BOflEMffl T7X -fl T IS Devoted to the Mining, furthering and farming Interf sts of tin's Community. VOL. VIII COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, xqoG. NO. 31 BOHEMIA MIN ING NOTES And ( Alining New (ialhcrcd from lixchaiigcs. Monday night, Hiipios"'lly by tramps, wlio urctired f 100 and w re supposed to be on their way ninth ANNUAL (!. (. Winner was in town last M-k fut'n his r.iiins in Bohemia. I dm Cuiiin went ni Id camp I iy t i do vc. in" work on !im .Moiiltmi 1 laim. C nt 1 iK am al out to Ik.- Ic-t for 111.11111I11 0 1 improv im-i ts on the 1 IiikIm i r 1 1 U- i( ad. A I lnr.o 1 mid Martin Slna nre dmMi fiotn i!k- 1 1 i.i at 1i 1 mine in I'olirniia tlii-i wi(k, I. A. ..! e i aim- down to t iwn If ' 'Hi th 1 ( )n -gi,n Si i'ui iti'-s camp on I 1 iday on lunatic sh. I 1 ink hit for Hdieuiiu M'l'day, going to Inn idconda claim foi a camping 1 .nt . I laid 'in I ivif;' cii ia down Iroin l!i" 'i su v a "ii l'nd iy, and ma !e a !i .1 1 1 l hip to I'm I land re t 11 urn to cam p v 'stt-i day . Mo is 11101 c m ti' 1 ln-tt-r ore nil opening m, t,he tini" Win J . 1 a 1 1 t and his brother I'll hdwauls hit Monday morning fir JI. .Ik-iui In ic Will do Home work on ln-i cliiini (in- peekalo, w hiK' Ids 1 1 t-t !ic-r tikes some shots .'it diMT a:.d hear. 'l'lu- I J' lien, i:i umil did not reach the ramp n Monday as the stage lntd to have on time and the train w as n) late t!i:it li e stride had to leave without the mail. This is twice already this month this lias happened. There ought to he soni" leninly for it. Ninlil Man al tho I'oM OfllcB Time is a night man at the post ollico now, so thut mail put in the I ostollii c half an licnr before any train will e on that truin. Thin wall nave taking Into letters to the hotels to he mailed. 1 he extra man was made necessary by the locul beginning to carry mail. Hllk Cronk The many friends of Icy Whetdor ar j thankful mi l pl-ael to hco him ubie to bi out ug nn We understand that the pii-e in now laid to supply the k liool with water. We thir.k this h l.oo thing. Miss Amy Owens returned home Irom Indian Creek liiday. we learn iijii tic sui Wat'-r for the sawmill Ins tad'dro business can not be pushed ur.i'h at prtHcnt. l'rescott Wheeler aniv homo from Coos county last Friday iiiht. Mr. and Mr. A. II. Sweaney ent'rtuined company Sit'irday night and Sunday morning. Miss Winnie Dresser an I broth' r Shirley wore in our m i-h m hoo 1 Satu iday. II. W. 15 dn- ck and wilo visited at David h;st'n Wednesday, ia!!m "ii Mr. and Mrs. Stephen' Harris in the afternoon airs. lompkins of Heihtn made a tri) to in day. I. U Flliott is liberal with hlackberties as ntvi ral ot Iiih n boiH can testify. Miss A'icc Whoeler was n t ! i c ! ( 8 ck list Sunday. I Mm U' K' UM.....1. i t 1,a (' M. F. Hube.ock culled a while at lv. j A. Wheeh r's Tuenday alsu at A. D. ; Owens. REPORT Oregon Securities Company Officials Make Following Statement of Their Min ing Business. ''- t New York, August ist, 1906. supply of 'To Till' HTi C'K MOI.DFKS: The annual iiU'i ti n if of tho Stock holders of the Oregon Securities Company was held at Uoom 510. Ch imin r of Commerce I'uildin, F'Ttland, Orcm, on July oth 1 '(. A lar'e majority of the 11!' tr.ndiny .tock wan represented. 'JI11 following gentlemen were 1 Ict'd ns Directors for the ensuing yen. Jf.liii W. Wheeler, Gustavo 15. II!i;'n, (korgf French, Froilerick J'., geit, Albert Hawkins, A. 13. W.-od, C.eorge W. Crosby, Ussinn 1". Fax ton, Iferbett Ii. Smith. After receiving and approving the reports of the Treasurer and the Manager (which oro herewith danilt' d ). and a ceueral discus- j ioii I iv the stockholders, the mcet- j i" j, ai!jo;irn( d. j The new Hoard of Directors then j went ii to session, an elected the I following named officers for the hn Fat-a.t. ha la o: iven sectirel i , (m l aplicatioTiS 1 j.riteiits on the bal- by the end of this ' Maincd govi-rn-r all the unpatented I Hen w od town Sat Ms veyor on tin' ' are p 'id in ance. W" sen son t o !' tuent ' ' claim . Th'j eh ( ti ; rated ai operah :., Tho pe. . r not ftuf.--: ' d tion. stamp mid power , o,l ensure, il.c .1 11 ine n; watci when 1 ci p; jrc Diiiii: the tarn;- " ation, iiv! a vail amount of ore was n. .!!.. i diairi.: May and June, but owj-w t,, ;! ! of t'ower, tho mill was 'l - .- l 'I i'.vii during low wat'T, air! rvjjular ojier-'itions wero rcs:n.:cd eai 1 v in c'-- 'her. Daii:i.' lis-, pa-t l.iii'j months, I2,- il 1 to;i- oi oro have 1 j ower plant lo- :' a has been inconstant 'i gool service. 1 1 an iiaiM-iou lino has .-is. .v serious interrup i'iv: ir.'-talled at the r.n auxiliary steam '!' : t capacity to r.tinu- 11 -i otieration of a or, t'i" 1 criod of ''w 1-. !t"iv ior : .. e 1. i-pring of r.iO.3, the i i rci 'iied for oper- MORE L0 CAL NEWS And General News Gathered in a Rush for Our Readers ti ll '! w'ni'.'h :hcii milled, ie net re- to nmounting di . 1 yiem turns .'rom the Mint 7!,1",,.-,0, an average of pert.m, f . hk-h muM be added the vahio of the concentrates saved during tids po'iod, which we hope to s!:ip to the faneiter this season. Nor.-: Tl.- auiouut rA free mil ling ! r-'irnings is given in the Firm the i Chas. B. Duttou was in town the ! first of the week on business. Ii. O. Brady of Creswc'd va-: in town Tuesday looking for hop pickers. Jas. Cosgrove of Alca was in town Mouday but went back in the afternoon. Ernest Purvance left for (JrauH Pass on Tuesday and will go through the mining districts down there. Winters Wallace has returned from his camping trip on Mosby creek, and is now in his new posi tion as clerk at II. Venske. Morris McKibben of McKihhen Bros, sawmill attended the meeting of the Oregon and Washington Lumbermens' Association in Port land last week. The livery stables around U wn are having their hands full to Uke care of their trade. They have ai!i')'i.;t President; !ofT.:"'r'-l C.J. Howard and fninil.v of tage drove took a ride out Sunday evening . Cot hei 0 Help Wnnted-Feiorklo. A solicitor aud demonstrator of high clnss hardware novelty, pat ented, household mcensity, salary $2.50 per day. No selling required. Address Mfg. Co., Cottage drove, Or., care of Cottage Clrovo Leader. year: I'lin U Wlieeler fir" W (yritK.)w ict vlfp.r,rt-i:i. I 1' l,J a 1.- t. - i ..: htp.l v. iiollv uii on deut; (lusiave B. Ilengen, Secre t try an I treasurer; C. B. Osgood, as-istant secretary and assistant! treasurer; A. B. Wood, manager; J. A. Fide, Superintendent; Ossian 1 in the early summer .. 1 . r a : i .. .i :, iai Statement as WQ.jl, Va'n fi 11 !..T'.n :ue i' presenting the I tbey cnn hiL i. r. jones, iraveung pas-ener agent for the S. P. Co., who owns a farm about seven miles north of Salem, has befn spending his vaca tion running a threshing outfit. He a i.ucu uusie., uiu u u aw Cham ioQ builJia in his hair and chaff in his pockets, TTm and looks like the real thing Sa . i . i F. I'axton. counsel: Tames 11. nur. 1 amoi.-.uca io i, net, eounsel. Kxecutive Com-I0 . ..'it. T I 11? 1111-1 II. IS uiiuer. jonu u. v ueeier, iier- jbert V,. Smith, Gustave Ii.IIc-t.gcn. j chairman. The tril iowin rr rpnnrla wliicli .' ".in nro.,tr.'l .1 ttia Jf ,tnl Iml.lai' ! Ufting jll" Ml 'ding the Tramps Kol Vonctvlla Ilutchor Shot Marshall I'liderwood got a tele phono mi-ssago Tuesday morning that J"hn Mover's butcher shop at Yoncal'u was robbed Hornet ime The ladies ot the I.. O. T. M . held a grand picnic at the I rove n Tuesday, and the men joined in with them. C. M. Miller has sold a pardnor ship ia his jtore toj. C. Corbett, ami they" will put in a stock of hardware, and generally enlarge their stock. Mr. Corbett has con sidernblo property holdings in the Grove, but has not been n resident Meeting, aro herewith lor your consideration: submitted MANAGKR'S KKI'ORT. To T1I1C BoAKPor IURKCTORS, Oke- C.on Six i UITIKS Co.Ml'ANY, ( i i:.N I I.K.MtN: As manager of the mines of your company, I beg to submit n report of conditions and operations at the the mines, up to the end of tho fiscal year, June 30th. 190G." Surveys for pateuting have been completed, showing that your corn- May, l'.'ui'., the mill oper- froni the Cham pion vein, on the Champion and Broa 1 vi v 1 im-;. Daring May, we lx'gm deliv-'riii!" ore from the Mu sick mine to tho mill, and tho out put from the Musick for June I tons. e will continue milling Musick ore until nov. full blockades the opera1. ion of : the tk-ctuc lailrcad wiiuer munth-. pletion of the main irk. ith the Ciiam- pion, we will ir-ly upon our supply from tiie Chauijiion and Broadway claims. In this connection, it is appropri ate to txpliin that duriug the fall of 1905, a s n arc tram road, 6,000 feet in length, was constructed, connecting -No. t! Level of the Mu sick with No. t Level of the Cham pion. This tram has a maximum one per cent grade, and is operated by an electric locomotive, which hauls the ore Irom the Musick to the Champion, where it is deliv- whilo in tho Musick there have been driven feet of drift on vein, and no feet ot upraise. Owing to a large demand throughout the country, labor is scarce and uncertain, but we hope to maiutairi a sufficient force for regular operations. Under the able charge of J. A. Kade, superinten dent at the rn'mes, the conditions at the properties are highly satisfac tory. The present cost of produc tion, covering mining, transporta tion and milling, does not exceed f .l ptr ton. Progress is being made in the way of bringing the property up to a satisfactory stan ard of production, and the manage ment will continue to put forth ev ery effort to increase the output, reducing th! cost wherever possible Yours very respectfully. A. B. Wood, Manager. RKlOKroF T II K TREASURER GEN RAT, 15 A I.AN' K SHEET AND FINA.V- nr. bT.VTEmi-N'T, 33'nr, loaj'i, OREGON SECURITIES COM l'ANV OF OREGON. ASSETS. MININ-i Pl:01'U.TY AND EQUIPMENT: Helena, Musick, Champion, Broad wav and Bonita mices $5,076,219.52 Power plar.t and power line 43,091.45 Clampion wagon road 20.GyO.O4 Tramways... 33,778.80 Mine and mill ma chinery 14,5i7.G9 Sawmill plants 4,79249 Dam and llume io,577.52 Mill and mice con struction lem Journal. 1 1 earns ' Warehouse , men is ... Assay Telephone lino lmprove- office.... 22499.2G 3,479.25 1,149.50 700.02 440, i7 00 1- - r,,1 fl, ..,,11 1,,. I 1 rilUUUI.O llliU ictci uuu scui LUU lUill I '1 li.U 1 Luring the uouuie-wacK incline tram, wuicu , 4c,,71 fi0 has been in operatiou lor some ! r ., , - . n'j.-o-' . 1 i: urniture and fixtures r. 72i.73 . i rime. ub i r np in i . ip c:iv. . . . t lUUTiti euu- 7- 7 " erea bj snow snea, cm be operated throughout the year. Development has not vet reached a point permitting a regular output of ore to supply the r.iiximuri capacity of the mill, whh has not run at over half its capa it 7, on an average, during this period. Mu.h, ' Accounts reeei able. Cash on hand 20.00:. 14 G,G7G.01 $0,261,724.37 Prolit and loss bal. 53,670.09 $0,310,394.96 LIABILITIES. however, has been acco. -bed. ered to tl hute extending be- 1'iinv owns 56 claims, comurisinir here for ome time past, but has 77.15 acres, as determined by the .'tween the (th and Hh levels, and is now como back to live. i surveys of tho deputy mineral sur- taken from this chute on the Uth i Capital stock. The upraise connecting 9.h aud ' , o,,i; " Gth levels of the Champ, m vas m,t Accrued iotcrest completed until the first of ust 0 j Accounts payable (in. ober. During the past year, there dudi ba,aQCe be? finf C:il'"l''ou count purchase mine 1,888 feet of drift on ve.n. and ; BroaJw9v Iine). I07 . feet of upraise or connection i v mil ;Mf . . .5,5,000,000.00 300,000.00 5,0i6.01 5,634.52 tunnel, besides considerable surfaec work aud miuor exploratio: s. crued, payable July (.Continued to last page.) m 1 w m m SI. r-ayii: Whatps tKe use of $10 for a Bjnch of Hot Air 9 o You arc asked to pay the extra ten "because a certain name is sewed under the coat collar. But not at this store. We have no interest in assisting egotistical clothing makers to make you believe they are the only fellows in the world who make good clothing. You know this is not so. There are many makers who produce "good" clothing and we buy our stuff from several of them we only ask you to pay wdiat the goods costs us, with a small, safe margin added. WEJLCM W -. 1-1..- (EX v'ir- iv , v-.v,- iv , Vr,(lV