "an nounces a change in tho time table, effective today Aug. iSth. north bound. No. i'2 nasw Hirer 1 :2o p. in. No. '22C local freight l'2:l.r P' soim iioi:.NP. No. 11 passenger 2:20 p. m. No. 225 locul freight U:l5 a. m. m. Classified Advertisements. For Sale ln-inch slab wood, blocks und tiimrnings at $1.50 per load deliv ered Phone No. 501 U row 11 Lum ber Co. Wood Wanted. Would like to exchange t;ood ic ele for wo'-d. "W" Nugget oriicc. For Sale. Fine two year old Short horn bull. I), (i. Mi Faki.ani. Per Sale. Good four-year old horse, broke single and double. Wvsnb Howie. Lo. Returned. Tom Awbrey h" returned to Cottage Grove and in again writing iiifiuranch polices in the Oregon Tire Relief Assn., of McMinnvillo, and the AKtna Fire Insuranco Co. of Hartford, Conn. Welshed and Ironed Ivace curtuitiH, clothes repaired and pressed by Mm. Geo. Uohlinau. Leave woik at Ostrander's barber bbop, .11 I.I- I.Wn. 3 TiVWM:' mm & HANSEN, ' ncE CP.ovt, mwn. IVICZ Of OH ECON Our ov n inivKo. Knowles & Gettys Bohemia, Oregon. Knowles & Gettys Orseco, Oregon. c t ! : V i (' t 1 Miners Supplies at reasonable prices. Our Goods at Good General Merchandise Miners Tools and Amunitions in A MID SUMMER OPPORTUNITY Our East Window is now dis playing a few specials in Summer Suitings: Good 25c 20c 15c Space does not permit other bargains in Summer Fabrics. AT LURCH'S The If oclgc Jls give a perlcct separation of 2liic-I.,cacl-OrcH JOHN A. TRAYLOU MINING MACHINERY 16MIUftkoSl. DENVKR COLO Reduced Round Trip Excursion Rates. 1 found trip jiiih,oijj.mt rated Chi cago to Pot tin ml and return, via direct line will be $75.00 and from Missouri 1 fiver points 0ooo. These tickets will be on hale daily commencing June iHt and continu ing until Sept. 15th with iinal re turn limit of October 81et. J, M, TtfUAM, flntvon.3c fttomc Onl. Motto: Reasonable Prices. f values 19c 15c 12 l-2c a "Oretfon State Fair" Salem, Ore.. Sept. 10th to iCth inc. iDoC, For tho obovo occasion rale of $3.Ho to the Fair Grounds and re turn will be made. Limit: Continuous trip in each direction. Final return limit Sept. lO'th. Dates of sale: Sept. Oth to rsth inc. Child'eD. One-half above rate. J, id, Ihiiam, Ageut, 1 1 wwwwiMii.iW niWirrTi