Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 01, 1906, Image 4

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J. MtkHAM MShTR. Manner.
C - - -
co!ii:.niA Mtiui.r phiu.ishimi
M.iKr nil h.'i t Ii- M Nr.-ol I'll!' Co.
fV .im H'otnnt i'lM mull iiwiut.
srnscKiPTio.N u a rr.s.
0 month. f ' " "
W month Hi
If paid in .advance-.
Clubbing Rates.
'i he n.ilicmWt Nwi!vt one car
with uiiy enc t tin- (ullowliii; I'Uli
ltc. tiiHK one yenr for nmmiut set
Tfl itlo Monthly
Weekly Orronhiu i I'm Uumi I
Weekly t I'm tl.-ind I
Del? Milling (Ucnveri
Weekly Mining 11 c rI
11 Cl rto Homestead
North weci t'oultrv .l.mmal
horses, hog, shceo ami gouts, oiiv Lk I'cwrt rum Kdv l. FMt.
niivf it vanity of prodm Is lo feed j Uiloi City, Ore., 'lilv 7 Cm n
to Ills stock niul make mote mt'iiry ! ct d Mihi;;ci John Thoinpsoi ot
than in any other way. Tin re i ! tin? l-'ieiicnt IVom i Companv and
no iihmu'v in tunning M V on pa 1 1 Red Hoy mine, who is in the
tun s Aii! ti tlic tuoll i'ii th' ' ctt y on important businens. nays
m.ukft ,s s.h.ii .is thoy are salable j Unit he will li.iv. Ilic Olive I.nko
and doing the simc thing with all ! powct plant in operation mt
the ptoducts of the gioiind. Pi
vcrsitiul c tit t ali.-cd farming is
what brings in the golden twenties.
What we mean by centralized larm
iug is to i.rUe a 1 i c r i t ol eiopn
that pioducc abundantly under high
state of cultivation anil fun the
crop (.(!' in the fmishr.l product.
1 1 io fattened kino ami swine, tlie
mohair ami v.x!
1 t the tanners kep the stock
instead of selling every hoof ami
foul them the piod.uls uf the soil,
combining the two in the one and
se' im t liorcly i ap the real pro.luets of
$v.r.i) j binning.
S J.iHt . Instead uf shipping o'H l st ows
$:..:0 tmt t,f (he valley let ns keep them.
T.'-' aM to Mitni ami build up a giea'
$l.7. ' ! n nniiislry mat w m im ieg
air. Thompson adds tint he can
develop 5,000 horse power with he
plant tlie eompany is erecting ami
the plant ean he inotcased casd it
any time, ami that nt the oi.;; t
they will have 1,000 hoiso power to
.spare, whieh they will he ghd to
furnish to linker City intipiiscs
ami factories or to nv one levd
inn cicetiie power.
law people teahe the immensity
of lhi piopoMliotl. Niit'iM' 1'iit
Olive lake on lit- top of a 11 1 ot n
tain with an inexhaustil'ln wutci
s'tipplv. ami man is yoiii-,' to do the
test, p til v Mimii"' K eord.
' lot pati'tits un;i trd upon . I n .rl
' dilion II I ie ,iH' li :i ii 111 1 1 1. -, .!' 1 i'
j and I iheU 10 tiir I'ui'iN' 1 "I i1""1
I nraeted upon I 'u m do -i 1 I d
of tllult ih tn 1 '. 1 'i 1 , , p I) Im ;
j A tint ins s s:u ih':; . I ; nl - 11 1 1
nreitt 11 mill' 1 1 1 ! . 1 1 . n 1 m
ha if. v- Men's 1 .1 l d I .
; ready c.ih into the fannei""' 1 oelo ts 1 It?
A Trip to tl Hills
wot tli voir whil"
Bohemia Mino Case Se't'etl
ud;;e 1 Iiotuil -ii "ii Tie' .d 1 v
romlei I'd a ileei .inn 111 I if e .
l'.tl 1 iek -I ) UM'U',- ' Ie " n
da niinin:; 0' ' nr '" 1 d'!.i!i
a I i I le t' II IMOe II, 'I I . '.1 VI : 1
1 1 i st I let Tin tii' 1 1 1 ' ii 1 .f 1I1. j i i n t . ;!
to dismiss, the -in! will'..;! pi i ; e. -diee
to 11 liollii t mi it 1 I i!ie '''im'
eitUM' is .ii'-mi' .. d a 1 .1 1 tii 1 1 U to
tlie pit i el t 111 ol v e,l 1 . 1 1 1 e 1 1 I 11;
la via 1 if the defendant , Ii. 1 e, .1 1 o
awaided costs. I 'lie sn t lee. I 1 1 11
p'-miiii;,' in eottt I sim r .lan-eit ' 1 .
1 '-'o I , .'in I 1 e a on 1 ! 1 s!i, 1 1 : 1 ' ,
"lie ot tlie in 1 tie ; " I - ; o I ' ! 1 :t
j ld;;e'm lit nlil nm d l' I I I i'.;
W.I t si Ml, who the 1 I'll , '. 1 d 111 1
'Ollioll III I V If
I'IihiiiImT of I'ciii
rn. , Hll Ulllltf fllMT. too . unirr "in
rvr.lor wtil I 't-itiv I" ! In1 m-c "( th !; i t- ,
IB:.' I.Blt! fr..ii 1 hi- mo 1 mis mt 11 1 11 St'.' I i 1 ii- "i i
thi" W i l , .1 srlt'lll 1 In' i.l'lllry Hint l!l 11" ' ' X
1 hi" l'Hi'f r It I'M' '
C S XII.MNO 1 OSt.lit
amkki ami t'st'd'lish a htoad ropntation lot : Welch and II. Metealf says to take
I. ane as a daiiyin centd. -Ha;is
I T,
Nlcklln Tnkfls II
I I'M I- R 11. ''t .11 lie "I K 1' I 1 m V
A:vrtilit( Aiectii'v, tl Hii'l '.' MtMi'linuts V
C iri-e. .-h:i r miii'ii'.i. Clil,,rni In rt- i'kii
IT.,, e (or nl i,g run I um lr fer II
W k i) n 1 b 1 a v , Air.rsr 1. ioo'
Eugene is havim
A deal has I een completed win h -1-y
1. T. Niek!m sells a halt in'd
est in his fnocery niul li y u i. t 1 -I
mi sines ei.'U'lneted in the hni'doin
at ICast N'iiiih and Oak stieets.
merlv oceupied lv the lieuister
. . office, to II. C Neal. and her' after
more troubles. ; ...:ii i.t, v. ..1.1;,, a
11 tup 1 i.oiiemii. 1 iiey went 10
the end of the OA S V. load then
with K. rnrvatice and Mr. Cox,
C- Nl I familiarly known as "dad'" wended
tl'eir wav to the Wave house, took
.III"1'1 Vi"t
1. 1
'r Sift-
. j;.V;t MOVt, WW.
j.j'iin ( inM'.iis
An examination i f untilterod w at-r ! Xc-il
led tlie State l'.o ml to a.yain it p-rt XUklm open-d up in
vxn th feu till eoi.ditioii .f the '!,',reM.,lt otmlvrs n ar aK
. - - 1 . . x- , r. 1 . . 11' . '
wau-rsuppn. on.- me e.u .Mav ami has 1 unt up a pn
vit r has l u si nt in an I n way ; li,j,K.Ss
to Oregon Ir an
ul out two v ars
1 i ions
i-p report is to he ex p. cted 1-u- Mr. Nal can.e
gno has had nough trouble with 1 IialIU-,, Kansas,
or vva'er ami
,-rs. so that
Us attendant sick-sMK-d
water works
ago. II- conducted a euerul m r
1 , . i. ....
..nun. .1 ..r.,r&. ! r .1,1.111 still 1 ,r.
te-lit to he -cent, d at any co-t ami seijU!. ul)t (l litth-ver u month a...
thepr-nt ssvm dots not io ; jje j a in,tlu r -in-law- ofthepis
to work, the c-li-'' ns will sec that ; itl i tie.
,e riht kind ol n jUr system is : T! tli.,,'. b Mleunuc ff.v
put in. If KuK'iie had as l ai,iV, Anvust IM. Mes.sts, Nicklm
aicr supply as (Vttanc (iro-e has ,Ulll x;t.., wp,j carKe the business
there would be li'tle kick coming, j ju jjCt., with the progress of Ih"
except from ti e ttt-rnal kntK.-kor, cjty 0f i?Uj,t.IJt. Register,
of whom w- c-xpect t,Teno hasuj '
To Republican
We urc anxious to have every re
on refreshment and Inked out 'r
I In- hills The lii st stop w as at
"Pad" 'ox's cabin where is cer
tainly an ideal place for weaiy
then through the kindness ot Tout
Mend'H! showetl ug a cut oil to
I'ailo i '.ros. of the bids mid
where the coldest water in the hills
comes t' quench I lie lliiistv tiaveht
but ht us. say titat biu'ik Haley can
get up a meal that would put maii
women to shame. Trunk thought
we were jollying him but its light
he is a dandy. Hero at this spot
we staved nil night and regretted to
leave, then on up to Orseeo where
C Oottirs is hohtiti'' tin- nins. He
! killdlv showi d us oVvr the inilies
I w ht ie ii
i ging th.
i niyht and
tt is cei tainlv
1T101. are
ipiart to
da cmii!
cm p.
kei 1
tll.'llts OIK
vcd di;'-
Mr (id
1 u idly,
tile Irani
few just like Cottage Grove. With j
the mountains c lose at hand with !
1 ..i. Ll..ri. i.f T r I it 11 o cnriu- f
I. til oiv.v.s v.. , . , , ... -'"S.-, , ,
t) irei- no reason why any town in Pul'!' "u
rug in narmony wun me neptiun
tliis f-ffctiuii hhciiild hare to
ijnpur and polluted water.
Suppl&nts England
World's Danker
as !te
can Nationul Congressional (!om
inittco in favor of the election of a
republican eongresH.
The congressional campaign must
be based on the administrative ai.d
legislative record of the party, and,
France i.s now playiug the role ol
the woi Id's biinkir; KtiLilaml lost
Ler claim to ti e title when sV ' that being so, Theodore Roosi v It's
v.-eut to war in South Africa. A ! personalty must be a central figure
generation ago one had to go to ! and his achievements a central
JiOiidon to feel the pulse of the in- thougbt in the campaign.
tiruatioDal money market. To lay i We desire to maintain the woik
cue makes a hotter diagnosis in j of this campaign with popular sub
3'rtris. I scriptioiis of one dollar eacb from
Tlie strides towaid finatiti d su-j republicans. To each subscriber
jremacy which h'rance is now ma k we will bend the Republican Na
insr have been most rapid in ti.o ' tictml Campaign Text Hook ami all
0 . !. 111..
pabt live iears. In that time j nocumeinH issueu oy me comunuec
French investors have taken up!
rainy milliard francs of foreign ob- j
lifsitionri. Tlie furbished Great!
:.i 1. r .... . :.. 1 I
i'.ruain umi mucu ji rue cuj-Hai
that went to finance the Boer war;
they loaned enormous amounts to
Russia, practicdly supplwng the
money needed in the struggle
against Japan; they provided Ger
many with 1 00,000, 000,000 m-tiks
in 1034-5 to carry mi her tremend
ous industiial; they took
a liberal amount ot the last Japan
ese loan, over half of the Russian
loan last April, and fin 1 1 v , they
supplied b irrowers in the United
States with fully $1 50,000. 000 dur
iug the tight-money period last
viuter and i:re now finauciug the
bond and note issues of some of
cur greatest corporation-. From
''France a.s an InveHor,"' by Chas.
I'. Speaie, in the American Monthly
Iioview of Reviews for July.
Help 'as achieve a gient victory.
James S Sherman, Chairman.
V. O. Hex 2of;:i, New York.
Silk Creek.
"Water Washington Grow."
Taconia, July 2. The purpose
Cf exploiting' the advantages and
resources of the state of Washing
ton, the next legislature wid be
taken to appropriate $200,000 to be
expended in publicity woik dm iug
tlie two ytais preceding the Alaska
5'oukon exposition The above
fiction was agreed upon today at a
neetin of lepjescntatives of moht
Cf the active commetcial organizu
ions in the state. Fx.
Make Ltvne v Dairy Center.
There in no reason why F'me
County should not develop into the
dairying center f Westeiu ()regon.
'The land abounds in springs and
waterways good foothills and val
ley farms, capable, under proper
cultivation, ol producing big crops
uf clover, alfalfa, vetch and coin.
3;very farmer can have a silo and
theousilage that can be produced
j ere makes the best 1 ossjble b ed.
The tnuo has gone by in this
valley when luiineis can depend on
Kiain crops alone for revenues.
'The diversified product id 'he
tirninri.1 inonev-maker. He can
larm 'lo acres keep tho best dairy Mr. ami Mrs. Milne returned
jttock, highest grade of cattle, J from a visit to l",ugeue Moiidoy
We hear that Owens & .Son have
a new hand in the sawmill by name
August Heinrieh.
Mr. is very bu-iy cultiug
grain for his neighbors. What
would Silk Creek do without Mr,
Long and his "binder?"
Perhaps the people could do, as
M. I, liabcock ami son Edward
are dointr. use the "cradle" in the
''good old fashioned way."
We understand Mr. and Mrs.
I.uwfcon Sl'gle are entertaining
their griiml'l oighter a few days.
Mis. Fugeii'i Miller and Mrs. T.
IIicIooiImou visited their parents at
Suginaw. Friday.
Mrs. 15. C. Tabor of Fugene
visited Mrs. Flbridge Wln tler h'ti
day and attended the service at the
church Saturday.
J. U. ltes of J Jrain, has been
with us again a short tune.
Mrs. CaHebeer and daughter
Inez, have boon the guests of .Mis.
Casebeers sister, Mrs. David Fstes.
Mr. Werlh emploped J',. A.
Wheeler to cut grain lor him Friday.
The buys weie put on
which g'oes up as they
straigh'- for 500 feet on a level with
the Champion. There in the elec
tric motor which carries the otc fni
about one mile from l.ohemia over
to the stamps Here is where the
big hearted Geo. Knowles hangs
his hat. George made an extra el
foit to make it pleasant fur the boys
showing them over Ilohcmia camp.
They had quite a pleasant viit with
ever tho name lilzie Holdcimati,
who insisted ('ii them staying all
summer but the boys weie a luth'
fearful of striking labor, thanked
him and pulled out after a good
breakfast. One of the novel feat
ures was when the b ys accoM.psin
ied Godfrey Graber up on one ot
the famous peaks in Hohemi.i, Fnir
view and filhd two sacks with snow
to fieeo cream for a party that was
given on the eve of duly 27th.
From here we billed f..r Vesuvius,
but heard that Mr. I laid was in the
Grove We made our next stop at
Andrew llrund's oozy cottage where
he and Willie ure mouatch of all
they survey. They ieitainly de
serve credit tor the amount of work
they have done in development.
Here we partook of a good dinner
rested until d p. in. and then de
scended to the lower level which
Metealf says is n.'.oo feet, The
boys wore gone only I dajs but
had 1 mouth experience.
11 i:i i.i 1
( i t I 1 illl'les , 1 ( , .lit. 11 I will, ,- .i : I,. 1
1 (ruin a l"i i,. 1, 1 1 and 1. 1... k.el. .1
'tioweb, 1 1 1 1 1 Villi mv iken llii'ii, t.i
ttieii .-i. er .'letiufi itii )r K.i
Now I iifc Ill" ..';l ;,:,.
I i 1 1 1 t e 1 1 i live lire ! i ii i . . . I : ... I i , . : i
, l!ie f. V i 1 1 1 1 1 " h. 1 1 III- in I l . .
II i tie s t , in .'.' : i I ! ,
I ' in ,n ;
I W IAIN I . l: I '. I I I I
"I ;ik a l".si'- in . i t . 1 1 ! v e.i
I'.'l 1 1 Ie Wit Ii elifi tii'- I ules .in. I null.
h,l i.t si .1 es. mil i I I '. 1 1 . ' k I e I. '
rnii i S im'. w lii. li I ii i nr. I l I,.' I i,.
!'V em tx l.utli. !i I. ! ,i t 1 .
Ill, I ins." .'. I i I ' : M p.r.t. .. .. I 'ire
Ville. a best f.. ..I i nl .! , i it
Im r t;s ii ii. I w .ii ii. Is. '.. it p.. cs..'
I ' 1 1 .' 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 v
! IIMBI K I.AMi, M 1 JI Ni: i. ,s;.
Nn'l HI' I i l'l I'.l I ' I 1 1 1 . 't
I nitt ! -tali'- I. .ii,. I I i;l. '
l.'n-i Lin.', (lie . !a Is, ...i-, .';
Ni ,t !.' I s In t i I iv a i'ii I'.i! : . - i
1 'll. nice w il Ii the -l . i -a I.- l
I ( Hl'JI'r-- i .1 .1 II In ,'!. -7- . i.t '! : I
I Met f.f the H.-ile i ! 1 1 in ! . i : i ii i , , I 1
i "-tales uf I 'alii , i in i, I li. ..,,, . I,.
I ;t i 1 ii -1 1 i iiet'Hi li i i : I 1 1 . a i )
I tell.le.l t'l :l!l the Puhhe I . ,l. I St, ',
I net ,.t u-.Ml-t I. s:i'. '
u II. 1. 1 M rl;; s,,.
1 i ! I lit lie. i n . ( '"il lit y . .1 I a ill a I.i, - -' I ..I '
I South I ik.ita, has tl.n il.iv li!. .1 :n 1 1 . -
I i illii'e h i "I II s ateinelit N . i',,,:, :,.i
I tin- "iiehas,' ,, Ih.' SI.1, ,,!' -, , !:,,, ,
' ::. in 'I'.iw n-l.i. N... r s i - v . .' '
W, and w ill "H. -i 1 1 1. io! .. -!m.. lint it,.
' land siiii'ht is in. H ! al ua Lie I'm it-i ni '.
j her or stone than lor n'i icult in al in j '.
' i.ises, and In e-talilisli his i lami t" -a I , '
; land li.'iiite 1 1,.. ;( 'i.-ti ! iiii.l lCi'i-en i r i a
j tills i.lli.'e at l,,i, ... I itl ..,,
' '."llie-ho II,.- J f f , da; ,.' '- , ,.'. ,! . ,
; I '"';.
I I" li., Ine- a - 'A I I i.i - i - ''
'I'll. .Ill .:- I'd U I I ' . . U . ," I . . I,
I b i man I . I . A , II ( 'i u ,:. . . . t a
t : e.'i ' i I " e , I ) i . .
I A li V and all (.. i ,ii- . I i , i . a I
e -seiy t Ie ali.i.e di-.'i ii'. d land- in
' i ei nest i-i I t w li ie t ,' i ' i i el a . 1 1 1 m'.1" : .
liee " .li i r I '! a e -a I' I a ; !.. ! - ;
tfiniiei i ;.
: -'i;.:i biiM m i . I. r i. , , I ; i i. a .
C I a ssi f i ctl Acl vc r t i s i 1 1 1 o 11 1 s .
For Sale
H'.-int h slab woo., bi"t ks and
t, immiiigs at Sjs 1 . ." t . i load d- lo
ered I'lione No. "t llto vti l.titit
Ler Co.
Enowles & Gettys
liohcinia, Oregon.
Knowles & iiettys
;i scco, Oregon.
liners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
( ) 1 1 r Moll:
Grind Goods at Reasonable Prices.
(j en era! Merchandise
Miners Tools and Amunitions ?
: - ' , . . --'s-.ssss-.-.s' '-ss ..-.'. ,Wj,A
Mincis at tlm Cuntmeiilal Mite.-
IMylnCte.k, O.ego,,. Tel. l,.,m ,
; LJUllil li-.s,
Our Mast Window is now dis
play ini a few specials in Summer
Threshing Uli Wdr.esdttv
Walt and Tom .Scott cumt into
town Fiiday with their Hfeam
thresher, and will begin to thresh
on Hull's place next Wednesday.
Heal Estate Transfers.
V. Ii. and Ida M. Dobbins to
George McQueen lot 'i blk 2 in
McQueen's ad to Cottage drove.
t l Ho.
I), (j. Mcl'ailanl
Miller loin 1 and 2,
M Failand'ii 5lh ad
drove. .235.
to Mu M.
blk 1, Jb 0.
to Coltu"
Waalhnr liureati Genural Sumiimry
Week Lndlng July 30th-
The week was dry except Satur
day, wh n clouds formed and in a
number of places thunderstorms
occurred, with very light rain. In
the coast counties th" nights and
mornings were gem-rally cloudy or
tXKy ,II11 the 11 I ter noons ch ar.
Ivist of the Cascad" mountaina and
in Southern Oregon wns excessive.
The temperatures averaged above
normal, with tho coolest weather
during the closing days of the
week'. In the Willamette valley
the wannest day was Friday, when
the maximum tcinp'-ratuie was
above '.)') degress. Iii Southern
Oregon, Tuesday ami Friday were
both hoi days, wjih Maximum tem
peratures above 00 degnes hi : the
remaining days were only in ler
ately warm- F'ist of the ' Ca-cudo
rnountainu tempcra'ure i of 00 de
grees or more were common during
the first live days, alter which
lovvtr temperatures prevailed.
The wimlw were generally light
and their prevailing diiection was
north wehterl) .
i Svv mill and bnnl ei yard labor
li ra .t'2.'2-" per day Wood.-itm.n
i su to $-'boo. Steady wJik. Apjd.y
1 to ll:.oth-Kely Lumber Co, I'.u
j gene, )regin. tt
! A line A li'iiKe p i.vel' "Vale" l''i"
mod-I, ew.t $11-1. A great haigaiu
at Jloo. (ood a.s tifw The. lo
zaar. Cottage drove
A good girl for geiieial woik in
small family, no washings. Apply
at Ibis ollice at once. N Nugget.
Lost P01 k (i I Hook
Sumlay July fust on Main sine!.
H .ok li'is stamped in it. Cuinpli of l'al'iose Slate bunk Con
iviiiH two notes valuable tonwuer
Oarii to Scl,lefn Hospital ami
1 1 cei ve 1 e w 111 I
Space does
12 l-2c
not permit other
bargains in Suininer I'abrics.
I'atont Olflce liohlnd
Washington, July 2'. I'atei.l
attorncyH throughout th" country
are arranging to K-nd u delegation
to see president Hoosevelt at Oys
ter Hay find request him to itln r
remove Commissioner Allen or
cause such change in tin thods as
will place the l'.ttent Ollice on a
H.ilihlactory basis. Tbe woik of
the patent ofli'-e, atlorueys dechne,
has been running behind ninre the
appointment of 'Mr. Allen, five
yeaiH ago.
There are uow 23,ooo upplica'ioua
dgold biua st pin o. -Itl, ;'I lie Hh1xi- Jijs Hvca iicrlccl t iximiloii
)val net with six 01- eight . l,t-,l--l SCparillln
i.cacl- tlrcH
minim; maciiinkky
hi;nvkii coi'o
A fine ol
ol July. Ov;
small runes 111 inn cemei. me.
pin is an heir loom, coining from a
great-great aunt of the loser, and
the finder will receivo a line I' waid
by leaving pin at Ibis oflieo.
Xll''e. t.
Kill Ul.h. Si.
Tom Awbrey lmu lelinned t.,
Cottage drove and ia again wiiting
insurance polices in the Oiegun
Fire Relief Asn., of McMittnville,
and the AlvltiU I'M" Insurance Co.
if Iluilfoid, Conn.
Wttkbutl mid Ironed
I(uce eurtaiiiH, clothes icpaited
and pressed by Mia. deo. liohlnmn.
Leave woik ut Ostraudei's bather
"M.'i ' ' n 1 . i : ma.
"l n 1 1
'Heiluccd lUniiid Trip txcursioti
n olil. : 11,1 ,,1,1 .,,,,1 ,
I'.eet 1 veil , he,, I .,, I ,,, . ,.,,1 (jit
I I le.'I 1 1 1 . 1 1 , ,1 ',' ,1
i;ieiie Till.',
II ... i' . I
I I ' I 1 ' ''I. I t I I 1 I ' ; I I I
I lii'i r'.-. in ,i 1, 1 1, - 1 ! , 1
. oi,ij!4 I!' I 1 1 1 ' t i . 1 1 1 lilt- v, .'j.L : .:t 1 ' ' 1 : ' . ( ) ' 1 1 1 liiVtT liointH
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