Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 02, 1906, Image 5

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ing Showing
: of Wash Goods.
nrai Batiste
ir Lustre
Jh ill on
line Mercerise
cried Ri bo line
Silk Finished (iinliam
um Linens
12 l-'Jc
0 and 'Jnc
l'i Mr H .,M , (.,:
I'.i'.'IIH i I'l 1 I lilt,
i J
Onicbnll Goodi
Photo Supplies
A 111. linn n((M,f,. rn iiri l -iol
"'I'l'lim. h.wl.ikti ff. ,,
Shirts and Overalls
A .iti,iit... , i. Overgilt Hx l
I.I 1 '.(. , ,,., ,,, J. fl'l IIiki
l.inry m,, ,k ,,,. vi In Vi refill
Collars nnd Tics
W i ran i i,(T, rollif mn tit. nny ifiin
if Mm vnnuUy .a,,., K.-I.H, ti,.)
limit r llr.iwii i, lo in. I r, ifnl.
Dried Prunes
li. i.f iv. '.,.,r M,f. l. , ,,r li
"fill. ll"fil.r.t M,il. k , r, lit in r Ixil
l.llllf tv.r, I ..,i,, , ,,
A. II N,I,'. ;,,, I ,,,t H4llfl
r ".-ii ).
Ten Cent Bare ii
'"' I ' N . .-Ill oUm
tf .III I .1.11 .1 ...
h...iil r. iii.i n I Hi,.), (,f Kfiilii.
I'll I ra m, ,.l ., , , ,.,..1 in f-niila
All kinds (if (irocerics. j
(irnphoplioncs and Records
The Bazaar.
Corner Mrvlix 01 'ml
I UK S.M.I I ir moii house anil
to l'.ts, Il,.llM- ,,f (J Jj ru.
m mi
Cochran's T 1 1 1 1 is tin placo for
v u to vim photograph. Don't
l"ii;i t ' litn
mi 1 V. H. Ahrnms
"f tlir new hii'king
J B B 8 S B 8 8 S 8 S B 8 8 6 a e e r f. , - (i o c 5 a o 6 a 5 US 8 8 B J "N
linns ol InLrcst iii niul nbotii 3
Collide (irnu .-mil ic ifiit . 2
mil: NEWS
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Il.r ,!i;-
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.'. ! i f fi i -ili . 1 1. 1 .ii.
i' i-' I ' 'i I I i I i.i i 1 .
I .
i I'"'.' i i i ! .if ju'l tin tiling
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f .r i ! i'iii i i-i an !
I 9 1 3 t V 9
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i.S i
1 wiiijj lnacliine oenry nt
1. nv.iori'.i, alio collt-ct-1
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lniau l in nl! ' a it
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, I .Ml
Lu'i ('.' Inin ite! mi
C i k.
e f teain I,.ini.Ii v, Alli'on
Ji J .!i'u;' uf:rtits.
p. Lj f, inailr nl.orl t r i J t
Jii u i fain niluj
t : iltiH f nil kmJ .in '
fc't f l to ir-'li'C hu til" i "i
'"!',r!f in tl.ti tiiin. lni.i' miiti'it,
V ' n;l"l'
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rou J'niii rri'i'l v
w l.rl itl 'BV
ii aiiin,; iIciiiuikIn
; v'catrli I,u.vfv.ii i an v
' lis. tho wall jar mi l
! . Iviifii'' lias fiUI a
!'','. y ict it ton.
i ; ' i.,s want a r;innl iiianiiir
; r i-.i, s ''lolil'iiig fate, try
: iikt with it. The
'.ly von.
; ill is nidvini lhi I M i ii
i C:i'i saliHui fiwthci k
' 'A'cex, so ilmt it will n
V-i V; stint (livr us i v'ry om
I ' V wunt to t M them h.ii iiiiis at tl"'
2 ;i(.ne i'.t:.
rfi-ivcil u
fawn in hi
:it lian jutt
f the main
!ouse is
' th mill.
'nK M ,s iotl fn in
k to CoiiiHtnt-k with hin
re tln-y will rn tie
jum lor tlo Chatnhtirt
I : r Hi ik in
!. N..1. ',
1 h.
I ,i,
: ill..
; .it ii iiilcii' u i MtH
1i-t l-'nei stint
:i! i hr 1 i lit- ol
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1 1 i
in '!'.
ii.. i. ; 1 1 . . t-
HlUi'l litl' U
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it l! r i : i i r
C .e l l ill in n. k rooil I'll' .I
C .i lis at
I ti- I i i . .V i ll
I li' I'.i i!. i I. me-. !-i. I in 'i ; . i . I
u Inning juper, iin.Ii iii In-
hail nt ,i ii .liii .1 tuti' i!h N'iii'4t
Mi!iti- l 1 1 .tp.,
ii. i;tioil pli
j-i i. ii 1 r ifi'i ti 1 1
( " t I I xt
I'm au p il I'l.uio I n in-r mi 1 ii--1 ileim
r..-ii i, in. h
ni i' in' mix r s
i . i
Him, i .
AU kni'U of Hcwinif sunchincM,
I'ulli i. w nr (,,l at any oKJ price at'li A Ii iw lii'n.
Sin -i r
' it- h .V
Mi;; .i,;tM
I ni Mith Niirttf'-t suhscription.
Ili'- N'-w Ynik Trihime I'tirim-r, a
( klv j:ii ultural pnjx r.
i;.ui!ii m-i-il jusl or r i vnl and
"p' iif .1 nl Mctralf ,V Jjrutuls The
! ' ! oiiility t tho hent prices.
I lh. mi- iii'hiHtry in all rip;ht wIipd
' i ii mi I't t what y u wni.t at the
n,;ht piic", hinh aH Connors' cigars.
l'litti'iiio u home industry that in
i l inl lii)).: up a good trade hy it
i i'ii l tnntcrinl. The Conner Cigar
I I'm tory.
C l;- Kiiir,', the new hanker
has ti titut the Knox hoitsft on
I i inth stnet which will tx fixed
; 'ip for hnn.
Cliic'i'o pumps from Lake Micb
j i,;. in i-vi iy Jay clos t' 350,00,000
j ,'.i!! 'iih nl I wnter, or close to 100
;,.i!l"iis' for tuch of its inhabitants.
! 1'inl Wachltc. the foreman of the
j Nti,; t oflico spent Sundajr at his
j In me in Oregon City visitiujj Lis
! p units and brother, whom also is
home on a viit and who I'red
j h id not stii-ii for several jetrs.
I Dx-Mayor Yeatch wont to Ku-
l'ui-dav. The Democratic
The School
Mr. Scovell hojic to lr able to
attend Hrhool imwe r'-,;ulnr since his
The Senior bae covered the r
ipiired poitiorl tf the Latin book
and aro revien'oc-
Tho Senior don't tare to read
exchange during ttieir spare rno
rn iits fuiy more-
Mimdy ir.HtrtK t'nl the cla in
Hinnin "ilold Your iCyen or Hold
on to Your Tears Longer."
Tho graduating i-Ihsh haa decided
on tho invitations to tho communce
ni nt Mercies and they have been
These rice da) 11 are almoat tor
ture to lle Seniors and l-'reshmcn
for their room in on tho southwest
nili and the sun shines there at
inot all day and consequently
study flica out the window.
Annual 5rmon lo Odd Fallow n4 R
The annual atrtnon of the Odd
IVllo as lelivered at the 1'rea
hyterian Church Sunday roortiDg
l.y V. (Jrace. Tlie Odd Fellows
and the Kehckahs gathered and
man-bod in n lody to the church,
where seats had been reserved for
theru. Kt-v. Orace preactied an ex
cllent sermon and it wan greatly
enjoyed by tho lodge member an
well as the others.
Dr. I,ow was in town the first
of the week patching up and re
newing our wornout eye. He is
juat as genial one time as an
other .
Sheriff I; red Fiok
buniiiiKH Tuesday.
came here on
Kugeno has
the relief fund.
given f2r,0l.(M) to
LOKN To Mr. and Mrs. Harvery
I.awton a fine boy Friday, April
The last two shocks did no dam
age, eicept badly scaring a Dumber
of San l-'rancinco people.
The Southern Pacific Lad a gang
of men busy Tuesday connecting
their stand pi tie with the water
mains, so thai they can one city
MiBs Vera Hendricks, grand
daughter of Mrs. Jane EmmersoD,
who has been attending school
here, left for tier homo nt IJurns,
Oregon, Tuekday.
V Tho
y .: x. y 11
cSfILr BoDcmia
fill the Nev5
I fill the Time
Neat Job Work of
All Kinds Done
We'll Crcat Vou Rigbt
v '
.ir zif sir s,. -jr 'l-. --
The Real
Safety Razor
11 1 1 1 1 T
1 r
1,. uiii.ti
1 'ai-'.ui v.
it" of
'hie 10.
ji.llll'l. C.lll up I,
Kniilitll ' rinii'i
l ,.
lii' Kin l.niiiciM p.i'l h I'.uiJtry
Ii cn 11 tl, and lvt-i p 1 - i-l- I. 1 lie'wi -.t l'.mll 1 y Jiiiiinil .m I the
N.i; t f.-l l.7i.
A 'm i i'vni ut tih-ti . h ivc
in in,- 1 a 1 1 f., t-howi'i
( ! i:i;ni.- a 111 ri :it Athens .
;i(ti I i Vi'iit has been
I (in
in the
wuii by tliciii.
'1'ln (iuiks :il liuiluli; though,
Imt t-iiiinol win even al lln ir own
;: nii' i.f di .ens tluo.v ing.
A Mj.n-i il tiaiu ol ears canying
thoronghly ! H. lliuiiniaM, j resident of the
,s r. tmiipiiiiv nt)-1 otiier oiiniais
piisHc l tliniii;;h liile Sunday on
iheii wiiy in 11 1 Ii Ircm San 1'iiinciHco
Mi. llaniiii.iii in devo-ing liin per-
; ruii'il time to the woi k nf Miperin-
jtendiii!,' the rebuilding of tho S. l
liiu-n to San 1m am is o mul tlm work
1 1; 1 1 . 1 l.
.it ii 1 11
ichera' Inntitut ban u . of idiel and returned oing
a it in the lecture by ! Tuenday noon.
I ! '
it !
y on Hamlet, Saturday
--t letturo,ia open to all
5 .j attend.
Jt Veatch and son, John
ii iie on Thursday. Mr.
, oke with great pride of
medul won in the iutei
e. Tho modal is tnudo
; h charm and in ono of
Uiautiful miulula wo have
: is the reward of hard
I great thought. The
yt lie would rather linvc.
in in such contostH tlm 11
-.,.sundrt of dullars.
!.t plant ahut dowu Friday
it 7 o'clock through the
down of the pump that
i'ie water t the boilers,
i tli engiutH a.s long as
then hhut down and got
fixed an quickly as they
b. took about an hour.
;ifit inooiivenienco of tli
was folt at the Woinau's
Lecture by Miss Anna
was delayed a littlfl in
2 her lecture by the
nccesMlty to get lumpu
rreut cam ou agala,
The Will'unelte Valu-y Co. has
put out a in w water into card in
laigcne, by which any family up lo
live peiHoiin can h.ivo the privilege
of watt 1 lor Iioiim- use, bath und
toilet for $1 per mouth. For a
family of over live persons an ad
ditional i li.irgo is made. The rate
i-i'itainly in very low. The irriga
tion into is i cent per square yard,
which in causing Homo comment.
Wo h ive on h ind ut thin oflico
for distribution a number of pucka
gcH of tine seeds, furninned by the
United Slates (lovcrnuictit through
tho couttcMy of Hon. S-lia-or Oar
in. Any one win- defies such seeds
m ay call at thin oflieo and thoy will
be given u pnekago. The Govorn
mout has for yearn given out pack
ugeH of feed grown under the most
careful condition and has through
its A gt -cultural department lone
much to establish new growths ot
scedn, planK fruits and gruiiiH.
This pi actit-e will probably be dis
continued with Ibis yar strong
opposition ban ,''l worked up
against thin work of tho govem-meul,
Cuunty cominitto expects to get
down to hnrd work, and to outline
it campaign today ami it looks as
though the campaign would le a
Fach watch muvemont retpjires
fiom :io to .) screws, l.y the
curlier ni' tlio Ih a skilled workman
i-oitld make x t I, coo screws
daily. Automatic 0 achinea now
produce fioiu .pooo to 10,001) screws
per day, and one man can oppose
six machines.
The units of weights and measure
in tho l uiti'd States are practically
thoso used in tho colonies prior to
the for m at i " of our government.
While eoiirircHs ban neTer definitely
nutbotied the weights and meas
ures in common uso, it has sanc
tioned their use by its act of June
11, lNM. providing that accurate
copies of tho yard, pound, etc., be
furnished as standards to each state.
It in estimated that tho railroads
of the United States spend annually
f. lf, 000,000 iu additional fuel and
boiler repairs duo to the hard nm!
muddy water UMed for making steam
Using hard wacrin boileiais much
more expensive than softeniug it,
since on the iverage 1,000 gallou,
of hard waUr will do 5O cents'
worth of damage in fuel and ro
pairs, while 1,000 gallons of hard
water my almost always be soften
cd at not moto than cents.
The Cottage drove creamery is
delayed i 1 golting its ice cream
maehiuery through tho San Fran
cisco fire and has had to borrow
Homo from the Hazel wood people
until more can be ordered frem the
cast for tliem. They will socn be
in shape io handle all kinds of
trade. Ntr. Stiller informs us that
he is makfiig lrotu too to COO pounds
of butter per week ami that next
week ho will commeuce making at
least 600 pounds as he has eight
new cunomers that commence then.
While :he trado is not as good uow
us a s'lort time ago, many more
noouloaie Beiulinjr in cream daily,
and nfw getting more cows, ao the
SUPJI grows
Tt SviffrMUta Convention.
A convention was held at Eugene
Saturday, at which many able ad
dresses were listened too, by a large
number of delegates and interested
people The meetings were held
in the Court House, and the coun
try people crowded out even Eu
gene's elite, so that thoy had ta be
seated around the edges and most
any old place. The delegates from
Cottage Orove were Mra. lloy Welch
and Mrs. DeSpain. Pres. Campbell
and Dean Sanderson made splendid
speeches before the convention.
Suuday afternoon Hev. Anna Shaw
preached before an immense com
pany of probably looo people on
"The Heavenly Vision."
Mrs. Welch was entertained with
Mrs. DeVoe the lecturer, at Mrs.
Washburue's home in Iuigcue dur
ing the SuffragUts Convention.
Mrs. Washburne is an enthusiastic
winker for that cause.
Mrs. DeSpain was entertained at
the home of Dean Sanderfou Satur
day at the convention at Fugene.
Mrs. DeSpain says that they are
going to carry the state at thin elec
tion, and if they dou't they will im
mediately begin work work for the
next election.
Now IU In Furnllsjro Soiling.
A firm in Portland had adopted a
new feature in conjunction with
furniture selling by catalogue. The
CovurU Furniture Co agree to eell
all manner of household goods on a
very liberal credit and to pay all
freight' charges to auy part of the
state, as well. In today's paper
they advertise as a special bargain a
&6o Sewing Machine fori: 5 to
accompany the order and $3 to be
..:i ...... .1.1.. f..:.aa 1 1...
I'-iiu uiwiiiui-r iisij-ui jii'paiu uj
them. They say that buyiug direct
from the manufacturers in carload
lots euables them to do this. The
Gevuru Furniture Co hate been
30 years in business in Portlaud
and are located at 173-175 First
Street. A postal card request will
'-ring you tuoir catalogue. Their
ad appears elsewhere.
Docroaso in the same ratio that tSe
uso of Dr. King's New Lifa I'lllslu
creases. They save you from danger
and hrlnff quick and release from con
stipation and the Ills grovflog out of
It. (Strength and vigor always follow
their uso. Guaranteed by Uenson's
1'Uaruittoy, 25 ccats, Try them,
Can be used in cither hand
and strops like any razor.
"It cuts them off slick as a whistle."- t
Griffin & Veatch Co,
000000 00 0000 0-0000-0 000000000000 000000 000000 o .
rfi;-.fl .
2 llliTr"
Chas.xi. Sleve.-is.iCc.
Chicago, 111.
All the new w.iol
materliils fr suits, j n
sk i rrs an t waift-i. 1 i.u 1
maiie to order. Materia
the yard. Linen shirt
suit!. Silk and 11. .re.
Htticoat. Tin hci
new "1'rinres" an. I "I'.
wilks iu ail ilic If.i.lia.' -1
No troulile to -how .-.-ii
A few patterns in .!iv-s-klrt
lenuttis on liaiiil.
1 r Li l mm a . -rv
I I. Cottage Groe. O.e.soii,
'Phooe, .Main 3'.
Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me.,
who has found Dr, Klnpr's New Life
Pills to be the best remedy she ever
tried for keeping the stomach, liver
and bowels iu perfect order. . You'll
ereo w ith her If j'ou try these puinless
purities that infuse new Hie. iluai
anteed by ltenson's Pharmacy. Trice
Gentleman or lady with good
reference to travel by rail or with a
rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital.
Salary $t,o7'2.oo per year and ex
penses; salary paid weekly and ex
penses advanced Address, with
atamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Cottage
Grove, Ore.
Circus Clowns Prove Inventive Geni
uses. That tho circus clowu is not al
ways the foolish fellow h seems is
shown by the ingenious devices
Tote Ducaow k Hilly Scott of the
Norris & Rowe Circus have in
vented for evoking laughter from
the littlo folks.
This season they have invented
a breakaway trolley car. A burles
que circus parade headed by the
clowns starts around the bippo
drone track. They meet the trol
ley car coming towards them, they
refuse to get out of the way, the
trolley car starts ahead at full
peed with tho inevitable reault
that the burleequj para.l-i ; . Lr
up, the car runs over ili c.k .'.,
they rctnliatr by juaipiu u; o : '.':.
cur, when tiuaily an expioMoii .-cus
car and clowns hi,;h iu the air .ac
companied by the shrieks of lie
light fiom tlu children. Auolinr
of their laugh provoLidg iLvenioi.s
is a lar-je red automobile called tun
"Red Devil" and devil it is, for
when it starts nrouud the track at
full speed it run over everbody in
Squealing pigs, s-mnyiug chick.
eus, an old maid with her inaiket
; basket; a fat man, and a tramp aro
! run over with equal impartiality
j and the automobile tiuaily goes up
I in smoke after all the confusion it
j has caused. The children will re
member these comical ft Hows Ion;,'
afttr they havo sorgotteu every.
tnuig else they saw with tho circus.
Tote Ducrow .X: "Happy" Bill
Scott h ive as assistants in uu mak
ing. Nick Matiuigau, '-Foolish"
Willie Hyatt, Uob Curtin ami
"Grotesque" Charlie Medora. The
New and Greater Norris & Howe
Circus will exhibit atFugeue Mon
day May 7th.
R-Oolty TrrvkUr.
Benjamin and Louu Itrcli to
Klias West; 12 j acres ius ull.ta
2i, s r 3 w. loooo,