It is True as Emerson wrote that "Nlhln ral r arhUvad with eel thailam." a Iwitliiisiasiii ih;i r nclcrinl (In- selection ! our Spring ;ind Summer line of Hals from stal l t( finish and is largely re S nsi 1 !c (or t lie snci iss we have at tained lor our line. Thev arc tin 1 1 it- s I i n i a I 1 y (lie ',i i adst assort mini in town. All tin leading shapes and I ana Straw priiii. i t colors, line Ilias $('.()(). and Cr.-e-h, ;dl We sell the famous McKt&fo tia,v-3. C. II. BURKHOLER Baseball Goods Coinfilntfl llmr at Ixiltom (rl'"i. Photo Supplies A (lno 1 1 no of i"!ifiiirii Aii'l I'liotii ftiiilli, Koilaki from II.Ml it . Shirts and Overalls A wnrriihti'il llii'iif Overall, I'.VU to l ki f..r l..) h mill mini . Kl K"1 I""' ol fancy nml work ulilrt, X lo ' eiiti. Collars and Ties WiTiiei rnir, ('dllur mnl tin aiy twin In Urn fiiiinirr. l,;i'lli'H Itii'hliiK mil HiiHli r llruvt n i uil.ira, in ami l' r.enl. Dried Prunc3 l'i in iiv, HicM I'M', Mallin Inc. llealM i, n H cinln Matches II.. of IVCI I'nrlnr Mat-In i lor 10 M ill. I'.ir'lii K M;ii U "t nit MT !!. I.iIIIm huir, I penny r lo . Soaps A. II. N'aptha nml al al Savon l.auinlry Huap. 7 hart I 1 1 I Knap, if'ie. Ten Cent Barq iirii lou't fall l'i a lit i.Ikhh am u n I Japan so v, ! . Crackers HoiipCrm kmi. nil k In'lt "I Hwlm, I'n I mil II m ( onk lin, ' a ii I lOirnm All kinds of Groceries, (iraphoplioncs and Records school Hoard Annnuno. F.leotlon of Ia;hra for Nil Itar, C. Ii. Slr'itiio, Mrv Mtriiiv Lulu Cnrriii, Woith Harvey, Venn I owcrs, ChrisMo Wheeler, Mabel Mnkny, I,nurn I Iffy, Gertrude Palmer, Cordeli Grunt, Maud Kel ley Oluh Mickey, huvo been elated by the School Hoard to fill th Mime positions in tho hebools for the com ing 3i'"r, as thoy have occupied in flu' p;i.t yi-nr. MisH Maud K-l!;y, M i -s Flint Taylor and Miss I'crtliR W'liilc have tendered llicir resigna tions and their phves have yet to be mic.i. The Bazaar. HOME NEWS Hems of Interest in and about Collate (iroo and vicinity. t'l'UllUT lit ; to K 1 1 ' j k U C ' ri'litil. All kind i'f frcsli s(jla and Ut ! ucLcr nt tlio i'aa'ir. o vriillu at v"i t" oyH- Allison Cue 8 flajm 8aAftj,a.iiBB8.aa9BS8jiB 9 a a u p.vfl 3 aaj! a aa zstji aa3 CocigiT makes tli ln-st nats in j Suhsi il . f'.u the Ni!K('t On nun. i lidinu Im uiuI is tl okind fur you ur tli'i new lu n ut the lUanr. Mens Mlhl hoys II Bt the n.i.aai. lCii'ctic Steam KauncJry, ami Hastiniji ni;ents. Ire.sHuakiii) ut ri-Hidtinc of Mih. J;. J. Nichols, Hunt kivT slr t. Dou't fuil to nuU'C who the cn testautsare in thu inuchino timtiht. Jo Haker and wile weut to Co burg for a short viaii on Saturday. K. M. Veuti-h 1 1 tut nod iyiu n short busincHS ti to Kii,'ciic Nat u rd i j. Kit Steward has hit Coinstock aod kocb lo Wtiidling to work for tho liooth.Kelley jt-op!e. Cochran makcH j;ood photo graphs and at good piicen too. A rate in now on. (ut m xt. Kugene had two bud runniways Saturday from teams heioininy frightened at a horse break ing exhibition. IJulii iiiin i i;::trs ar jufl the thing and duii't yon for get it. Sewing nnicliino cotipons receiv ed on subscriptions wlu-u 3011 pay up- Ask for a fue stunple of Chase A; Sanborn's Tea or ColTec at Mt-tcnlf Urund's. 100 sewing machine eouiwiia with each y r's Hul'Hcription paid in advance. Ste tln'e fi 1 1 0 golf hhirls, silk and plain fionM at from 50 to 00 cents at t no JS'i iar. Oet a linni!i"ck for your wife these hot afte 1 iioofiH, Vcnti-h A son handle nono hut the best. 'I ho I'acihV Honeteu 1 in fi gool weekly I 1 1 ill 1 fi r inner, and -..n ! . . 1 liad at a red 110 il into ith Xugret SllllSC'l i lj, 1'ur an ii' it riano tuner im.l re. Tho I''o gene Kclicf eoninnttee is , airer. call up I,. I,. Woods, l ite of still active and 011 Saturday sent j Kimb ill's 1'inno Fuctoiy. Cliii-ai-o, out its fourth carload of supplies 1 on phoi e v;v for San l'rancineo. When you want a good iniigiiine or paper on a clubbing rate, try your home paper with it. The price will ttatisfy you. Hello Central (Jive us every one on the lino. Wo want to tell them alout the gieat bargains at the Hazaai. l'hoiie J'.'.'l Conner ftud Cochran at the Ha zaar have put in n new scale of the latest model and want their custo mers to obnerve how they prog rem. Mrs. V.. J. Heidbr mil fun, Charlvs of Oakland have bc 11 cuchIh of relatives and friend in this eitj for a week. They lormer y livid here. The Pacific Coum Manufactnn ih' Journal, devoted to the textile trade, says that we are pajing $oo 000 in freights to ship Oregon wool to the east to be manufactured for us and fully an much money a sea ond time to get tho product back, mixed with shoddy and other adul terants. The new Farmers and Minors Telephone linn is progresniug rap idlj. Felix I amicus, who lias chargo of the coiiHtruetioii work aaya that lo miles of post polei Lave been dui; and that uome of II "ii. C. V. Odloway, democra tic cat didate for congress a l ived in Ih" city 'l ues lay afternoo'i to .-.. ak that 1 u ning. t'hicl.tii fanciers get 11 Poultry .lounial, and keep joMcd. The Noithwest. l'oiillry Journal and the N";,K' t lor l-r. The Ounrd Company h is incor porated with 11 capital of $20,000 with Campbell Uros. and Charles H. l''isher, as incm poratorn. l'"ingal Hindu is planning to ,o to I'oitland on a nhort businej trip but wants to wait until tho "Made in Oretio" exhibit is on, ho that he am take Hint in to . Some of the laborers 011 the Sptinglkld bridge struck Friday for a cent raise er day, and not getting it are still out, but the work continues just the Bame. Han Minogue was up taking in the town Monday while tho Cham ber mill is bhut down. Ho huvs tho mill was running very regularly and cutting a good 30,000 feet per day. Mr. Monro of Loranc was in town Monday, and was feeling very happy over the rain. He is anxious for school to be oyer ho that tho wife (io-enrts of all styles at Witch & ha sons. Sewing machine fiee for some hidv. Who is hho. OR SAM'- Five rooai house and two l'd.s, Iiiouite of C. 1. Uru- neuu. 13 Fieu samples of Ch'isc A San bom'M Tea or Coffee at Mctealf A 1 5 t u'id's. Mr. J. II. Hartel mother arrived Tue day to pay a visit to her son and faurly. Cochran's studio is the place for you if) yet your photograph. Don't forget ( ' ichran. There are go carts and go-carts. catch A IjHvmiii have them cheaper and bi Iter. Iree with Nugget subscription. The New York Tribune Farmer, a weekly agricultural paper. Surveyor Tayl r was busy laving out the exact corner for the niw bank ll ck Saturday. Home industry is all right when you can get what you want at the right pric, mich as Congers' cigars. I'atronio 11 home industry that in building up a good trade by its good material. Tho Conger Cigar Factory. The big engine at tho electric light plan', it all connected up ready for teding. Tho foundations for the 'lyiiamo are all in, and the boiler is being bricked in, t-o that before long the new plant can It run and Iho old one t'ikeu out. Oliver Hart has nearly 1000 feet of tho pipe line for the North Creek exlcntioti dug. He was fortuuate in getting his sand, gravel and ce ment h an led before the rain. If his pip comes promptly, he will h ive his work all done up before the contract time expiies. New York is tho largest user of telephones in tho world, having L'.iO.'.Mi'i instruments in ire, which is two ahd one half times more tuan London, five titneH as many as Paris, and four times as many as Iteiiin. It is accounted for by the rush of tho business men, and the value of thoir time. The death of Dr. William Living- blon at Freeport on Saturday has leen widely heralded through the claim that he is Johu D liocke- fellei'a fathci, on accouut of the similarity of his habits and his figure to the sketches of the mil lionaire, s father, us told by Ida Tar- bell iu her articles on the Staudnrd 01 Trust and its founders. It seems that for years there has be;u a great mystery about John D's parentage, which has not been solved. ucTiKt: coi'Rsn arkangld The Commercial Club has digued ft contract with tho Midland Lyceum I5uteau of Chicago for a series of five entertainments to be given next winter. Tne attractions will be Dr. Thos. MtClary, humorist lecturer, Mar shall C. Crouch, lecturer, Koyal M'lle quartette, Midland Opera O iinlette an l Mrs. Wm. ('ah in Chilton. The entertainments will bfgin in October nnd be fciven each month. Seaon tickets will be $3.00. Single admission f cents each for reserved seat-, ami a graduated Kcule i)T other seats. In making this contract the Cora mercial Club sought to bclo out the winters eu'ei tain men ts by this course of le'dly first cluss lectures and on x-rts and it in hopeJ that the citizens will take hold well when the time comes and make the attendance a large one. 1 ' The Wi Bobcmla nuflgctf; 0 Memorle.1 Day Exercises. The members of the G. A. R. Post will meet Wednesday morning the 30th at 10 o'clock sharp, in front of the First National IJank building aod will march to the cemetery to decorat'J the graves of their dead comrades. At 1 ;3o p. in. at tho Methodist Church the principal exercises and program of the day will be given, the principal address of which will be by Hon. Walter Ii. Tooze. All churches, all societies, and all schools, and everybody not other wise included, are invited to be present and commemorate with the G. A. K. the men, and women, ho died and suffered for the cause of our great Union. fill the Nev5 fill the Time 9 f Neat job Work of j All Kinds Dope Olell treat Vou Rli The Real Safety Ra the F1sk, the poles nro on tho grouud and M1"1' thildicn will he homo once again - 1. -,iit io. wut, on tho farm. It la the expectation to have the 1 Pat Ilanruhau who has been line completed to the lied Urulge working ior J . H. Chambers at Al Bhortly after Juno 1st, The reult of the government's winning iU suit against the OenerHl l'aper Co. of Chicago, on account of violations of the trust law, has re sulted iu the company's withdraw ing as the selling agent tor all the mills which it had combined, and now each one has to paddle for himself, uutil the company can be reorganized in some form to eviulo the law, and the brightest lawyeis lo the United States will be at work figuring out how the Taw can be traded, not upheld, cy left tho last of tho week and on Sunday wont to W'ondling where he will bo foreman of Hooth-Kel-ley's camp No, 4. A boiler at the Hrown mill sprung a louk Friday and the livo rolls camo on Saturday so that the mill bhut down whilo the rolls were put iu and the boilers repaired, as well as several other changes mado to facilitate the work. The mill was running again Tuculiy morning, and the boys are hoping it will keep up its good record of little or no delays for accidents. Looevl to CoUB.g Grove Indications are good for the ex tension of the Kugene local to Cot tage Grove. Eugene merchants thnt have leeu interviewed by rail road men on the subject are very favorable to it and encouraged the railroad to make the change and what investigation has beeu made at Cottage Grove has ma le the re ports look as though the time for such a move was ripe. The active help of the council and the Com mercial Club as well as the citizens of both Cottage Grove and Eugene ought to bo able to bring abmt this important change. Wanted. Gentleman or lady with good reference to travel by rail or with a rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $i,o72.oo per yoar and ex penses; salary paid weekly and ex penses advanced Address, with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Cottage Grove, Ore, Fred Fikk For Sheriff. The Sptingtield News hns lollowing concerning Fred nominee for sheriff: In Fred Fisk, candidate for re election to the office of Sheriff of Lane County, the people have un economical and competent official and during his carter as sheriff he has given satisfaction in every de tail of the work coming under his care. I ne vast amount oibusineis passing through the sheriff's otlice requires a man of ability and judg ment. Fred Fisk as sheriff is thor oughly competotit, accommodating and t ustworthy. If a man has a hind man who gives entiro satis faction, who does his work well and with ability to do all work required it is not good policy to change him for a man unknown, untried and whose ability is seriously doubted. If a horse works well and gives satisfaction and is a horse to the owners liking is it a good policy to exchange for a horso unknown, un tried, not halter broke and whose actions indicate that he would not and could not pull in harness? Fred Fisk w as elected to tho office of sheriff for the first time two yean ago, after finishing out the unex pired term of Sheriff Withers. He has beeu a good and faithful servant of the people, serving nil. irrespec tive of politics, witti fairness and justice and the people will again r'-elect him to thesheiiff's office. -5 -5 3 1. Can be used in cither hand and strops like any razor. x5rlt cuts them off slick as a whi Griffin & Veatcn Co, o-okoosmo-oko-ok; moo:-. New Idea In Furniture Selling. A firm in Portland has adopted a new feature in conjunction with furniture se'ling by catalogue. Tho Gevurtz Furniture Co agree to sell all manner of household goods on a very liberal credit and to pay all freight charges to any part of the state, as well. In today's paper they advertise as a special bargain a $60 Sewing Machine for 525; $3 to accompany the order and $3 to be paid mouthly froight prepiid by them. They say that buying direct from the manufacturers in carload lots enables them to do this. Thrf Gevurtz Furniture Co have Leen 30 years iu business in Portland aud are located at 173-175 First Street. A postal card request will bring you their c.Va! gue. Their ad appears elsewheie. A LUCKY rOSTMISTRKSS Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who bus found Or, Klug'n New Life Pills to lie tho best remedy she over tiled for keeping tho stomach, liver and bowels in perfect order. You'll iiK'i'eo with her if you try these painless puriiies that iufuso new Hie. tiuar an teed by Uonson's l'harmacy. l'rlco iVie. Subscribe for tho Nugget. j 4 Cfias.A. Stevens &C Chicago. 111. All the n-.v vr -ol -i mnt' ilal- f ! i-;ii! skirls and wai -i -. 1 . t''t'. M:it.T tho yard. Li::' !) .-hi : .-uiH. Silk an I : petticoat-. Th" new 'Prince?" m l silks in all tie- :e.. No trouble t iniv .: A few patterns ;:i -in skirt lcn-tris on hau l ml . A.?;nt, Mrs. Orpali Cc;:sa:. Cottage (jrove- 0. egen. 'Phone, Main " ;!. 0000KK00CKKK00 Iprooram drcswcll public School. nDa 10, 1000. Instrllmenlal Sola Mule QuarU'tUs l'(lllllOSllilll, Ooniiositloii, I.inllt'K (Jnanette, rmnposittoti, ' I'urtiposlilmi, Male (Juartene, Ladies Quartette, I'dinposlilon, I.iulios Qauriotti', Comiiositlou, Comini.sltlon, VoohI Duot Male Cwutette, MalH'l VolUianr II.- !.' 'Dill "Hftoitiial Dri-.iiiii'r" " Kent r let ions on Immigration" "AUril Tennyson" "Kveniuii" The Misses Ho i Tlio New South nml Smnhwo-i" Siimtii l K. 1!. Morito'' llin 1- "Swi'out Than All tlio R.)Si-i'' "S I'alicri ( Mora-." 't.atlier li irbunk" ' Moil:)' Hoes Our W.'tk" "Western Seeiiery" Albciin lla'.ilrv "Susan II. Anthony" StoNa II. .uo AlUiScoUmul .Mi-ssiM "..,.! ".filUlo ol tho llcll" .. ! .s;iit;'ur. I' X-.I.n I hi sv.ui.r.'.li l.oyal S It Gypsy ljueent'aiitatta In Two Act UyiM.v ch .in, full'; ( hr is. T rollt'ii l It M ::!lo Turt t Mother Grunt li.iasto.on Hoallo, Tyrollo.i in ii.l.ia mnkeii her escape mi'l lllo (iyi .ioi no iu I'lirsuit. l'urt 1 After toverHl of wauiieiinij llosullo Is io.ail in I'.iiiylanJ, l.y her subjects, tlio Tyrulieu. Mother Grunt ItoiiallO Fairy Queen Sololsll Altll Strati'.inl Hose K'l ar.U Nulliu Stautoii 1 h 3 o o o i o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 o o s o