Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 18, 1906, Image 1

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1 1 '
I (: .
DcVotcd lo the Mining. I."" bcrhig r.mJ I'''"' I"" " t-r.f l!d- ( mrmiti't y.
MO. 26
And (Icncra! Mining New
(lathered from lixchanges.
Ki hnrd White Im down fiom the
mines fur a few days.
J J. Johnson of Wild wood wh
In town o: business Tuesday
Jack Richard can in from the
mines on Turrsday to in ik a visit
with his wife, .after s- verul months
work in the lulls.
p'orj it (iiovi, Oi'oti ho h is
in id' ' nuis- in (J.tldli.dd Nevuda,
wh.e!i iiitilti I him v II'- h i,
on.v I) n o it o soh .1 i h'i tti ii .it?
a d wv-it riht l .ii line and
Htni'-k jn"t Hi" ri'lit pi uv.
M'-isrs (i. I'. IIoife i ..f
V rk t)f hy Oregon Sii i it'es C't.
with Mmai.'er A. M. W rod and
Supt, Jvid'-, niude utrip to th cui
pini's p'o;'ities in Hotirini i lust
wi-iili in I painiied out ,v.;rk t le
doti" ami thoroughly inspeetfd the
pr v t y
!. J. Mm. I a id wifostutod up
to Hohoini a Sut.irdiy aflertiooti ind
Irovtv as f ir a
n.-n..h it. u
evening. The drive is a magnifi
cent one mi l will stir up anybody'
admiration wl en taking the diive
in the evmiinir. Mr. Har.l will Ic
at tlio camp eoutinuously now,
pushing the woik light along.
Manager Hcrtert Leib. Prei-
deut 1 X. Rooaer. Geo. Mitchell
and Alf Walkr of Kugene, with
Ceo MoO.teenof the Clrovo of the
North Tmrview mine went up to
the niineoti I'ridar on a trip of in-
apection of that property and to
form ulanri for further work. They
returneil on Monday and report thnt
they wore much pleased with th
...Arl ,U.n
nuiK iu.iv,
Tho old time gold fields of Ne
vad and California are now receiv
ing attention and many mines aud
districts long since considered ex
hausted are now being operated at
greater profit than ever before.
New anil improved mothods of re
duction make it H)snibl to handle
ore at one time thought worthless.
Tlui I'inos Alto damp in New Mexi
ia one of thone camps that incoming
right up after many years of Hln
Excluslvo Locul Ueprcentatlve of
Ed. V. Trice & Co.
yrvhan yuMor. Chicago
:t'VH' 11
Mlnlntf Loo nil on. t f "4
Tke Star Consolidated Mining 'A N ( I I 1 U
Co. file arnonhd locations of th.:riA1V B
following claims in Jiohemia dis-(
ttict: liliiclc Traveler, It i-tler, j
Smuggler, Hughe, llmiliy, Last
Chaix'r, laiHy, Mcxi an, limi'iua,
Glover, Nico Icniii", S' T Jvx'ension !
nd (Joldi-n Htar. '
Now Slfilliit Card
The O fi H Iv in prepiung now
signs to he iut up at cucli station
alonj,' tH !', willi 'h" ii "ii of the
Htatiou in big Mam ht!iiinK whiii
will he it tcnt iiiiprot e nc nt
, , ,
II'imnHK-kH of all kinds M VeaU-h
A Iwtioti's. Itt vour fl i.t
ho'iic keep eonl in the h itnmor I u.
I vi eer hroiijht in n hirf f 1 ; I
iof ininernl water oiiTu-sd iv and
I caTlod rut r hud of ,-aM's
The Convutioii of h'Ms -.u )
ver nr.- '."i-ie 'o trv to aholi d. t he
,.,H too h. as me of their em'iletiH.
!(, net'onnl of th shuiL'htpr ol lk t,i
seen i f ill tn.
Aemipl-fol tr.i-np-i 'v.'ie 'iron id
iiitiii'i'i i I . j ' i i, . - 1 1 '( ii '
' they had cut out of soft woo l, such
as priHomn make in prieni to
while n way their idl hunts.
Hay Sumno", a popuhir y nin
IC'ipem? liih selio. I student win
drowned in th" Will ani' tt" l!i" r n
nhort distance h'low that t v M it
iAY- '.V "k-n wi'h
-rmn trnd culled f,,, h..lP Iimi
nis eompini nu, wil t i.r.veiv at-
tempted to save him but were un
successful The clung.' of lh w"nh"r M m
day and Tuesday w h indifd v il
come to neatly everybody. Th"
thermometer dropped v. ry rapidly
r J t i V "-"V""
Uwnoiilv fog. not even Oregon
i?",t- T," ";-v V'1 objecting to .
lho rather are the farmers vvho
worned ,i little ovr their hay
a1M(t 1 lf'r r",n;'",t t looks n-
tliouffh they would get through all
,ll,v i - -I .'
Vulley millers and warehousemen
have combined m an effort to cur-
!ail tlu lnnntntr nf unci to rurmnrn
. .- -.. - ....... - .... ...
and the furnishing of twine to be
usfld in dosiug the s icks, as it is a i
burden upon the miller nud ware-
housemen that is not appreciated, i
With sacks costing what they do,
now, and a market impossible to !
supply, the cont is too great toj
them, Thia week offers were made j
for aocond hand sacks by big sack
houses at almoHt the price of now j
ii'l- ho arunt ws! tho Kbnrtnfe '
iThe eoBt of sacks used in Orogou
I during a ainglo season will amount )
I to vftrv close to a million of dollars. !
If you try oa a factory-made
suit that has small, narrow
"shoestring" lapels, with almost
straight hanging back, you may -be
sure it's a last year's style.
You can't blame the clothier
for seeking to dispose of a last
season's suit.
It's a left-over.
He paid for it.
And the longer he holds it the
more doubtful becomes its
If you have us make your
Spring suit it will have broad,
long, wholesome-looking lapels
it will be gracefully hollowed
into the waist and flared in
the skirt.
It will in every other respect
be a Spring 1900 design, made
exnresslv for you.
r -t iis?n r",'s "lc " 1 ir.ntrtv, china
rftll" J Wr llS 'M r"'1 "n'' Sr"' !,iU,1"r'; J"M'r
VvrU-i div Y jUIAJ'fitjd Winifred Tiirpin, china err anicr;
1 Ira K. Cniiiier, d":'T,it-d wafr :'.;
i If rac' f;tmcr mid I'.nrst Sear-1,
Charley Conner and Miss Alice Huff
. , ,,
Tr,ke Solemn Vow.
Sniita v ;i f ! 1 1. or., In'' iv lo
t ,j o'ch-ik. tint pit in limp: of Mr
!inl Mr V I'. Ilnlf, jut-t s"uth cf
. Cottn'e C.t ". t . as tlie i-k nc f,I
prettv wi-'hliry, llie c n tnu ti 1 1
! arUes t-t ny Miss AMC-. tl:
fi-iM" t 'lruvht-r of Mr. .'r Mr. ,
UnlT. an-! ('. Co) rrr. K'-v.
Men iy S ' '!) ' m i ,
S in'a 'lata O i i-.f"
I !u vein", belt' k ' h'i i
,a'.fr.- r.f M
n Chuteh
il-i-U 'Mh'cJe t'(.'-
111" I '! ' I I H I i! t .1
,:f h-.-ce
oh vi r-
i' C.'t
IM 1 C -
v e prt 1 ' '
r 2 I" I
.- pi h.
"s " ' '
': d the I !! f (
nioti v
i.te "
iii'ii!ii'' of ii iMv-s mid ' f- ' infi-
'i. ale P i"m!- of t h'
!r. I't-rt Iv Ilario'vx
nihil pu?.
n."-d in 1 1"'
W h I !(- Ml - S
C Ui ti"1 ' i li vi 1 ll
f n t-
A I inn' 1 1 y r M n!'al tiie
v in. was at tip)'! i'l ffiT.m
'1 he
.i.t" th
iTi".! H 'I-
1 1 t V 'A
"! the
u .tS by
th- S' tt 't;:lU- (.
mmcii played, hip1, nl i ,f
'i i re" '. w e Id in ?4
Mi". 1.. C. Cni:--tit-1
r.sic 1 ' tht)
(uoMii'i:) hr-artv c'iii.'rj.t;.i;-'t!ons
wert sii'jvM m t upo.i thf happy
r-ouple, 'ifUr Nvi'ith the brteai
party mid gnr?t' wem h-d to the
lining r'.-i"n wl i e- n ?uxr'iou
eddine din'J' r auaitt.l t'reti..
1 h- I is a vci'V
and vr ut g mat va a
tin ib!i' r f-i !riM ion h ni'M fr-vm-
th u , ; ,V1IH lv,,lt,vd di-
,omo, , w ,..,,. ot tJlP tctlt
v;hl.ol T1. prf,om is :i on ,.f
Mr ftn , Mr, lr:t ,v)J ner, nn.I wan
borll Hi r.jnred ,u ullih Dod at
,his e u vcf V vttTlr,
genial and prost"roui; or.-.i',' nimi
and both h nnd his fair bride iue
er.v luluv entr . mei m tins com-
ninnitV. 'I'hev w k(iou H'C'inp Hlv
the bud. 'a pithcr to Sim r l.nkc to
spend the . summer inofcing nfitr
Mr. Huffs exter.-ive iiay an 1 stock
interests there
Following is a lint of lho guest
and the many nice presents received :
Mt. ;;.nl Mr. 1 Ceunet . golden
oak Man 1; Mr. W. V. HutT, mih li
mtt ; Mrs. L. A Ile.lT. ttbh' hu-n
aiul nsipkins; Mr- and Mrs. N.J.
Hu IT. water fet ; Ja. Hutf. dtcn-
-. .
rated lamp; Miss Zihim Wodder -
-heine, SrJnn. .njteiibpR thu'e-y.
Mr. Ilat ninLV rala- pl '.U-; Mr-,
Pl mim 961 IPP ppilf gill kpllUIWP Mim
uwm mm m wmmm
it SiIHII iti II WW
Always "Have it for less."
Rob Hunnn, berry howl; Mrs. F. K.
Turpi ti, cryVal vie; Knifst Scar:.,
bin"- b corat' d vase; Hrrt 10. l!ar-
'Mnadian. r t and nopon- ?,,d
'novelties , Ii-h .via he I ret;1", o-c-
..rated china plat" ; Mr. an4
Mis W.c;. Lui.r.rr, l.iirif!
p irli.r 'amp; Mr. ai.d Mis.
( On.ii'-r, i-.iY
rorfce' ;
A i) iiie.
ijni .
m. :
Mr a:
. I. H
! f'f. v :1 . r 'in y:t r 11 ;
koi't Ii'kcy, ''ut
i . I mid fci'ver h'-H y
,! Mi
I'rZ. S n; ah Jane Duncan
r -ii June Ttitte'i waa b'.rn
P. N.-'v V-.rk -'at-'
j ,iv .;tii
M. ! ::-: . '.vln 1
years a ill C ''.I U'1' f
) Hen h he n liv ;
h, If
.;. u
i U-t a
i -A
M'ii it
1!l j
I llO'MI
d her
W it
er (.-pi
. .hhiir'h- I
hii'-b'.ind for
K V i r,
i ;p ; r ' ' h iv K" i:as
id vTH'bldliT f .i i i n
l''.h :;i th: artr-r:i-.
i . eoaie ;
and on i
:i !.e
.iiKVffl away.
had f";r children, of whom
! . i a; ill ii iri:. Frank I -bo .s
.i'M- it Collins. Colo, and Nell;-- J.
Kit-iiidder of S:itrs, Idaho. Mr.
and Mrs Dain an wtr3 anions th"
in ivci'is of O.ei'O'i nosirji thrt
"S iii the early days in an "X
mm The funeral Mrvj.'es were
fri.'.i her old h,mr' mi Wed
I tv fternoon, the body I ei'ir
to r st in the Masonic cemetery
Real Ectate Transfers.
R. and Carrie Urand to John
(;t.lhcr Ms ? an H, blk 4, CJrorge-
town $-500
A. D. LeKoy to Or.. M. LeKoy
undiidi:d )u interest in "Thrf-e
Urothfi-H, Ulue Jacket, Pne-Mo,
'"" J . .. ..
.1 iWu.-lil ntul 1'i'nt I'.nv"
laimr. elanns known a- the Jttu'-oii
Kork Mining Company's property
(1)e jjepjia district" ?l.oo
Frank Sly returned from a viit
to Kugei e Tuct-day.
J. IJ. f.. wis was called to
I land on business this week.
Mrs. Fannie Howard of Junction
mid John T. Kirk of Heppmr,
t-is-er and brother of Mrs. Ira Con
nor visited here over Sunday.
Mr. Russell, father of Joed Rus-
i-ell prcidtiit of the Chamber -; Luni-
, ber Lo. passe.i tnronpn uio un u
on his way home a" r a visit at ins
can's snmmer camp above Dercun.
1 1
Kills Broliicr Ceo. Mitchell. Slayer
i i.. o !
r'r M'tf. ii''" s'.'ot iiti'j Kiiitu nor i
iliotl.1'. Ci,t who had j : i t I .em !
a',f!".::i'-'i irrir:; t i r- i rnr:r or kkiiu;:'
ad Cieft'ild,
the leader
of f f.-v P.
(::. fvi 1:
t'i take the triu
J:-t.I ci M l. hell
mid Mrs Cr - ef -
2 of'1,J,d'
fi-: 1
i ; ti'.r l
r vei-Lori
C" Hield's rh ath, Mr." CrtfiHd hav
id' i' in -hu'-cd a revolver . with
Hrh P, kill M t-heil, and Pother
( ".k 'lie u in m.i! v.a-n' io bid '
r io .i p. ve
r '!
at his ' v
ct the pr
i f-xpr-n"" if i
' i
-:ir . t'
er .1 'nee
.11 h
j; .th wo'iieti are mi-i"!- mre-t and
.v.b Kir ;vc a t 'ir trisi. I'ne.v s:-eni
i o. ( i ro'i i '.I i e r cecil n r- J v.'iii
not i'l ; V K r'l'ir ' oi il'SHl.tV t
be ! r.ia'.it i:i their d
If it w -re l o-vb'-
v i.
;i r
11 If
c; r ' r I
; i h - gli l he ur.v rtiua :'
I (.!l nn I in c o;ne tu a ".
I i lie. whoh' r.f the i i
-? 1 1 e 1 up -"ch t . t r i '
().e.n '!) hi tr. j
. c titae" i;i Sef'. t!'-.
! Thf womr-e .Uiib'-ri
Id tak
,1 t t.-.ti
at hasj
...ds ii,:
in lh'
te!v pbirned
lot t Iif mur l..r oi .M;ten"'i ana
i sh'ul J tsiid th' penalty fr their
i ci une.
Silk Cr -ok.
We under-tati l ; ,t IJ :ker Slagle
and fjimilv have inovd back to
!h. ir houi- in our ne aborhood an I
; that Jkiker is no working for
; Owens a,-d t.
: N,,.s As,lln
ecdei tai'ied
Miian.lpi ami U a lma
aofo. K
one btv lat week.'ing
t slightly
e set ions
Davi ! E-t''S Is at !i;v
lua.ber tor F. J. Tay. r
L'o cl ) vt t'S e it. hi
Th" cut is not tho'iiu
Mr. ami M:-. Itcnrv
were ht h.i'-g out V . V.
- IV v,tii
him wi.iiii nil' ma o ii" urs. c
are M to k. ow that M:. Dame-
w,.od is much r. '
i. :.. , . t. .i , . , r.i . .. W..
Is. (
Paip isHgain o:i n t crtek...
He h is b e:i ' i vinjr his
helpn g U . N- Whether h.ui;
for iv tew da s.
in 1
Mabel I)iess--r of 1.
has been visiting fr:--
n H M r id
K v. F. JC. Uillin'ton will preach
at thi Christian Church next Sun
day :ii'Tiiin:: arid evening.
William TikIs't md family of
Divide tire stopping on their old
pla'.e are topping on their old
pi a co putting up hay.
Out farmers are indeed glnd that
there ha heen a thango from the
extreme heat that has prevailed
lately to cool comfortable weather.
M. I' I'ab?"rk and wifo made ft
ri to C'j'ti;"' Grove Tuesday.
Mrs. Pa -m: Mil'er drove down
to the rov- and hark Monday.
wac. pre-'
to c .me to! U'e K';,rn t,lr,t M,ss Jflnet David
sonnf Si''i"aw vimed ber Bisters,
- rs 'i:!,?r anf -r''- - I'nrdson
''Vh .ia us. God in his divine wis
t tn 1m 't ii fit to reiDoo from
U' m d-t our d-arly beloved sitter,
Mr-. Si a i J. l incua:
NV lie? a ;i-. Vs individuals we love
one "'hre ?ociety we valued, th
live mfnV-r, who
'ov. '1 it, -i-d oac "dio ne"T failed
t bi- when p'sible, we
herc'ti expre-i our .-tinow:
K dved. iit v.e extend our
I ettf'-'.t sv r.ina'hv to h. r 'o'-reived
if .atr
.!) v
i' ..I.
t li
fr;e;i h, h p't'.g we
r in th-i etter bind,
t v." -end a copy of
r. m
jtv e ."' ' '.i::io-'. to tii- relatives
i ..: Ti jji'i thetn sptca l npou the
j jo-irni! f tt..' corps.
K. .Ienmr Woods
Harriet 15. Wheeleb
AnnimL. Wheeler
SberdT Fred Fisk is a visitor in
town todiy We'insday.
Tti.) E'.ks- trom all over the coun
try are assembled -in Denver and the
! town is having a gala tim.
j Cunp furrd turn, stools and cotc,
. everything- to make camp life com-
: V. ... .l!n nl n t li X" T fl'Ccnn'c
; In a tremendous explosion at
! As'd.-uid. Wis., the plant of the At-
: t..ii- Dynamite Co. was destroyed,
I five .ipot.ltr being killed and a couple
of ''.o.- n badly hurt.
j I, une Ccun'y may have a County
Piir n.-.vt v.-ar if tit3 F.ii"pnf Afpr-
' ":
chants Fio'ective A.ociation plans
. . I . .. , 1 Tl
worK a; uit'i rj revi, mci a'c
. . 1
: trV"!K 1 "? ?et "P !l rount-v falr to be
i hel'J e-ch year.
A r an, ?Jrs. J. I. Ua ker. tLe
f,rirhiMroll C)f Mr, Duncan, who
. r -
die I last week peeked tneir house-
ho!d effects this week, and on Tues-
: day left I t North Lapwai, Idaho,
x 1 their future home. They were the
id heir-, of Mrs. Duncad, and will
. rent the o'd home for a time.
g n