Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 15, 1906, Image 5

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The Bazaar
Fine Summer Shirts,
Tie, Overalls,
Jumpers, Gloves ami
Soeks for men nud hoys
Lace and Cauzo lloso for ladies
at 25, 35 and 50 cents.
('In re Mllll'l wVhert, pul'k Mini
I.I'IIIIM III I'll 1 im , ( ' 1 1 1 1 t 1 beef,
rlih'Ki'll p'lte, Vi'iil luiif, Hii f 1 1 IH-M
(. ....
Kodaks. Photo Supplies. Edison
and Columbia Graphophones
and Records
The Bazaar, j
Collage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
.'llnl I ll'liv I'l cilltrt.
M'Mii'V lu I :i 11 mi iijiirivi'l "eeurity
!! xi-Ii.i np'H "ii, iiviul.iMt- : 1 1 v
n-e 1 11 t ,c I ' 111 In! M nli'H
hems of Interest in and about
Cottage drove and vicinity.
Cn. a. a. a. a a a a a a a a a a. a a a a a a a a n ft a n v a b b b r r tbtt aajulojlb.julojuuiaj
Hubseril.? for t!i! Nii(cl.
tho best cigars in
It. Hayes
1 1 K K II II II I I I k 1 ,
I 'r ii I 1 " 11 1
U t
('likr Q
Conger makes
A homo htiiri'l is the kind fur you
to smoke C. 1. i);iirH.
W. A. I If'iiHii wny linn b-trgairi
counters fui! of bargains.
Tho roof of the Cah grocery
building hits been coveted with a
coa'ing of tar.
W. A. 1 IcillMl WHY'S ll'ijn wist of
bridge in Kukin V Jiristow's bid.,
Wall and Water Sts.
Cnnip furniture, stools and cols,
everything to make rump 1 1 f oni-
frr I a 11 'it Watch A I,i w soil's
Hammocks ol nil kinds at Watch
V Larson's. Let o"r foKH at
home keep cool in the h inimoc kH,
Watch iv Liiwson have
line of goeaits of th'i
latrst shies at reiiM.iialle
Ld l iiiturtv has ncecpted tip-
position f niht biiggago master at
tho H. 1'. depot, Clyde Nul.cs hav
ing resigned '.o uci-fj t a position
with the Wells h'areo (.'. in ', ,r.
and .
l'oii't ho led way from home for
your hop picking. I'riceHare the
5'iiuo throughout the county de
spite other statements. Th.e best
advantages and comforts for vour
hop picking can he hud right at
home in ei'od I'h'an vrds.
'flic P.ioAi! I.iimhfi Co. lias or-
h rcd a l.ui tli donkey engine arid
lopt-s before long to have enough
amps and donkey engines to keep
the mill t'oing steadily. Another
camp has In en established clou to
vn which will In- used as a re-
c've, the lo-H their being hauled ' me
a a 1 .1 I.I.
in 10 iue lauioau uii 1 ' am.1-
Ivvcryhody goes to K
Anna P.hodjr left for a visit with
f 1 iendH on Monday.
Kuk'cne: Steam Laundry, Allison
and IlastiiiH agents.
I'.ohemia cigars aro just the thine
and don t you for get it
40 barn laundry soap for 1 1. 00 at
Yv. A. Hemeti way's store.
Sewing machine coupons recx-iv-oil
on suhHcriptions wliea you pay
Freo samples (f Chase fc Ban
horn'H Tea or Coffee at Mctcalf t
Ask for a free sample of Chase A
Sanborn's Tea or Coffee at Metculf
.t lirund's.
Homo industry is all right when
1 ..v . . i
best and " u ' you waur. ai me
t, rices I r'H''t I 'rice, such as Congers' cigars.
l'atronie a home industry that is
building up a good trade by its
go : material. Tho Conger Cigar
'I'lm Pacific Homestead is a good
wi ckly furnnnir unner. and rau be
- i L ' at a reduced ratj with Nugget
subset iptions.
l or an expert piano tuner and re
pairer, call up Iv. I j. Woods, late- of
Kimball's l'iano Factory. Chicago,
on phone 393.
( hickeii fanciers get a l'oultry
Journal, and keep posted. The
N'oi th west Poultry Journal and the
'ii.'g.-t for I.70.
Uev. lioss wife left for a tisit
with Portland friends Monday, and
will thence return to the Los An
geles home, where Mr. Ross will
it .1 1
1 lie Harvest s un
Bindinp; Twine.
Machine Supplies.
General Hardware and
Camping Supplies.
l'asn Examln iv-
It h
) OOOOOOCK0000000000000000(
v. 11. Aim i, 11. 1 .rin 11, t w. a.
II 1,1 I VO, (Mill. Ili: K I.KY,
c. id imh mm;.
Paid Capital $15,000.00.
W. 11. Abrm.
B. Lurch
C. Ron KIM
A. It. KrUo
Ca.hi.r C.ihl.r
We solicit 1 In- ih'countH of cur-
i 1 1 o t i 11 -4, liinn and ludlvM-ii.-iI.-4,
and will he pleaded ti meet
with those who contemplate
lleW aeci milts.
We pay I per cent on time de
posit utter August 1, l'"'t. Wf
will he moved to our perma
nent home 011 or iihoiit that
000000000000000000000000 i
KILLthe cough
and CURE the LUNGS
Or. fCisig's
New Discotrery
50c & $1.00
Free Trial.
Surest and Uuickeat Uioe for all
Buy on Grot! it f
this $60 Machine for $25
It L hlen rin, arop
lmi, bull bfurlDR. lixk
ntlli'h. ilouhlo feed, vtV
tlirrailing Htnitll.: bll
nitmnailo bobbin winder
kinl othrr latent lmprov
inrnt.. Till. 1 the ANTI
'IKl'HT UACUlNli. It U
tho unit machine afenti
are aikliif tou10 lor. All
atta(-hinentnROlth eaeh
macliliie. Hold lor only
1, n..l and 13 nioathlr.
Prepaid) on Eaty rymenli-ir new CilDil piau.
Govurtz rurnituro Company
I73-J73 l lr.tSt.. POKTI.AND. OK.
"How to keep olT pcrlodly attacks
of hllloiiHiiess and linhltual constipa
tion was a mystery that Dr. King's
New Ufc Pills solved for mo," writes
John N. Pleasant, of Magnolia, lad.
Tho only pills that are guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction to every
hoily or money refunded. Only "5c at
Jtenson's Drug Store.
Malor llamiii, editor and manager
11,.. (i.iikiI 11 hi Imiiil st. I'.mlneuce,
' -- , ,
Ky when he was tlercciy aiiacKiai,
four years iiko, hy Piles, nought a
box of lhicklen's Arnica, of
which he says: "It cured mo 11 ten
days and no trouble nince.' (lulckest
liealor of Hums. Mores, Huts and
Wounds. :'5o Rt Deneon'8 l'huiuiwi-y,
The hop pii-kers throughout the
valley tire getting n-ady for the
hop picking .ason which will coui
meuce about Stpt 1 st. There are
good, clean grounds at home, w htro
sTtral hundred pickers will he tin
ploytd. The nrdsaro gond, clean
and well cared for, with good camp
ing facilities, plenty of fresh water,
etc. close at hand.
II. W. l'Yceze, who has been iu
the jewelry buHinehs in this citv for
the past two years, kit Wednesday
morning for Hoston where ho will
take a couiHe in optomery and 111
gnving. Mr. l'rccze in an excell
ent woikman "and succeeded in
building up a fill bubiness here.
He will probably return to tho
coast with a year. Hrownsville
The Kuterprise Lumber Co.
owned by Messrs. Hardin" and
Hohl is doing good woik. A flume
is ubout to he constructed from the
mill to the hiding on tho railroad so
as to deliver tho lumber much
cuuily. The mill pond covers three
acres, nnd tne logs come into the
pond from a long chute. W. T.
Kavser is chief timekeeper and
bookkeeper, and states that the mill
is maKiug good money.
C. P. Jones was a visitor in
town Monday from tho end of tho
O. & S. K. and says that the con
struction work ingoing ahead fairly
well, but is delayed hv the short
age of men, but he hopes to have
lh lino extendd to the site of the
new sawmill within tho set Co days.
Considerable blasting is being done.
Mr. Jones family and the Kakiu
family ore camping out and Mr.
Jones says littlo Miss Jones bikes
to camping ajl right.
A lot of poople aro wondering
why more clerks aro not employed
by the government 111 the II. S
Land offico at Roseburg, and an ef-
foittuade to "catchup" with the
land busiuess that has bocn accu
mulating for the "last two years and
which appears to bo still a yeaa or
so behind. Tho long delay is
causing no end of inconvenience to
many settlors and timber claimants
who mado their filings a year or
more ago, but havo not yet been
permitted to make proof. Drain
Chas. rroehstcl, instructor of
metallurgy in the Corvallis Agri
cultural Collego, arrived in town
Tuesday night, about f, having
ridden from Corvallis hiuco S the
sa'Jue morning on his bicycle, which
he disposed of when ho reached
here. After spending the night he
took the train to Merlin, Ore.,
vdiore he is to inspect a picco of
mining proporty. Mr. rroehstol is
highly ploused over tho class of
boys, which ho took to the miues
last June for their senior trip to in
vestigate actual mining practices.
AU of the miners now havo good
positions. Several of them are in
the Dohemia mines, one is 111
Sumpter, as head assayer to a large
plant, and everywhere they are
making for themselves. This year
the class will not be quite so large,
but gives proiuiso "I god work.
Tbe hop yards around Creswell
are now oookiug their pickers for
the reason. I hey will pay the reg
ular price which will be $1 per 100
pound. 1'ickera should send in
their names.
Rev. I). 12. Olsen is once more
ministering to hia flock in the
(Jrovo, after holding protracted
meetings iu Grays Harbor, Wash.,
where there were CO additions to
tho church in five weeks.
J. JJ. Lddy gave the editor this
week tho finest sample of a "Golden
Sun" rose that we have seen. The
bush this rose came from has been
moved several times this season,
yt't after the hard freeze, has pro
duced some splendid roses. This
coloring of rose is the one that is
the rage among the milliners in the
east for hat trimming thii season,
Several big parties left Tuesday
morning for Winchester Bay and
will drive from here to Scottsburg,
whero they will take the eteamerto
Winch eBtea Bay, and then scatter
along the coast camping. One
party was composed of the Hawkins
family aud guests, C. F. Coffman,
another of W. S. Bennett and fam
ily and Tom Wheeler and family.
Mrs. W. M. Dickey brought fo
the Nugget oflice on Monday a fine
sample ot this year's shoot from a
ml nisbcrry bush, which was
loaded with about a dozen great
bunches of berries." It ia not often
that a fresh shoot bears the same
year, and that too that it does so
this late in the yfar. The berries
aro great large ones, and Mrs.
Dickey is anxious to see if the eame
shoots will bear their second or
usual bearing year, and will keep a
record of them.
County S'd.f,ol Supt. Dillard and
the County Lx.iminiug Board have
finish'.d gra-lin;.' the papers for tho
recent examination for county and
city school, and report the passing
of Kixty-four teachers, 14 fitet
grade, 2o i-ccond and i!t third.
The following is the list of persons
securing -c rl locates from near Cot
tag Orove. Creswell has a list of
six, two more than Cottage Grove,
and L'.igcne has '-'o out of tho total
nu-T o kadm.
Mary R Bennett, Creswell.
Minnie Spong, Cottage Grove.
Wm. Jones, Cottage Grove.
Wilfred K. Green, Creswell.
Mearle K. Scott, Creswell.
Myrtle Purvance, Cottage Grove.
Francis Dugan, Dorena.
T I i I K I r.KAl'K.
Neva Perkins, Cottage Grove.
Mildred Pringle, Creswell.
Geniveve Thompson, Creswell.
Mary Whitney, Creswell.
"Oregon Stcxt Fair"
Salem, Ore.. Sept. ioth to
iuc. iDoO,
For the above occasion rate of
$3.8o to the Fair Grounds and re
turn will be made.
Limit: Continuous trip in each
direction. Final return limit Sept.
10'th. Dates of sale: Sept. 9th to
rsth inc. Children; One-half
above rate.
J. M. Isham, Attent.
Mayor Tom Johnson of Cleveland
was at one time a street railway line
magnate, so when he became Mayor
hdkuewjust how to handle the
courts when attackiug the car com
panies, His recent violation of a
court order, for which he was ad-
judged in contempt of court was of
naught, and the Mayor has been
victorious at every point;
Of troubles that robbed E. II.
'olfe, of Boar (Jrove, la., of all use
fulness came "when ho beirun taking
Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two
years ago klilnoy trouble caused mo
great sulferlng -which 1 would never
havo survived had I not taken Elec
tric 1111 tors. They also cured mo of
ironeral debility." Suro cure for all
stomach; liver, and kiduey complaints
blood diseases, headache, dizziness
and weaknos or bodily decline.
Price 50 cents. Guaranteed by Ben
son's 1'hurinacy,
Subscribe for the Nugget.
Irrigation In the West
The men who are pushing irri
gation into the arid regions of the
great west, are benefiting more of
the populace of this country direct
ly and indirectly than any other
body of men who ore interestee in
public work.
More irrigation means many
more productive homes for individ
ual farmers, and homes that, once
occupied will rot be deserted, as
crops and prosperity are insured to
tho farmer, who has the water sup
ply under his control.
Irrigation means more traffic lor
-he railroads, more aud better food
for the people who live where food
is scarce nnd high, it develops
those regions of the country that
most need developing; it relieves
congestion in the older agricultural
regions by affording new and at
tractive fields for the progressive
young men. it is a wort tuat
should be moro appreciated and en
couraged. New York Sun.
Roy Wheeler Lies at Point of Death
From urusnea ikuii.
Roy Wheeler, nn iS year old son
of Iv. A. Wheeler of Loratie, lies
at his father's home iu a comatose
condition, as a result of a limb of a
tree, which ho was falling, breaking
loose and falling upon his head and
right 6ide, Wednesday afternoon.
lie was sawing down the tree
when a heavy limb fell which struck
his skull, cutting a great gash a
little to the right of the center of
forehead, back to almost tho base of
the skull, and dented it badly, it
also tore open the shoulder, and
drove a tooth of tho saw deep into
the right arm just below the elbow.
His cry brought help quickly and
he was carried to his father's home,
where Dr. Sehleef treated him, and
dressed his wounds. He lies in a
comatoso condition out watens
enough to recognize his people
when they shout to him.
His condition is very serious, his
pulse siuking to 50 ot times aud his
heart being very weak. His spit
ting blood and it bursting from his
head would indicate internal in
juries, from which it is very doubt
ful if he recovers.
The sympathy of the community
is with his peoole and they are ren
dering every assistance possible.
Coast Fork Timber Co. Name of New
Company to Build Mill Here.
Cottage 'Grove is ' beginning to
find it dithcult to keep track of all
the mills that are running and are
beiner opened up near here, but ac
cents the difficult counting, and
- -1 -
sitrhs for more.
Tho latest addition is that ol the
Coast Fork Timber Co. composed
of A. L. Woodurd and M. II An
derson of Cottage Grove, and O. L.
Carlile of Bot-ebui g Messrs ood
ard and Carlile are practical log
p-ers. Mr. Anderson will tend to
mmmmimi shoe I
For a hoy or a t;lrl to wenr the-
tvefasfer Scboo
I n-r2 "in
1 ,
11 rni
worry and
It h.zx.5 style
and charac
ter and in
worth more
than it costs.
CXt 'if 11 , r
Also a fine line of Ladies' and
Gents Shoes -
Ladies Pine Shoes J1..7) to
&!.. 'rents J in- Shoe
2.u:, to f-,.o'i.
All cizes to fit all sorts of feet
cip? The
jf Bohemia nugget
All the News I
j fill the lime
Neat Job Work of
I All KMs Dope
WW treat you Rlgbt
f 4 V Jv' TilwiamMffliiEBafci
in S Veatch
Hardware, Stoves, Plumbing
goods, Miners' Loggers' and mill
supplies, Wagons, Buggies, Agri
cultural Implements, Sporting
goods, (luns, Ammunition, Hercu
les powder, Caps, Fuse, Etc.
! 000 foot of logs, and is considered
Hirt dpnnrtment and the
eral olVico, while T. H. Gallund of ; one r the naest natural mm sues
Portland, a thorough and success- in t ho wiuameue vauey, as ids
ful milliuan will have, charge of tho j logs oau be floated dowti the Coast
plant. I orli r'vQr, and right into the com
pany puuu. .
The foundations are being -prepared
for the mill, and the work
The plant will be an entirely now-
one, of tho best machinery, with' a
tr.r-v hnrA nower steam engine, with
livo rolls,, and complete equipment ! will bo rushed to completion, and
for handling about 30.000 lett ol j expects to ue in operanou wiuiu
roii"U lilliioer I'er nay. ! v,u w"j
present tiuie 110 drier or planer will
be Installed.
The mill will bo located 011 Pa
cific Timber Co. land about a milo
from Cottage Grove, whero the old
grist mill was located and where
the Pacific Timber Co. machine
shop is now. At this point thero is
a mill pond which will hold 1,000,-
I'ts addittou to the number 01
mills encircling Cottage Grove will
be greatly appreciated. Cottage
Grove's piy roll is growing daily,
and tho ton is goiug right ahead.
Every new enterprise ia royally
welcomed, and the citizens all feel
that Cottage Grove is "the" town
of the valley.