Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 13, 1906, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
In a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
Resume of the Let Important but
Not Lett Interesting Events
of t! Past Week.
e" 1 . .
in i.ongworins nave arrived in
Hearst has excluded Bryan's name
irotu Ins newspapers.
A strict guard against cranks is be
ing kept at the White House.
Manila business men have petitioned
congress to establish an agricultural
Storms in Pennsylvania and Ohio
have caused loss of life and destruction
Xt property.
The Mexican board of trade has
started an investigation of American
canned meats.
War between striking miners and
guards has been renewed at the Steu
benville, Ohio coal mines.
The official trial trip of the new bat-
thahip Nebraska will take place on
Paget sound about July 15.
The California legislature has asked
the government to care for San Fran
cisco's homeless and bay city bonds.
American meat packers are planning
to spend thousands or dollars advertis
ing in Europe to remove the stigma of
the recent exposures.
Taft has definitely announced that
he will not be a candidate for the pres
idency. He will, however, etnmp the
country on the Philippine tariff
A great naval
Great Britain.
review is planned by
A hurricane in Southern Ontario has
done much damage.
Greece and Roumania have severed
diplomatic relations.
Cram packer denies that congress has
authority to require meat inspection.
The people of the Philippine islands
gave $8,597 to the San Francisco relief
Another high official of the Pennsyl
Tania railroad has been implicated in
coal charges.
The president is likely to win his
meat inspection fight, though opposi
tion is strong.
The cxar has summoned his ministers
to a council, and a change in affairs
seems probable.
Pacific coast Democrats are booming
Governor Chamberlain, of Orgon, for
the nomination for the presidency.
Ex-Governor W. P. Whyte has been
appointed United States senator from
Maryland to succeed the late Senator
Of the total revenues of the United
States more than three-fifths is annual
ly expended on the army and navy and
pension roll. For the present yeat the
total of the three expenses is $375,
659,719, oat of a total revenue of
Rojesivensky, Linievitch and other
Russian officers are to bo couitmar-
Guatemalan rebels are gaining in
Brundige, of Arkansas, denounces
Roosevelt for increaetng White Ilouee
The Indiana Democratic convention
has endorsed Bryan.
Tornadoes in Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Kansas and Michigan destroyed much
property and caused the loes of six
The military authocritiea are grad
uany withdrawing nil oi the govern
ment troops from San Francieco.
The union between Norway and Swe
den has been diwsolvd year.
Three of the Spanish gunboats cap
tured by Dewey at Manila have been
sold for old junk, bringing $0,000.
District Attorney Jerome, of New
York, is accused of accepting life in
eurance money during the recent cam
paign and felony charges have been
filed against him.
The returns of Oregon's election from
a large number of precincts throughout
the state are securely locked np in the
ballot boxes instead of bavin been sent
to the cel. -it of the county In which the
precinct is located.
South Dakota Republicans advocate
tariff revision.
Hunger strikes in Russian prisons
are causing riots.
Meat packers are planning nn organ
ization to kill Roosevelt. politically.
Missouri Democrats have declared for
Bryan for president.
France will levy an income tax to
meet a deficit in government expenses.
Rett of State Ticket Carried by the
George E. Chamberlain, Democrat,
carried the state for governor at Mon
day election by a plurality ol 2,300
to J,.M0, Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Ke
publican, has a plurality of about 2.600
over John M. Gearin, iVmorrat. Wil
lis C. liawley, Republican, for congress
in the nrft district, has defeated
Charles V. Galloway by about 8,500
W. R. Ellis, Republican, in the Second
district, has a lead over James 11. Gra
lam. Democrat, that will approach
illis C. Dnniway, Republican, for
state printer; Frank W. Benson. Re
publican, for secretary of state, and
Kotert Kakin, Republican, for supreme
Jinlge, have defeated their respective
opponents by unprecedented pluralities
Woman suffrage has been beaten bv
about 10,000 and the proposed local
option amendment was lost by alout
the same vote. The legislature is over
wheliuingly Republican.
Wholesale arrests have been made at
'Barcelona, Spain, for the attack on
King Alfonso.
Joe Tung Lee, a Chinaman, won the
second prize at the City of New York
university in an oratory contest.
The four masted schooner Volunteer
has gone on the rocks near Point Aren
as, California, Her crew is in great
Returns by Countits.
Tbe following is the returns, which
are practically complete in a majority
of the counties, on the vute for United
States senator and governor:
Bater Bourne 1.S29. Gear in 1.76:
Chamberlain 2.063. Withvcombe 1 .424.
Benton Bourne 932, Gearin 755:
Chamberlain 817, Withycombe 1,116
Clackamas Bonrne 1,976, Gearin
1,752; Chamherlairt 2,223, Withy
combe 1,811. Brownell, Republican,
was defeated for state senator.
Clatsop Bourne 1.258. Gearin 839:
Chamberlain 1,299, Withycombe 1,049
itn the exception of county indue
and coroner the Republicans elected
everything on the county ticket.
Columbia Bourne 807, Gearin 516:
Chamberlain 11, W lthycombe 874
vooe oourne ana itnycombe are
estimated to have carried the county by
Croon Gearin leads by about SO
votes, while Chamberlain will carry
the county by 160.
Lurry It is estimated that
and Withycombe will carry the
bv 50 votes.
Douglas Bonrne 1,582,
1,6H5; Chamberlain 1,792,
combe 1, S01. Republicans elected the
entire county ticket except clerk.
Gilliam Bourne 487, Gearin SS6
Chamberlain 508, Withvcombe 411.
The Republicans have elected the coun
ty treasurer, clerk, commissioner and
representative. The Democrats have
elected the judge, sheriff and surveyor.
Grant Bourne 505, Gearin 023 :
Chamberlain 05, Withycombe 576
Jackson Bourne 1,373. Gearin 1,-
140; Chamberlain 1,324, Withycombe
,502. The entire Republican county
ticket is elected except senator which is
in doubt.
Josephine Bonrne and Withycombe
will carry the county by 125
Klamath Pourne 477, Gearin 491 ;
Chamberlain 569, Withycombe 611.
Lake Gearin will carry by 100 and
Withycombe by about 50.
Lane Bonrne 2,043, Gearin 2,035;
Chamberlain 2,241, Withycombe 1 983
AH county offices will be filled by Re
publicans except that of sheriff.
Lincoln Bourne and Withycombe
will carry the county by 100
Linn Bourne 1,577, Gearin 2,248;
Chamberlain 2,385, Withycombe 1,865
Malheur Bourne 403, Gearin 320;
Chamberlain 459, Withycombe 453.
Marion Bourne 1,947, Gearin 2
582; Chamberlain 2,732, Withycombe
2 629. Republicans have elected the
entire county ticket.
Morrcw Bourne 599, Gearin 399;
Chamberlain 532, Withycombe 629.
Multnomah Bourne 9,347, Gearin
7,659; Chamberlain 8,904, Withy
combe 6,315. Word, Democrat, may
be elected sheriff. Incomplete returns
give the Republican candidate a lead of
Polk Bourne 967, Gearin 1,093;
Chamberlain 1,286, Withycombe 1,
189. Sherman Gearin has a plurality of
60 and Withycombe about the fame.
Tillamook Bourne 330, Gearin 221;
Ch amberlain 363, Withycombe 366.
Umatilla The county w ill be carried
by Bourne and Withycombe by about
Union Bourne 1,237, Gearin 1,211;
Chamberlain 1,490, Withycombe 1,268.
Wallowa Bourne will carry by 100
and Withycombe by 50.
Wasco Bourne and Withycombe
carry the county by email pluralities,
probably 60.
Washington Bonrne 1 612, Gearin
1,169; Chamberlain 1.444, Withycombe
Wheeler Bourne 352, Gearin 299:
Chamberlain 360, Withycompe 326.
lambill Gearin has a plurality of
104 and Chamberlain 121.
nopt ijive romite ot Tickling an
Imniente Crop.
faiem v rop prospects in tne conn
try surrounding Salem are very encour
aging. The reports of aphis and lies
sian tly are beard only from the Howell
prairie neighborhood and are not coin
ing from any other section. An extrn
ive travel as far south as Stayton
eastward to Scott's Mills and north to
Hubbard reveals a splendid stand of
grain and grass everwyhere, with
promise of the greatest yield in many
Fruit is looking well.
In many places close to streams.
where brush is plentiful, there is
plague of caterpillars, which are both-
ering the trees and foim a source of
troublesome annoyance.
Hops are fine; rank growth in all
yards that are taken care of. A prom
inent grower says that O.egou will
gather the heaviest crop of hops in its
Spring work has been Wv-ll done
throughout this county and there has
leen much substantial improvement
made on the farms. There is a notice
able tone of prosperity everywhere.
New dwellings, new barns, new fences
greet the eye in all directions, while
paint has added its beautifying influ
ence quite generally.
A great deal of permanent road work
has been done and along the highways
a marked change for the better has
been wrought by the tearing out of old
rail fences, the substitution of neat
wire fences and the clearing away of
the unsightly, wasteful fence rows of
brush, weeds and wild rosea. The en
tire farming country breathes a spirit
of progress and prosperity.
Oil in Vicinity of Lacomb.
Albany Representatives of Kastern
capitalists have recently been investi
gating the discovery of oil in the vicin
ity of .-acomb. Linn county, and it is
generally tselieved here that develop
ment of the property on a big scale will
be begun soon. The operations have
been conducted with secrecy, however.
and for that, reason, very little definite
information can be obtained. F'or vears
past indications ot oil have been found
at different points between Lacomb and
Lebanon, and though there were no
gushers, it is believed the oil was there
in paying quantities.
New Assistant Matron.
Chemawa Miss Marie Johnson, of
San Jose, Cal., has been appointed
assistant matron at the Chemawa In
dian school. Miss Johnson was in
California daring the earthquake, and
was among those to have their homes
shaken and destroyed. Miss Alice B.
Preuss, of Lapwai, I.Uho, has been
appointed clerk at the Indian training
school. Miss Preuss has had several
years' experience as teacher in Idaho
and elsewhere in the Indian service be
fore coming to Chpmswa.
Edward D. Jasper Wins Prize.
University of Oregon, Eugene The
Bennett prize, from the income of a
gift of $400 made to the university by
Philo Sherman Bennett, of New Haven,
Conn., for the best student paper on
the principles of free government, was
won by Edward .D. Jasper, 06. Jasper
is a senior ol the department ol eco
nomics. He registers from La Grande.
The subject of his paper was "The
Basic Principles of Lawmaking." Tnis
year is the first time the Bennett prize
has been offered.
Circular Letter It Sent Out by Ore
gon State Superintendent.
Salem J. II. Ackerman, superin
tendent of public instruction, has issu
ed a circular suggesting that the re
spective public schools of the state de
vise ways arid menu for the raising ol
money to be turned into the San Fran
cisco reconstruction fund for the re
building of schools destroyed by the
ore. in an, .H school inn Mines were
destroyed by the lire at San Francisco,
to replace w hicb will cost $6,000,000.
The school authorities of the Hay
C ity have leen led to receive dona
lions, as the nuances ol the city aie
strained to the utmost, and it would be
a considerable time Itefoie the city,
unaided, could replace the schools. It
is their purpose, whenever the contri
butions from a given stale shall reach a
sufficient amount to er.i t a building,
to name that building after ti e state
giving the money. All the school
officers and the public schools of Ore
gon have been mailed circulars by Su
perintendent Ackerman.
Wages Raited at Oregon City.
Oregon City The Willamette Pulp
A Paper company has announced an ad
vance of 25 cents per day per man for
every man employed at their nulls in
this city w ho is now receiving $1.76
and $2 per day. This advance affects
the wages of about 600 men and means
an increase in the monthly payroll of
about $3,750 per month, or about $45,-
000 per annum. This increase in the
wage schedule at the Oregon City mills,
it is alleged by a representative of the
Willamette Pulp A Paper company, has
been contemplated by the maiirgemetit
for the last three months.
Dread Line Gradually 1 binned, but
Problem Continues Litre.
San rtnnclsco, June 1 1 .Thursday's
distribution of rations showed n mini,
tion of nearly 4,000 In the bread line,
which now I'umbers approximately
Mil, 000. The exact number fed by the
raw f iod distribution on Thursday was
31,486, against M6.MS6 on Tuesday, and
tlm number of meal tickets given out
had Increased from 1I,MH5 to 1 1.25 I,
ity the time the army leaves the
work, it is expected that the number
w ill have been rediued to 25.000, and
that many of that reidm will have to
be cared for an indefinite time As
long as any of the quarter in tbe bar
racks which have been built at the
speedway in Golden Gate it i k remain
unoccupied, there will always be the
proposition of relief in excess of the de
mand. There Is still room f ir 700 or
SOO more persons.
How to manage the relief work aber
the army w ithdiaws at the en I of the
month is the problem. One plan con
templates the centralization of all the
supply distribution in each neighbor
hood at the soup kill hen, where hot
meals ami supplies of raw food could he
distributed to families whoso needy
condition has been determined, the
tickets for different supplies, Including
clothing, to be given out under tbe
management of the Red Cross.
"The Associated Charities will do
tbe work of investigation in whatever
frtn of relief is determined upon after
the army leaves," said General Greelv,
and he added: " I have not yet serl
ouslv considered any of the plans for
carrying on the work af'rr the army
withdraws and I shall not do so until
it is determined who is to he in control."
Will Increase Business.
Medford The Butte Falls Lumber
company announces that it now ha its
sawmill plant at Butte Falls in toridi
tion to put out at least 140,000 feet of
lumber a day, jut as soon as the Med
ford A: Crater Ijike railroad is extemlet
ui us tinnier neu. ineirtrge acreage
of timber sold durinu the last few-
weeks, and the fact that the larger
tracts are under bond in that irreai
timber section at the head of Rogne
river and the two Butte creeks, is sig
nificant of an intention to rush this
railroad through to completion shortly
Eugene Accepts Carnegie Library.
Fugene The Carnegie library build
ing, which has recently been completed
in this city, has been accepted bv the
board, and the contractor. W. O. Heck-
art and Architect V. D. Hensill ordered
paid for their work. The contract
price was $9,645 95, the architect's fee,
$300, and extras amounted to $57
mak'ng a total coet of $10,002.95. The
building will not be opened to the pub
lic until mine time next fall, as no
woks are now on hand.
New Washington Statue.
New York, June 11. A heroic eques
trian statue of George Washington will
be unveiled next Saturday, at the
Brooklyn terminal of the new Wil
liamsburg bridge, and formally pre
sented to the city of Brooklyn by James
Ilowe. City officials, members of
military organizations and government
representatives from Washington will
be present at the ceremonies. Wash
ington is represented in Continental
unif jrm as at Valley Forge.
American Meat Is Barred.
London, June 6. The Daily Tele
graph asserts that all admiralty and
war office contracts which have been
placed since the disclosures in the meat
packing industry in America stipulate
that canned meats must be British or
colonial productions.
Storm Does Deqattation.
Oklahoma City, June 6. Two fatali
ties, three tcor of farm residences, in-
luding the stock, barns, warehouses
and incoming crops, were destroyed by
the wind and hail which swept the
southern portion of Oklahoma.
Lessons in Making Roads.
Salem Work has commenced upon
the mile of "government object lesson
road," being constructed under tbe su
pervision of the government. A. i.
Loder, assistant engineer, office of pub
lic roads, Washington, D. C, is in the
city. D. G. Haire and Andrew Wil-
hert, government experts on roadbuild-
ing, are ilao here. Great interest is
manifested in the road, fa 8 the govern
ment will build only two stretches as
an object lesson roads in the state, one
being constructed here and the other at
Improving Bad Road.
Independence Road Supervisor J.
N. Jpnes is improving the strip of road
near the Rickreall stream, between
Salem and Independence, that has been
such an eyesore to travelers for several
seasons past and has rendered travel
ing almost impossible during the rainy
season. It has long been known as the
worst strip of road in Polk county. The
improvements will make it one of the
best sections to be found anywhere in
the county.
Pool of Timber Claims Sold.
Albany A pool of 123 timber claims
in Crook and Klamath counties was
sold in this city last week to the Des
chutes Lumber company for $196,800,
or $1,600 a claim. About 100 of the
claims were owned by Albany people
and were taken up in the great rush for
timber land about four years ago. The
sale was affected by means of a pool of
the claims and was handled by the
holders of tbe claims themselves.
New Brewery Ice P.ant.
The iUlles The Eastern Oregon
Brewing company f this citv has just
put into operation its ice plant and cold
storage cellar. The Eastern Oregon
Bewing company was incorporated a
year ago by Dalles people, and bought
the Columbia brewery of August Buch
ler for $35 000. Since then the com
pany has rebuilt the brewery at an ex
pense of about $50,000.
Lost Mountain of Gold Found.
Medford A messenger just in from
Elliott creek, in the Siskiyou moun
tains, reports the discovery of a moun
tain of free milling ore six miles from
Joe Bar and three miles from tbe Blue
Ledge copper mine, assaying $30 to
$100 per ton, which appears- to be the
long sought mother lode of the Apple-
gate section. Dr, Reddy, who is now
on the ground, pronounces it the most
marvelous ledge ho ever saw.
Fire Warnings Sent Out.
Salem For the protection of the for
ests of Oregon fire notice warnings are
being sent out by the secretary of state
to all fire rangers. The notices are
printed on clcth and contain the prin
cipal provisions of an act parsed by the
Wheat Club, 72073c; bluestem,
7475c; red, 70(37Ic; valley, 72c.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $31.50,
gray, $31 50 per ton.
Barley Feed, $24.50 per ton; brew
ing, nominal; rolled, $25(526.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1. $12
13 per ton; clover, $7.60(38; cheat
$11(47; grain hay, $7(38; alf-tlfa, $13
fruits Apples. $2.50(43.50 pr box
apricots, $1.601.75 crate; cherries,
6c(3$l per box; strawberries, 7
9c per pound; gooseberries, 56c per
Vegetables Beans, 35c; cabbage,
$1(31.25 per 100; green corn, 40(.5()c
doz.; onions, 810c per dozen; peas,
6c; radishes, 10c per dozen ; rhubarb
3c per pound; spinach, 90c per box;
parsley, 25c; squash, $1 per crate;
turnips, $1(31.25 per sack; carrots, 65
75c per sack; beets. 85c3$l per rack.
Onions New, lMi2c per pound.
Potatoes - Fancy graded Burbanks,
60(35 60c per hundred; ordinary, nomi
nal; new California, 2c per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 1720c
per pound.
ttfcrgs uregon ranch, iu2U3 per
Poultry Average old hens, 1201 3c
per pound; mixed chickens, 1114012c;
broilers. 15016c; roosters, 10c; dress
ed chickens, K:014c; turkeys, live,
15018c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 200
22c; geese, live. 9(3 10c; geese, dressed,
old, 10c; young, 12c; ducks, old, 140
15c; young, 150 16c.
Hops Oregon, 1905, 1O012C
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
180)21 c; valley, coarse, 2323$c;
fine, 24(r25c; mohair, choice, 2830c
per pound.
Veal Dressed, 3Ho per pound.
Beef Dressed bulls, 3o per pound;
cows, 4g(3j5)jjCj country steers, 66c.
Mutton Dressed fancy, 78o pound;
ordinary, 66cj lambs, with pelt on,
Poik Dressed, 79o
Cruitrr Marblebead Shadow! Move
ments of Filibutter.
ahini(ton, June 11. Secrtcv no
longer surrounds the movements of the
United Sta'es cruiser Marblebead,
which has sailed north from I'anama.
At the request of the State de art.'iient,
the Murbleheud sailed fr Snn Jose,
Guatemala, to investigate the move
ments id the American steamer Kmpire,
wi.ich is reported to have landed re
cruits from San FrnnciHco and arms and
ammunition for the use of the revolu
tionists against President Cat rera.
Disquieting dispatches reached the
State department today from Guatema
la regarding the revolution. The mem
bers of the present administration are
active in parts of the republic, but it is
impossible to discover the exact cause
of the movement and the directing
Both the Salvadorean and Mexican
borders have been lending support to
the revolution, and it is the desire
this government that the Mtrblehea
shall find out exactly w hat the situation
is and have care that there be no par
ticipation in the revolution by Ameri
cans which may involve the United
States in an international dispute
The Empire coaled at Corinto, Nica
ragua, before sailirm for San .lose, hi
cording to dispatches from Panama
Siin Iriinclsno Suffers ;it IliiiuLs
of Insurance ronipnnlas.
Uutinett ot ILty City Hot t)o Thin
ot Wbrtt It Wat During Month
of May I0O5,
San Francisco, June 9. Intriest hern
litis centered In the Insurance situation.
Business conditions remain iim-eitniii
and Walt upon the settlement of lore.
The time has come when the liiNiiraiu n
companies mum positively net hue
themselves. The policies held by Sn
Franciscans call for the ayinent ol
about $200,000,000. So far but little
more tliHll $1,01)11,1100 ha been paid.
and almost all of this wai in small
amounts. The $'JH0,0(M),()II0 is needed
ti Vnuble the people of the city to re-
snme business. How badly the money
is Herded may be gathered from tlu
clearing house llgures. In May, It'O.'i,
the clearances in San Francisco
amounted to $147,000,000. ror May.
ltlllll, the clearances amounted to
$50,000,000. In other words, one third
as much business was done last month
as in the corresponding month it year
ago. The policy holders have bm-omn
weary of the dilatory tactics of the in
surance companies. They have re
frained from criticism for six weeks,
but now are Insisting that their c'uuiis
l paid without further delay. The
policy holders of each company I nvn
handed together for protection. They
have the support of the newspapers,
the commercial Ixxlici and the Indus
trial Hil l commercial ory. mirations of
every city on the oait. They no Ioiik
er d al as siimlti individuals w ith the companies, but present a
solid front which is not to be repii !ci .
This organization will save them in the
It is known that miUlum id dollars
are lying dormant in the banks of this
city anil Oakland to the credit of thn
insurance companies. The ijoestioii
naturally suggests itself: Whv do riot
the insurance companies p ,' The
answer is that they are trying to drive
the Ih'sI bargain they can, hoping to
bring about a compromise in the end.
These are not pretty tactics, but never
theless they are used.
John Bull Inquiring About American
Inspection Syttem.
Imdon, June 11. John Burns, pres
ideut of the local (,'overnment hoard
has requested the Foreign oflice to com
municHte with the State department at
n ashington and ascertain to what ex
tent reliance can be placed on the ays
tern of muat inspection undertaken by
the burtau of Animal industry. In
announcing that he had taken ttiis a
tion through the medium of a reply to
question put in the house ;f coin
moris by William Held, Nationalist
member of the St. Patrick') division o
Dublin, and president of the I rit-h
Cattle Traders and Stock Ownerti' ihho
iation, Mr. B.trns said he had ancer
taiued that a quantity of boneless beef
and pork is imported into this country
from America and convened into sau
sages, whirl! are sold as hnglisli pro
ducts. He admitted that ther-d were
serious difficulties in the way of effect
ive British inspection id some of these
imported toods, but said the local gov
eminent board had taken action to see
that, the local authorities exercised
their powers to the full extent.
Head Off Yellow Fever.
isew urieann, June It. A summer
sanitary campaign against mosquitoes
which transmit yellow fever was plan
ned here todav. The city proposes to
-pend about $900 a day during the
summer months. The work is based
largely upon the experience gained last
summer. Mayor Bebrmun and a com
mittee decided to use 125 laliorers ami
40 carts in addition to ttie regular
cleaning force in flushing sewers and
drains, cutting and burning grass and
weeds on vacant property and spreading
oil over the surface of stagnant pools.
Will Veto "Sooners" Bill.
Washington, June 8. President
Roosevelt is very apt to veto the hill of
Senator Dubois which has passed the
house permitting sooners at Rupert on
tie Minidoka irrigation tract in Idaho
to linve a preference right to purchase
lot they now occupy with permanent
improvements. This bill was passid
ver i he vigorous protest of the Interior
eniiii i.i, the ol jiction being made
.a' sm-ii ! i ittlation would induce soon.
. . 'o r b hi and yrab the beat land.
Witte t Return la Rumored.
Chica n ,'une 11. A cablegram to
he I liter i 'icari fri in St. Petersburg
hhvb: "It is rumorul that Count
W tte, at the czar's rjuest, is return-
Ing in haste from abroad to remrne. U e
premiership, from which he retired n
M. Gortmykni's appointment."
State Taket Up Cauae of San Fran
cisco Inturanca Victimt.
San Francisco, June 9. At a confer
ence UaUy between Insurance Commis
sioner L. My
ton Wolf and h . C, Coo
g m. attorney of the underwriters, Mr.
Wolf warned the latter that he would
immediately call for a list of policy
holders from every company which
failed to sign an agreement to extend to
til) days the time for proof of loss.
The notification is equivalent to a
declaration of war on all companies
which have not signed. The statute
provides $1,000 penalty for failure to
respond to the demand. In effect, tint
order will compel every company to.
grant the extension or go out of busi
ness in this state.
The sweeping order applies to more
than half of the companies doing busi
ness in the city, by
Mr. Wolf to complete the work begun
when a notice was served on all tin
companies sugg. sting that all sit:n an
agreement which would prevent thn
policies from laosinu throimh the iua-
bility of the insured to get their proofn
made out in time.
The policy holders of the Traders'
Insurance company will form a corpor
ation to look after II I 1 f ill 1 1 ru t ai i it
the litiKation which will be brought
to compel that concern to iav all obli
gations in full. This was determined at
a meelinji of the policy holders held in
this city today.
Cost of Obedience to Law.
Chicago, Juno 9 The improvement
at the Union stockyards to be rinleru.l
by the city authorities bb the remilt of
the recent examination of buildings
will cost the packers nearlfv $1,000 .
000, according to estimates ma.le bv
Building Commissioner Hartziiiau. It
will require an expenditure of about
$500,000, maybe $200,000 more, to
make changes needed to conform with
the requirements of the citv,
ordinances, while the sanitary im.
provementa to he insisted unon will
cost about $300,000.
Slaughter of Sheep.
Spokane, June 9 A LewiHtn.. i,b,
ho, special to the Spokesman-Beviow
says: Megger details are to hand ,f a..
aliened serious war between sheep and
cattle men on the Salmon river, J8
mils from White Bird.
has not been reported to the antbnriri.-
of Idaho county. The rumor Is that
cattlemen, who resented the advent of
sheep on ranges hitherto used exclu
sively by stockmen, fired into bands at
A. P. Davis' ranch, slaughtering 300.
Wants Island for Terminus.
Sacramento, Cal., June U. A con.
current resolution introduced in the
senate by Mr. Shortridge and In the
assembly by Mr, AtkillHrn irovillo8
that the United States government be
requested to cede to the state of Call
fornia the island in San Francisco bay
known us (ioat island, or Y.,r ii..
Jo he used by the state as a terminal
lor different railroad companies.