Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 16, 1906, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
In a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Resume of the Lett Important but
Not Lett Interettfng Eventt
of the Pett Week.
Mrs. Jefferson Davit it slowly (ink
ing Senator Heybun's condition is not
Farm laborers in Austria have struck
for an increase in pay.
The sultan of Turkey has yielded ab
solutely to the British demands.
Methodists will raise 11.000,000 to
rebuild churches in San Francisco.
The Russian parliament has demand
ed amnesty for prisoners and will try
to conciliate the ciar.
While the coal miners of the East
did not receive the raise in wages they
desired they secured recognition of
their onion for the first time.
Evidence presented at the Standard
Oil investigations by the Interstate
Commerce Commission shows that the
policy of the company was anything to
Investigations are now in progress re
garding an alleged padrone system in
the United Stabs among Greeks. It is
claimed there are 3,000 in bondage in
Chicago alone.
Bailey and Tillman have made vio
lent attacks on Koose.-e'.t in regard to
the rate bill, saying he made arrange
ments to carry the bill through with
Democratic votes and thus aurrendeied
to the A'drich combination.
Dowie is gradually dying of dropsy
and cannot last long.
Recent earthquake shocks have caus
ed a Cuban mine to cave in.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis is much im
proved though still quite ill.
Congress is receiving many protests
against the prohibition of passes.
San Francisco saloons have been clos
ed indefinitely by the authorities.
John F. Wallace has formed a $12,
000,000 electric company in New York.
The strike of funeral drivers in New
York has caused the postponement of
many funerals.
Count Lamt dorff, Russian minister of
Foreign affairs, has resigned for a place
in the council ol the empire.
The British fleet is all ready for an
attack on Turkey should that country
continue her hostile movements-
Chicago printers have declared a boy
cott on Methodist rituals on account of
labor troubles with the Methodist Book
Talt refuses to confine purchases of
canal supplies to the United States and
has told congress if they want him to
buy all at home to pa.s3 necessary laws.
The first steamer of the season has
left Seattle for Nome.
The withdrawal of troops from San
Francieco has begun.
The first Etep of the Russian lower
house will be to demand amnesty.
The State department has forwarded
$200,000 to Japan for use by the starv
ing people.
Senator Ankeny wants the govern
ment to use all home material fur the
Panama canal. -
Great Britain will advocate disarma
ment at the coming seseions of The
Hague conference.
The United States will not allow a
revolution in Panama. Conditions
there are now bordering a revolt.
Dowie and Voliva are said to have
reached an agreement for a joint man
agement of the affairs of Zion City.
Governor Pardee says Santa Rosa
suffered more proportionately than San
Francisco and that conditions there now
are heartrending.
M. Gorky, the Russian author, de
clares the douma a farce and says the
Russian people know they must have a
revolution in order to be free.
Shonts reports progress on the Pan
ama Canal.
Import statistics show that the Chi
nese boycott is waning.
Republican Senators have agreed to
support a limited court review of rates.
Anthracite miners have formally ac
cepted an agreement with the operat
ors. There is talk of Taft for President,
with Roosevelt as his Secretary of
Roosevelt has asked Congress for an
other $500,000 for relief work in Cal
ifornia. Elaborate measures have been taken
to protect tho Czar at the opening of
Measures have been taken to protect
San Francisco property from foreclos
ure of mortgage.
Ran Francisco authorities nre driving
able-bodied men from the bread lines
with t bo idea of compelling them to
work for a living.
Turkey has seized more Egyptian ter
ritory and declares she will fight Great
Uritain. The latter country is sending
warships and soldiers to fight the Sul
tan. Voliva has organized a strike against
Dowie in Zion.
Chief Dinart Prescribes H.rd Work
and Plenty of It.
San ' Francisco, May 14. A novel
method of stamping out the evil of
looting, which has been on the increase
despite the stern measures taken by the
civil and military authorities, has been
inaugurated by Chief of Police Dinan.
That oSicial has issued an order that
whenever a looter is caught he is to be
put in a squad under the command of
Detective Servant Charles F. Taylor.
Members of the squad are compelled to
labor at clearing away the debris. Al
ready Sergeant Taylor has "ft men un
der him, and the number is constantly
growing. The taskmaster of this chain
gang is given discretionary powers as to
the term eacb ol the members shall
Already the streets about Portsmouth
Square and the flail of Justice are be
ginning to assume their old-time ap
pearance of cleanliness, the result of
the work of the captured looters. Chief
Dinan believes that, when the eiist
ence of Sergeant Taylorv's army be
comes generally known, looting will
greatly decrease.
The liquor question was again dis
cussed today by ; the authorities, and it
has been proposed that the charter of
the city be amended so that the license,
which has heretofore been $100, be
raised to $500. Before the fire there
were 4,000 saloons in this city, and it
is believed that the increased license
will reduce this number to 1,000, with
out in anv wav diminishing the reve
nues of the city.
A proclamation has been issued by
Mayor Schmitz directing that all refug
ees be concentrated in two great camps,
one to be located in the Potrero, in the
south side of the city, and the ct'ier at
Golden Gate Park. This action has
been made necessary for sanitary rea
sons, as military discipline must pre
vail in these tented cities, if the health
of the inmates is to be preserved. At
present every square in the city and
many vacant lots are covered with the
tents of refugees. The military are
now ordering these people to the cen
tral cauipe.
Make Hard Fight Against
Alcohol in Senate.
Washington, May 14. Intense pres
sure is being brought to hear on the
senate to force through the bill recently
passed by the house of representative
removing the internal revenue tax from
"denatured alcohol." There is not
the slightest doubt that a large ma
jority of the senate favors the passage
of this bill and would be glad to have
an opportunity to vote for it, but un
fortunately it was refered to the com
mittee on finance, of which Aldrich is
chairman, and Aldrich is the one man
in the senate who is determined to kill
the bill if possible.
Aldrich knows that this bill would
work great injury to tho Standard Oil
company, in that it would put on the
market a fuel cheaper and more desira
ble in other ways than kerosene. Be
ing the Standard Oil representative in
congress, he is naturally anxious to
shut off legislation that is inimical to
the interests of his good friend, the oil
Carmack's Return Will Decide Ques
tion of Canal Type.
Washington, May 14. The senate
committee on inter-oceanic canals is in
a deadlock on the question of the type
of canal to bo recommended. Trie
question was taken up today and the
vote showed five for a sea level canal
and five for the lock type, reeoiumeiid
ed by the minority of the board of con
sulting engineers.
There were two absentees, Senators
Gorman and Carmack. The latter tel
egraphed from Tennessee, instructing
the chairman to count his vote for the
sea level type, which would have made
a majority against the lock canal de
sired by the administration. After
wrangling for an hour over the ques
tion of accepting the vote o Senator
Carmack, the committee adjourned un
til Wednesday next.
Will Meet Its Losses.
Milwaukee, May 14 Stockholders
of the Milwaukee Mechanics Fire in
surance company today voted to issue
30,00 shares of new st'x k it the maikyt
price of $20 a share and to add $300,-
000 to the capital stock and $30,0000
to the surplus for the purpose of putting
the company in Bhape to meet the loss
es sustained in the San Francisco fire
At a meeting today a preliminary sub
scription list was signed by w hich pres
ent stockholders agreed to tske up the
fire issue. The company places its
losses in .San Francisco at $1,200,000.
Economy in City Government.
San Francisco, May 14. Retrench
ment in all municipal departments is
the order that has gone forth, and there
will be a great reduction in the city's
working forces with the next 30 days.
Mayor Schmitz made the announcement
today that plana already are under d id
eussion whereby the most rigid economy
may be enforced. It is estimated that
about 300 city employes either will lose
thtir positions or suffer a material re
duction in salaries.
Elaborate Festivities Planned.
Madrid, May 14. Spa la is preparing
for rejoicing on a magnificent tcale. on
the occasion of the marriage of King
Alfonso to Princess Kna of Pattenberg.
Premier Moret announced today that
some of the features of the early pro
gram have been changed, but the essen
tial feat ires remain. The marriage
will take place May 31 in the church of
San Geronimo,
Klamath Water Users' Association Will
Assert Its Corporate Tower.
Klamath Fall. Director of the
Klamath Water Tsers' Association at
n recent meeting instructed their at
torney to proceed to enforce the collec
tion of the assessment from tho delin
quent member, after giving reasonable
notice that such action would bo tnkon
if pavmeiit were not made at once.
About 1-0 of tho f'-0 members are de
linquent, averaging about $7 for each
stockholder thus derelict, and the asso
ciation will now assert its corporate
Hooks of the association closed since
January 1 have been reopened for sub
scription, but landowners will hero
after be oblige. 1 to pay an enrollment
fee or penalty of f0 cents nil acre in
order to become stockholders.
Land Office Collections.
Salem. Secretary Drown, of the state
hind board, lias turned over to the state
treasury cash received in his office for
the month of April as follows: Com
mon school fund principal, payments on
certificates ami cash Riles, $.3,t67.Cl;
common school fund principal, pay meats
on sales of land acquired by deed or
foreclosure, $'.'07; common scnool fund
interest, payments on certificates,
f3.t;t3.7; common school fund interest,
rents and pay incuts on sales of lan.t
acquired by deed or foreclosure $484.55;
agricultural college fund principal, pay
ment on certificate and ensh sales,
$1.3711.25; agricultural college fund in
terest, pavmonts on certificates, $2l1.70;
total, $30,104.04.
Fire Risk Increase at Eugene.
Kugeno Several months ago a repre
sentative of the board of fire underwrit
ers ot tlie l acme visne.i r.ugene ami
announced that nearly all th" business
houses of the city were improperly
wired, and were not up to the standard
set bv the cod-1. l-.tlort was made iy
owners of buddings to have defect ivo
wiring ni:i le right, while others disire-
i;ar!e. the noiice. Now comes the in -
formation to t;re insurance agents of
this I'ilv that ituranee rates have been
advanced on account of defective wir
ing. Tl e average increase is SO cents
i er I"i'. The unnoum-ement has creat
ed a stir among property
holders, ajd
steps will bo taiien to
secure Letter
Examinations for Forest Service.
Koseburg. Examinations will be hold
at Hoseburg. Ore., .May li, ror the posi
tion of forest ranger. Aspirants for
positions who have not filed applica
tions for examination with the I'nited
States commission at Washington should
file at once with S. C. Partruin, forest
supervisor at Poseburg, from whom ap
plication blanks may te secured, ine
positions are under civil service. Ex
amination will be along practical lines
relating to forest patrol. Men between
21 and 40, of sound bodily condition, are
eligible. Civil service examinations for
the position of forest supervisor will bo
held in Portland, Astoria, Uaker City
" . - ....
and Eugene, May 1.
Salmon in Grand Ronde.
La Grande. Superintendent Allen, ot
tho Wallowa salmon hatchery, was in
La Grande recently, and stated that the
hatcherv released a few days ago
ImiOV'IiO frv and al.niit the sunn amount
ill le ready to 1 o release. 1 within a
o.rt time. Operations at tho Wallowa
hatcherv far are considered satisfac
tory. Salmon have commenced jumping
in the Grand Hondo river iit Oro I -ll, a
mile above I. a Grande. The salmon,
which in the earn- Mstorv or the vaney
came up tho river in abundance, have
for the past number of years almost
entirely disappeared. It is now hoped
that tlie hatchery will be the menus of
restocking the river.
Improve Orchard Tract.
La Grande The lied Apple Orchard
Company, which owns a large tract
about three miles north of town in the
foothills, is planning extensive improve
ments. About seventy-five acres will
be cleared and the ground put in con
dition for the planting of apples. There
is; already a large area of growing trees,
including fifteen neres of 12-year-old ap
ple trees and forty-five acres of 2-year-old
trees. There tire five or six springs
located on this tract, and it is tho in
tention of the company to enlarge some
of them, forming a hike, which will be
stocked with fish.
Hoboes Indolent and Numerous.
Albany. Hoboes in the Willamette
valley have increased in number since
the San Francisco disaster. Notwith
standing notices in almost nil valley
towns offering work at good wages in
logging camps and sawmills, tho unem
ployed continue their migration
are all coal miners, not loggers," or
We are all fishermen," aro tho an
swers when oincers leu tuem mere is
plenty of demand for labor in the log
ging camps.
Scouring Mills Resume.
Pendleton After being shut down
since last October lliO rerolieton scour
ing mills will resunio operations May 14.
The mills aro now being given a thor
ough overhauling ami will be placed in
first-class condition by that time, W.
M. McDonald, of Boston, hits arrived to
take charge us superintendent.
Plant Big Orchard.
La Grande W. Lyman. and L. Old
enburg have finished planting an apple
orchard of ninety-five acres near Im-
bler. There are 4,500 trees of threo
varieties, including 2,500 Homo Peau
ties, 1,000 Ganos and 1,000 York Im
perial. The balance of tho tract, about
sixty acres, was planted in potatoes.
Expect Heavy Fruit Crop.
La Grande Grando Hondo growers
report the fruit prospects flattering for
this season. It is expected that tho crop
will bo twice as largo as any previous
year, and that there will bo at least r00
carloads shipped from this valley. The
spplo and cherry yields will bo very
l large.
Oregon Men Not Satisfied With
mont of Wcuiiha Reserve
Pendleton.-Sheepmen of Umatilla
countv have made vigorous protest
against the action of forest reserve offi
cials at Walla Walla in standing by the
allotment recently made of the range in
Wcnitlui reserve." A remonstrance from
Umatilla county ha been tiled with
). M. Shcller. forest reserve superin
tendent at Walhi Walla.
Fact and figures are given in sup
port of tho contention of Oregon stock
men. These in substance, are n fel
lows: Of the total land in the reserve,
7(lii,0(Hl acres, more than half lies in
Oregon. Only 35, :. Oregon sheep were
admitted to the reserve, whereas 123,0011
Washington sheep were allowed. To add
insult to injury, SS.Ili'J of the Washing
ton sheep were allotted to range in this
state. No Oregon sheep were allotted
range) in Washington. In scaling the
number to be allowed in the reserve the
Oregon men were cut down 50 per cent,
while tho Washington men were allowed
practically all they naked.
It is held by the Oregon stockmen
that forest reserve rules were violated
by the manlier in which the reserve was
allotted. The rules specifically provide
that in allotment of range in reserve,
stockmen of the state in which the re
servo is located shall be given prefer
ence. Accompanying tho general remon
strance were affidavit from twenty
sheepmen of this county, setting forth
chums to hind in tho reserve allotted
to Washington men.
Feoplo Flocking to That Section from
All Farts of Northwest.
Baker City,
the Northwe'-d
Many people fro:n over
iro flocking through Itak-
er t'lty on their way into the John Day
conntrv to take mi timber claims. A
, few
lavs ago a party of Idaho
to Siiiopfer en route to the
and another party went l'r.
I H"
t imber
in this
!l. - !t,
r the past three month timber
seekers have come front Western lire
g..n, Washington and Idaho, and much
valuable timler land has been lorated.
Last week two parties, one of eight
and one of five people, went out. These
Were Idaho people, who were evidently
satisfied with their locations, as the
last party which passed through here
was composed of friends of tho former
company. All are from Cciiesec, Idaho.
July Fourth at Chautauqua.
Oregon City. At a meeting hero of
the board of directors of the Willamette
Valley Chautauqua Association it was
decided to hold suitable exercises at
Gladstone Park, July 4 next, in cele
bration of Independence Pay. Tho
grounds; will bo thrown open to camp
ers July 2, eight days before tho Coi-
I "
j have been taken
I ..,. rT tl... I
of tho Chautauqua. No stet.s
bv ttio peoplo of Ore
gon t.ity toward celebrating tins anni
versary, and nil will probably unito in
tho celebration that is planned by tho
Chautauqua Assembly.
Specimen Road Work in Marlon.
Salem. Judge Scott has been advised
by L. W. Page, director of public roads
of the department of agriculture, that
A. K. Loder. engineer in charge ,,( the
mile of specimen road building near this
city, will commence work about May ).".
It is epre... that many will be pres
ent from all sections of Western Oregon
to witness th.' building of this road on
scientific principles. A barbecue will
be served while work is progressing,
one day i.cmg planned lor special en
tei tainment of visitors.
Wheat Club, 71f'i72c; bluestem,
72i373e; rtd, (i!)70c; valley, 70c.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $27.60Gi2H ;
gray, $27 per ton.
Parley reed, $23,50024 per ton;
brewing, $2424.60; rolled. $24.50J
Hay Valley timothy, $120113; clover,
$7.5008; cheat, $07; grain hay, $7
(38; alfalfa, $12.
Fruits Apples, $23m) per box;
strawberries, $1 2) fi 1.05 per crate;
Oregon, 20c per pound.
Vegetables Apparatus, TSeCi $1 .25
pr box; cabbage, $2 85 ut 3. 00 per
huodreyl; caulihower, $2.25 pr crate;
celery, $5 00 per crate; bead lettuce,
25c per dozen; onions, 10(4 1 5c per
dozen; radishes, 20c per dozen;
rhubsrb, 3C4c per pound; spinach,
90 per lox; parsley, 25c; turnips, $(
1.25 per sack; carrots, n5f$76c per
sack; beets, 85c$l per sack.
Onions No. 1, 3c per pound.
Potatoes F-incy graded burbanks,
fi03"0e; per bnndred: ordinary, 60
60c; new California, 4c per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 17)fi20c
per pound.
K'fgs Oregon ranch, 18(31 8 Jc per
Poultry Average old hen, 1 4VJ 1 5c
per pound: mixed chickens, J3!W14e;
broiler. 2022 '.i-; young roosters,
12i?13:; old roosters. Il3l2c;
dressed chickens, lttfitlfijc; turkeys,
live, 17(3! 1 8c; turkeys, drewd, cho'ee,
20(7$23c; geese, live, lO'ftllc; geese,
dressed, lOftllc; ducks, 17($18c.
Hops Oregon, 1005, 12(c12c.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
J621c; valley, 242c per pound;
mohair, choice, 28(930c.
Veal Dressed, 8)070 per pound.
Beef Dressed bulla, 3c pir pound;
cows, 45c; country steers, 6 (it 6c.
Mutton Dressed, fancy, 8r8cper
P'und; ordinary, 66c; lambs, with
pelt oa, 910c.
Fork Dressed, 78c per pound.
Elect or Russian People Assemble In
Open Session.
Ht. Petersburg, Msy II. Without a
single bitch and with only a minor In
cident to mar the memorable day, the
IxuhhImii parliament was Inaugurated
yesterday. The emperor's message. In
reality was less a throne speech than a
gieetlng, and required onlv three min
ute for its delivery. I.inporor Nicho
las read slowly. The s.liiilrable and
even cordial tone of the sovereign in re
new ing his pledges and asking the co
operation of parliament for the regen
eiatlou of the country was only nega
tively satisfactory.
Courtiers and spectators other than
members of the national parliament led
the cheering, but the member were
ominously silent. What rankled most
was the failure of the emperor to men
tion amnesty, and later, when the
members assembled In the Tauride pal
ace, away from the spell of the throne
room, many of them were with diffi
culty restrained from precipitating
matters bv offering tesolutions on the
subject. The Constitutional Dotnocra
tic leaders, however, who dominated
everything, were anxious not to weaken
the reply which tiie lower hou will
prepare to the speech from the throne,
in which issues with the crown w ill be
joined, and succeeded in staving off
premature action.
Py the irony of fate, Ivan Petrunke
vitch, whose first mention of the word
constitution 12 years ago was dismissed
by Kmperor NicboUs II a "a f-tolish
dream," today stood in the front rank
of the member of the representative
chamber, while Emperor Nicholas put
bis official seal upon the Kussiau par
Inner Workings ot Standard Oil Made
Public by Former Employe.
Chicago, M iy 11. C .rru.dioii of
railroad employes olid ng. hts nf in.h -pendent
oil e.HI'p lilies, dislmliest meth
ods of procuring land bases, the giving
of short measure, the selling of three
different kinds f nil out of the same
tank and misrepreseiitat ions as to the
quality of oil so'. I, w ere charged again-1
the Stardardl Oil company ut tndiiv'h
hearing before the Inteistate Commerce
commiHhinn. Incidentally, it was
charged that the Frisco road gives a
rate of 2 cents a hundred pounds to the
Stan lard Oil company when it charges
competitors of that corporation 10 times
as much for the Minn haul.
The Inquiry wa held under an order
of congress ami this session held here
today was along the same lines a that
held some time ago in Kansas Citv.
The principsl witnesses todnv were '..
M.Wilboit.of Springfield, Mo. v form,
erly for ten year agent of the Standard
Oil company at Topeka. but now an in-drp'-ndent
opurator; II. C. Derail, of
Fremont, O. ; K. P. Kipley, president
of the Atchison. T peka and Santa 1
road, and M. Maxon, a former agent of
the Standard Oil in Illinois.
China Appoints New Otbcials to Man
apu Customs, Service.
Pekin, May II. An imperial edict
which mav radii allv aff-'t the status of
Sir Iiobert Hart, director general d the
Chinese cuntoius and thecustoiuH t-s'ab-lishmeut,
was published today, as fol
lows: "Tieh I.iang, president of the board
of revenue, is hereby appointed super
intendent of customs affairs.
Sliao, junior vice president of the F r
eigu bosrd, is appointed associate min
ister of Customs affairs. AM Chinese
and foreigners employed in the various
customs are placed under theirontml."
Both these nllices are new creations
in the customs service. Hitherto the
customs have been nominally under the
direction of the Foreign board, hut
practically S' r Iiobert Hart has exer
cised absolute control.
The diplomas here are unwilling to
comment rm tho edict until i t h inten
tions and full force are ur parent. J( it
menus a step toward active Chinese
management of the customs, the foreign
goveriimeiiHt are expected to resist it.
London Companies' Instructions.
London, May 11. At a meeting to
day of mansgers of insurance companies
here involved in the San Francisco dis
aster, !t was vo'ed to telegraph the fol
lowing instructions to the companeis'
representatives at Han Francisco: "We
desire a committee to act with Ameri
can companies In adjusting losses In
strict conformity with each company's
separate policy conditions, acting on
legal and expert advice, referring home
disputed cases which involve import
ant principles and doubtful to legal
Give S0AO.OO3 to California.
Washington, M iy 11 The bouse
committee on public Units today author.
i'."d a favorable report on a hill whu li
will result in placing about $1100,000 in
the s(ste treasury of California from
the I" -deral treasury, if it becomes a
The bill gran's the state five per
i en t i f I he proceeds of the sale of t tie
puhilc lands of the state from the be
ginning of t ho state government, and
in that remict puts California on the
bame bat-is as other states.
Will Make Jefferson Statue.
Washington, My 11. Hecretary
Pont announced today that Augustus
fit. Oaudens had been secured as sculp
tor for the proposed Thomas Jefferson
monument to be erected in Washington.
More Hopeful I'sllmalcs Marie to
Keep Up Courage.
LOSS WILL REACH 5400,000,000
Enthusiastic Talk of New City Nest
Summer fore to Cause Heart
aches In Future.
San Francisco, May 12. Three weeks
after the great disaster one is able to
view the situation calmly and to com
pute nitli fair accuracy the loss sulfur
ed by Han Francisco front fire. Strange
to relate, the citUcua of Han Francisco
lor the most part do not appreciate tho
extent of the disaster. Hnber judgment
has been for the time confused f.y the
extravsgsnt recital of plans fur rebuild
ing. Of course the city will be recon
structed as speedily as possible, but a
best it Is a qiwstl.ui of years. The en
thusiastic claim ihit next summer will
see a new San Francisco. This Is tlu
talk which has brought elation for the.
moment and moans heartache fur the
future. Five years will not see. the
city restored, and ten it certainly n
safer tlgure.
The Spirit of the people must b kept
up and this perhaps is adequate i'i 'ii
fur the rather visionary tales which till
the public prints. Th truth is m.lli
eicnt to crush the weak and to bring
dismay to the strong.
Theiity is willuiit money. Oical
fortunes have bei II wpt auv. .:lnl
ed ct.iteH nre without revenue. Ini
wbeels of commerce lii'Ve p 1 i ant
baiting. 1 b.'Uinds h.ixc b eii tbi..n
from ein( loyment. Still, tl.e spirit Is
I ere. Il is l!.i which .loi.'l will t ho
tr iiimp'i . nl it will w n .
I'll,- ... i n iiMo'icd bv li re in id e.n t b -
quake will ei. I t -1(111,110.). turn. No
d'sHster ill history Sq i lo tins.
The total lo -s in Chicago in 1 " I w.i
$ 1 '), 0U0, OHO. San 1 1 inn- s o will i . -I.
t t in sh ut f I "D.Oi H.(I'K).
The citv will therelore he o it ol pis keL
some :!i)il,lliiii,mn). This menus an
average of more than foot) for every
man, woman ami child in Han Francis
co. How can the city spring at once
into Iwing under this enormous burden'.'
It must pledge its futute for the neces
sities of the piosent.
General Grnclry Snyt Everyone Keeps.
Up Courage Remarkably.
Washington, M iy 12. The. War dw-
partllicl t received the following tele
Uram over night fioln icncr.l (ireeley,
dated Presidio, San Francisco, M;iy ''
"While conditions improve slightly,
the misi-riihle sitiiHtioii may be indicat
ed bv the stateniMit that nil the food
lor Unil.iiiiu people in Stn I . ai.eis.o i
yet necessarily cooked on the pilb'ie
strcets. The mill h ge of e vet y one on -lli'.tich
wonderfully, Neil he,- drunken
ness nor disorder anywhere, except
from adjuc tit towns oo. u'ional !y .
M iyor Schllilt, is still adverse t.i che-ed
saloons, which have been cint-lnn'ly
ured by mo.
"The Ke.l Cress finance committee.
Dr. I levine and mvs.df ciiiu-U'ring, wi'l
issue free fu. I after Saturday next only
on alternate days, except in amps un
der st net mi I itary cont rol . INd Cross,
agents are to be present on alternate,
days of iinrmsiio to provide for excep
tional of peed that may arise.
"The average issue in San Francisco,
Oakland, etc., Mill exceeds 2o0,000 a
day. A possible met hod by quest inn
ing, exclusion and otherwise is being
made tov reduce the food issue. Of
course, cxi reim destitution and much
suffering occurs on the part of many
people w ho resort to charily only in ex
treme cases'. Altogether 1 am encour
aged. "(iUKKI.KY,
"Majoi-Ci-neral Commanding "
Irish Members Protest.
London, My 1 On the resump
tion of tho debate on the education bil)
in the House of Commons today, John
Kedmond, the Irish leader, in behalf of
the Irish Nationalists, protested against
the system of education w hich was be
ing forced on the Catnolic minority
and which violated their conscience.
Ireland, he added, had always been de
nom'national in principle, believing
that religion was the most necessary
part of the education of children. The
bill was passed on its second rending by
a vote of 410 to 214.
All Its Records Destroyed.
Han Francisco, May 12. The Fire,
man's Fund Insurance Cnmimnv bun
d it-covered that the vault containing all
the n cords of its insurance business in
Han Francisco has been destroyed. The
(ailing of an immense steel girder,
which broke off a comer of the vault.
g ive the fire easy access to the records,
including all policies, maps, etc. Pres
ident Dutton has made a statement
saving steps have been taken bv tho
ompany to meet the new conditions.
Relief Funds' Exceed $6,000,000.
Han Francisco,.' May 12. The finance
CJinrnitiee touay reported relief sub
j Biriptlons as follows: Actually prom
ised, $5,007,711; uncoutirmed pfir
iued, 1310,750; totV hUU