Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 13, 1906, Image 5

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    It is True
as Kmursoii
wrolo tlicxt
"Nallilnrf drralHin
vr liWv.rt w Itli
oul fnlhutluni."
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t Dudi and Lingerie Hats
if! For out Traveling jnd Summer
Wear. !Jr
: br
Aihaiuc JllliC S)CCi:il
White Hats
Fur tiif mouths June-, July and August
rasliiDil lias ik'i lin 1 While in Alillin-
ery is 1 1 1 ruiTert uiitk V have- atlui'ttl
limn sources Kast, a very -tied line, ami
arc su! Miii 1 1 in. y mi thf "ual'v lmmm I t hint;"
in tin' White Hat Line. Now here can you
secure hotter styles, ami at lower prices
than we quote.
artels Illwf
1 H
Tl.l T:
Located at Rcsidonce.
I Free Delivery
''(illcf, Klllll, (('II, Hilll, l'lUH,
li li l iruiii"i, t riflifrH, 'VHlcrn,
h i r i I i n ' m , cIjiimh, (liipi'ij l.icr,
!' 1 ! I fin tii ji n 1 clilckcri, rv,
nyriiji, ini!iiH"cH, riMlriH, cur-
rllllH, HijrCH, llllllcllfH, llllklll
lowcr, fun noil corn, niiluion,
VC;i- llill- HUlIp, NIllllI, HUVfill
'Itiil lillrl NdfipH.
Cray Cranitcwarc
Patent Cake Pans
Milk Strainers
Kodacs and
Photo Supplies
Meat and Ni't tr:. (l'i3
Dinner Pails
Reed Shopping Baqs
Gilt Edge Polish
Camping Outfits
I'.'IiHi.u (iml ( (iluinlil.i ini.i
J lii nii'H a in I Krcoril-i.
I'lillllf OllllTM.
I The Bazaar.
5 S 8 8 B 0 B 0 6 0 B 0 fl 5 8 fl 6 !I B 5 3 6 0 fi o n 0 0 o a' 6"3 8 B B 88'BB"B'l"B"rj
i UftHC NPW t"" "f l"trrot in and about
- llUillb 11 lv TT J Cuttle iroc ;inJ icinity. 3
ls.fl.AfiftflAflILfiJl2.Iiaflfl.ftW.iJl8 ftftftB BCB 6 0 8 BBB 8 'B'Afl ft fl.ft ftAAAAAAJlA
Suhsi'i ilut for the Ntigt't.
A liiin'' lii.inils tlic luiul for you
to Minike C. (!. eitiaiH.
CoiitftT miilves tlio host t iuais in
Mmis uihl I't'.vs ovt rails at ;v
$1. (it the
Kii'ciie Steam Laundry, Allison
and Hasting agents.
I.n-e curt'ii'iH ft ll lands and
VftlueH t Ventel Iiwstms.
MrJ. Herlicit ICakin left for a
short trip id Hakin mi Saturday.
ioo sewing inacliine coupoiiH
willi t'acli yi'iu's nuliHi-riptitn paid
in advunco.
Joe Panu'wood and 1'. J. II'd
mado a hlioil Inmincss trip to I'ai
t! iio on Fritla.v,
KlicH arc foininf,', lait hcuvu
doora are Itcio already. Gtt i adv
Vt'atcb I.iiwkoii.
Cotduan inakeH good photo
graphs and at KJl1 P' to- A
rato in now on. "(xt.
Durinj; last week the Uaaar sold
three Ivdison inachineH ami tjiis
week receive I another 1 ijf .ship
ment of Kdison and Columbia ina--hinoH,
also a bitf order of photo
The Southern Pacific Imih had a
crevvnt voik widening lie .road
bed to a width of bix feet on cadi
nldo of tho track near hore recently.
TLo track in beiutf widened all the
vay lioui rortland to Rosoburj?.
All kiiul of fresh soda and oys
ter ciueUis nt the Ia;.anr.
I' mi l i ai s are juet the thing
and don't you for ;et it.
Si wiii;; iiidcliiiit eotipona receiv
ed on sul'M'iii lions w lieu you pay
Ask lor a free sample of Cliaso k
Sanborn's Tea or ColTee at Metcalf
A l'rund's.
U t ;i hiiiiiinoek- for your wife
tlusH hot al'ternooiiH. Veaieh t Iuv
M)ii handle' none but the best.
l'ationio a hoine industry that h
buildiii'r ui a good trade by its
.ood material. Tho Conger Cigar
Tho I'at'ilic ifomeslead h n good
wteklv l.iiiini'u Dimei'. andean bo
had at a reduced rato with Nugget
subiuM iptioirt.
For an export piano tuner and re
pairer, call up h. L. Woods, late of
Kiinbull's Piano Factory. Chicago,
on phone ,v.l.
C'hit leii fanciers get a Poultry
Journal, and keep I'ostotl. The
Noitliuvsl Poultry Journal and the
.Nu't lor I.70.
( ',o ('iii ts of all styles at Ventfh iSt
ii a -il)S.
S' wing ma'.hine fu.e for some
lady. Who iH him.
John Wicks at Star lost ouo of a
v!i) liable tiaui of horscH last week.
Mis. John Crowley returned
lrm a hhmi visit sou'h on Mon
day. FOR SAlJv 1 ive rtjowi house and
two lots, Inqtiiie of C. 1. I5ru
nciiu. 13
Fifo samples of Chase San
loin's T a or Coffee nt Metealf A
Pruiid's. Claud ditch of Salem haH been
appointed )iegn Xatioiial I'.aiik
e. tii im-r
Ctifhian'b studio is tint place for
you to I'd your photograph. Don't
forget Cochran.
There are go-carts and go-carts
Vt-att li JiiwHon have them
cheaper and better.
Home industry is all right when
you can jrcjt what you want at the
right piiet nuch as Congers' cigars.
S. P. matters are of necond im
foituneo to J. M. Isharu right now,
in view of the little lady who just
arrived at Imh home.
The Oregon State fair b send
ing out itsj premium lint for the
I5U1 Annual KxhiLition September
lolh to loth, at Salom.
The Univcrbity of Oregon 1107
Pulletin, publihhcd by the Senior
class i just out, and is a very neat
lit tlo tale of school dayn, with many
wt'll drawn illustrations, of tho boys
at their favorite pastimes.
V. J. Mann of Roseburg is visit
ing bis brothrr-in-law Claudo
Plaster. Mr. Mann iH a S. P. yard
man and nays that Roseburg has
seen great changes in the last
eighteen months.
Oregon won S i poiuts in the re
cent meet, with O. A. C. o( Wil
l'linettu 10 ami Pacific University
10. The big meet at Salem Satur
day was slow all around, no rrc
01 tls being broken, but Oregon was
glad to win as mauy points.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ilankins,
with Mm. Hankins wister, Miss
Lulu Harlow and liollin Wicks all
went to Fugeneon Saturdays train.
Saturday afternoon Mr. Wicks took
out a mnrringo' licenso and Sunday
iiftcrnooti he and Miss Harlow were
Fourth street has seen many im
provements durinsr the past vear
ami at the nre&ent time a number
of additions and ehangcH are being
made to tho homes anil buildings
along the street. It is going to be
tho big residenco street of the town
in the years to come.
A minister, a representative of
the Wi.sco.nsin Anti-Saloon League
was convicted . by the courts for
violating the Sunday labor law in
purchasing beer on Sunday to se
cure evidence that saloonkeepers
violate tue bunday closing law.
Queer what things the law t guilty
of some thimts.
Almou lleumnvay is spending a
few days visiiiug in the Grove.
Ho has beon al Silverton for some
timo rtinniDg a general store of
bin own. Ho is Belling out now
and is seeking a good fanning lo
cation, as he thinks that is the ideal
life. He has a. good farm picked
out down the road, but says Cot
tage Urove is the only town, and
that he just has to get back here
every now and then. If Mr.
Hemenway'H fondness for Ccttage
drove does not fiually land him on
a farm near the Grovo, we will be
much mi' takeu, and if he does lo
cate here he will build up a model
farm, and will make it another of
the lino lurius of the valley,
j HllbllClibt; for III'! Nugget.
Joe Young made a biiMimHH trip
to Fugriir Tuesday.
POPN' To J. M. Isham ami wife
Til's lay morning, a fu: girl.
Pay your subscription arid lido
some of lh. ladirs along in the sew
ing mat liirie eotit"st.
pree with Nugget subscription.
The New York Tribune Farmer, a
weekly agricultural pajx.r.
io,t,oo pounds of butler and 1.30
gallons rj ice cream is a good rec
ord for May, for our young cream
ery. (iovcrnor Chamberlain says the
1 j ve r noi sh 1 p is gooJ enough lor
him, without any higher ahpirations
in the political lino. Ho has no aH
piratioiiH for the vico-prosiden tship.
Nebon Duihatn is suffering with a
poisoned band 1 ('suiting from his
picking a pimple with a pin. Hi
hand has swelled very badly and
has caused him a good deal of pain.
Miss Anna Rhotly has just re
tutned tiorn Glcndalu and Win
chester where hhe has been work
ing all winter. The change seemw
to have done her good and fche
comes bad: much refrehhed in body.
Portland is to have a subway or
f-ttctt railway tunnel beneath tho
Willamette river, a mile Jong'.
Work on the project is to be com
menced within a year and com
pleted within five. The cost will
exceed 5 2. 000,000.
Messrs. Richmond and Dm ham
left on the belated overland Tues
day morning for Independence'',
a tiei other points north. The Rich- I
mjiid Illustrated Concert Company', it
is going to give a series of shows in
that part of the state until the first
of the month.
Fugcne is having a very hard
time to get a franchise for a utree-t
railroad put through. They do not
seem to be ablo to settle on any
definite plan, but the mattfr hinges
on allowing fic-ight to be hauled
through the main streets of the city
iu day time.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Suitor went
to Portland the first ot last week to
attend the wedding of their eldest
son to one of Portland's fairest
maidens. Alter, the wedding the
party eamo down to tho Grove and
are spending a few days rest and
enjoyment hero.
Ladies or Misses double brim,
lingerie hats. 15ox crown shirt
waist sailors. Round crown, high
back bandeau sailors. Ladies or
Misses docket crushers, children's
rolling brim outing sailors, a few of
tho many styles ia white llats of
fered by Miss Mary Uartels.
Mrs. Geo. Kerr was down from
Wild wood to attend to some bhop
ping on Monday and came within a
very close shave of missing the
train up Tuesday morning, iu tak
ing time to get too many things. If
the train had not been late leaving
nhe would havo had to wait over.
The lecture by Rev. J. N. Mc
Counell nt the Christian Church on
Monday nit lit . on the subject of
"Mother Sister, Wife, Daughter"
was well attended. Mr. McCounell
is an able lecturer, and kept his
audience strictly at attentiou, and
often gave them funny stories to
liven them up.
The average small boy is pretty
much afraid of water when his
mother wants him to take a bath,
but the swimming pool has a strange
attraction, early and late in the
season lie has no fear of its
cold water, when ho cau get a
chance to swim. Several youthful
aspirants for sw imming honors have
been out swimming the last few
days in Jones "lish pond" which
they say Mr. Jones must have built
just for them. The water wns just
a lit tie mite cold, but good just the
Tho Fourth of July Sports com
mittee, consisting of Messrs. Bre
haut, Jenkins, D. D. Knox, an
nounce that at the Cottage Grove
celebration there will be a number
of contests, and that tho prizes to
bo competed for will be well worth
working for. Just what thoy will
be cannot now bo announced. Con
tests are: Rock drilling single, log
rolling, sawiDg, wood choppiug,
hose cart race, sack race, obstacle
races loo yard dash, and other
races too numerous to nieution, A
big baseball game has been ar
ranged. The feature of the day
will be a big parade of the "Plug
Uglys." Gsod pnVrH will bo of
fered and everybody H welcome.
The baud will be engaged for tho
day and a way up time is promised.
S (V
fill the News
fill the Time
I Neat Job Work of
I All Kinds Done
$ WW Creat Vou f
rrJrs. S) N
1 . r .-a
The Real
Safety Razor
, "1 I
be usj:
"lt cuts them off slick as a
el in cither hand
like nn-v razo1'-
Griffin & Veatch Co.
Si- -T-"
ChasJ. Stevens & Co.
Chicago. 111.
All the new v,
ni.'itei'i.'ils f ,r suits, jackets,
skins an I t ,;'u meats
iiiaile to oid.'i'. atei'ial, by
the yaril. l.iai. n shirt waist
suit. Silk ;ii: nii-ieeriz-tl
petticoats. 'l'lie beautiful
new "I'riiur.-i" ami "I'.unzai"
silks in nil tl.c 'e.;tlin -h nK
No trouble t luw similes,
A few patterns in ltv.-s ami
tkirt lengths on hnml.
16-Inch Wood For Sale.
10-inch slab wood, blocts
$ f OW... All the new w.l and -ilk
X ?Ut. , .A r;lfi.
A WiAy 7- c .Willi! JV
? B:''Ml
1 li Mrs. Orpah Benson, !
2 "(-11 lll ' Grove- Oregon. ?
X (yjyW ' Tho. .-.'iMain 391. " J
tfvii T
1 lM 5?A
tnuimiugs at 1.50 por load deliv
ered Phono No. 501 Brown Lum
ber Co.
Soaks Wanted
Cash paid for a few thousaad
second hand leed sacks at the flour
mill. tf
The Hodge Jigs give u perfect reparation
of Ziiic-Ieacl-Orc:4
1654 BUkoSt, DENVtK COLQ