Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 18, 1906, Image 6

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    rN4-Ri4a' ri4.
f fi-i-.-f . f 1 . . 'f
Prisoners and Captives
- ' .11- f -.-JlV -I
'. 1 . ! " r ; '"::!'
t1,.! 4 . I - I t I-1 1
f ; 'I !
l f...- t!)il
7 .n ; " V. j- I tj !.
r. n v) l''ii -nis
"'-4: !.i -. i
1 .ni
1 r. r
I t .4 a. -irt'ii f e - . 4
IUV If aw a vt n-.-
1 1 a.v a eg i3 ra 5i tar .tf :.-.
M " ma -,:s..r i4 ijl ajt
11 "vt lf-1i F- n 1 1 r. ir t
f".! cm Tl liar n.'-.-.x it" -.V
--4 tt 44 ;,'aa.l -i 'ri1
lea i .t frri ) -r
w.-a ;..-,. 4.- t. II- t n v.-
s.rria. ? r ;-,-. , risr. A-f a.
fSr -vn v. f . i ia .
a.-iixi rait i,-ni.' m s-,' i4a
to -a n l If :. f vir I: ih ik Ya-t
b.v rT a- -S i.av. n I aat
gva fv .l--., : fte -i - araaW.
faf . irH 7 '.v ! .. o
rl V"V- a-? .."XI ? I kKVll'.'
!T i I'lv4i a :v Srt v
fi I.T.a.i-i j i j 'f-TiS' a
d 4 irt4, . a. i fif4 or.-l 4.--s -lo-a-
rT-ii;w.7 ': ;v-L a. ;..-r .-.4 7.
aa.r? r-iU fc-rxV.'y J-v. .4.n.l TVr
"ii r . "tr -a a . sr. a...-!-! -..
"1 7. m: i. ? 4 x
n4 4R.1
i 4."
.-... a - .4: t: v.-.v
f"a ;J t i a 17 To i;v-r r- ti
"" ' :r.;---r ::-.:r s.'..r.t
.4 . r 1.-4 j r.'ir.l i
a-.?.-i Jl4
.- llri Kn--yi
f.'.S ai'-.r
j vI . 3.4 a--".
X 7
f4i. -4
r. XJ7. a
aTr -..".
"'ra'rr.?i."" h 4i..J, a iir i,.
t.t V4; .f tj, a1 r.-a . ;i:
o -,f -i r x1"' X ia'i 4. -. .0. KU.-h
'v- -f 7- ia.-.-a i i.-.i .-a i
7". ''f i.. a;'.i 4.., r-. T.
fir"' Xa--rt5 V i4T f-.-
W.;i.'7 c.-j.r.x wi:i
ta-a xry t ;.-. .-a-,n.7. Tar 4.-
n SS4J. r.o ---. :,i jr. .-; -,r.4. co'a
iai 'i.4: 43 .--r.-.7 as r- a ,: J vf. U
t4. .-.vTr. '44a t- !:;7
:.v-f3 a, -a r.-,r.7 4: isr-vii tut of th I
J"7. H r.ll , rr,p-j 4 CT.-3-
'.1 if r-- ; a. .-t Ij .r.4 of :..-i
ti. 4.' r'rx"4 of ta t.-ii-r
t'xTi t..x ;- r. .-. ? r;rri f ?t.
'rf.. .-X. ar. 1 i'iT-::7. to -a hai-'ji4r-4
ia Ir.-l.a. I'.-i! ia 'i f ptr-'.i.'.-.r.
.1 ;4 .;.: Tn-i-r-'1 t.i.i'
i 4-. a. .i,;, rnvi 4t Ti.k.a.
434 to w,t for 7-j at ?V nv'.ax pla--
arrir.x"i. r.i.r.:. r -rr,.ta'-: n.--Tii
f tiv r.rr .-,t far f.-ora iT
Via-lc. a a hir. a x i friait Oa
fa U ft a of J.-il a fh.r,- to roai-
!' ta rrra-: ya.f, n4 rrb
ta i-o4t of Alaska. Taat ia-. ja:
oia, i 6x1. If rv on vma to mt
biao, h xra on alD. bit b hot4 f
7'rn all thr, anJ arb with a part
cot ex-l.nx fiffa prvr."
Tb tar on tbir 4aII 7
twari tb two Kox-ibtna aat'J 4.J
b a.'i. f.'ayriaioTj,1 th aTa mn
aaamtli4 had rr'wtii tbm:ra ia or
der. Th. atorjt I:Tian anij Ka"on wr
atJ id bj i.'l with thir baka to
tb tabi. aa4 on thir J-ft wr j,int4
tb tbr jfrtDf llvimiam, wbiJ on th
rixbt tb two 4; '.or ut :i b ':4: a
b'x maa tad a arzial! oa tb. l4r aad
tb ratr powr.
Of ronr," wnt on Eaaton. tb ijl-taa"-j
ar enormous, but i ba nua
or4 to 'ijaiiz th:n a rx,ri-h a jiwi
b!. Th mt;r,x jyint ba fii"l
with a riw to rhi. It ia fb nm'.tf-rn-en
mi anrboraar ootaiaabi ar of C'j
CJ7C4k;n. rbonxb it i far wi-bia ta
Arrtic Cir'i. W hav 4.jrjj, J 4.,r
mis, ia kiiix oir 'brn tr)''-l
KTf. No on koow4 of it 'X'.-'-pt our
4!rc4; cot rn th Nibi;jt Iart ia
Irjlon. V mijt T:i,riiijr that w ar
not Nib!!it4, but ir! ;-n ma n
jrax'I npon a rirat nrrpri-. V
bav fri-rif! who bav. bn rj-ijiMti x
Jlfl, many of thrn without a trial upon
tnre aa'pir-ion. W ar a 'irrip'i.'iij to
rtj thou trwU; that is all."
"I'," '-fjo4 tb afoijt nun, ;-akinx
f'r tb firt ti:i, "that i aii. 1 -k
hj (Jauxbr."
Anl I toy itr' ;,) on.
"Anil I in brother." naiJ ano;br.
-It )4." ad-Jed rarl4ki, .irt.j, "a wif
rith m."
Tar and Graf aul nothinx. Thy
had not quit thought it out. and wr
unprparil with a ra.-jn. Kanron wa
inor at a now. II fonnulf'! a iittl
notebook hitherto ron-!l in hi wai4t
eoat ixket.
"I ba endeavored," h rontinud,
without taking bi from the po-kt-book,
"to make ever dnartrnent inde
tfjflnt aa far a jyihle. For intant,
117 own d-ath would in no wise affect th
expedition. The money and information
would, after aueh an event, continue to
filter through to Hiberia by prearranged
f-bannHa. In ne of the dah or lmpri
onrnent of our agent in fit. Petersburg,
the fame communication would b) kept
open. We bar each a aubatltate, and
tb arrangement are ao airnple that tbee
aubtitut- will hav no dlfOculty In par
rying them out, I need aarcely tell you
that heavy brib bar been aeat to the
right quarter in Mlberia higb ofCcial
Th stout man grunted In a knowing
way, and algnified by a little nod of the
bead tbat ,rio further Interruption need
b feared. '
"In Kuwrla," continued Kaaton, turning
the page of hi notebook, "we all know
that every official ba hi prk-e. The
only difficulty li In the di-overy of that
price. The only part that have not been
doubled are thou of the three gentlemen
who go out to Kiberla to organize the
escape of t1j prisoner and exile. I ur
mine that It i unneceary to polat out
that the purt cannot be doubled. There
ere not three other auch men to be found.
A to our hlp, she wa built, above and
iVlow, under the pronal upervUlon of
Mr. Tyar and myelf. In Mr. Tyar
and Lieut. Grace w Lave two aallor eml
tiently calculated to bear the atraln that
will be put upon them. Humanly speak
ing, they truted to do al) that
man can do to get the Argo around Cape
Cbeluakln to tte rendeavoua by the date
uajued. DM I uf last Baeetiag la Lon-
7 .., ff 4t 4 a-tr ri.u-
!" .. ,if -f a a."u.
s 4 x-. 4m 1 7 TYa ,a :i4:
;' .1 4 ;.' Sfl if T t.-
.-vi-.'s.'" Mil. "as :--! .
' flAlTJ;fl XVII
t- a f Alr,..n't'
. ; .a l3it, II-a :!
: liv: if !.;.;, 4: Wia
A.r..-ii Agn W ..- t b.iu
.-l .r-X'- 7 4ai.'i4 r
:a. ya, 4.1 H-.r -'-tl
f.jv.i; ri 1 7 - --.x-i Naa
J , m
. .-
A i. .of r':rv
4"r..- if vti
"X - I- T 1 .O 4?-.f 45
' .j.
I; 34;;--. rl. : M W.3-t i4 1
a: fr-m mj f ir'j rs ij4 jr- '
"4 -x sr.iT-rvjrr. 4a I IIa 4.
'i'T'tr. f ;a :x""-f 4-..- 4 .. :.4-
" '' ar4.STst i. -a -.
..-t A 4P. .m -ir ;; !i
f -X x. a' f .- .--4
.i'.: sj a?. i ,a-rr. -:v- 1.1
.vr sa i... X"J-' ! bf " - .
a ;a i r.xrj .'. '
"--. ;n cn ,r..--t Th. -i-.-.x-.t
xr.-T4--i 4.-4 i
' " "iX".4.-a -.-. -,p .x'3.t. v 7 -j; !
x r; nt rj.nx 2?;a 4 rn. .,-r..-,a j
-h. --ir 'rf ?s-4 h4 :.t.-x-1 :."4-!j '
i-J Ti frio; .-..j-.. 14 a V. '
x at l ',1 'i t.r.xi-;7 :.x i
f.r :-. H-a ail x".! Ti4t i
aT -f. "o ;im ti ';s..-. 4. !i ' - j
i''-''. ir.l 44 . 1 n3'! 4.r 4a 1
l. i tr t-; -ji.: 4a ;at-Sa.r. f-Hcx
'.f "'rr. .' . r-
Ti ir3 imn. 1; J ! oa;;.
4r. I ;.,a, a. -ii3 fifwirl
a i.r. aai . a ::--n 4 4.:: r',.
f-r'a..r.x Ia r-;-r. to a ;..
f ta h-tat H-.-a --
. Vtl of . r,' h ci.M. M..4 W.S'.r
4a ."r.a.r.x aa ;-r. of a-ti. a
!v -4.-f;; j--.-x 'r7-l z '.rr.r
.ax is ti ;-art f 4 .:rrj a I
"I tar." 4.i 44.I. " arh- L4
4- r.x la -a4t r.rr t -h f!.-.
1 in to ;.--i rar;a :- :i7. r-
.r. to rr.k r.:
iij. "
"V4: L to a at I
Wti ;.k t
51.44 Wist, rootia to ar.fiM ta
l'S-T with a rS4i'ir4tj . Si
W44 oot J'k.r.x t it. b'it t H-3. 'ao
sii) i.itr-l ia ta titTr of aa 4
fiH !.tt !m hanftra.f.
"Cbo 14'
Ta f-rl rii44 br baJ aj froarn'!
4;.xtt.'7, 44 if malinx a an:a.' ffort.
"It tx 4 pp. fyfia. ji . 317
acl and oh. j '. Mr. T71.-4."
M.4 Wintr a-4 4 n'X aa impnlWr
arotaaa. TTr u a ttrf i.' n;4a aal
4i4 of Iiarjr ttyrjt hr ajor.aai:. lnt
Mrr tl'.a rrraii moT. hr fria4 an
kai;sx on ta wait fr ;-ar-h rjj.
rJraarjax hr tnraH hr, fr-ioj ir L
fa ta Jixar.
' IIc. !t m a jonr ft."
It t4 a'.-n'4t a rr.raaa-!. aa4 th x''
of7d, 4:j turair.x;. Hr j4 wr
44 if a-!th jft74i'-al x''37. M!
Vin:r r!;nja;4hJ t5 warta. aoft fia-
ne ha.f t'imd. and 44? wla tr
han.l c.a-d ia br lap, girlag into tie
"When, h aak.d, 'an wit it?
lst.3i axo t Oxf'rd. or on.'y j-iat"
"I a'jppo," Ia anrrd. ij'iT,'7.
"That if. wa Ion? ag- at Oxford; bjt
but I tbiak I d.d n know !-."
T" J.. '. . . . ' .
j j ,1 . 'i4'ju -:r a s.,ir r' wa nri
j glvn to tar, but now hr 'a.i- wre
gi.'.-n;rix iK;iij. Jt la not the bttrrr
tear bat f3ii
"My poor, pvir II:n '." m-jrrn jr'-d
Mi Winter. trfking br fnd' hand
grif!. "And be (''.z'M Tyar be ha
inid no'hinx?"
"(! fr.irv r.'jt."
Mi Wiri-.-' e f-J! on the nw-paj-r
lyirig op-n at hr ft. Mhia
jcally be read the heading of a long
arti'l on th "Nw Arctic Kxpeditioa."
I Ir hart nank within h-r.
"liuf, IIin," he wbipred, "! you
rbir.k he "
"llutii, dfir," intp-rrup'ed the girl.
"iKiri't ak me that."
"II!n, will you f!l me on thing?"
The girl moved uneai!y, ke-jit!g her
ye avrted.
"I think not," he anwered, "you can
auk it, but I do not think I will anr
'Ton' ago." murmured the low voi'-e
of th elder woman, "long ago at Oxford
did you think Helen, forgive my atkinz
did you think that be lovi-d you?"
There wa a long ilnie, broken only
by the ofli'tioiM little dock upon the
mantel piece, and the heated creak of the
gkrwing cinder. Then at laat the an-
wer came :
"No no, certainly not. But' he wa
different from the other quit different.
It seem rldlculou, but at the time I
thought tbat It wa because be wa a
Cambridge man."
"Then If you bad not met again thi
would not have happened?"
"No," anwered Helen, gravely; "It
would not. I wonder why Oawin should
have saved him, of all men, In the middle
of the Atlantic ocean."
On tJil same day Onwln Orace dined
with (Hand Tyar at hi club. It wa In
this manner tbat be disposed of hi un
occupied evening.
During the actual meal, served In a
tall, bushed, and rather lonesome room,
by a portentous gentleman In d plush
breech and pink stocking, there wa
not much opportunity for private conver
sation. The elder man was the first to
break the silence. He watched rhe fire
burn while be spoke,
"You bave not," be said, Interrogative
ly, "tot leave from the Admiralty yet?"
"Not yet," was the answer, returned
confidently. Grace evidently aatlcipatei
ao difficult
l n 314S" 4t4-.fl
n: -i-r t 4 1. in Vr-4al i
X l.m 4.1 M. W.a-.r.
"1"! . '..! T4.-4. "ij
4 a ; 1.' 4 :a :a vr J. I i. . a
m ti 4- j.-Q 4i, J s rry .; m 4- '
- m jt 4...3.-. I .".. .! ;. -i
f....t't a a ai t i .3 ra mam'
'. fm- .!.- " j
A ,- ! r -i-.-'Cfl .-a.- f ;.l
-4- 7 . if 4 -; i"i f.'.ni. :
fi It-
t n .-a.;H 3i.-i.'4-.T-;
"I :;;." 4:.l iir4-. 4t !cx"i.
!i4 II 'n i a ft 4: 7 vt" !
"I : 1. J i-f j n . - (
a f i r.-x t ;a k4! i; '.!
3-r , op. '7 4-;vm 4 t ar 1 7 t-
7" v.--?. a. 4 s : r. - 4S 1
4.1. Tnr ' x '
v 4..)c a -a
' a '-. -.-'4
4 4 a
-I a at; -rr;
VH ta.ixa'f i"7
IIa. 1- mI 4
"X"a. ni4f-
!7 ;
L . -a--- v x xa. T;i.- ,.. i : '
f.;"7 if ".-.x -"r Iir.-.x ra
.n-a a.4 1 f-,.;.yar-I -:i.4 r.turk h ta-xat .
i" a -ac. j 3(.-.-o- .
- t" h 4 -o .. -a . f i-it aa 1
a .. At sra a av..:;- 24 i,aa ;
" J "irr.-! 3 . . XT t) a-.t tli4t -:f
a -4 -r.. ;!.-... a. i at .f:r.x fr-a.l'
.a i- -...? 4i. ta f-t j ti.a'
4.-x---a'. j
"Tm." a i.L tat i p--..hMM. aa 1
ri 4:at7 a ir fr:c $ M m V;a'.r.!
0a:a i.-4 - r-.j;.-! 4 : lirZ.J ia:o '
th rr.4.. j
" V-. i ,..!, "h i tijt h4T j
H -.a:.r. 4 a I ;: .-. m4rT:J. af
fr.nta.a ;:! b
ia.7 ta Siuf
Tatt ":
;.rt ..xi of
f. 4al
T.T4r n
a-:;-I aim:.'
Of '-ir." h Ui, ".f 7'rj f.; Tl;t
fr? fr-xa ta ;.x!vft avira! ot,:.xtia.
I a. n va.r.x aior "
"Tiar. 4;.f f.a 'jra-
a J
vtt J,;i4; ta4t .14'- :.
a-"- I f--.. Hi. i. f-;-. I -.a 7V1
.'. I x re n -.- 1:0 jn' f-; 4 5:
1.4 ...t 'rtr. r.x on. It X1' r4t -
,j :r xa. :. a :ra, a ray no;
woci.k.-j .iM. d -. -i a x 4a. rt.-.'
'ov-.-J .-a r I"
(To t ront:a jil)
Ca Citi la llaa Tikr
Fla la Kaaaa for Tklrlr Wan.
Altljouxh nin i-1 irj lV-mr,-! to tlv'""-'
Ia:a :T:alrr :.a K.j.-;.i. tf.r bj:i't
tQ a l-zil ex-ut'.on In our Star for
thirty year or iiior." aid V. I. li.-l
ii, a ;.r"tiii:-it citlz- 1 of Lavo
orti aryi a dlrwtor ,f !: star j-si.-tTiflarj
at tbat piic. to a !': r--Iftf.-r
at tb l:l:x!i.
"Ti r4au.i 1 tli law d!ri-r4 th
:.x;!-'.v-iri.erit of ? ! iyol V t'
gi'.Vr- tor a yer f-V.Ww'.ag the-lr con
r '.';:'&, af:r wbicrj :t : arti:iihtiz. oa
tias goTr-r to arSx ilzriarur to
tb Jath warrant, a tblria; tbat non.
of our cbf -r--rjlT-a la titt f. ti-
Ern::orie-l bat doti, a-i.l a a con-iji-!---.
ti corl'-ajr.I mrj retxatri ,n
pr'vn year after yar. getting if
niay f a !!f terra '.u of ba.-;gl..x.
T?ir ar ovr fifty tir-.r'. of tb!
cla44 rrt w:!tj the wi.'la of trv
Ixirmror,.h ir'.jU. ar.-1 an;or.z tVrn
y,nT of ti rrK7t "-lif a'-l cri.-n'ruN
of M zTjrat'.ori.
"Of t.vr- tii Ttfi. rxi'tir'. i;.
ha;, !. Ksrimett Iilton, -.Vr- tir
brotbrj wer .lain !a the fariioi f.zit
tbat t.Vir raM on t!i fv,!ryr;; ban
brouzit on. In wb!'-b K.orji?! b!.'fiif
re-elve-1 fenrfu! wound, tb; mark '!
wbVh 5i carrl. II ! !:uot j
rtt'i'M iTivihr. hi ori'Isj'T. f-!rjg at
all t!ujH eii-T.'ij.Iary. For rn.inj' yar
b ha h--ri etriployel a a ctjtfi-r !n tli
pr!n tailor bop and firt-rate
"AtiotbT t-r :.i;i.ate : u''.::: s::.
who in lHvi. at t! a- of l'J. li
Nwrtbo f'ourity, nmnlf-reil b! fatbc,-,
mother and sinter. Still anotbr 1 Jo'm
Colli ii. rtjriv!ctel of the murder of b.
father on circumstantial evidence-. Ol
lln wa one of tli brlibt'-t Mfudent
at tli State I'n!ver!ty and hi arret
for pnrrU'ld r-;ifil an Immense sen
sation throuifhotit the State. There are
a tf-w vrwiim also In the list, most
rioted of whom ' Jennie Morrison, win
killiil a worn an for marrying, her sweet
heart. -One of the L;irl-it tliinz to get o-i?
of the areraije convb t 1 bU true uatne.
Occasionally this 1 'lue V the unvvlli
lnifnei to brlnij d!zrace on LU family,
but In the majority of caw It arise
from a fear that hucIi a revelation will
caue the sheriff of other localities; to
locate a man waritel for some prior In
fraction of the law. I have known mn
aerre an extra year In prison rather
than tell their right name, for it Is
an Iron-clad law that a refunal on ihl
xAnl Is a barrier to parole.
"Not very lotuc ago a parole wa
(riven a prisoner who had been U'lilnd
the bars for twenty-one year, (.'urlou
ly enough, he could have bad III llterty
loiitt ago but for the stern and utiyleld
lnji opifiHltlon of liU wife, and when
at last his release came It was In the
face of her vlzorou protest." Wash-Ing-ton
Ill Mistake.
"It's no use talking," said his wife,
firmly, "my mind Is made up and "
'Oh, It la, en?" Interrupted her hus
band. "I knew your face was, but I
thought your mind was th real
When a man Is wrong and won't
admit It; bo always gets angry.
TW l ira L4m 4 al -
-p t;: fir-i. T- frn"i -'lii. 'i.i
tX; i.i.'p -4 N'S 4-ir- tail ..a"". vjt.
a x . : fjr-ji a-i.-S xr-i 4 ct
r ;ar aa. U cx & .'ir. A t. !
.fr -f "ix. I i a ta a 1
j.4. . r x'-t . 1. tf f4.j:r '-f'ii
'r-t i : tr ;-f .ij.-'t .f
: . 14 1 T' r-4. a : r ti4 -
- C fir t t-'4 irlf '. itt. j-4 aa
Tr-l x" 'f t;t: t t ta i ll
(it .-; :ik ial l." l-t a;-a i-n
ft :; .'t.-ui a...i x-a ! ;a-fu. Tr
.. .t o.t ' r.
a.-..t : r a
r c., 4iai urx- -
r a firtu 4t
'--X 2--a
t '.' tr
1 :-;j.;t !
,r 3;..itJ 4.VS ..4.-1 If -4:1
tf tL' !;r. 4: ;
x T'j! . :r. i 4.;
;n I f ri: . 4: r.i t unt 1 t..
firui '-n .Tr ai.ia --f m 4 n-i
t:. a f 4 x ti f r t:.r
f t .. - .i 1-4 x-'' ;'r 1 "
:- 'ir .i :. . 1 :.;; U x',- 44;-. . t
fjr-. !..i:.I 4r. tj sr.r '..-.t.'i
t a.-.J : .. i-..i.4 :Ujt ; fi.-u--;
st :. im u : t--r i:.-;.-r
i.: H U: .4 n-l-I : r...t ---'..i'
r. a:-! 4 f .t. uu; ! UV r :1
:..f.: fr .t. tt..
. tr - f t. U .-r .rtv.'a 4 !.
.! ;:. .j t r i t. a..i." ;:'-
t ti I . f .;,:;t..:;i;.'y A fi.-.:i-f
a t :.. L..riS ruin 1 ..
1 .tj ., I tr-u--l f i ar t."- j.
i.r:;r i-aa y -1. c.n. I..
j ::.-r-4 44 t.. oa .13 a; 4j "ti t
i .t iu -." ii ainr
i-.ut ti- Mi.tT in -.:;.. I--r:-.x t!
i-r-;4.-.: ;- a." u ;.it : ia xrwit
i;ii.i:! 1 :.:
11I r t.i
! r.. A !..T
i f ...r t i 4 :..
ill i ' ti tt !.-:. a:l a
1 tt . ia
'. la k of a
'it;i ' a a..i:i tJ..r.x
: . ij
,1 t
i , f
t tl- i..T-r'-:. !.rn.n a X " :i.i:i
J.1 4 1-- T --r J-'4-.-:i a Xl
;.' .vl a t.a I ' -- M.;.r. ia
Ax-.--i.tur: r.;..t.'a.;.t.
f'Uah-r ramr Bar.
T'.. r -Ijt.on of tb jila:i friti.
-.-:i u t;. .-ijtunl rult of t!. -war-
i'y .f t..ii''-r f-r t-'ilMi.-ii A 1
!ji.: x in ia::i4r ati-I -! or
'-'--'-f " t-l !a
?;. ! t'.ai anl fw.-r u.ti ar
r"mrl In tb- er-f!"ii. an-I tbr I
litti r-r n'ltii.'ig aiT!fi''l in 4tr:irth
ia- tb exfi;it uitb-l of bractr.x
enabi t!m to tan! tf pr-ure of
hay ami grain within or itronx wind
wltfvjiit. A aolbl fram foundation
may be tie-i or the entire structure
may be of plank. A ifoi.l. firmly built
stun a.vl c-rii-rit fouii I.itlon 1 advis
able. With tbi to ri-t the plans: Ujn
ri? fra.'n I raleI.
No sill are tj.d arid tti upright
t'j'l. tjke tie pl.ic f j,?it. Two for
'neb p.)t are st on the foundation on
eacjj aid. Iietwe-n th the cro--plank
I placed aril Hp!lii w that It
will extt-nd the width of the barn and
tie the? two aid toZetfier. Tb scant
llr.Z'' on each B! Ie of the barn floor,
forming center are then ral-w-d
and spiked In pla'-e. I'jkiii the outside
of each upright I splkeii a plank of
tlie same : a and parallel with the
first cros plank. This gives tbri-e i'xS
Inch for cross sill through the cen
ter of tlie barn, each Joint or bard be
ing fixed in tbl way. Knd Joint., using
board Instead of plank on outside, give
the bedwork the barn. At the side,
between upright lu place of sill, a
plank I firmly Mplked ; thi hold the
upright firmly In place and prevent
working sideways while the thorough
ly spiked cros planks prevent all move
ment In other direction. Throughout
there should be no sparing of spike
nails, as these are an essential feature
to secure solidity.
Wornif fluna.
The plums that have been stung by
the curcullo, and the wormy fruit of
the early summer, should be picked off.
It lan't much trouble, and It doesn't cost
any more to do It now than later. The
fruit tbat brings blgb prices will grow
much larger if these parasites are r
, . -. J, tf t r: f -if 4 if th
...,: -"f X" 1 ";.. '
.I, 4; t fr :u f -.1 f r "in
i4.'!. I: I M .t ..n. t!, T !"uM
n. i.,n it ra hi i-1. ThU !!t
t-ri t wi (v xri ri aa-l 4T4ft if
fit t rir .
S a:': t: t:. I ; t V. n U mtll hf
f-:..;x -it h,t. .1 .. 1 .f.i:f.i r ?.
ws;.-' tijT rn'-W-l t ti !nt tr
;; f.l "iM t 14 .-at '( t!w
in. ; ij.'trr r r !u r-- i f t!i; kiti-l
p. ur i.'n t;. t r r .4 1 if tlm
'-'rt. a-?'! t: :..ts4 u; t: rji. In
f; . jrj4 !!i if f I'Jf ''
'"X 41'! M)'t f'( .i!" t'I f !.
if-f 4r-J - ''X u t" T'p " "''J
tiiit t-4 !- jp-itr t. rmiwi tt; Mril
ts- ti r 3. A.'tf tM U i!').'. th Mr-I
"1. ! fi .-r.;7 11.:; r ot!jr ItUt
' i f-c 4. a. -I ij.
J!r Jv.:i ri;ar f Kr't!!i C.liifn
Ma. ..U t t: M .fril :r a kfi ti
"f a f-ar:T ia - f r a:xri!!:X !!
;.I-T.t 4. r.irtJ.r at ha to a!! j
jr !a b1 ' f u. 4'ii-h nifh-l f.f 1
lnnrMlalr.i tVir X'tL It fKn!!
UOW TO f!, It Till 14 WB.
ff in orillaary a. l.a t .; !. havlajf t"
altat: t;.k a'ti-fii to t.j an. I
N-t torn. A st.i;t j .. .f ..; i at
a -fi-I : ;.. ..f .j 1.1 tin-"'
::.. Tb !.. f r::ii a !:nz. I'.y
! .
t.; a;-tJ
:.i::..'- ! 1 r; it wrlxxii
r-t '."jt ii-'ti i.ri-- lii.
; j.. k. t)-i:s:. auil cf
ati'l t..T .-.1::
i::-l J t-ry
Htlaj H trail Trrn.
A Maryland fruit grower ha after
tral year of -x;-ri:!ie!it!iig dlvtiv
ereJ a way to reilre old fruit tre-
and ki-; tbetu In tsir!r.g iimdition
1'itig after their n;.; e.1 tag of ue
fultis4 ba pass-. A the call of
d-ay la a tr 1 it Inability to carry
th sap to all of It4 branch-, bemlliig
th tree lessen the area to te travers
ed. tb amount of top to t reunited,
varying acitirdlng to th farmer' Judg
ment. Bone-dust and ash must then
be administered a a fertilizer, the tat
ter In tlie autumn and the other lu the
spring. Tbl treatment will revive old
tree, tb cutting off th branches), tend
ing to Increase the number of fruit
bud formed, and th ah and bone
dust tending to stimulate the tree
Tata Kara Oardra.
No fanner can afford to do without
- 4 "a -'o. ... .1 .-. ..; 10 t-ijre. itii
I .... t 1 ....4 .. I . . ... I
that every on will l a fancy g,ir.
dner, but every one shmild give sulll
cietit attention to the subject o as to
prodiii-e all staple vegetables earlier
than ran lie pnslucetl In the field. It
!. not only e.--utial to the ln-alth and
proi--r eiij .yiiietit of the family, but
It 1 actually a matter of profit. Could
your whole farm Ih made as smooth,
dry. rlh and as well cultivated as a
gisI garden, the Increased product
would pay a large jn-r i-etit of profit
ujsm the outlay. In the garden, or In
a separate compartment, may be culti
vated strawberries, rasj. berries, black
berries, currants, grajws and dwarf
js-ar. They can all ! had at n very
small cost of money or lalmr, and will
add Immensely to the enjoyment of
the household
Tarred Taper Injnrea Trees.
In a newly set orchard the trees
were wrapped with tarred building pa
Ier as, a protection against the rabbits.
The paier was not removed early In
the Hpring. and a the hot weather
came on the tar melted and adhered to
the bark and destroyed the live bark
and cambium layer wherever It came
In eontact. A a result, many of the
trees were entirely killed. However, a
good grade of coal tar I very efllelent
In preventing decuy of exited wood In
recently trimmed trees.
Collar aad Saddle fiall.
Gall on horses are duo to several
causes, but fnuetitly to saddle and1
names mat press unevenly on the
body. The collar should tit the horse
perfectly, and It cannot be too good. A
loose girth to a saddle may allow It to
shift. When a gall U noticed there Is
something wrong with the saddle or
harness, and no remedy will be avail
able until the cause of the gall 1 r,..
moved. An examination of the harness
should be made whenever the horse Is
brought up from work nt night, and it
should be kept in good condition or the
horse will suffer.
Beau I'olea,
Aa soon as the lima beans start up
the pole, be aure to tie them up with
raffla. If you are trying to use last
year's white birch polea, you are going
to have them rot off and fall down and
cauae no end of trouble. There 1 noth
ing better than cedar bean Doles.
' t
t- an in .a. . -X
131'.' I'irr !4i-t'iii. favnt 'f H I-
ward II., etwiilfd.
I.THt Vt Tlr-r eiii.rad lin Inn an I
4rlni ifi Tiii-r.
fl.:" TalliHt I17 Jn f V''t
at Imrilf f I'lilay, I'raii''--.
Ix7 linn!, of Mil). Uat g--4t bt.":
mi Hiii(!iIi iJ.
Hi.Ul '.r.Mi4t!nii f Clir!i- I. I" S-it-Ian.
Iiil.'i l inal .1.-f-i t "f Cliirli- th. I' r',
at Nua.-b), b I 'rmiii !l.
1m;.' S.r Ib-nr Van, m-- 5-iv.m if
f M .1 aa hua-'ti, l.-'l 111 To - f
of IIII'lltl,
1771 I a fn)vt arritrd in Ani'-r"
177. Till "f "Tai-Ivo t'.iiit.- .b-ri'e
t'oluliif" ailupli'd.
1771 I'anitlii fi .tiiinli'l by Aniiri'-au
1777 -National flit, thirti'r-u afar ati
ar. .opii I17 Ani'Tii u I'll-
J7:t. - Itaflle of l.l.-i.f.
Ii'.'T Mia:. ill of San Joaif 'a!., f 1 m I
1. l"r' l iiitvl S!jt' tr.-.ii t'r-4
1M.' Tli" l 'ni!."l Stair .1'- ! r.-I ir
ii.Ml lir.-at ISrilaiu.
Il.'. I ta t r 1- f V:it.Tli.
. -Ii t nf M.lnrblli'ft f) tit 4
- j.r.i!ioii nf Miiiih-.
s:tj 1
II r u ji f i. ti of Ml. A'-'ii 1.
Ark.iim.i n l:ui!!'"l In ;!i t n: -n.
ll I':ll.ll
I oil N il'.1! I'.IM'
hnn 1 '.lal . Ii"
I 11 Tr-Mf)- of Vitniii!i!;:o!i for !!!. -
lie-lit of lln- I ill bo'iml 1 1 .
I " Third gri: In-- .11 Sin I rin. ..-.
lv-" M'Triiii.i.- ! . 1 1 1 r 1 . f 1 -. 1 at I'ti.trir-
town inn jrd.
1S1 IC'-;nitihi'au roin .-ti! ion
4t l' !ii!ii.i iioiiiiiut.-d 1 rr:n ,11 1
and I ton.
IS."." Stesaifsiat I'i-inis) It a ii.a burn. I
oil tb Mltaissippi ; ll llti-a loat.
I'xl'J Slatrry proliitui.d In th t.-rr.-tori4
by act of t'ouirre.
JNfcl West Virginia admitted a a Stat
into th t'nioti.
l"l Alabama link by the Kearaarc
off I'heiisturg. . . .(intm repulsed at
battle of Petersburg. Va ('oiife.1-
erate captured Wliicln-ster. ',...
IIuntiT repulsivl by 1' at
Lynchburg, Va.
lSiW, -I'nii i.-'lare,l war agiiuat
1S,7 Fugitive slave law repealed in tli
House. . . . F.xeciltiilll of HlllH ror at (jueretaro.
ITl Triumphal entry of t i.-torioa
( into I!.-rlin.
-F.ipuUiun of J.-aiiiu by I Serin 4 ti
. . . .
j, , oinproini irri llrv
bill il.'f.-aled
lu the I niti-il State S.-nate.
1,"7 Ni' I'lTin-s In. Ii, in ar lirok.i nut
in M11 ho.
;vv;'jty of Vancouver. It. ., n-arly
il'-strovd by lire Kiiu- I.i.ig of
liavarm iiiinui.tteil mn 1,1..
lss7 F.arthuimk. shock ut Sin n ill
' S. C. '
JStil John Most, Biinri-hist. st-nten
I !
j.-iii s iiiijiriiiuiiiH-iit in
1VI -Att.-tii,ted iiiana.imuioii f pr.
mier Crispi of Italy .... I'ren.lergasi,
assassin of M,,,r Curler Harris 111,
hanged in Chicago.
IWI.V llritisli ii'iivriimi'iii hiiiumi ti.. a
proteeiorate tor Fg.m.l.,, Central Af-
ISH7-Hawaiian nniielutin treaty sign
ed .... Bomb exploded near carritt.-e
of I'ri'sid.-iit Fuiire of France.
ISDS-Bresident McKinley .ign.-d war
rerenue bill ltiriiiS .e,, 8wrJ
130-.en. Itokrikoff, governor general
of 1- inland, assassinated (ien-ral
Slocum disaster i,, Ka.t river. New
iork; l.i) iv,. oHt.
Premier Helyai,,,
is of G reive
In a bulletin IssmM hy the forest ser
the largest IuhiIst deal.., 1.. .1,.
and that , ., to ,u
I I... .1 1 m
o tiatiuiiui lorest resei-t-.,M .1 - .
nf l.,ul. ., . '."" """" ""r
private'r,. .... 1r:l,'0!nM".,"',
fact hat profit may go baud in hand with
i"g 1JU3 the total 4i1, fro f
reserve, were $o7:l.,.-,!l. Th., f()p
fuel In South Ihikota stand lirtf Wyom
ing second and Ftah third. It Is estl
mated that the ,,,, of adn.lnis.cring th, reserve I ,,,,, mM thlrd .
1 per (vnt of Its value.
f.t .1... .....a ''"'raiing ta
Iloma simpMH,,, ,pr.
Propaganda of the Himnlilled
I.nrd is now Issued 7 " T"
4 in . . 1 : ii.. 1 . in..
headquarter at No. 1 'Madison
New Urk City. I,, A Vin, S
1- 1 . '"'I'
U......I .1...
eat, a .1 "'" r"mOVUl f
21 i'r , ,at I,:ng,1"h ,nay he' th.
v-orld. h contain ,,, o(
common word spelled l two or more
-.ays and the board seek to tlnd how far
o 1,fe2 -e,,t the simpler
', ,.I1,0'e Interested are invited to
u ?h. ? rd. f tbelr to
receive lu publk-atlon. a. th, .pn,r.
L. 4 4V -4V4T 44Tf