Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 02, 1906, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, I.mabrring and Fnrming Ir:tc-rct of this Community.
NO. 15
m4 fe.
mm notes
jjneral mining New
jxJ (foin liithanjjcs.
PicniitifJ property f"r u
I.? cf .:; itiiiirn air rx
'.iKft tdiOwIn:! tliliing tho
i " ;
( - - -
". : ' iri r jipeeU .' '-"
T.,,-:s at vul " 'if new
"aim ' '' .
"tO ....--..
1 ',) r..t'U!i ( 11 "
Kfit'-'-U camp " '!" Ii v.
J J I at Wrll ft' M lilii; l-
-tie) had n -- o- 1 us.- 1 l
A'hter retui u, 1 (fin 11
. luU jtrojtl 1'"' "bit ''I
f!ays i-it, I'll ' '"'
""""Jht fr H'lrin I " i
, ,tsk on the 1 1 i i ' v md
Jili?r J lookiii; 1 1 i"icli
' ' tftlnff.
,: ia ii uncovering morcrith
i ty dT c "'" r" " '
f-'l(tictf r . i l i
, t 1 1 v with very "h drp..'U
C Is ftttinff I" ha ' '.in
great camp l the i! !
N in lli;i:nia expels tn j o buck
II t' ihe iiithi h within it ,hiit time
ifn ,e;jt SO 111 III" I '" N.ik.
Mining I ...oa. tlrirt
('. ) Am I. mm, T. !. M.. .11. J.
K. Waiter in T. (1 .Stephens
m( .iln ' I ). n I lluiM," lliilolig flIII,
I '.iilll liil., i 1 , 1 ii-1
Naw I'lli Ifii Had KalalA
A I'l .v (! I fni high iiii'fHi,f
re il "t it., will I- , vi J.Ii- lict. if it
Ot.' , I l'r. (MI'S tlirull(.:l.
T iiIn Jiw 1 1 . t . 11 Mum street f'-r
?' I" ' I 'l llolll llll'l Illllt l'., 1,1
I nil ii- , I iii ,,n" ,,,, ,,f Main
III" t i'i I plo I I I y 1' H,,nO,
, 111... hail Ow,
'I In- trim ' ii I.I..1 k' I mil," aiil
"if'" ! I I I." I,' I 11 II l . . .
I M r ! 1 I ' it I '. 1 ., ,, 1 i- M il 1 1 IIHS
t i 1 . . j , , -a Ii ii n me., 1, t
M I I . I ..' 111 II ,1 -f I (.1
''!' ! ' ' I , . I.! it 1 ij .1 c in
! " 1 1 . 1 . ' t .; il 'U li ,111. 1
I.iV ' ! I i'.' ! hi III.- murlti I ()o-
in 1 1 M i' ' I " i oo " ' 11
i' V . : ! I 1 1 1 mil 1 if it I r Ua
ii' 1 ' 1 '. ; ! 1 'l'lu- inr 1 fwt
I U 1 ' I ' .1! i- 1 ' u .'.I' n In t
1. 1 : ' I . t t ' ; 1 1 ' I ;i 11 01 Mi
I. ' . I ' I ' : ' .1 I 11 II II' I 1ms I Ti II
Mm ;i 1 . ' ; ' j I . 1 1 M :i 1 ni U;' Ii t'i
i I '. 'I'- 'ni.ri. ;,., tin-,
it ';'' I' n j t 1 1- I nji iiki 1. 1
w : -i 11 .1 t l .til li i-' 1 link
I'll i n lit' 1 ll;c (iiiij 11H t .
1 lj 1 !1 1 1 ' 1 Ti ' I. 1 !'''" I'
ll! ' 111 !;! 1 1 .
'in !!'.i k I nit i .1 1 1 11 v 11
i I III, I - i 1 .1 f j 1 11 i iti ti 1 1
i- nt 1 ii.ih!' .iiilit ; " t,'i''t'ir
irt, li 11 Us. in hi ai' tliii'i; i c ill".!
1 .1 11 I r lull) 1 1 11 ' . 1 i 1 th
Will be Held in Collate (irove
May Ml! at I he I last Side
School iWiildifltf.
I I'' i.l'A'.l.
I it cut iii Scshjin !l .'!u
Sinnif', Ii lilntr.
'MlifU' 1 '.XT' I -.f.
Prnf. V I. S'.tanji", C"Uh
' ifutC.
A I,r,s'it. in lli-iiuiv, rrc. A. I,.
I hi- C" Ii 1 1 I ' t I iilnif. I'rin. I.. I'.
I (Il ifii, l ' . r s -. ill
i Votni,- Slu U , IVs. 1! I' Miil
j l.' , A"i"l in I '
A ft in'.' 11 ' "si"!) 1 v.
'A'-. t. R trha 1 K .11 ,
witli'-iHiuH that k'pt Iit aii'licnte
wid'i nwuk'. Tli' HU'li'-nrc witt an
rjllni'-iavtic ono, arnl a K"fJ-
tv'Itction to hclj the wrk alony in
the state.
Made in Oregon.
Portland, April 2H- The
Secretary Shaw on National
St. Louis M"., Aj iii 2, I'.'
Il'f'ir': tho Mi-.-Miri I.muc of
kepuhliran Cliih-, ll'm. I.i.-she M.
. . ! Sliaw, S'-" r t.,ry ,f th'.- 'i'ruusury,
In the Htirninz of the Cottage !Cvenir i nut . .. 1 :
! Political "-.ti': . :..'! -J.C'H-
;ahl'Mr rcinl!'f:-. i'"ir.r.i .!! o
j litical pri!)ci'c-. in, wf-11
lefitife 1 and c 1 ' a r txi-n-ve'l polit-
Grove Hotel Sunday
;Ianl A1 AK-n s I.raufe and rt ro-
i K'-ritative ' a'l comnicrcial oran-j
' intioi,H. jhcIikIiih' th- Oregon De-i Sunday nitit alout 7:30 an
M-l..,.iufnt JfHtie, desire practicnl, J alnm A i'nc whh turned in from the
short essays u,u inl:istric of Ore- j w,'st for tl)e Cottafj" Grovf.
p'-'ti from thn hool rhihlren of cv-1 hotel. The buil liuff had lcen cc-
iy rounty. In r U-r to induce cupied until rfftnlly by J. K.
school 1'oys nnd L-irln I') reveal Thoruf son, who moved to a nt-w
I what (,'eneiul knowledge ol a prac- j "JOxion on Main street. i ue pres-
Heal value tht-y have c.oncerniog owner i-f th property Cul
Ihe rountv in which thev rehid. I Home Iiuh U- ii staying in the build-
. 1 . . ,. . . 1 . ...
the ouiniiit' f is ofTenn jd,)ct. ( inp auu went to .aiiiaw raturu.'iy I 1 hey fc-lievo n !
. miit in the form of r.-ish Tlie 1 lvinjf vouiil' Kite hie to stay in the nothi r. -j ; U ty hi
It i:
:.cM I
I c
1 :i
not j-fira-
ieal policic-.t
to the 5 - rt
the ntior. I
mount .-iikoii;
a h ich co:i fro-,
to word th;
The fatal weaklier of our poliit
"1 opponents is th-ir ir. -o'icrcncy.
if. : they teach
c 1: :! ins, no
; al evils
ti.e trend
of parly
hiiildmt,'. and he wai just going to : policies, no pir
1 ir- torn t the
.itch, i'l. air in in
h'r't 'itation,
I. Il.-Clie.
ii ... 11 n H o').
;gro n to wh M- it it nt.1 c-, v. .... , . ,' ,
,. t . kf . 1, 1 ' Nolwi'h . in hue then,, f.n
I t big N.iti""-l l""k. I , V 1
ll ffe ait- tli'.nv willili; a 1 d "II loiia 1
! t" t'liipiov ti c tn nit, vt ii limit n ; iiil
...flysaUil rtpott- that . v. i v ; i,,tUII n r.,. tu.r .--.Min,,, K.iurd.
CUm g loni m ly at t In- . '
Plora.!a. . Th oik . ; j.i' . fA.u.y
. . 8liJ t'ghl oloi and that , ., , . ,,
rt ...i' ,, (.unit I'.i... ) . A; til --th.
Kt g"Od. J he wcllht-lj.. . , . . ' ' ,
1 .,, . . , . 1 I Ii - li.l : . .. s ; 11 I in I III C ' ' 11 1 1.1 -
Od Itniil not l.o Inn .c- ' , t . .
,1... . . . ni'li'M 1 I 1. ii a .1. niiir.i't wlio h. is
J .da lUc umairi. a. titf wik , ' , .1 , , 1
, , ... , lufiinii In.,. I. etc fni th. urit'lf
" ,CO:mtJCcd Willi a ar! , .,
f 'f 1,1 I I u t ' I I .
, 1 - ! At l o'thtfc ImkI l.lht till' j U I
ir,uUttS at the VeMiiu.i " """ ' " vdi. t t.f acintlt .l,
wthnn liUJe au.,w l.i..t ! a"r' !'l;l''"t.n; lut ..i i- hour
.-Jtl JHStryTfrril tho J,.,. Mid l"' Hi", 1. 1, licit hi.!
"f:d prsftitallv 4-oltt-u clear "'" ""' I'.t-iual with j ..y. '1 hi-
. cilne. l.a-t Wt-d.i-B 1 "l'l''"" "t '1'" I- u mi.. 1..
jp iul carrier Kt Ihm.i-h ,,n:,iU'"" '" r"-11 tin- .a-ed lu 1
fki for lb first time Miuf in!1 ,",lu'1 J-l'cr. ""w I r,l'1"1
, fiT. kesj hate Imu-ii iLe1"" MM"- ,url- 101,1 Wf"
I I .i!i. fir 1.
j I. "l.o
j II r K Mi- 11 of
Si 1 1 (:iv. V
;S.-h,... II ,i,t.
! The Ti.nhir's Vitiation, Snj
; M. II. Aim,!
J ; V f 1 1 : n
I,. i mi- ilamlct", I'r s 1! J'.
Mi'!kr , Alilall I.
Ah t . i.l . it, patrons and frit-Mis
. ! . hi' .ili'.n art- cordially i m v 1 L r I to
.tlt lid t. shiiiis nnd take pait m the
Sin n . sum of the huhji cts. Iay
M '.-ions will ! hi'ld in the Kant
Side s. lionl 15uil.lin, while the
il.'iiut will he Kin in th" Opera
' lli.iisf 1. 11 Main r-tteet.
; Kes et tlully,
V P.. Dillanl. Sup't. I .a no Co.
Ill I'll' . . a I a .. .-
j m uuiKiiiJK 10 PO 'o iK'd wiien tue 1 th'-iu Ijeiicv- :a
; fire broke out. The building was i their platform i
im.-, I'.y.iyjLgh of
l;:t;--T.-.i so that
1 V J an ! aain in
pt'"sti:aiiy uc . itl-l lint Pro-
t';-t:o:i is r"'i-.-ry 1 . nnny for
the ni ich'i.tnt of the fc. b it a
suflicit-nt :i-.!:ib'-r
Woitiait'a Sillr
Anna Shaw, the reat Jec-
"j: j rat. i rnot ! them timo.
-.' Vtauviua mine has ,(.,.n j be m tiiit ted.
tried on tin.- Mune indictini-nt. If
' the lv is iti n a iikw tiuil he ill
h-le'faddv all W 1 11 1 r 1 11 it Ii 11
fcri.fl, but, with Ihf stiiniitur, : lit v. 1"S4 elided hit icvnal M'i
bo C0i!3tn'iict d in t aiiicsl. ; vint .it tlu- Melhu list Church Sun
; St. cr hs th tunnel Jins bt-tin la and liflfm hi naillmn
V'l : !'.sr uti'l moru ore Iio-Iu-m ' limne tin Monday. Th'' n ivict s
f c; (netl up, and Su t have done a dial ol jji', but
for a j'ood miiii- ; ti.iv.- nut done as h u was t-x-
; I II I. (I.
tuici of Ihe t ijual aiiffmge t ampaiKU
li lured in the Opera HuUHe Fri
luv ni; !it t" a lare and intreaU'd
i.uliciuc. Ms Shaw wa at her
l.'vt an I avti a great ileal of good
.11 ijuuietit, alon' inh a very witty
ai d 1 utei lainm, a.MreHS. She
mivf "We ate asking the men to
Inc up to what they say
saving it, lefi-rnnj; to the rul
ing of the conMitution by which
nun alone control, while the mean
ing is nun and women, and that
laws me made by the consent of
the i:otrnid, when in reality they
aie made by half the governed.
She ahked the men how they would
like it not to be allowed to vote,
wlnthti Ht.v wanted (o or not. She
aid the need of I ho country is
moral men in public ofliccn; that
.V . .. 1 1 i
Vt OtllMIl h Mini.ije HUUIU to pill
belter men in il rr, as the qmstiou
in a campaign w. ild not bo "Can
our candidate -1 ntrol the salooti
vote," but fim he control the
woinau'H vi t . 1 1r entiro lecture
wna an able 1 ii- and full of many
j tilled of the (onti-st were wide open
I The coiit.Ht will t lose May Tl
lOofiat which lime evrv eomoet
: ing ens'ty mutt 1- in the hands of "Ota end to end before it whs
; llie s.-crelarv. The Mate s-it erin 1 overed, an ! it was scon seen
lendent of public instruction, j. H. j that it could not be aaved in Bpite
Ackerman. ha L'iven hi heartv ' "f tlje nplendil work of the firemen,
endorsement to Ihe educational wljo were ipdekly on the ncene, and 'tection, so that tl V
value of the move. Successful ea- had heveral Htrt-ams of water play- law, eu'icu d by n
says uro to be published. The " K '' 'be buil iinj. As soon as upon at. cut- i;. i
prizea are: Ten dollars in gold for they saw the building could not be 1 platform, provided
the nett cusav under title: "IJene- savia ineir ctioru were given to
Have the surrounding buildings
wjiliHuch jjood succ-hs that none
were lost, although at one time the
Paughtuan feed tore nan afire, and
even the I'rumbaugb cottage within
silver five feet of the buildiug was hardly
of $1 .scorched. The fireman made a
next ''ar' ''Kht to keep the burning walls
on the Irom falling on the cottage and vvere ' when no:Le i:i.luMrifc-- "re ruiaed
topic- "MantiUcturmg racilitia successiui, 1 nrce ingtns 01 new no am 01 1'i jiccuj:i win save
of Our County." The movement i hone was burst, before one line was j otLt-rs.
in connection with the einibit of '. aml at one ot the old red by-1 A turiff luv to Lj su.c-sful
Oret'on manufacturers to take nhici urants a liar 1 time was had getting i must be c hertr.t It i.juM Protect
in Portland the week of May P.Hh I wa, 10 ficient quantity. Tl.ejUy
t0 'JiUh. ' hydrant was taken out Mouday 1 nd ' Tar
fits Derivee from Patronizing Home
IniluMries," limit of article f.oo ;
words. I'ivc dollars will be paid
for the best 500-word ensay
Commodities of Oregon."
prize of $2."0 each, five
watclnsand .'11 cash prizes
each will be presented for the
beat essays from all counties
1 wo
lor Hie iron an
cir:us fruit.-, and .
arlicles. Tho la',
as incoherent
enacted i. I:
Tra Je here an 1
The pltdre of !
kept ns it.-.; c( is
which wc-ic- r .".;:;
;;ve in Pro
1.vj:i -Gorman
C :;:'i' ..t elect-d
jut b'rc-e-Trado
ample Protection
.... r
Mc- 1 :- i.i.ry, lor
: r a .score of other
.' .n a wh le vvai
. !l;e puty that
was open P'ree-
I':'.t.ctio:i there,
.he plitform was
miLy industries
1 in an hour, and
,-i plt;..e, as
iff law, tho n;
Jj-s t!i- Dingley
1 u who 'rj'.vd Ijir-
. m , .overhauled
Alf&lfo. in th Will. men Valley. Had there been any w ind at the
The paniphlot on tho j;ro-.ving of 1 time of the fire instead of the per
alfalfa in the valley, which the ftct calm, nothing could Lave been
Southern Pacific Company has had ' done lo save a lot of buildings,
prepared by W. W. Cotton is uow ; The boys all did rplendi l work,
complete and reudy for any w ho de-1 and even body s satisfied with
w h o
or quit l sire it. All farmers should write their work and the f rce
nnd fel ihm lir,l- If t.ill li fi.l. llur In. I tt fi,.lo f
" f . .- . , . ' . . - IV. 1 III' . ,W 1 . n 1 . . I.
lowed by others telling of the pro-gics-s
made at the various experi-
e fire.
force is good, but -: '.-ngcr
will have to he purchas d to
iey, an j it m jt tUcu ;
higher duty t'ne or.;
malt from baile
hii'her duty him
from , '.vtt'i
Hity w hen b..f.;. :. A
that is no: built nj
legislative failure. It m
sion'ulv succ--sf at t!.:
1 ...
otbere Httcntton!
We are showing a line of boys cloth
ing creditable to Portland ranging
In prices from $1.00 to $8.00. The
new styles, single and double
breasted, also the Buster Brown
Hose. We have also 4 0 styles in
Mens Suits.
j'.ect with a
who makes
with a yet
makts bt-er
r n i ea.-e of
V. 1 I I 1:T 1 I X
'i ; - ;s a
v te ocas-
'ru. it
hose ; may !tct its on--e it; a "Lile.
make It tu-jy now and then domiujtc Con-
mental plants throughout tlie val-! it safe. grc-. it may at u.g rvais
ley. We print from this pamphlet' The building was ins. red by the ! phice its stan.iir.i bear, r in the
the following: ' McMinnviUe Ins. Co. f r Jiooo j White House, but it en never suc-
MiTHOD ok ci'i.Tt iiK amopti'D AT through Agent Oeorge ol Eugene. 1 cfs.fully manaire ti e affairs of the
thk oincoN kxtkuimknt ! The building was built in lM;i nation. Political pimcipU-s aro
station. I by Hez Collins, and whs und as a everything. Men uie nothing.
The Oregon I-xperiment Station I f1' A ?"hW . 1,a1'- bring ll'e The leaders of all pobtK-al parties
liaa ucccHsluIIy raiseil allalni at
Corvallin. Oregon, and Ir. James ;
Itv...W.ll1.-t,v al-k,-. Vi W IIIV I atUll a a.
furnishes tho following bliort state- ."' "Z romnuer,
meut on the proper uietho.1 ofcul-l"?, u"0' L',- Horto
, r . Shelly, Jesse Thornton, Al
111 ... i.i. , -
"If lb- 1,.,1 l,nR been littmed f.,r I m"n. HUl' l"e 1 UOPOllS.
a -itiiiidw-r of vinm it w n nnn,i tdm, ! Practically the in Ihe f ,ll nr out to watch tlie fire,
fifteen loads of stable manure rer i grantl B'8bt-
acre, eight or ten inches deep. Al- '
low the laud to remain fallow dur- i To B,ow ln p-"h"-nd,-
inir tho winter. In the snririL'! Spokane, Wash., Ap il 26. Ot-
whole town was
and it was a
when the soil is in eood condition I ficers of the Panbandl- Smeltin
to v.oik, cut tip the ground with a ! Company announce that tho corn
disc harrow and pulverize verv pany's smelter, under ccnstntctioii
finely. Then allow the land to lie I "t Sandpoint. will blow in May it.
fallow lor a week or ten days so
thut the weed seeds on the surface
of the soil will germinate. Then
harrow thoroughly and bow twenty
pounds of alfalfa seed, one hundred
pounds ot land plaster, and if the
seed has not been treated with ni
tro cultures, put on ono hundred
and fifty pounds of inoculated soil
per acre. Cover this with a light
harrow. Permit no stock to graze
the alfalfa the first year. Run a
mower over tho ground several
times dming the summer so as to
subdue the weeds and at the same
time keep the alfalfa clipped close
to the ground. In this way strong,
well rooted plants will be secured.
"In Western Oregon it is import
ant that the seed bo either treated
withnilro cultures,, or iuoculated
soil used ho as to introduce the ne
cessary bacteria to euableithe plant
to utilize atmospheric nitrogen.
"Alfalfa likea a Hue, tut uolid
seed led, Leuce spring plowing is
uot usually advisable. Occasion
ally a soil may be too acid for the
alfalfa bacteria. This may be cor
rected by pnttiug on one-half ton of
freshly slaked lime, or one tou of
wood ashes per acre. Soils which
are well d rallied, however, are not
usually sour as the acids are sol
uble and readily leach ' out such
John Harms has received the
seed and plaster for his land, and
has it all ia shape.
has bad a se re or more of mneraled. The Democratic party, tho
among whom were Harvey Hazel-1 Prohibition partv, the Socialist
I tk j party are each dominated by hon
I. L. j orable men . A few scamps iu a
C'od-iparty aud thev exist in i-miller
number in all parlies than ever be
fore in our country's history, do
not justify universal condemnation,
any more tha'.i fe-v C-imps in a
church and they, too exi.-t iu sat til
er number, th.aik God, thas ever
before in the history ot tho church,
justify its uuiversal cm letna.ition.
Hut a party that believes nothitiLr,
Las no doctrine, is net built around
a piinciple, is us worthless as a
chuich without a tehtf.
I knew one Mich so-called church
in my state. It was organized by a
very reputable geutKinen of the
at rangeuients are being ma le w ith
the Northern Pacific 'for !. 'g a
sidetrack to the mitlter- With 1 he
etreention nf thn nmnl,r :
crusher, the machinery is in place ! Ief'al profession and its absence of
and was giveu a test last week l,eiet wtti l,s ooa!,t- Its vrs
which resulted satisfactoaily. The!swuii? welcome to those who be-
sampler and crusher are Udug in- l;eved in tne divinity ot Christ, an.l
Called. equ iiiy wue to tuoe w no denied
A lurce miantiti of ore has been 1 the inuaeuloui conception. It in-
purchased by the company 2,000
tons having been secured ou I'.ke
Fend d'Oieille. Of this quantity
900 ions are at jIackt9il alone.
Jeannot's lMuebird at Fdacktail has
a carload of $ 1 oe ore ou the dump,
besides some low-crade ore. At
Lakeview the Rainbow and Con
jecture have a car of $75 ore ready
to ship. The Minerva has 500 Ions
mined at Granite creek. The Par
ker Mountain Mining Company at
Newpoit has 100 tons teady for
Bhipmeut and cnu furnish tho smel
ter with a car of oie a day.
Outside of these lots the smelter
company has bought 40.000 tons of
ore at Sptingdale, Wash., on the
Great Northern. With too ions
capucity daily the smelter has
enough ore in sight to keep it going
for a long period.
Chas. II. Fisher of Poise, Idaho,
and formerly of the Uoseburg He
view has purchased an interest in
the Eugene Guard aud with his
coming into the paper, a number of
changes and additions will be made.
vitcd those who denied tho neces
sity of u Redeemer. Like certain
of the opposition parties, it sprang
up in protest to some admitted evils
nnd weaknesses of the churches. It
was successful for a time iu attract
uumbers and it built a line edifice,
but it died of iueolurency, for
it believed nothing, taught noth
ing, had no plans, no politics, no
purposes. The eloquence of its
iour.der, his sweet spirit, the influ
tineof his blameless life did not
make a church. A church pre
supposes a belief nud ti political
poily ought to presuppose some
political principles. It requires af
Imitative policies, nlliriiiative aimi
to enrry the nation forward to
higher ideals and to grander eon
sumations. lo not misunderstand me. I am
not advocating adherence to party
because of patty name, regardless
of the political principles which it
professes, but loyalty to political
principles because they are be
lieved to be correct. The Inde-
(Contlnned to Poiii'th pno. 4