Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 25, 1906, Image 5

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The Bazaar
Fine Summer Shirts,
Tics, Ovi-i ;ills,
jumpers, (iloves ;iiil
s lor nn n ,ui !
Lncc and Cauqc lloso lor ladies
at 25, 3D and 50 tents.
( lii'i i'C f ! ml w
I':iiin III i .'i II
I . Ki ll I
' . 1 1 ' I Iv II IM I
i 1 I i i. I III of ,
i.l I' Mt'llliew
Kodaks, Photo Supplies. Edison
and Columbia Crnphoplioit cs
and Records
The Bazaar.
Collate (irove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
Sni 1 1 1 m
ni'l I 1 1 1 1 hi
S7.l?(i.37 1 1 -1 -.tit .
Mniii'V (" 1'i.ui "ii
' 1 . 1 1 1
K xi-liain'en Mil. I , nvai l,i I
liua ill ll.e I 'tail- I s
II Kill' Kill IlK IN
i'bnIiIi 1
a !
1 000000 000000 0000c o 00000-0 (.
1. 1:11 t-,
Mi I I No, I
I. I.o
C. I 1 l;i II, '.
Ill I I ' I I I . I I ,
- KIM.
Paid Capital $15,000.00.
W. It.' Abramt
B. Lurch
C. Ro.t Klnit
A. H. Krlto
V i v-rrrtldrnt
A.iint Cathler
We k l iti t t In' : i . -t U 1 1 1
jn ii n I i"iiM, lii lus and
I t in
ieli i'l
mil-', rind will be pi
wit h tliosi- u In i
new account.
a-i' l fn in el
o 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 . 1 1
We pay I per oil on I iine 1 - -posilH
utter Aiinu-t I , I'n '. We
will In! iiinvcd lo our pi'i ina
lielit lioliie on or alii'ill dial
killtms couch!
nd CURE T,ic LUtlCSJ
WT" Br. King's
Now Discovery
50c .. 1 .09
li mi Trial.
Unreat anil Uuu k. ;a Cui- tor nil
Buu osi
this $00 Alachine lor V5
FREIGHT PREPAID. l(ln,t wn iJOriiir. lock-
ulilt-li, il.Milild in'.!, irn
I h r.-ail 1 lot hliiilllu: baa
hiiImiiihUi- bulililn wlmler
ami iiiIiit Illicit Improvo
inriiln. 'I In" I" Hi" A NTI
tlm mum iiiachlna aKu"'"
an- iivkiinyinifi'O lr. All
ttt I m-li nit'lt Ih K W"11 eH,h
inarlilii". lor only
. .....i, una i.l montlilv.
. . .,iMiti,ut nuini.iiF khuwIiiK
frep.ldjou larmcnU 'r wit CKIOIf pin".
Covuriz rurnlluro Company
173-175 Hint St.. I'OIMI.AND.OU.
A wiitcliinan'H neglect pel 'mil ted a
lenli In the great Nurlli Sen ilji,
which a child'H linger could have
ftoinied, to liecuiiic ii ruinous lireuK,
.hivabtnting mi entire province, ol'
Holland. In likf nuinnei' heiinj' i
Melver, of Viineel'iu'o. Me., perinltted
a Utile, eold to i uiiimtieed n " J
tniuli: IIiiIhIi wiih only iiverte.l liy in
Klng'K New IMseovery. Ho wr.
"ilueo (loctul's nave mo up lo He ol
lung li.llaniniaiioii. enused hv a n''g
lected cnlil ; hul lr. MiK N,"w
.'very hiinviI m.V Hf"-' iij;''iU' I
hcHt eouglMHid cold c.i.e, .it .Itenson H
Phaii.iucy- .MK! and rl. '"'ul holllo
mm news
VJ- ft SLSL JU jl AJl R a JU 8 Je fi ft Jl A 5
Subscribe for tho NuKi-t.
Concur make, llio best cigars in
Win. Pidwoll iH Imck in town
oiico more.
I.ovi (Jeer wont t(i EiU'cim on I
business Saturday,
Frank SI y Hjieiit Sunday with Ins I
parents nt Crcswell. !
Bunker C. Rons King 1-ft for
Voiiciilln on Monday.
A homo brand is tin-kind for von
to Hinokc C. O. choirs.
W . A. Jlomtiiwny hu" bargain
ouiilors full of bargains.
Mm. Muy Ilait icturmd lo town
liter h hliort visit away on Saturday.
MiHS White returned from n visit
to Miss Auteti in Eugene on Satur-
M. II. Anderson returned Mon
day evening from u couple of dayH.
visit at Portland,
Oliver Veiileh and Tom Wheel. -r
went lo Eugene Friday and rc
till lied on thf local.
KtisHel Welch, manajo-r of the
electric plant, nnnlo 11 hliort busi'tics;
triji to l.ueno Saturday.
. 11 , if
nciiiuiiniii s biuio wi'.si 01
Sunt. Hrii-L'S of II,,. Iiri.ii. ..r.
mil returned Irom the soutl
hpi-nd Sunday with his family.
to I
Cuiiip furniture, stools and eotv
evi-rytliiiif,' to make caniji life com
fortable at Watch A' I.'nvsoii's
llainiiio ks ol all kinds at WaN I,
A I, arson's. Ijit your f.d.:s at
home kccji cool in tlm h munorks.
I I'rof. Woith Jlarvey is woikin;,'
I ut his trado in Medford and -.o ttin;'
rested up for next year'H nehool.
. (Ill, ..Ml, .& .1in( ij n J,III1..1
1'iiivance eame in from Sorim-field
1 10 aueini me ninerai 01 ir'ii on
j Sunday.
i The ChambeiH I, umber Cu. has '
! I. .. :.. r i
" 11 ;,i-iiui 111 u nute iuaniiiy 01
2-inch iron pipe which will be used !
for a fine water supply.
Prot. Strang in taking it easy at
his home in Ashland this summer,
and expects to inako a trip through
Kastcrn Oregon before ho returns
rindluy, the Koseliurg
nri.lKO in Kukin A UrisloWs Idd.,!, ' , ' 1 ''..s .a.y
Wall and Waller Sis. jll.c(,.o.e.
s" fr:":: Lru! n i, visitors i
J '" 'en mi aim
badly BprainciJ his ankle, vo that
now he is going around on crutches.
Philip Ilohl came up from his
sawmill on Saturday to spend Sun
day at homo. He reports tho woik
going right along, and expects to
get to sawing before so very long.
K. R. Giltuer and wife of Port
land are visiting Mr. and Mrs. le
I.eur lleinenway and family. Mis.
(liitnor is it sister of Mr. Hemen
way. Holy RolletH of Monr.nia, Cali
fornia are preparing to cleanse
themselves and their families by
tho Hacrifice of their eldest children
on an altar of firo ho dispatches say.
Robert Suitor of Cottage (Jrove,
Oregon, has practically decided to
reliiiijuish tho sawmill business, lor
a time at least, and will start a flour
mill at Vancouver. Timbennan.
Mr. and Mrs. Fingal Hinds left
for Portland on Saturday for a
visit of soveral days duration. Mr.
Hinds has a iloal on hand that ho
hopes to put through that makes
him happy as a lark.
The scores in the baseball games
on Friday at tho Woodmen's eele
brutiou wore good. The Woodmen
boat Star (1 to I, and Cottage Grove
beat the Woodmen f to '2. Not
bad records for amateurs.
Tom Gill has just purchased a
fine peanut roasting maehino at ft
largo cont. This makes eight such
machines iu town, and should sup
ply tho town for all time to come
with peanuts and popcorn.
The first two autos of tho year
have passed through the Grove
and report tho road out of the
drove towards Portland as fair,
but Houth to Koeeburg, through
Pass Canou, as being a terriblo
road to get through.
T. II. Chambers is nnxiously
awaiting the arrival 01 uis tinrd
donkey engino, which ho hoiifa will
reliovo the shortage of logs at tho
mill. The question of delivery of
logs to the mill Hoems to bo bother
ing nil the mills.
Mrs. Maria Harding and daugh
ter, Miss Uessio, arrived at this
place r riday from Salem to spend
tho summer on their farm home
near this city, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Conner. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Harding's
neice and a young jady friend, both
of Salem,
Hems of Interest in and about
Collate (irove ml vicinity.
71 Tf 5 5 0 5 ff 5 5 B 5U i fi P 8 fl P. A A -3L5 -JLP J. S J
lituii's aic
k u ' v 1 1 everywhere.
Jui- Young went, lo
bii: iii' "-; Sutiiril'i v.'iio on
Eugene i,.iu
iry, Allison
alio J I.r,tm;;a agents.
W. H. Sham, male
ti ij tu I '.)'.' u- ;'.at urdn y
an I
( lllI 'L I !, '
III' t ) ''II 1
;i ! e
.' bam I.ihiii
V. A. IIi iiji ii".
Tnml.M, v..!: ,
vacations u(, Ye;
if i i .oo at.
;i t a your munni'T
!( h i.i J.IWHOIIH.
Sewing in achino
ed on suliH' i iption
coupons rr ( eiv
wlieu you pay
two 1 1
SAI.i. I i
'Is, IlllJ'lil'
(.' room house.
i C. I J.
l'i"i sai,;jil
Iiomi'h T(:i or
ol Ch:
Coli'cc- at
(;o. ,Ie(jiKrn arrived from lli'
north siili Cunily nll' i- a si, 01 1
(tip away.
Avk for a fi,i,l ,' , 'J'( ;
M t--alf
! H.., 11 I .11 . .1 T
mi-.. 4. 11. c nun uoi 111; anu ,uis
M....1. . r t ... . 1 m-i 1 .
1101:1- ni'in My kii.-Mv.!
Voll efin
v a 1 t
li.'Iit 1'i'iC. Mien as C or."(is
I'atrolii'j 11 home jiidnsliv
building iii) a j'ood trade
that l'
li v it':
o"d Ina't i ii.
at lorv.
'I !, !'a .. II
' ivly j.mniiig
bad at a reduced
i... -l a I ;;
iiMiicr, inn
a or, ) I
can be
rate 'Mt!i Xui'git; ti, ,ns,
I'm an ex;.' 1 1 piano tu::i
and re
late of
pairer. call up I,. t. Woods,
Kimball's I'iano factory, 1
on phone 3..
Chicken ier.s cret a 1
r.:trv, and keep ost .-u. The
Northwest Poullry Journal and the
Nu;;grt lor 1. 7."..
Harry Metcalf and K
going to th.. hiih; this
outing t :; thcr. Tliev
Welch are
year loi an
pro! ose to
rustica'e in ;;oo,l lashion.
Mrs. Das.-ct, wile of the S. P.
! I !i 1,, nr,l.l ... I , : . . 1 r .
" ,lfi " J L jviaui ami anss
I.ionri l'erKinc.r ti,.. i..,i. 1, . 1
11 10 ( rnvr. t,
Ico cream .social W diicsday
evening at Christian Church to pay
find expenses ct Woinans .Suffrage
movement in (Va-vo.- dove, (huid
I music by-Miss luibuur ami band.
Cottage (irove is having a num
ber of nttraclii -ns now. first a
tent shooting : d'eiy ar.,1 now a
merry go r"i::..l, along ith ?.:
other Sui fraiici-co ih'ogi'.ij-a .show.
Dr. Hockctt ciime. in from his
vacation on Monday noon and
brought with him tke wife and
baby. They had a splendid time
in their camp and both feci very
greatly refreshed.
Tom Wheeler says that the local
carried moro passengers from
Kugcno. to Cottugo Grovo and vi
cinity than it did to Kugene, Fri
day night. Others say that the
local is doing more business from
Cottage Grove than it did from Fu
geno. Miss Edna Kerr of Wildwood
and Mrs. Nellie Pitcher, wife, of
Night watch Given Pitcher, left for
Manhattan, Nevada, last night
where they will visit a sister. Miss
Kerr expects to spend tho fall and
winter either in Nevada or South
ern California..
0. (). Willis of Silk Creek was in
town on Saturday and reports hav
ing just finished cutting 500 tio on
which he has done very well. Ho
says its hard work but it pays. He
intends to put in a small sawing
plant to saw up tics with when he
takes another contract.
The Drown Lumber Company
got in its third donkey engine on
Monday which went out on the
afternoon train on the O & S K and
will be put to work at once. With
threo engines tho company hopes
to ba able to keep enough" logs' in
tho pond to run the mill steadily.
Mrs. John Kohl and granddaugh
ter Mis Lancelotte Fritz of Mc
Gregor, Iowa arrived hore Saturday
to visit with relatives. Mrs. Kohl
is a sister of Mrs. G. P. Hawkins
whom nho has not seen for thirty
two years. Miss Fritz is a school
teacher and will probably remain
here for somo time. They had a
delightful trip and mo well pleased
with this country.
Jt costs the Mormons $15oo for
each convex t secured in Chicago.
The land fraud bases n.rn still fill
iu un the uewupancrs,
I lie Harvest Is On!
Binding Twine.
Machine Supplies.
General Hardware and
C ; ; i ; . p i 1 1 ; Supplies.
1 oiiiirinaliori of a grant no
i'i" n-i ri'iinst the United
i . VHt'd in any fcpecific land
i i ii!u--t ho fallowed by an
I'oit'an'l street car trouble
1 1 a''.!a-1 hf rike was avoided
o;i:';tary advancement of
' ale by the street rail-
' ii.i,a!!i' m, without tho recog
of t ! . '.- union.
VfiU'l '
Stat ;
ai.d M
1 .
I tl'..
' tanest man 111
the Klks con-
i V(
0:1 wa-
feet f inches and a
weighed 1 17 poundn.
. '. h-i .iif d 1 1 7 pounds
.ru --.a f,"ir feet, tbree
rpiarfer.s inches.
: ho was first to violate
local option law in old
-' it where Ivlia buttons
II.; sold a bottlo of
. l.o tl.rr
I tut-
al .
1 a "ainhiller, and when it
ivt.ii on him the court fined
-,o r.i;d sentenced him to
-: il.ivs in iail. At that
1 rv
. ' Yamhill will cot be bothered
ii ranch bootlegging. Corvallis
'Roaring rails," a terra suggest
tbe noise caused by the devcl
nent of furrows across tho run
ning head of a rail, usually oblique
to its length, the tops of the fur
rows being' very hard and the bot
toms soft. Such rails aro also de
scribed as ''corrugated." The
common objection to these rails is
that they occasion a deafening
rn, ise when trains are passing over
them which causes great discom
fort to passengers.
Some prospectors pretend to be
able to locato mines through ob
sening the vegetable growth. They
declare that there is a plant that
grows where 'hero are deposits of
icnd ; that m an iron country birch
t re s favor limestone, the zinc vio
let indicates tii posits of zinc, and
there is a plant that grows in low,
deii-e bushes, with small leaves
ei?.o ,1
wild r.
en lo:;
with t!.i;k white down and
se-colored llowers in clusters
stems, which indicates the
presence of silver.
Coinage executed by the mints of
the Puitcd States during the month
of June, r.'Ci'., was as follows:
Pouble eagles, ;? too,;5fo; eagles,
;o; half eagles, ;s'bio, 1 15; quar-
ti r cables,
o'2o- Half
Kj'; total gold $1,4.30,
dollars. Si'2'2.5o: quar
tet- dollars, $.2,0'!36.25; dimes,
S'2-S'2,7ij.".6o; total silver $32 1,
yq.Mj. Fivo cents, -fSi,631.25;
0110 cent, $-1 1, 136. '25; total minor,
o-'tbTi'.oo. Total coinage, lf'2,
0011,7." 1 S5. Coinago executed for
government of Mexico; gold, 5-peso
piece::, 1,000,000.
A New Mill a Probability.
J. T. Jones is figuring with some
lumbermen on erecting a mill here.
It is thought that the deal may be
closed 011 Saturday, although it is
not cetlain as yet.
At Creswell, July iO, 100C,
Sherman Morss and wife, a girl.
;.l.iou Koopor
A ss nits
A renoit comes from Cottage
Grove to the effect that George Eg
1 i 11, employed by tho anti-saloon
league us 11 detective to look into
tho mailer of alleged illegal selling
of liquor, was assaulted by Oscar
Parsons in that city Saturday even
ing and beaten in a terrible manner.
Parsons who conducted a saloon
there before 'prohibition went into
effect, met Kgliu on tlm street and
knocked nim down. It Is said he
then jumped on him and proceeded
to pummel his faco almost iuto
jelly- Parsons has disappeared and
is siid lo have left tho town to
avoid micrit. He ii well known in
Eugene having resided here several
Eglin is the same man who ob
tained the ovidenco in tho cases of
Pryud and Hughes who were re
cently ai K sted far selling liquor at
Florence, lesulting iu a heavy fine
for llughea. Guard.
' 1
( ?or
Also a line line
Gents Shoes
Lalies Fim; SIioch $1..0 to
$:5.r,n. (Jr-nts P'inc Shooa
sfi.- to $;.oo.
Can be used in cither hand
and strops like an' razor.
JSSTIt cuts them off slick as a whistle.
Griffin &
Cl xaOtSlc
All the New?
I fill the Time
Neat Job Work of
All Kinds Done
me'll treat
Mlrvlnd Loca.tloi
Star Consolidated Mining Co., by
C. II. Thompson, secretary, tiles
notice of location of following
claims in the Bohemia district:
Black Traveler, Hustler, Smuggler,
Hughes, Hartley, Last Chance,
Daisy, Mexican, Bonanza, Glover,
Mchvdemus, Star, Intension and
Golden Star.
R.&lty Transfers,
Wm. and Laura Lnndess, to
Oliver Hart, blk 6 in dec. aS twp 20
SK, 3 W; $Goo.
V. S. lioys on Wavy to Encampment.
The Oth Field Battery and the
21th and 1st Batteries of the U. ri.
Army from tho Presidio at
San Francisco passed through
on Monday euroute to Ameri
can Iake, sixty miles from
Vancouver, where there in to be a
a boy or a girl to wear tho
1 11 ii niiiiiii
It is wear,
worry and
It htxs style
and charac
ter and is
worth more
than it costs.
of Ladies' and
All sizes to fit all sorts of feet
Veatch Co.
yon Rkjbt
groat encampment of national
troops, fifteen thousand soldiers
boing gathered there for drill. The
batteries are all equipped with the
nowest models of the 3 inch rapid
fire guns, and had in each battery
130 men. Kach battery is a littlo
short of horses, having only 105
no.v as a number were recently con
demned, and only a few of them
have , been replaced bo far. The
boys were having a time here with
soveral of the now bronchos that
did not take kindly to the trip.
The train waa running very slowly
and the hoys found it hotter each
milo they went north. On the see.
ond section of the train, which
came in iu three sections, there
were two automobiles, one big
white steamer, being for the use of
Gen. Punston, and the second for
the chief of the signal service.
Hurt, mm
11 j
fjubsctibo for the Nuggot.