Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 13, 1906, Image 4

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J. MckEAN riSHCR, Manager.
Mke nil rrittkr ykMc to NupROt Pub Co.
ICr-li-wl at the pnatofTh-e .1 t' Orov.
Oif ttoii h-cvihI rl.i mull mailer.
srnst'lUI'TION ItATKS.
C month fl.00
1 .venr
Is months f'tX)
If paid in advance.
Clubbing Rates.
1'lie ItohentWi Nttetret one year
with any one of the following ptitv
licatloim one year for amount set
I'acllle Menthlv f'2.00
Weekly Orcironlan I Portland) J-.V.V)
Weekly ( Portland)
laih -.Mining lit- rd (Iviiveri $"..50
Weekly Minim; lWnnl ?2.C5
aeine n oniesie.-ni ..1
NorthweM Poultry .lotirnal $1.75
1 bi wrr t hri't on Bio It T1IK AMERI
CAN MINlSti t OSoKKSs. Clmmbor of Com
merce Jti:iili!it. 1 einer. Colo , where our
rpIi-rs will I nrltMiup lo the n n( i h .end
ic sr. Iti ni thf various mining tectii r. f
i !k it'iit mi' nltrary uJ nntfr-' tv
mis TaI'EK ! kct on mc t K. r. Piake't
Ailvt rt-Mng Atn-iii-y, 64 n.1 tV Merchants Ks-chnnire-.
Min Kraiu'iM'o. California. horc roll
'rti,t l.-r n-lverticiiitf t-n I for It.
Next MonJay ir. school election
all over tie st'tte. Thf post of
School Director, at lct is a verv
harl one and reouirrs a jjrent deal
of experience I -e fore a man is well
fifed for such a position. The
welfare of all the school children is
in the hands of the directors, to
them is left the selection ci tei-herf
the outlini- g rf the policy nnJ di
rection of the school atd with them
lies the miking i f the children'
Not tdone are thp children's in
teicsts to be considered, but the
Lest metliod of caring for them.
The sctoo's cos' considerable money
to keep up. and it tequires a study
of the condition', and a krow'.edpe
of school laws to know how the in
terest of the tax payer shad l est be
ssfe puard.d. Directors may make
mistakes an wllns anybody else,
and regret them, find profit thereby
in future dealings
When next week a director is.
elected to fill the vacant place, a
mnn should be elected who Las the
good of the schools at heart, cne
who has cbi!dr n in school nnd who
therefore takes au especial interest
and withal one who is familiar with
the duties, who has made his buri
veea a success, and will consider it
a sacted trust.
wilder eaicn nifi announced Ms
candidacy for re-election as a direc
tor of the school district. Mr.
Veatch has servtd Ions and fan L
fully and i a recognized authoiity
on school law. He will gire it his
careful attention and will do his
best for the schools if elected. Ke
member him and be on hand to vote
for hi tn.
Silk Creek.
Mr. Archie Wilson, who attend
ed the Sovcntu Day Advct.tists
school bold here the pa-t winter,
look the trsin for C'itwood the
homo ot hi patr(,.-, the niht of
June Ith.
We understand tlut Mr. W. X.
Wheeler installed a new Kinnitc
cream separator in hi homo bt
Mr. John Ashby nnd funilv at
tended the Ashby golden wedding
held in Cottage drove, Tuesday.
June 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Mortis of Wulter
ville were the guf sis of their daugh
ter Mrs. David J'tes several days
the past week. They returned
home Sunday.
Mrs. Mabel Dresser of Ivnx
Hollow has been working for Mis,
A. D. Owens for some time past.
Mr and Mts. A. M. Sweanj have
been spending several days with
friends iikCcitage Grove. They ex
pected to attend the Ashby wedding
while tl'ere.
The four young men, who went
to attend the Seventh Day Adven
tists camp meeting at Woodbutn
returned home Saturday night.
Mis Nellie McConl of Cre.-wcll
has been visiting friends Minds
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Richardson
had ft rainv ttip to town ami back
The Methodit inn iP r held his
regular service in Hie school hous-r
Monday morn ng, ' lnc!e Cil
runoh ni'v.le u plensant e dl on M.
V. 1'ibcock ar.d iim lv
Wraaiixi utu
Mis I,u!u Il.ulow, ilaughtrof
FanMlv Konnlon ai! ;.lton VnltlJ.
Tmtdas, .Innt'
Mr. .i"d Mis. C. A 1 Inflow of Stir, home id Joint
Oregon and Rollin 1. Wicks of
Star, wcie maiticd Sunday in l'u
gene. Mt. and Mt. Hankins of
Star were present t the wed Hug,
and lej tesented the lu iile's family.
The couple ate among the oung
Ashbv .0.
1 1
it th
-f t.
: ;. 1 i '
K n
u ! f
tie v
11 ll'
1 bHt
folks of Star, and are known to
evcryi ne. Mr. Wicks is employed
at the St tr I.umler Co. and is a
hard working, industrious young
fellow at d he and his wife will add
another to the happy, merry, young
people up the O "t S K road.
President Should Get Larger Salary
In the sundry civil nppropiia
tior.s bid before congress is an itetn
S' ttinj apart S-S 00.. f r th- tiaul-
!ing expet;s s ot the rre.-id'' . It
as not passed ns a point of 1 nb t
arose. Congressman Williams de
clared the prtrident well paid, but
the rest of the high oMcials an I
senators, etc. underpaid, nnd him
self csperidly. An amendment
was offered to raise the Hilary of the
President to $icoo and the Vice
President to $25,000.
Govornivit Insroctin of Moat.
It N pioposed t- tstabli-h a gov
ernmeiitnl inspection of meat and to
mike It exceedingly severe. The
packing houses nre working over
time now to clean up and u doitij;
tremendous amount-, of advertise
ing in trying lo stem thu li-iing
lion I of indtgnaMon.
in this i-it v 11 i n ;;e t'tnn
tiv n and b ie i s no ; t 0
the oeension
John W As'.bv w is 111 o
Miss bilh n I! iv 'in, s in
County, Mo , .lime 't" i '1''
thev mado tlu i hoiim not ;
j cight'i' V 'if i:.'''. wl""1
1 catne to t iievon. S in i' II '
jltivo lived 101 I in C
! Otove. Tliele we'o s, k, h i li b
. bol 11 tii I In til. one. Ml- I'. 1 o
i Young died tlnee e ii i i : '. I !
; other si 1 hi dp n w nh th ir l on-
ilies- wri: all lie-en'; tl en- 110:1
: bi iio,' Mis. Win. b'hn ol Yu!u
Citv. Cal ; Mm .1 W- -Ili. V - '
( Point, On,; Mi- Ib-nn
j WhitUk, Mrs. Cham W l i b k.
i I'M ai d John Ashby. Tlue u.h
j twenty gtandihildit 11 p:r nt. I In
tntniNot the oth't j, i'1 s
f lb': Mr mi l M'-- 1'i. nl.
1 Miller of Poiil.ti.d. ie. . Mi. -in 1
1 Mts. Swe.iny, Mi nnd K-Ui;
iTiuiuiel, (liandm 1 Tmo in H. Mr
J'hso Ttuntiel and t.molv, Mr .ml
i M is. Chris Nil-en and innil, (',-. o
jll, Y' ung and I'.miily nnd Mi ;
The table was beautifully dee 1
1 ted and the aged cm pie sat tn.Yi a
golden arch fi'vtootu d with lo-i.
I 'I hire "as several u-eflil .i:.d
K'Miiliful ptcsent. The tabb-s
1 tairl v IM'i am d under the i;.:Mi'
j good things to eat At a late hour
j in 1 lie afternoon Hi" gue-ts !.';;oi
' to at parate, each deelating tin y had
spetit a most enj ablc diy.
Bryan for Democratic C&ndldate
All over the country seems to be
a cry to again make Bryan the dem
ocrat candidate for president in
j9oS, rather than lb arst. W hen
Bryan frst heard of 'h? x ression
on this m 'tt-r he is saiil to have
laughed and said ' This is so sud
den" but womd m;ike no comment
on it. Certain it is that a strong
race will ie run between Hearst
ana urvan tor the nomina
New Organ For Christian Church.
The new organ purchased by the
Christian Church was in place Sun
day to open the dedication. This
organ was sele te I by Mr. AwLrey
in Portland, and was furnished
through Vea'ch it L,mvson. It is
a very fine instrument ami will
make a great difference in t i e
church music. It is very large
and is arranged to be pumped bv
an assistant behind the orjjan,
through an emergency it can b'
pumped by the player. It 1 as one
l- r 1 r. C f. a a t.' ,tl n. n .. .. .1
pedal key board, which when the
organist has a chance to pnetiee up
on will ahl tuttrh to ttie tnnsif
rui..!.,! .ci .c ,r.,s. , txptc'fd our
and cost the church quite a sum. "J'1''1' , , , ,
j I he method of choosing our can-
li'hiies tests wholly with the
'an:,'hV"i ot our c un'ry. i hej
Bowman, has or ened up a ! nrf. , , t i 1 1 I to eomoet,- for (he
I honor. It is a simple proposition
lepending on the uuiuber "f sub-
To Advertise Oregon.
):if' ot the bigoet crhenies for
ndvetli-ing C)regon has been under
taken in Portland by Philip S.
Ibites. publisher of Oregon's great
agricultural monthly the Pacific
Northwct The proposition is
nothing less than the taking of .'!.'
young ladies, one from eeh county
in the stte, to the Jamestown ICx
position whi h will open May 15,
i'.'O", at Jamestown, Virginia. The
exposition is to commemorate the
first set'Icnui.t of th" English in
the I'nited States, which tooic plao
initio". This histoiical event in
the historv ofour country is one
which gives oppmtuidly lot a won
cbnul exploitati.-n ol the grat
t triib s whieh hive taken place in
tie past 300 years, and the Jaines
lnn F.t osition, from an educa
tional standpoint, will no doubt
prove an exceptional undertaking
njong these iin's. One fanner's
daughter from each county in Ore
gon will be taken by Mr. Jiabs.
She wi!l carrj a large amount ol
literature for Jgfneral dis'ribution
aloPir t'.o Hr. r of travel which it is
f'oards of Trade will
Prof Gets Lost In Mills
Pr.T I.. R Vah ke, the 11:
lit r, who lncs in 1 lit 1 1 . - hou-o
on the lull east of town, near
Shields ceinett ry, went out in
wo ds Stind.i v aflcrn. on f r a n!i
11 ;
I i.
After he bet ti gone !or si e
j hours his wife got very rridi
I Irighlc tied, and wm t i!umi to the
(base ball game and tohi the "Holly
Rollers" and "Skunks" (hat (!n
,ri'fe.-or was lost in the bills, -o .,
par'y of the boys went 1 u1 in
search of him. S'Vtntei n of 1).. ;;;
dim' ed around I he hills, uo .v and
then finding a bo"l print mud it
was alino'-t dark, when lhe cui.e
out of the woods at the ol I Mo
KiM en sawinib, whcie they w.rc
told that "th" p'fales-or had come
out there some btile linn.-
and had set out for h"m.
it had bein taming a go i
dial all afl'tuo. 11, and euy ,!
held its fill tl llioistuto, the b
were w' t (o the skin in a veiy f,-w
minutis after starling and mo-t
thun feel very sore b"m tin it x
I trience, and nie lucky to c-c .j.
without having set ions c olds.
Fourteenth Semi-Annual Reunion Scot.
ish Klla Plaacns.
Frank Wooley, master and Geo
Lea of the C"ttage Grove Masonic
Lodge left for PortUi.d on Tuesday
to atteuJ the fourteenth semi-an
nual leumon of the Seotish liite
JUasons, una ten or a great time
tbey are to have.
Good Ploturea of S&n Frtvnclsco
The Clarke American Biograph
Company that showed here Mon
day night had a very fine set of
general biograph pictures which
filled in the evening, the main por
lion of which was taken up by the
scenes of the ruins of San Francisco
as takeu with a biograph from an
automoLile running through the
streets of the city. The scem-a gave
a wonderfully vivid impression of
the great disaster. Numbers of
single pictures bhowed the effect of
the earthquake and of the fire on
notable buildings so that one got a
general idea of the progress of the
fire. The compariy preHentod a very
good entertainment.
The papers elate that there is a
probability of V ish Warden Van
Dusen bting deposed and bin place
taken by Deputy Warden Webster.
If Van Dusen is retired and Webster
put in his place, it will be well fille 1
tor the Deputy Warden is a man
thoroughly posted and on to bis
New General Store
Z. T
general store in the old P. T. Co's
siore room on River street. Mr.
Dowman recently moved here from
Dry Creek, West Virginia, a coal
mining enmp and brought with him
Ids entire stock of goods. He is
now busy ordering a new and in
creased stock and soon will have a
large stock of all kinds of gtn- ral
merchandise. Last week he got in
a good stock of dishes and glass
ware which i.s the starter.
Mr. Bowman has been a slore
tn mi for a number ol years and has
made his bu iness a success. He
was in Kent, Washington for live
ya's lef're toiug East, but the nt
faetiou of the wrt were stronger
than the East so he lnd to move
back.' He h uni'li pleaded with
the business outlook in Cotiagt
Grove and expects to do a g- od
bu-dncsfl. Ho hoi)' s to pet a co-nl
storeroom on Main htrett befool
long and move here, although some
of the residents on the west side
are anxious to have him stay over
there, as it makes a hhorter trip for
them to get to the store.
Mr. Bowman is a neat store
keeper, und Bhows much taste in
his arrangement of his goods. He
says that if local option does as he
has usually found it lo do, he will
sell a much larger percent of goods
than he would under other conditions.
senptions mi t in by the candidates.
The cm' t of th" paper is 01 t ents a
year and from our ki.olelge i
fu'ly worth a dollar. A I expenses
will be paid and the tstimatcd cost
of ihe tiip is over f 10,000. It will
prove a womUrfnl advrlisemet t
for our cout'ty, as Mr. Bales makes
no charge for the work be will do
for us, and we trust his efforts (o
make Oregon better know n through
out the United States will receive
generous support from every one in
the county.
roMXjwiNu Tin: flag.
When our soldiers went to Cuba
und the Philliplues, health was the
most Important consideration. Willis
T. Morgan, retired (Jomnilsoury (Ser
geant I ', 8. A., of Kural Route 1, Con
cord. N. JI., says: "I wan two years
In Cuba and two years in the 1'hllli
pines, and bclntf subject to colds. I
took Jr. Kings's New Discovery for ton which kept me In per
fect health. And now. In New Hamp
shire, we find it the bent medicine in
the world for coughs, colds, bronchial
troubles und all Inner diseases. Ciinr-
antoed atUenson'8 Pharmacy. Price.
See San Francisco.
Th S iitheni Pacific Company is
inaugurating a special excursion to
San Francisco for the benefit of nnv
s. ho .h i ire p see l ow the wrecked
city looks
The train will bavo Portland
Saturday June idili at 8:15 p. in.
and ar'he in San Francisco Mou
day June lHth at a. 111., and
will leave San Francisco on thi re
turn trip Tuesday June l!)'!i at
8:20 p. m. Tickets to he sold at a
rate of $45 for the round trip and to
incbido berth in standard sleeper
going and returning, also while train
is parked in Oakland .Sixteenth
Street Station, and includes meals
while on the train .
Th tickets will be limited to
June 21st, for return to Portland,
and if a sufficient number apply a
special train will bo arranged.
This will bo a grand chance to
see the city as it now is. Take ad
vantage of this opportunity.
Realty Transfer.
L. B. Bartlett 1 A. G. Burger
to Oreut W'efetem Mining and Mill
ing Co.; the following mining
claims, Blue River dintiict: Wild
Bill, Joslr. Spoiled Horse, Hard
Tack and Crystal. $125,000.
Clarence Grunnig to the Great
Western Mining and Milling Co;
the Wild Bill No. 2 mining claim,
Blue River dbtui f. .f'200.
Cha"cellor D ly of Syracuse Uni
versity is quite i'-dugout of his way
to attack the president in his sup
port of legislation and
investigation. It would almost
Buy an sgsI$I
this $60 Machine for $25
. j niitch, ioui,jo jci-ii, M ir-
v1 V L" r) HircH'liiix (.liimlu: liai
r . .1 v unn.iiiHlic Imbl.lri wli.iltr
Vf 2rr-'lT' ami utlier liit.-M Improvi--f:M"""
"7-'J iM.itH. This In Mm ANTI-
iTJ '-. J.,j 'HOST MA 111 I NIC. it l
tin' Bun! n.ueliliiH nifi-ii!i
1 arn iv kint! you "0 Inr. A II
l atiai'lnrii'iio K' with i-mi li
innrhliio. Suhl for only
i ' "--h tool 1:1 monilily.
Wrlto TODAY for tree fUHNUUHE CAfAIOLUE kliowlnz
clrKaiit lioiiM-liolil koihIh w hill Oil (Ffclolit
Prepaid) on fan Payment -our n;iw CREDIT I'l"
Oovurtz Camiicny
I73-17S l lrutSt.. :'OKTl-ANI. OK.
( it 1'-l WO ,
r e
n..nuw l
,' ; :.,f U- 0'1'UiN
1.X J
M: I II I KdM l.tU'U.I v.
I Ne er i'oIIuwh mi inpirv 'ic si- I
I with Hiicklen's Aini.-.i Sale. i: .1!'
Itiseyth' and hcdiiiL; pi . .p. rl . s (.i
' Hi-lit I I- -od 00I-1 mln;. I li..- !'- 'I i
lin ri h.oit of Ki-n-si-laci s !.!,-. ,
w l i tes "It e 11 red Set h I', nr. h. . .' : h
place, of t In- 1 1 j; 1 1 t sol hi . 1
err sjiw." Cniis i nls, w . tt: !-..
burns, .01' I si U i-s -J ' ;il I ' ! n ' s
I'h.u mai-v.
wles & Gettys
Boiicinia, Oregon.
Orscco, Oregon.
: . .'
Iners Supplies
a reasonable prices.
Good 3 at
General Merchandise
Miners fools and Amunitions
dkadi.y si:i:i'i:.M- p.i ti.s
Are UK eiiiiimou in Indin ;i- ;i!c
Htoyi:,eh and liver dl-orh-is with
l-'or the hltier howevi rlln ii- in 11 mi-c ;
rcliii'lv: Kleetile bit let's; I In- OmI1
rcstoriitiv'' medii iiii- of which s...
P.row tiif J'ennet Isvihc. S. ('., s; 1 .
''I li'-y restored my wife to pei h ct
health, after year- of MillVi-jhM il 1,
d.vs ep-in nnd a chronlci lly l.npid
lier." Idectric Jiitletrt cute thidsi
and fever, niuhirhi, hitlioiisncs-- l ini j
back, kidney tumbles ;mi hheldei i
Unorders. Sold on Miiimitee l. j
l.i-tiFon'M f'hiirni.K-v. Price fill.-. '.
Yon cai
1 :
w',ija 'r
l j- : : .' j ! I
v -
wear them anywhere
at any time and experi
ence that complete com
fort-satisfaction which
the correct dresser
always feels.
They look - they wear - they
1 4 j 1 -
are iikc the good merchant tai
lored garments - the GREAT
difference is in the price.
They are the
' 'Loewenstein '-Made
This store is stocked with,
dependable wearing apparel
nothing else finds a place here.
Come See What WE
At Lurch's.
beeru as though Chancellor Day
6U eeuta uud fl.00 Trial bottlo free I wight have a grudge io sotaflwhere.
w,T'' Or. ECis3's
Nov Bbcsusri
: FDR I ohcissan-
B3c &SI.G0
Frua Trial.
tiureut anU Uuichft Curo for ail (
TIIItOAT ar,.l J.iIMO TltOUii-
LEU, or WOlJiiiY iJACiC.
I r. j in n : I resiiIlM I'l-oni neglect of
eh -l cd I.. 'm I- . 1 1 . 1 1 1 it pi. litel', 1 1 1 1 1 il
coio I . .,i I ' o: I i ei iiees chi o:iic. 'J hi-)
COllllji.ll I: h I.I I i II I ' i tin,. i- who I
-ew Li e PilU; the
i 'nln I ors of hIoiii
'inji'Mnlce.l ,,V Men
I'l ice L' 1 eeli (m
U-e l, K in;:',.
be.,t. .'Hid : ni ,. I
iti'h n ic I hi i w i I .
son's I'h.'il'iu.'icv.
1 : 0 i i . i (J i)
Wftuhed Ironed
I. nee curliiiiiH, clothes repaired
niil .risse,l l,y Mr. (Jt.()i jo)hnarj
liiuve vvotk nt fitr.. .,,!,..... i i
-""".u-ai a oniucr
First National Hank
er rft'xs Chi
I I urn , via
"o iiinl I'lnin
Itollliil ti ii p-e ( I.;
C.'IJJO to I'l .1 I mi
direct lim- will b(- r,y :
Missoni i l;i ei ti-iiiit',
'J In se tick't-, will be on i-ah; d.tily
coniiiK iirin" June n t uml eonlinii
in;,' until S -ot. j .(ih u iih f'nml ie
tuin limit o (h tobcr ,'ilit.
J. M. IlllA.M,
Paid up Capital, $25 ,000.00
M""ey b hmn on iij.jiroved Hocurity,
l'.xcl,(,reH UVHH,M ,
II lo- li lllloit Slitti-H
T. v., WmcKi.icn