Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 25, 1906, Image 1

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I 1 UM E X,ia-
Devoted to the Milling, Lnn bcring i i , 1 I':
i' ts of tin's Community.
NO. 27
I J SB WW V 11 II 71 r Ml 7
but h;s mi Men 1 1--i t : w is entirely
utu-xpertd. fc. woo ! !i ,.-! 1 11
I y arw Aug. j 1 1 i , i'-t. liii -,-
illcSS illlCIC' t- artl I f L in the (a:c
I 111 ll I hNl'f e 1jvfiii I Imr brothei, and
will go 01 uit'i 11'- change
RJllt: Dourna I)lo!vd
And (Icncral Mining New! Tic Cz.r, by a imperial iikam
(iathcred from L:Kharivcs. '''"solved the Donum 1, Matin;; that
another e'eotioti would lie held. The
.. . , I n-unubs fcivmt nrc that tlic Donuuui
I- ri.nk Da.nrwood and w ..Io wt t c U as nt ,)Iatli f(Jf ,.,, COil.
... tovvMO,, bus,esS luesd.) noniUtriictive legislat.,,,,, Inil .(.novo-
"I'wocmI. lution. The old ministry Imv all
,,, 1 .,, ,,- ... I reigned nnd new officials nro in
Actual discovery o ore within the .j,,,?,.
limits of a rlaim is iieerssaiy to '
make a locution good; the fact that
a vein 01: an mljo nm hum may D"v'n CoM,rt'- Go rovo.
I'ctictrut" tin- ground her it d i-, not Yiatch A Liwsun were awanlcd
sufficient to base 11 locution on. J the cuiitiat t for the painting and
llm irrin in tli Normal Hi lion! lit
The lJoliemiu Telephone line ha j Drain, the contract ainouMhu: to
I'cen prai-ti.-tllv out of commi-siou 'n.,Veial bundled dollars,
tor at'ont u week, but Manager I (,... J. a Ii.ih l.een award-1 Hi"
lor, I in v )( liil I i "i l mil. M w i. I
dav an I hUv oh the line until it
w is ii'l li'd up lil C'.od kIi:i I
ruin in I to end so thai th'o
Would he t'o inoje tiiille for ii
I'. J. Hard an I Alex ImmUnil
drove into town 'l ucday from tlw I
Vesuvius. Mr. Iluid as ve.vl
tiled and did not have time to shv j
anvthinv; "Inut the mines as In-1
v:it in a hurry tu (,rrt on to I'm'-I
land. .Mi. I, mi lln-ry came do jvii lu
intend the ti i. il o tlie Iowa Mining i
Co. vh. Iiimself ami othois. '
). I'. AdaiiH, wlio will he "s (in Sin I'ruiicisco, Cal., July io, 'oi
the .'tolli of August, expects to j;o ! I' . H. K. Juh, Mayor,
up to J.olienua nai inonth to do
conlr.Kl fu l he addition to ih'
Normiil hool liuildiii'.
I'. :. Stewmt h'in Ixeii ranted a
friilnhi.i' to put ill a Miiuphte
wutei HHt ni lor I'raiii, the work
(or which hus heeii planned I y ()eo.
Ica. It is undeiwlood that Lea
will put in tho plant lor Mr. S'ew
art. The font of the work is he
t .veeii 5,-"oo and $"500.
All theHe coiitractH up- yet t he
sijjued up lv the Crovn pfuplc lull
have I en awarded to them.
Virgil Pumaiicc Uurncd to
Death in Tire Wliicii
slro c.I Oregon Securities
Warehouse IViilay Niglil
at . M.
! ' j
I V'l'i! I'm v ;i 1 1' , a so:i (f Kinc'di
j I'm vaiif e. '1 ycoM an 1 mouthy
I old, w 'e, hni 1 '. d to :) a I h i :i 1 !. ojd
: -.v.ti 1 hor ;. 1 1 ;(,n.t, i i ii l.iv r.i,;i t.
j The Inn! ' i- vi old t v '"''
y, c il'iu "v, :; ! t'i" ); :i S---!
Ul it P-s ' 'o. , an. ! v.; '. il a
I stoppi '1;; pi ! n i.l r 11 ! !: : ;" !' r
' O 1 'U-J , Ci,: .I'll ( I jI-liH!)' I. t III 1;
V- - I.U. p. .; lie. ;,- I,; ,M 'lil'J'-
Iniiiditi;',. an .-iddii io!i :.:-ut
three )(,. -i-.o. HI vh: !i w ' 1 ill'-pi-to'li"'
. the .store, and 'ii ' "ill ' ' 1 .
the sit !i'-i i nl 11 lent ol 1 1,'- i.;..:i
1 i
Mr. j ' 1 1 . f 1 -.
e;.iu i.f the
lio-ise at t p. i
his f uni'v in tie.-
is ti;-
':!. :iu I I
'.vi re! i -
Slteol R oc ik IIom Coiitmllfnn ol tln
htvi Knvnclico School Doparl-
I ,'! I l-
I r
: i with
T.i it
..-:r t i
" r.v.-n
th': assessment woik on his proj
t-ity in the camp. He Hays at u
he was aide to Keep up with the
best of thm, hut tht imw he is
k'uttin to feel his nj; u little too
much to be quite ho spry in his
h'k's, but hiu urun nrc is ktronjf iim
H. Shane Hinted Satmday
tliat tlie new loinnerH and Miners
Telephone line would be rushoil to
completion within a short time,
thnt a number of the subscribers
had not yet paid up and it was not
the intention to run tho line into
debt. He further s'.atod that he
expected to Hart to put'ing the
wiro up within a few days, and that
when the red bridgo was reached
the line would be continued right
throng" to Itohcruia nud thnt too
withiu n month.
Kuiiel Siit Dod
Ititflsei Sace, tl.o njrid fi:nneifr
diod at his Long Island home Sun
day altornooii. 1 1 his n' t been in
very good health forscveial ruotths
Cott ire drove, Ore.
Dear Sir: Kudosed find n r eipt
for eighty six dollars and cents,
the rcntrihiitioti of L-ottago CSrove,
Oregon, to the San l'r.uniHco
School Keeonstruction I'unil, which
has been turned over to us by
Mayor Ivugeiic V,. Schmit':.
The wonderful outpouring of
Hympalhy for San in her
distress, :ih evidenced by your gen
erous contrihutiuii, added to many
others of like character, is ko deeply
appreciated by us that it is impos
Hible to givo adequate exressiou to
our gratitude. I trust that you
will express to all concerned in this
particular gift our .most heartfelt
Very sincerely yours,
ALFRKu KoX' ovakki,
Supt. Common Schools.
The School Ujud ii having the
furnace at the IC st Si le S hool re
paired and improved. O .e of them
eiacke l I it yea, mid it h going to
be tixd like tho Wtst Side furnace
which give suc'i satisfaction
duiini the past year.
evenui;; al! I In.- jV.nii!v went.
the iri.vrt l.'ant i.i w i'i !i t':
put on a hi,; ; -.ueji b. !! ii: I ai'eil
:"" ( 1 1 .1 ti. !mo! Iii-r I'll'-',- ' i ,ol;
it 'gil "ii l iii-i 'oil-':;.- I : " 1 - i h i;!;
10 put then t,i I,.-, . SI;,- pi:! 'ir-
il tu Ii d upstair-, i i tlii Ware-liou-.",
an I th"'i p it. tin- other boy
to be-l in tin- roo;:i l-aek o the i -t-ijll'uerooni
in th.- bviilding adjoin
ing the Watoh us . Virgil i.i the
meantiiuf e ini d v;i s?ai".s 'I ' lin,
and th- gran b.ti ith-T gave l'.iai a
lighted e.indl..- -tud b. wnt bi:k up
to led wil'.i it a-; he ha 1 done many
times b i're. In j ita i inst :nt
Kc-cminly IK- wlndv eabirj was
abliA'-, nnd a ir::ci. ..a t'.rj .;' if 1
mother discovere.l th'1 lire she ran
up the stairs between thn two leiild
iiigs aii'i att.fmp'.ed to g?t. t ) tti.
hoy, but cm ) ning tho u ,or tl; :
11 imes bur-t upon her (hiving her
hack, still she tried to ;;.-t in, 1 n t
was unable and badly burned l otiij
her bunds. She then ;;.t the!
younger b y out below, i,.:,.'.l i
lime the men from the jilatit had I
arrived. Mr. l'nrvance tiielt-iget'
upstairs l ut could, r.ot, an 1 could
do nothing to slop the pio ;ie-s oi
the llanies. Messrs. (lover and
Lincoln Taylor were there and they
bellied to remove the records of the
postoflien nnd the store hupplies,
and were succelul in saving prV
tically everything of value from th'it
Mr. l'urvnnee and family lost a
tjood deal of ch-tUing and peis mal
V, ((!.!
going '
to ;.op,
thi 'kl!'
ni; I tio
4 U 1 All
:-tvi' ,v
i" i:i '
1 , ( : 1
eil oil
!! t!i .'
' ' ' . I
' ' - I
h .1. Mi-
Ve 1.
ll ,! :'!
of h-
h w'o
-1.1 i'.
: -P.
: tl; .t
1 h
1 I.i ,
.01 fill i
to: o! t
most v.alu ihl'; things
a :r
! e
J 1; ,
' 1 il '
i' .
11 t
1 ::
" J 1
: ; a'.i
.-. 1:.
1 in th
i wa -1
1 1 o i ' !
1 h .w.-'
at ' ' , ;
1 ;:o ha
i t ti.'j
1 . .
I hinks the boy in
a'-ci h.-utally set fire
he ivy building pn
ii the building was
so'it" places four
o, and was ho .sleepy
' did not notice it,
ni' his bed was in
a:i 1 never awakened,
. 1 by th" Hmoke.
!.r a, times thinks
. ' I nil Uq , UUL O
e;riiing the, walls of
il in. ho thit they
ie boys remains and
1 be gathered was a'
) i'-j, over which the
' '. i-: s .vi re held at the j
. Curr a. Mrn. Pur-'
. Sua lay afternoon, bv j
-I - j 11 i 1 1 -T'; r , and were,
s. us cemetery.
in i.etically no wind at I
lire, or the stables of
an! tlie power houso
' 'ii-- with thi Ware
of.l . Mrs. I'ur
tol 1 her hash md she
k t the hou-e and
Cottage Grove's Latest Rob
beries Both for Clothes.
S-.turday afternoon two tramps
! out of a crowd of five L'oicz Kouth
on the blind baggage of the passen
ger stole into tho cook cars of the
work train standing on thu track
opposite where the train utopped
hero and Btolo two coats, a vest
and a pair of pants, an boarded
the train again and got away. The
cooka were only absent from the
car for a minute and at once no
j ticed the missing coats and going
j to the depot wired ahead, and the
men were nabbed at Drain, where
j Constable Atkins wa3 sent after
them, bringing them in Monday
noon. Jn a short trial uefor;
Justice Young in the afternoon they
j plead guilty to petty larceny and
1 U'prf. (.ptitpnrpft frn fi fa iIti-c in iai I
e lo .r . f thep'.ant, and th havin returned 0f, the &r'.
'.Mr.l, a mass o; 1 udes tolen Jn ,he vest WM a
an 1 tiiat 1.1st 20 minutes I ...j i,: i. unA
not found. They were mere boys
of 1 and 20 and claimed that they
were minera on their way to South
ern Oregon and that thi was their
Rrst offense and that they only
stole the coats because they were
!t ( 1 1 n if tii" 'rr.itul inn! ti nr had
oi'Ki'.'iv lo-s is estimated at
Card of Tlianks,
We desire to express our appro
ciitio i of tho thovtghtfulness and
svmpi'liv of the many friends
w'uos; kit -1 words and deeds have
helped us to liy away our dear son
to hi 1 v l test, in th; arms of the
grea.t 1" atln-r, who knows best.
Ja.NiM l'i ryanck ami Family.
T!;m Co'Uuiercial Stables are put
in in between thirty and forty tons
of fine oat h.iy in their loft.
I. K. An b rson of Spokane, secy,
arid J. Sii.kler. of Philadelphia,
Ire is. Mr. Kee l and E. II. Hall of
Portland of the Willamette Valley
Co. cine in on the afternoon train
Mond.iv ' ! ok over the plant here
alter uhvh they were driven down
thevai ty to P'ugene, inspecting
ca 'li plant along the line.
Dive Oiiys has installed a fine
oak ice chest to hold his ice cream
can tor his soda fountain. The
chest is arranged so that the ice
and salt is packed closely around
the porclaiu cream tank, and then
the top is covered with a heavy lid
in which a p orcelain top fits closely
keeping the cream cold and clean,
and Vet easv of access.
o( the Modern Woodmen of Ameri
ca was held at Lorane Friday July
2oth. The affair was a success
from every stand point. There
not as largsi an attendance as was
hoped for, owing to harvest being
in full blast, Goo being present,
The picnic was held in Hall's grn'e
north of Lorane, an ideal spot
which the Lorane M. W. of A.
boys ch ared of bruh and built a
sneakers platform and band stand
with pbnty of sea's in the c ol
shade also three refresh 'nnl stand
one being presi'iH't over by tn
Koyal Neighbors, the ladies auxili
ary, as an ice cream booln.
The Foresters band of Cottage
Grove furnished the music. Two
vames of biseball were pulled off
in the afternoon. The first betweeu
the Star team and a picked M. W.
A. nine for a prize of $25. Thin
game was won by the M. W. of A.
bojs, score I! to 4. The second was
between the Cottage Grove ball
team and the M. W. of A. team,
won by Cottage (irove. Score 9 to
4. Purse $20.
A big list 01 sports was arranged
for but on account of not being able
to commence the program until af
ter dinner several had to be omit
The following were pulled off:
100 yd dash f n men, won by
tlolay, purse $0.
100 yd dash for boys under iG
years, purne 2.50, won bv Ural
3 legged race, purse, $2.50, won
by Oral and Elmer Crow.
Nail driving contest by ladies,
purse $3, won by Miss Norma Doty.
State Organizer Simmons was the
speaker of the day, and went out
from Cottage Grove with the band
boys in the omnibus.
On their return tHe bus upset
causing quite a spill but no one was
hurt to make mention of. Mr. Sim
mons made a fine speech on Wood-
! craft and made several converts to
me orjer. ine woodmen nad a
big dance at night to round off the
day's pleasure.
Toggery (fobbed
Sunday night about 2.3j a thief
broke into Ed Hibberd's "Toggery"
by lowering a window in the back,
which was only partly closed and
climbed into the r"om. He stole a
suit of clothes, some underwear,
pried the money till open only to
find about $l.oo in change and then
got out the back door, II. H.
Feister, who occupied the rooms
obove with his family was awaken
ed by the fellow jumping to the
floor below, and supposed it was
Ed, so did nothing. E I takes his '
loss very philosophicrt'ly and says Cbas. Bruneau will go to the
if people would only c nsider what ! hills next week to do some work on
rare judgment the fel'ow had iu ' his claims.
choosing the "Toggery" to rob, 1
and would select as go d things as i
the robber did, the adv,r:isenient j The rule requiring discovery as
to him, bv the robber, would be 6e.3Sment t0 be done within a cer-
worth more than the $20 !oss. We ! taiQ number of days and the record
put his philosophy into print, but 1 1 ue maae witnw so many many
that won't catch the robber.
only source of ideutiticati n
tailor made suit which tho
is the
Modem Woodmen Picnic
The annual picnic 'or log rolling
days and tho corners to be estab
lished, are directory statutes and
failure to do any of them within
the time mentioned does not work
a forfeit of the locator's rights pro
vided no one has taken advantage
of the failure, prior to the compli
ance by the locator with the statute.
We are selling a 20cent A few shirt waists govs jmee jjnen oants
i. iii ; The 8S.S5 ones at $1.85 " "
hose this week at The $1.50 ones at $1.20
The $1.00 ones at 85c 25c
ilU C The 60c ones at 50c
100 and 150 Mens' Shirts Ohildrens' under pants Bare foot' sandals
now going at and shirts, the two
50c 50c 80c
The $1.50 ladies' tan Ox- Misses tan shoes, siges, ?!; Men's light weight suits,
fords now $1.20 closing at $1.00 a pair. one-third off regular price.
Watch Welch k
display for prices