OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST GOOD WAGES IN HAYFIELD3. Klamath Basin Farmers Pay S2 Per Day and Hoard. l a I ..II- f t I Niamawi ran--i.aiioring men ran lo well in Klamath basin. Haying ha I. rotiiiht on a tremendous demand lor men of brawn, ami wages started at 2 a lay ami board In the hayfleld Mason, I i,i v In v Co., contractor on tint canal, promptly met thn watte with the additional Inducement of an fright-hour day, and farmers generally realise tliat an rt(li t ttou r day in caring (or a crop of alfalfa would hardly do. It ia a bumper crop of hay that In being cut in tlil county, too, and many ranches re port that tonnage of from four to five ton la not uniiaual. With ail of Ih in vast production, ap pearance iiidlcatn Dint Rood prion will ( rtallxml, aa thirn are mom animals to be fed than ever he'ore. Especially will ttit demand for hay suitable for horses b called for in large ipiantity for thn animal employed In construct iiiK tanal. lateral and other portion of the government work and building the railroad reaching thin way for thn tonnage the valley i to produce. Thn government ha derided to build thn riM'ond unit of it canal without asking fm ttirtht'r bid on thn work and will immediately proceed to equip thn aridi tlonal camp necessary for tlmt work. The wax1' of men at the government. cMiiip ban been increased to correspond with tliHt offered by farmer and tint (infractor. Work on thn cnnal system In now co in ahead rapidly. I C. llenny, an pervising engineer, who succeeded J. It l.ippinrott on tlii project, i acquaint ing InniHelf thoroughly with thn work that ba been clone and that i outlined for immediate cont t net ion . lin ha spent inont of thn time on the work since hi arrival from Portland. Barley Stand Haat Best. Thn I 'alien Header arn running all over thn county in thn farming unc tion, atid thn Krin i being tucked ready for threshing. A yet no thresh intt mat bine have iitarted, but several will begin this week. As harvest ad vances, it ia ahown thai tiin w heat crop i better ttian was thoiiKht a week ago. Tho quality of spring grain ia inferior. None of thn spring grain is No. 1. Thn fall wheat i of good quality, tint inont farmer estimate that their fall whrat will not yield over 15 bunhel to the acre about half a crop. Hurley in the beet crop tbi eaon, having stood thn hot weather better than wheat or cat. Have 72 Per Cent of Offices. Salem Out of 842 county offices in the state the Republican bold 240 and the Democrats hold 88, while only two are filled by Independents, one by a Prohibitionist and one by a woman who has no political party designation. One (.Ice la vacant. The Republicans hold 72. 8 per cent of the county offices and thn Democrats 25.7 per cent. The In dependent elncted secured the oflice of surveyor in two counties and the Pro hibition's elected a coroner. The woman elncted in Miss Kmma Warren, who was elected school superintendent of Clatsop county. No one was elected coroner of Wheeler county. For New Woman's Building;. Albany -After holding a meeting of the board of regents of the Oregon Agri cultural college at Corvallis, the mem bers of the board came to Albany last week and at Bn adjourned pension in this city awarded the contract for the new woman's building, to be erected on the campus, to II. Snook. The con tract price i ftl'.r.OOO, that being the lowest bid by f li.OOO. The building will be constructed of the granite from the quarries at Detroit, the eastern terminus of the Corvallis Si .'lantern railroad, and the building stone at Ya iiina bay. Harvesting Begins in Linn. Albany Harvesting 1ms begun in I.inn county. While some damage to spring grain has been reported, as a re sult of unusually warm weather lasting for several days, tbene reports are the exception rather than the rule. Fall eown grain was damaged but little, and an excellent crop will be garnered. Late sown spring grain will improve considerably yet under the influence of the cool weather now prevailing. Hay ing is practically over, and the baler will add the finishing touches before the fall rains set in. Pure Water for Agricultural College. Corvallis Students at the Agricul tural college are to have pure mountain water hereafter. At its last meeting the board of regents made provision to have the water brought by the munic.U ftality of Corvallia from Mary's peak supplied in abundance for use at the college, and the president nnd secretary were authorized to contract with the city water board for 100,000 gallons or more at a rate of 16 cents per 1,000 gal lons per month. ..mm I New Combine Attracts Attention. Athena - A combine harvester has been purchased by John Walter which will be the first of its kind to be used in this section. The machine is pro pelled by a 20-hoise power engine, which runs all of the machinery, tan ia only a sufficient number of horses to draw the machine. The separator nd cutting machinery U operated en tirely Independent of the draft. The feature that most interests farmers is that of doing away with many horses required by other combines. BtST IN UNION. Iowa Expert Says Dairying Conditions Excel His State. Halein That Oregon can produce butter cheaper than any other state in thn Union and that Oregon creamery men arn nnverthnlen flgnrlng on Im porting cream from Minnnnota, were ntartling annertion made at a dairy men's meeting hnrn last week. Professor McKay, of the dairy dn partment of thn Iowa State Agricultural college, wa the principal speaker. Hn said that although his state produces morn butter than any other state, he freely acknowledged tht this I a more advantageous region for dairying, for thn reanon that thn climate is lens sub ject to such extreme conditions. He said Oregon should not Import a pound of butter, but should bo an exporter when that product can he shipped to New York for 2 cents a pound and to Liverpool for '2 cents. He urged the extension of dairying as a means of re taining (arm fertility. Director James Withycombn, of thn Oregon experiment station, said that thn dairy products in tiiis state, tbi year will havn a value of fH, 000, 000 and in a fnw years dairying will sur- pa lumbering, which is now our greatest wealth producing industry. I le said that one creamery operator i figuring on importing cream frrun Min nesota, and deplored nuch a condition, when thn Willamette valley will pro diice () to 15 tons of green corn feed or .'10 toon of green alfnlfu per acre. Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey spoke in a nimilar strain, saying that hn tins seen hay offered for rale this year at $2.50 a ton in the field and yet the farmer had no stock to sell. Higher Price for Hops. Salem On news that the Knglinh ami German crops have been seriously injured transactions in futures have been reported at 12 cents. It is esti mated that about one-half of the Ore gon crop for 190ft lias linen sold, and (ieorge I.. Hose predicts that the mar ket will open at not less than 15 cents. Crop estimates vary from 115,000 to 125,000 bales for Oregon this year. Latent local advices from England pine th probable English yield at from 200.000 to HOO.OO0 cwt., as against 700,000 cwt. last year. Athena Needs Laborers. Athena There is a scarc'ty of labor ers in this vicinity. Farmers have ad vertised for men, but few respond and owing to the fact that the warm weather has hastened the harvest many men are needed and good wages are offered. Much wheat on light soil is ruined and will not be harvested. A few weeks ago this wheat was very promising. John Bannister, a large farmer, says that bis crop is damaged ore half in many pises. Convicts Make Escape. fialem A loss of 10 per cent of the prisoners is the record of the Oregon penitentiary thus far this season in working convicts on the public high ways. About AO men are kept at work on inn roaus ana ai me state lair grounds. Hix have escaped and are still at large. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 70c; bluestem, 72c; red, (!Kc; vallev, 71c; new club, 68c; new blnentnm, 70c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $32; gray, $31 p?r ton. Itarley Feed, $23 50 per ton; brew ing, $23.50 per ton; rolled, $2424.60. Kve $1 f0 per cwt. Hsv Vallev timothv. No. l.tll 12.50 per ton; clover, $8.M)rtt; cheat, $0.60(i7; grain hay, $78; alfalfa, $11. Fruits Annies. $1.50(32.25 uer box: apricots, $1.2511.35; cherries, tt10e tier pound; currants, WGilOe; peach es, 76c $1.10 per box; plums, $1.25; Ixigan berries, $1.35ftil. 40 per crate; rasnberries. $1.40641.60; blackberries, 8c per pound ; gooseberries, 8c. Vegetables Beans, o7c per pound; cabbage, l?4'2c; corn, 2535c per dozen: cucumbers. 75c$l per box; egg plant, 3040o per pound; lettuce, head, 2oc per dozen; onions, 1U(5 12c; peas, 45c per pound; radish- t . ( t n sr es, 10C?U)C P oozen; rnnnarn, iS 2 He per pound; spinach, 23c; toma toes, $1.25(3 per box; parsley, 25c; Kiiiash. $ltfil.25 per crate; turnips, i)0c(i$l perssck; carrots, $11.25 per sack; beets, $1.25 1.50 per sack. Onioni New, red. l&lie per pound ; new yellow, 1?4' 2c per pound. Potatoes Old Embanks, nominal; new potatoes, 75c$1.50. Butter Fancy creamery, 1720c per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 2 1 2 1 c pei dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 13C?14c per pound; mixed chickens, 1313$c; springs, lfl fi? 17; roosters, 0 10c; dressed chickens, 14Q15c; turkeys, live, 156417c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 17fi422icj geese, live, 89c; ducks, 1164130. Hops Oregon, 1005, ll12c; olds, 8c; 1906 contracts, 1213o per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, I720c per pound, according to shrink, age; valley, 2022, according to fine ness; mohair, choice, 2830o per pound. Veal Dressed, 5K8o per pound. Beef Dressed bulls, So per ponnd; cows, 4H5c; country steers, 66o. Mutton Dressed fancy, 78o per pound; ordinary, 66c; lambs, fancy, 88c. Fork Dressed, 78o per pound. BALANCE FAVORS ISLANDS. Philippine Exports Exceed Imports First Time Since Annexation. Washington, July 24. The two most noteworthy features of the commercial returns of thn Philippine islands for IIM)5 are a balance in favor of the in land for thn first calendar year period in the history of the American occupa tion, and the advance of American goods to the first rank in tho import trade. Thn favorable trade balance is due to Increased export values, which aggregated $H3,454,744, or more than 14,000,000 in excess of the exports for 11(04. An increase of 500,000 in American tradn in 11)05 with the is lands, combined with a decline in rice Imports, gives to the United Htates the lead, and in view of the anticipated further decline in the demand for for eign rice in the islands, the United Htates is expected to continue to in crease its lead. The increase of 12,000,000 in the imports from the United Htates in the last five years is largely made up of Imports of iron and steel and their manufacturer; cotton, raw and manu factured, and illuminating oil. The iron and steel trade approximated $3, 000,000 in value. Great Britain gained most in the iron and steel trade with the Inlands, but the United Htates takes the lead, whereas Great Britain was formerly in the lead. There is still great room for improvement in the ex ports from the United Htates to the is lands. CANNED MEAT EXPORTS. Japan Used Large Quantities During War With Russia. Washington, July 24. Complete fig ure of the exports of American canned meats for the past fiscal year are shown today in a statement issued by the de partment of Commerce and Labor. The value of canned meats expoMed from the United Htates in June, 11)06, was $461,100. against $757,127 in June, 1005, and in ihn fiscal vear 1006. $9, 233,410, against $9,977,045 in 1905. The figures for the fiascl rear 1906 included: Canned beef, $6,430,446; canned pork, $1,215,85,7; and other canned meats, $1,587,107. The quan tity of canned beef exported in the fis cal year was 64,523,350 pounds, as againnt 66,688,568 pounds in 1905. The reduction in exports occurred al most exclusively in the shipments to Japan, which country took large amounts of American beef during the wai, but greatly decreased her imports on the disbandment of the army. The exports to Japan during the fiscal year 1906 were 2,306,583 pounds, against 14,687,165 pounds in 1905, and in the month of June, 1906, were 34,412 pounds, against 3,612,188 pounds in June, 1905. The United Kingdom was the great est buyer of canned beef, exports to that country increasing 4,758,815 pounds for the fiscal year, but decreas ing for the month of June, 1906. YEARN FOR OLD HOME. No Houses for Hundreds Who Would Return to San Francisco. Ban Francisco, July 24. San Fran cisco's greatest need is homes. The people who were driven from the city at the time of the disaster are eager to return, several thousand laborers are imperatively needed to aid in the work of rebuilding, but there are no houses for them The rehabilitation commit tee has set to work to furnish relief, but the resources at its command will admit of only slight assistance. This committee will build some 3,000 homes for workmen, but this will not even serve to house the thousands still liv ing in tents. It is to individual initiative that the city muHt look. Evidences that this will be forthcoming are beginning to appear. In the Richmond district, the sec tion located between Golden Gate park and the neck of the bay, several homes are being erected and have been rented in advance. Htill it is to the stretch of land south of Market street that the people must look for the rebuilding of homes in suf ficient quantity to solve the problem. Here dwelt the thousands of the city's poorest an1 i is to this section that they wish to return. Unbreakable Passenger Car. Washington, July 24. A steel pas senger car has recently been completed in Pittsburg for the Southern' railway which is tegarded as the beginning of the general use of steel instead of wood for all kinds of railway cars. The car is 74 feet 46 inches long over all and weighs 110,000 pounds. There was no wood used in its construction except for the interior decorations, and that wood was made fireproof. It is said that the car could not be telescoped in a collis ion, neither could the ends be smashed in, and it 1b non combustible. Kaiser as Czar's Evil Genius. St. Petersburg, July 24. Tonight stories were industriously spread that the emperor's final decision to dissolve parliament was not taken until he had communicated with Berlin. According to one story, a member of the German embassy engaged a wire for direct com munication with Emperor William, and only after receiving and trans mitting a 1,000-word dispatch from Emperor William to Emperor Nicholas was the ukase finally signed., Ctgarmakers May Establish Stores. Chicago, July 24. The Cigarmakers' union, it is understood, has taken ap seriously a proposal to establish fac tories for the making of cigars in all the large cities in the United States, and also of stores under the control of the union, through which to get the manufactured goods to ths consumers. APPEAL TO PEOPLE Russian Parliament Tells Them Not to Pay Taxes. CZAR MAY IMPRISON LEADERS Guards Prevent Newspapers From Publishing Revolutionary Man ifestoMuch Disorder. Ht. Petersburg, July 24. The great new of today is the adoption of an ad dress to the people by the deputies to parliament, who assembled at Viborg, the language of which, with its revolu tionary demands that the people cease to furnish money and troops to the gov ernment and repudiate further loans, affords pretext enough for the govern ment to lodge its authors in the fortress if it feels strong enough. A rumor was spread tonight that this course bad been decided upon. Copies of the appeal to the people are in thn hands of all Ht. Petersburg newspapers, but it will scarcely be printed tomorrow, for the reason that a detachment of police is posted at the door of every newspaper printing office in the city, with orders not to permit any papers to leave the building until authorized by the censor. The author ities hope by equally vigorous measures to prevent the publication of the appeal in other cities, and in the meantime to nullify the fears of the people as to the possible effect of the appeal. Meanwhile the masses of the Russian people, slow of thought and action, hae not yet roused themselves to the gigantic upheaval which is sure to fol low the dissolution of their parliament Minor disorders are reported from ha a dozen cities. An incipient anti-Jew ish outbreak at Odessa has been check ed by the police. A sympathetic strike has been begun at the Kbaikov rail road shops, which may inaugurate a general tieup of communication, but Ht. Petersburg, Moscow and most of the other great centers are still calm. SECRETS OF DREADN AUGHT. British Admiralty Makes Public Her Plan of Armament. London, July 24. The first official announcement regarding the battleship Dreadnaught is contained in a white book on naval construction the past year, which was issued tonight. Be sides ten 12-inch guns announced, the Dreadnaught will have 27 12-pound quick firing anti-torpedo boat guns and five submerged torpedo tubes. In the arrangement of the armament six of the big guns are mounted in pairs on the center line of the ship, and the re maining four are mounted in pairs as broadsides. In view of the modern potentialities of torpedo boats, and considering es pecially the chances of a torpedo attack toward the end of the battle, the anti torpedo boat guns are widely separated, so that the whole of them cannot be disabled ,by one shell. The speed is designed to be 27 knots. T'je bunker capacity is 2,700 tons, with which the Dreadnaught can steam 5,800 sea miles at economical speed and 3,500 miles at 18 knots. The estimated cost of the Dread naught, including guns, is $8,987,485. MANY BURIED ALIVE. Building in Massachusetts Town Col lapses on Workmen. South Framingbam, Mass., July 24. At least eight and perhaps twice that number of masons, plumbers and Ital ian laborers were crushed to death to day in the sudden collapse of a build ing in process of erection on Concord street, while ten others were dragged or dug out of the wreck, some seriously injured. At a late hour tonight ten men were missing and a large force of laborers was at work on the ruins, searching for the dead. Firemen and members of the Ninth regiment of infantry of the state mili tia, in camp here, succeeded in digging out half a dozen injured, and later found others. Panic Among Odessa Jews. Odessa, July 24. The Jews here are in a state of panic, fearing an anti Jewish outbreak as the result of the killing of a drunken Cossack who re cently wandered through the Jewish quarter brandishing his saber and shoutins : "Death to the Jews." Gov ernor General Kaulbars, addressing a delegation of Jews today, said: "I vouch for my soldiers, but I am unable to say what the Cossacks or Christian civilians might do." The slightest incident might start trouble. Cossacks this morning looted three Jewish shops. Bloodshed by Railroads. Washington, July 24. The accident bulletin, which has just been isuued by the Interstate Commerce commission for the three months ending March 31, 1906, shows the total number of casual ties to passengers and employes to be 18,296 The number of passengers and employes killed in train accidents was 274. The total number of collis ions and derailments was 3,490, of which 289 collisions and 167 derail ments affected passenger trains. British Express Sympathy. London, July 24. A British address of sympathy with the Russian people and parliament is being circulated. Already the signatures of many persons have been obtained. Thn ponrl found on tho gulf const of I,w-fr California are said to exhibit a greater variety of colors than those of liny other part of the world, and ths ' " r I I - IJnm lllirio 111 flow ing. Tho chief color ore black, gray, red, bluish green and yellowish. The red pearl rank among the most valu able. They posse a Ann luster, and many of them are largo and of the most perfect shut. They are, however, found only occasionally. Hplders ore not always solitary crea ture. A scientist ha lately found In outhern India a sjieHes of spider that build spongy riesta with outlying web, each nest being occupied by forty to 100 spider, with a largo excels of females; sometimes five or six nest are cluster d together. The spider not only live and work together, hut they share with sue another any prey that may be cap tured, and some even show maternal affection approaching self-sacrifice. A problem for the horticulturists Is the production of a profitable rubber bearing fruit, which would make pos-. alble an unlimited supply of valuable material without Injury to the plants. The fruit of the ordinary plants con tain little rubber, hut Prof. Warburg, fJerman, point out that certain par isltlc plantsthe caoutchouc mistletoe Uncovered three yearn ago In Venezuela bold out the hope that the Ideal fruit 'nay be realized. The caoutchouc In tome of these sjiede amounts to one- Ifth of the weight of tho dried fruit. I'he fruit Is not large, but varies In Ize In the three irrouns of srier-les t,t '.hoe mistletoes. Tho caoutchouc, In- tfead of being a milky Juice, Is In the form of a solid enveloie surrounding :he seeds. The common cold Is now classed by some authorities among the diseases Jue to bacteria. It has riot been set- 'led thut any particular oriranism Is :he cause, but It seems that more than ne sjiecles may play an active part, ind n recent British Investigator re- xirts that In one severe local epidemic '.ie found Micrococcus catarrhalls pres nt In all cases, w hile In two other epl lemlcs, both of a severely Infectious .Miaracter, the bacillus of Frledluuder .van recognized In every case examined at its onset. The organism, however, Dften disappears witblu twenty-four or rorty -eight hours. In the second and third epidemics re-Infection sometimes incurred, producing either a second acute cold or else a chronic cold last ing for months, and the bacillus was so virulent that It killed Inoculated mice, guinea pigs and even rabbits. Prof. Joel Stebbins and F. W. Car penter of the University of Illinois have recently succeeded In applying astronomical methods to the solution of a hitherto unsolved problem of blol ogy. This relates to the height of the flight of birds during their migrations at night Two telescopes were placed at measured distances apart (from 10 to 21 feet), on an east and west line, and with them two observers simul taneously watched the moon. The tracks of birds flying across the face of the moon were noted by each ob server Independently on a lunar chart, ready at his side. The tracks, being projected from separate iwlnts of ob servation, of course were not Identical In position, and their distance apart furnished the basis for a calculation .if the "parallax" of, the flying birds. Two sets of observations were made, In May and In October. The deduced heights above the ground varied from l.NK) to r.4X feet. The last, however, wnj an extreme case, most of the meas ures running rrom l,iw to I'.OOO or 3,000 feet. An Anta' Scnlng Circle. F. Dofleln, n German naturalist, lias recently seen In Ceylon a species of ant, the Oecophylla smaragdlna. In the act of "sewing" two leaves together for the purpose of forming a nest. This observation confirms the report of the English naturalist, Ridley, made In IS! to. Dofleln saw a row of the Insects pulling the edges of the leaves togMh ?r; then others trimmed and fitted the edges, and finally a seam was made by fastening the edges with a silky thread, yielded by larvae of the same species which the workers carried In their mandibles. He made a drawing Illustrating the method of working. According to Ridley, the sewing ants pass the thread-giving larvae llko shut tles through holes iu the edges of the leaves. Motlonleaa for Month. A most curious and sluggish creature is the tautawa, u small lizard, whose home Is in New Zealand. The little animal has the reputation of being the four counties. He thinks it means a rev laziest, creature ever created. It Is olution in the electrical world. Most of usually found clinging to rocks or logs J the cobalt hitherto known to the world along the shores of rivers nnd lakes, has been found in France and Australia. and has been known to remain In one; position perfectly motionless for many mouths. How tho creature manages to exist la a mystery which naturalists have been unable to solve. Wordy but Vnicue. "Have you seen Prof. Gubblestou, the scientist, lately?" "Yes; I listened to him for more than an hour at the club lust night" "Indeed l What was he talking about?" "He didn't say." Puck. GIvtuK Mother Hlot. niu frwM- ..aii., uk . , , "7 , : " . . , 7 . ; i Vatican authorities. Tb author Is a crying baby)-Dear me! I don't kuow jdevout Catholic, but stanl, for liberal re what to do with this child I fornlBi The theme of the book Is the fate Bachelor (In the next seat) Shall 1 cf a devout and sealous Ca.iiolh., modeled open the window for you, lauduw? j after St. Francla of Asslssl, wbo under New York Mall takes reform within ths church and tn- counters the opposition of the hlerarcht. THEVEEKLY &HISIORIAH 1044 Batle of Marnton. 108o Archibald Camobell, Earl of Ar- gyle, beheaded at Edinburgh. 20 The "MiwdMippi bubble" burnt. 1745 Capture of Cape Breton by tbe English. 1770 Battle of Fort .Moultrie, Charles ton, H. C... Battle of Long Island. 1777 Dr. William Todd executed at Ty burn. 1778 Battle of Monmouth Turkish fb-pt defeated and destroyed. 1797 Richard Parker, head of the naval mutiny at the Nore, hanged. 180f) Act passed for legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland. 181." 1 S. brig I'eacock captured Brit ish cruiser Nautilus in Straits of Sunda. 181" I'ius VII. condemned Bible socie ties by bull. 1S31 United States treaty with Black Hawk, chief of Sacs and Foxes. 1S.'52 Cholera appeared in New York. 1S37 Act of British Parliament to dis continue use of pillory for punish ment. lS.'W (Coronation of Queen Victoria. 1S40 Blockade of Canton by the English. 1H44 Joseph Smith, founder of Mormon- ism, killed by mob at Carthage, 111. 1S-P! Repeal of English corn laws. 1H4S Archbishop of Paris shot while acting as mediator. 18.17 Ship Montreal lost near Quebec; 2."0 persons periwhed. 1801 Battle of Falling Waters, Va. 1S02 Lee defeated McCIellan at battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. 1853 Gen. Meade succeeded Gen. Hooker in command of Army of the Potomac. 1804 Confederates victorious at battle of Kenesaw mountain, Ga.... Presi dent Lincoln signed repeal of fugi tive slave law. ... Invasion of Den mark by the Prussians. 1S73 First reception of foreign minis ters by Emperor of China at Pekln. 1874 Henry Ward Becher requested Plymouth church to appoint a com mittee to investigate the Til too charges. 1875 Great flood at Budapest. 1870 Democratic convention nominated Samuel J. Tllden for President. 1S7D Great tornado in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. 1SS1 Assassination of President Gar field. 1882 Charles Guiteau hanged at Wash ington for murder of President Gar field. 1SS." James D. Fish, bank defaulter, sentenced to prison for ten years in New York. 1891 Pike's Peak, Colo., reached by first railroad passenger train .... Nineteen victims of the Samoan disaster buried at Mare Island. 1S03 Gov. Altgeld of Illinois pardoned the Chicago anarchists. ... Peary's vessel Falcon sailed from New York for rhe Arctic regions. 1S04 The Tower Bridge, London, for mally opened by Prince of Wales. 1897 Coal miners in Ohio, Fensylvania and West Virginia went on strike. 18118 No newspapers published in Chi cago owing to strike of printers. 1900 Great Hoboken dock fire. 1902 Roosevelt signed Isthmian canal bill. 1904 Prohibitionists nominated Dr. Si las C. Swallow for President.... Steamer Norge lost off Scottish coast and 040 persons perished. 1903 Mutiny broke out on board Rus sian battleship Kniaz Potemkine at Odessa. .. .John D. Rockefeller gava $1,000,000 to permanent endowment fund of Yale University. ... Warsaw besieged by revolutionists; 200 per sons arrested. Cobalt for Storage Rattery. Thomas A. Edison, in an Asheville, N. C, interview, said he hud found in that section cobalt that would reduce the weight of storage batteries in automobiles one-half and the cost of city traffic more than half. He says the vein of cobalt runs from a point east of Nashville, I Tenn., in North Carolina, and traverse. Cobalt is a hard, white metal, with gran ular structure, which is malleable, at red heat and capable of receiving weak mag netic power when rubbed with a magnet. It is nowhere found native, except in some meteorites, but usually exists as an oxide, and the ores are known to have been in use in the sixteenth century for imparting a blue color to glass. Hellalou Novel Prohibited. "II Santo, or the Saint," U the title of a much-discussed novel by Senator Fo gaiioro of Italy, whloh has Just been ',T t ,1 iu . 7T maei muoruiu uiu ujr m