Bohemia Nugget f COTTAGK GROVE. . . OREGON. NEWS 0H1IE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Oar Easy Readers. A Resume of the Let Important but Not Let Interesting Events of the Past Week. Railroads hare voluntarily reduced grain rates in Minnesota. The governor of Warsaw lias been seriously injured by a bomb. Activity of the police frustrated a plan to assassinate King Alfonso. It is said the sultan of Turkey has d Tided to recognize Leiehnian as an ambassador. Many immigrants m ho would be re fused admittance at a port of entry are being smuggled in through Mexico. Bookbinders in the government printing officj threaten to strike on account oi the action of a foreman to ward the men. A San Francisco woman refugee feels greatly insulted because she was given a pair of No. 8 stockings when she wears No. 3 shoes. The Chilean disaster will be a bard blow to English insurance companies, j as they carry more South American risks than any others. Union printers at their recent inter national convention decided to erect new building at their Colorado Springs home to be need by the wives of aged inmates. Police in all parts of the Ruetiin e opire are flooding the minister of 'J-he Interior with resignations since the re vival of terrorism directled especially against these officers. A massacre of Jews is expected in Warsaw, Rnesia. A cave-in at Clincnport, Va, en tombed 50 miners. Roosevelt is said to have declared for Canon for president. Labor leaders have declared war on Cannon's candidacy for re-election to congress. Portland police are looking for Paul Stensland, president of the wrecked Chicago bank. The president has appointed James 6. Harlan, of Chicago, a member of the Interstate Commerce commission. During the fiscal year just ended our exports to Porto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska increased about 20 per cent. Russian terrorists continue the slaughter of police. The government has begun wholeealse arrests and exile. A tidal wave is reported from the Hawaiian islands. The general height was five feet and bat little damage was done. VALPARAISO A WRECK. The Valparaiso earthquake will com plete the bankruptcy of many insurance companies which lost heavily in San Francisco. The First National bank of Chelsea, Mages., has been closed by the bank examiner because too much money was loaned to its president. The murder of policemen in Poland continues. J Japanese goods have supplanted all others in Corea. Many officers are involved in a navy ecandal at San Francisco. Another Chicago bank has failed as a result of Stensland's crimes. Ex-United States Senator Turner, of Washington, is mentioned aB Bryan's running mate. France has resolved to make no con cessions to the Catholics and rray con fiscate churches. A member of the late Russian parlia ment has been arretted as a leader of agrarian disorders. R. B. Brown, of Zinesville, 01 i , has been elected commander-in-chief of the National U. A. R. Diego Mendoza, ex-Colombian minis ter to the United States, declare that President Reyes is a traitor. A second grand jury has been called at Chiago to inquire into recent rebates gfiven the Standard Oil company. The Milwaukee Avenue State bank, of Chicago, has delcaraed a 20 per cent dividend for depositors. More will be paid later. Secretary Root has arrived at Buenas Ayres. Mad Mullah has received a disastrous defeat. Negotiations looking to a Russo Jap anese fishing treaty have been com menced. It is likely that the War department will concentrate all colored troops at one post. Many Republican state conventions are declaring in favor of Roosevelt for A third term. Peasants in Southern Russia are rav aging the country and the troops refuse to fire on them. A plot to assas8!nate the president of Cuba was discovered just in time to frustrate the plans. The nowers are expected to make strong representations to Greece trouble is over the barbarous Greek marauders in Macedona Lost of Life and Property Are Heavy, Though Statementt Conflict. There'continnee to be confusion of statements as to the magnitude of the disaster at Valparaiso caused by the earthquake shocks which began Thurs day, August 16, and continued at fre quent intervals throughout that and the next two days, l'ispatches from Valparaiso to the Associated Press dat ed August 19 state that a moderate es timate of the fatalities is 2.000, and that the property lose may be as high as $250,000,000. which latter is as great as the loss sustained by San Fran cisco in consequence of the earthquake and tire which devastated that city last April. A refugee who has arrived at Santia go places the known dead at 100 and other messages indicate that the first reports of damage and casualties were greatly exaggerated. Dispatches to the State department at Washington place the fatalities at about 500. These conflicting state ments cannot at this time be adjusted. It is evident that even yet confusion and panic prevail at Valparaiso and until order is restored it will be impos sible to ascertain with accuracy the loss of life and property. The dwellings in the city have been practically abandoned b7 the inhab itants, who are existing as beet they can in the plazas and streets of the city and in the hills adjacent to it, without shelter from storm and sun, and fam ine confronting tbem. Food is already scarce and high. Water for drinking purposes is lacking and disease is feared. The government is doing all it can to bring in relief. The crippling of the railroads into aiparaiso constitutes a serious factor in the situation, as for an indefinite period relief supplies can only l9 ordered through other means of ttansportation, the seaboard affording the best of these. At Santiigo many of the beet public and private buildings were wrecked The loss of life there is augmented by the panic which seized the people, many of whom threw themselves from balconies of their homes. The destruc tive lorce oi toe earthquake was exper ienced over a large extent of the coon try, many towns sustaining serious damage. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST HOP CROP INJURED. Put tin are bop EXTEND ALASKA CABLE. Drouth and Poor Cultivation Will Yield Below 120.000 Bales. The long continued drouth and poor cultivation in mary sections beginning to tell on the Orcgoa crop, l-ast year the state produced, about 112,000 bales.. It is beginning to look now as if this figure would not be eiceeded this year, notwithstanding an increase in acreage of about 10 per cent. Fetituates made by reliable dealers of the coming crop range all the way from 100,000 to 120,000 bales. At one time in the spring it was thought about 140,000 bales would be produced, but two months with practically no rainfall anywhere in the hop belt has had a telling effect on the vines. Scan ty cultivation in many of the yards has caused even more damage than the dry spell. Trices were so low last year that some of the growers lost heart an 1 neg lected to cultivate their properties. They will be rewarded this year with lees than half the production of their neighbors who attended to this import ant matter. An immense quantity of hops was sold on contract iu the spring at the bare coBt of production, and these sellers, almost without exception, failed to cultivate their yards. It is estimated that up to the present time about 80,000 bales of the coming crop are tied up by contracts. Al though the crop will fall short of early expectations, it will still furnish em ployment for all the pickers that can be secured. It will be what the grow ers call a "top crop," and will be easy to pick. Much Hay in Tillamook. Tillamook Tillamook had another bumper hay crop this year, and with fine weather the past month it has been harvested in good shape. Most every barn in the county is filled to its full capacity, and there will be an abund ance of feed next winter for the dairy herds, with the probability that it will not be all used before the next crop is harvested. The dairy business in Till amook is increasing every year, and the dairymen are very prosperous, as they do not have to buy mill feed for their cows, but grow enough on their farms, and this with the green pasture keeps the cows in good condition. PLAN TO IRRIGATE. Extensive System Planned for Grand Ronde ar.d Indian Valleys. I.a Grande Two bia irrigation sys tems, w hich will cover the entire Urand Ronde and Indian valleys and a portion of land in Wallowa count v, are being projected by local companies. The organisation to be known as the Grand Ronde Water company, is a cor poration which will promote a $2,000, 000 iirlgation project and besides furn ishing water for irrigation on a large scale, the company expects to provide power for lighting where it is wanted The water will be taken from the Big Miwam, which forms the boundary be tween Union and Wallowa counties. 1 tie preliminary surveys lor the log canal were made last year, and at the present time the engineers are engaged in making the final surveys and doing the cross sectioning.. The canal will take the water through a deep canyon. Its head is in section 35, townehip 3 south, range 42 east. After cutting through the high divide in township 1 north, range 41 cast, it w ill be an easy matter to cover the In dian valley country and swing into the (rand Ronde. The main canal to the divide will be 34 miles long. The lateral distributing canals as planned will be CO miles in length. The promoters estimate that it will take four months' time -fox the large force of engineers now at work to com plete the final survey. Construction woik will be commenced as soon as the survey is finished. The acta of Government Requires Duplex System and Branch South. Washington, Aug. 20. Commercial receipts from the Alaskan cable and telegraph lines amounted to $24,000 in July, which is $2,000 in excess of the amount collected by the United States in any previous month. The official dispatches sent during the month would have cost $12,000 had they been paid for at the commercial rates. This rapid increase in the demands upon the Alaskan cable and telegraph system will be met by the government by the duplexing of the cables. The cableship Burnaide, which ia to install the duplexing apparatus at the Alaskan end of the cable, will probably leave Seattle about September 15. It will carry 200 miles of new cable, which haa just been shipped from New York for the extension of the cable eer vice south of Ketchikan. This exten sion will be effected by tapping the line from bitka to Juneau at Cape Fansbaw. From that point a branch line will be extended down to Wrangel, then to Hadley, on Prince of Wales island, and then to Ketchikan, which ia only about 60 miles from Port Simpson, the English town which is to be the ter .minus of the Grand Trunk Pacific rail way. It is believed that this additional 200 miles of cable will result in a great increase in cable receipts, as the Fed eral system taps a country which is rich in mines and fisheries and already has many large canning factories, which stand greatly in need of daily communication with the United States In case the cable ship does not encoun ter bad weather, the line will probably be completed before November 1. Cap tain Henry W. Stamford, of the Signal corps, will direct the laying of the new cable. To Meet at Hood River. Pendleton Judge S. A. Lowell, pres ident of the Oregon Irrigation associa tion, has set October 11 and 12 as the date for the holding of this year's con vention of the association. Hood River is to be the place of meeting. By holding the convention on the above dates the meeting will take place dur ing the biennial fruit fair, which ia to be held at Hood River during October Arrangements for the holding of the convention are now being made by the people of Hood River, and it is expect ed that a large delegation will be pres ent from Eastern Oregon. Teachers Scarce in Lane. Eugene The regular quarterly exam ination for teachers' certificates was held in this city last week by County Superintendent W. B. Dillard, aasieted by Professor M. H. Arnold, Professor I). C. Baughman and W. (. Martin. There were tl applicants for county certificate and several for state papers This is a smaller class than the aver age, and Superintendent Dillard think there will be a scarcity of teachers the county this fall. Several outlyin districts were unable to secure teachers for the spring term, and the outlook for the fall term seems even worse. CASHIER BACKED UOOKIES. Hering Represented Himself Wealthy Man Seeking "Suckert." Chicago, Aug. 17. Absolute proof that Henry llerlng, cashier of the wrecked Milwaukee Avenue State bank, was financial backer of a iHHikmaklng syndicate which laid odds on horse races, was brought to light late today, when Inspector Shippy found a clun k made payable to Harry M. Smith, who for years ran the Buffet at M South State street, and whose place was closed this spring, because of running a hand book, that handlMHik being none other than that run by the syndicate headed by Hering, but whose name never ap peared as connected w ith it until to day. Other men in the syndicate were Charles Francis, Thomas Howe, Walter, Harry Thorpe and Henry Troy. All theso men were interviewed by the Inspector and all admitted that they were connected with the hook, but denied that they knew I lei ing was con nected with any bank, and said that he represented that he was a wealthy man, and that he wanted to increase his wealth by separating a few suck ers from their loose change." BUYS ST. PAUL SYSTEM. Byerly Gets Good Job. New York, Aug. 20. Samuel Byer ly, the young clerk employed by the American Express company, who re cently gained noteriety by hia bid for $5,800,000 of the Panama canal bonds, haa become vice president of anew bond company, under the name of the Abram White Bond company. Mr. Byerly made about $25,000 by disposing of hia allotment of Panama bonds. After closing up the deal. Byerly Bailed for Europe, and ia now establishing branches and European connections for the new firm. Execute Naval Mutineers. St. Petersburg, Aug. 29. Seventeen of the sailoara of the cruiser Pamyat Azova, who mutinied August 2, and an agitator were executed at Reval today. Twelve other sailors were sentenced to hard labor for periods varying from six to ten years 13 were drafted to the die ciplinary battalions, 15 were condemned to various disciplinary penalties an 34 were acquitted. Three civilians impli cited in the'mutiny ere handed over to the civil authorities for trial. Functiona for Root All Off. Santiago de Chile, Aug. 20. One third of the city of Valparaiso was de stroyed and 500 lives were lost by the earthquake. Quillota, Vino del Mar and Limache are completely destroyed. The functions arranged for the enter tainment of Secretary of State Root will be abandoned on account of the uni versal mourning in Chile. Dynamite Makat Hay Grow. Pendleton J. B. McDill. superin tendent of the county poor farm, has harvested the second crop of alfalfa, and the yield will amount to about 180 tons. A portion of the land on this place was underlaid with a lim -stone crust about a foot beneath the surface, which detracted from the strength of the soil. Breaking up with dynamite was tried as an experiment upon some of the land, and bus proved successful. The limestone crust beneath the surface prevents the crops from taking deep root, or the soil from retaining moisture. State Aids Pendleton Fair. Pendleton President Leon Cohen, of the District Fair association, has re ceived word from Salem that the formal application for $1,500 appropriation had been favorably acted upon and the money was available. The fair is to be held here in September and $1,500 was appropriated by the legislature for cash prizes for educational, agricul tural, horticultural and stock exhibits. In addition $250 worth of printed matt ter for advertising purposes will be turned out by the state printing office. Coke for Takilma Smelter. Grants Pass The first load of coke for the Takilma smelter haa left here. Captain J. M. Mclntire, who haa the contract for hauling , etatea that he has been offered more teams than he can use, aa the teamsters would rather haul coke and matte than lumber. From now on until the rains put a stop to hauling the big freight teama will be kept buay taking coke to the smelter and returning with matte. It takea five days to make a round trip. Large Deal in Sheep. Pendleton One of the largest and moat important aheep deala that haa been conaumated in this locality for some time took place recently when A. Smythe & Sons, of Arlington, sold to 0. Oxman, the well known Chicago buyer, 18,000 head of mutton aheep at $3.50 a head, which is the maximum . . f 1 1 f A 1 price, rue amount invoiveu in me transaction ia $03,000. Smythe A Sons will winter over about 25,000 head the coming winter. Wants Cement Factory Site. Oregon City The Oregon City board of trade is in correspondence with a ce ment manufacturer of Kansas City, Mo., who ia looking for a location on the Coast with a view to establishing a plant. He represents that the plant will employ inoro than 250 men, with a monthly payroll of about $25,000. An effort will be made to secure the factory for this city. State Lotet $ 1,000,000. Salem That the state school fun would be $1,000,000 better off if th purchasers of school sections in tb Blue mountain forest reserve could be induced or compelled to relinquish their claims to the land, is the conclu sion reached by State Land Agent Os wald West, after a careful examination The land was bought from the state a $1.25 per acre. If the state now ha it, it could be used as base and would bring $7.50 per acre. Fortune in Five Yeart. Baker City The largest land deal made in Baker county in a quarter of century was closed a few daya ago when Earl F. Cranston told 720 acrea in Powder valley within ten miles of Btk- er City, to Brown, Phillips A Geddes owners of the Baker Packing company lor J5,UUU, reserving tnia year a crop estimated in value at $5,000. Five yeara ago tbia land was bought from tne government at $z an acre and waa a sage brush desert. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 6869c; blnestem, 7071c; valley, 7172c; red,6067c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $28; gray $25 per ton; new crop, $22 per ton. Barley Feed; $23 per ton; brew ing, $23.50; rolled, $2424 60. Rye $1.50 per cwt. Hay -Valley timothy, No. 1, $11 12.50 per ton; clover, $77.50; cheat, $6.50; grain hay, $7; alfalfa, $10. Fruits Apples, common, 5075c per box; lancy, ii.zd?z; apricots, $1. 2531.35; grapes, $1.7532 per crate; peaches, 75c$l; pears, $2; plums, fancy, 60375c per box; common, 603 76c; blackberries, 536c per pound; crab apples, 75c per box. Melons Cantaloupes, $2 3 3 per crate; watermelons, 1374lc per pound. Vegetables Beans, 537c; cabbage, 132c per pound; celery, 85c$l per dozen; corn, 15 320c per dozen; cu cumbers, 40360c per box; egg plant, lOo per pound; lettuce, head, 25c per dozen; onions, 10312)0 per dozen; peaa, 435c; bell peppers, 12)316c; radishes, 10316c per dozen; rhubarb, 232c per pound; spinach, 233c per pound; tomatoes, 6090c per box; parsley, 25c; squash, $1.25 per crate; turnips, 90c3$l per sack; carrota,$13 1.25 per sack; beets, $l.Zol.DU per sack. Oniona New, lic per pound. Potatoes Old Burbanka, nominal; new potatoes, Oregon, 75390c. Butter Fancy creamery, 2022c per pound. Egga Oregon ranch,' 21322c per dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 133 23c per pound; mixed chickens, 12)13c; springs, 14c; turkeys, live, 10322c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 20(3)22c; geese, live, 8310c; ducks, 11313c. Hops Oregon, 1905, nominal, 13c; olds, nominal, 10c; 1906 contracts, 16 317c per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 16 320c per pound, according to shrinkage-, valley, 20 3 22c, according to fine ness; mohair, choice, 2830o per pound. Veal Dressed, 68o per pound. Beef Dressed bulls, 3c per pound; cows, 435c; country steer", 6ic. Mutton Dressed fancy, 738c per pound; ordinary, 56c; lambs, fancy, 8(f8ic Pork Dressed, 78c per pound. Harriman Secures Railroad Coveted by James J. Hill. New York, Aug. 17. It can be au thoritatively stated that control of the Chicago, Milwaukee V St. Paul rail road has passed into the hands of K. II. Harriman, via the Southern Pacific Railroad company, which Is controlled by the Union Pacific Railroad com pany, the main Harriman concern. A rumor to the e flint that llHrriman sought to own the St. Paul property haa been heard on various Oceanians of late, but not until today could it be learned from a competent authority that there wae good foundation for the report. As a railroad deal this purchase of the St. Paul by I larriinau is more re markable than the coup by which he tecured the Illinois Central control nearly a year ago. Hurriman had for years been an important factor in the Illinois Central management, but until now he has never been mentioned in connection with St. Paul. The present deal is also interesting from the fact that in 1000 James J. Hill, Harriman's arch enemy in the railroad arena, made strenuous efforts to purchase the St. Paul, but was re fused control by the same Standard Oil interests which with willingness turi.ed the property over to Harriman. PEOPLE GROW CALLOUS. Eye Witness Describes Warsaw After Outbreak of Terrorists. London, Aug. 17. The Tribune's Warsaw correspondent telegraphs a de scription of the scenes witnessed by him after the disturbances Wednesday. "The hospital surgeons, fatigued by their labors, he says, "were unabl to attend to cases, and wounds regarded aa fatal were left to take their course "ine scents in the morgues were horrible. In one I counted 32 civilian bodies, all dirty and dressed as they fell. "The people have grown callous with too much death. I heard a young girl laugh heartily at the eight of woman whose brain-pan had been torn off by a bomb. "In one hospital I saw a youth who when bayoneted yesterday, feigned death. The soldiers trod over him and their heavy boots crushed his fingers to a pulp, but he successfully stood the ordeal. He was carried to the morgue. when it was discovered he was alive He is now progressing favorably. "Last night resulted in an orgie of blood in the Jewish quarter. The num ber of persona clubbed or bayoneted ex ceeds three hundred. "The morguee are crowded with dead. The bodies were arrayed in rowa, the clothes dirty with the filtn of the streets where they fell. No effort waa made to do more than pile the corpses in morgues, and very little haa been done towards indentifying them. Relatives and friends of those who lost their lives are fearful of brutal treatment at the hands of the authorities if they visit the morgues Oldest Fxed Date In History. Chicago, Aug. 17. Professor James II. Breadsted has announced in an article in the Biblical World that the oldest fixed date in history" is 4241 is. V. In ttiat year tne calendar was established, the year beginning on what would now be July 19. Conse quently the calendar sow in use waa 6,147 yeara oid last month. The pro fesror arrived at these conclusions dur ng hia long exploration trip in the Nile valley, when be compared the as tronomical data in the old and middle kingdoms of Egypt. Rebel Headquarters Broken Up. St. Petersburg, Aug. 15. The au thorities attach great importance to the capture of revolutionists at Moscow and vicinity. They believe they have brok en up the headquarters of the military fighting organization and arrested the eadera. In addition to seizing their laQdestine printing establishment arid large supply of bombs and explosives, ncluding S'timse powder, the author ities secured elaborate plana to be used n the event of an uprising. Se'zed at Prison Door, New York, Aug. 17. Charles C. Browne, the convicted silk ex- miner, who was ordered released from the state prison at Sing Sing Tuesday a writ c f habeas corpus, issued by udge Hough, of the United States Circuit court, was rearrested as he stepped from the prison today and ar raigned before Judge Hough, BIG CITV JN RUINS Earthquake at Valparaiso, Chile, Is Followed by lire. HUNDREDS CRUSHED TO DEATH Grtat Port and Surrounding Country Stricken Throngs of Homeless Craed by Calamity. New York, Aug. 18. The Herald to day prints the following: Valparaiso, Chill, Friday. Without the slightest tremor of warning an earthquake visited this city at H o'clock Inst night, bringing death to hundreds, of persons uud leaving many more imprison d in the ruins, many n( hIioiii wi'li' burned to death before aid could reach them, hire started im mediately alter the first shock and every branch of the city's service was paralysed. Panic and consternation In descril'ithle follow!, ami thus) who escaped death and injury became fren zied with fear and could render little assistance to the victims. The business section of the city is al mot entirely destroyed, ami tires are still raging. We are suffering here a repetition of the horrors of San Fran cisco. As night cornea on, the city is every where aglow with unobstructed tires, and clouds of choking smoke and vapor settle into the streets and houses, where throngs of homi less ones are wander ing about, craied by the awful calamity. It is almost impossible to ascertain how wide an area of country the visita tion has laid waste. Nothing has been heard from Santiago, the capital city of Chile, ami it is Inured that the fate of that city is as bad or worse than that of Valparaiso. Telegraphic communication is cut off in all directions, and every one here ia too much depressed by the calamity at home to seek information of other places. No trains have arrived or left here since toe tint shock came, as all of the railroad tunnels are tilled and miles of track on the surface are twist ed and rendened useless. It is only known from general accounts that derth tnd destruction are on all sides. There were two distinct and terrillic shocks, the second one following almost instantly after the first and completing the work of destruction. The day had been unusually calm ami pleasant. Many landnlides have occur re 1 around the city and scores of liven have been lost. At present it is impossible to state the number of dead in the entire city, but it is believed that there are several hundred, many of whom are still in the ruins. It haa laid waste the best part of the city, and ha doubt less put Chile back many years in the scale of civilization. NO UNION PACIFIC DIVIDEND. Hat Surplus of Over 825,000.000, Southern Pacific $19,000,000. New York, Aug. 18. At the conclu sion of a meeting of the executive com mittee of the Union Pacific railroad here today statementn was given that no announcement would be made re garding a dividend. The committee's estimate of the i ncome of the road for the year ending June 30 showed gross receipts from transportation $07,281, 642, increase $7,1)50,603 over 1005; expenses and taxes, $30, 1)03, 773, in crease $5,101,050: BiirrduB available for dividend, 2, 201,844, increase $(!,- 416,337. The balance after payment of dividends on the preferred stock was $25,210,812. The sum for expenses includes $2,206,611) for betterments, equipment and repairs. Ihe estimated income of the South ern Pacific company shows: (iross re ceipts from tranr-portation, $105,610,- 110, increase $7,478,631 ; expenses and taxes, $70,680,64!), increase $4,003,- 020; surplus, $21,660,712, increase $0,128,740. After payment of n divi dend of 7 per cent on the preferred stock, the balance was $18,700,833. The sum of $2,117,230 waa credited for betterment) and equipment. Santa Fe Buys Tie Farm. San Diego, Cal., Aug. 18. By a deal closed today the Santa Fe railroad be comes the owner of the famous San Dieguito ranch, Just north of the city. comprising 8,659 acrea of land. The price paid waa $100,000. The ranch ia to be used to raise eucalyptus trees for tiea for the future use the road. It is proposed to plant about 600 acrea each year, and aa the treea are quick growers it ia figured that in 20 yeara the road will be able to harvest six to eight ties to a tree and keep up the harvest there after continually. Frauds by Coffee Importers. New York, Aug. 18 Collector of Customs Stranahan conducted an exam ination today in relation to the com plaint by Scott Truxton, government agent of the Porto Rican , Commercial agency, that a firm here had made fraudulent declarations of a clearance of coffee, The declarations were made bv boy who, in manifesting several hun dred bags which contained coffee as 'choice red beans," omitted the word onee." Sulta't Thank Offering. Constantinople, Aug. 18. The sultan iaa o'dered the release of all the pris oners in the empire who have complet ed two-thirds of their sentences, as a mark of gratification for the recovery of hia health.