Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 18, 1906, Image 5

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    :. l-iib
d'.i :
The Bazaar
rJ 1
hems of Interest iti and about
Cottage (irovc and vicinity.
' r-r.f 7zrrzr,zJzx. -'
nrVlTOB ff ITS 5 BUB Iff B8B 550 5 50 B 5B56fl60656ffff0OODfifl-5CCC6B6
"x U
1 1 nil'' i
n !.;' li.'
. ;,.,,.:;
Fine Summer Shirts,
Ties, Overalls,
Jumpers, Gloves ami
Soeks for men and hoys
Lnco and Gauge Hose for ladles
at 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Chee-'e niiimI wYhen, pork lilnl
llCIIIIH III I'll tlH , (' h 1 1 '' I bl'llf,
clllckl'tl HltC, Vl'lll IdLf, HlirilllK'M
etc. ....
Kodaks. Photo Supplies, Edison
and Columbia Graphophones J
and Records.
The Bazaar- j
fLZiAaJLlB JJAARB flfi ft JlAdfl JJ fl fi 5 X 5 C 8 B (I 5 t 550 05 S 9 VfiJSaJf 9P &f
b u gain
Subscribe for the Nugget.
Conger makes tho best rival's in
Screens of nil kinds :it Veat h v
A homo brand is the kind f"i ym
to smoke C. G. cigars.
V . A. Hemcnwny Inm
counters full of bar gains.
Ttit'iks, valis"M for onr niiniii'i
viicntionx nt Voakh & lwm'm,
W. A. JIcilI'MlWHV's M'.c wist, of
t'ridtro i;: Kukin A llii. tow's !ill ,
Wall and Wntter Sts.
Hufic.v O'Neill ui 1 i.i'ii
loon in l' to w I i h
luis moved his fix tun h.
Scrap iron from th" :
cisco wreckage i-. l n,,'
Salem to he made ii.'o t
I ''OMlilH'
:i Ki
ilit lie
Omj.ii pinnes
known i vry w h i
Dugem- Steam Laundry, A 11 11' l) ' j
and I Instinj'-. i,t 1'
llohemri i;:ais are jin-l tli'.' thing I
: 1 1 1 i don't you f.,r get it. f
,p bats Ian nil t V 1 o.i j. for i' i Do ut j
V. A. 1 h ui' ii wa 'ii -1 " t c . j
d on side'-i i t
11 1'
!.'!. l.f.
'1 hi: j"
In J'
fnm. Imp
, I ' 11
,-t ::.
I 'Ok
two 1-
!-.. If
I'm"! samp
horn's T'M ot
' M fill's
if. . C
s of Chi
C- lie': nt
a n-
in ;
j 'i
l o
i r '
I i ID
el t.
ti j ii
. Il
S .
jmup-y wwiiiUJ-iwiiMu w t
1 1 he First National lank
Collage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
NiirjiliiN nml I 'tidlvliii'd I'rolltH
Money to liiiiii mi ii 1 1 1 . r v'. 1 nt't'ti r 1 1
I'. l-l,UH.'l" Mold, iivililiildi' MIIV
pliui' in the I' SliiliK
I'rolilHiit. ('I1I1 1
VJ9 i mi "it-tig; wnrswj9umiv uumv. m'mma.
V. II. Mill MH. II. I t Ki ll, W. A.
IIAII I IMi. I'llll. Ml im i:v,
W W. Cut heat I u.ih in
Saturday lo'iding- s v r ii mm s it li : tli
Itunhcr from the liou'r savvn ill.
1., ,
A r.ugeiie iiiiin is on nr wy
tlin I fiwt nt tin' Ataliian Isi it to
pureliMMc nixU-ffi hca I ot .Ara'.i'.n
The S 1 Co luis scmt:iI work
traitiH lir.-" ut ji-m-fit "oik'n.; on
the cement jiers for tlie ne v t-tcel
I i-j.
I I 1
1 ii a-
Bank ol'Cotlaffe Grove
Paid Capital $15,000.00.
W. H. Abrmi
B. Larch
C. Ron Kln
A. It. Ntlta
AmIiUdI Cashier
We Hiillcit the lU'i oiintM of cor
poi nt loan, tlrmi nnd linlhM
uiiln, anil will 1k pli-nfi'd to meet
with thorti' who conteniplnte
new iKTountH.
We pny I per cent on time tie
i. . . iiti.ii
M)HIIH HllCr .MIKUM I, l'". Ml' Q
will In. moved to our nrl'lllil- Q
iicnt honi'i on or nliont that
a i.' I
ran '
v i -1 1 1
Illl I
I I I -.1 I M
M... k of i)i;
I lor.' in'
SOU 'I'.ll i'ft
iij;ht -I --.
1 '.it I'of.i 'i a 1 1 i . i '.
Iiiiii'hn': 1 1 - a
.;o d lr .i !i i in I.
loo t... y .
ari' li'-'r ;
Tin.' !' i
th- -a'!
l ill-, '.I
rar i .tl
Ii u:-.!-i
I li- I'.c li
- en 1 v i i: m;i.;
'a.! i t i i i i
io 1 1 : ; i .1 1
i ;i.i.'.f l:c and M r
i.t 'iiiuisdav m
, a'.! r.;;ht u '.. i.
y u w 'i t a' t l.i'
C (Hl.,'1'1 .ITS.
ii.du-.tiy Iha' ia
I ti.c'f li'' its
C i ; t : Cj-ir
f ?:
1 1
s. ):
I ' 11
i the
The C ttaue liiovi'Moui MiiU
Will ll'i'' IU' 'lllllll tli 'Vcl 'k l lk'ht
ciii"..K ol .h'-a' lio'ii viii1 n
points in th" slat''.
W. Ji. Ulair'H s mi i. ida
wife haw ic'iunod to tl'eit Nni
cisc honif alt -f mi exii'ii'li d
with then lolkH hfi-.
i'HJlC I.IUH. Ilivc linn
their i;oodt to Ku - I v:
Saturday los t l th
mIs i Their nr w i. ,i a
in Rusfiiii' pivan-s
('has 1 5 1 1. a a has !e " u iy t"
I'oi tlanil "il l n in W-h'!ut' :i
some time vUiiin with Ins t r t h
find lamih He li turiis lut 411!
K'ood natnud as t snal.
Th" tih ihouo operator ut I'lain
view, Ore., shot herself last 1'ii la.
Wlt I... ..It ill f.rirnl ill.lll
' "liw .iv .v ...... v.. ....... 11,1
.1 .; . 1 .t . .1. . 1 . week whii h h !
VI1C IHUI 11111)4 UI ll-'l 'U ii'Ii, nun 110 1
reason is known for her "ition. :
I'tci rri'lnnd of 11 1'
li ippf.'l north I lie
::i n.t. la- ww
I .vs.
I 1:11:
i ;'i
II e:
III u !
.11 ill
li , .
' IT'
tilTi e
h and a
ti cs c- -i:
'iic-deii'l is
p-ip. r, aiM
II. .t
i. 1 ) 1
i) r. : I (i
: 1:1 11.
lii". i.-.-i .1
1 lair.r..' !
; t
1 1 ,
. MH t!
)-'t It
Alii la
1 .V.i in
1 , .r: I,.
rate u 11 !i . a
'.' t
I :
I 1 i 1 v 1 .;
on pin
o .in 11 .
Nn-j.o t for I.70
t-: 1 --- 1 :
tl ; '!
I'. i'i e C
II '. .'t i'l;,:
e-i.i:.i:i vl...
wit'.i his ''i'H,
th I"
..:-. v t 11 i'wui; j i.'; ; 1 1 i a.;'.
i:ii kecji -;stnl. Tin.- him the h v 1
i'ool'ry .1, ucnal and ti
-1. i'
.j. 1
1! , I
J 1 1. alio lilt;
. L W11...I
I' K tui y.
iiu-i ie
i.ite of ;
hi'a-o, 1
Ids f at her :
Look -tore
he in. c hants h.ave oiti-n in .1
Ion expecte.l car ot Kunr this
l' en lot on the
load Millie plae ,
l.n-t l'rii!av
S in I'i a i.v'i-.-i
have 1" en !u..o'.:
s tcilh '
on I'li la;,'
oed, a-, il
1 evc!optnetif I
1'. M . i.est r t nriif (1
v .n-.'iti ,11 ut :!
.itid is hard at
1 Cit v Mcid mar k-t
wor I;
ro;n his
Sr. 11 da
a'Mini it t
The Uogiio Kiver
I,eagun wiiM the nin'iiti star m h
'HoohUiI- Day'' at Ashland yesf r
day. luu clav win te Lnowii mi
tint yearn to come, ns one of th" James Stewait, father of C- V.
land luaiks, in the history of Ash- Stewai t in to in fumi his Med
It i 'V.'iK-.!
'in an. v. a
'law-oii, in
t-'.-f o 1 i j
I, at ion:
ll'tl ti Ii '
1 -i
KILLthh couch
and CURE thc LUNGS
Or. King's
to 0SSG017617
0UGH8 an
60c $ 1.00
Frot Trial.
Bureat and UuickuBt Cure for all
Buy on Grodiitf
this $60 Machine for $25
(lllt'tl, I1IIUIIIO Iu, .-
thronUnf liutU: bat
utoiiitlc bolibln wlrnlor
mi.l nlhrr Uletl ImproTB
nirnt. ThlUthANTI-THl-'HT
tlio nm macbln ''
r wilni you o0 lor. All
ltchmi'ulllowllh on
inai-hliia. B11 h" on'jr
i. -nik vi monthlT.
Writ. TOOAT lor fr;-. fUlt.lTUM U
IrKani lnniH.'ti'.i'i , cifDIT plau.
Govurlz furnHuro Company
173-175 Ural St.. fOKTLANO. OR.
A wutctimiui'H mylect permit ted a
leak In the reat North Sea dyke,
which a child'M lliik't-r could Imye
.lev.iHtntinir an entire provineo r
Holland. In like manner Keniiet
Mclvrr, vt Vancebofo. mo., permiu yu
a lltt'e i'old to Ko unnoticed until ft
tniKlo llnlsh wiiHonly averted hy )i
KIiik'm ev DlHCovery. Uo writeH.
"Threo doctors nuvu me unto "o 01
hinut Inlhininiiiiion. canned lv a nmr
l,ctedculd; but Dr. KlnK'M Now pl
..... it r. uaranteod
. I ...a. lit lil'IIHOII H
ni'Hi coi izn nun vni'i '" ... ,
1'harmacy. i.Uu and 1. Trial bottle
The Ivu'cue papers t-tate that
tlio coueil of that town had t ad
jouru their special Hcssion witlamt
doinjr any ImsineMs, iih tli Willam
ette Valley Co. accept' d the fran
chise granted ly tho conned with
out change no thete was no work
for the council.
II. Y. C, Iirown went down to
Yoncnlln on Saturday where he ha
puithaned tho plant and odwill of
th Yoncalla Independeiit. and
where hi work will lie. henceforth.
Mr. Iirown hopen to inke thinpM
hum down there, and to grow with
the town. He has a pood oppor
tunity ami i a well posted printer
and shouM succeed.
The Postmaster, a national jour
nal of postoffice" in its June issue
says: ' iiertaiifr the opened oy
miHtake excuse will h" a mistake
that will coyt $100. The poslollice
department has ruled that mail
must bo looked over before leaving
the office ami that Hiiy letters put in
your box hy mictake must be re-
turueu before leaving tho postolhce
under a penalty of $200 -or failure
to do so. ' '
The ice shortapo Htill continues
Even ice water was a thing un
known on Sunday and tho ice
cream ran out early in the day.
Some people have gotten it into
their heads that the shortage is
oa used because the factories will
uot Hell to "dry" towns, but tho
fuct is that all the towriH of Oregon
havo beon short on ice, even Port
landerj have been Hhort cm their
supply. The demand for ico has
unprecedented ami tue tuetones
have been unable to meet even
their local demands, without sup
plying out side orders.
It. M. Burton, vice-president and
General Manager of the Htdlack
Lumber and Supply Co. of Denver,
with yardu in u half a dozen towns
of Colorado, was a visitor in town
this week, stopping at the Graham.
Mr. llurton is an old friend of F. J.
Hard's and had a pleasant chat
over Deuvor. Mr. llnrloa ii after
Lumber, for the great Luilding op
erations there, hut he finds diffi
culty iu Retting hold of enough to
supply his, demands. Mr. llurton
says he thinks it is het-t for any
Colorado family to get to the s a
coast for a time for their health.
lord home on I 'iin.s-, and is li.ok
inj; after his property itiU-ieMs lu ce
The Drain N .npatell says
workmen are ceeduigly hard to
'et down tlnre, m:d that even a r;
oiler over cui i eiit prn-i s has no
i acri'ieiit be fori
I It !ii-t killed a
! hy a wn. k at C
end C'.'lilMJti UiH'li I'.'th it'. !,'.;;ie
we' e demu'ish'"!. i'.:i i then v. i.un
' up by brenkiiig a irii:i4 r ..! on ii
I next engine, htiippiug the side c
! the ene.i-ie.
Subscribe for the Nugget.
L'ail' ads 1 I gs are coming to
Portland and of er cities in the Pa
cific Northwest every few days ai:d
it takes about b u carloads of wiie;d
to pay for even carload of 1 s
The foundation ol the old hi ilur
at the electric plant has bu n t :n
out, and all is m readiness for the
building ot the new foundation.
Tin plant is running in line shape
Driii.'i? her if
e aliackin;,' ti".- a'.
tlit i I'm tl aad's sninr.;' r 1
),.ks' 'tie ei i; .i' ei s .a:
w hieh 1 1 s.-i f w ei e eaar
-'.' d vulii,!' to .. e: t'.o
ciii' t "wet". lie prol.v.'nly
lar wiong in statin;.,' that 1
the attractions are very bad
yo'ing f.jlK', ifi.c-t for t'at
e' oi'l .' r.s well.
'oil! lie i 1).
'....': '
1 ui-h
( )
is 11..
;aav o
Tor I'n
l'ianl. Ci
1 tree 1
1 :;.'
an 1
J 110:1 .Hy
I e.U'o'.'
'.ni;ig soi;i
c heir tle-s i i.i 1 D
bald kli'lcy, so-;:
h at I'lar,:; l'lnili;
st.1i.1l o iei t
'Die iyposett' i's liavO had to !.av
more hnt on tlie subject, so tneV'
.11 e now in a much lighter and mo e 1 ;
..... a 1.. ..: 1 1 .1
eonuMiienr. location close oy tne oi
lice wheie tey will have a i.uiv h
better opportunity lo get out the
matei ill.
1 inclu" . , .
i '.'ti-. iv m u. ;
: t!::' s::,;V h:i" ; ;
root tot to;'.
1 ...:i ! I'.iM ;. i',..
iviii' to tee. i n
: c ua'. a:s
1 1 1-1 : t iix
! .-f ii.
Dr. George Wall, formerly lo
cated at outage Giove, ami we'l
nnd favorab'.y known in Ime
county, has located in Kugene for
the practice of his profession. He
is fitting up office loomu over the
telephone exchange, and his resi
deneo address is at present Doom 1,
Hall building, Ninth street. Guard
Dr. 1 locket t and wife are spend
ing th'ir vacation in the woods
camping out six miles from 'on
culla. The doctor came to town 01:
Saturday to att' ti 1 to some business
matters and took tho afternoon
train back. He expects to return
tho last of this week. He is having
a Hpleudid time and is acquiring a
splcn id coat of tan, that ipiito
transforms him. The doctor says
he will soon be strengthened up for
all emergencies.
i y ot!' .r grain.
Ci.ibttc-e takes lir.-t rank as a I
. r, fr lie studies e'" li f'i m I ;
ml and gi ts the l est av i-lt-sible
from lint he 1 Im
li'.ile.V is worthy of nu".itio:i
where, and oth.-r firmers v
well pattern niter him.
lleiuy Pi.M-iier of the i'.iow 1.
Dumber Co. is in Pi itlin i trying
to hurry th" delivery of the tided
donkey mgine for the logj'.ing
ciut. Mr Pi-chcc was moccs'-ful
on his trip for thesicond donkey
and hopes to be able to bt'OSt the
third one to the Grove within a few
diiyn. Il x i 1 1 be tiKid at the lower
camp on Van S.-h1 iai k's tiack.
wheie th') new cam;' ;s bang
started. The upper camp is about
done and the work will now !.
done from the other two camps.
The mill is handicapped on ac
count of the change of camps and
the scare ly of lo.:s, but will soon
be running steadily. Monday tho
boys were around cleaning up tin
V Kl
I'oi n : 1 ,v or a yirl to w ar
7 HVIIlT liOfll SIlDO.
v - 1- - r 'V ' -f-fj
f 1 1. r
1 f, - j
.1 m
It is wcixr,
worry ax?d
It hjxs style
and chxrac
tcr and is
worth more
ii' M
''--f than it costs. .(
.... f
11 iinc line of Ladies' and
;t c'icnts Shoes -
f 1
,.. , on ;!"... I to
C'Tit- filii- i,o
Ail - ies to fi' ill! sort of feet
The Real
safety itazoi
f- .. SiVni;;,...-jAijU r "I ii, 1 n
C;in ire u.sul 111 cither hand
;iih1 strtps like any razor.
i-- ' ' It c;:ts them off slick as a whistle.!
Griffin & Veatch Co.
1 1 yj
'v; ;'.v,y 2 he
All the New?
fill the Time
i Neat job Work of
All Kinds Done
J.,, ileli imi
mill and Btraighteniug things
W. A. Pointer, who lives in Wet-l ' around nler the Rupnly ot logs In I
i . tr .. 1 .i
iueuium, a, ti pi on uce r oUlrr.v
benies such as will out-rival the
majority of ioaus;.
From a I'atcli of ground 21x(H) icel
Hipiart) he has m far this year gath
ered and sold tho berries U the
value of $65. An acre of ground
planted to strawberries and produc
ing tho same proportionate amount
of berci' s and Hold at the same
price would yield au income of
over 5'2'2do. There were three or
lour varieties of berries in Mr.
Pointer's patch, so that no especial
occn cut up
and in going to eend hiu family U icavoau cau be giveu to auy one v r
tic coast for a vacation. Iioty, Metirora Man.
Mm o Ku. .! 1
The l!a.'..i.',r has b i.n 'trowing so
that it finds moio tlooc and shelving
space necessary, .':otha1 '1 ho--'. Allen
who owns the building has moved
a small building to the rear ot the
stole and it will be mc-1 as a wate
rooin bereaffer, giving th" s'oio
the full siaec of tho building
tiritlv lrdiiliira.
Wm. and J.atr.a Dai. diss, t
Oliver Hurt, blk 6 in s.-c. 2S twp 20
SK, 3 W; fOoo.
l'iist Divoik Slixeo Oxofi-st of July i
l-M l.aske, who chdms to hail
fr. 11 lvnton county, knew uher - to
ret l a e and :ot it. He a's . p. t
diunk and v.1.1 found ash-ep 01. t'"-d.-'pot ni hi -t evi riing. Tlie
oihcers hauled him down t-jwa ia
the street cosnuii-'slonei s' cai t and
1 ; It . .'.1 i'.'.i.- 's i''( ti
P.iik .strict back of tho municipal
I- -.;;.. i.t j:.. tii'C.
The ouicets found a iptait b"tt e
of whisl;ey on the fel'ow's person.
It ia sad that during the afternoon
he ha I offered to sell the grog at 25
cents a drink and offered to put the
boys "next" to the pi ice w here he
got it if they would give him $
Dake had Y.ohered by 1 o'clock
this ff'evt'oon and w'as taken be
hee Police Judge Dortis. Ho was
riven twenty days on tho streets
for being druuuaul disoiderly.
Many S. P. Men Il. inil Troi.-iotpd
That there is a heavy t ush of
bot'n passenger and frci-hi. traffic
on the S. P. is manifest from ihw
inner in which men are being
j ioilioted. l'Aeiy few days brake
n eu are hi ing put higher up and
o. to the extra conductor list, while
l: :vly a tiiC.i:.;! ;;ocs Up to the ex
tra eiigintei Lst. And they do not
f-'eom to have any too many men,
either, to handle thu large volume
of bu -ii' .ess. G u jrd.
Mli-ilnrt Loctvlian
Star Cons '.dated Mining Ci., by
C. H. 'I . "inpsoii, secretary, tiles
notice 11 1 cdioii of following
claims ia ttie Hohcmia district:
Dlaek Traveler, Dustier, vSmuggler,
Hughes, Hartley, Last Chance,
Daisy, Mexican, iloi .itizn, Glover,
Mchvdemus, Star, DxUdnsiou an4
Uoldou iSUr,