Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 16, 1906, Image 1

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v .J rnrwrr
ff r .if y n r. n 1
1 f a tUasS
V of 0
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering ntid Fanning I tit crests of tliis Community.
::.). r7
4 sL
And (Icncnil Mining New
(lathered from lixcliatisrcs.
Th Hiawatha sent in a big
teaiulouil of supplies to their prop
erty on IumI Thursday, it n ! lire ex
petting to btujj" j0 j,h, u,,, w,,,k
vigvroiily itt om
Herbeil Leigh, niMHfi;;f-r of the
Norlti I'Wview, wuh in t"wti mi
Monday iin-l r it t 1 tlmt wml.
wus progressing r. j.i.IJ v d 1 1 -minrH,
nii.l t lint lie looked Onward
to a very prosperous summer.
Hull Tt VJ',Htil( id 111 In-. I to Mr
Oregon Coititado la t wok to push
tlic woik alieml. !! i . M 1 1 -1 ul.
nut for tint .lay wlun a niiM will h,
running al thnt piopcttv on I turn
ing out a good quantity ..( valuable
concentrates ilnil v
The Go,; Hug tit S 'i in 'i 1 1 ('it v
has struck another exci edingly rich
ImhIv of urn in a diift It is not
far fioin a previous mriku and it i
thought that limi ne a much
larger mid licher vein still will he
opened on the Haine vein, is tin m
portoflhe blue Moiin'aiii Ameri
can. (Hants pass mining nx u an ul an
others intcrestrd aie gtuatl v pl"asod
orer the progrom being uulr to
wards count i net ing ii mi I Mm. 1 to
reach lh Takilmn smelter, so that
it can be operated winter ntul tini
tntr alike. A number of rich Cali
fornia pi opl- r ii ter-tcd in th
project and it is to be ruined right
I t-ili'', pi'i.iuctdn ol mi l il-; for
lint luontli (, Al lil van nli' lit
oo.v i or i t a int of i i ' . 1 . .-1 1 1 v
111111,111111 pi i ) i iir ,
Sihcr ii ih Im ! ti, I i-'ici ! pii i
last wi k thai it has t rcu shn ii
ISOl'i, v1icii il w.i. imhiIi-iI nl C7
i'cii. Siber in t m-i ire t has
! Womans Suffragists of County
I'l-Cll Vi IV lunch
been quoted ( !
money fi'jht iii
l iil u !i 1 1 v (!( pjn
At (Ik- j t (-:-n t i ,
ratio of mIwi I
about .10 to I .
bit has
I'C Ml'-
. hut in
''(" cents 1 1 -I
I would hr
in i,
i'l v , i
at v il
Up the
On a
I t mi l; 1 1 1 a '
in th - p el'
iiijiii ti I
linn "I I 'i
I ( M I ' ' I '
II'',' I I ( II
til' I ' t ' I , ) J
c, ; 1 ' .1 ! ') I .
. iid-, all',
id t i
Hint i .f t ' many suits
; ii Hit -.ii i ' 1 1- r rotiipunies,
I wo ( o s for a I Icdcl
i I". I Hi 1 (IllhS 1 I (till t Of
Hold Convcniion Satur
day in Iandcss
The proratiune for the conven
tion is not entitily romplctr-d, but
it will he iibout as follows:
Keporlw of (-'niiinittrcN from all
purls of county. At least thirty re-
I ;
I . .
ni'-lo-t s,
c. (I p il 'i t I'
i!l ! th
( i , t
i I'l i ; I ! ;
t nia.i-,
. . . I . . i .... I I - I . IV. . . !
a 11 il ill I 'i-r o . H ' s oi Ol K Hi'! ii p noun oy onici'il
:is ar m d:-(otk's as wdl as formulation of
' it rti'iy vry wrdl lie that the eir
tiious ace iimu! 1tifJii of th'i tnointy
the haiidn ol individual has reach'!
su'h a p'tir.t that it would c wi cr
to dincitni nr itj coNtirmaiice bv
heavy iuhei itanoj tax or othor
i in' thods."
1 Whatever tiny be said r'-'ardiii
uiis proposition irom the economic
"iiit of i",v, it ran not be rlis
putcd tliat the pri'hidctit and Secre
tary Talt are making it exceedingly
(lilli' iilt for the oppoi.entH of the re-
p'lhucan pnrty to fm 1 a popular,
issue with wLiih to fiL'ht if, and are Sherman Clukc at one tin." ;
fortint; them eith'-r into the ranks pcrintendent ol the Coud-iuati
of nllra csiiK-rvatiKm or the ranks i vjinintr c, i,rr.T..rti; m.A V
r - l j ...
ilofildns reprcs' iitin' t! r Corubiu
Combined Mines & Mills Co.
Lcasors on the Combination
Mining Co. Property Will
Build Mill.
of Hie ni"M eilnni't
Street Journal.
radicals. Wall
: t
; 1 1 1 1 j f i s a-4 t't
1 1 1 1 1 1 e s 1 1 j i in
Ii IM- data
I ' .ic I 1 ( I'lhli .
I t!d,i. iiivi"
I Ili-VltU'l II
f a in' have
! plai.s nr inoii
wotk to he dihcns-
'.'ott.ife ( rove firms whos
( .reat
('olI.-( fo
ml hit
picni" I'attv, with ho,
i vervhodv and ic cteum
jai.d cake and c tlx r refrcfhtii' iMh in
t he S'l If I ni;e b( oth .
i .no Opening address ijy lit v.
niscii ,,f th,. Christian Church.
i.Mo Tlk by Mrs. Minnie Wash-i'oui'H-,
l'res. of tlie Kuyetift
"i:iaii-i SutTraj;e movement.
1 on South by Dean Sander-
Ibe froiii his fathcihind on i hud of laicii') Jtivinity School.
f his p 'it ti iiiitiiiL' in tho ! - Short talks hy prominent
(irntvl Slt losrimri 1ioi.
C'll I S . il'j! I, tin. yrv; puhli. i-t
mid uu e imIuucI c j t"! i i i (licii at his
New Vol, home Monday nioriiin
aft'-r It lnici I in; illiies. Com
pelled t'
tli'i I'UIlt
i.i iniau tt'i 'Mitiitii try iiiovcment,
lie waudt.Tc I over tlm world until
he located ie. this country an bn
cniiic not'-d as a statesman, and
prominent in ti e affairs of the nation.
t.".t,i..ti I I . m r ...1 iti WtlL Utll tt ttlC-
U ussiou ol wins and means.
j 3.00 Addic-xs Miss Gail Laugb-
lin of New York, National lecturer
nf the Suffragists.
dibits were sSippi-d to I'.irtlmJ,
hroueh the work of the Conimer
cial t.'lub Committee, were:
I."tidoii Mineral Spring n fin
display d bottled mineral water,
enclosed in a cabinet, lett'-te l in
,:lt '"London Mineral Spring".'"
The bottles in the cabinet are ar
ranged in a cone, and make a very
attractive display.
Jlarttiny vK: Hansen are well re;
ri.sentc'd in a dirIay of llour.
i Urehaut, the druggist, js dinplay
jing the twin summer drinks, Phos
' co and 1'rosto, the first of which
! has become known the country
lover, and tho second which is just
bepinrnng to be put nut, and bids
' t : .. 1 1 . 1 1 . . r
I .'uiii'sanj .-.iii.hv o., a .Montana Lur
j poration, with F.asteru capitalists,
have f-ecu.ed the Combination prop
erty under tease und bond,
inTestiatinjr thp ore, and ill
ceeo 10 liistitn a sniui conccnira
tion jdant, which will m ru i by
water power from Martin OeeL
The company i at pie-cut !.:: ,v
budding about two and a half i:n'
of roa'l to eonoict t::a'. pr-jp-.r. "
wih the Hardrjcrabhle .ni.,i, i
when that is done the ei-.-cticn ;
the mill be commenced. A WiHc
mill with a Willi- y t tM- uid l-c
art of the equipment. In the
lower tiinnel of the property a v-- -'ood
base ore lias bet n oi tied up
thieh can be handled through ti -mill
to a .oo l profit For s--ii;--tune
the company wid not utte:n; t
any lar'e operations, but will m'ike
a thorough trial with a small mill
to greater develon-
, m,!-; - , ','.: . . .j,;
I 'i 1 C v- ',;.;.;. ; ,-er
! , .Kl
jt:.-: ; . , ;
I m:!u:.r!ur;:;,; . . thread
I ' 1 ' ' ' ' - ' ' I' iQO
w-'y n-
!-.. i . ,s
j l-" . ns
th'i ;r - . . ..
'" .of
iii ' si 1 ir . ! -
or h'-- 11.:: ; -. . ; r : :c v! :.- rle
; sP'-':; - ' : : :. 'I I
1 h - :: . , , on -h
r: o'.;,t si:, -; '. v ... ;..:;.e,l
r .a-ls i . iad
- ' .- :-ns
a;;d :v-,,:.;: .. ...... . ,it
'J-S " ' : ' ' '' vho
K-.-t i' -; -ii- 1 ,.;:e3
: .;,i
' ' : ,'ae-
V.ri- J(.t3
"' tho
; ; : the
'''' ' : '- JUn-
., 11 ' . '"'nd,
; ;-- an
" ' ' - : j rth
' . i 1 . i ' J ' ' -. - I r- .
ntril '-f .Vi,'-.'; ' :; ' ' '. .
SO ff I I ., :. ;, ,'' . . , . .. : f0
l--ok t 1 1 ' r - -. ; . . - r.
ket i-.jT 2, -y ... , ., - -r.;
COOSHW I)! l.l tiATIiS.
Messrs. T- K. Campbe!l an-1 V.
. I'hi'lip, win- appointi-.l dcle-
Ilcnl Mayj
Commercial I
Address (lail I.aughliD.
1 1 1 s to t hi- I' m nicrs'
I v "IIVI-'H lf I'l III . oil II
j -Jdrd and J I th. hv the
Club, who will also pay their cx-i
tiCiiH"-'. This is in ri-i'nc nil inn r,f i
Frank Roberts, foreman nt the r,,. ;,, . .... ,,lsl
Vesuviun, reports that the mail Mr. c. o, Tl. -ir.p-.,. ws cbf ed i
wagon drvc clenr through Monday j:1 , t f ,. t,, the "Made in Ore- '
fnr Mitt firct til.-tm II, Its ...t.r .,i,.t tl.i.t I .
" .t m." .... I.I.M iiumhi,,,, 1 x in tl lo-i. ami .-I v ti imwfr . . . ., ... ....
thn mitiri. ..:.n.n ,... n. 1... w..Lm.r! .., . . pun ana several spcecnes irom men
1 i) si '- inn an necessai v ai 1 autre- 1 ... .... ,...1 ;.!.. ,.f i.
" ' Wltk. lllilt'rsL' 1 J
All tin- addresses and M,ecches of 'ncmoe-i in uie oispiay
. 1 . .,,1 ? 1 . -
tne oay win no ltuerjierneu uu
muic by the ('ottago Grove band
and by the K D. S. quartette.
The women of Cottage (irove ure
planning to eiitettuin all the dele
tratcs who rouie from the county to
i tten l the convention Saturday in
11 1 1 v a! manner. A large uuinbe
ot ICuene Imliea who are interest
ed in the wurk will bo here to take
fair to make a fortune for Mr. lire-1 tlore ing
haul the inventor. I!e also ex-'ments-
hibits I'op-em-all, the corn suite. j 1 T
The Oregon Sienna Paint Co. i ' Issues
has a finu display that will also be ; 1 Continued from week hefore last.)
Listen and I wiii
The entire display will be an- i us-tration of how
; and factor: :
1 000.0-0, bu
j dar 1 cf avi .
lour people,
j same U4 r
! to the o-.itsid
; for but a f- c
cive vou au ill
iudustrie-j are ' r,i lu 'imfactur-i
nouneed as coming from Cottage built, how a mui -;et lor labor is 1 J-'o you wen
drove, Oregon, and vicinity, and created by l'rotectuig the product ; paid p-ople of
or labor anu how t-oo'I wages are ! 111 s1 .oar slices
insured by the Republican party, j ant,uni? More th in "A
When Mr. MeKinley was prepar-j rej a so Ti
nig his Tariff law of 1SD0 he loaded arrived at our viores
win be one ol tho most attractive,
of cither large or small exhibits.
up. He in anxious for the mill toJh,
startod as h" believed n good hihhv
iug will be rntdr, as the me vein iH
getting better Mea-iily, and increas
ing in aA.
The Granite Hill mine, near j
Grants l'ass is naid to Ii.ito one of,
the most up to date iiiillin;; and ;
concentrating plants in Oregon,
iat the C'dtage
well plan d, and
incnts ai' made
( iiove (li.-plav is
.!.-. 11
mat 11 Ii is a j;i 10 I cliliiu-e.
The club v. is invited to attend
the I )c -oi nt i. hi Day sci vii'c-t of the
(5. A. K and they vot' d to attend
if possible.
(n 1 i('",.;n it I' in of t'c suppoit
liven t ' the il by u'o. M. Corn
wall, t litor of the picilic Timber-
interested outside
will be heard
lt rvho 1 v's welcome
Trvfl Support tho President.
When President Koosevelt made
his 'muck-rate" speech it was as
set ted ly some that he could not
have consulted with his cabinet in
teeanl tn his suggestion about lim
it in;,' fortunes. It was held that he
which is all operated by clcttieitv. ; man, in h;ivin;r become a chatter
The work has bnen brought to that member of the club, it was voted , alone was responsible for the idea,
poiut of flicieney where it is pus- , that he b., made an honoi ai v mem- I This may or may not be true, but
Bible to mine, mill and concentrate j bt-r n the cbii and that the ln I ; it is certain that the president'
tha ore lor Jl.f' p't ton ami w hich subs' 1 ibe to 1 !;. "Tnub -i m-ni. " 'most important adviser, next to
ia especially nota'do in a tninej It w.-.s at r' for a snbsciip- I-'lihu itoot, name ly, Secretary Taft,
where there i heavy pumping and ! ti"ii In I 'our d the lest mae-aines in his speech at Vale, comes to the
the ore must all bo hoisted. lor ear I. r the n ading t dife. suppoi t of liis chief by haying that
over the list of importations to see j hrst three days 01
what was being pinch;..;. d abr.-aJI ha-c wii'a us o..
H; j ion. Miall we no v
;e quantities of 1 v"'e or our opt) r.e
: qar our doors J-t t
! tatiou of luetvh-inJ
! '-ow produce, or -stfeguard
ours he;
Hbotbcrs Httcntion!
We are showing a line of boys cloth
ing creditable to Portland ranging
in prices from $1.00 to $8.00. The
new styles, single and double
breasted, also the Buster Brown
Hose. We have also 40 styles in
Mens Suits.
London Uriels
The house of th season nt
T l -l- ... - - ...
Lif iiuoii is oeing erected ty Mr. 1. jt,,at our ,,eop'e CouM produce
u. vtauiinui 1 oner, u asningion : discovered that lai
ti . 1 . . 1 1-1
..ti. w iiihius puienaseu a 101 aim is ( peuri buttons wire be: ' iaijorted
now busy erecting a nice cottage I He next inquired if d m shells ex
to which he expects to attach an- : i,tt (1 in almndance t-vwhere in
other budding and thus add a idee j lhis coutrv. He b arn' : that thev
rendeucc to our village. Two more j were plentiful in the : issiij,vl j iag these immi-r-vts
buildings are to be erected booh, j rjVer, , the Wisconsin iivt-r, iuthei'nl th privrljg-, of
We c.n see a decided increase in (Arkansas river, and int. tier places. ! bluest practicab'.' i
the enthusiasm for London and its e therefore put in the MeKinley j which tho A'aeri-:
development this summer. Yes let bill a provision to the t If. . t that fi sumeV
lir Kntl1 n r - u-tj will n't , 1 ... mi
v' ' " "r .1.1 tiijtiv "'-ianv toreign I'rottucer ttt-sin ' to sell mere are .ot--ev
mg a good town built up this point, j dollar's woith of pearl but... is in at this large i- -v.,
Mr. Fasset has returned to Lon 1 ho United States he must, put u j I Migge.-t one s-ure
don to stay indefiuitclv. littloovtr 25 cents in the treaur v. i it. Put the D-i:
eet.Oll 42! of the Mclvmley o:h ; eontr -I. l:unr.;ra.:ts
placed a email sptcirio duty at:d m f ur shores ia 1 ir.. e in;
addition an ad valorem duty : 2" ' I'1'-"-- Trade polio: t s hiv
per cent on pearl buttons. W hat ' t u"ori' S. 'h . .i rni;ii
was the result? Man p'Hclm.-ed j 011:1 people are w dkir
button machines. This gives a the r families i . 1 ';
little employment to the iron miner, j is litt'e tenptafon fv t!
to the smelter mid to the nrw hine 1 other coniitiies
maker. They then em pi nul men j their conditio
cf ;
'; '
Mr. Henry Olsen of Chehales,
Washington returned to his home
to get his wife and two children to
tq.end the summer at London. The
prospects are encouraging for a
good I ig crowd this f-eason.
Mr. Pearson of Porter, Washing
ton whoso wife has been at Londou
for some time arrived on yesterday's i to operate the machines ami more
:Q) ; -ir...e
c rjutrit-,
uriag tlie
W"t-', to
i-i'.-id D37
.v :":'. hJ-
! ircr impor
' wh:cb wt
.:i ",e
y sir yuard
i'.' 1 ::i:, 'ire to
!0.:.:ei;;j tho
live oi that
p;op'. eoa-
"r.": ss ai uni
of stopping
is party in
-ever seek
v.bir- when
cii. se 1 our
ms of our
thw strvcts,
r-'.i'l, there
2 peop'e ot
Li J vJ iJ VLd xJ
Jiluck Butte stage. Mr. Pearson
will visit a few day s and Iheu re
turn to his home at Potter.
A visitor has recently visited the
London Springs and seems to in
sist on staying and so fur has re
fused to pay board or lodging, and
has invaded most every home, even
the old bachelors seek his company,
but none with impunity. He seems
to treat nil alike and enjos admin
istering punishment. Can you 1
guess his name? Its Mr. Grippe.
A building is in course of con
struction for an office for the O. M.
S. A. of fine size, the upper story
to be used as a lodging house for
tho hotel. The first floor is divi
ded so as to furnish u general com
missary for the Springs.
The bottling plant is in operation
now. Albert deer is in charge of
this department now.
The Wallace School under the
management of Miss Stephens of
Oaklaud is in good condition with
three pupils preparin " for the 8th
grade examination, James G. Suth
erland, Mi&s 'A-a Sutherland and
Miss Frank Shortridgo. Its a good
thing to pass the examination and a
better one to be sure you know it.
this way. And
our doors of t: a
to the ire- a-bai
merchandise, 1
closing th
f ictories where
ic'.vever r.ntortunate
to - urn th t-ir foe s
b' it that
le tw.'.Mt becrent-d
:i!s-io.i of 1 ouipt titive
'rota abroad without
e tuxus or t'u- .-Lioth and
more men to gather shells Thus
the industry wis establis e ', and
there is now paid out in wa.ros in
the button industry in one little
town of inhabitants in niv
State more than three-quarteis t a i-ow produce. 1.
million dollars per annum. Othc.i William lie: n
towns along the river do the s un -. ; elected President
What do these men do with these having his tl cdou a
millions of money? They t-pei d it. ' Tarifl" law was m.u-t d
They spend it for food, lot clothes, i mained in force only
for lumber. They spend it for nee- years. During tht-p
uierchaiubsj is
Fresh Ilviller Wanted e.t Lurch's,
Father dapou, the great Kussian
labor leader, whoae disappearance
has attracted much attention is sup
posed to have boen murdered. His
body was found hanging from the
ceiling of a Finland villa.
essarits, for comforts, for luxuries
and a little foolishly. What do
the farmers who furnish the food do
with their share? They spend it
also. What for? For clothes for
their families What do those who
furnish the clothes do with their
share? They pay it our iu wages.
What do these wage earners do
with it? They again spend it for
food and clothes. Aud thus on and
011 it goes, blessing every one it.
touches and being transferred in
blessing still to others.
Take the silk industry. We grow
no bilk. It is not necessary, there
fore to protect the produce of raw
silk. Ho is not among us. Some
time, by the aid of the Agricultural
Department, which is engaged in
working out tho problem of how
this thing and that thing cau be
grown by us to advantage, we may
seek to develop the raw silk in
duatry. If so, then a Tariff duty
will bo placed raw silk. Now raw
silk comes iu free of duty. But tho
foreign manufacturer of silk must
pay into the treasury from GO to 75
cents out of every dollar's worth of
finished silk product be brings to
liu-i-'tu was
in 1 t-oO srd fol-
which re-i'-ur
' s tLe
country piospcred as iu vcr bd'oie,
butuilSl.4 the Democratic party
elected James J ''oik, a l"rce
Trader from Tee ;-vid r-t,
and George M. .r .vt.d
Protectionists '"--vtv.,
Yice President. . .;,,,
will be seen, were about 1 m : ,:
tent then as they rra now. i; if
Protection and half l"ie-Tr ide is
about their present conip.ei.iou. In
IK46 the so called Walker Tariff
Iia was tiiactid. Iviajland also
adopted the policy of i'lve-Tr-do
fiat same year, and it is g.-tierully
C"i ceded that l'"n.;ii h tn iu-ywas
freely used in controllinrr. tins econ
omic policy of this country.
Do not understood me. ft is not
claimed that this mcn. y wis use 1
illegitimately. It is not ehtinud
that any one was bribed. It is only
claimed that it was used in the dis
semination ol Frt o-Trude litvrature,
iuthepaymti t i.-f salaiit s to Free
Trade write! s an i in tno payment
of legitimate caa.aigu e pen c -j of
I'Voe-Trade candidates uv o lico. I
uttor no criticism ol rdMhis and I
statoit simply as a conceded his-
(Continued to Fourth lia&cj