BOHEMIA NUGGET J. MckEAN FISHER. Manager- BOHEMIA NUGUhT PUBLISHING COMPANY. Mk all rheiki tmvabla to Nug(tl Tub. Co. RwUrd at tbe poatotBra at Cottage Uivra, Orrrun coud claai mail matter. SSFBSCKIPTION RATKS. months $ 1 .00 1 rear fl.cO is months f 2 00 If pntd iu advance. Clubblnj Rates. The DoheiuWi Nugget one year with any one ot the following pub lications onu j far for atuouut tnt opposite: Taclflc Monthly Weekly Orvjroni.'in (Portland) Weekly Joirual (Portland) Dailv Mini in; Keoord I iVnver) Weekly Miuin Record Pacific Homestead North wetit Poultry Journal 2.00 $5.50 $2.25 1.73 Thin Mnr i krnt on ila br THE AMERI CAN MINING COSGKESS. Chamber of Com. mere Huudiog. fearer, Colo .. where, our rrailers w 111 b weloooie to the nH of tbe l?al I ii japera from th? various mining teetlru of th est, a, wiealitip library anil miner 1 ! bjbtt. nilf) FAJ'ER ii kept on file at E. C. Orake a AilvertUiug AatfiicT, et and i .Sierrbanta li Chanpe. !an Frauc'luoo. California, wberecon rct for advertising ran be made for It. Wednesday, July 4, 1906 INDEPENDENCE DAY. Tbe Fourth is being celebrated today in the usual Fourth of July style. A good programme is be ing given tu the grove and the boys and girls are making all the noise the can and running all tbe risks they can of getting burned, but not one in a thousand of them thinks of why the day is celebrated, or of why we should celebrate it. Today is the anniversary of tbe signing of the Nations Declaration of Independence, a&d its consequent war, and hual freedom from Eng land's rule and the day should rightly be celebrated, and that joy ously too, but is l he day of the firing of firecrackers, and guns, and all kinds of outlandish noises, and races and games a fitting celebra tion. Some of tbe people of tbe country have seen tit to protest against tbe uiual kind of a celebra tion and throughout the country each year, lees ot the noise and bluster is being beard, probably smc-&f-ft however, is due to the terrible accidents-in Io-et life, and the injured thousands and to the terrible fires through explosions ot the fireworks, yet a great stride is being made towards a noiseless Fourth. In Cottage Grove we will bave a Tery noisy Fourth, though the City Dads are seriously thinking of excluding the big crackers from Main street and wisely too, as tbey are a serious menace to the safety of not alone the people firing them, but of the passerby and teams Hurrah for the Fourth with its memories and its importance to our Nation. May the day forever be celebrated and that in whatever form it is, may the original day be prominent, fraught as it was with the destinies ot the greatest nation of the world, rising greater and greater each year, including in her bounds more and more of the people of tbe earth, and adding to civilization new ideas of citizenship and power, until she stands su preme, overtopping tbe other nations of tbe globe. Cottaee Grove was dry in more ways than one on Monday. Cottage Grove musicians are try iog to form a choral union, and want to do first class work. It will be a food thin? for the town and for every singer and musician in it It behooves every singer in the town to join, or if impossible to do that to use their influence ana ao what they can to belp it along. A rood choral union would eive us music enjoyable music and would benefit every Binger. Send in your name to the officers and join next Sunday. Cottage Grove people bave the S P. to thank for extending the local to the Grove. The change was orieinallv brought up by the Com mercial Club, who took the matter up with the superintendent of the road, and the investigation then commenced, which resulted in tbe change being made. The people appreciate the cbange and the work of the club in work ing the matter up, and thank the railroad for the interest it shows in the town, and tbey hope that the travel secured from tbe town will repay for tbe expense incurred. Prohibition Dec I Tho county court met in adjourn ed session yesterday moring and passed an order declaring prohibi tion to exist in Lane county from midnight July 1. Hotonfter, until the qualified voti'l ckngi the order, it shall lc unlawful to soil or give away any intoxicating liquor, except on tho wiitten order of a regular practicing physician. Pic ceriptiou t-hall bo used but 01100, and must W cancelled with tho word Cancelled" nd tho date by the pharmacist tilling tho preset ip tiou. which must state thst the one bearing the ptescription is actually sick. The tine for violation of the law is from 1 50 to 500 or by imprison ment in uotless than ten d.ns nor more than ;o days, or both at tho discretion of the couit. A second viwlatiou is puuishable by both fine aud imprisonment Sun day Kegister. No Glartt Firecracker or High Explo sives to b rirad Te4av The City Council met in its regular monthly session on Mon day night. A petition wan read asking that the council prohibit the tiiiug of giant tiro crackers, bombs, and high explosives from S a. m. to 6 p. m. ou the Fourth of July. The petition was accepted and the marshal was instructed to see that it was obeyed. A petition was presented ask ins; that 1000 feet of water pipe bo laid i cut were the immediMo relatives of ou tbe south end of Fourth street. 1 both tlo luideand groom, although and two fire hydrants installed ' quite a wedding putty had been ar This was referred to the water com- ranged but was abandoned on ac mlttee. couut of the feeble health of tho A remonstrance was read from j biido's mother who has been sulTer property holders, objecting to the 1 ing fiom a second attack of pticti proposed improvement ot Third ! monia. street and was referred to the street couimittee. Au ordinance providing tor th improvement of Mill street was passed ou all three readings, as was also an ordinance providing for the improvement of the north end of Weber street. Councilman V. A. Hogats pre sented bis resignation to the covin cil, on account ot bis being away irom tne city trom now on. it was 1 accepted but the election of a suc cessor A"a3 postponed until the next meeting. The council ordered warrants drawn to the seven saloon keepers whose licenses were paid in ad vance for the unexpired term, amounting to f 14o.''5 each. The bills of Griffin & Veatch for plumbing repairs, and of A. G. Long for new hose were referred to the water committee, other monthly bills were referred to tbe finaice committee, and after being acted upon were ordered paid, as follows. J. E- Voung, salary $ H 33 G. 13. Pitcher, watchman.. Jo Ed Underwood, marshal 60 00 to 00 4o Will. Valley Co., lights Thos. Allen, labor Western Oregon, printing books G 7. Geo. Lea, extra work 4th street 31 Veatch it Schmutz, transfer 1 Jehn Graber, rebate on taxes M T. W. Blew 140 00 no HI 2: Barney O'Neill 140.25 John Barker 140.25 Pape Bros i lo.2- A Graham 1 to 25 Fred Ware ilo 25 C. C. Case 14o 25 The Council then adjourned un til next Monday night. As the city treasury was prac tically depleated of funds, Mayor Job took up four of the saloon war rants, and the First National Bank will take up the others, as they will draw interest until paid by the 1 J city. Tresp&aa on Atfrl.ulturnl Landa Ba tor. Opervtnt Under the Act of Juno 11. 10 To Forest Officers in Charge. The act above mentioned, which provides for the clasnifieation and listii g of lauds chiefly valuable f r agriculture in forest reserves ex pressly provides that no future settlement ou any landa within forewt teserves is authorized until they bave been publicly declared nnen to settlement bv the Secreiarv of the Interior. Anv settlement oil OMh Ionise nrblr to CiTt it imr I it; I tbe Secretary of the Interiorwill j notonlv confer no lii'hH on the I eonfititute tresposs You will plaase be diligent in discovering and preventing any such tresspasses aud repart them promptly to the Forester. Please give the widest possible publicity to this order to discourage such settlement and to prevent loss and trouble to intending settlers. (Signed) Overton W. Price, Associate Forester ON I A' a YFAKS OLD. "1 nni only K'i yearn old and don't expect even when 1 get to let real old to feel that wuy uh Jong us I can get Electric Hitters," says Mrs: K. II. lirunwon, of ISuhlln, (la. Surely there's nothing els - keeps the old as young and makes the weak as strong Uaaa U t VI 11 M a, a, a w I ' v - as this grand tonic medicine. Dyw uensla. torpid liver, inllamed kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Electric Hitlers a reason able time. Guaranteed by Hciihou's Pharmacy. Price f.uc. Mrs. T. II. Bartela and daughter returned from a trip north ou Mon day, Cupid Haivttha Skldoa Kiitfclio'-i Cupids wcie a vuiicd collection last Sundiiy, and soi 111 to havo been gnthored from all over tho state, bat it w.h all thev coii'd do oven then to beat the Skidotri of Cottage Giovo with a seote of S to o Cottage Grove held the M ine at " to f in the iyhth inning, but otic of the Cupid's bats thinned the 1'itll. and three Cupids eioss- , home plato and ran tho scon- s in t! where-they held it through i'io ninth. The game was full ot ma .. unlocked for happenings, and a scorcher from tdut t to tinish. Cottage Grove Imys came very clos to witming out ud nto in hopes of haviug another y;aiii and doing tho deed up tight. Now the local is running, the boys have a better chance. that will Married, AN WINM K-1U t 11 1 NSON. Wednesday evening, Inno'JTlh, mat ked the in:iiiiage of Miss Hlin lth Hutchinson to Dr. J. t) Van Winkle of Wendlmg, Ore., at the home of the I tide's parents. The father of the groom Rev. 1. N. Vim Winkle, a Methodist preacher of HaNey, I, inn County, officiated us clergvnrwi. The only guests pros- Dr. Van Winkle is th physician lor the Itofth-Kellry employees t Wendling aud has a nice pjuetice, and the happy couple till nink their home there after returning from their wedding trip through the valley. Miss Hutchinson is well known hero, having been a teacher for some time in the ecliools, and the doctor in taking li r t" ; Wendling robs Cottage Grove of another of her fur voting Indie. i.ll K t CRKIN' A prettv June wedding occurred rt the home of Mr. and Mis. J W Currin, Cottage Grove, Oregon, on Wednesday evening, Juno j7th, the occasion being the marriage of their charming daughter, Marie Oliva to Mr. Robert L. (lile. The bouse was lavishly decorated with ferns, Lal'iance roses, sweet peas and smilax. lust before the ceremony Mr. Ishatn sang with good voice anil fine expression, "O l'romise Me", with Mrs. Jas. Ben son presiding at the piano. To the soft strains of the wedding march the groom and his friend, Mr. '. pher N. Agee, took th-ir place in the corner of the parlor which was banked with roses ami ferns and be neath a beautiful canopy of white roses, tbv were followed immedi ately by Mary IClIen Benson and Vivian Isham, charming flower girls, :cattering the way with rose petals The bride, gowned in a handsome creation of silk mull, and accompanied by Miss Bta Cobb of Roseburg then took their position completing the wed. ling party and Rev. S. F. Meminger said the words which made these two young peopln husband and wife. N"t often are the fortunes of two youug lives launched under more pleasing and favorable circum stances. Mist Currin is known and loved by a lar'e circle of Iricnds Mr. Gile is the trusted represent t- I tive in the south half of Oregon, for -- if e ":i i r ,.c o.. iu tirtu oi ii. t. oun v vo. ui oi I lem, and has made a decided mc I cess of the large dried fruit line and other lutereHta of his firm. The happy couj)le left at once f r a ten days' sojourn at Newport, but will shortly take up their residence in Roseburg. where they will be at home t J their many friend. About thirty intimate friends wit nesHed tbe ceremony. Among the out of town guenta were: The groom's father, It. M Giles from Smith Falls, Canada; H. S Gile and wite, Salem; Hon. aod Mrs Mar- stern. Miss Byrd, Miss Col'. and Mr. Agee, Roseburg. A more exquisite and useful lot of eilts than tho-; received by Mr. " and Mrs. Oile would be hard to im- agine. A TKAOIO FINISH. A wittelimtin's mylect pernul t-d a leak In the great North Sea dyke, which a ( hild'a finger could have stopped, to become a ruinous break, devastating an entire province of Holland. In like manner Kennct'i Mclver, of Viinceboro. Me., permitted a little eold to t unnoticed until it tragic tinish was only averted by l)r' King's vew Discovery. lie writer "'l li ree doctors jfiive mo up to die of lung liittaiiiinatioii, caused by a neg lected cold; but Dr. King's New Dis covery saved my life ' I i uaraii teed best cough and cold cure, at lleriHon's Pharmacy. f.Ooandfl. Trial bottle free. Iu adopting a new tariff law Japan took the Dingley tariff as its general guide and pattern. Though in alliance with Kngland in certain respects, Japan decidedly prefers protection to free-trade. The pro tective policy is steadily glowing, that of free-trade is declining. -St. Louis "Globe-Democrat." Rcduccd Summer Excursion Males On and alter Juno I , I'.Vio, the Southern Pacific, in connection with the Con.illis & F'stnn mil road, will h tvn on sale loiniil tiip tickets from points on then In es to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit ut voiy low lutes, good foi return un til October U), I'.'oO Thleo day tiikits to Nevtpoij nd Yaquina, good gome Sdui days and ctninints' Moudats, ate also on sale Mom nil Fast Side points, Poitlmd b Ku'.'Mic, inclu sive, and Mom all We-t Si, In points, enabling peoph- to lio n 1,0:1 lien and spend Sunday ut the se t sile. Season tickets fiom all Side Points, Poitland to Fug ne, inclii jsive, and from all West Side points, jato aK ou sale to Dtdmit at vety low ates with Mop-over piitileg's 'at Mill city or any point east, en j abling toiiriMs to visit the- S intiam 1 and B-utenbuNli Hot S'itti",-. in the Cnsciido Ill-Mtht.lllis, will" li mi lc reached in one day. Season tickets will l- good for retiiin Irom all points until Octdn r 10 Three-dav tickets will be e,,o. going Saturdays and ictiiinin;,' Mondays only. Tickets ft out l'oit i land and vicinity will bo good fm JT tetuin via tho Ivtst or West Side at ! I opt i'U of p tssengei . Tickets lioiu ' Fugene and vicinity will be go d ! going it t. Lebanon -Spi iii;'li-ld 1 ' bianch if desireil. Fagv;iei. on New-pnit tickets checked through to f Newport; oi Vnquina tickets to V.i- 1 qiiinu only. Sunday excursions to! Newport on the C. K. ill 1m gin 1 June loth or iTth and 1 1111 every Sunday I lieii attei - lent jug Albany at 7: v a. m.; loin e Coivallis X a m. .; S. p. trains connect wi'h the (' Ik V.. "t AUotiiy and Coi vallis f r Yaquina and Nowpoit Trains (,n the t'. A. I',, lor I ( ti oit. will leave!' Albany at 7. do a. m. i-nabling tour- : ? ts lo the Hot Springs to reach there the same day. Trains fro u '. and to Corvalbs connect with nil Fast Side tiainn on the S. p. Full information uh to rites, time tables, etc., can ! obtained ou application to J. ( .Mayo, (on I'ass. Ags , C. F. K. I: , Albany; A. L. Craig. G I'. A., S. IV Co.. ' I'oitland, or any S 1'. or C. J-; agent. nates from Cottage Orovc Newport fi, to Yaquina J1! to! IWr.NTY Y FA It I'.AT I l.i: i 'Iw.-iH n loHiT'in ittMouty veari 1'iitilt with chronic plli-K . uii' in. ill.- mint hoi'ch, until I li nd I'.iii'kli-n Arnica S.-ilve; w liicli tiinieil tl.etlil.-, Iiyeiiilnjr both, till nut u trmn r, -iiiuliiH," wilti A. M. r.rin--. of i-n i Villn. 'a I'.eHt fur old ulei-rs, cuts. blirilH lllld WnlllidH. l!i-iiMi:'-I'lui rmucy l'ortlan I broke the heat record lor July 1st on .Monday by reaching lO.'l; th't higlieHt ever reconle I. be tore was lo"2 in KU. The nteel bridges were out of commission for a timo on ncr-ount nf tho great ex pansion of th iron. G. A. fc. Encampment. G. W. McKejnohls of the local G. A. R- Font, who was recenti appointed Junior Yieo Commaiiil'-r for the Depaitm'Mit ot Oregon is an ex-oflicio ni'iinber of the Grand I.n campment and will probably attend the Jlncampment in M inncapolis in August. He is the only member "I the local post that will be likely to attend. Notice to Contractors Sealed bids will be received up to Thursday, July .rth, 10.06, at 1 p. m. by the School Hoard of District No. IK, Lane County, Oregon, for furnishing material and building 11 school house in said district. ISouds to accompany bids mu .t be furnish ed to the amount of $'2oo. plans and specifications will be found at Grifiin & Veatch Hardwaie Co. F. A. Ci.ow, District clerk. Buy on Credit I this $60 Machine for $25 FREIGHT PREMID. It In a hlili-arm. ilron lu-ail, linll ln nrtiiK. 1 of h -itltcb, aiiiililo liiil, !! ilireaillng nliiitll): haa aiitoniatlii Ixitililn winder I" T . V-f amt iilbr Uli-O linprovr ;' Vr-4 11.M1H. 'I 111" U Mu- AN'I'l l -;..ltiy uo:kt MACIIINK. It In the Air- niKchlli" H ( 11 1 m arc n-ik Iiik '"" '" A" atlHi liiiii'iilK) with i-mc Ii initi lilrii!. Hi. lil (or only l.i rni-li himI t l mmilhly. Write T0D1T for if FURNITUHE CAMtOtUE uliowinfr plcgant iioiinehuM goiln wo will lil (Freight frepalo)"" fa fmnlt-"r n'w CREDIT ln Govurtz rurnliuro Company 173-17S Ural St., 1'OHTI.A.ND, OH. CSaHRBtBaMMMHUHMH oar KILL the COUGH ano CURE the LUNGS Dr. King's WITH lh'i Discovery for C rONSDMPTION Prico 0UGH8 an" 60c & $1.00 Free Trial. OLDS t Surest and Uuickest Cure for all THROAT and I UNO TllOUIl LS, or MONEY HACK. Km a v . ..-.- , . - - 1 r.nOf 1 1 Mim & HANSEN coiTACt cnovt, ontcox. pride or onrcoN tltir ttw ti to . k Knowles Hohcmia. Knowles Oi seco, i'i! St -T - i 1 i . Ill 1 Mfi?j;j Miners Supplies at reasonable prices. ! J? Our Good Goods at General Merchandise Miners Tools and Amimitions U i yM!l ylltill J II yifiliGlUll fillllS n YES, AT LURCH'S Where you will lind the latest WIIITJ5 HIiLTS LADIHS' WIIITIi SKIRTS WHITi; OXFORD TIFS LADH'S FINF NFGKWHAR Flags, Bunting, Flags. A II AIM) LOT Oi troulili-x In colitnlhl Willi, Hpllliy from uloipid livi-r mid lilncloidcil lowi l, iinln -h you awilo-ii tlmiu to Hit ii iii,i i' in lion uilliln-, iin H New Jiifu J'iII-; Mm hi' ii.MuiU'Ht iiimI most Hid live cilln lor coht-.tlplilloli. They prcvcnl Aiiciiiliclin om.' ii tlic system. . ;i I'.i-iihou'H I'lliil nine v. Reduced Round Trip Excursion Rates. Hound trip paNHincr rates Chi cafjo to l'ottliind and return, via direct line will he 75.00 and from Missouri JSiver points Co.oo. Th' se tickets will be. on n.ilc d lit., coiumeiifiii June ist and continu- uitf 11 111 11 .Sept. 1 5 tli with liiml re turn limit oi October .'list J. M. Isjiam, y ' . 1 & IPntvonlsc illomc llniHtotvv: : I v ''.K & Gettys Oregon. I f & Gettys j Oregon. J A I olio: Reasonable Prices. vv.vv.-vs rsv Wdbhod Irooed F'K'e cuitains, clothes repaired and pressed by Mrs. (it.0. 0hlman. Iuve wo.k at Ostrander's barber ' shop. CoTTAfJit C.KOVK, OKK. Paid up'Capital, $25 .000.00 Money t ,mil lt(,nmMl BWJUrty HKiUKHTKAHiN T.. WMK..M The First National Bank