Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 15, 1906, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Iuiabcrlng and Forming Interests of this Community.
NO. 30
And General Mining Now
(lathered from lixcliangcs.
Mix ; M.ig.'jio 1 1 r ' 1 1 I went un to
I!o!i.Mni:i the Hint of tin- wek to
Hp'Mi I tin- Hiimnifr with her futli-.-r,
who M 'it work iii liis Sweepstake
litjh lVli'iMiu nul J. S 'ukv
went up into the hills thin week
to do tin ustrsmnent wotk on the
Col 1 St;ir Croup c i l.iiiin Hitnntrd
on th f ist nid- of l-'nii vimv iiiotin
I'lotence, Idaho 1 h ntij' iug a
milling liootn. That omt at one
tin)': wns bunou tm n prer deposit
inn! ii'iw a tii'h vein lm lound
in 11 lnlj.;e tb:it iuf:' :dutig the
iiiouutaiii lur !i0 o let, in which
fjpo gold uhoiinds. Tin- otc is ho
W11 d c otnpohed tlmt It can lc
washed out in a n i, without crush
ing through a mutter.
Mr. A. 1 Churchill, of Cult;lge
(love, who his licen engaged in
the it iheini.i 1 1 - t i i -l lor m.-v.t il
yen-; find "'vih sotm- valiri'ilc
tl.iimiu disttitt. i in Rone-
burg tins week making in range
nieiits I n u ttip in Curry county to
investigate a grotipnl copper claim
owned lv Rose-Inn purlieu. Mr.
Cliurcli 11 is an experienced miner
and in very favorably impressed
with tin wimple r ore taken from
those elaiiiH. lie experts to upend
a month's I into in thoroughly Iuvoh
tig'Uiui,' the piopejty and will tiikc
three or four men aloii to do tho
nccestry work to determine the
extent of the ledge. .Vows.
of Alaska miners, wh'se name i arc .
withheld, for .;oo,ooo on a three'
years' bond. I'epn-i nitut ivs have1
examined the mines and nn- nt is- '
lied with the prosper!,. They1
Imvo a nyslein for having the gold j
lucking bi foie an I will in tin; lull;
begin aetive opeialii ie. tunning tlio (
twenty .stamp null and ;iMing jfiyj,- i
ooo r f ','uo w ith ol iirii liiiiery. I
It means a good de d to th" S"ii-j
tiam district. One of the m n li ft
hint night (or S i:i 1 ' t i m : .'( i. A 1 '
bany Dctnoi rnt.
A Rli Strlk lo llio North Kalrvlcw
Herbert I.cigh, nceretriry and
general manager of thi North I'air
view Minim' Co. operating in the
Bohemia District Saturday revived
from the company's mine a number
of samples taken out. of tho district,
a n'W stnke h viig'jmt hem in id".
No iiNhay of the ie hasas i t bi en
made. Mr. I ,ti j.-li . who is a gr:idulc
MHsuyor, estimates that it will run
between '2." and f, 50 to the ton.
He went to I'ottiand Sunday, tak
ing the ore with him, nnd will ex
hibit it to mining men there.
Monday (lu. ud.
the spring flowers of four inontliH
I :.. il . ..-ii . . 11 ! 1
Ho 111 ine vaiiey are oiooming neru
now, the wild currnnts and blue
belli urn! there are rhododendrons,
oceans of them, cresting these
ridges and mountain Hides as foam
fpruy docs the ocean waves. That
sunset last evening wan tho grand
est ever. 1 Inv-j often watched ths
great Kin' of J)ay, f-hrooded in a
Hood of golden ruist, dip down iDto
the wav'.H of the Atlantic or the
Pacific and then appear aain aH if
loath to yield his supremacy, but
. lit
.. ,i:..;.i,i .fir.nru 1,. wne eyes nave never oeneiaa
ft mil west ol & a u U1 " w"c"
. i l'..!..t .,...: 1 -... a .
rtn willi Inn ui dujjiuh nrfar iu uuu un
Harvey LcJoy Puts Cocked
Revolver in Pocket, and
Bullet Enters Le.
Sunday morning Harvey Lejoy,
Joy, who lites about
Wslkwr Station, was
i unele Torn Johnson, when they saw
, a 'digger squirrel" in a prune tree
: on the Van Simons place and the
uncle nhot at it with a 22 rifle he
tho landu of the Vesuvius mine,
they witn's.rd tho sutlirno disap
pearance of his celestial majesty.
Unknown leagues away, with no
less than thirteen ranges of nioun-
tic i-'irruiniT tliA tinv wnn rarrv
ing an old st'vle $1 revolver in xis billow in their srten and dark
front pants pocket, abd drew it out ' b U? r.rc? s abov? t,IC Hh3'leH
and rocked it expecting to get a
whot at the Bouirrel, but his uncle
j killed it, aud the boy in his excite
ment put tho cocked pistol in his
' nants Docket, and started off. Ue-'
, tore lie had taken three steps the
! pUtol went off and the bullet en
tered his right leg on the inside
cIohc to the hip, ranged downwards
and lodged under the bone back of
' iho kuee, where it was located and
Off l or hi Hunt.
Kx. Muvor Hob Veateh headed a
1 : ' . : r 1 :..
I i..t... v '.,.1. lemoved by Dr. Kime assisted by
niiun IITIIII il'i'i IUIIII .ll'n, -'i. ,, ,, I. . J T1 f
Murkley, Imis 'iiove, (Ico At
Drs. Hockett and B;st Monday
I morning.
The bullet was very hard to ex
tract, but the wound is not at all
finds Gold Mine In Cellar-
The Vesuvius (lold Mining Co.
has anew find. Iint week whil
couple ol men wero at work dig
ging out a cellar under tho board
ing house they found some big
hunks of quart, full of free gold.
Just how valuable tho oro is has
not been determined, but it pans
free g'ld.
It is not every day that a young
initio is found in a cellar, even in
.Saotlivm Mine SolU for $200,000.
W. 15. Lawler, in the city an
nounced the sale of tho niinos of
th Lnwler Oohl Mining Co.,
cloven line claims at Auideni, iu
the Santiani dit-ttief, to a nyndicato
the boy will soon be around
Thus again it the moral of care
lctiH handling of firearms exempli
kiiison, Iv S Hohl'inian aii'!
h'lank '. het , ho st a : I ! '
day mottling for tlu- hi 1 1 -. A team
ill take a wagon hud 0!' tents,
and trappingM ;m far nu Mineral
where the luid will be divid"d be
tween fo'M pn'k holies and the
tiLjht men. and Irom that point to r ,
. 1 1 1 . . hed.
U1C ll'pp,' niiiilinj; ;ioviihis mi'i .
on the Steamboat river the teuts j . ' 1
Hnd proviHi(ns w ill all be paokod Hop Pickers Wanted
over, a distance of about 25 or 301 Hop picking will commence at
miles. At one point a narrow j j; l Hayes hopyard on; mile east
ledge only a few feet wide and kov- : Gf Creswell on or about September
rral hundred ynnls long, t!io divid-! lbt. Good camping grounds,
Price of
The walls- o this I clean vard. nice larsre hoos. vard of
perpendiculatlv on;about filty-three acres. Send in
aul Mayor Mtcli I .ntmlication at once. General Store
lungerous. yarti selling at Creswell prices.
of their intervening canons ho sinks
slowly, steadily, majestically, with
his robeH of gold that die away into
purplp, aud ho is gone! and an
other day with iU opportunities and
all its possibilities has gone with
But all theso beauties of earth
and sky and air would be of little
interest to tho average man of
sense were it not that he could turn
from them to the more substantial
ones to be found beneath the ribs of
these mountains. Why is it that
Nature has deposited her richest
treasures among the mountain
dangerous, and if no complications l9PsJ 1 do not know
which do not seem likely, f"c i"aJ3 . -"jnaj.
those varieties are to be found
ing line between the waters of the j plenty wood, good water.
Willamette and tho Cmpipia. murt , picking $1 .per loo pounds.
1 . . 1 'iM -11.. ,1 1 ' . . . ' .
lie traverse!
ledge sink
either hand,
says that in the
spot on the long hard trail, but tlio
magnificent hunting ami unhing;
far more than pays. Deer aro thiek ;
aud bigger game is not hard to 1
find. The mayor's party expect to i
bring back some uno trophies
R. A. Brady.
The families of Hoy Welch and
Lawyer Johnson are camped out up
at the end of the O. & S. K. line
and are having a royal good time.
Tho men folks go up Saturdays for
A Trip lo BehtmU
A bright July morning none
fairer o'eu dawned, or followed a
wunset that onco seen could never
be forgotten the air so clear and
the sky so bright that we seem to
be way up uuder the domo of
heaven when iu reality we are only
a mile above the level ot the fertile
plains we left yesterday! We have
come fifteen miles away and one
over Sunday
Call on Oriflin & Veateh Co. and ! mile up, or is it the other way, one
oxamine their line of sporting good, j mile away and fifteen miles up, and
right among thefie summits. The
Riverside, for instance, is not far
away and shows a rich variety of 1
the finest ores. F hen there is the
Vesuvius, the surpassing richnesa
of some of its ores I am not at lib
eitv to Kate. Nor would 1 be be
lieved if I were to tell the nlain un
varnished truth about them. The
Champion and the Music are yield
ing larg; quantities of good ore
anil the Uregon-Loiorado, wuen its
reduction plant in installed is ready
to do the same. The Bohemia dis-
drict undoubtedly has a great
future and nov only awaits further
developments in the way of access
and handling the ores which it is
bound to yield iu large quantities.
It can 6afely bo said of the whole
region that it is only yet begun to
be prospected.
Dr. J. N. Goltra of N. Y.
Fred Jones Cut off Three Toes
With Ax.
Fred Jones, a youDg logger work
ing for the Chambers Lumber Co.
at Dorena, Lad a bad accident
about ten o'clock Tuesdar morning.
He was going up the log chute and
stopped to cut a young maple out
of the way, but hia ax caught in
another tree and descending struck
his right foot completely severing
the Lig toe, and the two toes next
to it, and badly cutting the fourth.
Ue was immediately brought
down to Dorena, and just caught
the train which hurried him to town
where Drs. Job and Oglesby dressed
the foot. Bewing the toes back in
place. A large artery was severed,
and while a couple of tourniquets
were applied the blood was still
spurting vigorously when the train
arrived. The doctors' hope to
save all the toes, but the injury is a
bad one. Tones cut his knee badly
ast summer with an ax and haa
several 6titches taken in it, also in
jured his eye, which bad to be
sewed up, but his latest accident
wa3 much worse tUan the others.
C. II. Uurkholder is making a
number of improvements in his
store, iu widening the aisle, and
making new shelves for his line of
the famous "l'eters" shoes, which
he has just put in.
Hunters Were Too Anxious
Harry Hays, Jas. Hall, Jno Yo-
kum, Wm. Miller, T. H. Kirk, were
each fined $23 for killing deer out
of season. Claude Clark was also
fined for the Bame offense, and
Chaffee Haines was fined $15 like
wise, escaping the $20 by the Jus
tice's error.
Athur Miner fined $ 15 for killing
grouse, John Grills for killing sea
gulls $5. and B. T. Ayres China
pheasants out of season $25. Aj
Chinaman for selling fish without a
license $50. H. T. Wilson and
Anderson & Co. for throwing saw
duet in stream, each $50, and Thos.
Stitt $25 for chasing deer with degs.
Three cases were all that escaped
without fines. j
west and north portions of th state
became very smoky. The rains
were not heaTy enough te extin
guish tho fires, but they cleared the
atmosphere of smoke and made it
harder for the fires to spread. The
mornings in tho coast counties, as a
rule, were either cloudy or toggy,
and the afternoons were clear.
Elsewhere up to the beginning of
rahs fair weather prevailed, with
unusually high temperatures. Fri
day and Saturday were very warm
days, and in the interior of the state
the maximum temperature ranged
between ninety and one hundred
degrees. The prevailing winds
were northwesterly.
Focirnf Liquor De&lers to Leotve Odd
Odd Fellows in every part of the
United States, but especially in
New Jersey, are deeply interested
in the crusade which has been be
gun by Wesley B. Stout, grand
master of the grand lodge of New
Jersey, againss all saloon-keepers,
bartenders and gamblers who are
members of the order.
The grand master has started in
to drive all such members out of
craft. This means, if carried out,
the expulsion of about 3,5oo men
in New Jersey. Stout is acting
under the law passed by the sov
ereign lodge of Odd Fellows in
1805, but which has never hereto
fore been enforced.
Kach lodge is given until August
2o to notify all saloon-keepers, bar
tenders and gamblers to abandon
such pursuits. The failure of the
men to quit such business will be
followed by their dismissal from,
the lodge. Many saloon-keepers
ara threatening suit against tho
lodge if they are expelled.
The saloon element in the New
Jersey Oddfellows has been growing-so
rapidly as to threaten the in
terests of the order. Portland
For Sale.
Good four-year old horse, broke
single and double.
Wynne Hdwk- Co.
U. S
Weather Bureau Summary for
Week Ending Aug. 13.
The long spell of dry weather
Geo. McQueen is leavinsr for a
I vacation on the Umpqua at the
home of his parents and is antici
pating having some very fine hunt
ing and fishing1.
was broken by showers on Sunday 1 F. W. Hopkins, who is now op-
and Monday, which were heaviest erating the Combination Mining
in the neighborhood of t'i? Blue
mountains. The rainfall itf- the
Willamette valley was very light,
and barely sufficient to lay the dust.
rorest fires mcreased during ti e
week, and the atmosphere in the
Co. group in the Bohemia district
has been in town this week to meet
his father, who came up from the
south and who he will take in to
the mine with him for a few days
o save money at
IF (TlhT
We reserve nothing, every article in the store must go for the next thirty days.
Ladies' Oxfords worth $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 now $1.35 Mens' Suits worth $15.00, $13.00
now $9.00 and $11,00. Boy's double knee Overals only up to 39 39 now 50c.
double knee Overalls, 4 to 13 years 35c. Kaki coat going at $1.00 and $1.35.
Life I
Boy's m
Hose, the 25c ones now 19c, black and tan.
m :