It is True as Emerson wrote that Kntliiisinsin lias char acters d tlu si K i l ion HI 1 11 1 1 Summer "Nthlntf irtmt I BthaiUm." We sell the famous C. II. BURKHOLER s. 4. .A. .4. -i- .A. .j. -i- j. -i- li The Safety 1 1 j V"- Trif , o W-:. . Can he used in and strops like Ki-.VI I. i Clllh IIICIII l I Griffin & T- -T- -T- -T- -T- -T- I 000000 0000 00 000000 o 00000000000 0000 00 000000 o 000000 o 100000000000000000000000000000-0000000 000000000000009 1 i vrrrrtnmnf mnrm virtu vtrs HOME NEWS Conger makes the best cigars in Oregon. See tho new 10 cent counter nt the Bazaar. Mens and boys overalls at tf to $1. at the Hazaar. Kugeue Steam Laundry, Allison and Hastings agents. Laie curtains of ull kinds and values at Veatch & Lawsons. 100 sewing machine coupons with each year's Bubscription paid in advance. Flies are coming, but Hcreen doors are here already. Got ready Veatch & Iwson. Cochran makes good photo crsDhs and at good prices too. A ft . w w rate is now on. Oct uext. When you want a good magazine or paper on a clubbing rate, try your home paper with it. The price will satisfy you. Hello Central Give us every one on the Hne. We want to tell them about the great bargnins at the Bazaar. Phone 193. .miinf :im IJ line of lints L M 1uin; 4 from start to finish ami is largely re sponsible fwi t he success we have at -taincd lor our line. They are 1111 f ticst i n;i I 1 v tlien alest assoi t men t in town. All the leading si t.i j m s and fT'."r'1 colors. Fine I'ana-U.'.ii- I,,., s $0.00. Straw atio 1 rash, all iitieee. McKihbin hats . Real Razor either hand any razor. LI .41.. "'t i' MICK ilS a II1SIIC. -' . Veatch Co. Chas.A. Stevens & Co. Chicago. III. All 1 In- itrw w tuil inn! i 1 k iiuit' ilaN ("t- suit, j.-ickt'lH, hk in mi' I v:u-t-. t mi iiiciiis linulr t I'T. M.'ltfll.ll.-l dy I lii . aril. I .Iihmi lili t whin! Mill". Silk mill mi-ireri-d I -1 1 i- ji 1 -. Tin- beautiful new " I '1 ini'o" inn! " l'" nilkn ill nil llii' li'Mililif liaili'M. Ni tumble to !-ljciv Niiupli'.-'. A few pat Ii'I iim in iliv-n mil t-k i r t lfi'1 Iih 1111 Ii.iihI. Ajjcnt, Mrs. Orpah Benson, Collage (irove. Oregon. 'Plume, Main 391. t 0 bb aovrtfTBffBjoimmnri hems of Interest in and about Cottage (irovc and vicinity. Subset ibo for the Nuggot. A homo brnml is the kind for you to Kiuoke C. cigars. All kinds of fresh soda and oys ter crackers at the laaar. Uoheniin cigars arc juet the thing and don't you for get it. Sewing inachinn coupons receiv ed on subscriptions when you pay up Ask for a free sample of Chase k Sanborn's Tea or Coffee at Metcalf ISruud's. See those fiuo golf shirts, silk and plain fronts at from 50 to yo cents at the Ha.nar. Got a hammock for your wife theso hot afteruoous, Veatch it Daw son handlo nouo but the best. Tho Pacific Homestead is a good weekly farming paper, and can bo had at a reduced rato with Nugget subscriptions. For an expert piano tuner and ro- pairer, call up I,. L. Woods, hite of kunbaHH 1'iano factory, Chicago, ou phone 303. j Free Deli very I f'nll'ce, HUgUC, tH, SHU., IX'NIIS, f ilrli-il priinrs, craukcm, oynlvrH, Mllf (lllll'M, (IUIIH, (lll'lfl M'l-r, ImvIIi-iI limn unit liliK('fi, rU'-, Mynii, iimiIim"ch, rinliiH, rur luii ( h , Hiii'fH, iiwil:li'H, linking i')WIt, ('iitiiiix cfrn, Muliuori, vi'K'-l 'ililo Muiip, Nnptlii, hivoii hihI lilld Kniipn. Gray Cranitcwarc Patent Cake Pans Milk Strainers Toasters - t Kodacs and Photo Supplies Meat and Nut Grinders Dinner Pails Reed Shopping Bags Gilt Edge Polish Camping Outfits t lli li-iiii fwnl Columbln (irttpa- plioni's iml ItcconlM. J I'tiKlH- OrdiTM. J The Bazaar, i ( Jocai ts of nil styles at Veatch & Law sons. I'OK SALlv- l ive rooi house and two, Inquire of C. 15. I'ru neau. 13 Kobt. Suitor went north Sunday noun, but expects to return before lonK. Tree samples of Chase A: San Ihiiu'k Tea or Coffee at Metcalf A IWiind's. Cochran's studio is tho place for you to (,'et vonr photograph. I'on't forget Coelirati. There are o-carH and go-carts. Vent, h Ijhvhoii have thetn clic ei and better. Free with Nugget subscription. The New York Tribune Former, a weekly agricultural paper. Surveyor Tayl r was busy laying out the exact corner for the new bank block Saturday. Judge (. R. Chrisman came up from Kugeno on Saturday to attend to important business matters. Homo industry is all right when you can get what you wont at the right price, such as Cougers' cigars. l'atToni.e a home industry that is building up a good trade by its good material. Tho Conger Cigar Factory. Chicken fanciers get a Poultry Journal, and keep pouted. The Northwest Poultry Journal and the Nugget for 1.75. John Sutherland leaves tho last of the week for over east of the mountains whero he will preach during the summer. Conner and Cochran at the Ba zaar have put in a new scule of the latest model and want their custo mers t observe how they progress. Mrs Ue Henry of Yreka, Cali fornia, whoso husband was formerly one of the editors of the Nugget is visiting with friends and relatives here. The North Americau Mine in lviistern Oregon was receutly under Option for $1,500,000 but was with drawn boforo any action could be taken. Tho phiu for a ladies' band are being consumated and before long the drove will have a first class wonians' band. The ladies are very enthusiastic and hope to eclipse the men. Doc Patterson with his wife and baby of lvugene are visiting here for a few days with friends. Mr. Patterson was a preaenption clerk at the Modem Pharmacy several years ago. Baden and WeBtphalia, Germany are not aloue famous as being great health resorts, but also as being the point of manufacture of the greater portion of the great and only original Portland cement. Mrs. Humphreys, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mariou Veatch for sometime past, left for Ivugeue on Saturday and will visit there for a short time but expects to return here before leaving for her home. The "Made iu Oaegou" exhibit is on, and Portland s business houses are doing all they can to ex ploit Oregon Made Goods. The display is said to be indeed a not able one, and will have a great bearing on the progress of the stato's industries. lix-Mayor Veatch went down to Kugone to attond the Athletio meet and was greatly pleasd with the showing by his son in the various events. He says that they tell hitn if he runs in the political race like his sou does in the athletio race, he will bo there with the goods all right, Ganiewardon Baker left Monday for a hhott trip north. Ion't fuil to tiotie vsho thi con testants are in tho mrirhino contest. Miss Olive Willard left Monday for Portland where fchei will remain some time. Jo? MeKibben and Ucrt Willard, who are working with tho bridge gang neur Frio, visited here over Sunday returning to their wrk Monday. Manager (Jeer of the Springs was in town on Monday and says that their building operations out there were stopped by the rain, but that ho hopes before long to get to w'ork again. The Guard says Denver Las had another fra luleut election, but that it is a waste of paper to tell about it. iiH they never had any other kind of fin elet lion That maybe nearer the truth than it Hounds. Jordan and Sal lee have just com pleted a contract for furnibhing two cars of poles for rebuilding the Pa cific States Telephone and Tele graph Co lines in the drove. There are 120 poles suflkient for four miles of line. Mrs. Henry Veatch and Mrs. Charles Van Denburg of Cottage Grove Bebekah Lodge and Mrs. L. K. Ward of I.orane Kebekah Iyodge left for Portland Monday to attend the assembly of the Grand Lodge being held there this week. The West Sido School is going to have some very neat programs this ear, and they will bo issuing them very soon. The programs will bo printed as soon as the final arrange ments are made. There are thirty members in the class, all of whom hope to pass. There is a good deal of building being done aronnd town in various places. Many new homes are going up, a number of additions are being built. Several new blocks ore un der consideration, and it is prob able that before June is over Main Hreet will see some improvements ou the way. The new bank build ing for the Cottage Grove bauk is being prepared for, the earth is being carried away for the base ment. The Foresters are o progressive organization and the Cottage Grove lodge is composed of rustlers. Not only did they increase their mem bership 235 per cent, but they are coutiuually at work for the im proving of the order. They are prepariug to assume the control of the local band and . ill hire a band master to train the musicians and will not ask for outside help, unless necessary. Good for the boys, they want a good band and so do we, and they can get the help if they need it. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Marsters and family of Brownsville, together with Mrs. L- B. Pearl havo been visiting with Mrs. Andrew Brund, their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Marsters are on their way to Roseburg to which point Mr. Marsters expect to drivo 1000 goats from California for feeding. The family will go along and camp along the way, for the two months drive. Mrs. Pearl is a sister of Mrs. Brund and she left Monday for her home. It would seem as thouerh the world was having more than the usual amount of terrible catast- rophios, with the Vesuvius erup- tions, me nan rraucisco conna cratiou and the Michigan fires, but on comparison it is uoticed that the averace is no trreater. Through out the history of the world there have been constantly occurring great disasters of one kind and au- other that wipe oft in turn many thousand of lives and untold wealth. New Idea In Furrvllvira Selling. A firm in Portlaud has adopted a new feature in conjunction with furniture selline: by catalogue. The Gevurtz Furniture Co agree to sell all manner of household goods on a very liberal credit and to pay all freight charges to any part of the state, as well. In toduy a paper they advertise as a special bargain a $60 Sewing Machine for $25; $5 to accompany the order and $3 to be paid monthly froight prepaid by thetn. They say that buying direct from the manufacturers in carload lots enables them to do this. The Gevurtz Furniture Co have been 30 years iu business in Portlaud audare located at 173-175 First Street. A postal card request will brine you their catalogue. Their ad appears elsewhere. A LUCKY POSTMISTRESS Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found Dr, King's New Life Pills to Ito the best remedy eho ever tiled for keeping tho stomach, liver anil bowels in porfoct order. You'll airreo with her If you try these painless purities that iufuso now llfo. Guar anteed by lionsou's Pharmacy, Price L'.ic. Subscribe for the Nugget. W Cof tag :ONH DAY ONLY Tuesday, Shows 2:'3() (1 mm H Q) n is 350 00) m ilL-a r-i Edncected Animals 20 Funny --r-j- -r- Pretty Prancing Pomes in Mauvelci's Exciting Troupes of Acrabats rabats Scores of Acnalists Dozens of Athcletcs New Features Multitudes of N Gregory's Royal Italian Band Xargc waterproof cento Only big show coming Grand Street Parade At Cottage Grove, Tuesday, May 20 e Grove May CM and 8 p. in. V. r lm tj LI 5 Li n h in am 1? cT0 ... -, . -1.4 ! Trained Camels Trained Lions rind Timers Trained Llamas and Pumas Trained Zebrcs and Ponies Trained Ios Indicus Trained Do.s and Monkcvs Trained floats and I'is Trained Elephants and Tapirs Clowns 20 J,T.V.r.O' -A w iW;kt tr 1 1 miutary KAavL?i7 Races. VrVK ,4. mxx& u Z9WmW