Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 27, 1906, Image 7

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If" i
Mich Mm v ' I '.1 ii-n , :HH Myr lr j
Aviv, Krooklvn, N. V., wiiIim: ;
"I'rrunrt iNril ntr In liv wr-k of j
otiTh of Ihr tomm h, iilti-r milli-iint; i
nr (our vi iirn met ilort.rii.f wilhoni
I'lli-t t. Ill (' l 1 1 n 1 1 With other villi." j
fill olii'H Mho Iiii vo hi ill It. ni-l.t tril j
l.v votir ilihiiiMTV I mi v. All hnil to :
j IVrurw."
Mr. 11. J. Ilemittiiati, Oakland, Net.,
"I waited Imforn writing to you alxitit
my aickntMiM, rntarrh of the utomuch,
uhlcn I haul over a yur ago.
"Tlmre were poople who told me it
would not itay rtircd, hut I am Burn
that I am ruml, for I do not f 1 any
more ill rfWta, liave a good appetite
and am getting fut.
"Ho I am, and will any to nil, I am
curnd for good.
"i thank you for your klinln"a.
"I'rr una will be our houe medii ine
Calanh of the stomach ia alno known
in common parlunre ai dyitpepma,
tritln and linliK""li"n. No medicine
will he of any permanent liuuutit 11-rt-pt
it removed the catarrh.
A (treat Tonic .
Mr. Austin M. Small, Aftoria, Ore.,
write: "Imring the hot wmther of the
lnnt nummer I lout my appi-tlte. I
tried i'lruim, and found it pleupant to
take, n. splendid appetiser and a gr. at
A I'nlfju dir.
In one rcupcH, (Julio, t lit' capital of
Xi'iiador, I tlii moHt iiiiIijik city In tli
world. It I dltuati-d In hoth the north
ern and aoutlu-ru henilMiihcrcH - If we
accept the iNjuiitor na the real dividing 1
llian dlHtluctloii claimed liv no other
place of Iiiikii laiicp on the glotx.
At (Julto the huh rlwM and KctK nt fl
o'clock tln year round. You may for
fi-t to wind your watch while you air
VlHltlng the Kctiadorlau capital, hut you
Hi -cd not hunt tip 11 reKtiliitor; net It
when the huh rUe or net, mid you will
- Mire to he rUht. OIl Sol iniikeM 110
The HeimoiiN, iim far hh imiueH are con
ri't iieil, t liiinne iiluioHt liiHtiintly ; hut,
a the tcuiperatiire In leiiiaikahly even.
the-e 1 urli.iiH pulnis nic hcI.Ii.iii thought
of l.y the iM-ople who make (Julto thcli
Our I.
If Is the lot
'Lrl t l-'iircrt,
cd up fofce-t within Hint
lie ilrcp in our hatmvi, not those
lire on the nurf.i.e. test our (nettle.
It Is within every holly's power to call
out these hidden forces, to he some
body and to do something worth while
tu the world, and the mini who does
Hot do It Is vlohitiui; his ha. 'led birth
right. Success Magazine.
I'rlrr Vrj'u
Half truths are
worse than whole
Some women make "flirting" covet
a multitude of sins.
Marriage Is 11 partnership In which
woman Is never the "hllent partner."
Ituy your wife a good diamond ring
for economy's nuke. She'll never wear
out many pairs of gloves after that.
rittshurg Gazette.
A pprnvi-il land ei-np Cr mi. v yc.l, iiumiiv.-y-.1,
t tin I. Tr. 1 i.r mi ll" gori-miiiriii II. M .
HAMILTON, HoUl, rurund, ori;uii
j.owr fully wrrntO(l. fir. All We u l
I) lei t lnweil .rlce. Wrllu for rnUlog.
Portland. Orf on.
Portland Trade Directory
Nam and Addrciict In Portland of Rpr.
atntativa Butlncti firmt.
UAUH) LAN 'I'lCHNM WnHHnr Co., lorllDj.
Luwwil (.rli'H im ljo.lru anil Hllrti.
llOKMbM of all kln.l for Ml at vary raMUiialil
.rlci. liiulri) in I ruul au
1'HKAM HKI'AlATOHHW Kunrmitv Ilia U. s,
hrparmor lu Ii llm Ik-iiI. Writ lur Iim ii.oj,
llaulwuutl I'll,, mil and Oak.
al EN'H CLOTH I N( Hiiltiim Pn.lllon, an'.
UHm A II red llm.lnmlu A ( u.'s rorrm-t ulnllum
Kviry llili.K l mi'ii'i liirnUliliiK". Murrlauu ami
hluli mrnaia. 0.iii piimulltua.
I'Ol l.'I'KV Kl(ll If ynu want your lima In lay
Dior rlti-u for fr. i.arili'tilar aboul I'll
lilNA VoULlllV fc.h.lio-Aini Mill Co.,
l urtiunit, Ori-aon,
I'UMIH A piano liouaw on I'a
t lllo iii.ial. Oraana and 1'lanoa ou vaay .uyiunl.
Writ for Hal. Lvi ua iiunia you a irnw. AlluuA
Oil burl lUiuaknr I n., i'liriland, Diagi.n.
V AN'I' Mn anil Wiimon tnlvarn llnrlu r lr. In
In alulit wvaaa; kihiIiihIi-i tarn In. in I6 In fil
wrakiy 1 x ix-rl lea rni ioia; imIuIok fn-; Mnlvr
hyuli 111 ut I ..lleKi'", Hi N. Kunrlli al., I'nrtland.
TKI.KII It A I'll V TAIillT I'ltKK, '
tniir nn. I .ohIi on ai-onriil wlii-n kimiHiuihiI
I lua ofti.r k-ond only lr Nlii.rt lime. Wr'if lur .r
IKiilara. I'Al'i r IC 'I I'.l.iailt A I'll INNllTU'lli
Oruml 'I'lietkl h IIiiIIiIIuk. I'l.rllnnil, Oii'tion.
P. N. U.
No. 26-08
II KN wrttlna; to lertUera lloaae
tuantluu tlila itapor.
An I I IiI-IiIi-iI Hum.
Il-ri- l-i ii ilmi rr n Inn ii of ( In rUlit-hlili-il
nr oi'lnK'iii r lin 1 1. Thin m l ii'Hiul
liiini Im 2'. i fi'i't mi nu ll hIiIi-, providing
II -( 1 1 i 1 n 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 fur nlxiiit lllly Ih'ihI hi
(iilllc. Thi'lc In 11 i'i,lihirnil.i' Kulll
III lliHir fnMi' uln-n tin- iiiiK'li f "III I
U iimmI IiinIi'miI ut tin- Hijuii if form, Hi)'
Mllllll miioiiiit of Willi I'IhIokIiiK 11 Kir"'
it liuiiilii-r of k.jiiiilc ft-i-l. 'ill)' I1111I11
i.t.Ji-i 1 in i im cIkIiI Hlili'il hum In tint
It Im .lllll. nil to llll with a liny fork or
k lii-n f inirliT. Till may ! largely
oM'iromc l.y criTllnn a ffu lilt on one of
tin- hlili-N of tln roof mill ruiitiliiK "
IiikU In Hint height, which tuny
lie rx Ii-ihIi-iI to w 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT feet of the op
poKlte Willi. Tin liMif ! 1 11 1 r -M to III'
Nclf KiiiMrt iii mid to MTiiro thl tin
platen uli. mill IhiIIciI to;i-llior lit the
coriiri'H mill lii-i.l l..v 11 I111111I of Iron 4
feet Ioiik, hent to fit nnd aolhlly loltol
ho Hint tin curiuTn cnn never opreiul. In
'" ftnhle pnrt the larger cuttle ahould
i'"' naHlgned
to the outer circle, the
Milliliter oiich to the Inner row. One
fettling nllcy tw-rveM for the two row,
unil 11 circular track can be nrrunged
for carrying ullage. In order to get
miltlclent light there recnilreN to he an
alinoht coiitliiui.iiH window ulxiiit three
feet above the ground. Montreal Star.
I'roOl In Korea! Tblnnlnat.
A bulletin entitled "Iniproveinent
Thlniilug" ban be'ii Issued by the State
forester of Massachusetts. The author
idiows that the growth on considerable
areas can be Improved and made more
productive by the application of moder
ate thinning while the stands lire lu the
process of development. Thin ns often
as the material to he removed will pay
for Its removal Is the rule laid down
as to how often to thin. As to the de
gree to which It Is safe to thin, the
cover should never be broken to such
an extent that It will not close again in
two or three years and cast n dense
shade. In answer to the objection that
Is sometimes urged that such work Is
Impracticable under existing conditions
of the labor and wood market, the au
thor refers to the fact that thinning
has been done and Is going on now In
Massachusetts and nclghlMuing States,
and that It has not only paid for Itself,
hut has In some Instances yielded u net
prollt of from twenty-live cents to on
each cord of wood removed.
Prepare (lie Wool Well.
A wool grower sending wool to mnr
ket lu 11 heavy, dirty condition, leav
ing anything In the fleece to make
more weight, and expecting to get more
money Is greatly mistaken. Ituyers es
timate the value of the clip by the net
yield of clean wool. When growers do
their best they secure for themselves
the best results.. The soundness of the
liber may be tested by stretching n
small staple between the lingers. Sta
ple LMii Inches In length up. Is classed
combing below clothing. I-abor ex
pended In preparing the clip for sale la
well bestowed and brings Its own re
ward. The yolk In wool Is the oily
substance which gives color nnd lends
softness to the tleiie. It also promotes
tho growth of the fleece nnd prevents
the wearing of the fiber. Good feeding,
Hhelter nnd care promotes this Becre
tlon. Sheep 11 nil Had Weather.
Sheep are tender, nnd but for their
dense covering of wool, could not en
dure severe winters. In the wild state
the lambs are not produced until mild
weather. I omest leal Ion has changed
the conditions somewhat, and lambs
come early, but they ure not well pro
tected with wool covering nnd need
wnnntli. This fact must not be over
looked when tho ewes nre due to lamb.
Ilye tor I'aalure.
. The enrly rye nlwnys shows Itself
booh nfter the weather begins to moder
ate In the oprlng, and some fanners
usunlly then begin to use It for pastur
age. It Is 11 mistake to use tho rye too
early, ns It may onuso scours, it Is very
laxative lu Us effects, being watery, uud
a change from dry feed to young rye
very early lu the seusou muy result lu
loss of milk.
riiti-llntc School i,l Aurli-nlliire.
Cornell I'lilverslty In New York "III
this hiiii -i- miike an entirely new and
somewhat uu!iiic departure in Its ngri
ciiltiiriil work. Following a petition
signed ,y seventeen students who were
desirous of becoming acipialnted with
agricultural coiullt Ions existing lu dif
ferent Mi-tlolis of the I'lilted States,
the college will send out II SS'clal car,
lltt'-d Willi tl le 11 1 iim 1 11 ii 11 1 11 1 ! in h for the
housing iiml study equipment of the stu
dents during their trip. It has Iwen
styled a traveling school of agriculture.
Those In charge plan to start on the
trip about the 1st of July, the Itinerary
being planned with a view to i-overlng
about eight weeks, while the cost H-r
student Is placed at about Tin
cur will go from Ithacu to Ituffalo nnd
through Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska,
Colorado, Texas, JouIhIiiiiii, Mississip
pi. Alabama, Ceorglii, South Carolina,
Virginia, Pennsylvania and back home,
lu a way this experiment will be along
the line of the seed corn and good road
special trains which have been In oper
ation on many lines of road In the up
(icr Mississippi valley during the past
two years, proving both jHipular nnd
greatly bcnehVliil to th agricultural In
terests of the localities visited. The
course of agricultural Instruction con
templated In the above tour will give
the students who take advantage of It
11 llrst hand and Intimate ns well us ex
tensive Niipinlntance with the condi
tions and methods of agriculture cover
ing the whole nountry nnd will give a
breadth of view and a fund of practical
Information that could hardly be got
from study In one place or In one
t.oala Will I '.at Kvery f hlnar.
Here are sr. me things which the
brush gout will eat: Hazel, crab,
blackberry, cedar, hemlock, holly, wil
lows, haw s, buck, sipiaw berries, hick
ory, sage brush, elder, gren sow ood, su
mac, iihh. grape, Jackoak. mahogany,
pine, maple, 11 r. rosebush, cherry, ulder,
salal, apple, poplar, all kinds of oak,
plum, elm and many others. As to
weeds, everything appears to be to their
taste, even to the jsilson Ivy, which
some breeders say they eat safely, pro
vided they have n variety of other
weeds to vary their diet. Itrowslng
gives the venison or game flavor to the
flesh, nnd for that reason Is to lie pre
ferred ; fed us sheep or cows, the flesh
has the mutton flavor.
famlfallnc the Orehard.
Tli Insect tax upon this country's
agricultural Interests Is something
stujieiidous. Indeed, were It not for the
ruvages of Inserts, great and small, the
life nnd profits of the horticulturist
would lie so nttrnctlve ns to completely
change the present nttltude toward
their occupation. The government ex
perts nre doing nn enormous amount of
educative work In determining the ex
net organisms that nre resjionslble for
each particular form of damage nnd
the lest method of combating same. Fu
mlgatlon Is one of the modern farmer's
magic science wands by which, In n
trice, he clears his crops of Insect life
that If not held eradlcnted would prob
ably destroy his entire crop. In Cali
fornia Immense balloonlike arrange
ments of canvas nre used In fumigating
fruit trees, and now a Texas Inventor
proiKses to modify the plan, with tho
bleu of making It available for smaller
crops, such ns cotton nnd corn. The
appliance consists of a supporting truck
for movement over the ground, general
ly by the use of horses, a combustion
chamber for the formntlou of the
fumes, or gases employed ns funilgnnt,
nnd n framework, adjustable ns to
heights, nnd a hood covering the whole.
At the renr a deflector curtain Is pro
vided, with a depending shield extend
ing ncross the combustion chnmber to
deflect the fumes nnd force them Into
contact with the plants. With nn appa
ratus of this general type It Is jHissihle
to effectively nnd rnpldly treat large
numbers of plants, the deflector or hood
extending over two full rows of pluuts.
Sacramento Itee.
Hot Are tho Teeth f
Many farmers make the mistake of
feeding stock food or other similar mix
tures to horses when they seem to have
dinieulty lu eating, when what the ani
mal needs Is to luivo his teeth enred for
by a competent veterinarian. A horse
whose, teeth are out of order, bolts
much of lta food because it canuot ruas
tlcnte It, hence the food takeu does lit
tle or no good nnd the animal loses
both flesh nnd energy. If the horse Is
trying to eat and Is not keeping up its
vigor better look to Its teeth, for In
nine cases out of ten here Is where the
troubU Ilea.
fnapprerlnler Ambition.
"My hnlr," remarked the middle
nged mini, sndly, "Is the most umbi
tlous thing about me, It seems."
"What's tin- iwiswerV" pierled his
"It Is nlwa.vs coming out on top,"
rxplalneil the party of the first part.
To Itrtak In New Shoe.
A Iwaya nl.akc In Allt-n'i r'n'it I w, a ow1T.
Jli'.in a hut, rratlnir, a hlliK. wol le n fr-t.
uri inriia. Ingrownix nail and Al
II ilrnKiIMa and tie ii.ri , 'Hi- In. n't a. r-t.l
ariviiimiiiiita Srn.l- mailod KKI'.K. A'Mreaa
A I la- Ii M Oliiialorl, Hoy, N, Y.
HH 1I11I Trrina I
"And have you any special term
for summer girls w hen they come In a
party'" nke. the pretty brunette In
the mount, iln hotel.
"Yen, Indeed," responded the clerk,
sua fly.
"And what nre they?"
"reaches' nnd 'dears.' " j'
TITC ,l,in'" and all N-rvwia TUa.-aas
M I 1" rniiumiiliy rurwl l.y I'r. Klina'a ri-Bi
Id a'i.ri r. r--ni f..r KliKK H trial bMtl and
iri aila. lr. II II. h Iln , l-d..3l Arc h ht., I'bllaw.t'a.
The Mole Una I'.yea.
The majority of people believe that
the mole Is even "blinder" than the
proverbial hat, but the naturalists
know that smh Is not the case, sir
John I.uhbock and Carl Iless, the lat
ter a noted (iermiHi naturalist, by care
ful Investigation proved that the mole
has eyes which are ns perfect as those
of a horse or an elephant. They are
very small optics, to be sure (only one
millimeter In diameter), but In the
matter of reflection and refraction do
not differ from the normal eyea lu
larger animals.
4 fcsoijyf'1
similaiing the Food nnd Regula
ting the 5 lomarhs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.ChcerfuI
ness and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
atyr of Old DrSAMLELPfTUIEIt
CUntd Sugar
Apcrfcrt Remedy forConsHpa
lion. Sour Slonuich.Diarrhoca
Vor ms .Convulsions ,Fe vcri s h
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
facsimile Signature of
lie Had Itfmfmbfrfd.
Ilirnm Bohhs wan absent-minded. He
admitted thnt himself. Still, even he
was occasionally surprised by his own
fallings. One morning he reached hla
ollice unaccountably late. "Dear me!"
he thought. "Where can I have been?"
The answer was uot forthcoming. Hi
ram sat down nt his desk and took out
his iiocket-handkerchlof. It was tied
tightly In a knot.
"Now," he exclaimed, "what was thnt
for? Oh, yes! Marthy told me to get
my shoes soled."
With an air of resignation to the
whims of womanhood he put ou his hat.
closed his desk, and went out to the
"soled-whlle-you-walt" cobblers. He
went in and sat down, took off his shoes,
and settled back In a chair to read his
"What Is It, Mr. Bobbs?" Inquired the
"What? Oh, er er er why oh,
yes ! I want my shoes soled."
"Pardon me, sir," said the cobbler,
"but I finished soling them only half
an hour ago. They can't be worn out
yet, sir."
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
ti? local application! aa they rannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. 1 here is only one
way lo cure deafuesn, and that is by constitu
tional remedies, lieafuess Is caused by au ln-
llamed condition of the mucous Uninir of the
Eustachian Tulie. When this tube Is inflamed
?ou have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ng, and when it is entirely closed, Ieafness ii
the result, and unless the inflammation can tie
taken out and this tube re-toied to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine casus out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which la nothing but au lutlamed condition of
Ihe-murous suriaces.
WewillKlve One Hundred Dollars for any
Case of l'l-afuess (caused by catarrh) that can
not he cured by llall's Catarrh Cure, bend for
Circulars, free.
r . j. i niBai s iv., loieuo, u.
Fold by Prugglsls, 75c.
Hall's Family 1'lUs are the best.
An Owl.
"She thought he was very prominent
before their marriage."
"Yes, she saw his picture in a news
paper labeled 'A Young Man of the
Day.' "
"And now that they are married?"
"She has fond out that he la a
young man of the night."
ftatlafleil Them Alt.
Amt. I'nnthea Urooks lived In n llffl
Nw Hampshire village very many
years without 'pinrrHIng with nny one,
and wai so thoroughly liked by every
one for miles round that her popularity
excited jf. interest of a summer visitor.
"Aunt I'nnlhea," he risked, "how is
It that you keep on such good terms
with every one, while they nre ail
rellng among themselves'"
"Well," said Aunt I'anthea, "being as
you aren't to stay here long I'll tell
yon. When I go down the street I meet
Jason Purdy, and he says, 'Why, l'an
then, how well you look!'
"'I rn glad you think so, .In -to,' I say,
smiling nt him.
"Next minute up comes Ky.ry iMuciif.
"'Well now, Pa 11 then,' he says, 'how
purely you nre looking this year.'
"'My land, Kzry,' 1 say, 'how quick
you are to notice those things!'
"So It Is with everything. Those who
like to think one way, I let 'em think
rt, nnd those who like to think the oth
er, I let 'em think It."
Who can deny that Aunt I'anthea had
discovered a comfortable philosophy of
Mothen will finrl Mr-. Wlmlow'a Boothlna;
Pyrup the beat remedy touae for their children
durluf the taetblng jrlod.
Few Tbnaghti,
Fred (after six months' absence)
Are you married jet, old man?
Joe Not me.
Fred Hut I thought you were go
ing to marry that wealthy young
Joe I thought so, too, but I discov
ered that she was also a thinker.
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always
in use for over 30 years,
!T1 V.i3WE2OTXi...'n.?!"K,''.i
J , Bonal supervision since its infancy.
'4CCZi AllnTirnnniintnd pelv a vnn I n thi.4.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures ConFtipatlon
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving1 healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Your Tongue is Coated!
LOOK inside your
watch cover and
That's bad busi
ness, Billl
What you been Eating?
What were you drinking?
What kind of Lazy Chair did
you take exercise In?
Now don't think It doesn't
matter I
Because, It's your Bowels
that talk now, every time you
open your Mouth.
That doesn't help your
Popularity, nor your Earning
Besides, a man with bad Bowels Is In a
bad way.
And, a Coated Tongue, or a Bad Breath,
are sure signs of bad Bowels and poor
Go and take a Ten Mile Walk, (or
'Finest thing In the world for Constipa
tion, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ten Mila
Haven't time? Too Lazy?
Well, there Is another Way.
Take Artificial Exercise foryour Bowels,
They rouse tho Bowel Muscles, just
as a Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles.
"Waken them up, Strengthen them so
they Contract and Expand the Bowels and
Intestines In a healthy active manner.
That's how these muscles work tho Food
along, through your thirty feet of Intes
tines, to Its Finish.
That's how they squeeze Gastric Juice
Into the food, to Digest it.
That's how they make the millions of
little Suckers In tho Intestines draw tho
Mutrltlon out of Food, and transform it
My Hair
Ran Away
Don't have a falling out with
your hair. It might leave you!
Then what? That w ould mean
thin, scraggly, uneven, rough
hair. Keep your hair at home!
Fasten it tightly to your scalp!
You can easily do it with Ayer's
Hair Vigor. It is something
more than a simple hair dress
ing. It is a hair medicine, a
hair tonic, a hair food.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold lor over sixty years."
frJ. C. Ayr Co., Ixnrall.
aiw tuniuanunri 01
9 sarsapajulla.
I lafO V'1-1-
Ilia nitterneaa.
Maxim Corky sneered, all the more bit
terly because there were few to observe it.
"Here you Americans," be said, "found
me a bigamist in an hour and it has taken
you three years to find that you can't
find whether one of your Senators is a
biframist or not."
Then he absorbed such solare as thera
was in a gallon of tea. Philadelphia
Bought, and which has been
has borne the sinatnro of
lias been made under his per-
Signature of
Into Blood, Brawn, Brain and
No purging from CASCAR
ETS, because there is no flood
ing of the Bowels with a waste
of precious Digestive Juice, aa
with Salts, Castor Oil,
"Physic," etc.
Cascarets act like Exercise,
harmless, pleasant, simple,
convenient, but sure as Shoot
ing. Tho thin little Ten Cent
Box, carried in your Vest
Pocket constantly, Is sure
protection against tho results
Late Supper
Cheerful Boozing
Rapid Eating-
Slow Walking
Easy Chair Athletici
And Lazy Liver,
One tablet taken whenever you suspect
you need it will insure you against 90 per
cent of all other ills likely to attack you.
Because 90 per cent of these ills begin
In the Bowels, or exist through poor
Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken,
don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach.
Ten Cents, at all Druggists. Bo very
careful to get tho genuine, made only by
the Sterling Remedy Company, and never
sold In bulk. Every tablet (tamped
We want to send to oar friends a beautiful
French-desiirned. GOLD PLATED BONBON bOX.
hard-enameled in colors. It Is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents In stamps is asked as a
measure of good fait h and to cover cost of Cascarets,
with which thlsTainty trinket Is loaded. 7&I
Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Kemcdy Uuipauy, Chicago or New Yutk