Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 23, 1906, Image 7

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Stlunliy, Mk 10.
Washington, May lit Tim hiiisi.
arose today in It wrath n nl pot to
eternal slicp a messum Unit 11 hud pre
viously passed, limiting I! penilcn
tUry nflmisii fur any official or i'inlnyit
of the government, Including senator
ind congressmen, to noike pnhlic tiny
eerct ill forilMtt lull Hint Would have Ull
ffiM't iiinii Dim marknl viiliii) of nny
Imrricau products, Tim dill nriginal
y passed tint ImiHit some weeks ago
without discussion, mid was Intended
to remedy h defect In llm Uw as eipns
ii I dy tlm recent cotton inn mini In tint
department of agriculture. It huh
amended liy tlm senate, and tlm i)iort
of the conferees brought tlm matter to
tlm attention of tlm i, .iinn today.
After a heated debate In which tlm
measure was altacke I an vicious legls
IhIIoIi ly McCall of Massachusetts,
irnsveimr, of Ohio, unit ( r ii in n i k r ,
of Indiana, Republicans, and defended
t y llurlesnu, IIi'iimm rl, of Texas, tin
author, ami Chairman Jenkins, of tlm
judiciary committee, tlm house, by a
record vote of 107 to I'.n, tabled llm
I. ill, having n film I In tin. tit' im-Uine
(o agree to t Im report of tlm confcri es.
Friil.iy, May 1(1.
Washington, May IM, After "0 days
f almost I'lllll illOOIIN deliberation llm
. . t ..... p i . i
" n in my Hi i i p. in. passcn inn
vid rate hid liy tlm practically
iinatli moil Vnt of 71 to :i. Tlm three
negative votes were ;nt liy Foiaker,
Republican, of Ohio, ami Morgan and
I'ellus, I i'ini rit n, of A Uliitmii. fliere
a a d.iini'W lint larger attendance of
wliilufi than 1 1 f I it I , litit tlm attendance
in llm galleries an ty no means ul
normal, mul there was no manifcsta
i Ion nf miy k. i ml when tlm rt-mi 1 1 was
iiiiiciiih r.. There was, liu i.vit, an
iilinont general sigh of relief mining tlm
V . 1 1 i ii n t in , May 1 H. Reminiscent
Uif Dm ft rt'fnf u t days of tlm 47tli con
iitii were tin' scenes in and about tlm
house today. Hardly find tlm Juiirnal
been approved w hen tin' Iicinocrats,
under (lie leadership of Williams, of
Mississippi, ln'kfHii tlm I) rut leal llli
iinster in n number of years, their ob
ject being In defeat tlm lull paying to
Im i-ht itti of Knmui'l I .", of South
' iirulinn, 9 1 0 . -I si fur bIIowiuic'cm iiiihIk
y rrnmui of tl. rliMtlon of Im, a ri
io ruiiti'ftniil fur a m'nt in tlm 47lli
nnif ri-n.
Thin hill hn Ihh-ii tv rlt' (nvornhly
!y num roinfriiwii tin tirncH hy Ki
.iililirmin ainl llirim timi'M hy licino-
Aftfr rpi-rnt iii almost tlm cntirt lay
n tlm itt'it i it tlm hill wai jh I .
Thursday, May 17.
WaHhiiiKtmi, May 17. With llm
I' fpt in of lUilf.v'ii iliKreniniM, tlm en-
tir luy wan ilivotwl hy tlm inoiatu to a
review of tlm ainriiiliiK-iitii muilo in
l iiliiniltti'n of llm wlioln inul r iViTfil
Ihdiucm lint timrH than half of ti u iiii-hh-
nrH. Tln'ri wan a pruHim t of ronihul
me the n-ii.liiiK until tin' n-dinn rnnt-
iiiH In tlm I iitflntiitn I'oln tni-rt'i' nun
i ii ihp ii hi in i w i' r to tlx rntiH wan ri'.ichiil
iinil tin' irii'iliiin of thi' roiiHt itiitiiitml-
ty of Hint I'UiTiHiuii wan imcivl. Tin
1 1 lin k, wan inii'li' mi tlw i Imiipi t(iviii tn
Im riiiniiiittfi' ili'iTftnm in tlm inuttrr
n'M rviin; ra(in, mnl a lontf ilchnto
iihiii'.I. '1'hi' iii'nt ion hhi elill tiinli-r
InriiHHiiui whi-ii tlm ihiy ibiih' to a
WiiMiihk'toti, M.y 17. AftiT two
:i' il.'l iltc thn ImllHH tmlny lnlHHi'il
laval niniiriiitici hill, riuryintf
'.. ,71,'itMiil. Tin1 niimnilnmtit jTnviil
in that tin' Hi'rri'lary of tlm nnvv roiihl
!:o into tlm n inurki-t ami i tire hit mi
luiiiiH, Bin lmrH ami ronliik't'i nhoultl it
hi (lumiiiiMtiatcil iluit Ihi-y I'uiihl m
mil ihi-iiinT in friii inurki-tH than thi'.v
onlil hi inaili hy tin K'ovi-rni it,
aH tli'frati'il toiluy hy a vntn of lH to
Hy tlm Bi tiini of tlm lioimo on a rw
nil Bini-mliiiiMit, upon whii li HwpitrBte whm iliMiiitmlinl, it A pur cent iliffir
nlial will hi allowcil hiil.lcrB from tlm
'iicilk: Omit on nhin c.nmtriicuil
1it. Tlm yott! wa viry cIohi. Ilirt'i
li'jnihlicami rliaiiKi 'r"m to yi'H,
UiiKlu-n of Iowa, ThomaH and Ixnj-
Wedneay, May 16.
VanliiriKton, M iy 1(1. The conniiler
tion of tlm rat hill in cimmittc-o of
he whole was rnnclmloil hy the ci-nate
.!. un, I I ho tni'BHtire wan thin re-
orti-il to the Hcnati', wheie ihi're will
i opiiorturiity lo review ami nitr an
. Will Double Aiuska Cables.
ViiHhinyrton, Mny I.V Orders have
ii i-uoiinl hv (leneial Allen, the thief
i(?nal olllcer of the army, for the in-
(ailment of the hi!-x KyHtem on mo
Klankit cahlcH. The commercial hunt-
1,1. ( Iiiih hecome ho heavy
hut evrn hy working nijiht ami day the
Pentium are not able to lianiiie an uie
iuiinli..u With the new HVHteni the
itpacity of the cnblea w ill he IncreaHcd
.bunt. tVi l ent. The Hupreme court
( the United HlateH haH denied the
etitlon for a reliminnK in the UiU'rko
taction CHBes.
California Needs Another Judge.
WaMhlniton. Mav 15. The nieinbers
fff the California deletion in roiiKress
tiday met in conference with Secretary
d the Question of
in additional circuit judge for Califor-
lia, aa well as the urgent need oi nu
ral appropriations both for the con-
truction o( new federal bulldiiins In
Ian Francisco and the proper repairing
it others. Insuranco litigation will, it
Jh believed, make an additional Judge
llm al'ii'iiiliiienta herntofnie main.
I'ntrln ally llm enlirn day wan devoted
to coiiKiilernlioii of llm anl I-inhn anmiiil
men!, whirh wan adopted after iiiakinx
no many eii ej.l inim us to aroiiHii ImiikIi
ter every limn tin provinion wan read
llm work of tlm imnatn after llm hill
wan reported wan confined to tlm partial
coiiHiileral Ion of the pipe linn provision,
whirh was no aiimmlml an to titrik out
tlm Morgan provino eitmuling It o
ration to other countries where the
I'niti il Mates had Jurisdii tlon.
WanhliiKton, May 1I. Tlm naval
appropriation hill, carrying nearly
(100, 0(10, 0110, wan completed today In
the Iiiiiikm alter one of tlm bnmml days
of tlm present congress. The feature
of tlm day's debate grew out of the at
tempt to ilnfiat tlm appropriation for
the largest battleship of Its clatH in the
world and the tenor of tlm speeches for
the big ship was that the American re-
puhlir must be abreast of the nations
of the world In tlm strength of her
navy. The opponents talked for peace,
disarmament and arbitration, unci in
sisted that there was no national need
fur surd a large navy. The amend
ment int roihired by ilnrton, of Ohio,
lo strike out the appropriation for a
rival to the ItiitiHh I irraduauirht was
defeated, us was the amendment Icav
ing tlm foiiHtruiiion of the haltli'shit
lo tlm disrretion of the secretary of the
navy after the second I lague confeienre.
A Una) vote on the hill will be taken
Tuesday, May 16.
Washington, May 15. With the ei
ceplion of the nnti-p;is amendment,
the senate concluded its discussion of
the lailn a I rate hill in committee of
the whole and, hi pool) as that provi
sion shall be disposed of, will take it
up in the senate. The general expec
t ; 1 1 i it i in that the pas question will he
disposed of early tomorrow, and the
general hope is that the hill may be
I ii-sd before the closa of tomorrow 's
session. Tlm grater part of the day
wai spent in discussing the eighth sec
tion of the hill, relating to the person
nel of the Interstate Commerce com
mission, resulting in the elimination
o( llm entire section and the rcHlolutioll
of tin present law, which provides for
live commissioners at r-alaries i,f f 7,500.
Washington, May 15. The House
bv a decided vole today rcuflirmed its
faith in the Navy department, defeat
ing an amendment of Tawney, chair
man of the appropriations committee,
to limit the expenditures on a ship to
10 per cent of the cost, a vote of con
lidenre coming after two horns' hot
debate. Having reached the section of
the naval hill dealing with increane
in the Navy and, realizing that consul
eralilo debate must ensue, the house ad
loomed until noon tomorrow.
Tawney was emphatic in declaring
that it wan both had policy and had ad
ministration to give to the Navy de
partnienl the right of spending $11,'
000,000 for repairs of vessels without
so much as being compelled to give an
account to any one for thu money ex
Monday, May, 14.
Washington, M.iy 14. The session
of the senate toihty passed w ithout an
exciting incident and without the adop
tion of a Ningle amendment to the rail-
nun 1 rate hill, notw itliHtaniling that
measure watt under coimiilerat ion prac
tically all the time from the hour of
convening, 11 o click, until adjourn
ment at 5:15 p m. The most charac
teristic feature of the day was the re-
jectinu ol anieiiilineutB. I ins wai ac
complished either by direct vote or by
the pmccM of laying on the table and
one followed another in rapid succe
sinn. Among the provisions thus adversely
disposed of were several intended to fix
the liability of railroad companies for
in'ury to employes. The presentation
of provisions intended to accomplish
this purpose had the effect of bringing
out a practical')' authoritative state
ment that the committee on interstate
comnurce will report the independent
house bill on that Buhjtct which is now
pending before it.
Washington, May 14. The house
had under consideration today hills re
lating to the government of the District
of Columbia. It completed the hills
reorganizing the Washington public
school system, then adjourned in the
absence of a quorum, postponing action
on the hills under consideration.
These hills will be taken up tomorrow.
Jiminer Plans Revolution.
Washington, May 15. Reports have
reached the State department of the
organization of another revolutionary
movement directed against the govern
ment of President Caceies, of Santo
Pomingo. It is understood that thu
inland of Porto Kico is the base of
operations, and it is supposed that ex
President Morales and Jiminez are the
leadem of the movement. Instructions
have been sent to the insular governor
of Porto Rico to tuke steps to carry out
the neutrality laws, which would pre
vent departure of hostile expedition.
Inquiry Into Coal Monopoly.
Philadelphia, May 15. The Inter
state Commerce Commission will to
morrow resume its inquiry into the al
leged close relations between railroads
and big coal corporations. Nearly the
entire time, it is expected, will be de
voted to efforts to prove the ownership
of stock in coal companies by officials
of the Pennsylvania railroad and dis
crimination in car distiibutlon. The
Ilaltitnore and Ohio will also be put
under microscopic, examination.
Homo Deride to Wait for Further
News From Snn Francisco.
Washington, May HI. ftnr Imsring
Secretary Taft and Supervising Archi
ll i t Taylor, tlm emergency sub commit
t re of t lie house committee on appro
priations today decided to delay action
regarding llm $500,000 asked for by
llm president for San Francisco and the
$'t5fl.0O') asked for to repair the federal
buildings damaged by the recoiit earth
quake in California.
As to the emergency fund, Mr. Tafi
explained that Im would he able in a
week or ten days to submit a detailed
estimate which would probably cover
everything which would be needed for
relief purposes. He was unable to
state what that amount would Im.
The estimate regarding the building
was a preliminary recommendation
made by telegraph on a cursory exami
nation of the damage done to the build
ings in question. These buildings are
in such shspe that they are being used
and the Treasury department is re
quested to have detailed estimates made
at once with the intention of having
the amount carried in the general defi
ciency bill, which will be taken up Iry
tlm committee in two weeks or more.
Mr. Taft informed the committee
that there would continue to he a con
sidera'.ile expenditure for relief pur
poses for some time to come.
Increasing Number Come at Mem
bers of Exempt Classes.
Washington, May HI. The bureau
of immigration today issued a state
ment regarding the disjxisition of Chi
nese seeking admission to the United
States, covering the month of April,
11(00, as compared with April, 1!I05.
The statement shows that out of a total
of 100 arriving in April, 8n were
admitted and 14 deported. A large in
crease of arrivals in April, 1H0, is
noted, 241 having landed in this coun
try, ' of whom were deported.
A significant feature of the statement
is the numhwr of ('hi nest arriving in
this country on certificates issued by
the Chinese government, vised by
United States consular officers. In
April, l'.05, 12 such reached these
shores, only one of Jw hoin was deported,
whereas in April, 190ti, 19 arrived,
none of whom was deported. This
showing, it was explained at the bureau
of immigration, is a refutation of the
charge which it is said repeatedly has
been made that certain classes of Chi
nese .were not being accorded that lib
erality of treatment to which they were
Some Coal Companies Get More Than
Their Share of Cars.
Philadelphia, May 16. Testimony
tending to show favoritism by railroad
companies in the distribution of coal
cars was elicited today when the Inter
state Commerce commission resumed
its investigation into thu alleged rail
road discrimination.
Shortly before the close of the after
noon seBS'on George W. Clark, a car
distributer employed by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad company at Altoona,
Pa., admitted that he had received or
ders to make special assignments of
cars to the Herw ind-White Coal com
Arthur Hale, superintendent of trans
portation of the Baltimore A Ohio Kail
road, was on the stand the greater part
of the iIbv. Through him it wss
brought out that the Merchants' Oial
company had frequently received many
curs in excess of their percentage allot
ment, w hile various smaller companies
suffered a shortage.
Limit to Skyscraplng.
San Francisco, Mav 10. At a meet
ing of the joint committee on building
laws with the various sub-committees
it was definitely decided to recommend
the following ordinances: On streets
100 feet wide or over, the height of
buildings facing thereon shall be un
limited. On streets 60 feet wide or
over, the height of buildings shall be
limited to 200 feet. On streets less
than 80 feet wide, tha height of build
ings is to be one and one-half times the
width of the street upon which the
building faces.
Murder of Gapon Proved.
St. Petersburg, Mav 1(1. At the in
quest on the body of Father Uapon,
which was found Mv 13 in the upper
chamber of a lonely villa in the sum
mer suburb of Oaeiki, Finland. M.
Margolin, the former priest's lawyer,
positively identified the body. The
autopsy showed that lie bail receive! a
blow on the head, and the theory is
that revolutionists were listening in an
adjoining room and heard Gapon tell
hiB connection with the government.
Develope Philippine Coal Mine.
Washington, May 16. The house
committee on insular affairs today
presented h favorable report on a bill
for the leasing of the military reserva
tion on the Island of Bataan, one of the
Philippine group, for coal mining pur
poses. The requirement ia made that
the government aball have all the coal
it desires at a price to be 10 rer cent
greater than the coat of mining.
Congress May Lntjlslale Land Re
ceivers Out of Office.
House Committee on Appropriations
Cuts Out Amount for Officials
Whose Terms Expire Soon.
Washington, May 17. The honse
committee on appropriations will not
make provision in the sundry civil bill
for the salaries of land oflice receivers
whose terms expire during the present
year. The public lands committee has
refused o rejort a bill abolishing the
oflice of land receiver, notwithstanding
the recommendations of the president
and general land oflice, but the appro
priations committee )elieves this re
form is justified and much to be de
sired. However, the appropriation commit
tee lias not jurisdiction over this gen
eral subject, and can only, 'act as out
lined, to cut off the salaries of those re
ceivers w hose terms are about to expire.
Under this change, Miss Anna M.
I.ang, receiver at The lulles, the only
woman land officer in the West, will be
legislated out o' office unless the senate
should restore this appropriation, but
no other Oreogn official would be affect
ed this year.
In Washington, Receivers L. B. An
drews at Sea'tle and A. J. Cook at
Vancouver would lose their oflice after
July 1, along with Ivlward K. Garrett
at Boise, Charles (i. Garby, Lewiston;
William A. Il'idgrnan Hailey; Charles
G. Warner, Coeur d'Alene and George
A. Robethan, Blackfoot, Idaho, and P.
M. M'lllen, Juneau, Alaska.
It is expected that the senate will
restore this appropriation to the sun
dry civil bill, but, if it should not, the
oflicers named, with many others, will
be dropped on Jane 30 next.
Company to Loan $100,000,000 To
Be Organized This Week.
New York. May 17. The Herald to
day says: One hundred million dol
lars is to be the capitalization of the
new mortgage loan corporation which
is to b organized here to advance mon
ey for the rebuilding of Sn Francisco.
The promoters of the enterprise at first
argued that $10,000,000 capitalization
would provide an ample vehicle for
handling hundreds of millions of in
vestments, but it was found that San
Francisco favors a much larger capital
ization, giving opportunity for invest
ment by the Pacific Coast. Hence it
is now considered best to capitalize for
$100,000,000, with paid in subscrip
tions reaching $10,000,000 cash.
E. II. Ilirrirnan. president of the
Southern Pacific; Frank A. Vanderlip,
vice president of the National City
Bank: Snator Newlands of Nevada
and H S. Black, president of the Unit
ed States Realty and Improvement
Company, today conferred with Frank
lin K. Lane and Thomas Magee, both
of Sin Francisco, and members of the
relief committee, upon means to be
employed to remove from the minds of
investors in the Fast the fear that the
complicated mortgage laws of Califor
nia will ii.tlict double taxation upon
owhers of mortgages in San F'rancisco.
Senate Committee Votes, Carmach
Havirg Broken Deadlock.
Washington, Miy 17. The senate
committee on interoceanic canals vqted
todav in favof of constructing a sea
level canal. Senator earmark's return
from Tennessee broke the deadlock
which occurred at a former meeting.
The vote today was had on a resolu
tion presented by Senator Kittredge,
declaring it to be the sense of the com
mittee that the construction of a sea
level canal be recommended. On mo
tion the attirmative votes were: Messrs.
Piatt, Kittredge, Ankeny, Morgan, Car
mack and Taliaferro. Chairman Mil
lard voted in the negative.
Pay What They Legally Owe.
Ran F'rancisco, May 17. The insur
ance companies will settle their losss
in their own way, each company acting
for itself, according to the contracts
emhodied in its policies, and the Fire
Underwriters' Adjusting Bureau will
make no attempt to dictate a general
policy or lay down uniform rules for
the companies to observe in the settle
ment of claims. The adjustment bu
reau is merely to act as a board of ap
praisers in dealing with claims and
only report on lopses sustained, leaving
settlement to the respective companies.
Greener Unjustly Accused.
Wanhington, May 17. Having tatis
tied the Stute department officials that
the charges against him contained in
Assistant Secretary Peirce's confidential
report were .without sufficient fin Dila
tion, ati'l that he was the victim of
mistaken identity in some measure,
Richard T. Greener, late commercial
agent at Vladivostok, Siberia, will be
given another appointment in the con
sular service when a suitable opening
is found.
Relief Fund Feeds 164,000.
Washington, May 17. Dr. Edward
T. Devine, Red Cross representative in
San Francisco, reports that requisitions
for supplies have been reduced to 164,-
000 a day.
Thn "dew jK.nd" In a curious Stone
Ago relh; yet to bo traced In Great
Britain. In tlm nbsence of spring,
broad hollows wero swKipM out, and
fhcwi were covered with straw or other
non ondu' tlrig material, with a thick
layer of rny nnd sfones on toji. At
n licfit the fold stjrfnffi of the clny con
denned mi fihuiidaiire of water for the
cuttle to drink.
Sympathetic Inks, by moans of which
writings enn lx concealed when the
pmxT containing them Is not subjected
to certain external Influence, have
long been known, hut a disappearing
pillar, the decay of which at the end
of a fixed time destroys writing and
all. Is certainly a novelty. Such a
paper, says the French journal La
PajH'terle, has recently been Invented.
It Is prepared hy steeping In add. the
strength of which Is varied according
to the leaso of life Intended to be be
stowed upon the paper. After a longer
r shorter time the paper disintegrates
ami falls to pleoes. It Is suggested that
this kind of paper would be a booh to
thoe who do not wish to have tbelr
letters Indefinitely preserved, but that
holders of promissory notes shoald be
ware of It
The fascinating Interest of the an
ebtit ruins In Rhodesia, South Africa,
drew the attention of the archeologlsta
of the British Association during Its
recent meeting at Cape Town. Among
them; ruins the most conspicuous Is the
f:reat Zimbabwe temple, which lies
ulxjut 200 miles Inland from the Indian
Ocean. The oldest of the ruined build
ings are believed to date back at least
to the days of King Solomon. It Is
thought that they were constructed by
Hemltlc colonists, whose chief object
was gold-mining, and who hare left
Indications of their worship of Baal and
Ashtaroth, as described In the Bible.
Exports believe that precious metal to
the value of three or four hundred mil
lion dollars must have been extracted
from the gold reefs of Rhodesia In an
cient times.
Zapuie Is the Indian name of a plant
that grows In Mexico, along the Gulf
const. It has within the past year or
two attracted considerable attention
on account of the apparent commercial
value of the fiber derived from It The
natives have long used It for making
ropes, cordage, bags, lariats, bridles and
fish seines. The plant bears a resem
blance to the henequen plant of Yuca
tan, but Is said to yield a greater quan
tity of fiber. The fiber comes from the
leaves, and Is white, strong and flex
ible. The plant Is propagated In a
jiocullnr way. A stalk grows up from
the center, and the branches which It
puts forth become detached and fall to
the ground, where they take root This
process occurs when a plant Is about 6
years old, but If the leaves are taken
off, not until about the 15th year.
What Is now known as hypnotism
was heralded nearly a half century ago
as of great Importance In medical diag
nosis and as a moral aid In training
children, and much greater powers
have been assigned to It In recent years.
A lnte French writer has shown that
Its usefulness has been greatly exag
gerated. It affects only wills too weak
to le aided, and It can have no value
In systematic education. Gravet has
concluded that It Is so often harmful
that It should be employed only by
the practised physician. The same
nuthorlty has found that suggestion
m::y not ho exiected to cure a purely
mental state, nor even a grave nnd
profound nervous state, nor even a
profound nervous disease like hysteria.
i and that Its chief value In therapeutics
Is In localizing nervous disorders, espe
cially hysteria.
The chart shows how much more ter
ritory was burned over In San Fran
cisco than In the Chicago fire of 1S71
and the Iialtlinure tire of 11KM.
t'ontrn-M lulled.
Several years ago there lived In Mill
town, X. It., a unique character who
always went hy the title of "Captain
Ah." His greatest peculiarity was that
he was always on the opposite side, no
matter what the question was. At a
town meeting one day, after the chair
man had called for the "yeas," which
showed the vote was almost unani
mous, he called the "contra-minded."
John Fernham, one of the citizens, roso
and said: "Mr. Chairman, he has Just
gone out" The "captain" had left the
room a moment before.
A man wlio clerks In a cigar store
should not smoke a pipe when ou duty.
rafillll ilillllk i
Ham's Horn PtoiimU a Warning Not
to the linrtiltetncil.
Kf.u i n:tAfi u
the main spring,
of Chris tin n
The Bible Is full
of "rpieer tilling,"
until a limn gets
the Holy Spirit to
give lit tit under
standing. They who Jeer
at the church as)
dead are usually
afraid that It will prove too lively for
them at times.
Knowledge Is power for evil as well
as good.
Hearers of the Word criticise the
truth, not doers.
God's sifting makes us less In bulk,
but more In value.
The church Is Christ's oody, and 1U
mission His husIneHH.
If tlie church Is Christ's body, It will
hare the nail prints.
If the devil Is dead, business Is going
on at the same old stand.
Laziness about doing Christian work
Is often mistaken for humility.
The lilies have no mirrors In the
grass, and "yet I aay unto you."
To try to save men by getting them
Into a church. Is trying to make apple
of rocks by putting them In fruit
Comfortable Existence for Family
on than f 1 a Month.
The average monthly Income of tlio
Japanese workman is now something
less than $0, says Lleuuor Franklin,
In Leslie's Weekly. And this Is a higli
average. On this a Japanese of tha
laboring class can keep a family of five
or six In comfort and cleanliness and
enjoy all the simple pleasures dear to
the Japanese heart These pleasures
do not consist of feasting and drinking
to excess and going to places of amuse
ment, but are the pleasures afforded by
the peculiar and complete love of na
ture In all her. moods.
"Flower-gHxlng" Is the Japanese ex
pression, und "flower-gazing" costs
nothing to the family that is willing to
tramp any number of miles to reach
some spot particularly beautified by a
luxuriant display of one of the season's
Bowers, which. In their turn, fill every
month from the new year to the new
jear. On these expeditions, which we
would call picnics, the family takes its
allowance of rice and tea, of fish and
small pickled vegetables, and Its feast
la only such as It usually enjoys at
home. The Japanese laborer works on
an average twenty-six days each month,
and his hours are ordinarily from sua
to sun. He doesn't work as hard as
his brother in the West; he doesn't
accomplish as much in a given time,
not by any means; but be does his
work thoroughly, he Is efficient as a
rule, and his pay has always beta
sufficient for his needs.
He lives in a neat little house of
two rooms, spotlessly clean and sim
ple to ubsolute bareness. For this he
pj.ys something like $1 a month, and,
thankt to the kindly climate of his
land, he knows nearly nothing about
the excuse of fueL A little charcoal
tor a tiny hibachl Is all he needs, and
Lis cooking can lie done on this or on
a loss ornamental one In u wee bit of
an additional room culled the kitchen.
His charcoal and light together cost
him less than $1.13 a month, and for
this he has all the fuel and light he
finds necessary. He knows nothing
about the string of rigid economy, lilce
custs him more than anything else.
He has to pay ubout ?3 for enough of
this commodity to keep his family 5
month, und his ouly hardship really Is
that his Income Is not sufficient to pro
vldo for him the little luxuries of diet
that his more fortunate brothers enjoy.
And he has his fish and vegetables, too,
each costing him n little less than $1 a
mouth, nnd after everything Is paid
for he still has enough left for tobacco,
hair cutting and shaving, for the hair
miu lor lue uuwj uui utitu m a ncifcu-
borlng public bath house that Is so
necessary to the well-being of every
1 .1..I1.. t..- l.n.l. I. w.lK
Peace tn the 1'hlllpulnea.
It Is said that not long ago a war
department official was approached by
n man who was thinking of moving to
the Philippines to enter business.
"I would like to know the status of
things there from a reliable source,"
the man said. "Is there now a condi
tion of peace?'
Well, not exactly everywhere," tha
official admitted.
"Could you give nie any Idea as to
when peace will he established?"
"Not off-hand, but you can get tha
census rejKirt nnd figure It out for
yourself," the official said, somewhat
bitterly. "We estimate that It requires
n man's weight In lead to thoroughly
'pacify' him, and the quartermaster's
office can furnish you with a statement
of ammunition shipments." Harper's
And Flower Seed.
Plggmus The spring Issues of the
magazines are wonderfully Interesting,
aren't they?
Dlsmukes Yes, they have such a
fine line of refrigerator advertisements.
American Spectator.
When a girl gets a Job down town,
and wears a pencil in her back hulr,
she thinks she Is It.
About three times out of uv a man
Is eutltled to another guejs.