f win i i.w.uii.ii. m.mi . 'i uw 1 JtlJd, KJtLU 1 UJK1V1 Or the Days of Daniel Boone By JOEL RODINSON CIIAI'TICK XXVII. Tli ensuing night set in dark tormy. A fine misty ruin foil contin uously on the earth. 1 ho enemy, fa tigued with their pat efforts, had ceased to mnkc hostile demonstrations, and were rvidentlv resolved on resting until morn !n(t. Captain Boone, having placed a guard, r.ad prevailed on the weary defender of Hpnesborongh to lie down to sleep, to strengthen them for the contingencies of the morrow. The pioneer had laid htm elf down for a couple of hour, but at 11 o'clock aroe and walked around tho work to ee that all w afe, "J take care that the guard was duly re lieved and vigilant. As he was passing the gate he heard a gentle knocking on the outside. 'It ia aome Indian trick." thought Daniel; "but I am too old a bird to be caught with chaff. "Who knocks?" "Bland Bsllsri. There are three of us." added the voice. '"Let the other two speak." returned the pioneer. "Simon Kenton." said another voice. "Allan Norwood." added a thiM. 'It's nil right," said Boone, undoing the fastenings of the gate. "No three men were ever more welcome to any place," he continued, as tho party en tere 1. "You've had a fine time of It here, 1 reckon," said Ballard. "The hand of sorrow has pressed heav ily upon us," replied IVxine. sadly. "I knew in the course of nntur' that some confounded thing or other would tresk!" added the scout, sentimentally. "How ha it fared with you, my lads? What news of Miss Alston?" "It has fared but Indifferently with lis," replied Allan. "Miss Alston, we l.ave reasons to suppose. I safe, although In the power of I.e Wand." Mr. Alston, who had abi been walk ing alsv.it the words, he." 1 the name of his daughter mentioned, and hastened t join the party. "It appears," continued Allan, "that jour daughter was carried away by a jealous Indian maiden, who intended her no serious harm." "Hut where is she? Where have you left her? Why have you uot restored ber to my arms?" exclaimed Alston, deeply moved. "Softly! softly:" said the scout. "We have done all that men could do. We haven't ltn afeard to risk our lives In her service." . "The Cherokee girl," resumed our hero, "had witnessed an Interview be tween her lover and your daughter, which excited all her Jealousy and ha tred, and was the cause of her sudden and mysterious disappearance." "But who was the Indian maiden's lover?" asked Alston, new light stream lug In upon his brain. "He was called while here Le Wand. Before I made this- important discovery Miss Alston had been found by Le Bland end carried away. We pursued him with haste, but he reached hia friends, who are keeping you besieged here, be f re we could effect a rescue," said Nor wood. "TLis young man has acted nobly," lidded the scout, with great warmth. "He has saved- my life, and Kenton's also. I abused him at the outset, and am sorry for it. He's as brave a young feller as ever walkel, and I'll make my word good ngin a dozen, armed with any kind o' weapons whatever. If there should be any sort blame attached to Lis name, now or hereafter, this year or next, or the year arter, I don't care when, I warn everybody in pnrtie'lar that ia course o' natur' somethiu' will Lreakl" "It Is no more than what justice de mands to say that all the success thut has attended this enterprise Is due to Mr. Norwood," said Simon Kenton, with manly frankness. "We've got good news for you all. Otter-Lifter is coming to your nid at the head of his warriors, end Is now close at hand." "And we called at Harrodsburgh," added Allen, "on our return, and Colonel Harrod is coming with two pieces of cannon. I think we shall not only be eble to make good the defense, but de feat the enemy and rescue Miss Alston." "We have only bad news to tell you In return for these glorious tidings," re turned Boone. "Matilda Fleming and your sister Ellaa, Mr. Ballard, have been carried off by Silus Girty and are now lu his hands," "If we can git them two cannon Into this place afore sunrise, and Otter-Lifter reaches us with his warriors, it's my opinion there'll be a confounded break age!" exclaimed Ballard, knitting his browg and grasping his rifle nervously. The news which Allan and his com panions bad brought soon circulated through the station, awakening new hope lu every heart. The most experienced of the pioneers doubted not but the & m iion could be brought to the fort under cover of the darkness. "We shall have to go out and reeon nolter a little and see which will bo the safest way to bring in tho big dogs," tuid the scout, referring to the cannon. "It's rather a delicate piece of work," added Kenton, "but the darkness of the night Is greatly lu our favor. Be on tho watch, captain, to let us In." With these words the three men left the stu tion once more and glided away. In R little time Ballard came brick to Bay thut tho enemy had relaxed their vigilance, being, doubtless, tired out with the length of the siege; that twenty men from Harrodsburgh were at a short dis tance from the fort with ordnance, which they would now endeaver to drag luto the station. The raia descended In torrents, and the night, though more Inclement, was wore favorable than ever to their pur lose. After Incredible toll and exertion, the effort of Col. Harrod were crown ed with success, and the much coveted eannon were at last lately lodged in the block-house. Every heart was glad dened by the sight of the formidable oglne of destruction and the brave company that cam with them. They t.'a.JBiiM-waaimj.-iuM.B.w ssajMHsv UBjwvirrar. were immediately loaded with grapeshot. The scout wa both surprised and pleased when he discovered among the females the pretty flgtir of Inula Me Kee; and the particulars of her appear ance at the station, as related by Joel I.ogston. gave him genuine feelings of admiration and satisfaction. He affirm ed, in the hearing of Allan and others, that she was without question the finest girl In the whole world, and he tvHd ready, then and there, to make good the assertion. Soon after Ballard freed his mind by making this Important statement, he was observed in earnest conversation with Miss McKee; that Is. as earnest as his embarrassment would allow of; for tho scout on th occasion did appear to have lost his usual boldness, and In th esti mation of Kenton and Eliiaheth Boone, he was really awkward at times, bashful and hesitating. Before the dawn of day, Allan and hi two friends had re lated their several adventures since they left the fort; while those who remained, in their turn, rehearsed what had trans pired during the siege. It may be a fact worthy of note, in this connection, that Simon Kenton had much to say to F.lUaheth Bo. me; but as nobody took the trouble to listen, we regret that we shall not be able to ex plain It all to the reader. It was re marked, however, by Joel that Mi Boone' pale cheeks thereupon assumed a ruddier glow. The subject of Miss Harrod' capture and singular return to Harrodsburgh was then spoken of, as the news of that event had not reached the station. As sivin as the name of Fanny Harrod was mentioned, the attention of young Reyn olds was Instantly fixed upon the speak er. With changing color and varying emotions he listened to the tale, and ex claimed: "Thank heaven:" In such an emphatic tone, when he heard the happy termina tion of the affair, that all eyes were In stantly turned toward him. "She's safe now, my lad!" said Col onel Harrod, lu a low voice to the youug man. In answer to this assurance, Reynolds pressed the colonel's hand warmly. "It would have been impossible to have kept hint hived up here, If he had known that Fanny was in danger," re marked a man from Harrodsburgh, to Allan. "He's somewhat sentimental toward the young woman, I suppose," observed the latter. "Sentimental don't seem to be exactly the word; but he's very fond of her com pany, and people say that something will come of It by-and-by," returned the settler. CHAPTER XXVIII. The morning so anxiously expiated by the Inmates of Boonesbomni (Tiwwsd brightly and clearly at length; nmu a few random shots from th enni7 told that they were also astir. Presently the firing ceased, and Girty once m..re hailed the fort. Captain I n Quesne. he went on to state, hail a few more words to address to the infatuated people of Boonesborough. Some of the young wom en belonging to the station, had, unfor tunately, fallen into the hands of his friends, the Miami; the names of these captives as follows: Rosalthe Alston. Matilda Fleming and Eliza Ballard; all of whom would be put to death, providing the station did not immediately surrender unconditionally. Captain Du Quesne had seen an intimate friend of Mr. Alston, whose name was Le Bin nil, who entreated him in most earnest man ner to advise Captain Boone to yield without delay. These, Girty added, were the last of fers I)u Quesne would make, nnd he would rtllow them half an hour to think of them. Captain Boone replied that they did not wish to think of such a proposition for a moment, and Captain Fu Quesne was at liberty to do his worst without delay. Moreover If ho (Girty) appeared before them again he would be Instantly shot down, if he stood under as many flags as he could hold up. This reply sent the notorious white man off In a great rage, ami the pio neers perceived ly the unusual bustle that preparations were being made for a grand assault. "I wish to speak a few words to I)u Quesne before the attack Is mil," said Alston. "You are at liberty to do so," replied the captain. Mr. Alston immediately availed him self of the permission, and with the flag which Reynolds had used, presented himself to the enemy In a conspicuous place and signified his desire to commu nicate personaly with Du Quesne, the leader of the expedition. After some demurring and a multitude of excuses Iu Quesne reluctantly apepared and de manded to know what was wanted, since all his merciful overtures had been ejected. "I wish to say that I know you, and knowing you, hold you In the deepest abhorrence," replied AlHton. "You came under my roof like a villain as you are, under an assumed name and in an as sumed character. Y'ou wo;i my Confi dence, and thereby had it in your power to do ine the greatest possible Injury. Henceforth the name of Le Blum will ever be associated with all that Is in famous. As the only reparation which you can make to a deeply Injured father, ! 1 asK the restoration or mp omgtiter nnu thMo young women whose names have already been mentioned." "Give your resentment to the winds and attend to the safety of yourself and family. Come over to me with your wife, and Instead of a dreadful scene of slaughter, there shall ensue a wedding. Your daughter shall become Madame Du Quesne, and you shall own half th lands on the southern bank of the Ken tucky River all that portion Included In the purchase of Major Henderson," re turned Da Quesne, "I would rather see my daughter slain In the manner already threatened than to witness auch a consummation aa you have 'ie hard hood f speak of." "Come In! come In!" exclaimed Boom "Let Hi wave no more time!" Du QiieMio now intended to the nr ranitcniciit of hi forces w it!i out further delay. The present disposition of hi, 'army was most favorable for the un of the two pieces of ordnance. "lie is dividing his red rascals Into two larce parties in order t attack us nt two points at the same time," said Colonel Harrod. "I think it would be well to upon fire upon them while they are so compact," aid Boone. "Otter-Lifter, who Is doubtless con cealed In the forest yonder, will attack them the moment he hears our lire," ob served Allan. "Let me point one of those guns. It you please; I belonged to an artillery company once," said Alston. "He stands right nt the head of he column there," whispered Joel Logaton In his ear. "Bring down the sight fair and sijuare upon him, as you would level a rltle." Mr. Alston looked deliberately along the gun. and Joel, obeying the motion of his hand, adjusted It to his satis faction. Reynold stood near, holding a biasing brand. Alston steppes back and gave Mm significant look. The next Instant the block-house shook and tremble-1 to the thunder of the cannon, and the head of the column sank down, while yell of consternation arose from many savage throat. The pieces had been well aimed and did terrible execution. Before the ene my had time to recover from their first panic both of the cannon had been dis charged the second time, while the sound of musketry on the left ti Id that Otter Lifter had commence tho attack. "To the rescue of the maidens!" shout ed Allan Norwood, and. followed by thir ty gallant Kentucklamt. he rushed from the fort. Du Quesne had fallen at the first fire, nnd Girty was trying to rally the In dians. The quick eyes of Joel Logston single. him out. "Here's for you!" cried Joel, and th crack of his rifle reverberated up and down the green banks of Old Kentucky. The Infamous renegade staggered and fell, to rise no more till the trump of doom summon all men to Judgment. The tall figure of Otter-Lifter with hi warrior wa seen struggling for a brief period in the midst of the flying savage, and then, joined by th Kenturklans. the enemy were routed In all direction. The siege of Boonesliorough wa end ed, and Otter-Lifter announced In a loud voice that the maiden were rescued. The body of Du Quesne wa found among the !aln. The victory wa com. plete. and the Joy consequent upon the successful termination, though subdued by the remembrance of their losse. wa deep and heartfelt. Rosalthe and the other maidens unexpectedly restored to the arm of their anxious friend, ex pressed their thank to their deliverer with grateful, eloquent look and tearful, expressive eye. Allan Norwood grew rapidly In the good opinion of Mr. Alston, and an In timacy of the most tender and Interest ing nature soon became apparent be tween him and the fair Rosalthe. Early In the following spring. Just as the flowers were expanding, she con sented to make him the happiest of men. And thus, blest to the summit of their hopes, we leave them to glide calmly and blisfully down the ever-rolling stream of life. Star-Light gave her heart finally to Otter-Lifter, and kept thereafter his lodge fire bright. Among Norwood's visitors none were more truly welcome than the humane chieftain and his Star Light. A for young Reynold. Is It not writ ten in the annals of old Kentucky that he wa so forninate as to persuade Fanny Harrod to become Mr. Reyn olds? And upon the next page I It not also written that Bland Ballard, the scout, offered his hand and varying for tunes to Innis McKey. It is very cer tain that something of this kind should have been made a matter of authentic record, if It was not; and possibly It was lost, with other Important missing archives of the "dark and bl.tody ground." Joel Logston dicl not long defer his happiness, but was wedded to Elizn Bal lard. McKee was never heard of after the siege, and was probably among the slain. Of Daniel Boone we feel that It Is not necessary to add more. Hi name Is so intimately associated with the history of that flourishing State, where he spent a great part of his remarkable life, that it needs no eulogy from our pen to add to Its renown. Ho was the first and most distinguished among the Pioneer of Kentucky. (THE END.) The laoal Way. "There are a lot of easy ways to get Into public print." "Yes, but the chances, are that the police clerk will sjsdl your name wrong If you try the easiest one of 'ein." Cleveland Flaln Dealer. A Call Loan. The Inexjssrlenced One (on Atlantic liner, second day out) By George! But the sea certainly given a fellow a great upjsHlte. The ExiKsrlenoed One Not given, uiy boy merely lends. Puck. There' I lie Hub. "He thinks lie's quite a converse tloimll.it." "Well, ho can give facts nnd figures ujkiii any subject that comes up." "I'erlinpH, but his facts and figures won't go down." Morrow of It. DtJlnks I have bud news for you, old man. Your wife has eloped with your chauffeur. LeBlinks Great Scott. And he was hwIi a good chauffeur, too. I'll never to able to repluce him. Heredity. "John, what do you think little Itosle bays? She says she doeau't want to go picnicking one bit" "Roale always did resemble me La matters of taste." For Economlo Himoim, Angelina Are you sure you will b able to support mo, dear? Edwin Why yea. It's cheaper t be married than engaged. Murk I iiu t'oiillrr nl JMritlerrle. When m speak of initiltrj lu sii ntvtlou with imy low growing plant most KHipU can see only tho sc.ruicli lug birds it ii it the ruined pluntn, but the combination bus bivn nnd Is beliu piotitnbly curried out. If om select, one of the larger breed of bens for this combination Hie wralcblng part of the iivssllloit will le rcdixvd to u minimum, and If the fowl are not re quired to obtain their entire living from the patch of strawberry plants, they will do comparatively little dam age. It Is. of ismrse, understood that the fowls are not allowed on the pat-.di until after the fruit bn been gatli ereil, but from that time until they go Into winter quarter they will be e reedlngly useful, for they will take gtmd care of all the lnsis-ts, do little damage In the way of scratching which can be readily repaired by going over the plot each day. and their droppings will adil materially to the Holiness of the plot. If the plantation cover a eiui.slilernble area It will be a good plan to have several Mnall colony houses on tbe pl.it so that the hens may have their own quarter and thus work over a smaller area. I he proMt from till combination is good, and neither will Interfere with the other, esptvlully If the fowls are raised for egg produc tion. Try It on n small scale and In crease as experience prove it pays. KrrpsnUe (aelrrrlr. The main value of this roovnt Intro duction from the other side seems to lie In the fid that the variety Is very firm, productive nnd ships well. tiif KrrrsAKE csr.nKHRtrs. but whether It can Ih profitably grown over any considerable territory can onlv be discovered by experimenting with It. So far. In limited tests. It seems to lie lietter than any other of the English varieties, but It quality Is not nearly as g'xsl as the old fa vorite with American growers, the I ..wnlng. It shows less tendency to mildew than other European varieties. although It Is doubtless susceptible to that disease. It Is not advised to plant this variety largely without first test ing It through several seasons. I'ural)al In Swine. While opinions may differ lis to the ause of paralysis In swine, the fact final us that In nearly every case x here the disease Is found It has been diown that the hog was largely corn fed. In the sections known as the corn ;clt this disease Is more prevalent than in other parts of the muiitry; more ?vldcnoo that cofu is at the Isittoni of the trouble. Svvilie ntllleted with this trouble should s given a dose of psom salts, and nfler the ls.wels have moved freely, fed for a number of days "n a flop consisting of wheat middlings and flaxseed meal, using milk Instead t water for the mixing. A liberal pjantlty of lime water should be added to each feed. After the animal Im- iroves the ration should Is1 varied com- dderably, and corn form the smallest .art possible. If the atllh ted animal s with young the pigs should lo eaned nt once. I'olnta on I'runlna Shrubs. If those who have shrubbery on their rrounds would hut remember the sim ple fact of the jicrlod of bloom and that dossoms come on the new growth they jvould remember xxhen to prune. Tho dossotim on the spring -blooming shrubs ire formed on the wood that was frown after tho blooming season of a rear ngo, heme If these shrubs are runed In the spring wo simply cut off he flower-henrlng shoots nnd no flow- rs are had. The time to prune spring lowering shrubs Is Just nfter they have itopped blooming, so they may have he reft of the summer In which to trow the flower shoots for another tprlng. The fall blooming shrubs diould be pruned In tho spring, for hey will then grow the flower shoots 'or the coming fall period of bloom. ")ne can we hoxr simple It Is If they vlll but remember. MlM-b N ceiled Nweet Potato, A Bxvcct potato that will kcip as well as tho white isitato Is what l'rofossor E. J. Wlckson, of the department of agriculture of the University of Cali fornia, thinks he has discovered. It was picked up In tho Ladrone Islands by a bklpiM'r, who took aboard a lot of excellent flavored sweet isjtatoes last April, and, finding them still In good condition uixn Ids recent arrival In Kan Francis), gave specimens of them to I'rofesHor Wlckson. They will bo propagated In the hoie of working In the commercial world of potatoes a revolution that will be worth many millions of dollars to California and a 'boon to mankind. llotlieit fur nit mnlenr. A more ambllloiis ii i'lh d than that of growing bis early llower lu hove. i l.cpl In the house, may he tried by Hie amateur gardener who Is uhn n u ama teur carpenter. A hotbed may bo built at small expense. Old window sash, or a single sash purchased cheaply, and four hoard, one Inch thick and one and one half feet w hie, may be put togelher to form the hotbed, the boards being used for the wall. Warm stable manure should be put lu the bottom, from one half to three fourth of it foot deep, and (Irmly pressed dow n. The bed should be well drain. si. Light soil, to a depth of one or two Inches should be spread over the manure ami after one or two day, when the teniieratiiro I (Sioled down to T or M degrees, the bed U ready for use. The plants. In pot or boxes, should be put In the bed. The hox may !' prepared a for Indoor use, with or.11 nary garden soil at the bottom, nnd lighter soli on top. fjirgo hole should Is' left to drain the l"X. The Hue stMsl should be sprinkled on the surface, nnd tine sull sprinkled over It. and the coarse soisl sown lu drill, or pressed down Into the s.dl, nnd eoverisl with a thin layer of earth. The soli should be gently sprinkled with water n soon as the sis-d I planted and kept moist, without becoming soggy. The hotls'd should I.e shaded from the hot sun, but there should I.e plenty of light. The cover of the bed should be kept on until the s.s-.lllngs have started to make good growth. On warm spring .lay the plant should be given fresh air by raising the hash slightly. XX n ler anil k.II.Is In Milk. When the cream or fat Is removed every 1 jsninds of skim milk contain about !' per cent of water nnd U per cent of solids. The solids contain about n. .1 per cent of casein atid A't er cent of milk sugar, with small propor tions of fat and albumeii a the fat cannot l entirely removed. The mill; sugar remains In the whey when It Sep urates and the casein lu the curd or cl sy matter, though l.th contain small ten-ciitages of fat, albumen, etc. The whey will promote the formation of fat, while the curd supply the ele ment for growth ami muscle. It will be an advantage to f.s the two sub stances together, lidding bran and sea son lightly with salt. If the skim milk I me very sour and begin to fer ment It should Hot be used nt all. The proper plan Is to use the sktm milk when frt-sh or but slightly sour. (inlnra Shoul.l lie Popular. Gulneii fowls should llu.l a place on every farm, as they are profitable and useful. They are profitable because, as table fowls, they have f.-vv suH-rlors, being In many ways similar to the wild prairie chicken, so mii' li sought for by those who love the gamey flavor of the wild fowl. Their flesh U dark and solid, ami no matter how cooUml, whether as a r..at or In a pie, they are tempting. Their eggs are delight fully flavored, and, though small, they find a ready sale In all the markets. They an' useful a guardian, hc-nii,. at the tlrst approach of danger, xxheth i-r by day or night, they s.-t up their warning that miiit frighten the In truder or bring help to their offspring. A TurUey Coop. A turkey ( p which has I n used with H-rfeot satisfaction Is dosTlhe. 111 American Agriculturist a having several distinct advantages over ordi nary coops. It Is built out of a large packing ease. At the t"p Is a venti lator. Sus'iidcd by a crd Is a drop door of close hoards an. I beneath tills Is an ordinary door partly of wire net ting. Each Is lilng.il and can ls open ed Independently. On cold iilghts ven tilator and drop d.s.r may be closed. on ordinary nights the ventilator open ed, on hot ones both. In warm weath er the drop door suspended as shown In the cut forms a good shade for the birds. New Merit Wltrnt Treatment. J. H. Wright, a farmer residing near Hennessey, O, T., hns made a valuable discovery that will l. of general Inter est to wheat growers everywhere. He soaks his seed wheat lu coal oil, using about one half gallon to every twenty husbfls of wheat, covering It over with a blanket and letting It soak over night. He found It equally effec tive with corn, using one half teacup to a waslituh if corn. He llml that It not only preserves the cereal from rot ting, but preserves It from Insects. Mr. Wright has practiced Ihls for more than three years, and his yield has been a great deal more than that of (hone who had better soli for planting. Value of (be luculiulor. It Is hard to get hens to sit In win ter, and It Is almost necessary for the farmer to uso Incubators to raise broil ers In times to bring the best prices. The Incubator on tho farm la being brought to more profitable use every year. There Is no doubt that the Incu bator and brooder method of raising chickens Is a wonderful Improvement on the hen method. It Is cheaper, and a greater number of fowls can be raised from the same number of bens. i V Th milliner In which th d.tlboriv lion were carried oil ought to i vlnen the world that Algii lias would make u lovely name for a sleeping ear. Mon treal Star. The spring gardening season makes the suburban cltl.cn w h-r whether. after nil, the man with the muck lake I not entitled to some sxmpalhy. -Washington tslar. fount Bold has found nut he doesn't want any American tiilnle.l money. It Is a pity that he didn't make this dis covery u iiiiiiiImt of year ago. -New York livening Suit. Professor Garner nnnoiince that he ha now completely inaiorcl the mon key language. He expect lierearter to ! able to move freely In fashionable society.--New York Mall. With ii 1 1 1 1 1 re help rr.-iu the In dustrial eoii.sriis that nre iIokI roving Niagara, any tbs-ent oculist In the Stale will le able to r oe what I left of tho cataract. New York Evening Mall. I 'oiigressiiicii who IiisIkI on o.iif lu lling the Government n I .ll-t i llait l"ii, to lie consistent, should also see that their constituent are I ui'liWIicd Tree hoes nnd garden rakes. Toledo l Ohio I Iliad.'. N.sTetary of Agriculture Wilson says there will Is- no in. re emp failures. Evidently, the S.sretaiy of grlcu II uro and the head of the Weatb.-r Bureau have NsMi putting up a J..I. Philadel phia Press. I'l esl.lciit Roosevelt sa s that we are III urgent 1 1 of II better coast de fense, ami ever) one who has been up against the summer rates at the sea shore will agris with bliil. - Philadel phia Telegraph. Let the Immigrant com.-, be tlu-y lrl--ll o" Gorman, or Swedes or Slav, or Italians, Just as long as tlu-y "lay tu t of the big cities and the sw cat -hops nnd settle upon the put. lie land to re claim It. Santa I'e New Mexican. Hyde and Alexander, late of the Equitable, have heeii droppisl fr..m the .lit torate of one of the branches of the Coal Trilhf. Hire's a ca-e where two Jonah go overboard before flic storm breaks.- 1'hlla.li Iphla North American. Fifty million of iint defenses look lis If the role of the World's -a.s-maki'r were a little dangerous. But. then, that is only the way of the world. The fel low who tries to settle the other fel low's quarrel usually gets Into a mc. himself. Haverhill Gazette. The Government Is about to with, iravv the existing stock of itag stamps and Issue fresh on. that will stick, it I about time for l iicle Sam to lake away the reproach of that gum which got many a cltl.eti Into troul.lu with the KiH-or.llug Angel. New York Evening Sun. What did more than mi) thing else to make Johalin Most u p.-r-oii of tio Im sirtaiice III till community was the re fusal of the authorities to tike hllu with any great seriousness. 1 1 found It hard to get Into Jail, so hard that It took the light out of III III. New Yolk Evening Sun. President Roosevelt's graphic picture, of the weekly decline of cut liu-da m for work among l! if laborers on the Pan ama -anal suk'k'ests that Lamb's sched ule of employ in. -nt from II to I, with tin hour out for lum-hism, would be s. pulnr on the Isthmus.--New Ymlc Evening Post. Many of the millionaires of the day rose from sM.r, uneducated Is.y. who naturally adopted the phonetic mode of spelling. It Is Mtsslhlo the board to reform the present mode will adopt tint phonetic system to help the great mon eyed men out of their trouble. -- Fred ericksburg (Va.) Star. Some of the life Insurance companies prided themselves so much oil teaching u policy holder habits of issuioiuy that they held oil to his dividends for fear In might spend them. The directors who were thus tempted Into habits of extravagance are, presumably, to lvj re gnrded as martyrs. Washington Stnr. A colored woman of Baltimore, 107S years old, has a distinct recollection of General Lafayette's tour of this coun try. This event seems to have bis-n stored up In the memory of all old ims ple. It Is observable of late, however, that the coachmen of George Washing ton are getting very scarce. Rochester I'nl. in. The most successful man Is usually the most careworn, and, therefore, tho most unhappy. A tramp has no cures at all, nnd In the opinion of some phil osophers the tramp approaches very near happiness. Every healthy man once In a while feels like going to Japan to bask lu the smiles of the gei shas dropping duties nnd throwing dull care to tho lotus winds. Portland Oregoiilan. A largo percentage of the population of tho Isle of Guam nre reported to Ik nlllleted with gniigrosa, a tropical dis ease more repulsive than leprosy, which destroys tho face by slow ulceration and Is highly contagious or communl cable, Tho American Governor General of Guam recommends hospitals for tho Isolation of the dlscusn, which recom mendation lins been approved by tho Kurgeon -General of the Navy. This Is a part of "tho white man's burden," Atlanta Constitution.