Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 02, 1906, Image 2

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Bohemia Nugget
a NrT rb. Ce.
In a Condensed Form for Our
Sasy Readers,
A Return f th Lost Important but
Not Lm Interesting Eventt
of tb Past Week.
It U believed .the senate will voto on
the railroad rate bill this week.
i.reat Kritain tuny force Turkev to
give j Tabah.
Fvery library iu iSan Francisco, ex
cept ono, wag destroyed.
Peddler have been captured in Sniu
Francisco eeJlnig relief supplies.
5Suit ha been begun to oust tho
Standard Oil uuj ita ail.ii from Ohio.
lWi, hag rot ur nol te Zion City. Ho
was welcomed bv a small crowd."
Prince von Kadolin will likelv be
named a the successor vt Chancellor
von Iluelow.
Kuy.Ma 1 Now rUtmtnit Anotlior Inv
sion of Chinese Territory.
) St. lYtcrshiiri?. HO. .. In spit.' of
the dofoat if lu-r ambition in Manelm
ria and Kwaiitiini.' and tlio ot"l aele
'met with .y M. IVkotiloiT. tlio 1uihi.hi
(minister to China, in In negotiation
M 1'ckltl, KlISMia is JttOlldilT pushing f'T-
Iwwr.l with tho purpose of occupy mg an
other big slice of I'hina. namely, tho
two eastern provinces (f "Mongolia, cov
ering the route of the propose I railroad
f r . in llaikal (o IVkin, which, at an
nounced by the Associated Cress, Feb
ruary L'O, ha been given ocr t( tho
lillsso ( llllle0 1M li H .
I'tider the if tho iimoeent neiind
iiitf n : tuo of " neofjrapliio tlinoraphio
expeditiiMi for purely Moiontilio pur
poes, " a party headed lv t lc ml No-
vituhy, ono ot tho lrillivit xouner
lueiuberH f tho general taff, will leavo
Fiuled States Senator, lonir term John
M. lenrin.
rla Fitiid1"" VIioiIi Nm la u
(In IttiMiin t Once. I ! I, P
In .'ni
V ' J ho fit ,(
le ' ! r I 1 1 !. ,,,
I I !.-1
Promior YVitte will Ih apjiutod pros
idont of tho oouucil of the empire lv
t zar .Nicholas.
Soerotary Motcalf ha reported rwem
mending au imniodiate roluilditi; in Saa
Francisco. Koosfvolt lias approved tho
Lnko K. AVright, I'nitod States am
bassador to Japan, says tho Chine
snoui.l receive better treatment at the
hands of the Americans thau is now ac
fcrded them.
Senators from Oregon and Washing
ton have received telegrams from tho
lumber interests in those states oppos
ing free lumber for tlio i,nni.. ..' .....
Congressman, Second Fistri.t. .1. II.
Or aim in.
tiovernor. tteorgo F. Chamberlain.
Secretary of State, F. II. Srotit.
State Treasurer, .1. l. Matlork.
Supremo Judge, T. (i. Ilailey.
Superintendent Public I nst ru.-t J.
H. Ackeruian (K'ep.V
State Fruiter, J. Scott Tuvlor.
Attorney tieiieral. K. A. Miller.
Labor I ummissiouer, O. F. H1T
wrecked cities.
Fraucisx-o and other
Japan is sorry aid was declined bv
this country.
Preparations aro being made to re
ceive. Powio in his old homo.
The Russian democrats have won a
great victory in the elections.
French police have discovered nn in
trigue between labor leaders and mon
archists. The Xorthern Pacific has rnmmeneo.l
work on its bridge across the Willam
ette at Portland.
Small graft on the relief fund for
California has beeu discovered and is
worse than feared.
Anthracite operators have rejected
tllA lata.' Al. . - . .
"'vo iciim di mo miners and nave
renewed their former offer.
The unveiling of the Franklin statue
in Paris was the occasion of speeches of
good will by Frenchmen and Americans.
A drenching rain has made it very
uncomfortable for the San Francisco
refugees camped in tho varinn r.nrVa
of that city.
St. Petersburg in the middle of Mr te
survey the hitherto unexplored regie
between the Maiii-hiiri.iii fr.mti.r ml
. . i. . .
iiouku me et reunion nomni.illv u
to b, iinler the aiispiem of the Im
perial tieographical Society, it is l-
loved it will be financed and otlicer...!
bv the L'cncral st.nT nn.l it. .;.
tion will be almost purely military. The
strategic aims, in fact," are s,"hinlv
covered that it is doubtful if it will
be nccotnpanied bv any r,...r....t ..t , ....
. i'
oiine geographical society.
The region to be explored covers the
hay 'Mongolian Iv-erf," in xv,i,!i
during the war mysterious Japauese
annus were supposed to . hovering to
sirirvo me iuisi:mi re:ir and into
small s,-,iting detachments of .1
' i penei r:i I . , I long ,
olonei i it'ky s expedition
.win r.n.i the work already w,-
der way. as the 1,'ussian force sta'i.
at Frga certainly has not born idle
ing its long stay there.
reople of Oregon C'"'H front
With Help tor Nrfdy.
rortlmid. PnviioM I" -"'I
ply are poiirimt in to the "' I"'"1-'
. of ITOk-on ioii-
M.nv .r bTO Ihmmi nl!l iH "
t n't edible, iiii ladml prepred .hI
, . ..I l,r.l li
rsite. tiCon. rice, iof
the tlioimand, U'i.le fl(r r'1
Cook'nif nteni!e. gWivei.Msnkrt n
elolhiiw have been iven tod purcbe(
In considerable (pintiti, and r
rive in the City at ! '
I r.. itia can be moved llth. Col licUoilK
of money are still uHH fetaard n
more "itpplie and fittt-U will be lor
ardivl later.
Portland aid for sn f rm ic. and
the other "trickrn Califoruuciiie will
t.robablv exceed the value f r.'.'ut.OlHI
Not 1m valuable than the moacy to It
tpeiit in the yinptli anJ lox for tin
mankind that prompt the foltititarx
Kills lor relief. Keport from San
Francisco show that tier ue'e bavr
leen Unu hed by the pMtupt Meat takrn
for their help by net-thttor ttatet,
c. hi ch
fa nccs.
b al
ii li
med dur-
Jacksonville Raitet a Fun4.
Medford. At a tiieetinu of the cill
n ns of Jacksonville at the City 1111
$7fu) was nibocnl-ed in le than ten
minutes for the relief of San Ktnrico
sufterei. The amount ha l-st- in
rreamnl throiiK'li the rff.irt of lhelm
uiitlee to Ili'.'iO, an I will $ lkXI
The ball team contribute it axle.
and a U-netit gamf with AhlanJ l
now in irour. All l.-aiii b. of ihr
Masonic order and the 1. O K . A
O. F. W., K.s Mm, Jai ksonvdV MW
ktid Native Ihuibter eotitr ibuted lib
eral!'. Thole nA narivalfv lrtre
j the business men, t ut nil ve Ifrlj
'and liU'rally, an I mu le then coi 'r.ln
i tion w ith as much pUasure as if u had
j been for their own pooj e.
...t-... u.......t tli Ibead
ir"i ......... "
Ukeiie tbve Sbn
-l... .ri... ritr foiaarded lb l
IowIhk b aid ran Kianei--"
,.e carload of potaloe. '""""" ' ;
Hour, one carload of bread and 'hrf
prov,.,...,. one.r of brrl.luf1 anl .
lao i-arl.Mid of biead and polator. In
ddillon to tin. i'HH"ut
miklnit iip a tarload of pn. nloii. ami
the ritiieii of Ptaluin a rarloa I id !
tab. Cah .ubasilption bat '
r.oHvl in haleni. aiiioiititlnit M'oHl
Practicallr rvrrr I .caile In
h Ukrd bread, and the Ukeilr l a ,
rlixered over tbrir entire t s . I '
prlsolirr III the pemtelitiarv have ill-
ulTd 7. and pr..nre. a I t(.n Mu
.1. tiJ l,i ir i itbodt Ifr I if nr.
arr. rairiii win iviiiiihwm ""i
plir exery day bile thrre I need
Corvalh Loadt a Car.
Cr!h t'orva'di l it i. l l
i .., j ...i ....
awetnliirHl al I'.e onmo u-m iion
irinatiou that ai. "'(oiii.d
. ."wll Diinlrl
,mimi " "ifiimj-:
Quartermaster-General Humphrey has
informed Senator Fulton that there is
no intention of even temporarily aban
doning San Francisco as an army trans
port headquarters.
Bowie's wife has become reconciled
with the prophet,
Oakland is making a creat effort to
capture fcan Jtrancisco shipping.
Senator Ileyburn is improving from
ins secon.j attack of appendicitis.
Many of the steel frames of large
buildings in San Francisco are unin
jured. The regular troops now have entire
charge of feeding the San Francisco
King Edward, Emperor William and
Emperor .Nicholas will hold a confer
ence shortly.
Devine Urges Nation Not to Slacken
Enthusiasm iu Giving.
San Francisco, April .'!). lr. pevine,
of the National Ked Cross, tonight is
sued the following statement:
"It is important for th. ..niir.. .,,,.,.
try to understand that the loss of home
an.t property in San Francis.-,. l,u ...
" exaggerated. hxpectat ions have
been aroused and plans have been made
based on telegrams and newspaper re
ports, of large contributions for relief,
and these expectations should not be
''The distribution of food will have
.-oiiinuie.i until there are enonol.
stores in which to buy on a money basis
and then it can be era. Im. IK- ,li.;".,;-i....i
l,,i. .K.. ..1 .i , . . - . " '
in.r. m inner Kin. Is is now-
win re required for weeks
cm.-k and delicate
till (late tllif in lr I .1 the trlirf
ol San Fisni'i'". M tbi ttirrlii'f f
ra tieiiipi ta arre coin p!rte f. f !a bli
a tar ith pronto n and tartin it t"
It drlitiatin. The Initial .-oiitr:' u
ti 'li from CoivaMi it it-1 u I ten t.
lir, -I K) bimlirl of, 11 nin !
". i0 siitii' of, 0')
oare (( I'ltirl mpp..-i.;
Work Supplmd lor tteifrtt
4irr;oii l in nprai fnirr
li r ranc i o are l.rrr Ihrr in rr
eixed at the d-i..t l . . r ( a i r r
a id oil rl inrmlTH .1 br ( .1 I'l l It
hef eoenmittee F n p'o liirnt -i(.
f t l.r torti al ' !
o'ti.-r nr'i. Trli
!t-r. 'I ; e .' .a f
t.j r . r i o ; r
i itrrd for a iiumi!t
pup-r mill. ; ie
lllolin at ot'irf
t C -H; -li 1 ' Ire ' , . :
!vt i rirf i . ' ,' i
Refugee Arriving at Eugroe.
Filgelie bel e( work to aid the
ferers at San rrancit- cotitinui- her
and several tars f uiil;r have
ready K"'ie. t'oiitnbutmn i n.o
amount to alsmt f :l.o", and the Inn
is (till growing. Several parties l av
rweived word from relative in the
city. All are reported safe. Many
from here are in th city. Kefiwee
are arriving in t!:e Valley, a man au.
wife from San Joee, who loel thrir
property, has obtained work here.
es OT UJStltU-
lest ro ved must
, and on some
Bellevue, Texas, has been devastated
by a tornado. Forty people are re
ported killed.
The Japanese mikado has given
2m,000 to the relief of San Francisco,
and the people a like sum.
The doubtful vote in the senate on
ine rauroa'i rate bill is large enough
to swing the result cither way.
An area of 453 blocks was burned by
the San Francisco lire. It is estimate,!
that the buildings destroyed will be in
the neighborhood of 60,000.
Norway is taking stepB to organize a
Dew army.
A ninth victim of the explosion on
ine battleship K ear Barge has died.
TI 1 a. f - .
j.ue iaat oi ine nueman prisoners
cave oeen returned home from Japan
The total relief fund from all sources
totals more than $18,000,000 and etill
There is no danger of an epidemic
among San Francisco's homeless, ac
cording to the beatln authorities.
The San Francisco bank vaults are
believed to be uninjured, but it will be
a week before they can be opened.
tiersons will
..ire ior months. Inmates of
T I . . fl ... 1. ... .. 1. . . . t
n nn ii nayp lieeil .
le c;tablUI.. elsewhere
plan yet to be .levied families which
cann..t g.-t started otherwise ,av have
to be given a heltono I I
It is not intended to encourage
chrome dependence, but ijuick, gener
ous and efficient relief is needed here
ior a very large number of
wnos,. itffmrM and means of liv.-lih
nave tjeen destroyed
Salmon Better Than Money.
Astoria The rash ulcriptirnt
oy ine ciuxeiis ot Astoria to the San
..i ..i i.. . . .,
laui.m-u iciltl illliu aiiiouni ai Wie
present time to about 1250. and le-
idee this the Ixiwer Columbia River
cannerymen have donated 725 rae of
canned salmon. Two carl. , In ol can
ned salmon have ln iliiud. An
other car of Million will be shipped and
the committee promisee to raie anoth
er 11000.
Appropriation of $3,387,630 Needed for
San Francisco.
Insurance men will have a say on re
building plans of San Francisco and
will not allow flimsy structures to be
Moat of San Francisco's people would
prefer to see the city rebuilt on the
plan if the old and opp jue changes in
the streetd.
Jonathan Bourne is gaining on II.
M. Cake, who leads for the Republican
nominee or Senator in the Oregon pri
mary .elections.
All the credit for stopping the San
Francisco fire belongs to three expert
gunners from Mare Island nary yard.
They blew up a strip of buildings one
Washington. 30 The
of war today forwarded to' the secre
tary of the treasury for transmission to
congress urgent deficiency estimates of
appropriations amounting to ."t,;i.i7 i:o
This amount is rerp.ired for the' service'
of the fiscal year ending June ,'M, l!ln;
for the purpose of replacing military
stores destroyed ,y earthquake and lire
at San Francisco; also for repairing
....i.i,.K..- I,, eaiiie connecting Angel
Island and -Ah-atraz in the harbor f
San Francisco, and the repair of dam
age to the general hospital at the Pre
sidio, San Franc isco.
Roseburg, Raijet $1,500.
Roeeburg Roeeburg responds nobly
to the call for help by the mfTerem at
Nan rranciseo by contributing $5oo
for relief. A carload of proriii,n,
bread, clothing, heMing and tent have
been forwarded. Prain puts in the
nanus oi ine rellet committee a i.od
collection. A larie number of R.,,.
urn Amiens are in ran rraiicisco, but
au are rejtorted saved.
. t l O.rli t to t t!: .
. : ! r t- f .
bt .i I r M ( . . o
l i.o in !.!
tlrrj I
.P , (
Clothing in the Carload.
Oregon City The citizen's commit
lee nas lorwarded another carload of
potatoes, Hour, blankets and clothing
i iie women oi me city have organize.!
ana collected a great quantity ol -I.,tti
ing. One of the largeht local ,-otrib.i
tors is the Oregon City Manufacturing
v,iipany, winch, in cash arid blanket,
i-omriouied atxiut f I.Oun.
Sympathy from All Lands.
San Francisco, April 30 Mayor
Sehmitz today received manv calde
grams, which had been delayed, from
every quarter of the globe, ail express
ing sympathy for the people of San
Francisco. Among theo were wor,l ,.t
comfort and good will from Australian
cities, Dublin's mayor and other ItIhIi
officials throughout Ireland: from V..,
Zealand; From Huron Kaneko, at To-j
kio, w ho sympathizes with the A i.i..rl,.
people; from Englishmen and officials
in India, ( luna. Jfioan. Snnili ir.;,...
ClncA Tl. : . ii ,, .
-v. ttom nuistjoro.
1 1 : 1 1 .. i ...
...usiKiro n,e citizens of Hill.boro
uiBpaicrie.i a bi)-ton car laden with ,,.
tatoes, Hour, evaporate.l cream, bacon
beans, blankets and clothing, d rep!
repenting a cash outlay of $(ii)il, t the
relief of the San Francisco sufferer
The committee named by Mavor Corn.-!
Iius raised the necHary amount in a
few hours.
Canvassing at Newberg.
NewbergAt a meeting of the citi
lens of Newlierg called by E. II. Vx.
ward. President of tl.. i...i .it
. """i hi iraiie,
it was decided to send two carloads of
potatoes to the San .-r.r..i.
and many other far-oir points, where Liberal submrriptions were taken at ti,'."
he news of San Francisco's catastrophe meeting and a committee IV. . "
Clipin a-
t.'ainiiig , !..d l.rrr etA sT ', t1n , f
hfi t. tUig I'.rir !ift rt.i.t gi.mrist f,,f
the benrlil of ton I'alif-irn i nnririi
rti CHllgfl!iirlit ntit t SV'ri:.
Kauri, and will U loiloar.) by .lUn
fnw day to day a tatt a. the f! nir pur
ch.I can lw Uk-I into bfr. in t.'.e
KlKxd oven by the Indian laker.
Cookina- from Union
I'aion A special miwiin ot tba
City Council adopte.1 ympatl.etic ir. ;
lutiow with the San FriiKih-iitaS.,.,,:
I - ...
auu a com 111 ilte ol 1,0 apltila.
to tecar contribution fof lb. r.h-i
the vktiii. The commit'.ee l,.J
on car of tifovmon Iom .-.-.k,..
uten.i'4, blanket and cl and ....
other carload of floor.
Supprm Read, at Cott. Gro.e.
Cottajfi tirove Th r.,miiiiit. .t,.
pointed to ., licit fun ! f.,r w-, l
cico relief at the i,,,. t.,rrt:1 I .
ure.1 A .arl. f u,t,;;r. ...
purchawd, roii.i.ting ti..H,t:T f r( ,,
potatoe a0d baon. an I wn.i h. . '
first train. '
Arlington Ranot $000.
Arlmgton. At a ma- ..
in ...I, waimi,,-,,! , h4(l rf.Ul.
co. Mr. S,i... ...d hmrtl.e A K,
sheepmen, each gate $100.
Wheat Club.
.lc I.UII".
i.k.H t ; "''.II Iho Irnltl n.
! i. .iii'-l - m n i t 1 1 ' with iio.m II. uuj
'lift I lio-oll Ii. I hunt (.1 i, , ( j
ad .f ll.n lit.t k' I ' ori lrllit.,lnlt
.p.jlI'H I ' W l.ol.-...l, f
n I. .mi ii.ioiio .-.I I' " w e ri r I to k-., , ... j1 '
' I I r.l.alrl, uMAl K PNTflJ e fIU- I wilh nil worn 'UJ,''
,,, . . I ' .' I I r " "ii ii w r i o i, .( I
j T , 1 1 r I .l eiTn ! It e d.-.-t I.- I j J
Hi. I tl.r i lorrl ,, f1,,,ll( H.,, ti,
i,i i i", t, i "'v',:',
r inc. .... ..I I '.o frail r I... II r t I U,tit4K J
II. il llr nli.' wrln l ,.tr t . - , '.
,r ' tt.e t 1 be rt.aiiin.,, " i ,
l,r mo ll..,' Mr llicl, lili'.illl'r tht 1" .
, I i o'cir tile wliolc!ri In U
IaiiI ftre "f thar-o ff , ' V1 : I
j. to. t ef ' ' ' . , o. , ' 1 Hoc r ratals rurU (,,, f , t j lf
f,h-. am I . -(. Hltnk' tho', ..j t "t ., '
...;.-I :.-1 ji I. I tl.r in i ill ill r I i t r 1 '' bt
I i .i I '' -f rl-lci., it w. ,d I ' ' Ha rM j . .
io , II r il t " I1 i f II J Ullrult i,tl I ' ' . ".(!,(,
I'lolul.l M...M.f titael. i ,i ,r . . j ' 11 t!
Vn.l. "H term. I. W . MnUrr j '! 1 , v. .
in! r. I oi Icmo. Joiiall an lu,,it , ! , , , , H' 1 J.
i.i ..un liil I'.Oiiil. W I i r
' ll .y ; ( ''si- -
' ,' I'.'nimiins, I'r.'iiid l'ili.t, V It ' i ' '""''li, i
I'. ! . . 1 i ' 1 ...,. . 'I
li.lrroor Jamre 1 1 1. y omt-a , ''' "
t.r.ll.. I. i ' ij'j" 1
Sti-. 1(11)1 J l.'n, K .l-rll Kakiu. . ' '' '
. i ' " ' '..! i, llii
j Kii jl .lilrloloi.l IikIiui II. M, " -. t , J; ,
I I I t r kef 1U!1 ' . . .. ..... .... . !..... . v
... . I llhl.l '. F1 ll'lli t m M W "
lll.ift.rl IiciicIa! A M I'i.bI..i.I
j U'. l l'..'l.U. M. 11.!. U V If., ft. ' r, " !' !' 1
, , , . - i ' . t , !rrtt n I n j . i , '''' I
' ' V i !! t tiBtil .,. u ; ' i .
! '. b-l ' I . . r . .! I I '
t. -' i
, " ' - f r. ,.,.o ,.n "f '
" , ; .r I f.r ,a,.,.,J M:' t-cl.--
' , ij ;
' o - .r I - .- v., . r
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. ' '''' ' t .'.. u.) t.-t ' : .- n j x
1""''- : : !-..! J- i ' . !..,., jij,
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j I ' r :.-i r., B, , :r m . ij,,'
; ( llr f v r.,.f, n ... t if.H,f, Ut 1 ' " " i in ' '
j1 '' i -' llrf-lr be riirt (-- I I .. . I i! !ni;.!i
ii'-g a !---.:t'.r I ..'.l.ii . .j t, teattt aura at.ti. ti !:'
. ...i ..t .sir- I f , . ,t, !t8 4i , I-, m ec-ot I T'l
in fr..jliB. mi, ,o I, in t Mgti ' I .IJ ,fth
tutr, ,t :, rl ,,,, lhr mrl , ,a-ri
. f r.t , I arr 1 at tr.l I - .ki-ij Cr ! oi'o .11 W ?
.'; 1 . .
I ' ' ' a -n 1 ;'. j ;.'. ' r ail t 1
i " I . t ' !. rftat 4
JUNTA KOSA TO BC BtBUILT. i l' V "1. tt't
j l rt -r t S. c rf lcif J
l-iillf Buia HUoa of City V ' ' n'..rti
troyed fcy I'.ijttqaak j 1. .'ri t r ' . tta 'w
I'tr.i. ..,1 ,. I , . t 1 ' r . i ! oil f
- ' ... frW - ,. ; ' " r ' '-'-; !'"t ,
?, ""' " " I l..0 fr i j,
".""r"' 'say tiM.:u:rji tsxi
:::: " : - ' ..A'.'
. - ' - I- -r, r,r un ,rr - U ' " '
, ' j t.
' 5 T ' ' ' - '.-'rf ffotn cm I I-.-. M - iX(
" " ''"'' ' "' ' ' f'. i-f l!.r . in' ..... 1 I - ft t' J"-.
i: . ..,
" ' ' Itlg "f tl-r in ; a 1 11. . t it '!
i r ii ... .. (mi, t,r at i '. -n l ' '
' 'ti.- of brflr , ir I -I t
ii.- 1. 1. .........
. ""'coi
c; ml. (He: ii..w cl,,... ..
- N". I hite fed i?r ,..'!.
Kfay, 127 pr toa.
Barley Ked r.n ... . !
i . ""if . i i r ,,ii
brewing, 12121.60; ,ol,ed. luMl,!,..
Valley tun- '
! 1.- '.
I , i '
r n I
f r h.
tl t
11 Ml
1 I'rarbv town
an I f trf n prf o, j
'.r.g ai l w i. m
ft I.
It r -i
1 p,f crnte.
per Ik, i
is known.
Bristol Case in Doubt.
Washington, April 80 Member of
the acriHte .judiciary commit teo lon-n
been informally diHcuHsing the nomina
tion of District Attorney liristol, and
it is believed that a majority of the
committee, is not favorable to bin con
firmation. There hnx been no formal
consideration of tho case, as the Hnb-
committeii has not reported, but, if that
committee does report, it recommenda
tion will be. adverse, and unlesH there
is a change of sentiment tho full' com
mittco will approve the recommend.
Railroad Line Indicted.
Clarksburg. W. Va.. Auril .10 Th
lialtimore & Ohio Kailroad Conn.anv
was indicted five timea by the federal
grand jury today for alleged violation
of tho interstuto commerce law in fail
ure to distribute cars to coal operators
ed to make further canvas.
block: wine Jn iront oi tue names, using in a fair and couitublo manner. These
ton and a half of gun-cotton. indictments are the first of the kind
Medford Shipped by First Train
Medford On hearing of Han iv '
Cisco s need Medford dinpatched one
I car of supplies to San Francis,,, by ti e
ir. relief train. As hooi, hs r,Z J
thereafter a inans meeting was held and
arrangements made to send other cars
as fast as it could be learned what was
especially needed. aH
Purse from Bohemian Miner.,
Cottage Grove The r.,l,,. .., i. .
""fJ and sent it down to
fr?fv. I8" tran,:i",;0 This tBI witiiout solicitation.
J riA aum i 1 1 u ... '.'.ii.
, ur uow iwver have also
ennl ril.nt.l . i. i . . .
tflottu 0, Umtjer
. Oregon
I-Iioii-M I I I ii "7
' i"S I 'l Lar I..
..ll... .... . '
'"MY. m I .' w l... u -
libf? ;.. i .... .'. " fl.rat
'"It Apt
Htraw lu-rrie. IL' ,',n
V.. I I..
" '" 'ralrii, ii,,,,iii, ,.
lmi.i; ,M.a .,, ...., '
l'"""d; caul lA,.r r
J-er doxen; onU... , ... . .
radial,,,,, ynn,.,' '
rhuberh, ,V,t4c I ' "';
"f'P' U,: .' r ".' ! M-.iihcI,
tier .a V- ""I. 11
i . n.riri7o,
heet. HrH0ti ... .
- - it aa' a
'. J, nominal
Ier pound. y' ,7Sf,20c
Kygs-(jreKn ram i, lft W. i -
dozen. ' 40 v''lc per
broiler, i, ... .. . ""i II (t I p.;
12l,.. ,...i .:,'"l,n
to I
. t
ll.t ,
I - St ....hC trm
" I Ihn II I V
."i thr. ot..r
'i I I rttrf tfur
I l
1 - I"
n I t .;'.( j,
I -I... I
!..- II ."! I
I Mr It
.-. I, .! I I: I 1. ' :.' 1" iV
ii,,.., . i .- ... . Im 'j ' '
r. I
I ml i,
1 .2.1
-.N";. 1191.15 p
i n. t
er m,i-k
' "f I uni'ii.. inrn nl
'bug 'Min aaving
1 '" ' i i.-d a t Io i.'mi
"-, wl.i.-l, ,! ,o an
r it ".IO.IIII
i r ... .,. ),,.,
" ' ; "I I,,, fun ,- w
'"I" Ihil ,,
n.u,,f..!r bv all
it H,t.-,( I.
( I.
inirm Ourii I.. .......
--- ... C4,l,.
"II .11, 1, I l
IKlfl.t I.I.
on II,.. ...nth
"V. that fl .... - i .
i, ,i
Glendale Adda a Carload.
I 'endale-The citizens of this citv
responded to the call for .1,1 ... . . , 1
ever round 111 the I niteil Ktiiteu Tl, mnir I rim ml .I -,...i..i. ' v-
Oakland'f present population is about fine, in case of conviction, ma v be $5,000 the sunolv train. V ?.n "e '
1000 to the block. in each cane. ' )Cisco. r ,or nan
, n """'; 01,1 rooHter 11,,, '
; e, chi,.k(,(lHi ,flft(IB' 'H 'vr;
liv. 17(iiHc; lurkev d,. i,t"rk,,-VH'
1 - nvn. Hfrsin
"Hc; ducks, l7ariH,,,",''
6l.o,,srOregon, ,005, Hm,.'
''''t'ir,ch,dce,28rS,, I
Wof, n.iiira
'.'i Mill. iln and
'rni of .S l'rBI1
in e i., iir.l In
"' ' I ll -Wi,,,. '. l.
I" r'li li ll, II v 1,11 , "',' V'v"i H",U n"W"'"
k'.il iiil lr I l'l.v"" """ oflrri-
ci..,, 1 . "". I, well require
;;, ',,n l.
'' - I ' .' r","'"1 '''""'ee
-- IIIIM Iti t
I '""I Impii.tabl,,.
fr-iii th.
Mi. I o
cm.-., I
"Iff :i.-.
1 Mr
"-v are ll.,,
J'PMiasa Offer HopUa Bl,!p.
"".I.iiiglon, .,r;i ..; ,
; 1
,,.,, , ' 'h parlmcnt ,M
lo-r or "rv '"" t ii, ..
Ilin t
I low ll 1
I Ion ,
' d 1 li 1 II
I . I .
I ,
I ..v. f
!!,! I .
llioll I "
nn'.l, I...
Ill I ll to I
ll .th II .
Ing In In
1 loirgi a,
do r., oil
lv.-.- fir.'
, .M.rfl
i 1 ...1 ;
I'1 I
1 1 1
in ! I
, 1' .. 'it
at- f
,r t..:-.
...'i.:"i. fc
1 l.r t "
U' "j
t (!. ti '
1, k.
April I
.i.i I; )
,,ilrlll '' .
W. Lri
1 .Ml!
I of II
"'"'V e, ,.,,,.,,
." for the
on. 1 croHH (I
d I
1. . "
, . ii 1 , 1, . .
.' ' ma y 10
hut I hi-i .. .11 ... 1 .
. . , " "l isi
.."'"V, '.v the ti,,,,. ah,,
' "dllC, 1 In,
1 .
Bl" Peopl, to Bush Orders.
omciau of ti,- 1
1 .: . ,
"im 1 r t .
'n lSIIIl i. ,
".T II
I'N 27.-Or,l,.r. I -
4 ,l k In I. I.
n 11
'I'll 1 ai H, "I it nl 1
. ft ..r...j.i. M I
'.. . L. 11
JefTrr..!! M i n, "' '. .f
reau, viail.-d H" Wilis"-'',
found Major M.-riil'UM ";
V . I r. ...I'll"
,1 III M'lllll " ' "
I.I I hi cl II,.'"'.
1 i.l... mill Ore
I""". .. , ...ll!
a lio.inlal. Mr. "', f
pitlll, where I'r. K. A '.ll
Hiiitioiied. it t
i,., llt . nnti-iw." ,
I""1' ..
ller.....iin II IjJ
Wasliinc.ton, l. ',
.1 nli.l ,v 1. Hi 11111111II i M . f
formal ion he hn I
not bo brought to !r'",j
the letter! k .IirtrP p
term of I'ourl, tlinii'6 "u
i.iiiiatioii ha I fli.l!,!
and no,.,, will I"' '": ihS
week, owiiiK' foth , I
iillornev. Ilerinaiia . ,1
iir ,. 1.1. r .-, lomiiiii.., i- iii.ii.L. i.roriuiK no"- 11 1
i -'HVBoxc: - i"""i . 1 for H,.i. i, ' .' "oiainu u II m, ,.,.' - i . ... r '
MutUii,-)r ' . 7 6,ic. I I g i i ,: ' 1' K-n7y order. - "","t -r--; 1
Pound, o&liJ;10o,H,rNli A, tZ Xi:;"1 ' n JM 0W '
Hton, lOQlo Jc 7C! '"'"''.with1'"" '. v i..f ' ,"f . '' ubtaMyg-J, '
Pork-rirl . ll'niiiciHco j, . ,.' "Nt "'t'l't for Hi,,, Havana, April 8''.,f'j' '
i-ork-Dressed, 6(880 per, h m.i e"r"' 'tl . ,! ut ""' "'r"""' ' t,',!' ,'Vu,ti&'
,er I!. Ico-oratlo,, : , ' Hll Hteel , ing 501m. f..r tb. vM'1
I aeiflo ( oust. Jforuia dlauati-r.