Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 16, 1906, Image 8

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Eldridge Sewing Machine Free
To the most worthy lady of Cottage
Grove and vicinity, the Nugget will
give a fine five drawer Sewing Ma
chine. Who the lady is will be deter
mined by vote of Nugget subscribers.
Bohemia Nugget
Coupon for Eldridge Sewing Machine
To be awarded the rrcst worthy lady
of Cottage Grove and vicinity.
One vote for
This coupon mubt be vote J before May 30.
Mrs. Linnie Yiolette 000
Miss Ida F. Barrett 50
Miss Daisy Thomas GOT
Miss Jessie Berg 1G2
VU' &i
.;-.,..-: -,st"M Wl ;:;-?: wv-,.-
The Hodge Jijjt give a perfect separation
of Zlnc-L,eacl-OreM
1634 BlakoSt. DENVER.. COL
Buy osd &rGi$itI
this $60 Machine for $25
litvti, duublt) feud, Hell
ibreadinc xhuule: tim
uUiiiiHlio bobbin wlijiier
and other lultiit lmpro-lui-iil.
Tbli It the AMI
the nnii! uiaihtne K"iit
r klng you foO lor. All
Kltki'liuieijUKo with euuh
machliitt. bold lor only
i'. ...I. mid Kl month I v.
Write TODAY tor Iree fUMITMHI MUlWiUi "U
pnt hounehold ood we will ehlp (Freight
?,ep.ld) o la., F.H,nt.-ur n.w CIEOIT pl.u.
Govurtz Furnlturo Company
173 175 Hr St., POKTLAWD. OK-
The First National Bank
j Paid up Capital, $25 ,000.00
Monty to luun n iiiovk security .
KxcliaiiKt-H bold, avuilaljle any place
li theUiiitetl fStatetj
ntiitldgjit, Uhlr
Outlook for lh VrvlUd SlatUa
It i not unnatural tht tunny
pioplit .slionltl think thut the time
is neatly ftt linml when the extra
orvliuary properity of the United
States must teceire check, l-'or
nino iiul a half ycare tho wmtb of
the country hs ktowu without cen
sation. Therefore, we ro not eur
priscvl to hear in sonnt iuartcT8 ex.
prrisions of opinion that there must
be a chang. We fail, neTert'ioless
to tee any teson why there ehould
le a sotiou Betbok. The I'niteJ
States, it i to le recollected, it us
bin as all Kurope. It has. therefore
oltuost verj diversity of climate.
For that reaeon it i liuot incon
ceivable that thero should be a gen
eral failure of t lie crops. A bad
year raiyht make the immediate
futuie prorrs lacker thau we
ha now l-ccorce accustomed to,
might evn cause cautious people
to become willing to engage in new
risk. Hut it would mt bung
mIhhU a ix'tl satback. If tliero m
not a year of bad cropa, a setback
can be caused only by discredit of
some kind, whether pioducd by
lolitical 'i by economic cuxisck.
iue few years ng there weto
grounds for apprehension that
truM were beiuj; formed at too
rapid a rate and were beinf alto
gether overcapitalized. But that
has ceased long ago, and the appro
hensioi'M hate died out. There has
been no nat budding o railway.
If railway budding had been con
ducted during thu ten nrst ended
June. iu the r-ame proportion
Hud sale an during the 1(5 tt-nr
iiuinrdiatels pieceding. the capit'l
exp ndiiui s would liae ex'enU' l, MheieaM in fact they
were otily about 4oo, ooo.oon. There
fore there has been no xceswife
railway building. Ah far s en be
Keen, there haw been no exceHsite
sinking of cnpital in any direction.
Tho Uuitei States is developing
n manufacturing industry of the
greif st promise, which is already
immense, and which Meids vast
profits. It is beyond all conipuriaou
the greatest producer of iron in the
world, 'ihuugh its impoits have
for some time pa-t now been rapid
ly growing, its expoits ate still so
vast that there is a balance in tavor
of the United States which enables
it to pay the interest upon iu del t
of all kinds held abroad.
The production of gold ou the
American contiueDt is very vaat,
and the greater part of it llowa to
the United States and ik retained
there The United States is so
prosperous that it can obtain koM
in Europe when it pleases. There
does not appear unhthingat present
in the money market to lead one to
think that the eye'e of prosperity
is nearing its end; while, if we turn
from the money tnaiket to the
large expenditures which the rail
way companies are now preparing
for, it ect'uiB clear that there must
be a new fctimulus given to trade.
Ivondou Stati-t.
Kansas City business concerns
along the river boUoru must vacate
or purchase the laud occupied by
them fiom heirs of the original
owners, tie court having recently
awarded the owueiship to them.
The one creat Ameiican play
which will always linger in the
memory tml minds of the American
people and is being witnessed
more people than any phiy ever
written, is ' Lncle Jum h C'tbin
which will bn product d in ail its
entirety by a superior company
numbering twenty-five artists and
assisted by the Alabama Jubilen
Singer, a pack of Siberian blood
hounds and a band and oichestra
here next Wednesday.
Department of the Interior,
Lund Oflice ut JttjHeljiirtr, Oregon.
May 0th PjOi;.
Notice Is hereby k'vcii that the fol-lowliiK-numel
Kettlcr hns lilt.'d notice
of Ills intention to make final proof
in support of hiH claim, and that Haiti
proof will be made before W. W.
Calkins, I'. 8. ('ornmisHloner, at his
office at Eugene, Oregon, on July 10,
V.m, viz:
liomeHtead appiicatlon No. Id.'!-'!, for
the N jf Set: IJi', ' V.) S, K W.
He names the following witur-sseH
to inove liis eontiniiDiiM renit-nce
upon ami cultivation of salt! 'ami,
viz: Otlia C. Miller of Creswel!. Ore
gon; Mury Miller (if Cn-swell, Oujon;
George O. U'ulker, of Walker, Oregon:
Thomas Drown, ut Cieswell Oiegon.
JJtN.IAMlK L. Kddv,
17-21 Keglsler.
L)eiartmeiit jf the Interior,
LautJ Ollice at ItuHcbiirg, Oregon.
Ma.vUlh Pmii.
Notice Is hereby (,-Iven that tho fol-lowliig-nanietl
Hettler Iiiim filed notice
of his intention to make final proof iu
support of his claim and that bald
proof will he made before W. W.
Calkin, I.'. S. ComnilsHloner, at his
ollieo at Kugene, Oregon, 011 July IU,
l'JOO, viz:
hoiiiesteatl application So. IMiOG for
the Si:t of See L'-J, Tp PJ, S. It 1 W .
lie mimes the folltvving witnesses
to prove his conilniit)UM resilience
upon and cultivation of saitl land, viz:
Davi"! C. .M.tthesvw of ,) une, Oickoii;
Lewis Mn thews, of ion, Oregon;
William Jeffry, of J)exter, Oregon;
Thomas Maloy, of Uexter, Oregon,
!;..l AMl.N L. Limv.
n-'-il Jtegister.
Cabbage aud Tomato plants nt
Metcalfe Brtinda.
l'epartlliciit of t ho Interior.
Land Office nt KoHctmrK. Oregon,
April Irtth, l inn.
i)l Ice Irt hel ihv iri von tlinl llmfol
l.uv 1 1 1 lT- 11 a 1 1 it'll Ht'ltlerliHH f 1 1 I liollei.
of his lutentioit to tu:kt llnitl pronf In
support of lit clnltii, ami tlint m.iI.I
proof will Im mitilo heforo tlit lieu is
tor iind Kts-etver at 1', S. I ami office
at Ktvoburg, Oregon, on Julv L', l'.UHl
II. K. No. l(i!0. for the lots 1 :;
Section S. T. '.'J S . It I W.
nonunion tln following viincH-cn
to prove, lit coutiiuititi-t rcHhlcn.f
upon silt) cultivation of mil I l.'iiel. I.
Jirepli K. Pamewooil, (if W 1 1 I v 001I,
t)reKon, Joseph Hurnett, .r liorcn.i.
Oregon. Cieo. Kerr of W lldwood, Ore
jfou, John Oowtl, of VYIIilwoml, Ore
Hkniamis L. l.oi'
I epart nit nt nf 1 ht 1 11 terlor,
Laud Oirioo nt Itntel'ini;. ' 'nyon.
A pi ll i::. ivim;.
Notice i hcrel 'hen that the ful
In named settler Ii.ih tiled lintl. e nt
hit intention to make llnal - ( m
Siipptit't of hiH claim, and that said
proof will ho made before tht II. i;itiT
and Kecolver at I . S. Lantl Oillee at
IkOHoburg, Oregon, 011 June P.'. I'.mh;.
II. L. No- WIS. f,.r the N W See. I'll, I
P.i s., it. w.
Ho niimes the following witne
f provt" hi contlniioii' rt MUlenee upon
II I). I eulll vulioii ti( -iilil lull I, I:
I.OHter P. .lucohv of ,l:itiet I Iri'umi
I'letl Streeter, tif tiolit-n, iinvnn, L.
I'.. I'urks, Paul L. I'.iis,., m Lle.i.,
ant Hill. Oregon.
hkn.i vmin l. i: t i ,
1.117 Leyi-tei.
NolRi: I 'I ' I! Lit 'A I'M N .
I' nited NttitcN Land ( )lhi ,
HoKebuiK, re., April 1-, P.'oo.
Notice' Is hereby K'vcn that 111 mill
pliance with tlio provlnli iim of the Vei
of Congress of June :t, ls7s, cniitleil
"An Act for the Sale of Tluiln r Lund
iu the State of ( 'alifni iii.i, uu-goi:.
Nevada ami Wu.-hlntton 1 ei l it v ,"
its extended to all the Public Laud
states bv Act of Augum , lvc',
EbWAKDJ. ( Li:.i;v
of (town or cityi Ilvllinghaiu, St.i,
"A", County of NN'hatcoui. State mi
Territory) of WawliliiKtoii, , 1 1 1
day liletl iu this ollice hihwworu state
ment No. ti0:tj for the piliclia-e of the
LS W'Y, of Section No.-'!, Township
pi South, of KaiiKe Wt and wiil
offer proof to hIiow that Hie l.nnl
nought is more valuable for its tiu,l-ei
or stone thau for auri ieiiltut al pur
pones, and to CHtabllsli his claim t
Hultl land iK'fore the lU'Klxter and Le
eelver nt U. S. Land ntliceut Pose
burKt Oregon, on Wetlnemlav the 1 1th
day of July, l'JOC.
He uames a- wltnesneM:
K. L. Hall, Louis K. Lean, ill-am
S. Moon, all of Luone, Lane County,
Oregon ; Peter .1. Clarke of Ileilini;
ham, Whatcom Co., Wntdi.
Any and all perKoiis elaliiutiu' ail
verMely the above iIcmci ibetl l.ilnls are
retUeied to lile their claims In thin
ollice on or licfoie Haul llth day of
July, pssi,
Pi sjamis I.. F.i.nv.
1 legist! r.
TIM liKlt LAND At T JI NK !. ITs
L'nitetl .States Laud Oflice.
IloHebiirg. Ori'K'oti, April is, I'm.,.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance w ith the provMoiiM of t he
Act of ( 'ouxrcKM of June ."!, Irv en
titled "An Act for the wale of t imher
lands in Ihe States of California, (iiv
gon, Nevada and Wadiington Teiri
tory," as extended to all the Public
Ijiud StateH bv Act til AtigUHl I. Is . j.
of (town or city lUi-lliiighuiu, County
of Whatcom, State (or Tenlttjry 1 of
WaHhingttin has this tiny tiled In tnis
ollice his HW'oru Htatemeiit No. i'. b 1
for the piirchaHe of ihnWJi V.', ul
Section No. 2i TowiiHhip I!) south oT
Itangi' wi-Mt ami will offer proof to
shoU' t hat the land Hoiight l-tinoie
valuable for Its timber or stone t ha 11
for agricultural purposes ami to oh-
tllbliHIi Ills Claim to Maid land be'ore
Register anil Heceiver at V. H. Land
Oflice at ItoHehurg. Oregon, on Wed-m-Hday
the llth day of July, P.iOi;.
He mimes as witnesses : K. L. Hall,
bonis i;. bean, William S. Moon, all
of Kugi ne, Lane County, Oregon; Ld
ward J.Cleary, llellinghani, Whatctjin
Co. Wash.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file' their claims in this
office on or before said llth day of
July, 1 'JOU.
I5KN.JAM1N L. Ll)lV,
Cempartmont pdgg
Observation IfW13
L i of tho 11
U Oriental Limited
3 Afloril you
H Tht! j-rivacy of yotir home TI10 comforts of i club
IJ Tho luxury of a first class hotel.
9 e . 1 1 ri n,..i n: ...I:. P.,,.l C.......I nml lnlorrnp.
L ,m ellWllll .11 I .till IllUIUVV'pos, I II 1 1 V. I .J.IllllU MU IM.v.
di.ttc Points via the
I , .1 .1.-: , ll. 1 1 Info, n ml Ion , 1 a te 1. etc., a ddre 's
.. li Verkes, A. li. I'. . Sen! lie.
S. S. Dakota sails for Hip Orient July 25.
.S. II I '1 1 ITS
-o;i;v;j' if rove.
N" I 11 i: I ' t: I t Id, H A TH IN.
I l-.i 1 t men t of t he I nterlor,
1 .11- I 1 !!... ..I I; .s.'1. nr..', 1 r.'gon.
,lii I. I'm.;.
Noli.e Is I. .-re! II lli.-.l f',.. ,,-
tllT I; 1:111 - I -. I t l.-r h.ts I. e. hot iee
i of Lis n, I-;,! u !.. m.ike piaol In
I s-ijit 1 .11 .11 ; 1 . ' u 111 . ami t li.i t nai-l
1 IT- oi ll ! e I , befol'" W. V . Cl-
I Kill-, l . ' om': at Ins oillee at I 111 -.
U'elie, I ii- . . ei. 1 II .1 1 1 1 V .".I ll. I'.MH. . 1.:
I 1 1 . 1 1 I : m ; 1:1:1: 1: TS N.
lb 1 ! 1. -1 . i I j li.-.ition No. ;i;iki, for
! the U '-. N L ' I. . e '.-, t. I!i S, I: 'J
I w.
lieliaa.e- t'W tug Wit iicsm-h
it .1 Tn i- 1 I 1 ntiiinoUs reslileiiee up.
j mi :i ml . ul 1 r. .. 1 0 ei ..f -.1 ! 1. 1 ml, vb. :
I Lew iii on .. ". r i'.-ring, liny
She I ll. II. 1 ! t f. - W ell . I.'llll' I'll,, ( '0-
yon . W 1IK.1 in Ale!.'! "ii, of Lutein'.
( ! .-.
!'. JO I'l sie.T, I. !.;,. , , Keglnter.
M I b I I'd! IT 1:1 ICA'IION.
La n I 1 i.l.i 1 at ; l ut c, ir.'kroii,
Ma.. I. l'tti..
V -I i. e i- . : 1 . 1 M ii I hn t In coin
l.l lit. euro : I ' 1 1 ' 1 ieii 1 d t he Act
..( 1 mi 'ii- o .Inn.- .: l-7s 1 lit It I - I
"An i t for M e s ,!,- ,,j 1 huber Lands
in lie st. it.--, ..r ( a i 1 ii l.i , iinv'.in,
N 1 I a . 1 in I ..-1 1 1 1 . t o 1 . l'ei 11 1 01 y ,"
.is . t 1 i. le I 1 . all ll.e I'nblie Land
Sla'e- . i I . ', lk'll I, I '.'.',
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i . 1 ! 1 1
of 1 :! of l. i '. iie, Coiinlyof Lune,
Slate o i 1 ) r 1.: .. n. has this
1I.1 V !.iil in tli ..fliri' hi- nwol'll J-Inti'
lllel I No. I I for ! I e il.eli;ee of (lie'
lets I, I and Hie I.I:! S I I, 1., 1 SW
i . if . t 1. a No io, 'low ii-hl 'Jll
Son 1 1, , of ! :.-i ii..e . w e-i an. I w ill offer
i. of to shi.w the land hi j 1 tg 1 1 1 I"
II 1 o 1 a 1 ' I 1 1 1 !, timber of Htolie
than foi a" I. n ! I n i a .11 r ios.'H, and
to i-l 1I1! li '.I 1 l.'iiii In said land ls
fole W. U l.ilv ,1- I .S.I ' 'III III in.sioll
er, 1 1 t 1 1 1 - ' 1 1 1 1 1 e , a I I . lie, I ll ej ili, oil
.M.ilnl.i.v t he I M li 't.n ol .) Illy pMlli.
He ll.'l lilt'-' I.N W 1 t l.e-vse:
blank . . Tli,. p. 'auk I. I le ere.lll X ,
hot 1 1 of Lunelle, .1 1 ii ' .; 1 Sch neit It r iiiul
John O'I'.l'iea but ll 01 Lollllie, all of
billle ( 'oil I. I . . l . 1:1111.
Any and all persons chiiiulng ad
versely tiie a how di"-criheil lands are
rei lle-ted !o lile their claims ill tllis of
lice oil or I if! hi c 1 aid J t:t 1 1 il.iy of J uly ,
I '.Mill.
Hi Jo Ll.VlAMIN L. IdiKV, Lecister.
TIMHLK LAND. A( T J CN K :i, l7s
Unitetl Stales Laud Ollice,
Boseburg Ore.. March '.'(i, llMKS.
Notice Is hereby given that In coni
pllunce with the provisions of t In; m l
of Congress of June It, lh7s, entitled
"An uet for the sale of timber lamln
In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory."
as extended to all the Public Land
.States by net nf August, 4. is:rj,
JOHN 1. l'liADV,
of LoranK, county of Lane, Stale (or
Territory) of Oregon, has this day
filed in this ollice his sworn statement
No. (KilO, for the purchase of the NW
of Section No. 4 in Towm-hip No.
21 .S, Bango No. 4 W, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and Io
chtabliHh his claim to said laud he.
fore the Bolster mid Eecel ver at I '.
S. Land ollice at Boseburg, Oregon,
on Monday, the lsth day of June,
He nniiies as wltnesKes: John
Hunt, of Loratie, Oregon; I'M Addison
of liol'aiie, Oregon; h. D. 'larrlnxtoii.
of Lorune, Oregon; Arby Harrington,
of Lorane, Orogon.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely the above-describeil lands are
requested to lile their claims in this
ollice on or before said lsth day of
June, BMKt.
Bk.nja.min Ii. Knov,
Iteglster. ,
I'Kol'KIh Io It of
Till; I:XCIIAN(1I:
PK ll.l K I N HSK
WINi.S, I.Ioi'OliS, CIC.ARS.
Mi. i I, rI rt rt . foi tNr li ro Or
.1. S. Medlc.V. J. C. JohllsoQ
Jlcilh tj y Johnson,
Attorneys at law
OJIlcr Suite it H-tuh (.
S.i'fhil at tec; o .a irlvin to Mining
aud ( olporat b u Law .
Jltlorncy-ttt-Lt iv
Oltlro on Mull, ulreel, Wi'll Hl.le .
CoTTAllK C.koVI", ()HK.
Designing and const ruct Ion of ore
reduction w ot kf and general machin
ery plants ; (in i lia ii ii'ii I tl I' -i f 1 1 1 1 g .
C D iii;o K, M: i:.
McKay P.uildiii,' I'orll.iu.l, Olf.
IU' Hlrliiy nt ti naiainlilv i-rirK' .
AH Murk loawuult'i'. firH( t'lnmi.
W Hirln-, ( li.i kN anil Jt.wclry l l.tiwvat I'rle
v.-... . Kys'vwisy i'.v"
Mospilatand Sanitarium
1 J
Mini ii
All till l.llfht Irt'Illllll'lllS.
f- Electrical
Ordinary Cost $12 per Week.
JSjt- - TV
I J l'"ur furtlier imrtlviilarn lulilrt'Hs
Dr. ii. c. .sciim:i:i a
, vv v vs yys s &
No. II a:o;. nn
No. hi.. Il;2li.ig
No. U 1 1 : r..l p.m.
No. ID ll an.
Ti n jav to rnt--I wrl--f.nif my .tiniicr hntir;
Hen. id... 1 unit,;. -iiuii wall Au,;tint I'luwer
Coiihtijialinii is the icsuH of indigestion
hilioiisnes'., flatulency, Im.s of .i,etite,
self poisoning, aneiiii.i, eiiniciatioa, urii
aciil, ntiiMl' ia in vaiious jiarts of tlir
Bynt. in, ci'.ii 1 1 i.i I in I la mn;. it ion of the in
testinal t ,ci ,"in nii'Mi ions other nil
inenis that lob Me of Us j !i as'.ues if tilt )
do not finally t.,1, vt,u of )if... itself.
q"I'ni hound in the howi Is," is a com
moil ex, iv v. ion nf p. ople v. ho look mi.-:,
erahl" imd an- mis. i ihle yt t who persist
ill " leltia;; ,.V ,,. jtN , olirSV.
(JWluit a fa. i: ,'a ).l in, wlici iiatiite etiiiltl
be aidid la ll,,- ,. e of (.Mt-u's August
1' 'low i i , waieli i , ns 'an 'sown remedy foi
coii',tiritioa 1 1 : 1 1 1 all i.loinach ills.
f Aujmi- i !'!. t j'ivs new lif,. to the
liver and m-in t-s In all hy a
ITwo bi.i"., j;,a and 75c. All druisls
Ui.l.tvu'1 llittiiuucy
0. (6 S. I It II. CO.
Time Tatilo No. 4'
To take effect, April Ud, liMi.
KumI Hoiiu.l SmnM TueMlny W, ilouud
ml HhI on I y
1 mnl Imlly Ex
No -Ntl Wpt Hiiuiliiy. No 2-NO 4
2: HI I
8 Ml,
8 :.'l.
3 :to
17 ::l, 0
7:'j0i ::..'
,7:W.i h
7'f.u .:i
H:(M- 7 7
M : 1 1 M M
M: 171 11 ft
H:i(i (,
S :Jl. 1 1 . :i
M:4.r. 12 H
V:W 15.
U:1& HI. II
( nl'iiKii Oruvo.
it I I f 1 1 , . . .
I'tirrii (itirilo. .
, . Hfil lllTl ,
.. (irnvel I'lt..
.Ili.t ky Point.,,
..Kfil Hr.lK...
, . W IIiIh noil . , . ,
. II llllt'N
. Kntliif I'ruck..
Sulilui't In ('Iihiiko will, out iii.tli'a
All oiitwunl frt'lKl.t lnrwHriled (inly at (ha
Jolnl rink n( Kill peer Hint I'onTKii.'ti.
HIiiKe Ihhvuii vUlilwnnil nfler llni iirrlvitl ot
Irulii 1111 MtiniliiyM, W tslnnHlityi. ,nn Krltliiya
for llmillii nnii Oi'MM-o. liiliii 11 1 on 0 'i'.,eg.
euy, 'I'll 11 1 ki I uy H unit hiil m .In vm.
KrelKlil will mil In. received Ht Dm O. ,v H K
It. It. lit, ..III 1. ll ... f I, i 'I'.. 1........ . r
-. ... a--,. ... (imiiir i nil nH.
IliK mi next II11I11 fi.-iKfil nniht l.tolel vtueil lit
uaiple limn to pel 111 It ol ll being lilllutl .
A. II. WOOD, Muuajrei;
!71 11:10 6. IS
710 10:411 6:0ft
7U7 10:44 4:M
770 10:11 4:fta
Ni7 I(I:H.' 4:47
H I I 10::, 4:44
S'.U Hl-.m 4:8V
Uol lll:7ti 4:HS
till 10:01 4:20
(117 U:4H 4 14
luii, 4:ia
11,211 B :11ft 4:06
in-Ill VUU 4:00