Eldridge Sewing SEWING MACHINE. ROLLER BEARING. HIGH CHADS. To the most worthy lady of Cottage Grove and vicinity, the Nugget will give a ' fine five drawer Sewing Ma chine. Who the lady is will be deter mined by vote of Nugget subscribers. Bohemia Nugget Coupon for Eldridge Sewing Machine To be awarded the most worthy lady of Cottage Grove and vicinity. One vote for This coupon must be Dontestants. Mra. Linnie Violette 000 Miss Ida F. Barrett 00O Miss Daisy Thomas 1C01 Miss Jessie Berg 1825 Additional Locals The Stevens-Word election race in Portland is anybody's winning now. Stevens Las lost votes and Word's big districts are yet to be beard from. The editor has been on the Hick list for some time and is barely able to attend to his work, but will try to keep going hoping lo get all right Boon Merle Scoville, Sophie Oaberg and Mabel Coffman will attend Drain Normal school next year, having receh-ed scholarships from that institution. The farming machinery firms are making big displays of mowers, hay raka, etc. these days. Many carloads of threshers have been shipped through recently to the north, which would seem to indi cate a big demand for them. Owens & Son have eeverel learns that are keeping busy delivering delivering lumber to the railroad track, and loading into cars. At C resent they are delivering a Burn er of ties for railroad use, just be low Abrarna planing mm The young ladies of the Bereau uauu tutu iw '" - 1 Society of ihe Christian Church did j 1. . 1 . : t. 4 i tl.ciif. uncial ' Wdl jviouuay uigu jiu mol . but are getting reajy to noiu u-1 uu b . ? . . ' ... . n.'..i. .,t, roa I., in hnll n- other some mgni wuen ii is inglyhot and when they will ex-1 B J : . n,.u pect everyuouy m iuwn i "" fhemselves sick on ice cream. I The Toledo Ice Trust don't sing with much fervor that song "How would you like to be the ice man." The fine of $5,ooo don't matter, but a year's imprisonment don't sound bo good, aud the price of trust ice is liable to go down to prices where Ihe public can get their money baCK, SO lUB ICO kiugo vau their jail sentence. Machine Free voted before June 27. LaGrande has just raised its liquor license to $1000. Everybody is watching anxiously for the decision of Judge Harris in the local option case. Will it go dry or wet? At Ileppner last week the wool sale prices run from 17' cents to 2oiJ, The low prices probably I e ing due t" wet wool. Dr. Hyde, the great (iaellic tu deul and professor has returned to Ids Scotland home, nd while speak ing highly of his reception in this coun'rv, tt ml-h no hope for gaelic heie, and says no language could hope to live in the United States, and predicts the cutting out of German in this country. C. M. Jack-on is suffering from a badly bruised left hand leuulting from a IC-inch slab fulling from t lie cutoff in Ihe Brown mill on to the back of his hand while he v as lond ing slabs into a wagon. Mr. Jack son says it was too hard work for a mau of hiB years anyway and he guesses he can find an easier job. I Right now ho is working on his ! garden which he keeps in as fine j : . : hh Mrs. Jackson keens L novvers County Court. its nf ihn T a f'.i.bl T , ; Mininer Comimnv vs. Ziniker. Lund- " vase i: , berg et al a post ponenitnt was civen and the case will bo heard . ,. . An important witness for the plaintiff pleaded sickness was the cause of the post pon men t. The case was moved to Cottnge Grove to avoid th rec ssity of the defen dants loosingjso much time and ex pense as they nre all miners in Bo hemia. The case was removed from Roseburg to Eugene some tim lion tr ne.e.oniirifjdnto thf j plaintiffs who are Eugene people Sucv Cfltul stock ia valued Ht 5500 per share, although Ihe pur vahe is ontv $100, nmt it is thought Hint P. 111:1111. 1 rami I stock wouM be wotth Ur inoio wcto it owned ly a stock company, although the ex pense ol building, Ml I of optialion will h vastly greater. Convents nte not h1 lowed in Mexico, hut recently one has breii found nnd the inmates will he pro o on led. Oregon postmasteis ate nios' of lTMltP.R LANI, ACT JI NK :!. IS7S notki: iui! r fin. it: a tion. I" tilted States Land Oll'i.e, Koseburg, Ore., Juno lsth. luiw. N ot loo Is hereby m en 1 1 1 .-1 1 111 com pliance vv It ti tlio pi o Isiohh oi t ho net of Cotigl i'h of Juno It. Ws, entitled An net fur the silo of timber binds in tlio State- of t 'Mliiornm , Orenoti, No vudu, and Washington I'd i Itoiy." as oitcudod t nil tlio Public I .iin.l Stair- I.V or Allk'U-t I. IVfJ. KATI. IV LAWKI'.M F. -of lloqinain. County of chehnilif State (or IVn Itoi y ) 'of Wellington, his tills day tiled in tills ollloo her swoiti statement No. t'.i'll, lor the pur chase of tlio NK I I. SV 1 I. K 1-4, NV I I. S I L' NT. 1-4 of Soction No. s, 111 Taw n-ddp No. ) S, Kiine No. 1 Y, mill will ollor proof to show that tlio laud sought Is more valuable for its 1 1 nit or or stone than for agricultural purpose-!, jiinl to establish tier claim to said land I Wore V. V. CnlUins. I". S. CoiitmisMoiior, at liis iitl'iio at l-'ugeiic, (reiioii. 011 Woillies.liiv, tlio ! it I ilai' ol iptemlior, I'.'iX'.. She n.uuoM an Itnostvs : Kul'v I'.. Cr.uu, Osonr I.. Cralu. of Ati er.tet 11. Wiishlnitoii. Josepll II. W lilt 1 cv, 111 Ii'viuk. (.)ogon, W'tlliain II Wintiioy, of ,1 lino, (lu-goti. Any ami all porsoiiM elaiiuiiiu' 111I Verselv the iilioso-ilosci H l lalnN are ri 'puft l to iiK' tlu-lr rlaims in tliisi tloe on or lieioro a nl "Jnth t iv of Scp- tellllKT. l'.MNi. l'.KNJAMlN I.. I'.IUiY, IteUtoi. Tl.Mlir.K LAND, ACT J INK :t, Ntl It i: foil Pf HUCATION I'niteil States I.aml )llico, Uost-liurg, ( ro.. May js, pimi. Notice is hereliv vrlvi-n that in i'm pli nice with the provision of tlio net of Congress ol Juno '.i, ls7, eiitltlo'l "An aet for tin- -ale of timber lainls in the States of California. Oregon. Ne vada, ami Wa-dliiiiton Territoiy," as oxtemleil to all the Public I.aii'l States 1V act or Aiik.'Ut 4, 1 sti-J. M AKY .1. Will INKY, of Juno County of Lane, State lor Territory I f Oregon, has this day lilo 1 in t his otlico her sworn statement No. cstl, for tlio purchase of the SV 1-1 SW 1-4 of Section No. 4. in Town ship No. ' S. Itange No. 1 W, and will oiler proo! to 1.I10W that the land sought is nioie vulualile for it h IIiiiImt or Htono than for agricultural pur poses, and to oHtal'li-li her claim to said land before W. W. Calkin-, I'.H. Commissioner, at Ins oll'ice itt Kugone, Oregon, on Tuesday, the -1st day nf August, l'.Wii. She name a witnesses: Joseph II. Whitney, of Irving. Oio gon; l'rank II. Whitney, of living, Oregon: .les.-e K. Ilolhrook, of June, Oregon; William II. Whitney, ol .1 line, ( )rogon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the aliove-doHcrihod lands are requested to lilo their claims in this office on or liefore said L'lst day of Au gust, 1!hm;. L'i :0 I'.KN.IAMIN I.. Kll)Y, Itegister. TIMI'.Klt LAND ACT NOTICK I OK J I I'.LICA I ION. I'nitcd States Laud Otlico Koseburg, re ., May -N, i;oo. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the act of Congress, of June :i. 17 entitled an ''act for the sale of timher lands in theNtatesof t.'iillfornia. Oregon, Nevada and Wnsh iugtoii Territory," as extended to all the Puhlic Land States by act of August 4, ls'.C', MA IMF. It. A AP.Y of Luge ue colintv of La no State I ol" Ten itoiy) of Oregon, has this day filed in this oflu-e his sworn state ment No. ;s.-j.-i, for the pinchase of the S SW"(, lot!-; :!, 4 of Si-ction No. .'.I in I'oWlisidp No. 2- south, Kaligi! No II west and will otrer proof to tdiow that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for ngri culiui'id purjioses and to establish his claim to said land before W. Y. ul klns, I' S. Coininlsnionr-r, at Kiigene, Oregon, on l'riday the -4th day of August, IIh nainoH as wltiiesses Henry (Joinbs, Klisher (Jeer, William Witte, Joshua Kouse all of London, IiaueCo., Oregon. Any and all jkt sons claiming adversely the above described lands are reiuHt'd to tile their claims in this ollice on or before said 24th day of August, lOOfi. Ki:.n.ia.iin L. Knnv. 20-liegihter. TIMUKK LAND AC'I -NOTICK I'OK PL'HLICA HON. United States Twind Oflice, Itosebuig, Ore., May L'S, Moii. Notice is hereby plven that a com pliance with tlio provisions of the act of Congress of J une H, IX7H, entitled an "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada und Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the public Land States by act of August 4, ls'.W. OSCAKH. WOODAKIi, of Cottage drove, County ot Lane. State ( or Territory J of Oregon, has this day filed In this olllco his sworn statement No. for the purchase of the KV V. N W 1-4, N W l- SW 1-4, of Section No. 21 In Township No. 21 south, Kange No. :i west and will of fer proof to show that the lam sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purnosrs, and to establish his claim to said land before YV. W. Calkins, P. S. Commis sioner, at his ollh e at Kugene, Ore gon, on l'riday, t lie 21th dav of Au gust, r.ioti. He names as witnesses: John Sheltou, Ambroko L. Wood ard, George Cnrllle, Oliver Wills, all of Cottage Orov", Lune Co., Oregon. Any and till persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are req nested to lilo their claims in this oflice on or before said 24th dav of August, lHOii. 20-30 Benjamin L. Limy, BeglHter. , thotn gelling tncrcned s.ilaties, veiy low being cut I down, Put land gets a rui-e If til $V!So 10 $.S,H,, NOTICK KOI; PI HI. Ii A I lo.N )i'partinolit i f Ihe lnl I mi . Land Otlico at Kosi buri.'. Oregon Ma v 'Uli l''i'i' Notice Is holobv given that 1 to- fol low Ing named settler lias Me. I notice of his Intent Ion to make tin. il prooi in Hiippoi t of his clu I in. and tli.it prooi will bo male he I ore W. W Calk ins, I' . S. Coiiiui'sHlonei , at In ollice at Kugeno. Oregon, on.tiilv u, 1I0C, I.: JOHN K MoKNINOST K homestead up hen t Ion No I is:;. f,.i Hie NYi, of Sec:!-'. I'p l' S. K J W. ! tommies Ihe following n.lni ! to pioi los coll 1 1 li IK ills lr h'. ii.' Upon and cull I it Ion ot -sai I uind. vl.: )tha C Miller f Civmi .-II. i i . gon ; Mary Mlllei of Cresw i ll. i ii'i;on , lieolgoO. Walker, ol Wa I kor, O v, .-. n . Thomas brow n, ofCiesw ill OiOi -.n III n.i m i 1 .. Kni 17--1 Kei;i-t' ' notii I-: roi: Pi r.l l 1 1 A 1 1 pill t men t ol I lie 1 1 1 Ii' 'I , Land Itllco at Kosobnri'. '. .b' 'it '. Plon Notice is hereby gixeii ll at the fol low In named set t ler h i Ii led ie I i c ol Lis intention to make final pro .f in supott of his claim and thai tail pi-oof will be made bofofe W. Calkin-, P. S. Comnils-loner, ut lo otlico at p.iigene, Oiegou, on July lo I.hh;, I: J AM KS M ( PI III I II. hoiiiestend application No . t n ; ". i f.n t lie Si t, of S. c 22, Tp 10. S ll I W. 1 le liallies t In- following w il iii-ism-s to prove his continuous le-i.eiie upon ai d cul 1 1 a t ion ol Nnd land, i li.ivi.IC. ,M iMicwi i. June, Oicgon. Lev Is MatluWM, of .niii, Oii .oiii William Jeffiy. of iete.. Or. -. .n l'l;oln,ii Mal'V.of 1 e ii'i . regi hi . Ill: s.i ii P. I '. i ! 1 1 . 17 21 Kki-'.i. N'ol If L Pdi: II 111. If I n. Pllited States I. and t i!ic. Koseblllg, Ire., Apl il Is. pier. Notice Is hereby given that ill 'la pllanco with the provisions of the A I of t ongress of June !!. Is7s, i nlillrd "An Act for the Sale of TiinL I Lund in the State of fabf.. i ia, Oregon. Nevada and Wa-liingloii leiiiloiv. as extemleit to all (lie I ill. lie I. mi l Stall's bv Act of August I. I'i2. KDWAKPJ. CLKAKY of i tow a or l ily i lleliinp'li.im, st.i. "A", County ol Whatoom. State im Tenltoryi of Washington, h is ihi day lileil in tlds ollice 1 1 1 - s. w i i 1 1 -.tat.' inent No. niiil'.i lor the pinch i-e of the K', W, of Section N. 'X Town-hip pi South, of Kange ii West an. I will offorx proof to show that the I in. I sought is more valuable lor its I In. l ei or stone than for .igiii iiltural oui puses, ami to establish his claim to said land Is-foie the Kcgistrr and la' celver 'it U. S. Land mice at pose, burg, Oregon, on Wednesday the lltll day of July, Pan.. He names a- w itnesM's: K. L. Hall. Loins K. I '..an. W ill. an. S. .Moon, all of Kiigene, Lane C i , Oregon ; Peter J. Clarke of peliing ham, bateom Co., VN'asii. Any and all persons claiming ad Versely the above .lesi llln i I iinU an reiited to tile t heir cla i in - in tl.l- otlico on or he f. lie said llth day ol July, l'lnc. Ill S.I VMIS- P. pliliV , Ki-gi-ter. J I.MKP.K LANK Ai 1 .11 Nl. ::. I7s NOTICK I OK PI I'.LK A tH N Piiited States Land ( nlice. Koseburg. Oregon, April is, p. niii. Notice is hereby given I lint in com pliaiice with the provisions oHhc Act of Congress of June li, l7s, en titled "An Act for the sale of timbe lands in Ihe States of California. ( ie gon, Nevada and Waihing'on Teni tory;" as extended to all t he Public Land States bv Act ol August t I '.'. PKTKK J. CI.AKK K of ( tow n or city iKclliuglium, County of Whatcom, State (or Ton itor.vj of Washington has t'ds day lile.l In tnis otlice Ids sworn Mtateinent No. hi, In for the purchase of thu V;j K! jn! Soetloii No. 20 To w iisliip I'.i rouib o! Kange (i west and will offer proof to show that the laud sought Is mole valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to es tahlisn his claim to said land before Register and Kecelver at P. S. Land otlico ut Koselmig. Oregon, on Wed nesday the llth day of J illy, lOuii. Ho mimosas witnesses ; K.P. Hall, Louis K. Kean, William S. Moon, all of Kugi lie, Lane Comity, Oregon; IM ward .1. floury, Kelllngham, Whatcom Co. Wash. Any ami all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are request! d to lilo t heir claims in this office on or beforo said llth day of July, 1000. Kknia.mi v L. Kniiv, Register. TIMKKH LAND, ACT J PNK :!, s7s NOTICK POlC PPP.LICATION. Pnitel States Land Ollice, Koseburg Ore.. March 'JO, 1 000. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June :t, J7s, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in IheStatoH of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory.'' a -i extended to all the Public Laud suites by act. of August 4. is'i:.', JOHN P. PKADY, of Lorane, county of Lane, State for Territory) of Oregon, has this .In, tiled iu this ollice his sworn slaleim'iit No. 0010, for the purchase of t he N V of .Sect ion No. tin To win hip No. 'i H, lentigo No. I W, and will offer proof to show that t he land nought is more valuable for lis timber or slime than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said land be fore the Register ami Receiver at P. H. Land ollieo at Koseburg, Oregon, on Monday, Ihe 1st h day of June, Kit 10. lie names as wIIiichhch; .John Hunt, of Lorane, Oregon; Kd Addison of Lorane, Oregon; L. 1). ilairlngtoii. of Lorune, Oregon; Arby Harrington, of Lorane, Oregon. Any und all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands mo requested to file their claims in this ollice on or before said sth day of June, 1000. Rknjamin It. Kimv, ltcglHtcr, , Tlio Compartment Observation Cars m i u Oriented Afford The privacy of your home Thccomforts of a club The luxury of a first class hotel. I'a.lv SttAcm St Paul Minnpoilis. I'utic! Suuml arid lnhrmc- P 1 liiatc Points toe iiii'Hr. Mn ii rn ii I', r detailed Inf. a in ili.ui. i-'il'' ' '' . addle S. li NelUe , A. l IV A. -.. Mle S. S. Dakota sails for tin Orient In! 2'j. I AN. II. '()TT. WW FASHION Cottiv;c (irovo, nii I If 1: 1 '1 ii; I I IM. H A I ! 1 N t o the I lllerior, 1 -, i 1 1) - it l: .-.'bur:'. 1 in-goii. l .1 . ! , I'M H. N is ,ei el 1 Ik . II t I1.1l I 'ie Oil h 1 w , :r.r i ., -a -.1 I I .-r ha s hi. l 11. ,1 1, . ol I is nl!-'!,' : .11 I o nia lo' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I In -1 1 1 . 1 . r I I in- i .Oil ami I li.it K.nd ami ll. .1 said i.r ; w ii i-. in i h- b. (or,- . V. f u Mi -. I -s. i i i i at h s , h, .- all ai I'eii.-. 1 io : . ui . a .1 n I v .".lh, I '.mi.. VI. nl id I.Ni.I.';;i.isiiN. lb nie-l. a. I . li.'.ition No. ujeo.fi.ri III' ' . -. . - , I I' lil., I, . W. Ileliah.e- the loil-. W'illg Wllllcst-ch I . ..V e I, i- i i li I hi ui in lesidelice up. on : in I en 1 1 I v a I n ui i ( h i , I I ui, I. v 1 I -,v i- iii ui i . v wr I't ring, oiv sle-i in.. I, . . i f i .-,', ell, I .ane i o , ( ire "h Wlll.iln A ll' h t , ai . nl P.iigene. I Ii Ii. :' l-i i . '.;i. I . I ia . . Keg i i. r. Mi b i . iii; it r.i if ATio.v I .a li I hi.ee at Ro-.-l-m :'. ( ireg. ai. Ma., I. pion. Nol i.-e is h. l. i . ii n I hat in com pli.iln i I. .V. pi'. i i n . ( t he ,e ( I'm.: ..' -I a,- ; : 7 i ct;i.,i "An A.-t for ii , ;- ..; I mihei Lands in the Slit.-. ,! f a li" u li ia . 1 1 ' . . r i Nevada a nd .ish i n;: t . u. I , i i 1 1 . a v ,' as ov.i. -nd.'d to all the Pal, he Lalid Sia'e l. , t , f a Mj,.t I. -'r.', 'ili'llfl. W ll i ol I 'll.V of Pil.', I.e. Coillily i, , '.Hie, Stale oi Oregon. ha- this d.i.V died in lh:.- oili.e In- sworn -lale-meiit No. ".'.'.I h.r the puieh:, e ,f I he I' Is :i, I a". I the li)-.; V 1 I, i,,i SW I 1 1 of i lion N i. ';i, Tow n dip '.;u Soiilh i f Kai ..'- , t and vv ill ..Iter I .1 lo -li v I hut t he land sought i- limi e ab..d.!e hi ; I I i nihil or stoic Call for -. i i. nl' ' 1 1 ; i i purposes, and to oslal.li- h hi el.iim ,, Hiiid land he iore W. U . I "allviiis, f . s i 'ouimiHsion or, at hi,-, ollice. at I no. iregnii, on Monday the p,, da;. ,. ,h,lv I 'km, lie na no's .is ,1 1 1 . ses : Pr.u.L A. 'I i i ; . ( 'l.n I, ' li -. ej eaux, both Ol i;u:;el,e. .lo-e.. Selmcdel' ami Jollll (I r.liell Li (t ll ot l.iiline, n c,r l.aile ( 'ollli t V . ( ll'eg i iii. Any and all per-.oes cliiimiug nd versely I ho n In iv c de en hid lands are reque. leil to tile their claims UI lllis of lice on or bel'oie -aid loth dav ol July I'.HMi. 10 L'. i Ki.s.ivmin L. I ii.i.v , Rei-ier. CONSUMPTION'S WARNING ' in'' vi I, ut in ouUi , ' .. ; i.i in, fj'l'lle aid of Kcii-ntilic iiueiitions is not ' o e, ... o , lllllll w III III, r y,jur jn.,s I an allei teil. 'Hie last viiiptoius ran U-I leadny noted ,v anvniie ol :iueo.,. i leadny noted by anyone o average in 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 e, J'l'livic i:. no d 1 ll'CAII that j;iv' I many plain w.u in : , .,! 'oai It m coiisiiiiiiioii, and no -. 1 1. . 1 1 .. , t!,,,) can i.e so oulckly ii , hi d .-ind . ked ll the liiedi, nie I.-,-, i , iUl,A j,,.,..; (a-iniaii S' n.j,, v.lii. h I', laade I., ,-iin consumption. flit is ill Ihe eailv- sl.i; . , l,;,t ( ,-,., Syrup !Ji..,,J, h, iv, , when w.uini,, me juv,.,, ,,, ,,e ro.,.,1, , , ,,,,,, j, the coiipc:,tl(, of tlieh.ou, ,ia tubes imd the gradual weal ii'iij; o the liin.-M, nc ooinpanied hv fn oiient . v ,., loi.'itio,, fll!ut no in. ", , h,,u. , d you i foilL'li, i vcii i , a, I i i 1 iki i ahr.,dy ii! In ei vr ,,,.. (.(iniiiii I Svi.ip Will Mll. l , , He, I ;, ,.,,. s j, helon- in ll,,,,,. h, , a,,,,,,,, ,,.!, hopeless i .c.e .ol I,,,,,, t . ,nl tJNcvy tria hollies , o....a 7sc Ai .'l. , ' '''K'oar 6i.c, 75C At ad diugjists. . XJUIIVOU'H i'liKiiiiv'.-y f TiX ii r.1- , a ; s. 1 Y W 11 M L jLL. lli-.i.li- f.i.-n, i , y in 1 .1 . an .. i Liinited Veil 1 1 J M a. s. pmvivu. STABLES Oreeon JOHN HARK ICR l l:o :- olt nh- I Ml: liCIIAN(il; I M I U I .N I INK ! ,,.,.,-.. , , , . . I.HJIIIK;,. UliAH. Mm III t f i rt ( oHmi' ( r tit Ore J. S. Medle .1 f . .1 I ihusoil .M I'll It' II iV -I nil II SOU , A 1 1 oriiey m a t la w 0ir Snih :t I'-nih lthl. Special atteclioii givi ii lo Mining a nd I 'i u p. .rn t Imi I .a vv . j. i:. YOUNG Jlllovm ij-nl-Luii' - otlii'i. .,ii Vl.ii, i .trrel, Wcl s,lo CoTT.M.K () knvi", OkK. MINIMi AM) ikl ATMi'NT I li'f.i:'ldlu: .Hid eon 1 1 ni l Ion of ore roduclioii vv oi k s a nd general inachln i i V plants , meeh.iiilea I .tr.ift Ing, C H. ii l;u ', M. L. Mi liny I'-liildiiig Portland, Ore. H. C. MADSEN, Watcmmakkk. ii. 1 1. 1 1 .in: nt a .,-,,ii.n,ii. . nun111. All ,.rk k mi mi u'i i"l III t clnmi Will, ,,.., ( lorkH im. I li.nrlry nt l.nwil l"rli- COT I 'Ati P. ;i:o'K. OKI). .n -.',"vs-kWs:-v':w?J i i.ii: kkoyi; I I All the latest troiitiiii-ntM. Electrical I'l-AIN ami .V i 9 Ordinary Cost $12 per Week. t ; i-or riirtlicr .aitii'iil.irs uililn-NN 1 ir. ii. c. sciii.i:i:i' I ,'..v ..,. ARRIVAL AM0 DLI'AHIUHE OF S. P. TRAINS. Niiliia no im, 1)lm ol,NU l " p in. No. It H:0.. urn N"- I" h.im. ill. u.'U Im it A S. I B. il. T1 ,,n 'I'u l.l. U.. To lake effect Aprll'l'd, 1005. 1 :imuH 'luuwliiy W. lioiiud . inel Hut i.nly I Him I in v IN"'' I ...t HlilMlny '' " I M I M , h'lHTIilNH I Na-N()4 Kl I.V ' A.M. ( I'.M 1,71 11:10 6. IS 71(1 l(l:4U 6:(IA 7117 lll:44 4:M 770 iii::ih 4;f Wl7 10:a 4:47 h i I io:ao i Ai hill 0: IHU 10:111 4:KA till 10:01 i:'M 1117 U:4S 4;1 Dili V-.iti 4:11 1020 V:M 4:06 10.10 0:0 4:00 UN O .li o pi'i.t'iiKii liiovo... Vullii Vi .'.'j V,"j i;,;i :UI H IM 1 1 Cnri'lii . t'erru (ionlii. , . . linker hiiii'ini. ltd Keck, ,. . . l.iiivol I'll H:H H:ll H a Jl : 1 7 H I V ! U I. 4 ill i H.U, !l:.'ih :i:1l H M 8 Mi s :-o Hi i, ::t., II a Hiovwirl I' . H) 2 H: l'. U K smr .Kin ky folnt.. ...He. I llrlilxu.. , . . Wllilwonil, ,, , II II 1 1 1 ' H . .Kinli.f Jriii k.. 'J a.; Ir,.l. !l:l.'.;ili.li .IV.ll Slllilui't til I'liain.i W 1 I 111 III t hill llIM All oiiiHanl frclKlit forvvurilml only l tb Ji-iiit rmk o( nlili,i,r miiim.iiHlKiii'e. sihku luitvim VUliUooil nlli r llio rrlvl of loiui im MonduyM, VVuiln,iluy miU rlily ua lli.iniii ( .,,,., KeliuuliiK mi '1 uu I "V1-, 1 in r, .In) and Snl in .Iioh. i , i, T" " 111 ,"M ri)i'.'ai nl tlio o. ,v n. r.. It. Iii',..t ulliirr.i. in, 1, liih.iro i (oi wniU- I UK .., lie i i, l,.uUl inusl l, .tut vtireil il Hiniilu Hun) to i.uriiilt i.i li i.inu laiinii. Hinilu limn n, i.uriuit 0 i beiim ,ui0il , A. If, Wooi, iMuuuuer