Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 30, 1906, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Limbering nnd Farming Interest of this Community.
NO. 19
And (leneral Mining New
(lathered from lixcliangcs.
J. A. Kude, Supt. of Oictfou St
ourities Co. iniuea, wit in town
Monday and Tiiemluy ou business.
W. II. Sliano 1 down from ruiuji
to got the ballot box fur the Bo
hemia election. An he says it nu
hard job to get the box rind trn
port it to li'ihemi.1 and then Imi k to
Frank J. Hard La M tiinird t.
Cottage Grove find will at unci' io
to Bohemia look uvrr tin work
that has been done at I lit- W'ouius,
(begun Colorado uinl liv r:iJ
during hi absence, 'pin- 1mm s nrt
nil anxious for him t come up fui
thry have thing to show him
The Hiawatha Mining Co. i
getting in bhrfpa to do qune a coo l
deal of wink this suiiiiiito . J hoxe
intrtesti'd ur very nuich encour
aged with the prop-oty and the
showing made, and iuten I to push
it as fast na jioHHihle. I hey hope
to lie able to mill quite rt good deal
of ora dining tn Hiimmi-r.
Mr. Mrs. Main" Jackson ro
turneI to town Mondav from their
hooeytrnMii. They will he the
guests of honor of Mr. and Mrs.
C. J- Miller at a reception tonight,
ri a short time Mr. Jacksnn arid
wife will go up to the dragon Se
curities Co. 'amp at drsaco, whoro
Mr. JacknoD will ha employed na
The moid remarkable mountain
of Iron In the world is in the tate
of Durango, Mexico; it is in 4, Moo
feat wide and MO feet high. En
gineer estimate that it contains
between 500,000,000 and (,
000 tons of or a abovn the aurfac,
and it is known that the deposit ex
tends under ground for a radius of
three or four mils in all direct ions.
The ore is high grade, containing
roughly 7o per cent iron and only I
about O.oM per cent phowphorud. 1
People who dig well or sink j
shafta for any purpoHo in the vicin
ity of Durango strike iron, and j
there is a theory that 7f to loo feet I
below the aurface is ft solid atratutn
of iron covering an area as big as 11
county. Thero in enough irn in
sight to lrst the entire world for a
r-s. - v
We will sell Ladies Waists at 20 per cent off. Ladies Hose, the regular 25c
for 19c a pair.
Ill i oiniii ( A im 1 i hii pi' i c i,
the metal 1 1 iM -,( i mid f 1 t int. j
injo ,h i A i-j.i , Mil 1 ' .1 1 1 1 tin- pro
! ni l 1 , t 1 uf t In- m- 11 ir I 'I' in ii;mri
t i"tl l.f ! h" 1! 1 1 , . 1'ul 111" 'h .ilble
c;U'Icm, tin l'ii;-i -l ;;ni r..iM. Ill'' ID-
got i-. I '-' ' iii''h'-" l"!ic, r 1 ..
indies will-, :iii. hull hi i t - -1 1 !hi''!i
nil I '-1 I's V- I 1 U'i
t . 1 1 ' ivJ' s .,t- 11.. n; n.h.s
1 2 I li 1 in In , w 1 I-, half ;
,bn-k a... 1 .v.. .so, wmnJ
ir '.v. j
TllC I. ill to r; 1 ,i'.- ,1 11. w ( ;ibin't '
i "Hi i'c . i a . h 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 c if 111 i tic-t and i
! rniiiini' w is i i - i . t I I. 'mi e i e- s
a l! 1 W , 1 11 1 1 v
I ' 1 1 1 1" .1 -'I! I ' 1
.1 ci u mil. was
. .
to tii -s" fosteiiiii:
tl.c I. In
' il'll--'.!'..'
...v ....! M
con t n .i . .; 1 1
llll l ' C u 1 1 1
J '' I ii.i 1
-. :( . .11 l.i.l 11 ut- a hill
d. 11 !ui--'it
I I i II-
' 1 . 1 1 ' 1,1
.. 1,1 ).
( ),! ,
-r the
'. of C llll-
lien pri,
1'i'i ' el with
'AiM jirul.
.1 ! !u- rreat
1 1 iii ! 1; ; . y ii the
' 1 1 "I a 11 I r :. n'l II'-
lilt.' t
I! I t I ' I . II
f nun-:,ire
I 1 :
MIiiImh M"ii frotm f.iu-lr Don
j 1' I I'll V at I 'i t 'at. I pi . ! I in i I) .1 1 V
: nti ps wi n i d i n its foiming
;a le -organi .ten of Hie Stat" Mm
j nig Asmk i at ion. It is the plan to
(gi t all th" prominent ruining nun,
1 owr.erM and . ; i t t . .) h i n the statu
into the ih-w ' i jvit.'.atioii. )r. J.
W. Iliil was c!i ' T I Usi'll lit, Al
Motrin Hecrcta: v, 11. House treahiir
er, d. N. McJ) iwcll, fiift vice-president,
CI. I'. llrue and I Jr. T. 1.
Thornton, lu'iHla! iv i onunittee, A.
I'. Craig, II. A. Kan I a. id I Jr. L.
M. Thornton advert jing commit'
tee. Th obp.'cH of t he association
is ta cefiire ihe paa;; uf new
mining laws and to wuik for the
rHlat'liHhment of n National 1'opait
rni.t of miii' i-.
Mivkoi Nw Invfvliitont
J. II. ChambciM has shown his
intorevt in I'ott.iKe drove by be
comicL' a ato.-klndder in the First
Natiwunl and lUn.-s to ha
it ku.vvu th'.. the report that he I
was a Htoi kh'ilder and director
the new bank of C .tt.i;,'' C.iuvi' wa
an i rot on the put of thoM mak
lUL mil il ,11" r ,I1,.I1II111.LI l
, . , ......
biiHineHM inteiests in this vicimtv m
,, ., ... ..
tht Mc.i mill, ami m 1 I . t r-1 1 " hold-1
1 .
i i , m i ' .. .. I 1 1 1 j .1,11 . ,.,
'..jl .111 Ml f.l , ,1111 II. 1 ,,,, .fill 11.1 ,.
btockh' ilder in the -d adds to it
already smin I li :ia neiul foundation
Miss Loma Miller of Alb.iuv i
visi'ing at. the h cue of Mis-i Dollie
Hawkins for soim- time. Slie has
many li lends here having lived here
until about a , ei uo.
ut!,-.,.,,,., ...
5j ""Jc
i(irfldiiating Class of School of
Alines Department of State
... , . . ., ... ,
University at Corvallis In-
sped Bohemia Mines.
Monday afternoon Chester I..
' '"'"b - I I , i.ssiMar.t instructor in
t ... .1 i..... 1
111 "i('iii 11. .i'ii 1 ui iiiiuen nic
'at" Agricultural College at Cor-
v-il'iH unived 111 the drove with
; rutin nn-ti: I i-i i.f the t;riiIiiatiiitf
clims, who an- on the annual min
ing trip i-iahlished by the State
lion I of Ke;;ri.K for the jjradu'it
l'i;,' el iss 'J'hc boys went U. oil
the () S. K. Tu'.-wday nioruing
"iiil w-ilk' il up to the Champion
"ttii wli' ii- they will inalie their
Ie iii'iniii ieri dm ing t he time they
in tlie camp. Tliey will in-
J spert 1 aeh mine in the amp and
! m ike a r-tudy of the formations, and
il the working of the miuea in or-
d r to mi idea of the 'practical
work, and on Saturday will walk
owr the J I ui ds( rabble road and
come to town. They will then go
to London and niackbutte, stopping
over ni;dit at Loudon Mineral
Spr irigh Hotel-
The member s of the ciass are
l'alo Sun,', A A. darrttt, M. 15.
r.elden, II. C. Oetz, II (). Kurn
bauxh. i. J. Kciling, C K. McCor
mick, V M. Kuth, and J. L. Ringo.
I'alo Sing is a Iiindo, and is the
Govt rnoi of a mining province in
India and w in this country learn
ing modern mining methods in or
der that when he returns to his
native lmid hi) may bo able to help
the pro;;icHs of mining in that
country and u bring it to a more
scientific and economic, develop
ment. There are at the achoo' a
number of Hindoos w ho nre stuo.y
Miji in the diflareut deparlmenta of
the Hchool in order to go back aud
o, llle 1 ,0 1 , t jf
they are to ever regain their go
tr umeiit fr m Knglaud it must be
thiough education and advunce-.
. 1. ,1 . I . 1
ment and to that end are uot oulv
. . , , , .,
acquiring modern kuowledge them-
, i . i- .1
selves, but are sending their voun?
. c J
men and women to tho recoguized
i li.iB.I flf 1 1, 1 I-1 i ti 11 til. ITllilo.t SMtdfl
i. 1 . ' ,
l to learn tho most modern ideas.
j The graduating class are a group
of bright hoys and have a good
I future before them. They expect
j to have a rough but valuable trip
to the niiius aud are prepared for
nil kinds of weather.
1. nil , ,., , ,,, 11 1
mention that you
Womnn'n Clvib election
'Jh" Womans Club of Cottage
Grove held their annual meeting at
the Cotr.meac il Club rooms on the
1 afternoon of May 20, H'co. The
, fallowing oll'iceis were fleeted to
serve for the ensuing year. Mrs.
Maa 'Ihompson, president; Mis
Jeuni Wood, vire president; Mrs.
Mabel Chambers, recording seere
t:iry; Mrs. Margarette Johnson,
corrc-ootid intr secretary; Mrs.
Anna Wood, treasurer.
-im .. r .. . .i,..-,..
I !. ait of painting was the pnu-
1,. .;. . ... , .'. . 1,
t in u'll.lw I 11! tin. vpars Hi lflT.
I 1 111: u.u' ' 1 j 1 hi 01 1 11c 11 1 ui iji i
, artists were riven
in the
f..ti.. r.f n
I and
i dHcushiuri
('l owed by a general
on the masterpieces of
each ai tist . Ait b
lnvu iii mi, jiy aii i m
I teretinj- mud.v and in ronnetliou
: with th" art "f designing and glaz
' irit,' pnt'tr will le taken up the
eo'iiiiiy; year.
I The niemSerM of our club feel
1 1 -j v r f . V c 1 '111 1 ti
very grateful to the members of the I
Conitnercial Club f'.r the use of1
their reception room as a pi are of;
After the order of business was'
uisposfd wiui reiresnrneiiiH were
Herved by the retiring oflicers
Tlnno present were: Mesdames.
Katie Watch , Kva Wheeler, CJlivia
Kakin, Clara Iiurkholder,
; Thompson, Addie Job, Margarette
i Johnson, Alice Abrams, Cora Comp
iton, Anna Wood, Mabel Chambers,
I Mary Wheeler, Ida Caldwell, Grace
Hockett, Lulu I!riggs; Alice Rich
. ... , ,i- i m ;
liii.tul UKtl-i; TpTitile VV unil I lirillp
.... ;
Committee ou civic improvement
Mesdarnes Job, Wood, Watch,
Johnson, and Mich Rowers. Com
mitlee on philanthrop
ic worn, .ucv
dames Iiurkholder, Ilo.-ket,
uiond, Caldwell, doodmin.
To Find The Children
P-evident Roosevelt has ordered
the White Cross agents to post
notices of missing children mid to
do all in their power to help to lo
cate childreu that have become sep
arated from their parents during
the S tn Francisco disaster. Many
children were carried away from
their parents on the trains running
out of San Francisco during those
first few days and have been left to
tho care of kind hearted citizens
eterywhure on the coast. Many of
the childieu have parents who are
eagerly searching for them and are
in despair at their loss, hence the
presidents action .
Iu Cottage GroTe. May 20, l'Joti,
at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. K. D.
Handy to the wife of S. R. Scott,
of Blue River, a ten pound sou.
Mother and child doing well.
1 1 1 . 1 1,. i., in, m..., ., .... .i,,,, ,.ri,r r
saw it in your paper.)
Highest Tribute I'aid Veterans
of (i. A. R. by Willis C.
! 1 lit' Optra Mouse was well filed
i..... ......i.t:
. - .
; can eaudnlate fo Ken
Kepresntati v. in
1 . ,
"o' -I'u
political issues.
He w.isj intrrjdueed by Dr. Woods,
I'ost Commander of the (J. A. It.,
who in a few weli chosen introduc
tory remarkn presented the Hj.eaker
of the tveniug. Mr. Hawley made
a powerful speech and convinced
everybo 1 of his fitness for the po
sition he seeks. He outlined his
stand on the great issues of the day
and stated that he was heartily in
favor of rate supervision, and the !
control of monopolies, that he fa-;
vored a protective tariff, that of!
course with varying conditions as '
the years go by, changes must be j
made io meet the conditions, but!
that the protective taritl was the)
best protection for our commerce;!
that the reason the democrats did
; not favor rate legislation was be
; cause by the use of discriminative
railroad and steamship rates, the
tat i!T can in ruanv ways b made
aimost inoperative, as far as protec-
' '
tion for our citizens goes, lor
stance, by the discrimination in
freight rates a carload of sewing
machines can be bought in Boston
bhinped to Euro; e and back and
-. . t- .I
sent to the Missi.-sinni Vallev. and
the t iritl paid, cheiper than the
1 same carload of machines could
jhave been bought a1; 1 shipped di
j rect to the Mississippi Valley.
Jle statea tbat toe representa
tives of Oregon would have their
bands full for the next four years in
taking care of the needs of Oregon,
with her rapid growth, aud the
changiug conditions in the statu.
He hopes to be ehcted and to do
the state justice. II.- is very posi
tive iu his stand on t' o legislative
control of monopolies.
In closing he paid 1 glowing
tribute to the bravery an ' the cour- j
age of the soldiers who fought and I
died for the cause of freedom.
The audience was a very enthu
siastic oce . ari't Mr. Hawley'sj
speech made a gcod impression. He .
is thoroughly posted, and i- a con-!
viocing talker, with a good tore of i
pleasantiies, and little storbs to il-j
lustrate his points. I
Information Wa.nted.
The body of David Kenne-ly, a
i J.
logger, wis recently found in the
Sktlley mill pond near Yoncalla,
and was- buried at Itoseburg. rel
atives of a young man of tint name
in the Last are trying to find out
about hi-i death, thinking thin
young fel'cw may be their lost one.
Will anyone knowing anything of
the man, eit her l.ef .re his death or
of his burial. pl"a--c 'Mite to tha
Nugget at Cottage drove. Were
there any deformities on the dtad
man that would be positive marks
of identification. Any report will
be greatly appreciated by a sorrow
ing mother and relatives.
Fourth of July Committees
The Merchants Association at its
meeting Monday night selected the
following officers and committees
to handle the Fourth of July cele
bration :
President of the day, Dr. B. R.
Job; Marshil, Frank McFarland;
Treasurer, ',. Lurch; Secretary, II.
H. Veateh; Riogram committee on
grounds. . Lurch and II 11 Watch
Committee on speaker. James Hem
enway. Geo. Comer; Committee on
liberty car .Mesdames Welch, Pierce
Comer, Lurch, Johnsou, Burkbol
der, Venske; Committe on liberty
car and driv-r, Hamilton Veatch &
Schmutz; Committee on music,
Thos. Pierce .v H. Venske; Com
mittee on spous. Tom Je ikius, I.).
D. Knox, If, Brehaut; Committee
on Streets, J. H. Birtels, C. J.
Proposed Electric Franchise Submitted
The committees of the city coun
cil and of the Commercial Club
have prepued an ordinance to be
submitted to the Willamette Valley
Co. for their consideration and a
copy Iris been milled to them.
After they have looked the matter
over it will again appear before tha
Memorial Address.
Rev Grace preached an unusual
fine Memorial sermon Sunday
moruirg to a crowded house. The
veterans of the G. A. It. Post were
present together with their friends
from all churches. The service
was a splendid one all the way
through and was very much en
joyed by the oi l soldics. Ite v.
Grace spoke very touchingly of
their battles in the past for the
great cause and of the sufferings
and deprivations they went through
with iu the struggle.
The Pacific States Tel. & Tel.
Co. started in Monday morning
with a force of men trimming and
setting in place the new poles and
brackets. As soon as the pole3 ara
set a force of men will be put to
work putting in the new cables,
and changing the wires.
st jry