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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1906)
T Eldridge Sewing Machine Free I I SETING MACHINE. ROLLER BEARING. r VA To the most worthy lady of Cottage Grove and vicinity, the Nugget will give a fine five drawer Sewing Ma chine. Who the lady is will be deter mined by vote of Nugget subscribers. Bohemia Nugget Coupon for Eldridge Sewing Machine To be awarded the most worthy lady of Cottage Grove and vicinity. One vote for This coupon must he Contestants.; Mrs. Linnie Violette 000 Miss Ida F. Barrett C jO Miss Daisy Thomas 1C01 Miss Jessie Berg 1925 Lodge Directory. A. F. & A. M. Cottage drove I.ode No. 5r. Meetings 1st anl -hd W'eilneHilayH of eaoh month. L. F. Wook-y, V. M. J. B. Lurch, Secy. G. A. R. AjjpotuaUx l'ost No. 34. Meets at 1 p. u. on tlie 2nd anil 1th Saturday of each month. Dr. D. I,. Woods, Tost Com. G. W. McKynolds, Adjutant w. o. w. Bohemia Cump No. 2!0. Meets each Friday evening. F. C. CofTman, CouhuI Com. Cbs. ViinDenhurg, Clerk. O. E. S. Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4. Meetings held on 2nd and 4th Fri day of each month. Mrs. C. II. Burkholdcr. W. M. V. S. Bennett, W. P. Miss Celin Lurch, Secy. K. of P. Juvenilis Lodge No. 48. Meets every Wednesday night. L. W. Baker, Chancellur Com. Chas. VanDenhur, K. of ll. V S. I. O. O. F. Cottage flrovo No.IH. Meetings every SaturJay night. S. S. Shortridge, N. O. Gus D. GroH, Secy. HICH CHADS. voted before Aug. 1 5. Royal Neighbors. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday ol each month. Fthel Bishy, Oracle. Mrs. C. W. Wallace, liecorder. M. W. of A. Meetings i-t and 2rd Tuesday. Lei toy Woods, Consul. C. W. Wallace, Secy. Rebekahs Cott'tgi- Grove No. 21. MeetiugH iKt. .hd and 5th Friday ol each month. F.ttu linker, N. (J. Katie J5. Veatch, Secy. MBA Modern IJrotherhood of America MeetH 2nl and 4th TueKd-iy ut I. O. O. F. Hall. T. W. Ji.nkins.vSec. ; W.O.W. I St. Valenline Circle P21. ! Meets i Bt and 3rd Tuesday in W. O. W. Hall. Flora J. Miller, Clerk. L. O. T. M. Lady Lamson Hive No. 12. MeetH 2nd ami 4th Friday of each month. Mrs. Mary Schmutz, L. 0 Miss LetaSanford, K. K. K. O. T. M. Cascade No. (10. Meets every Thursday night. O. II. Veatch, Com. K. K, I3eoniH, Cooter, "Ntlott Irrigation Congress" Huisp, Mnlio. Sept. Hnl, 1c Nth, i;x. l'oi ibi: lilxivr occusion rati of $l!.5 for touiut trip will bo in.ido. Sale tlatcu Sept. 1st and tul, I.'imts: Continuous passage, Koinj,. tinnl teturu. limit ;io days from date ot nle, with stopover privileges returning. Children: One-half of nliove rates. J. M. Isiiam, Agent. O. I' Taxtou, one of the promiucnt lVrtlnnil lawyers, dud this week alter an illness of ncveral weeks. Florence is going to huv a luuul tire engine nud 500 feet of hose and experts to keep I heir oily well pio teetcd Itotn fire. I Senator CLitk ot Montana lets L'one to l'ui" e to met t Hryim. 1 The li van 1 .ilk keeps up mil 1 1 exist seems to ho getting little 'b-liiii.l. I. Kyle biounht to the Nugget ollii e on Tuedn v k mi' line speei mens of Yellow Transparent upples from his three eu old tie h The apoles semi to he perfect and ate very large and fiuf, and are hu ex 'eedingly line early apple. Reduced Summer Excursion Rates (.)n und alter June 1, l'.'ud, the Southern Pacific, in connection with the Corvaliis & 1istein rail oad, will have u sale round tiip ticket" IHmu puiuts on their lines tn Nep"it, Viupiina and Detioil ntj'l"' I'nhli. Ian very low lates, ickiI for letiun mil A"-"l ''1S;':;1 . til Octola r 10, 9U(. Tlne'-tlay ticket- to New pur; ind Yatp'ina, good mng Sanr ilays and 'eturniug Mtndas, ,ue ah-o on sale from all Hast Side points, Portland t' I'ugrne, inchi sive, and from nil West Side joints, enabling people tt. visit their fa mi -lien and spend Sundav at the sea side. Seai-on tickets from all Last Side 0011 ts, I'oitland to Lunelle, inclu sive, and f ii mi all West Side points, are alo mi sale to Detroit at very low Mites w iih stopover privileges at Mill city or any pant east, en abling tourists to visit tlie Saiitiam ami Hsitenbiish Hot Springs in the Cascade niut)tains, wliieh can be rcached in one day. Season tickets will be good for return from all joiots until ()ctb 1 to. 'Ihree-day tickets will be good going Saturdays and r turning Mondays only. Tickets from Port land and vicinity will l good for return via the IJast or West Side ut option of pissenger. Tickets from Kugeue and vicinity will be good going via the I,i.-hauou-Sp: iii;'fn ld btainh if ihhired. Baguagi' on Newport tickets checked through t V.i.twitl - hi. ' n i m i 11 1 lietftrt tti . . quiua ouiy. nuimay i:m-uii"iii Newport on the C. tV K. will begin June roth or nth and run ever Sunday thereafter leaving Albany , , " ... u , at 1:30 a.m.; leajc Lorvallis S a. m. S. P. trains connect with the C & V.. at Albany and Corvaliis for Vaipiinaand Newjiort Trainn on he C it L for Detroit will leave Albany ut 7..'lo u. in. enabling tour ists to, the Hot Springs to reach there the Name day. Trains fioin and to CorvalliH connect with all Last Side trains- on the S. P. Full information hh to rates, time tables etc., can ! obtained on applie.ition to J. Mayo, () n Pasa. Ags., C. cc It. K. it , All-.ii.y A. L. Craig, (i P. A., S. I . Co Portland, or any S P. or '. l agent. Hates from Cottage drove t( Newport $), to Vaiiina i. NOTICE I'Olt IM15LKJATION l)ei,irt meiit of tlie interior. Land Otlice ;it. Losr-huri;, Oregon, J uly i'l h, I'Jiit;. Notiee is hereby ulveii that tlie ful lovviliii'-nained Kelt lei- Ii.ih lileii notiei of his intention to liaiKe linal proof in Hitiiiioitof hi- claim nnd that sai proof will lie inadt: before Kelsler und Receiver. I'. S. Land Ofliee, at Koseljiir, (Jregon, on Sejtteinher fitli litiM, vl: LLMHIt IJOCJLITTLI':. II j: No I lUSli, for tha SWA SW', mid lotw 2 and II of See "4, Tl' L'O S, K 2 W Ilo riameH the fallow ing wU11eHH.cs to prove liih continuous resilience upon and eiiltivalion of said land vi: .JiiHper I'attou ol ( ottniie (irove. (in t'on, l. Ji. Kiiln lei, of ('ottaii Irove Orctcoii, I'eir.v aiisehnhicl;, or Lot - tage tirovc; (Jrejion, Prank J'aley, of I'lirenu, tiregon. Itenjamln L. bilo y. Iteg'lHter. NOTICK I'Olt JM IUdLATIOV. It pal tmeiit of the Interior, Laud Olliee at ItoHuburg, Oregon, July, anion. Notice Ih hereby given iliat tho fol lowing mimetl Hcttlcr Iiuh filed notice of his intention to iiuikn final proof in Hiipport of hid claim, and that naid proof will be made beforo W. W. (!al- klriH, II. S. t'nin'r at bin olliee at Ku geue, Oregon, on September L'nth, I'.ioii, vl.: ii: KltOLL II V. No. 107!):t. for- tlie St; 1-1. and S iSW,'or Sec '.'H, Tl'liOH, JU W. lie naincK tho following wKne.SHCH to prove IiIh continuous resldenee up on und cultivation of Haul land, vi : Samuel 11. McKernan of Lor 11 ne, Ore., Leroy M. Woodruff, of Lorane, Oreg-oii, John Hunt, of Loriiue, Ore gon, Samuel (1. Lock wood, of bora lie, Oregon. JiKNJAMIN L. Kiinv. JCeglHter Ti.Mi!i:i: i,m aci m i'ici: im; I IT I.l .lr I'll N . I ' 11 1 1 I si.-n,.-. ,.n ,i 1 hIut. I liOKrlmiv. le., M ; 1 "s. I ' ' 1 1 N nt Ice Is liri im ' j'i ir II in cm I 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 ' ' With t III i t i hat His i l I lie .'lit ( of ( 'oiijjichs i if .1 itiif I i'-,s, ("ililli'l, tin "An .li t iiir 1 Lr ;i l' u! 1 inilu 1 lantlx In tln state-- i C.1I.1. 1 iiu Or.' goll, e atla and 1 1 1 : 1 1 .It I m I I , lory," ;im extended iii .ill Hu- I n i i, l.niiil st Or- I v .n i 1 i iiv'iimi 1 1 .1 ( 'si A 1 ; s 1 11 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ( of Cut tap. lll'ini1, t . 1 1 1 1 ni I., in.' stiit" 1 1 r li 1 11 1 . 11 1 nf iii.'-.i.n ha tills ila tiled ill thlsolhi hi-. MWi.ini statement Nti. t.s i:'. I n' l lie i.iii'eln e .r the SV i, NV I I. W I 1 m 1 1 1 of Si etmii N11. :'! Iii l'i 11 1 N ... "I J mi m t It , lami No tvist ,-m.i nili.i j le I 1 1 l'i 11 1 f I 1 s 1 1 . . w t 1 1 : 1 I I 1 1 e I ; 1 1 . I . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 is 111. ire ,1 hi. 1 1 lr 1 1 1 1 lis I I in 1 11 r . ! ; s . nc 1 1 1.1 11 l'i .- .1 1 . ii 1 1 in 1 ', 1 " i 1 j m - e . .111.1 (.1 I'm : 1 i Mil 1 1 ' s 1 ; 1 im I. ill i I 1 1. I 1 lieli'le V. W . I .ilhii.'., I . S. 1 1 111. 1 . i-inli.T. at his ..111 e .it I 1 '. 1 . . 1 he ei hi. in I 'ri.l.iy . t he '' I1 h l.i ; . fllst. I'tilil. I 1 1' li :i 11 n :i - 1 1 1 k" m m : -It it Shell.. 11. Aml.f. e I .n l.i I ( ai-lile. 1 hi .- 1 .ill II ll ill t 1 it I. me lit. i ", I ,'i lie I . h e 11 V .'I II. I all , i.'I's. ill- 1 1 . 1 im I ; ; .1 Vl IM l. t III" il In i e . le i'l I ' 1. . I i . I I : . I Ili lie.- It'll (1 1 15 le' i'I i" III I ! 1 .thee t ill 1 1 1" I iff. I'e ' 1 i h . ' , 1 v A Ujoi-I , I'Miil : 'i 11 I.I N.I M I I . I ' I . 1 M . I li . i ! 1 I IIMI'.l.i: l.M 1 11 1 1 .'i: 11 1:1. n ni . I llilf i SI, lit s I ,,, ., I l , e I ii ) -r I'll I I H e . , 1 v '.', 1 11 1. N . 1 ( ill' is llilil. yi 11 ll ill ni i'.. 111 ii.lliee with the ,ir( ,,f I 1 1 i e - , nl .1 line I "7 elili'lell an', -ni I'. t lie sale 1 1 f t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 - 111 lie Sf 1 1 . s . ,1 ( '.ill l'i ii hia , lie.'i in . N . s a. l.i .in I Wii h i 11 U 1 1 Mi lei 1 M 1 i , " ,1 e ifie e, 1 1 . a : I SI lie l ... ,H i 1 : 1 1 : 1: i.i I .1 I'l-tli" He II nil. I V ..I I ..I l.i S I ,,te .1.1 lell llui V '' .! 1 1 1 :.' 1 . 1 1 . has llii .1 n I I 1 1 I III I hi - I . ! I i ' ' I ' Ills . ,1' -t , e lllflll Nil. I.S.',",. the pint ll.l-e ..f I h. N'.j sW1,. loi:. ;;. I i. s. el urn N.i ::i in l'ti v 1 1 s i 1 1 1 1 .u. 'J' siiulh. K.iii.',. . west an I will ..Hfi u....i .. , i,(. that the l.illd mhiuIiI is n,,,i, .i i.,! . for itn I iinliei e- -1 1 1 in 1 h ,n I'. a iii cultural iii'.iises ami t" h I i elaim t.i saiil laml lnfuieW . . ( '.i Kins, I S. ( 'i niiiiiis-ii m,.' r, il I iii'i iie. (l'fi,'iili. oil l-'rhlay the :'!lii ia m A iiurn -t . I'.ioi.. lie i, antes a, , ii n, .s-. Ilelll ('..llllis I I i - 1 1. I- ( I. .1. i,i Witte. .Ii.-hil.'l i: il-e .i I ,.i . i i . bane I ' i. , lie:'. .11 An a I e I a 1 1 j -ei suns el. liming ail ei'-el y the al. e.. ilesil'ilieil la llil.s ;il'e ei . I lull, t heir .1,1 Mil- III I Ii i- i .III.'. , ,, , ,,- I., . ,, , sahl l'IMi il.iv ni Auiiiist, I .;. I I .N .1 M I I , I , . timi;i;k land, aci .mm .: i- N(rii i: i ni: i-i hi.k a i io I'liltetJ Slates Laiel I . . Kii-elml';, ( lie., May i '.. Nittiee is herelv uivfii in m- ili.ine' w ith the .iows.;im nt tin- n,'t of Ciiiiii ss nf .lime ;:. eiiiiiii-i "An aet I'm- the sale ni tan!., r I hi.!- in tin Stale of alii, aiiia . Iliv; , Ne V.-nla. .' 1 1 1 1 1 VS'a-hili.'li hi 'I'ei i i l.n v ." a eMemleil to all I h. I'lil.he .an I Slates hv .. . i . i I I i MAKV.I Will INLY. of Jlllie ('."Hlly i.t l.ll.e. l.lle ..1 'It riiiorv I . f lif"uii. has ll.i-. ,ia Mile I III this t.tliet In r .. h -l.ileinf , ( . m.s 1 1 . I. .r I he ..,i,h.,e .,, 1 l-isv 1 1 ,,1 s, , i.,n ,, 1 iM 'l n -! N". u'u .-.'. I W, .u,.i I'1""' '" l-f"-i soilht is lie .11 v.ih.a I .Ii- f.,i ii-, t trill-, i H,)(. ,,,., ,,. , ,,. , ,. ioes, and to her e,ii;n . ; said laml liefure W. W. '.ilk in-, I'. (,'onillii-sioliel', at hi i i.ll'ief ul Lii".i i.e, 011 Tuesihn , I he ' t dav . , : August. l'M)i. She 1 1, 1 11 1 cm as i I ni" si ) : tlo.sepli J. Whitney, i.l I 1 i 1 1 . (lie Ion; prank II. Whitney, .,' Lvin.-. Oregon' .lis-e p. Il.illirools.tif .llllie, Ori.gon ; William II. Whitney, ni J line, ( re't ill. Any and ail pis.i.s 1 -1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . u ad V'ei -i iy t he iiliiue di-i i il.f.l laml.- :,n riiiesle. to lilelheir t l.iinis in this 1 ili'ji-e an ut heli iff -a id ' I -1 dav ,,'.n eil-t, I'.HIIi. -I .i" I'.i.n.iamis L. I ll 1 1 , l: "v 1 l.r IIMI'.LK LA Nil, All J I'M: II. I7s NOili'L MM: I'l ' I LIL'.TI .N . I'llitid Stales Land Oll'iee, UoHi hiiiv, Ore., June Isfh, I'.mh;. Notic"' Ih herehy "iveii that m cmu- pliaili'e Vtltll the p uv isiuhs ul the net of ('on'M-Hpi of Jiiiie .. s7s, euiill.'d All net for the sale i.f limln-r Iniids in t lie Stales of ( hi 1 i :' j iii ia , Oregiiii", .'Ne vada, ami W.ishln;'l 011 l'i 1 1 itniy." -," extended to all tin- piiMie Land siaii-j liv act of August I, Jsiij, In ATP (I. LAWL'LM P, of I loijuiaui, County ol ( helialis, Slate (or J'criituiy) nf Wasliington, Ills this day liled in this "llice her M W01 II stateinellt No. (i'l 1 1 , lu' he pur chase ..rthi! np 1 1, sw i i. si: i i, NW l-l, S 1-' NP 1-1 01 Section N'a. h, iu Townsliiji No. 'Ji) S, limine No. W, and will oiler proof to hIiovv thai the laud hi. light in more valuahle for its t i niher i.r st one than fur agricultural 1 iiriiiiscH, and to c-lnhlish lu r claim to -a. d land l.cloie W. W. CnlUiii-s I'. S. I 1 1 111 1 11 its-it ,111 -j-, at his oll'iee at Pugene, ( )i . goll, 011 WciIiicmIh v, the L'lit h ihij' of st ptlnbcr, UK;. She names as w ilue.-e.-' ; Itiihy P. ('rain, (JHi-ar L. ( rain, of Ah erdeeii, WaHliinitoii, Joseph II. Whit ney, of Ji ving, Oregon, uiiam II. Whitney, of .Tune, 'k oii. Any and all pcihuiih claiming ad vei'Hely the abov c-iIchci Ihed lands are reijllCHtad t O file Ihelt claililK in this lice on oi' heforc' naid L'Ulli dav of Sep tember, IIKMI. Pti:.AMiN L. lOnnv, Ihglster. 'I'JMI'.Plt LAM), A(rr JI NIM, s7s NOl'ICi; I'OJi I'L'IILK'A'I'ION. L'uited Stalen Land Olliee, KoHcbllrg, Ole., June JKlh, I'.IOn. Notiee Im liereby given that in com pliance with U10 prov i.slon.s of the aet of OoiigicsH of June.'!, IS7S, en titled "Aii act for I li sale of 1 1 1 1 1 1 it - r llimh in the SlntcH of i 'til i I. .fl 1 1, 1 , Ore- gon, Nevada and Washington I'eirl- lory, as extended to all Ihe I'lihlie Laud States liy net of August I, IMi, KUIJV U. CHAIN, of Aberdeen, County ol Chuhulia, 1 The Compartment Observation Cars ol I he Oriental All..... tl nwi it J -' I j Ihe privacy of your homa Tli ccomforts of a cm.) T'lic luxury of a first class hotel. L'.ii:v li!"-cen St IMul Mmncplis, ict Somul nnd In.crmL- dune t'ottus vi. 1 m: (MEAT I illlill 1 1 1 . 1. 1 t I , , ,'l f '. . U;:knl. sails ASHION J. mm Livery Feed & Sale Polts A: Powell, Prop. i t! t I . I I . I i ;,, .. .'ii 1 1 1 1 1 e Nh. I ' t w ni '.n. r pro..! I-. -Iihvv that 'i .'i;. iii is ii, me . 1 1 u. 1 1 dt I'.ir ', 1 1, ll I.I I I III I I ,1 j 'I l' th.lli li.r ;i ii ill s.--. .ilnl 1. i est l i ,!i her . Miin ..el I in. I l.i l.iie . . Cai- i . 'i . I . S . I '. fn lui ' i, iliel , ;. I 1 1 is olliee al I iie.flie, lM', oil 'eiesiil , lie - ''. I, .la v i .1 Si iteniher. lfinC, She i : iiin.M as i 1 nevsen: i i in .1. I w i :(. K ate ( '. Law H'l.l e nf i,!l,lllla, Wllshilllit im ; ,1,.:. .h 11. U hile. . ,,f living, On I'i.i. William II Whitm , nf .lime, iMv .1,. II 1 II., .... I'll, lit. ,1 , . i.f'e.! I., 111 . l'i- HI, '.! I.' I i. "ah. i . i : I :: I I'.i s.i m i si iim la lining ad . . h si i i I it-. I laminate 'Mifii- i laliiH in t hln -a i'l "'It I, il l v i if Sei I . I hi.', . lie ri l. r: MI! I I. I N- i ! h i l oi; M I U NI. l s7 I I 1 . 1 .1 1 ' I ION I. ne I llhet , I: ... Sell- . 1 . I I I : . 1 1 1 1 e w I ! I '..I,.'!, - ..I . ii'! I'm I I, e -. -I. '. - ..I I ;m. 'i 1 !,,i II,. M ix I '11 ni ll m n 1 1, 1 1 in ei ,111 i ., Ih,- ;,-. , f I '.'-. Hi, tie, I "All I.l ! ' I I inl.ei hind- ill Ihe 'hi .1 ii-. 1, I in ,;.,n, .N', '-.--ii I t 1 1 .Im v, ' an e I Ih' I'l. h he L ll.d St. ilf- hv I i. IS'l'J I. 'II I. l I ' il.'l III II W II I I 1 ( hi MIN, a II , I ' Ill ll I V .ll I "I li.ll.l, ' 1 .1 e ul 1 I '-'.I. hi- ll I . d.lV liled III (las, . .1 11 1 it 1 1 -1 1 1 Nn. i;,' im ". I il"- I . ..I' St 1 li, 111 .Nn. alri.'ii N'.t. II I.'.li, N.i. 'J -h ih 1 I I I" -In. 'A thai the 1. 'hi ; 1 , .dual, le Im il- 1 1 111- I . a.. ll. mi h a a .'1 ii'u ll 111 a I pu i nd I'. ' 1 .1 1 -I : - h hi - el. 11111 hi said ''I'' ! I.'' lav I - I "I .1 ad Ih'I'CI mi ul '"' ' ' ' 'I ' .'ll. 'Ill Dili. .Ml, I l,ll, II I' I 1,1 ell'"'.' '.'... I,.. . i'lii;. lie 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 'I I,. .ma llei in in I. I a'.'e I i 1 1 1 e 1 I.e :'i;t li d.u 1.1 vi'pii nihfi , a - w it in- 1 -I'dew. li.-.,. W. I i . .'. II. ( 'l ll I lie. Ab'lpieen. HI . ol ( 'ul - A 11 y and all pi-i.-mis i la i m i n. a . e. sely I he a I nn e-de.-ci 1 1 iei I lands lire ie,Ue- e.l Iw hie Iheil claim i in this n lice mi 01 I .elm e ia id 'Ji'.lh dav of Sep Ifiiiher I'l'Hi. 'Jli-I I.l M IMI N I , I 1,1, k , lieyii-ter. A COOD NIGHT'S RES! mmmm 'R,fik for ll I" fV-r,ii-,lt,l,.,.,.jri l'l '-I" 1. l:. W ill . " lil I,- , ; , , ( , Tli ,1 1,, 11,1. .11 Svoi., I...HI. '.-, trranur I.dhI.1 In ;illli an, I nii, CJThi; jHi .it. .,! ionic on taitli is a jmoil liijdit's j, .1. J'. ;l. iii;.l,., and Ihe't. 1 rihle exiiaielion t,f hai l in); coiiidi an (head d.111,.1 (,f tlie .i.or coii'.uni il i e CJIiiit w hy I '.is h n- of . nieht win n a few .Ids. sol lir. I'.dsi -lice's C.CT 1111111 Svrm williiiMiie i lieshiiif.; hlci i, cut 1 1 cly 1 1 i iroiii cou;1i or nie.hl swialr 1 ice v T.ecloi alioii iu the nioiniin. is made ccr tain hy tnh in;; Cci niaii Svriiji. lWe kno-.v 1,3- the cxja rii net- of ovci thn ty I. ve yeais that one 7; cent hottlc ol C.ciinaii Syrii) ill siccihlv relieve n nac the ui.i'ti ouidis, colds, hioiicliinl 01 liinj' la. 1. '.I. -. and that, even ill I .ml ''"' s oi . .ne ':mili.,n, one laiee hottle oi (1' in, an Syni. v. ill isork ,a tj'l wo bi.cs, JjC und 75c. All iliuKists. J 11 Liinited I Villi RAILWAY . Illtf .. . ."I'll' ' H ... I1 ' e-'Ule It.r ll-i- U'x C-ct. I'U STABLES! Oregon i i a-hiiitoii. C,e M rit:-iiiiiei v drof tuCot i h. i -worn iate I , 4 ( ; , , , v,. I,.,.,v m,,. rin'iil t,, I le .11 1 Ii.'l f i .1 ! he , , , , , , , , : s, . linn ,i : I ,l'"11 H"' 1 1 'ii ' It' l l nit lisil-, i em i I il ".V I i.l I I i I . I, le iMlallsn, wllu I has in.ivcd hu ni;ii v into t lie iiew i'l,,.!. iim,,,,,, ,t,.. r;, ....j - 1..,.,, nn. v llj Meat Mai Let. Nonp iriel. .1. S. Meilley . .1. 1 . JuhllHOII Al alley S' so , A 1 1 1 irin-yM a t la vv Ofif Snilf.t Itinh (. Sice!al iitter.lhm lvu to Mlnlnjf a ii. I ( oi'n ii at Inn I .a vv . I J. E. YOUNG Jlttnnivtj-at-Law . --- oilli't. 1. 11 n. siriri. ,-. selo CoTTALK ,(;iai i-, ()i.;. MIMNfi AM) OKI: TKIiATAIfNT J I'esh'Mn- nlM 11 ,11 1 rm t ii ,11 ,,f lir,, 'ducllon woiKh 1 gmiral maeliln- -r V I' hints , inei hallieal ilr,ifini.. '- I' ii;o 1:, M: P. McKay building. I'oi Hand, ( );r. H. C. MADSEN, Watcilmakkk. Uf Hiring i Masi.inil,,. i tmrvv. All uiiik K'niniult-i it , st ,.M W'.,-!..i ,.i ,,, ,,yllu,lml,K, J(f( ( ' )Ti'A i E il:oVK, Olil- ('l)TTA(ii; lUUlIU All tin: laicNttri'iitiiii-iits. Electrical I'UIX ami MEDICATED IIATIIS 6 Ordinary Cases $12 per Week. . - - Ki.r tin Hut iai ti( iii,i,.H ailtlress I lr. II. CJ. S(;,i:i;', f If, , ARHIVAL AMD Dtl'ARIURE OF S. P, TRAINS NO...,, oN H,,,',,, Hoe,, No. Ill N.'i.;:;.:;.::i:i;S 0. S. li II. II. CO. Tlmo Tdhlc No, 4 lit t itKo effect April "l, l!)n.r. I'a'Hl :tllll, ..' ,..,,, . w , "ml hilt ..My " "'"-H" N"' N"' i.'l'liai.lHy. No 2 -No 4 I' M I A..M I M 1 KIlim.NH I Klv I A m I t. hM li::mi7;:iu Ci,iia;i, (irnvo. . 2 -Mi V:h'.,T:t,!,i I, I :.''!!. 7 I,'.) il,:i :t:iil Hilll 7.7 :H;H:M H.:i : : 1 7 , H : J V y ,', (i ICO vi-: y- llospitalaiid HriuiD I 0 I..I9 m i:U 4:H9 i:M 4 : IK 4:1a " im 4:00 Wlll'lllll Ciiirin fin. liiini,,.,, .linker . Inn. -nn . llml Uimic, I Oiuvi-I Ch. . , Sli'Wiill .Slur . llui ky I'nliii. . Ileil HrnlKo.. .' -, .11 iiiiI'm ;i : . in :'.; Hi 1, .:ia K::i..,ll ;i ilMh H; iH u il :M :, 1;, ,, a :.'..i 'J.l.i 11,. ii .... ... .17.11 h K111I of 1 rai'k rilllljimt to mmiiK wittH.ut liotlVio! " Jul the 1.7 1 1 11: HI till IIIM'i Va7 lll:4 t'ii iii::ui Hi7 Hli.'lil Ml lil::io "i'l W-.J.t W'l lllr'.ll III I 10:111 IM7 0:48 Hill :.5 IH'O ll:Hft HUH U:!iU IWII i.i ,, , m on ; wi" ,tt"rr 11,0 ft"'vi of '"-' H01..1.1 1 1. , r'-i'. , V;,''my, ml .'..vs. i.iu,-,,::,:;;, v"1' ' A. li. WOOD, Muuutfor