Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 09, 1906, Image 4

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    J. McKEAN FISHER, Manner.
lnk all oho, ki rrblo to Nugget Tnb. Co.
Kntrrrd t the oto(TV t ColUm Orove,
Oregon us wronil clam mull natter.
6 months f 1.00
lycar f
1 months f'..00
If paid in mlrnncc.
Clubblnj Rates.
Tin' llolictMki Nugget one year
vlth any ono of the following pub-He-itlons
one your for amount net
Pacific Montlilv 12 00
Wecklv Oregonlan ( Portland) J2.50
Week ly .1 ournnl ( Portland ) f 2.00
Dnilv Mining Kecnl (lcnver) f.VM
Weekly Mining Keeord $3.25
Pacific Homestead f 3.25
North wont Poultry Journal $1.73
Thin pui-er is kept on Hie tv TIIK AMERI
CAN MiSINO t'OM.KKSS. dumber of Cora
niene Hiiiuling. fenver, Colo . where -ir
remit-rs will be welcome to the uot the .etd
tng papers from the various mining e-ti n ot
the cst, wieniiiic library and miner-' ex
hibit. THIS 1'APKR is kept on file at K. C Prake'i
Advertising Agonev, M and 65 Merchants Ex
change. San Kranci!o. California, where eou
rat't: for advertising eau be made for it.
Wednesday, May 9, 1906
U. S. Senator (short term)
K. W. Mulkey, Multnomah Co,
U. S. Senator (Ions term)
Jonathan Bourne Jr. Mult. Co
Jas. Witbyeonioe Denton Co
Representative in Congress.
V C. Ilawley Marion Co
Secretary of State.
F. W. Benson, Dougl Co
State Treasurer I J
G. A. Steele Clacltatt tj JCo
Supreme Judge. 9 -
Robert Eakin f a o.
Attorney General.
A. XL. Crawford Douglas Co-
Superintendent Public Instruction.
J. H. Ackernian Multnomah Co
State Printer.
V. S. Dunniway Multnomah Co
Labor Commissioner.
0. T. Huff Multnomah Co-
lodge of District Court. "
L. T. Harris Lane Co.
State Senator-
1. U. Bingham Kugene
State Representatives.
I. N. Edwards Junction City
B. A. Washburne Springfield
Allen Eaton, Eugerje
E- U. Lee Eugene
W J. Warnock Eugene
II. D EJ wards Eugene
It. E EtKland Eugene
C- M. Collier Eugene
W. T. Goidon Eugene
Justice of the Peace.
J. E. Young
Joe LandesB.
A Newspaper Chairman
The newspapers of the state have
reason to be proud of the selection
of Editor G. A. Westgate of Albany
as the chairman of the Republican
State Centrul Committee: All the
candidates seem to be agreed on
Mr. Westgate and to feel satisfied
to entrust their future to his bands.
Ue is un able and worthy man, a
successful newspaper man and a
politician and as a newspaper man
will be able to cope more success
fully with the situation than an
outsider. We wish him all success.
G. W. Touts, Poshnaster ut River
ton. In,., nearly lout his lire and whh
robbed of all comfort, according to
his letter which says, "For 20 years 1
had chronic liver complaint, w.ilcli
led to such a severe cute of jaundice
that even my linger nails turned
yellow! when my doctor prescribed
lJlectilc Bittern; whieh cured me and
kept uie well for oleven years." Sure
cure for biliousness, neuralgia, weak
ness and all ntoinach, liver, kidney
and bladder derangements. A won
derful tonic. At Uensou's Pharmacy.
IQ cents,
Relief Commutes Has Requests
for More Supplies for San
Francisco and Will Make
Up Shipment.
San Francisco still needs help and
the Cottage Grove Relief Committee
is going to make up another ship
tneut. Everybody is asked to Help.
Send in supplies to Hartuujj &
Hansen's warehouse opposite the
depot, or turn in your money to the
First National tfauk, ana lor any
thing you bring iu take a receipt
for it, so that you cau be given
credit for it by the committee.
The following is a list of contri
Tie plant employees:
Chas. Adam? $-0
Foresters of America 10
C. (. lteliokah Lodge 10
Brown Lumber Co u
Jos. Stenetsen Id
C. E. Stewnrt 10
(J. II. Bumliolder 10
C. C. Case 1"
Veutch & Lttwsou 10
J. II. Chambers " 10
Frank leKov 1"
.1. A. Eade 7.30
Hen Lurch 1
('has. Uettys '
Dr. Hockett 5
T. K. Camp's?1! )
J. London - 'r
I. Hansen 5
C. II. Rruneau 3
.1 . M. Fisher 3
Grigg. Hros "
Willamette Valley Co "
Ida F. Barrett 5
Tom I'arker f
D. (i. McFarland
J. I. Jones B
Wynne Hardware Co 5
Grinin & Veateh Co "
K. M. Veateh o
J. E. Youug 3
Dr. J oli 5
T. W. Ulew 5
Pat Dovle 5
Robert Walker 5
McKihheu Bros 5
P. Ware 5
L. D. Ryan o
Cawper Field 5
Henry Fischer 6
W. 11. Abraius 5
Fincul Hinds 5
Jas. Hemenway 5
J. S. Beau pre 5
liewls (j roves 5
E. M. Hoffman 5
Dan Beck 4
Anton Pata 4
J. Lemon 3
M O. Pillette 3
Jas. Lyle 3
John Coy le 3
E. Purvance 3
J. C. Johnson 3
C. B. Davis 3
F. A. Hancock
R. E. Faxton
X Hickey
Jaa. H. McFarland
A. Urahani
W. H. Blair
J. S. Benson
2 50
J.C.Johnson 2.30
Frank Jordan 2 50
C. J. Howard 2.50
Chas. Miller 2.50
C. P. Jones 2.50
F. B. Phillips 2.50
Marlon eaten 2
J. M. Isham 2
Ed Jacoinson 2.50
i. S. Oourley 2.50
J. W. Ciowdy 2 50
W. S. Bennett 2 50
Barney O'Xeill 2.50
J. 11. Bartel 2.50
II. II. Veateh 2.50
Pape Bros 2.50
C. t . W aner. 2
Geo. W. McManu 2
John Xausbaumer 1
B Kunlck 2
S. Hickey 2
Harold Olson 2
M. J. Powell 2
Win. Lynch 2
Tnos, Maddigan 2
Chas. Barrett 2
E E. Lilly 2
R. DeSpaiu 2
Matheur 2
S. Eriekson -J
J. R. Ouevui 'j
I. Landess 2
E. W. Gray 2
Ed Tibbe 2
W. A. Simmons -J
II ugh Murray 2
ong Lung....... 2
Aug. Audci-4011
'John Taylor 2
A. Zurell 2
C. White 2
M. (Jnroiitte 2
W. A. Turk 2
T. Henderson 2
W. Xowell 2
J. W. Eddy 2
1 ieo. Iluhhard 2
Potts &i Powell 2
John Crowley :. . ... 2
C. F. Walker 2
D. J. .Shool 2
J . W. Thornton 2
Felix Currin 2
D. II. Brumbaugh 2
Jas. Ostrauder 2
F. (J. Williams 2
Dr. Kline 2
Geo. Coiner 2
X. II. Martin 2
A friend 2
Mr. Hansen 2
Mrs. A. B. Wood 2
C. P. Christensen 2
A. HtrangeT 2
Sid Ifambllu 2
Miss Powers 2
John Barker 1.50
O. B. Pitcher 1.5o
R. O. Cutsforth 1.50
W.W.Cochran 1.50
Roy Griggs 1.50
E. Larson 1
Hong Sing 1
A. l'eaison 1
H. G. Fields 1
Chris Beck 1
Kate Hawley 1
Jack Motley 1
Jas. Oloviu 1
M. Mayer 1
Q. 1), DeSpaiu
Andrew Kelley
I. N. Frederlekson.
V. E. Smith
M. LeHlle..M
John tlrt'cu
J. H.CofTman
Mrs. C. E. Jones
W. S. Payne 1
O. Hawkins
Enrl Porto
I. C. Richards. .
. A. Oobnrg
(ieo. kunille. . . .
.1. T. DeSpttln..
O. W. Oahrtel...
J. Plaster
W. Comer
J. Dngland.
A. 1 .11 MRU 1
M. Nchmltt 1
J. Dammon 1
H. HeSon t 1
J. C. Moron...... 1
II. Knowltou... 1
'. McKlbbou 1
A. Smith 1
O. Smith 1
J.Sievens l
I. K. Trayler I
E. Jones 1
C. Sagart 1
F. It. Eddy 1
A. Lenard 1
L. (ileason I
Wm. Cambridge l
V. Rose I
Ed Underwood 1
J. D. (lover 1
Lincoln Taylor I
S R. Piper 1
Rev. S. E. Memlnger 1
Mrs. F. D. Wlwler 1
A I E! ridge 1
C. S. Fluster ' 1
Win. lllg;eiit i
Phil Hohl 1
J. II. Brown. 1
E. W. Ilebbaid 1
Tyler Hooper and sister I
Roy Ost rainier l
ico. McQueen 1
J. W. Kirk 1
C. H. Vanlenlwrg 1
R. W. Hastings : l
J. Klopfenstelii 1
Felix l.andess I
Ed Wilson 1
Xew Era Drug Co 1
Ren Curry l
W. C. Conner 1
F. M. Rowley 1
S. E. Wallace 1
F. E. CofTtnan... 1
W. H. Lincoln 1
Van Allison 1
H. C. Madson 1
Dave Finn 1
D W. Bennett 1
W. C. Johnson 1
John Slonelierg
J. B. Protitnan
Win. Landess
J ( Long
Issac Tsvlor
Mr. Hubble
Mrs. Cottle
Miss Lilly favlor
J () Phllhps
J M Medley
Daisy Thoiuas
C Colmun
Mrs Richmond
Mr Bloud
Mrst: (j Walker
B F Skiliman
A Sunche
Roy Williams
Marion ( lark
Gus D (iross
T Efiill
Dr E c Macev
Mrs DeSpain
Worth Harvey
C L Strange
W A Hogate
Winters Wallace
B C Y Down
Itev F E Billington
A (iarlsch
Al Johnson
Jack Morgan
Boon Shortrldge
Dan Burns
1 sack flour
4 "
1 "
1 "
1 "
1 "
50 "
r "
10 "
10 "
Josh Brown
Aug Helnrlsch
Percy Rodgers
CC Robinson
C E (iilkison
M Gilcison
! Eby
J B l?wls.
X E Comptou
Geo Bohlman
O wlllard
John Wallace
Ar h Thompson
Z H IN-arce
lohemia Miners Asso.
D C Baiiu'liniuii
Hartung & Hnnseu
Metcaif t Bruiul
E F Smith
J L (Exilian,
Currin & Veateh
potatoes and bacon
X White
Imicoii, 25
1 sack potatoes
1 case St Ch cream
Tom Cox
welch 6c woods
D II Hemenway
Edgar King
Mr Lillian Goo Inian 1 cs. toinatoe-j
W II Lincoln 1 siue oacou
w Jl Anderson, bedding
Mrs Still, bedding
Alex Veateh, bacon
w J Hart, 1 suck Hour
Brown Lumber Co 1 car lumber
Lawson Stop. etove anil bedding
Hf:roUT ok i- inam 1:
Money colli eled
I' out
I) C I' naiiglimaii
1 IH.C0
HartuuR &t Hansen
i II ic Co
C H Ilurkliolder
Metcaif & Hrund
1'earce & Johnson
Ij Lurch
Amt paid out
This list includes the personai
subfcriptions of employees of the
Oregon Securities Co., mown dum
ber Co., Tliomas' logging camp and
others, also of the Commercial Club
If you have not been given credit
uotify commitlee.
Decrease in the same ratio that t'e
use of Dr. King's New Life l'lllsln-
creaseu. 1 liey save you iroiu danger
and bring quick and release from con
stipation and the Ills growing out of
it. (Strength and vigor always follow
their use. Guaranteed by Ueuson's
Pharmacy, 25 cents. Try them,
S0K00I Coivnlon
The 17th annual convention of
th Lane County -Sunday M'liooi
Association w held at C tocll,
April 25 and Hi. At l p. m.
WednesdAy, the convention wan
called to order by the tesiduit
Mrs. M. 1). Mitchell, in the Mitho
dist church.
The opening set vice of ptayei
and song was led by M. J. Hi dog
of Creswcll.
Rev. Stafford k'ive the deleuutoH
aharty welcome htcli re
sponded to by Mis Randolph of
Coburg. . .
Mr. Wui. Pitney, secictary of V
. . t a
county association, icing aoscm.
the president appointed J. M. lay .
to fill the vacancy.
After the reading cl Hie minutes
1905 convention, came tlio repot is
of the Sunday schools of the county.
W.L.Wheeler, president ot t"c
Creswell district unite n fplomlM :
reptt of his district. 1 he (,'.ddcn!
Star was awaidod this disiiict for J
the largest contribution to state and 1
eourty work. Rev. Ihi'ris of the;
Florence district gave an account 01 ,
the difliculties and also of the sue 1
cess of his endeavors iu his woik of 1
the district- '
Gool reports of the Eugene dis
trict and Junction district weu
given by their secretaries.
Wednesday evening Ir. .1. J.
Aiggtns, of Portlaud. gave an a I
dress cm the "State Work," which
was listontcd to with marked attni-
Thursday morning prayer ser
uice was held for the Sunday
scho ls of tho county, led by the
Couut President. Mi. Mitchell.
Several iiuportuut topics on Sun
day school work wei taken up
during the day and gieat interest
was manifested in the discussion of
Primary work and homo depart
ment work seemed b inter st the
members of the convention mon
than anything else.
Mrs. Etta H. Martin of Eugene,
gave a detailed account of her wi rk
in the primary department, and Mr.
Reed told what he had dou in
Home Department work in Pleasant
Hill. That these questions are of
vital importance iu Sunday school
work was shown by the rapt atten
tion civen to these two speakers cl
the convention .
Sincere regret was felt for the ab-
r v.. oli...... .if 1 mi.-i 1. in
SCUtC Ul 11 111. 1 imt.jr v.. J "..v.-'..
City, who b's been the able wectc-
(arv r.l th. rnmitv ilSiiOCItttlOU lor SO
many years and the prayers of tho
convention were asked that he
might recover his wanted health
that we might have the Ik-iicuI of
his counsel for many years to come.
The song service led by W.
Wheeler of Pleasant Hill, and Mr.
Marton of Creswell, were vciy help
f ul iu the work of the convention.
Thursday eveuinz. the convi-n
lion was addressed by Rev. H. N
Mount of Eugeue.
Officers for the Lane Comity San
day School Association were cle ted
Pre.ideut. Mrs. M. D. Mit' h- ll
Vice president, Miss 1). M. Lo
gan. Secretary-treasurer. Win Pitney.
Assistant Se cretary-tieHsurer, J.
M. Day.
Superintendent primary work,
Mrs. Etta 13. Martin.
District presidents: Junction,
Orrin Dennett; Eugeue; II. K.
Shirk; Cottage Grove, Mrs. A. H.
King; Springfield, It. Williams;
Creswell, W. L. Wheeler; Florence.
Joe Morris. Gua.d.
"When I wim 11 ilrilUKlt, at Lfvonl.t
.Mo.." wi Uch T. J. Jiwyer, now of
Ornytville, Mo., "Thuv if my cuhIo
iners were M;nimiiiMilly curi'd of e.m
Bumptiun ly Ur. Kings New Iih
covery and are well and ht mug to
day. One was trying to seil his prop
erty and move to Arinna, lut n fr
using New IliHcovery a i-horl limit In
found it unnecessary to do so, I re
gard It most wonderful incticlnc In
existence, " SincHt cough mid odd
euro and throat and lung lieul. r
(Juar.inteed ly IIch-oii'm Pluirinacv.
5U cents and $1. Trial bottle fn-e.
Eiler's Big Show.
Why not attend a first class
ter'aiunicnt when you have au
poi! imity, it cont no more. Tli ii
com pun v producing the great piny
of ltil Vau Winkle under canvas.
Also including between each act
specialties that are of the very best.
Den Deyer, the world's greatest
trick bicycle and unicycle lider,
doing; the most wonderful work on
a single whoel ever attempted. Miss
Anna Eising, Chicago's favorite
opera singer, Itiley Dlair in imper
sonations, and others making a
continuous performance. The pres
wherever thoy have appeared, pays
them the compliment of having tho
best show ever seen under canvas.
So confident ia the manager of this
r 1 ...!
company 01 pioasing me peopic
that he co a ran tees to refund the
money t anyone not satisfied, and
our people can rest assured that
they won't regret the fact they at
tended, as their bhow will be fully
up to the expectation of all at Cot
tage ClQve, Wednesday, May o.
I (,11m ..
t IS
viilARI. l?,m, DRtGON.
l) 1 1 iiw .1 11, .xk o.
Piiners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
( lll'
Goods at
j tf
General Merchimdise
Miners Tools
. .......
' rourul
" to.:!!
I i n. f
E 1-V 1
oo at west vt1160v.
Is no wor.-e than I lie terrible cane
of l'lli-i Unit nllili'led inn 10 years.
Then I Aii;i. i ei! to ;i..' Iv llncklen'H
A rnica .-a e a ml I .- - -4 than u box per.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y cuied in.-, writer! .,. s
Napier, of Kii-'l.-w, Ky. lleaN all
wounds, biiniH ami sores I Ike imiglu.
y.'.cal ISeiiKon's t'li.l 1 inai-y.
Round Trip
Hound trip pasNeiier rates Chi.
cago to I'oilhind and return, via
direct line will bo. $75.00 and from
Missouri Jtivcr joints $00.00,
These tickets will be on Hale daily
commencing June lht and continu
ing until Sept. 15th with final re
turn limit ol October 31rt-
J, M, ItfJIAM,
jl tome
& Gettys
& Gettys
iI o I to:
and Anumitions
.-niiiir iirriiur a.
thn. top. . V -
it mrule nvrr rprr
Jul avfiati Lufa il .
T .
ImJ.t tlwnnWruiUiL
rnriiVtaljo ty'rnrifl
op fiul down at Utci mlil)inr nt
riiciiiryj.noniinr', lu4
Jolid rMiJ,.r,' vrmrl
:-. it-. n ' 1
- ti. vimriiiiiiHI
r.-.l : 4 -
.. . 1 i-v rii.i irum
1110 nVirl. llyou want
ropf riruce Rpfiii-
" uie jt!ATurr rri in.
To o paint Atkintia
OfKH-j t.y' to 1
1 j fluT.t.lrwa.fipt-b.cfc:
VV&thod rwrd lrord
I.iuc ctirloins, clothes repaired
and pnsscd by Mrs. (Ieo. Dohlman.
1-ciive wotk nt Ostrander's barber
For Exchanga
A new hack for a work horse.
II. Hawley, Cottage Grove.
For SU
-V good reclining baby buggy in
best of condition. 11. '(). Thomp
son. Now Line.
Metcaif h Drtitid have made ati
addition to their stock bv imttini?
in a
line of whito chinawaro anA
Call aud see the goods,