Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 20, 1906, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Iuiberlng and Fanning Interests of this Community.
NO. 22
And General Mining New
(lathered from lixchnncs.
(J. (I. Warner is pun .huning sup
pliei in tint drove and will soon
Hart for his mining oper.iti-imm in
Champion H.isin, Bohemia
Daye Joy and P.. I). Lilly ntn in
the Grove from BoV-mi.i enrmito
to Eugene when they :ir cillo I in
wiUH'MHis in the suit " lnil')wu
Gold Mining and M 1 ' 1 1 1 r r V. vs'
'tinker mi"! others.
John I,i'itli uist Ii it 1 o.ik' n i'ii
I'.oh'tnia where he tins I t- n work
ing right months at t'i- R i v c-r s n I
mine. He will Inkn a short trip to
thucu M and lifter n ' w 'Ins vur.i
tili Mil) return to i I .
J. S lit on I, ow 1 ol Mil- Sweep-
sUki group of mines in B b tun.
is visiting old fiiciuN at Cn Bay.
Mr. i r 1 u I has In" 11 vrkiiix
steadily devHupiir.; Ins pi"periy
and it is hoped Dint li" will reap
ihn rw,ird that hut I wik .nnl
yoais of patience devive, wlm-h
can only b pii'l in bwe does by
the mining industry; for when pro
ductiou is once commeiued it I'mnrs
in chunks, as in no other lnincs.
J'flni lull ii 1. 11, niic of the Murdy
miner; nt I 1 1 if - n 1 1 1 ii (nit from lio
Vi SU. ill , llll 1 Will i-fi Willi otlir
mm' is
''IHlill!' lit F.'IJ
til IN
I'i vorkUla Mine.
AU I .'i'i. 1 1 er i;, who li m in
eliuir i. wiiih at i,i. RiveiMi'dr
inii.e I'.oIm 1111 1 for (line Mars ro
p'lit'i th" 111 iin tuniii I in more than
a ipru t 1 1 of 11 null.. jili depth of
li'Mii nun l'l();i -; 1 1 I lo lv idve bun
died I' 1. Mr. J ,uudbi-rg s'iys
thai I hi' (.(iiiliii'ioiis IihIv of ore is
M in l 1; 1
SOU)"' I I I
ol II' I I
I I mils
I n;.''h
pl.K-es i!
a :...!. a
1 I
' r
1 1:1
: 1
Annual Election Monday Re
sulted in Hlcction of Or.
Woods to School
Other MourccM
To fi'jr7 Co
Touches wages 5i22
Repairs west aide fumacts 775
R '-pairs nnd improving
grounds 1H0 Ho
Paid on principal and inter
est on bonds 250 00
I BHti ranee 83 00
Other ex pennes I4C 6H
Fuel 216 00
Tlie annual school flection took
place at tho IC 'ist Hide School build
ing on Monday afternoon. After
the reading of the minutes of the
list meeting, Clerk Barrett read
tho ch r k's statement for the past
year. Dr. Wood and Oliver Veatch
were nominated and the ballot was
'p. nu
: 1
. 1 '
i . id r at
i'i;' lh" v in thiiii at
:iil the values
"ir Mi;ik ran be
ilino't th- entire
I'.nii'l, mid many
iy ore mote th ui the
' il... 1 ...1 'liiu
sight .ii.-li!?"' ie"' C,)M,er.?"d W!,hu.r Mc
1 i'l hi- manager of
i'i .( c li it iciiaiiiH !
'-inj-'i t' I pru'iiptly
1 1 1 i-i '- i-an com- '
i'i-.; "f Hi'- metal !
1 -
Ill 3 suit lor possession nf h min
ing claim in thf t-at slope of
Noonday Kide, It diemia, the Ho
heinln miuers art much intenHle l.
The Iowa Onld Mining mid Milling
Company n tlm plainiilf and Alex
IunIht-rg, John Anilerson and Al
lcrt Ziniker uro tho defendants.
Jack Morgan, Davo Joy, K, K.
l,illy nrul I'thers are wiIih-smih. It
is a laigf-iio incorporation that
brings Miit. Medley anil Johnuou
of Cottajje drove are the attorneys
for the defendants .
(i. (J. Warner and Unas. U itati
have returned from their tiip t the
Nevada mining fields. They re
port an enjoyable vinit, they saw
much activity and both agree that
tho Knowing in Jtohemia is as tempt
ing as anything they saw and ex
press the hopo that Home day the
rush that is filling other sections
with men ami mining money, will
get started olT in Bohemia and the
present difficulties may bn over
come, which Hocm to nriko it
hard to get properly before
Karlan l beiuj tellers, the ballot
lieing Dr. Woods 25, Oliver Vcnteh
12. Clerk I'arrett was re elected
for 'another year,
A letter of State Supt. Acker
man asking that funds h raised to
us-.i'-t in the recoiiMtruction of San
Francisco schools was read, and a
motion was raude for the school
board to contribute $50 which was
dofcated. Another motion at $20
was proposed but was withdrawn
as it was thought to be against the
' liltir tit 1 ti 1 rt 1 1 1 1 1 it r i-ftc1i r ri
..1. ...... . , .1 1 c t iii'iwoii wnn iiuniiy iiumie'l lual
eh iil' s s"o!i a-i t!'0 r-i'id is fin- .. . . . ,
ishe l f.o n the ()IeKm,.Co!ora.lo'Ul71,fl r1"CeIV"1 HMi.ut.ons tor
mine, t th- pr.-fits wouM bo j 81,0 a f' ft,ul try fcure a
greatly in! ivise.I by the additiou of; . T , , " . "
a concciitiatin' plant, which he un-
W it ii
llll'll- I I
depl'i tin
op! I)' d l!;' i
the ani"iiiii
c 111 be i 11 i!
ore is
.-i n. 1 1 1 1. 1 of wm k ;
e h- 'g- and the j
In 1 lii's h'tvo been
n. 1 11 'li st j. in as to !
' me now K'.-uly that
mined . M neb of the I
Iiie.i einHij'li in value to
sln;'iie; and
C8O3 41
154 19
Valuo of nchool Lours and
grounds $2Sooo
Value Kchool furniture, etc. 28oo
Inuranae on school property 11000
ATL-ragc monthly nalary male
teachers $75 00
Average monthly halary fe
male teuchcrs 42 00
the world, in a manner that
would leal to the Mire success tho . or in ikhi;; a mine
iliivli.iiment that would show and aecoinplished an
place our camp in the prominvnt ' will l"c ui"
place she is bound to reach. j m 'ii' y mal
lerstainls the conipany intends
install as early as p i-sible.
Mr. I.uhi'.li 'rg t iles great le
light in showin.; Ids work and when
ever he hears any I mi! t expressed
about the vuhu-s, with depth, in Bo
hemia, he sights to tho Riverside
where depth ban I ceti attained and
values can be seen, even at the
bp ast of the tunnel as good ore as
oue could ask for, can be taken out
and with t'reat piide ho points to
the Huinj Ii-h taken from his latest
The ore contains copper, gold
and silver, an I in some pluces good
values in had. The Riverside has
a lar'i) group of claims most favor
ably located for mining. In ad
dition to the main woiking tuonel
them me seveial hundred feet of
tnnnelm:: completed at various
place" on the property and good
buildings. Timber for mining pur
poses is in ub nidanee. The dam
on the oiopiNty is full ami enough
wat r lor power at all tim:.s can be
had. It will only boa short time
until ihe tedious work of building
wi'l have been
the Riverside
known as a great
lief l und for this purpose. After
the adjournment of the meeting,
th retiring chairman, 'Oliver Veatch
HWore into ollioe Dr. Woods as di
rector and J. K. Barrett as clerk.
CUrka Artnurnl Rporl District No.
Cott&g Grov
I'ersocs in district between four
and twenty years of age, male 208,
female 310, total G08 which is an
increase of 75 over the preceeding
Number of pupils ou recister
from 4 to 2o, 461.
Number of teachers, males 2,!
fmiles 10 total i2.
Number of persons betwsen 4
and 20 not attending school 147.
Total days attendance during
year, 56D61. Average daily at
tennance 321 I01-I74.
Number of legal voters for school
purposes, 3oo.
Total number of books in library
Cash ou hand from last
Notlca to Contractors
Sealed bi Is will be received up
to Thursday, July 5th, io6, at 1 p.
m. by tho School Board of District
No. IS, Lane County, Oregon, for
furnishing nmterial aud building a
school house in said district. Bonds
to accompany bids mujt be furnish
ed to the amount of $2oo. Plans
and specifications will be found at
Griffin & Veatch Hardware Co.
r. A. Ci.ow, District clerk.
Ccuncil Dues Little at Special Session.
The council met in adjourned
session on Friday tho 15th. The
bids for plumbing repairs were re
ferred to tho water committee for
comparison and award.
Ordinance I30, v.bich was the
franchise of the Willamette Valley
Co. was defeated on its third read
ing. Ordinance 142, which is a re
vised franchise ordinance was read
lb : first time only.
The recorder was instructed to
post notice and to advertise for
bids for the improvement of all the
streets acted upon in the recent ordinances.
Annual Service of Independent
Order of Foresters Addressed
by Rev. R. C. Grace
Last Sunday.
The entire order of Forester, with
their band turned out last Sunday
morninor to attend tha Presbvtprian
Church service at which Rev. Grace Kf the spiritual is to fall sbort oi the
as they were- a 1000 or 1207 years
ago. Then we feu humanity with
out the environment rf a divine rev
elation. Then like the I'.sulmist
when wo consider the heavvus tho
work of God's fingers we will ni'ir
vl at the thought of God's caring
for us.
But man has a phy:i'-ii, a men
tal, and a spiritual nature. V- can
see the physical in all nr-n. It is
true that in some it is morn devel
oped than in other?. We H-rvn
with the mental qualities developed
and some will develop the spiritual
nature. But to develop th.': animal
or the mental or b'th to th': neh.-et
District tax
County school fuud
State school fund
$ 9i o7
3u9 g'3
2770 00
D06 10
Another Happy Couple Made One.
Albert Zerull, bookkeeper of the
I Brown Lumber Co. was married in
l-ugene on rnday to a young lady
from his home town, Nenominee,
Michigan. Mrs. Zerull had a try
ing eiperience in getting to ber
waiting lord, on account of the
washouts and wrecks on the North
ern Pacific. She left her home in
Michigan expecting to get to Cot
tage Grove in about three days,
and to be married at once, but she
was delayed at all points possible
and was on the road nine days, but
arrived in good health but rather
put out at the trials that bad put
off the wedding day. The couple
are now at home ou the west side
in a neat little cottage.
delivered their annual sermon,
which we are taking his text from:
Ps. 8:4 "What is man that thou
art mindful of him, or the son of
man that thou visitest him."
The Order of Foresters was or
ganized in England in 174.5. It
was introduced into the United
States in i832. In 1883 the Amart.
can branch severed its connection
with the English branch and now
style themselves the Independent
Order ot Foresters.
It is a benevolent organization,
caring for the sick and burying the
dead. Traditional teachings we
can trace forestry back as far as the
l2th 13th and tthe i4th centuries,
and during the Elizibethian age
they were very prominent. In the
U. S. there are about 200,000.
They care for the sick and bury the
"What is man." I believe that it
was in the night time that the Psal
mist was out beneath the oriental sky
in all its splendor. The moon in
her queenly grandeur was moving
across the star bedecked sky. Each
orb was marching in magnificent
grandeur across the fields of space.
The Psalmist was a reverential
spirit, and as he realized that a
mighty power bad ordained these
myriads of worlds, each for a pur
pose, tnd that this architect and
builder was none other than God it
made a profound impression on him.
Then he looked on the race with all
its weakness and its reverseness to
sin, and of God's cre over them
and the thought tilled him with
wonder. "What is man? ' he says,
"that thou art mindful o? him or the
son of man that thou visi:;'st him?"
This morning I want us to con
sider this thought. If we consider
this subjectonly from humanstand
poii t, the animal side of '"an we to
are filled with wonder. The phys
ical man is only a kind ot niperior
animal in some respects while in
others he is inferior. It you wnt
This lifts us to a hi
gives nobi'itv t J th.
true man. The well round ;d
man is he who cares for a!l his na
tures. The physical, the m-jntal
and the spiritual and this is Go l's
When we look at man iV,m th-i
man side we wonder why God
should care for him. INt let us
look at the men from G m'.-- view
point. God made him a hlUe 1
than the Angels. Giving
nature thatc;cu omnium
Having an immortal ' pinl
are too many that think
word man as Adam, red c
ing no hier i-Lal tb,:.;i
drink and be merry for ....,!
we die." But the chic v
man is "nephest" soul, it::-
1 ' v.
can men appreciate sji.c!.
Goe's estimate of inn in
him "domiuion" over th,- -v
'his hand". Seethe aehk-.v:::enia
of the race. He har:r,--scs tin
waters and the winds anJ r.ukes
them his servants. Th hi idea
things are brougnt t) iiht, the
mysterious exilaiued ;n i the
hitherto unheard of are mulo com
mon place.
Man has the divine spark in him
by which "he reads the Mans and
grasps the ibwer that quivers
around the throne on high.' Man
is created in the image of God, al
though by sin he has plowed deep
furrows that image ifntd it is well
nigb unrecognizable. But still he
can reasoD, love and exercise the
power of choice, and these are three
of the most responsible attributes
that belongs to him aud they make
him akin to God.
h.m a
lh God.
:y bav
to ' eat,
:d ior
i, and
! wo
- '-rof
-r'.s oi
fCnntiiiui'il next w-.-rk. !
Dr. Geo. Wall co-ne in on Tues
day from the . north. Tho d ctor
likes Cottage Grove pretty well and
may locate here again.
Mrs. Mary Dickey left Tuesday
to see him without the assistance of j for Grants Pass where she goes to
a superior influence, we must go t attend the state encampment of tho
the interior of India, Africa or the Womnns' Relief Corps. Mrs.
caunibalistic islands, or even to tha
ancestors of our Anglo-Saxon ra-e
Dickey i president of Appomattox
W. R. C. of Cottago Grove.
Jr,- y'iC C3rOiS!'Cf 2nI-0
nrrp nip
J Li fiyx
Every Article marKed in plain figures from now until July 4th.
To all who will cut this ad out and bring to
our store we will give with every man's
suit a $2.50 hat, choice of any one in stock;
On children's suits a Ball and Bat with every
Kant Wear Out or Hercules Suits.
-i.-, j
If N
1 1
2 ) w