Bohemia Nugget ISA. c. COTTAGI GROVE ... OREGON. NEWS OFTHE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Oar Easy Readers. A Resume of the Lett Important but Not Lett Interesting Events of the Past Week. Cassie Chadwirk is ill in her prison home at Columbus, Ohio. Dreyfus is the hero of France since he has been proven innocent. Peasants are causing a reign of terror throughout the Russian empire. ilitchocck resents the statement cf Senator Fulton that he is in his dotage. Suits have begun in San Francisco aganst the "six-bit" insurance com panies. Two men attempted to rob a Denver bank in daylight, but were foiled and both were caught. A British steamer in Chinese waters wad attacked by pirates and two pas- eengers killed and the captain wounded. Milukofl is the choice of the Russian Democrats for premier, but the csar still balks at yielding to the party's de mands. Four negroes are under arrest in North Carolina for murdering an en tire family. One of the men has con fessed, implicating the ether three. A flood in Rhodes canyon, 15 miles nothr of Trinidatd, Colorado, swept away a number of houses. One man was drowned and a hundred people left homeless. The war in CeDtral America may in volve Honduras and Nicaragua. The government has begun an inves tigation of the elevator business. Italy wants Great Britain and France to reduce their standing armies and says she will do likewise. Thirty-nine laundry companies of Cincinnati, Ohio, have been indicted for violating the anti-truBt law. The only hope of averting an open contest in Russia is for the czar to make terms with the moderates. Esther Mitchell and Mrs. Creffield admit they conspired to kill George Mitchell. No others were in the plot. The Vatican is fast falling into decay and it will be necessary for the pope to epend $100,000 to put the building in condition. Japan says she is not trying to mon opolise the Manchnrian trade, but that the door is wide open and every coun try has an equal chance to capture the prize. The whole of the province of Vero neth, Russia, is affected by exceeees arisin-j from the agrarian movement. The peasants are rising everywhere and burning estates. Extensive reforms are proposed in the British army. Some of Bryan's admirers say he will organize a new party. The Russian cabinet has offered its resignation to the czar. Anarchy reigns in Russia and open rebellion is expected at any time. Thousands of Jews are fleeing from Russia. It is claimed 40,000 left War saw in a single day. The most destructive fire in 80 years has just swept Stockholm, Sweden. The loss is placed at $710,000. Captain Dreyfus has been declared innocent and will be restored to bis old rank and shortly promoted. Ex-President Regalado, of Salvador, has been killed in battle while leading a force against the Guatemalan troops. The grand jury of the District of Col umbia has indicted tie ice company officials of Washington for conspiring to control and raise the price of ice. Admiral Chouknin, commander of the Russian Black sea fleet, died from the wound inflicted by a sailor in re venge for the admiral having refused to pardon some men who had mutinied. The LoDgworths are visiting in Paris. Lord Roberts wants a larger British army. Rebels are in full control of Motto Grosso, Brazil. The open door in Manchuria is block ed by Japan, who is absorbing the trade. The upper house of the Russian par liament favors the abolishment of the death penalty. - Admiral Kojestvensky has been ac quitted. It was held that on account of his wounds he was not responsible. Turkey opposes having an American ambassador, fearing thereby that the American claims will be forced upon the sultan. Leroy Beaulieu, the great French historian, predicts the overthrow cf the czar unless he yields to the demands of the people. More than 1,000,000 immigrants en tered the United States tbroagh the New York station during the fiscal year ending June 30 last. The immigrants brought with them $19,000,000. After a boycott of three years Great Britain has received a minister from Servla. MONEY FOR KLAMATH. Hitchcock Adds $1,000,000 to Fund for Reclamation. Washington, July 16. The acting score a ry of the Interior has transfeired another $1,000,000 of the reclamation fund lor the Klamath inigation pro ject, making $2,000,000 now immedi ately available for construction. The greater part of this will be spent in Oregon, a small portion of the irrigated land being in California. Work is be ing energetically pushed on the con struction of the outlet tunnel from Kla math lake. The secretary also pledges $2,400, 000 to complete the project. This ad ditional money is to be available as soon as needed. This increase is the result of Senator Fulton's work during last session. This increased allotment is possible because the public land receipts for the past year greatly exceeded the depart ment's estimates. While the returns are not complete, it is found that the receipts will exceed the estimates by more than $2,000,000, and this increase haataen divided among four states, Oregon and California on the Klamath project; Washington, whose increases have been heretofore announced, and Idaho, which gets additional money for its two projects now building. Doubling the cash allowance tor the Klamath project opens the way for the letting of new contracts to reclaim laud not included in the first unit, now un der construction. Just what work will be taken up next has not been fully de termined. Much will depend on the recommendations of Engineer Henry, who now has full charge of this'project. The Klamath project can be built as a whole or in sections. It was origin ally intended to build it by nnits, com pleting one unit before taking up the next. It has been found, however, that there will be no trouble in getting set tlers upon these lands as fast as water is ready and tor this reason it was de termined to push work hereafter. While only $2,000,000 is actually available for immediate use, another $2,400,000 will be forthcoming by the time the engineers are able to use it. Considerable land tc be reclaimed is now like bsd or swamp. Until the water has been drained off and these lake beds dried, it will be impossible to complete the project. This draining and drying process will require several years; but in the meantime all land now arid which is intended to be re claimed will be brought under ditches. Under the allotment just made it is be lieved that work on the Klamath pro ject can proceed without interruption until the last ditch is dug and water turned on every available acre. The allotment for the Boise-Payette project is increased to $1,490,000, and for the Minidoka ta $1,655,000. The previous allotment for each was $1,- 300,000. The Boise-Payette project will cost more than the original allot ment. WILL BUILD GREAT CANAL. J. J. Hill Says He Will Connect Hud son Bay and Great Lakes. Chicago, July 16. Not satisfied with his gigantic railroad undertakings, which after 30 years appear to be only a little more than half completed, James J. Hill is now turning his atten tion to canal building and has given his word to his friends that boats will be running from the Great lakes to Hud son bay before the first vessel passes through the Panama canal. As the proposed water route is through the Winnipeg river and Lake Winnipeg, his purpose in making the Manitoba capital the eastern terminal of his new Canadian transcontinental line instead of some point on Lake Superior is ex plained. The building of the canal will make him practically master of the transportation business of the North west and will protect him against the incursions that have been made into his territory by other railroad inter ests within the past few years. It is proposed to have the canal start from some place on Lake Superior, traverse the district northwest through the Rainy river and the Lake of the Woods to the Winnipeg river and past the city of Winnipeg to Lake Winni peg. From there it would be necessary only to dredge out the canal channel into Hudson bay, thus connecting the Great lakes with the bay and Atlantic ocean. Roosevelt Willing to Mediate. Oyster Bay, July 16. In extending the good offices of the United States in conjunction with Mexico to end the dispute between Guatemala and Salva dor, President Roosevelt has a program of action outlined. The United States will follow the suggestion of the con tending governments, if they indicate a desire to accept the mediation offered. No suggestion as to the mode of proced ure to be followed will come from the United States, it is announced here to day, unless request or suggestion shouli be made by Guatemala or Salvador. Honduras Joins In. Panama, July 16. A telegram re ceived here from San Salvador says that Honduras declared war ayainst Guate mala today. According to this same message the following proclamation has been circulated in Salvador: "General .Bonilla, commander of the Salvador army, hai repelled the Guatemalan forces at Matapama, in Salvador, 10 miles east of the Guatemalan frontier. The victorious army of Salvador retain ed the positions captured." Government Loss by Disaster. Washington, July 1G. Quartermast er General Humphrey of the army has compiled a statement showing that the amount necessary to be cpxended as a result of the fire iu San Francisco under ( the various titles of eppropriations fcr his department aggregates $2,268,478. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST LINN CROPS ARE ABUNDANT. Record Grain and Hay Output Ex pectedLabor Scarce. Albany Ceres has dealt bountifully with Linn county this year. There is not a failure to record thus far. Even the strawberries, reported ruined by the late spring rains, recovered from the temporary setback and made a full crop. Linn county farms are the pic ture of industry and prosperity. Every variety of farm product will be almost a full yield, and some, particularly the hay eutput, will surpass all previous records. Haying is now in its busiest stage, and the enormous slxe of the crop will tax the resources of the farming com munity to care tor it before the thresh ing season. This year's hay crop is notable for the great amount of vetches grown. This greatest of all stock foods thrives in the Willamette val.ey, and Linn farmers are beginning to realize the tact. It has many of the properties that rejuvenate the soil, and is itself a profitable product. Running as high as five tons to the acre, it not only yields enormous stacks of hay, but also furnishes excellent pasturage. There is a market shortage on farm laborers in Linu conuty, and farmers are experiencing extreme difficulty in housing their crops. All classes of grain will be ready for harvest soon, and almost at the same time. This complicates matters and creates a greater demand for help than ordinary. Ti meet the occasion farm ers are doubling forces in the haying and in this way the work is progressing rapidly, and soon the greatest output of hay Linn county has ever produced will be on the market. A part of the work of threshers this year will be separating seed from the vetch straw. Large orders for vetch seed have been received, a number of them coming from Portland wholesale houses. Many Ciaims to Adjust. Salem When the next legislature convenes one of the most important du ties which will devolve upon the joint committee on claims will be the adjust ment of a large grist of claims aggregat ing a total of over $425,000 in princi pal, upon which interest will be de manded from the state at the legal rate of 6 per cent, and for all periods of time ranging from three months to a year and a half. The most complex ques tion which the committee and the leg islature must determine is which of the claims for interest, in equity, should be allowed and which should b reject ed. Report of Land Board. Salem The monthly statement of Clerk G. G. Brown, of the state land board, shows that a total of $29,426 88 had been clolected in the land depart ment during the month of June for the sale of school, agricultural and swamp lands. A statement of the condition of the several funds on band in the land department follows: Common school fund, principal, $305,901.77 common school fund, farms, $158,318.33; uni versity fund, principal. $t88; univerei ty fund, farms, $3,170; agricultural college fund, principal, $16 025.07; agriculutral college fund, farms, $5,935. Must Tell Police Their Troubles. Salem If the gillnet fishermen do not want their rights to fish in the tide waters of the Columbia river to be im posed upon by owners and operators of fish traps, gears, etc., they will have to take their troubles to the "policeman" and have the matter adjusted by the courts through the regular process. This, in effect, is the decision arrived at by the state board of fish commis sioners while considering the complaint of illegal fishing with traps in the tide waters of the Columbia made by (secre tary H. M. Lorntsen, of the Columbia River Fishermen's Frotective union. Hot Weather Cooks Fruit. Salem The excessively hot weather of the past week has done a great amount of damage to such small ana tender fruits as the raspberry, logan herrv and even cherries. In some in stances the frnit has been literally cooked on the vines or trees ana nas heen snoiled for sale as a first-class ar ticle. Because of the long season of cool, moiBt, cloudy weather the fruit was in no condition to withstand the sudden change to dry, hit weather. Hot Winds Cause Damage. The Dalles The east wind which prevailed recently unquestionably did mora or lass damaae to Brain. farm ers from different parts of the county mnort lute era in badlv injured, but they do not consider that early spring or fall grain is badly damaged. A week of cool weather or a good rain would be most beneficial and would re store most of the damaged crops. Oregonians Who Drew Locations. pnHlHtnn Amonif the names of the prizewinners in the drawings for the Orow Indian lands in Montana, which ttnlr nlttnA .Til lv 3. occur those of Hugh It. McCollem of Pendleton and Arthur Blevine of Pilot Rock. Other Oregon ians who were among the fortunate are Clvde Brenner of lleppner and W. E. Owens of Portland. Union County Grain Safe. La Grande July 5 was the hottest day of the season. On that day the thermometer registered lui, on juiy o, ft and the niaht of July 0, 68, which was the hottest night so far of the sum mer. July 7 the thermometer stood at 89. So far not the slightest damage has been done the crops. VALLEY FARMERS COMBINE. Will Obtain Their Grain Bags Inde pendent of Buyers. Salem There is a lively war on be tween Willamette valley farmers and the valley millers and warehousemen, growing out of the question o( furnish ing sacks tor grain. It has always been the practice for warehousemen and millers to furnish sacks to farmers and take the value of the racks out of the purchase price of the grain when sold. Recently millers and warehousemen in other valley counties decided to dis continue this pra 'tice and to require farmers to buy the sacks outright Marion and Polk county gralnhuyers have practically agreed to the same plan, though no formal action has been taken. "This is a blessing to valley farm ers," declared W. A. Taylor, a promin ent grain farmer. "The warehousemen have got none the stari of us, for al ready we have began art anting to buy sacks independent of them. We have placed ourselves in their power too long. Now the farmers will build granaries on their own farms, buy only sacks enough to haul grain from the field to the granary, let the grain lie loose in bins, and thus be compelled to buy only one-tenth as many sacks as tbey do. "I have learned by experience that I can sometimes get 8 cents more a bush el for my wheat by having possession of the grain when I get ready to sell. Farmers can make enough in a single season by increased prices of wheat to pay for their granaries. "Let the warehousemen combine. We are doing something in that line ourselves and we shall buy our sacks without paying tribute to the ware housemen." Linn Losing Undesirable Element. Eugene Prohibition in county is the cause of 50 or 60 men employed by the Booth-Kelly Lumber compiny in the sawmills and logging tamps quitting their jobs. Last week was pay day and quite a numtier more sig nified their intention of quitting. The company is not worrying over the mat ter, as it is felt that the worst element among the several hundred employes is gotten rid of, aid their places can eas ily be filled by sober men. Big Log Drive in Progress. Albany The Spalding Logging com pany is now dumping into the Willam ette river above Albany its annual drive of logs for the mills at Oregon City, and for its own lumber mills at Newberg. This years' drive will con sist of 12,000,030 feet of logs, and will be one of the largest on record. It is now in the vicinity of Ifarrisburg, in Linn county, and will be several days getting down U Albany. Benson Filet Bond. Salem Secretary of State-elect Frank W. Benson has filed his official oath and bond in the sum of $10,000 with Governor Chamberlain, who has ap proved the same. W. C. Bristol is Reappointed. Oyster Bay, L. I. President Roose velt has reappointed William C. Bris tol United States attorney for the dis trict of Oregon. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club. 7071c; b'uestem, 72073c; rel, 6869c; valley, 71c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $32; gray, $31 per ton. Barley Feed, $23.75 per ton; brew ing. $24; rolled, 262i. ye $1 50 per hundred. Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $tl 12.60 per ton; clover. $8 509; cheat, $6 507; grain hay, 78; alfalfa, $11. Fr iits Apples, $1.60(31.75 per box; cherries, 48c per pound; currants, 9 10c; peaches, 75c$l per -crate; plums, $11.25; strawberries, 68c per pound; gooseberries, 8; per pound; Logan berries, $ 1.35511 .60 per crate; raspberries, $1.753185 per crate; blackberries, 8c per pound. Vegetables Beans, 67c per pound; cabbage, lc per pound; corn, 25 3350 per dozen; cucumbers, 75c$l per box; lettnee, head, 25c per dozen; onions, 1012c per dozen; peas, 45c per pound; radishes, 1015c per dozen; rhubarb, 3c per pound; spinach, 23c per pound; tomatoes, $1.252.25 per box; parsley, 25c per box; squash, $1 1.25 per crate; turnips, 90c$l per sack; carrots, $11.25 per sack; beets, $1.25(31.50 per sack. Onions New red, lQlc per pound; new yellow, l2cper pound. Potatoes Fancy graded Burbanks, nld. 40a50c ner sack (110 -pounds) ; or dinary, nominal; new, Oregon, 76c $1.50. Buftor Fancy creamery, HKOc per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 21J22c per dozen . Poultry Average old hens, 9.i 13c per pound; mixed chickens, ll'ft 12c; fryers, 1617c; broilers, 163 16c; roosters, 9JJ10c; dressed chick ens, 1416c; turkeys, live, 1017c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 1722Jc; geese, live, 88c; ducks, 1213c. jlops Oregon, 1905, lie; olds, 8c per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 182305 valley, coarse, 2223); fine, 24c; mohair, choice, 2830o pei pound. Veal Dressed, 57o per pound. Beef DresBed bulls, So per pound; cows, 46c; country steers. 6Sc. Mutton Drecsed, fancy, 73c per pound-, ordinary, 6 6c; lambs, fancy, 88o. Pork Dressed, 78c per pound, SHOT BY SISTER. Slayer of Holy Roller Creflield Mur dered In Seattle. Seattle, July 13. Esther Mitchell shot and killed her brother George, the slayer of Krans Kdmund Creflield, In the Union depot at 4:20 o'clock yes terday afternoon, as mrge and his brother Perry were on their av to take a Northern 1'aclllc train for Port land. Miss Mitchell was walking behind the two brothers, In company with a third brother, Fred. She had gone to the depot for the purpose of killing her brother, and though she greeted him with a smile and a hearty handshake, she loitered behind to get her opportu nity. A revolver purchased the day before by Mrs. Crellield for the assassi nation was carried concealed under a cape thrown carelessly over Esther Mitchell's left arm. Fred Mitel ell offered to carry the cape, and as she handed it to him, the sister raised her revolver and fired. The bullet struck young Mitchell be hind the left ear and he died instantly. As the gun was brought up Fred Mitchell leaped to seiae the weapon but he was too late, lie grabbed Es ther's arm just alter she fired and the girl collapsed in his arms. She stayed there until deK)t policemen hurried up and placed her under arrest. Both Esther Mitchell and Mrs. Cref field, who was arrested at 7 o'clock last night while on her way hack from the cemetery where "Joshua" Creflield is buried, acknowledged in statements taken before Chief Wappenatein that they had conspired to kill George. Had it been necessary Esther Mitchell was pre pa rex 1 to follow her brother to Port land. It was this Insane demand for vengeance that prompted her to refuse to accompany her father on his return to Illinois. "I killed George because he had killed an innocent man, and because he had rrined my reputation by saying that Creflield seduced me," Esther Mitchell declared, but both her state ment and that of Mrs. Creflield indi cate that the two had conspired to as sassinate. Mrs. Creflield prompted the shooting and she bought the gun with which it mas done. It had been agreed between ttem that the first one seeing George should slay him. REBELS WIN GREAT VICTORY. General Toledo Routt Government Forces With Great Lost. Mexico City, July 13. According to advices received here, General Toledo, the Guatemalan revolutionist, who has been recruiting his forces and has now some good artillery, offered battle yes terday to Guatemalan regular troops in the department of Jutinpa, at a point about four miles from the Salvadorean border, inflicting decisive defeat on Guatemalan forces. There was heavy loss on both sides. The revolutionists are jubilant over their success. Regalado, former president of Salva dor, and the leader of the Salvad)rean troops in the present conflict with Guatemala, was killed in the battle. Guatemala Claims Victory. Panama, July 1 3. -r Henor Parrios, foroign minister of Guatemala, cabled to the Panama government this after noon as follows : "Guatemala, July 12. The Salva dorean government has invadtd Guate malan territory, compelling us to make an energetic defense. We ob tained a complete victory yHterday at Jicardo, where General Tomas Kegala do, the chief commander of the Salva dorean army, was killed." Plans to Supprett Revolt. St. Petersburg, July 12. The pre parations which the War office has been making at all principal cities to meet an armed revolutionary movement prove to have been very elaborate. The plana for the defense of Riga have fallen into the hands of the revolu tionary paper Misla, which this morn ing publishes the entire plans of de fense. The garrison is divided into three divisions of two battalions of infantry, half a company of Cossacks and three machine guns each, to prevent the in vasion of the city from three open sides, namely, the canal, the dam and the river Duna. Asks Root to Give Help. San Juan Porto Rico, July 13. The lower house of the insular legislature adopted a resolution asking Secretary Hoot to use his good offices in behalf of Porto Rican citizenship ami an elective insular senate. The Republicans, who constitute the minority in the legisla ture, opposed the resolution, holding that Mr. Root was the island's guest and that the time and place were inop portune. It is reported that the docu ment was not presented before the sail ing of Mr. Hoot, the authorities not de siring to interfere with his visit. Uprising in Transvaal. Johannesburg, Transvaal, July 13. The diHquieting rumors that the bloke of the Hand contemplated an uprising July 17 are borne out by the fact that the native servants have warned their mistresses to retire to places of safety, Similar rumors huve been circulated in the Kcef, hut the police ridicule them. However, much anxiety is expressed () or a paper read at n conference of the tithiopian church which says an upris ing has been opei ly advised. Trade With Britain Killed. London, July 13. In June of last v ear there arrived at the Albert docks f'mn Bowton and New Orleans 27,000 anon nt tinned meats; iu June of this year the rece pfs were only 4,000 cases Iu July. 1905. 24.000 casea re ceived, but thus far tills month nnn ' have a'rived from the United States, j NO EXPENSE SPARED Hill Says North Bank Road Is lest Ever Built. MAY BUILD DIRECT TO SPOKANK A Road With Low Grades and Easy Curves It the Main Object Sought by Duilcer. Portland, July 14. James J. Hill, president of the Great Northern, and one ot the most dominant figures in lh. railroad world, reached Portland last evening by the steamer Capital City from The lallea. With him are I.ool W. Hill, vice president ot the Great Northern; Howard Elliott, president of the Northern Pacific; W. I.. Darling, chiet engineer cf the Northern Pacific; A. II. Hogelaud, chief engineer of thn Great Northern; all ot St. Paul; C. M. Levey, president of the Portland A Seattle railway, and It. E, Palmer, assistant general superintendent of thn Northern Pacific, of Tacoma, and Cory T. Hutchinson, an electric engineer from New York. In the party are four stenographers and Mr. J. J. Hill's ser vant. In speaking of the new read down the north hank, Mr. Hill said: "It is likely the Portland A Seattle will he extended to Spokane. We ran not say definitely, hut there are survey ors in the field, and II wn can get a low grade, we will no doubt build. We could use the Northern Pacific line from Pasco, hut it is exacted that thn line will extend from Portland to Sp kane. The Portland A Health railway will be the best new mad that was ever built In the United States. It will ho a road of low K'adea and few curves, and it will be very expensive, but when it is built it will be the Ih-iI construc tion ever undertaken in this country. "l.ow grades are equivalent to deep water in the harbor. Portland can overcome the lack of deep water by easy grades. The Columbia river offers great opportunities in low grades, hut construction Is fearfully expensive. There are miles where the cost of build ing the road will run over $100,000 to the mlie. And this is exclusive of the cost of tunnels, of which there are sev eral to the mile in many places.'" Mr. Hill said that he does not nerd to look over his terminals in the city, as he knows already what they are. Work will he legun soon, he said, on the required buildings to earn for the business handled by the new Hill road in this city. CHAINS WELDED ON THEM. Brutal Treatment of Sealers Cap tured by Ruttiant. Victoria, B. C, July 14. Captain T. II. Thompson and Joe Knapp, Amer ican citizens; Edward McNeill, Georgo McCamish, Canadians; Jose Villon, a Spaniard, who reached Kobe after be ing released Jroin prison in Siberia af ter serving two years, were cruelly treated, according to letters rrceived here. The prisoners were seal hunters employed on the Japsnexe sealer Kyo ichi Mum, formerly the Diana, of Sau Francisco, and were ctptured by the cruiser (iromohoi in August, 11)04. and taken to Nicolaiefsk, and thence to Khahorovsk. Captain Thompson, navigating oflicer of the sealer, whoso homo is in Ssn Francisco, was suspected of being a spy because of some drawings found in a notebook. He was loaded with chains welded on his arms and lc&s by black smiths, and confined for six months in a small, unlit cell, built of wood and swarming with vermin. When brought out lor trial he was unable to walk, and was practically dragged to the court along the snow. The trial had been concluded when the prisoners were brought in, and each had been sentenced to 16 ninths' imprisonment. Forett Fire Near Sandpolnt. Butte, Mont., July 14. A Sand point special says: Owing to a bad forest fire burning for the second time this seaion, the Snokpane International Railroad company has suffered losses near Colhurn. Several hundred ties, poles and piling, which belonged to th company, went up in smoke, caught in the path of the fire, which is thought to he under control thia morning. Th fire drove out Contractor Purvis, the men and horses being hurried to Col hurn for safety. The railway company lost two culverts. Contract for Wathipt. Washington, July 14. Secretary Bonaparte today awarded the contracts for the two 10,000-ton battlesh'pa South Cum i lift nr., I At I, .1.1., on the Cramps, of Philadelphia, and tho other to the New York Shipbuilding company, of Camden, N. J. Th Cramps' bid was $3,540,000 and that of the New York Shipbuilding com pany $3,685,000. The boats are to be of the reciprocating type, so far as en gines are concerned. New Outbreak In Santo Domingo. WaHhlnuIn n T 1 a 1 A lian Likn tula. graph wires between Monte Christ! and Cape Haytien, the cable terminus in Santo Domingo, are reported to the uoparimeni touay ny uommanaer Southerland. an almrmf intrnrlahla Hi 17 II of revolutionary trouble there.