Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 08, 1906, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
In a Condensed Form for Our
Bosy Readers.
A Resume of the Let Important but
Not Lett Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
A member of the kaiser's cabinet is
ceased ot grafting.
It Is reported that Russian bankers
will aid the revolutionists.
A. St. Petersburg paper says General
Trepoff is to be minister of war.
llarritrtan is believed to be secretly
buying up St. Faul railway stock.
Heat in Chicago is oppressive.
Deaths and prostrations are quite nu
merous. An Italian anarchist has been cap
tured with a quantity of dynamite in
tended f jr the king.
Sarah Bernhardt has been refused a
decoration of the Legion of Honor by
France because she does not pay her
AH South America, as represented at
the Pan-American conference, is lined
up for arbitration and the peace of the
Many witnesses are being called be
fore the grand jury at Chicago to tell
what they know of Standard Oil busi
ness methods.
Two electric cais collided head on
near Vermillion, Ohio. Two persons
were killed, another fatally injured
and scores more or lees seriously hurt.
A nutiny in all Finnish forts has
been called by the Reds.
E. A. Gage, a eon of Lyman Gage,
committed suicide in Seattle.
Rear Admiral Train, commander in
chief of the Asiatic squadron is dead.
A fund of two and a half million dol
lars is to be raised to build cottages for
the homeless of San Francisco.
The forts at Sveaborg, Russia, are al
most in total ruina as the result of
fighting between mutineers and loyal
San Francisco is threatened with an
epidemic of typhoid, which the health
board says is being carried by the com
mon house fly.
The state law of New York restrict
ing the labor by women and children
to 10 hours a day has been declared un
constitutional. The state auditor of Kansas says he
will cancel the polices of all insurance
companies who do not pay their San
Francisco losses in full.
Provision contiactors on the iethmus
have formed a trust and raised the
prices lOOper cent. The canal com
mission has ordered supplies of 500
and over bought under the open bid
Brigadier General William Bolton is
Mayor W. II. Moore, of Seattle, is
seriously ill at Los Angeles.
The business of the Lewis and Clark
exposition has been wound up.
T. W. Davenport, of Silverton, Ore
gon, father of Cartoonist Davenport, is
Fifteen hundred copper miners at
Calumet, Michigan, have had their
wages voluntarily raised 2 per month.
Four men were killed and two
wounded in a battle between a eheriff's
posse and bandits in Knott county,
It has been charged that General
Wood is drawing two salaries, one as
governor and one as hii regular pay in
the army. The president says this is
not so.
A San Francisco woman has Just se
cured a divorce on the ground that her
huBband hadliot Bpoken a word to her
for eight years, although living in the
same houst.
A Porto Rican merchant has sued
Federal Judge Hunt, of Montana, for
$100,000 damages. It is claimed that
at the time the judge was governor of
the island be was instrumental in ruin
ing the merchant's business.
The National Sculpture society is to
establish an old age home for its mem
bers. The St. Paul is laying steel for its
new Pacific coast extenaion. The work
is being done in South Dakota.
Judge 7ames F. Tracey, of the Phil
ippine Supreme court, will likely be
the next vice governor of the islands.
John D. Rockefeller 'says there is
more good than bad in the -world, and
that everything ia for good In the end.
Fire in a Buffalo, N. Y., planing
mill destroyed $170,000 worth of prop
erty. Truck workers in San Francisco have
struck lor more pay and shorter hours.
The Pennsylvania railroad baa cat
passenger rated to 2 cents per mile.
Mileage books will be irsued at the rate
of 2 cents per mile.
Vast frauds have been unearthed in
San FranciBco'a municipal affairs.
Examination of public records show
that there has been an extensive graft
in letting contracts and that city pay
rolls have been padded.
Italian Immigrant Ship Strikes Reef
Off Coast of Spain.
CarUgena, Spain, Aug. 6. A terri
ble marine disaster occurred Saturday
evening off Cape Tales. The Italian
steamship Sirio, from Genoa for Barce
lona, Cadis, Montevideo and Buenos
Ayres with about 800 persons on board,
was wrecked off Hormigas island.
Three hundred immigrants, most of
them Italians and Spaniards, were
drowned. The captain of the steamer
committed suicide.
The bishop of San Pedro, Bratil, also
was lost and another bishop was for a
time among the missing. The remain
der of the passengers and the officers
and crew got away in the ship's boats
or were rescued by means ot boats sent
to them from the shore. A number ol
fishermen who made attempts at rescue
were drowned.
Those rescued from the vessel are
now at Cape Palos, in a pitiable condi
tion, being without food or clothing.
The Sirio struck a reef of rocks
known as Bajos Hormigas, and sank
son afterward, stern first. Hormigas
ioland lies about two and a half miles
to the eastward of Cape Palos.
The Sirio, owned by the Navigaiiono
Italians, left Genoa August 2. All the
ship's books were lost. It is impossi
ble at present to ascertain the full ex
tent of the dieabter. Nine-tenths of
the passengers were Italians, and the
remainder Spaniards. Ah the surviv
ors have been landed at Cape Palos.
The inhabitants provided them with
clothing and nourishment. Thirty
were landed at Hirmagas island, about
one mile from the tragtdy. Fishermen
brought in the first news of the foun
dering of the Sirio, and it created con
sternation here. Boatloads of the
shipwrecked passengers and crew began
reaching shore shortly after the news
became known.
All the stokers went down with the
ship. They were unable to reach the
deck in time to save themselves.
Among the eurvivors at Cape Paios are
many mothers who weep and wring
their hands for lost children, while
there are also a number of children
who are unable to find their parents.
These have been admitted to the city
foundling asylum.
One Year and $2,000, Six Months
and S500 Respectively.
Portland, Aug. 6. Willard N. Jones
and Thaddeus 8. Potter, convicted at
midnight October 15, 1905, under an
indictment returned by the Federal
grand jury charging them jointly with
conspiring to defraud the government
of Ub public lands, were given their
sentences "by Judge Hunt in the United
States District court Saturday.
Jones receired a fine of $2,000, in
addition to a term of one year at (he
government Drisen on McNeill's island.
Potter fared somewhat better, as Judge
Hunt took several poiots into consider
ation, which, coupled with the fact
that Francis J. Heney made a strong
plea for leniency in his case, prompted
his sentence of six months in the Mult
nomah conntv iail and a fine of $500.
Tnhe attorneys for both were given ten
days to perfect any legal action looting
to an appeal, and in the meantime
Jones was required to give $8,000 bail,
double the amount of his former bond,
while Potter was permitted to go upon
his criginal security.
The particular offense for which the
two men were convicted consisted in
inducing a large number of Grand
Army men to file soldier homesteads
in the Siletz Indian reservation, under
agreement to transfer title to Jones.
Ira Wade, county clerk of Lincoln
county, was tried under the earns in
dictment, but in his case the jury re
turned a verdict of acquittal, the evi
dence not being considered sufficient to
convict. John L. Wells, adjutant gen
eral of the G. A. R., was also involved
in the scheme of conspiracy, bis influ
ence being exercised in the direction of
eecuring locators among the old sol
diers. Wells confessed his share of
complicity in the fraudulent undertak
ing before the grand jury and was made
a witness for the government. A gene
ral shake-up in the local G. A. R. was
the result of the exposures, and Wells
was compelled to resign.
Coal Companies Merged.
Scranton, Pa., Aug. 6. It was re
ported today on the best authority that
one of the largest deals in the history
of the bituminous coal business was
consumated last week, whereby a cor
poration known as the Pennsylvania,
Beach Creek & Eastern Coal company,
with a capital of $8,600,000, acquired
by a 999-year lease all the property
and business of the Pennsylvania Coal
& Coke company, the Beech Creek Coal
& Coke company and the North River
Coal & Wharf company, and a number
of electric light and water companies.
Says Trust Controls Trade.
Chicago, Aug. 6. John Hill, Jr.,
has reopened his war on the owners of
public warehouses in Chicago with the
declaration that the grain trade is in
the clutches of a trust. Mr. Hill rays
he now has evidence of the existence of
an illegal combination among the ware
house men, and that he intends to fight
it to its death. The Interstate Com
merce commission will meet here next
month, and Mr. Hill says he expects to
see an investigation started.
Goes to Isthmus in November.
Panama, Aug. 6. General Magoon
this afternoon informed President Ama
dor that President Roosevelt will visit
the canal zone in November. Senor
Amador, through Mr. Magoon, extend
ed a formal invitation to Mr. Rooeevelt
to visit the city of Panama.
Workmen In Russian Capital Re
spending to Call.
Grand Duke Nicholas to Lead Fight
on Reds Disturbances and
Mutinien Continue.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 4. St. Peters
burg la in darkness tonight. The em
ployes of the electric lighting plants,
always the earliest barometric record of
political conditions, ceased work during
the afternoon in obedience to the call
for a general strike. This call already
has been obeyed by 20,000 factory
hands in the capital. It will be im
possible, however, to predict the suc
cess of this universal political strike
nntil Monday, as the workmen in St.
Petersburg and the provinces have two
holidays Saturday, which is the fete
day of the dowager emres and a great
religious feast, and tlu r regular holi
day of Sunday.
The pickets of cavalry and infantry
were the most conspicuous features on
the streets of St. Petersburg last night.
Business hotiBes generally have boarded
up their windows as they did in the
days of the great October strike. Prac
tically all of the street cars in the city
have stopped running, and the cab driv
ers are threatening to cease work.
In the meantime the fate of the
Stolypin cabinet sways in the balance
and Russia i upon the verge cf disor
ders which may lead to the reign of
either the military or the proletariat.
It can be etated definitely that the steps
toward a dictatorship may bd tiken
8unday or Monday by the nomination
of Grand Duke Nicholas to the chief
command of all the troops in Russia.
This would virtually place him in con
trol of all the disturbed districts of the
empire where martial law has been
Artillery in Open Revolt.
Warsaw, Poland, Aug. 4. A portion
of the troops in the Summer Reiubert
off, near here, mutinied yesterday and
are in open revolt today. The artil
lerymen have driven their officers out
of their quarters. A squadron of Cos
sacks sent to overpower the mutineers
was received with grapeshot. Details
are lacking, as extraordinary precau
tions are being taken to prevent the
facts becoming public.
Rebels Fire Big Woodyards.
Harkov, Aug. 4 Fire broke out in
several large woodyards in the vicinity
of the prison today. This evidently
was a device on the part cf revolution
ists, who hoped to free political leaders
during the confusion. The authorities
are apprehensive of a renewed effort to
the same end.
Insurance Commissioner Gives Body
Blow to Two Companies.
San Francisco, Aug. 4. Insurance
Commissioner Wolf sent notice tcday
to the president and directors of the
Fireman's Fund Insurance company
and the Home Fire & Marine Insurance
company, both of San Francisco, that
unless they made good their deficiency
in capital stock in four weeks he will
request Attorney General Webb tc pro
ceed to ascertain why their licenses to
do business in California revoked.
Both companies have been known to
be in financial trouble since the fire.
The Home Fire & Marine has announc
ed that it will do no more business.
The Fireman's Fund has reinsured its
risks to the amount of $372,584,750,
carrying premiums amounting to $4,
471.117 with the new Fireman's Fund
corporation, which has been organized
since the fire. Both companies have
thus confessed failure.
Wolf's order, it is expected, will
permanently close their doors.
Subpenas for Standard Men.
New York, Aug. 4. Forty or more
subpenas for officers and employes of
the Standard Oil company have been
forwarded to New York from Chicago.
Several of the officials of the Standard
Oil would not say whether they had re
ceived the subpenas from Illinois. In
quiries were referred to M. F. Elliott,
general counsel for the company, who
said so far as he knew no attempt bad
been made to serve any of the officials.
Mr. Elliott would not say what atti
tude the officials would take in case the
subpena servers put in an appearance.
Investigation in Philippines.
Washington, Aug. 4. An inveetiga
tion of alleged irregularities in the
Philippine islands is now being con
ducted by order of Major General Wood,
the inquiry being in charge of Colonel
Wood, inspector general. At the re
quest of General Wood the War depart
ment has made a special detail of offi
nam familiar with the metblds'of busi
ness and conditions in the Philippines
to assist. No result has yet been re
ported to the department.
Stampede to Windy Arm.
Seattle, Aug. 4. Rich strikes report
ed in Southearstern Alaska have at
tracted the longshoremen of Skagway,
.Inn D ii and other towns. The men
who work along the front have stam
peded to Windy Arm in such numDers
that the sailors on the coastwise fleet
have to unload their own boats.
Only Four Companies of Infantry Re
main Layal to Ciar.
llelsingfots, Aug. 1 .Sveaborg Is
entirely in the hands ol the mutineers,
who now have In thoir possession every
kind ot armament.
Horrible scenes occurred during last
night' when the fierce lighting was con
tinued. The heaviest artillery was
used during the conflict.
Several officers were killed or wound
ed. The wounded were transported to
Colonel Nararoff was bayoneted. He
begged for transportation to the hospit
al, promising forgiveness in exchange.
Instead he was stoned and thrown into
the water with a stone tied around his
Helslngfors, Aug. 1. A gigantic mil
itary conspiracy, aiming at the simul
taneous capture of Russia's three great
sea fortresses, Cionstadt, Sevastopol
and Sveaborg, arranged by the Revolu
tionary Military league, was prema
turely sprung here yesterday by an at
tempt to arrest members of a company
of sappers who had mutinied on ac
count of tie death of one of their com
rades, allotted to have been due to ill
The entire garrison of the fortress at
Sveaborg flamed out instantly in revolt.
All the artillery and tappers garrison
ing the plice were invoked. Onlj four
companies of inf.uitry remained loyal.
The mutineers seised 40 machine guns
and practically all the quick-firers and
light artillery in the fortress, but even
with this aid they were unable to hold
the main fort against the loyal infant
ry. The fighting continued all night
long. The heaviest firing was heard
from 10 o'clock in the evening until 1
in the morning.
Baron Komuri Says Japan Will Keep
Treaty Pledges.
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 1. Baron K
mura, recently appointed Japanese am
hassador to Great Britain, arrived to
day by the Canadian Pacific railroad
steamer F'.mpress of Japan on his way
to London, via (Quebec, from where be
sails by the Empress of Ireland on
August 9.
liaron Komura said with regard to
Japanese action in Manchuria that the
Japanese government would undoubted
ly carry out all the pledges made before
and since the war to maintain "the
open door" in Manchuria. Regarding
the criticism of foreign merchants, he
said there were due to impatience.
The terms of occupation demanded that
Japan adopt the measures now in vogue,
but as soon as the military occupation
was ended and this would be soon, ar
rangements would be male to carry out
the pledges regarding an "open door"
policy. Tine, the bulk cf the army
had been repatriated, but there was
still a large force in Manchuria. There
was also Russian troops in occupation.
While it was not known definitely what
Russia was doing regarding the with
drawal, it was known that troops were
steadily being withdrawn and it was
necessary that the Japanese military
administration continue to occupy the
country until the withdrawal was com
plete. "Has Dalny been made a free port
and are ;ther nations than Japanese re
stricted from trading via that port with
"That I cannot tell you." replied
Baron Komura. "This murh I can say,
though, the pledges made by Japan re
garding Manchuria will be carried out
in every particular as soon ai the term
of occupation by the military forces has
Battleships in Collision.
Newport, R. I., Aug. 1. Rear Ad
miral R. D. Evans, commanding the
Atlantic fleet, received reports in detail
today of a collision which occurred dur
ing a fog last night between the battle
ships Alabama and Illinois about eight
miles southeast of Brenton's reef light
ship. The side of the Illinois was
scraped by the bow of the Alabama and
several plates of the forward part Of
the Alabama were injured. It is also
thought that one or more of the six
inch guns on the two battleships were
damaged. Admiral Evans states that
neither ship was damaged below the
waUr line.
Not Bound Up in Red Tape.
Washington, Aug. 1. The facility
with which the Civil Service commis
sion furnished inspectors to the depart
ment of Agriculture in the execution of
the meat inspection law is shown in a
statement issued today by the commis
sion. Although the law was not enact
ed till June 30, the commission in ex
actly three weeks from that date con
ducted examinations throughout the
country. Arrangements were made to
examine 8,380 applicants. During the
week ending July 28 2,640 sets of pa
pers were received by the commission.
Relief Work Being Investigated.
San Francisco, Aug. 1. The grand
jury today instituted an investigation
of the relief finance committee's legal
right to distribute the fundi contribut
ed lor the benefit of San Francisco's
stricken citizens. The status of the
Red Cross is also involved, and in the
end some jndicial opinion will doubt
less have been rendered which may
throw some light into the legal tangle
created by I he emergency and the vari
ous meaauresa dopted to meet it.
Rain Makes Canal Zone Unhealthy,
Colon, Aug. 1. The mouth of July
has witnessed a series of I eavy rains on
the isthmus, which have hampered the
work of sanitation in Colon. The con
ditions today are worse than ever he
fore. Preparations are being mpda to
pave the principal streets of Colon with
Paris Paper rears South Ameri
can Trade May Be Lost.
The United States Already Dominates
North America and May Se
cure South America.
Paris, Ang. 2.-Tt.e Liberie of Wed
nesday uight, under the caption of
"Victims of the Monroe iHtctrine,
printed a long and vigorous article on
Secretary of State Root and the Pan
American congress. It taunts the
F rench press lor grudgingly ,",ti"K u
paragraph about Mr. Root's toasting
South America between a list of con
testants in a recent swimming match
and the names of meritorious agricul
turists. It ironically quoUs an t.litor,
u'liM auiil I hiit foreign Politics are not
sullicienlly Parisian to interest the elite
public and then twits the leaders of the
republic with making the question ol
con f err ins the ('.eeoratlon of the Legion
of Honor on Surah Bernhardt the prin
cipal affair of state and tacitly asking
why they should worry over mum
Americans, who interest Parisians only
in vaudeville.
All this time, says the Liberie, Mr
Root was preparing, if he had not al
read made effective, the most redoubt
able operation in political economics,
nf which the French will be dunes and
with them all other I.atin people, who,
imitating them, try to be Parisians.
The results of ten years of intrigue in
Pan-America are likely to be effective
soon. Europe lias already been expell
ed from North America, and she will
be expelled from South America in less
than six years unless there is energetic
resistance immediately.
Continuing the paper says that a few
facts today are Mtartllngly clear
Among them is the fact that Knro.ii
has no right to defend her linancial and
commercial interests in South Ame'ica,
the United States saving in effect that
each nation is master ol its own home
with the I'nited States at home every
where. Against 73,000,000 Latin peo
ple stood hecrelary Koot and to tnai
Yanken intruder went favors and liene-
fits because he alone spoke, flattered
and menaced. He alone acted, wlnli
I.atin Ktirot abstained. Already (lis
tant lauds have slipped into Yankee
hands, while at Constantinople, St.
Petersburg, Tokio and Algeciras the
same Root intervened at his conven
ience and Europe stupidly respected the
Mnnrnfl doctrine. Bef jre the conclu
sion of the third Pan American congress
it will have cost the l-atin peoples
continent they peopled and financed.
Ships Go to Aid of Forts, Which May
Have Given Up.
Viborg, Aug. 2. It is reported here
that the Russian fleet, stationed a
llango, Finland, has mutinied, impris
oned the ollicers and sailed to the as
sietancu of the mutineers at Sveaborg
Ilelsingfors, Aug. 2. At 7 o'clock
last evening the battleship IVarevitel
and the cruiser Iiogatyr opened lire on
the mutineers at a distance of 50 cable
lengths. The mutineers replied, hut
their shots seem ad to fall short. The
firing ceased at 0 o'clock and the boats
were then eeen leaving the islands wit!
Ifeislngfnrs, Aug. 2. he latest new
from the fo'tress tends to conflirn i
previous report that the mutineers have
The mutineers had the upper hand
until the battleships arrived and begun
to bombard them with telling effect.
The men were undoubtedly led to
surrender because of their lack of big
guns, their need of provisions, which
they had failed to secure, and the ar
rival of the warships.
Reinforcements have arrived here and
have been hurried to effective positions
Jeers for Dr.
Sarf Francisco, Aug. 2. A banquet
was given to Dr. Devine, the national
Red Cross representative who hal
charge of the relief work here after the
Ore and who is about to return to his
home in the East. A number of the
discontented persons who are living in
the refuge camps took advantage of the
occasion to work up a demonstration
againHt the methods of the relief com
mission, and as a result a throng of
people gathered at Union square in
front of the St. Francis hotel, where
the banquet was he'd.
Dentist a Counterfeiter.
Denver, Aug. 2. Dr. James D. Eg
gleston, Jr., son of an employe of the
Pacific Express company here, who has
been practicing as a dentist in this city,
was arrested this afternoon y Deputy
United States Marshal Frank on the
charge ( f connlei (eiting. A search of
his oflice is said to have disclosed sev
eral photographs of bills, a bous half
dollar stamped on one side and a con
n.ii..ii)ii nii'tnl .v which could be
used for making money.
Rebels Steal Machine Gun.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 2. -A machine
trim was stolen lat night from an arms
factory in the Va s' 1 Ostrov dislrlit of
this city. It is suspected that the rob
bery was committed with cognizance of
the sent;ne.s on duty at the factory,
U a secret meeting last night of the
Putilof works employes, a spy was dis
covered and killed.
Insurance Companies Make Return
In San rranciaco.
Albany. N. Y., Ju'y III. -State S.
pel Inteiident of Insurance Otto Kelsey
tonight made puldlc ine results f u
Investigation as to the hisses of fire In
surance companies in the San rtancinio
All lolnt stock fire and Inland marine.
Insurance companies transacting busi
ness In the state we e called on for
sworn statement a to their losses In
California. The companies were nuked
for the grossamouul ol insurance in.
VfdvHfl 111 risks dest ro vel or damaged.
the deduction for amounts recover.'.!
by reinsurance, the deduction lor esti
..t,l ! . the tolal deduction snd
the net amount of ls as shown by tin.
recorJs June SO, I mm.
Tli hw York state companies. 47
In n i inhi r, how the gross amount .
insurance involved as M l , 1 1 u,uiiw , tin.
reinsurance to be recovered, I O.K.I t,.
the estimated salvage, 17,137,1:!,
itii. I ths aetutl amount of loss t23,i:iH,.
Returns from other lolnt stock tire.
Slid lii.' murine Insurance, companies,
H4 in nuinhrr, show the g'ors amount
of Insurance f HO, 423, 704; relnsuian.
to be recovered, IK'J.IMO.Htt ; estimated
salvage, f II, 3M-I, '.'.'; actual amount d
lo. ri," '.Hi-
Tin' foreign companies, 3. In nil .iher,
these re-turn : (I mas insurance.
involved, f 101,4.102 533; reinsurance
to lid recovered, I32.2H1 ,K0H ; e-t misted
salvage, $153,18, KM; actual lo.s, r,7,
701. H6U.
The irroea amount of insurance in
volved bv al! comiianies was $222.K'ln.-
307; reinsurance, Uft.24U,771 ; salvage.
33,8I4, 4IH, and actual loss, fi.i:',-
Kruttschnitt Forbids More Freight
Cars In San Francisco.
San Francisco, July 31. The embar
go of the Southern Pacific on lumber,
lime and hay has been inciensed, and
now includes all articles from the imri h .
Not a pound of freight can li shipped
into Sail Francisco from Portland or
adjacent territory until the freight tie
up at San Francisco has been loosened.
This is the latest edict of Julius
Kruttschnitt, who has been threatening
to do this for some time unlets the sit
uation speedily cleared. It has Ih n
decided by the local authorities to take
no further chances but to stop at ence
all shipments from the north.
For the embargo there ia only one
remedy--to clear up the congestion in
the freight yards. Efforts In this di
rection arc being made by all the
freight agents, and the missionary
work among the consignees Is having a
salutary effect. The unloading in the
yards is going on at a faster rate. Wot
not fast enough to suit Kruttschnitt,
who has taken the precaution to see
that no more cars are added to the glut
that is already crowding the tracks.
The tie-up is working to the detri
ment of the city, as many merchants
throughout the state are sending F'ast
for their goods instead of patronizing
the wholesalers of San Francisco, be
lieving that they can secure their stocks
just as quickly under preeent conditions.
Battalion of Russian Troops Attempts
to Rescue Prisoners.
Poltava, July 31. A grave outbreak
occurred yesterday in the Sevsky regi
ment owing to the arrest of a private of
the First battalion, who was disci. Vered
with some other soldiers in a shed
where the revolutionists are in the
habit of holding meetings. After the
arrent the entire First battalion, accom
panied by a large crowd, paraded the
streets in defiance ol the military au
thorities. The soldiers proceeded to the artil
lery barrack, where they seised several
guns and marched with them to the
prism, where the political prisoners
are confined. At this stage all the re
mainder of the Poltava graiiuon was
called nut.
The loyal troops fired on the muti
neers with machine guns as they were
engaged in breaking nown the gate of
the prison. Several men were killed
or wounded. The outbreak was not
suppressed until 2 o'clock this mottling.
Patent Office Behind.
Washington, July 31. Patent attor
neys throughout the country aro arrang
ing to send a delegation to see Presi
dent Roosevelt at Oyster Hay and re
quest him to either remove Commis
sioner Allen or cause such change in
methods as w ill place the patent oflico
on a satisfactory basis. The work of
the patent oflice, attorneys declare,
has been running behind since the ap
pointment of Mr. Allen, five years ago.
There are now 23,000 applications for
patents unacted upon, besides nuaier
ous, copyrights, trade ina-ks, etc.
Pardo In Favor of Peace.
Lima, Pru, July 31. The niessage
of President Pardo to congress calls at
tention to the progrccs of the republic
and to the policy of the nation, which
he says is inspired bv a desire to settle
international differences on a basis of
friendship and equity. The president
declares further that a discussion of
these principles, which Peru and ft ma
jority of the South American states up
hold, will take place at the Pan-American
congress at Rio de Janeiro.
Viborg'Manifesto Seized.
Kharkov, July 81. The authorities'
have seized copies of the Viborg mani
festo issued by the outlawed parliament
to the weight of 400 pounds which have
been surreptitously shipped Into Kharkov.