9 of 0 BO4EM TT Devoted to Die Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of this Community. VOL. VIII COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1906. NO. 21 R M U GGET, r . - sT BOHEMIA MIN ING NOTES And (iciicral Alining New (lathered from lixchnncs. Martin Foley the mines Friday geno. ramr mill liiiAll liotll ! Went lo I'll Mattm Slica 1 mr down Ironi the Vesuvius on Saturday ami went up aguiu o'i Monday. Frank Mtlntytc Juntii-.' if the IVllCO of It.lllemll District l p'llil- ing it few dftVH in town. A V. Churchill 'iii' I I '1 .ink M -llltrn ;nr cxhihing Men- line sp' cini'Mi-i Itnln til' 11 pi i.;. i I i. s mi Monto Kico Ridge. A u k u-l Scium In- is nhin litii.l at work on bis tl.ii'iiH 111 I!- Ii! n,i 1, (,11 China Creek and cxecls lo make n killing some d 1 y. Cli'is, Otteisoii runic down fro til the cmivhim Lint wck ami ha C .IAHV lor ll Sll'llt V'l.'.l't'.ll 11 1- ' loro conii at k to wrl. Duvid I 1 11 11 an I Attorney John son went up to tlie llmiMitlia roj ertv last wok. whrre l-otl, arc Jieavily tiuetiN'ed ioik is leing j.ushed vioi'ous v on that proj'erty this summer. II. ud cani'' d'lvvn from tlie on ThurM.lay. He r' l ortH camp tunt he win vny iinn h pleased with the outlook in tlie Vcuvius, ()re-jfon-t'olonnln ami Riei-Mue, which roj)citieH he i-ited while in (.amp. Kouhon Tho. n and hn hoii (Mar once, who h ivc been working for ft year in Ilohcmia, without once coming to town, hroko the tcrord lant wcok, and have hud off for sev eral weeks, visiting their f-lks l.e for returning to the dintrict. lieu Trygstad is in town from the ()regon-( Colorado for a couple of dftys to see the wife and baby. He hopes to t'ike them up to camp be- r.ii l.-.ir TIia iLitL fit tA mill.. is progressing steadily, and itou is ! anxious to see a concentrator built,) bo that the mine can become a pro- i j.,ror I , , Will Dsvoiop Copp.r u.po.ii. N.n.r ! art'-r undergoing an operation in j cated here is a growth from smal fcimmo. I one o the hospitals there, which it i lor things and looks to still higher Kugcnc, Ore., .Juno 7 Local J is thought will give her p 'mmncnt j ones. God seeks to lift his child capitalists, including 15. S. Kelsuy, j relief on Monday. Iron up aud only askh man, when he Bigest Stock m r loliii li'Miy, A. W Gilbert mid Mmk I' lemming, have r. ;;.-iMed for Ihepuipose (if (i-vi l'i'MM' copper deposits 1 1 - it r C'n .v II :ni'l about I- mile f 1 Mm I Itigene. Thev have I "i f I1.1 si il id :n n s nl 1 mil 111 that vicinity ami have options on 200 act es mi ii ( I ( t J 1 liu . Ii"' 11 1 1'inl 1 1 1 1 f in ! roiiHidctiililc J 1 1 -4 1 1 1 1 1 t ni'icli of it 1 being in tht nfi'iVK hpiic. It lii'H i.ii'li 1 ,i( i iiht of 1 In cc i t t i.l iron- healing luL. ll.. M- 11111 1 '.villi a 1.1 1 1 Ii ! 111 11 ht'ick coni ,ji ,1 ,, i-i.it (idti piin.v, SIwkiIh Two I'nllcnitn. I i Ik 1 a' St. a noticed a I) Ism 1 r p' M l' I I t p' li'MIe, living o r 1 1 H 1 iHIIH'l.iy M II' lit . ail'l l'"t 1 out his 'in tli... II- In."-' 111. H'-v 11 ill' 1;' Willi':', III" ill' ll" S i'.l:, V.-IV Ii iiril t ! 1 -' r 1 . 1 1 , . 11 night .111! 1 III. .null I 11 a:w took v.me shots at tio by the orchestra, tho ronirrega : .t two ol them, th 1 tin and choir singing "O Happy ' .1 . m s ,-n'ht fed iiml )ay" wjt, tlf, Hupport of the hand, I. 111 lip p. tip ..f its following which Kev. S. -,. Mem- I l'" I ill was eiL'hlcCll imri.r llw. t ll,,,lict (M.Mroli The '( .n l ;in not ll.- drought it.,vr Friday to have ll.ciii , I j , ..'lller. t I 111'- wnt Muvo Wu.a 1'iMii.vint I'lnni, I of Jacob from lierbhoha to Haran, The u I ,,tMrv.rir plt of the!"M(l Vf ll)0 ,ad'r hlch in,his Sonth.m IV. IW, wlm-hhas heen 1 ,','CI 'u' saw reaching from earth to lo.afd at Latham, ()rek'o, is tnak-i '"Ti" . Ul" ' aHcendln ' ' " '',V- ' ' ..... .il 1, I., rr I ..I .. (-11I 1 ThiMpo.P.lile plants consist of ! tho hofu"i of lo .d .to,K six ket in dimcterit,,Hir.1,,eKft.l0.?f 'T1 ,and 'V? t and ii.r fi' t long, with the noces Luty tunks und equipment on cars. ! The eroHs ti.' caineity for one re tort in L'O.'iSo fct tind with two r toits an averng'i ni' tithly output of l,2")o,ooo feet is iitt.iined. Tho tics are placed in the retort filled with a chl ti le f.;nc solution and hu! jecte l in a .-t' 1:111 l ath of three hours, '.ISj devices of heat and fit) pounds pressure. Tim process em ployed I'tiug known as the lJurnet tiing proctss. The plant is equip ped for trraling lumher with a creosote process. It j claimed the results attained have showu tho ellicacy of the trcatnmut hy the in crease in the life of the treated timber over the ordinary lumber. Timbi rinan. Clrrvili Court Louis Consolid C.leasoii vh The Crystal , ded Mining Co et nl ; to ' recover nimiiiv WoooeoeU A l'ot- 'tto.neys for plaintiff. " " " Mrs. V. A. Lux. who has been vet ill for i year or more, was brought home from Portland . Cottage $2000 ADDITION DEDICATED Christian Church Opened Its Knlargcd ituilding on Last Sunday with Impressive Ceremony. I All tlio churches o the town joined together in tlio dedication of the enlarged ChriHtian Church Sun day morning, atout one thousand .... dr-inr' ntcHptit Tli llivick i,ini.,l tvilli n c.lni-v t in-people in a very able prayer. 1 1-v OlHon announced the Hinging f "Nearer My God to Thee", Kev. .1. N. McConnell road the text of the day from the 2Kth Chapter of Onebis concerning tne journeyiDgs .' VI- " lllj. ""n Ull e.,i.r 1. "Tliiu io ,r.A ". ...... i.j assertion that if the Lord would PV01 .hil Le wo"1,1 set a" aar to his (iod The congregation sang "I Love ! Thy Church () (led, the House of Thy Abode." after which Rev. Mc Conneil addressed the people, from which npeech wo give a few points. "The chiiK h is the house ol God, and is a dirtrt outcome ot Jacob's vow of tho long ago. Wonderful changes have taken placo iu life, in people, in places; transformation sceue8 iu everything, working from tho lower and poorer conditions to better ones. As the beautiful butterfly comes from tho crynaliH of the ugly cata pillar, so God has brought man up from one condition to auother, changing with him his surround ings and enviromonts; through a process of evolution has man been raised up, not of necessity from the oWer animals, but from ft lower mental und moral stage. Jacob's dream was a true vision of the things to come, of the growth of man, and of the upbuilding of the church, tho worship house of the creator. lhe house which is dedi- (Grove "LL We must sell 100 boy's and children's suits this month, and will give 20 per cent dis count for cash on every sale. The same discount on ladies' Oxford ties, all you have to do is to mention that you saw this ad. necM that ho is wrong to rejjent and change his manner of life. Jacob's ladder represents Christ reaching to earth to bring peace and salvation to mankind, and this building is being dedicated as ft temple to the service of God." Singing "All Things Are Heady." Rev. MtConnell then proceeded to take up a subscription to raise the balance unsubscribed for the improvements, which had cest alout $2200 and of which amount $11X5 was already secured. The appeal was ft strong one and after a short time the remaining $1100 was all taken up in pledges to be paid within nine months. The church is greatly improved with the additions, and makes a very fine church building, one of which the congregation, and the town, as well may be proud. As Viu&l tlo Oonkeys ts.ro Slow. Henry Fischer of the Brown Lumber Company returned from a visit to the Fischer Lumber Co. at Marcola the first of last week week, aud states that they have plenty of logs thero and are cutting 50,000 and Boraetimes Oo.ooo feet per day regularly. He has the car number of the car on wLich the donkey for the Thomas logging camp was shipped, so he knows that at last it is on the way. Ho hopes as soon as it arrives to always have all the logs in the pond thatthemill can takecare of. Changes and improvements are constanly being made eo as to increase the output of the mill. A new 15 inch galvanized iron blow tube 225 feet loug lias receutly been built and erected by the Wynne Hdwe. Co. connecting the fan of the planer with the shavings shed of the Willamette Valley Co. plant sheviugs shed, so that all the Hi : ngs from tho planers are blown into the shed to be burnt to make the power for the electricity. This is a source of income f jr the mill and furnishes a cheap power for the electric plant. Cottage Grove "went dry" by 3o votes. The dozen or more saloons up there will now be put out of business. Drain Nonpareil. Miss Mary Cunin has resigued her position as telegraph operator at the central 'phone office and re turned home to Cottage Grove. She is succeeded by Miss Grace Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VV. L. Moore. Koseburg Review. Frauk Jordan has Invested in a new buggy, In mess and horse and will take life easy this summer. His oug2y is furnished through the Wynne Hdwa. Co. and is a beauty. HE wl Celebrate! WASHINGTON LETTER Special Correspondence From the National Capitol for Nugget Readers. Washington, I). C. Oregon has been accorded a heavy measure of relief from con ditions loDg complained of ber dele gation, in one uuassuming measure well toward the goal of enactment in this congress. It provides for the entry of land more valuable for agriculture than forestry, in any permanent forest reserve or tempor ary withdrawal. The measure has passod both branches of congress, and is now in conference, the point of difference between a minor feature of the bill, and approval of the President is assured immedi ately upon his receipt of the meas ure, as it is an administration fa vorite. Western States this concession . Among the leaders in the effort to keep for general industries all land best adapted to agriculture were the Oregon men. Senator Fulton began his campaign nearly two years ago, and has been especially emphatic this session in the po sition that the Government did not have the right to use for general forestry purposes territory that would yield a slate far more in other industries. His opposition first took form against creation of further reserves until elimination of all possible agricultural land was assured. As a remedy for past evils in this respect, the new meas ure was cordially supported, and it will also have the effect of making further reservations less obnoxious- If the people are to be permitted to select any good land from the with drawals, leaving with the govern ment euch as is clearly mOBt valu able permanently for timber, it is said by the senator thbt little oppo sition to reserves will '' heard in Oregon, especially after 'he govern ment begins its more salutory cam paign of reforestation, prevention of fires, and liberal permit-ion for removing mature timber. The first section of the proposed law follows: "That the Secretary of Agricul ture may, in his discretion, and he is hereby authorized, upon applica tion or otherwise, to examine and ascertain as to the location and ex tent of lands within permanent or temporary forest reserves, which are chiefly valuable for agriculture, and which, in his opinion, may be occupied for agricultural purposes without injury to tho forest reserves, and which are not needed lor pub lic purposes, and may list and de scribe the same by metes and counds, or otherwise, and file tho lists and descriptions with tlio Sec retary of the Interior, with tho re quest that the srip lands be opened to entry in accordance with the pro visions of the homestead laws and this act." Following sections provide for taking such land under usual home stead laws and regulatious. There are additional conditions regarding location, each entryman being lim ited to 160 acres, and cannot tako a tract exceeding one mile in length. Preterence in taking such land is given to entrymen on the land when withdrawals were made, and thereafter, the first applicant. If the segregation is made 011 petition of an eutryman, the latter has pre cedence over others'in making ap plication, after the land is opened to settlement. There are also especial provisions relatiug to the Black Hills reserve in South Da kota, very limited entries there being permitted. The fact that tho Secretary of Agriculture will adjudge the re spective merits of land covered by this act is hopeful to tho western men, who have often been discom fitted by the prejudice and lack of western knowledge 011 tho part of the Secretary of Interior. If he were to pass on the agricultural possibilities of such land, little hope would be entertained of ever segre gating any of it from the perma nent forest withdrawals, but little apprehension is felt from the same prospect with the Secretary of Ag riculture at the helm. Senator Fulton his been assured that many entrymen will file peti tions for portions of the various Oregon reserves as soon as the law becomes effective. excursion and Picnic. The Order of Maccabees Cascade Tent No. C6, Cottage Grove, Ore gon, will give a grand excursion over the O & S E II It to Wild wood and return to Star where they will hold a picnic at Stewarts Grove, Saturday June 1(5, i9o6. One and one-third fare for the round trip. State Commander Sherwood will be the speaker ot the day. There will be a ball jrame and other amusement. A jolly good time is assured. A generil invita tion is extended to the public. Come everybody and bring your lunch. Train leaves Cottage Grove at 8 a. m. Lowest Prices