OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR tyUITAULt TAX. Stale Commission Proposes Revision of Present Law. Nalem With a view to securing a wore equitable assessment of property In this slate, tlm Oregon Tax commls f ion lias recommended a revision of the law governing Hut euali.allon of as ses ments by tlm county hoard. In (liia icnnoctlon, tlm commission gives its Hat disapp oval to tlm plau often agitated f liar ng the aiMesHment rolls published in tlm newspspers in the locality in which tlm property assessed is located. The proposed revision of tlm luw re lating to initialisation of tlm assess nmnt Is largely lmml upn inconsisten cies in tlm present law, hut also upon a Uilty In the law by which wealthy irop rty owners have been ahle to co erce county onrts into allowing an In equitable assessment to stand. The commission proposes a luw which seems to have "teeth in it," and which will he effiH live If county olllcers are dis ii)hih1 to do their duty. The Inconsistency In the present law lies in the fact that the county hoard of equalisation Is required to meet on the last Monday In August, while the assessor Is given until the first Monday in Heptcmber to tile his roll, or until the tlrst Monday In October if the county court makes an order to that effect. At the same time there is no authority of law for an extension of the time of meeting of the county hord of 4tuallsatioD. Assessors usually take the full time to prepare their rolls, ami very fre quently ask for and are granted the extension of time. Commenting upon this condition of the laws, the commis sion says that "the hoard of equaliza tion la thus requireJ to meet perhaps six weeks before the assessment roll is completed, and as its functions lapse when It lias been in session a week, it must have passed out of legal existence at a date before the assessor is required to have the assessment roll ready to equalize. "Under the present system we have piactlcally two hoards ol equalization," says the commission, "one meeting after the other, and having full power to undo the work of its predecessor. The county board of totalization con tinues in session one week, and if it lons not complete Its work within the week, the county court, at its next reg ular session, completes the esamina tbn and correction of the roll. The new law is to do away with this, making provision for the board meeting ft or the roll is completed. This proposed law contains several provisions that seem to be an Improve ment upon the existing law. In the first place, a taxpayer will not go before the couuty board of equalisation unless lie hat a real grievance, for the court lias power to raise his assessment, and his formal petition will serve to call the attention of his neighbors and the public generally to the representations he is making governing the value of his property, Placing the matter of equal isation entiiely In the hands of one board instead of two will centralize the reeponsibilty and give time and oppor tunity for careful and well advised work. Fire Precautions at Asylum. Halem Ust friends and relatives of the 1,420 patients confined in the in eane asylum may be unduly concerned ns to their welfare on account of the recent tire at that institution, an official of the asylum says that none of the pa tients weio in danger, and would not be even in case of a tire serious enough to destroy a considerable portion of the building. Tho facilities for getting patients out of the building are such that a disaHtrous fire need notcance tho loss of a single life. In this particular the building could scarcely he Improved. Umatilla Canal Contract Let. Washington The secretary of tho Interior bus awarded the contract to the Puget Humid liridge A Dredging com pany, of Heattle, for the construction of the storage feed canal of the Umatilla irrigation project. The work of the contract involves the construction of 25 miles of canal from the Umatilla river, near Kcho, to Cold Springs reservoir, rnUitii nf 700.000 cubic yards of earth excavation, tt.000 cubic yards of rock excavation, 2,:H)l) cubic yarns oi concrete mid 2 00 cubic yards of rip rap. The bid.was ll,388. Fire in the Cascades. Albanv A timber fire In the Cascade mountains near Detroit is spreading, rapidly, threatening heavy damage. The fire started near the Hantiam river ami spread inio heavy timber. Two hundred acres of the finest forest In the Cascades is now burning, and the wind is driving the flames Into the heart of the mountains, where, If not stopped soon, Immense damage will result. Everything is extremely dry and the flames are spreading rapidly. Wheat Yield About Normal. Pendleton The harvest in all parts of Umatilla county has Jonimenced. The threshing up to this time has been too limited to make a very cIobo esti mate of the yield, but from what has been threshed on the reservation, and around Athena it is thought the yield in those districts will be about normal, and had it not been for the hot winds the yield would have been at least 25 per cent above the average. Flour Mills Closed Down. La Grande The flouring mills of La Grande, Island City and Union have closed down, having utilised all the old eupply of wheat. LAW UNCONSIITUriONAL. Household Qoods Not Entitled to Ex. emption, Says Supreme Court. Halem By holding, in a decision Just rendered, that the householder's tax exemption Is unconstitutional, the Ore gon Huprenm court has declared void a itatute that has been in force in this state almost continuously since 1H5. Householders' exemptions have been allowed every year except 1004 , when the exemption law had been repealed. It was re-enacted by the special session of l03, but went into effect too late to be applicable to ttie assessment of 11)01. Approximately $8,000, 000 has len exempted from taxation in this state from year to year, and legislators, county officers and the people generally have recrignl.ed the exemption as valid. Now the (Supreme court has declared all these exemptions invalid. This decision will make it necessary for county assessors in many counties to make a reassessment of property in their counties for I "Oil. for it is the practice of many assessors not to lict property that is exempt. In some and perhaps most of the counties the assess ors list the exempt property and make the deductions afterward. Clackamas Farmers Are Happy. Oregon City There is an abundant yield of all hay and grain crops In Clackamas county this year that sur- psss the average in quality. harly fruits and vegetables yielded heavily, while the vineyard, field and orchard with maturing crops, give the producer every assurance of Increased prosperity with the harvest. In celebration of the large and satisfactory crops, a number of harvest festivals have Insen held and others are being arranged. It has Imen years since Clackamas couTlty farmers were as prosperous and contented. Raise Railroad Assessments. Halem That railroad property in Oregon was assessed at only $10,815,- 1)15.41. when it had acommercial value of nearly $70,000,000, is one of the im portant and interesting features of the report of the Otegon Tax commission, which will be presented for the consid eration of the next legislature. These figures relate to valuations in 1004, which was the latest year for which the commission could secure reliable information. Yields GO Bushels an Acre. Weston A remarkably heavy yield of barley has Just been harvested on the farm of O. C. Tomer, two miles north of this place. The yield from 14 acres was 520 sacks, or 1,267 bushels, an average of 00) bushels to the acre. Turner Bros, were expecting a good yield, but did not look for more than 70 bushels to the acre, which is a big yield. Half Million to Clackamas Roll. Oregon City By the decision of the Supreme court on the tax exemption law. Assessor Nelson reports that there will be added to the Clackamas county assessment rolls about $400,000 addi tional on which next year's tax levy will be made. Kevision win ueiay me tualr nf nnmnlfltiiio the rolls which were received from the state authorities ten weeks later than the usual time. PORT', AND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 71c: bluestem, 73c; red, !c; valley, 71c; new club, 70c; new bluestem, 72c; valley, 71c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $30; gray, $20 per ton. Barley Feed, $23 50 per ton; brew ing, $23.50 per ton; rolled, $24(324.50. Kye $1 50 per cwt. Ilsy Valley timothy, No. 1, $110 12.50 per ton; clover, $8.50(a9; cheat, $.50(j$7; grain hay, $78; alfalfa, $11. Fruits Apples, $1.60(32.25 per box; apricots, $1.251.35; cherries, tt10e per pound; currants, 9(3 1 Of; peach es, 75ca$1.10 per box; plums, $1.25; Logan berries, $1.35(31.40 per crate; raspberries, $1.40 1.50; blackberries, 8c per pound ; gooseberries, 8c. Vegetables Beans, 57c per pound; cabbage, l?2c; com, 1520c per dozen; cucumbers, 4050c per dr.en; egg plant, 1015c per pound; lettuce, head, 25c per dozen; onions, 10 12fc'c; peas, 45c per pound; radish es, 1015o per dozen; rhubarb, 2(3 2)ijC per pound; spinach, 23o; toma toes, $1.25(33 per box; parsley, 25c; squash, $101.25 per crate; turnips, 00c(3$l per sack; carrots, $11.25 per sack; beets, $1.25(31.51) per sack. Onions New, red, l4'01c per pound; new yellow, l?4'2c per pound. Potatoes Old Eurbauka, nominal ; new potatoes, 75c$1.25. Butter Fancy creamery, 20(322c per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 2121c pel dnr.en. Poultry Average old hens, 13014c per pound; mixed chickens, 13018$c; springs, 10 0 17; roosters, 9 0 10c; dressed chickens, 14015c; turkeys, Hva 15ai7c: turkevs. dressed, choice, 20022 Wc: geeae, live, 809c; ducks, linns Oreaon. 1905. 11012c; olds, 9c; 1000 contracts, 12015o per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon average nest, iA(P.n nr nound. according to sUrlnk aw. valley, 20022, according to fine ness: mohair, choice, zaoauo per pound. vooi nrnnnnd. 5U08c ner pound. Beef Dressed bulls, 3o per ponndj cows. 405c; country ateerB, 506c. Mutton Dressed fancy, 708o per pound; ordinary, 606o; lambs, fancy, 8080. Pork Dreesed, 708)0 per pound. DARK HOUR IN RUSSIA. New Mutinies Break Out as Fast as Others Are Suppressed. Ht. Petersburg, Aug. 3. Nesrly 3, 000 sappers, sailors, pioneers and min ers at Cronstadl mutinied about 11 o'clock last night. They planned to nei.e tlm forts and the bridge leading to Fort Croristadt, but thwtr plans were foiled by the precautions taken by the commander. After a severe fight the loyal troops opened fire on them with machine guns, and as they had no at tillery available and the arsenal had been stripped before they could seize It, they had no alternative but surrender. A court martial began sitting this morning, and is sentencing the mutin eers to death by hundreds. Ht. Petersburg, Aug. 3. The crew of the armored cruiser Pamyat Azova mu tinied off the Ksthonian coast and is now in full possession of the ship, which has sailed northward in the di rection of the Finnish gulf. Keval, Aug. 3. The cruiser Pamyat Azova has arrived in the roadstead here in the possession of the loyal portion of hercerw. One hundred and fifty of the mutineers have been sent ashore and imprisoned. The mutineers were overpowered by the loyal sailors while the ship was at sea. Ht. Petersburg, Aug. 3. The crew of the Russian cruiser Asia, which was sent to Abo, has hoisted the red flag. The vessel has left in the direction of Hveaborg. The ministry of marine has confirmed the report that Admiral Birileff had gone to llelsingfors on board the school ship Asia, whose crew has mutinied. Ht. Petersburg, Aug. 3. Military disorders have broken out at Keval. details cannot be obtained. Ht. Petersburg, Ang. 3. Although the mutinies at Hveaborir have been ended and the one at Cronstadt has been practically put down, the outlook is still black. The revolutionists, i I . i i i i i- i. wnose nanus were suuuemy lurceu uy the premature rising at Hveaborg, ap- parentiy are unuaunieu at inese inuiai reverses and intend to persist in their program of calling a geneia) strike on Saturday or Monday. Ht. Petersburg, Aug. 3. On the heels of the other bad news comes the startl ing statement that the emperor has flatly refused to accept the conditions to which Premier Htolypin aggreed in his negotiations with Count Heydon, Alexander Gnchkoff. Prince Nicholas Lvoff, Paul Vinogradov and Senator Koni for the reorganization of the cab inet. There is an increasing apprehension that the emperor purposes to take the final step of turning the country over to the military dictatorship of Grand Duke Nicholas. The Htreets of Ht. Petersburg are again tilled with patrols. ISLANDS' RICE IMPORTS SMALL. Ide Says They Produce More, Mer chants They Eat Less. Manila, Aug. 3. Governor Ide has received reports stating that during the final year ending June 30 the importa tions of rice to the Philippines decreas ed 61,072,411 pounds, valued at $3, 084,783 in gold. Commenting on the reports Governor Ide says: "From these reports it appears that the number of pounds of rice imported into the Philippines during the fiscal year of 1906 was something less than three-sevenths of the importations of 1901, and the cash sent out from the inlands for rice was leas than four-elev enths of the sum sent in 1894. If the same ratio of decrease for a year or even a semesttr, no more rice will he import ed and in two yea.-s the islands, besides, supplying the home demand, ought to be exporting rice. The pub.ic.Uion of these reports has caused a controversy. . The local ship pers contend that the decrease of im portations is a result of the poverty of the people, who, it is alleged, are not buying rice, but are living on yams and other food. The shippers declare that the Philippines will never export rice. Catholics for Limited Divorce. Buffalo, Aug. 3. At today's meeting of the Americin Fedeiation of CathoPca a resolution was adopted defining the position of the federation on the ques tion of divercn. It recommends the enactment of laws granting a separation or limited divorce in those states which have no such laws, and in states which grant absolute divorcs the federation asks that the applicant be allowed to ask for a limited di voice on the same grounds under which an absolute di vorce is granted. Limited divorce in extreme cases is recommended. Rates for Irrigation Congress. BoiBe, Idaho, Aug. 3. A telegram has been ncaived by Chairman M. B. Gwynn, of the executive committee, of the National Irrigation congress, from Minneapolis, where the Western Pas senger association is in session, stating that that organization had granted a rate of one (are plus 60 cents to the meeting of the congress in Boise, Hep tember 3 to 8. This rate is expected to assure even a larger crowd of delegates and visitors than had been looked for. Wilson Will Surprise Packers. Washington. Ana. 3. Secretary Wil son left today to pay a surprise visit of inspection to several slaughtering and packing houses in the East. Upon leaving hia office the secretary gave in structiona that to all inquiries regard ing him the anawer should be that he ia pone away and it ia not knoWh when ha would return. irrigation school'.::::: Bhj Gathering for Boise for the First of September. ONLY ONE ON COAST THIS YEAR Hundreds of Letters Are Received at Deadquarters Daily Special Rates to Be Granted. Boise, July 31. The Fourteenth Na tional Irrigation congress, which meets at Boise Heptember 3 to 8, is the only meeting of national importance to be held on-the Pacific slope during the present year. Chairman Eben E. Mc Ieod, of the Western Passenger associa tion, lias notified the executive commit tee that rates for the congress will be determined at the Minneapolis meeting of the association today. Although more than a month will elapse before the congress is to meet, delegates to the number of over 1,000 have been appointed from different sec tions east of the Rocky mountains, and an average of 100 letters a day are be ing received at headquarters, asking for general information concerning the con gress and the opportunities to be had for learning as much as possible of ir rigation methods, eize of farms, capital required, character of crops produced, and the revenue to be depended upon by the irrvigationists. The Boise session of the congress i& to constitute a great school for irriga tion. Scientific and professional men will discuss and analyze advanced theo ries, engineers will give the solution of the many engineering problems that have been worked out, and the practical irrigators will show in a practical way what is accomplished by the results on exhibition. The general government has loaned nearly $40,000,000 for the purpose of reclaiming arid lands and providing homes for the people. The loan was made through an act of congress ap proved by President Roosevelt four vears ago. At the Idaho meeting the government is going to be asked to add I $100,000,000 more to the loan made to its citizetiS for the mora rapid comple tion of the works now under construc tion. Senators and members of con gress are the real trustees of the gov ernment in the loans made, and they are coming to investigate the conditions of the security which reclamation ia giving to insure its repayment. Statesmen, capitalists, manufactur ers, business men, engineers and irriga tionists, immigration and colonization societies, home makers and home seek ers, all to the number of 2,000 or more, will join in the great movement at the Boise session of the National Irrigation congress. A special train will be made up at Chicago for the delegates from the East ern states. Vice President Fairbanks and his party will occupy one of the cars. The special will be known aa "the vice president's train." MOSCOW BAKERS STRIKE. Want Endurable Life, While Governor Talks of Czar's Burdens. Moscow, July 31. A strike haa brok en out here among the bakera who are striving to obtain a betterment in their working conditions and Sunday for a day off. According to the Council of Woiktnen, the total number of men on strike in Moscow has reached 18,000, in addition to which the Votkressenaky factory today locked out; 3,000 em ployes. The governor of Moscow haa issued a proclamation in anawer to the Viborg manifeato of the outlawed parliament and given it a wide circulation here. He declares the manifesto to be revolu tionary iu character and directed against the emperor. It ia time, the governoi declares, for the loyal population to come to the assistance of hia majesty and ligh'en hia heavy burdena. France Regrets Killing. Paris, July 31. The French embaaay at Washington haa been instructed to express the deep regrets of the French government at the killing of Lieutenant Clarence England, navigating officer of the United Statea cruiaer Chattanooga, who was mortally wounded at Chefoo, China, July 28, by a rifle bullet fired from the French armored cruiaer Du- petit Thouars, while the crew of the latter were engaged in small arms prac tice. The authorities here are await ing fuller reports before establishing the responsibility for the accident. Buildings Can Be Saved. San Franciaco, July 31. The board of supervisors passed a vote of confi dence in the major part of the city ball and also the hall of justice, at its meet ing today. A special committee repott ed that "at least 60 per cent of both buildings can he made use of again, and. within less than two years, they can he completely and economically re stored." The board resolved that the debria and wreckage should be cleared away immediately. Cruiser Washlngton"Turned Over Camden, N. J , July 31. The cruia er Waahington, built at the yards of the New York Shipbuilding company, in thla city, was formally turned over to the government yesterday. The cruiaer will not go into commission for several days. No ceremonies marked the transfer. 3 ABOUT VOLCANOES. Thoorlen Ahnut Smok anil riamra Arm Mot (orreef. Tho er mutton of a volcnno Is nn oc cnMon for tho reiteration of fundn-iM-ntiil errors concerning volcanic phe nomena. The official despatches nnd the most serious riiiorts sny that the crater "omlts flame," tfuit "black smoke" cs Mx from tho mountain, and that "showers of cinders" sre thrown out by the subterranean fires, snys a writer In Harper's Weekly. There are an many errors ss there are words In these statement. The fact Is and savants ht'ow It that there Is no combustion In vol'-anhr phenomena ; there Is no eru tlon of fire or flame; a volcano never discharge either smoke or ashes. Liquid lava Is a noncombustlon rock which rwlt at a high temperature. Thus hoe ted, w hen red-hot, lava burns things, but It never Is consumed. This statement may raise an outcry, because every one who has sen a vol cano In action has seen the fiery light Irom the crater. But flames never Is sue from the crater. What looks like fire Is lurid light reflected on the clouds ; the reflection of Incandescent 1m a. I.ava Is often seen through tho lateral fissures In the flanks of the vol canic mountains, but It seldom over flows. Tho false Idea that lava overflown a crater, Just as water escapes from an tverful pitcher, Is flnnly fixed In the human mind. The newspapers recent ly stated to the world that "a new cra let had formed at the base of Vesu vius." Error I there Is no new crater; the simple fact Is this : Lava has found 1U way out of one of the fissures on the slope of the volcano. The lava was In the mountain, and the fissure was there, but until recently the lava had not reached the fissure. "But tho smoke!" How do we account for that? No one can deny that Etna's summit Is always plumed with black smoke, even when the volcano sleeps, and did not I'JIny the Younger compare the smoke of Vesuvius to a gigantic pine cone on fire? Well, yes; It looks like It! Appear ances are against me. but "appear ances" (In tills case particularly) "are dif-eltful" there Is no smoke In a vol cano, because there Is no combustion In progress, and there cannot be smoke where there Is no fire. When the Ill Informed take for volumes of smoke la cloud formed by vapor steam ee- cPied from the volcano. Steam es cfpes from the crater, and when It en ters the cold air It condenses and forms minute drops which mass and look liko clouds of smoke. MU8IC BY ELECTRICITY. Vtbrattoaa of Harmony Made Po albla Over Wire br Invention Although electricity has produced many wonders, they have been mainly of the workaday kind, says the World's Work. Now an Invention has been wrought out that proves that electricity Is capable of producing not reproduc ing, but producing music of rare beauty and purity. A visit to a shop In Holyoke, Mass., shows a machine that Is really manufacturing music. Dr. Thaddeus Cahlll, the Inventor, declares that It Is as easy to create music at the other end of fifty miles of wire as to send a telegraph message. At a keyboard of his device a perform eror there may be two lightly presses down the keys, and at receivers. perhaps many miles distant, music pours forth. In pressing the keys the lerformer throws' upon a wire a vibra tion, or a set of vibrations, which turns Into aerial vibrations or audible music. when they reach the diaphragm of a telephone receiver. The vibrations stand for notes and tones, and they scurry along to do their work the instant they are released. The performer Is con scious only of the music he produces. He does not necessarily hear it He need know nothing ot tlie mecnanicai process he sets In action by tha prcs ... . i,. . .. - t , . sure or his nngers on m under his fingers the electrical vibra tions act tractably and Instantaneously. At will ho turns an exlinustless supply of different kinds of vibrations to pro duce at a distance Just the sounds he desires. f'rreka' Medlelue Man. The medicine man of the Creeks will not eat anything scorched In cooking; In treating a gun or arrow shot wound ho, as well as the patient, will fast four days, only drinking n little gruel. Ho will not allow a woman to look at his patient until he Is well or dead. If his patient dies the medicine man takes a lot of medicine himself In order to cleanse himself from tlie mines or odor of the dead. The pallbearers, as we might call those assisting Iu the burial, also take the sauio cleansing process. And again, when an Indian commit ted murder, even In self-defense, he ent to the niedldno man and took the cleansing remedy, claiming tho remedy appeased the crime and the trouble to his mind. The medicine man has a horror of women, keeping out of their company as much aa possible. At tho full of each moon It was tho custom of the bucks to drink medicine made by the medicine man to cleanse their sys tems. Iu camp the Indian killed uoth lng which was not eatable. Indian Journal. Sedentary Occupation of Mamma. Dick (at club) Does your mother-in-law sit up for you nights? Tin Yes. But her daughter, heav en bless her, stands up for me next morning. Boston Transcript. Limited Ineouiea In Japan. The average monthly Income lu Japan after recent advances lu wages la offlclully stated at lesg than. & NORWAY'S CROWN FRINCE IS A HUSKY YOUNGSTER. r t & h : f Trie crown raiNcs oir. Crown Prince Olaf Is said to be th most popular child In Norway. He Is received with every evidence of delight by tfie people whenever he apjiears on the streets of Christian!". This little son of King Haakon and Queen Maud Is a grandson of King Edward of Eng land. He Is a healthy youngster, and the sea-kings, his future subjects, are pleased with the prospects before them. LION LAZY AND LAMBLIKE. Yoanar Knsllahman Haa a S a rp rl - Insr Experience In Nig-erla. That the lion Is not always the roar ing, tearing beast of legendary descrip tion may be seen In the following ex tract from the diary of a young En glishman who Is at present serving his country In Northern Nigeria : "I had Just topped a long Incline and was walking my pony, when, on com- l.ig around a corner of the road, hidden by some trees. I saw, seventy yards In front of me, basking In the sun on an open patch of burned grass, a magnifi cent full-grown lion. The sun was not strong, and he was very, very lazily flicking his tall from side to side. He had a short mane and his eyes were a lovely amber red In the weak sunlight. "My first sensation was one of aston ishment, profound amazement and de bfht at seeing such a fine beast. H was a beauty, and It seemed Impossible to realize that he was really wild as he lay on one side, looking at me with hi" head raised as a dog does when he hears his master's footstep. He was fut as butter, sleek coated and glossy. "My pony, as the breeze was coming from tho other direction, did not wind h'm and went steadily on without so much aa pricking up his ears. My dog was walking on In front, about ten yards, and luckily did not notice him. It was not until I was actually passing him, which I did within twenty yeards, that I realized that If the Hon took !t Into his head to fancy a bit of white man I should be unable to dispute his right. "After I had proceeded some 150 yurds the lion got up leisurely and fol lowed along the road behind me, but after going about 100 yards, he turned Into the bush at the side of the road. "PRINCESS ALICE" ABROAD. Congressman Longworth and hia bride, photographed on board the ocean liner St. Louls while en route to Ku- Mil. AND MUS. I.ONUWOUTH. rope. . They were formally presented to King Edward and Queen Alexandra. Mrs. Longworth was cheered by tha crowds as she rode through the streets and returned tho greetings. The picture la from London Black and White. Asked aud Aiiv-rcl. "Here, here!" cried the Itev. Mr. Goodley, happening uMn a gang of had boys playing craps, "what are you play ing that game on the Sabbath for?" "Why, fer keeps," replied one of them. "W'at'd yer s'pose?" Phlladel. pUia Press. There Is one thing the great Sherlock Holuiea, with all his genius, never found out: From a man's own lips if he was to be married. When vou hear who is about to sua for a divorce, SUter, you will put oa 'your bouuet aud run right over. P - o) 1 t -v - J 4 1 f M Hi' x