Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 25, 1906, Image 8

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    UK. COUpM.H I-.
LoiIrc Dirtory.
aciirt1"1 ..
Eldridge Sewing Machine Free
: A. F. & j. M.
.McetinKH :UdVe1cla
' of c.ih month.
i i.. r. vw. w. m
! J. B Lib. Smj.
' Muiri:r,i:n n' i' ,s
(". I. -Li. I.- '
.uiT.-t ii..n..vyy't:;
I,r .n l Il.v. lir. ni I , .
iivtUv T ,:js , k
uf the
IS J .. I..-!,
To the most worthy lady of Cottage
Grove and vicinity, the Nugget will
give a fine five drawer Sewing Ma
chine. Who the lady is will be deter
mined by vote of Nugget subscribers.
Bohemia Nugget
Coupon for Eldridge Sewing Machine
To be awarded the most worthy lady
of Cottage Grove and vicinity.
One votefor .
This coupon must le voted before May 13.
Mrs. Liunie Violette Cmj
Miss Ida F. Barrett
Miss Daisy Thomas b'Ol
Miss Jessie Berg 117."
1 A ) feTV
i! 0 UXIQ
- 'x Vrd "
i V, V
Tlie Ilodge JIh give a perfect separation
of inc-L,cacl-Orcs
1634 BlakoSt.
Science hau proven that me moon
him an atmosphere, which makes life
in some form pcHHiblu on that HiitHlite
but not for human beinM. who have,
a hard enough time on thin earili ot
outh; ertpecinlly tiijHe who lon't
know that Electric HilleiH cure head
ache, hiliouHiieHu mulariu, clillld umi
fever, Jauiulice, dywimln, dizlno-H,
torpid liver, kidney coniluiiitn, t'-n-erul
deMlity mid fc-rnale veakii'Mcri.
Uueiuailed n u general tonic and np-j-etlaer
for weak persona and eHpecl
aliy for the bk!. Jt induceH nound
Hleep. Fully guaranteed by Benbon'u
lhrmacy. Trice only 50c,
! A tale of lioiror was told by markM
of Itumin blood in the home of J. V.
i Williama, a well kiuwn merehant of
Jlae, Ky.. lie wrltew: " Twenty .nc.iim
, uko 1 had i-everu liemori ha'i of the
.....i ... ... . .. .1. 1 i . .
umi wan m ar iicaui w nt'ii I Imi
Kaii taking Br. KIiir'h New Biri.:ov
ry. It completely cured mo and I
have remained well ever Mnco." It
eurew ht-morrhaeH, chronic coiiIih,
teltlcd coldn ami bronchitis, and U
the only known cure for weak lunyn.
Kvery bottle guaranteed by BeiiMon'M
Bharmacy. cue aud f 1. Trlul bottlo
O. A. R
Annoiniitix M N 4-
Meets ut 1 1. oh thnl am!
1 4th S.itutJay of cuch tnoi.
Bi. B. I.. Woot, BoCoi".
: C,. W. McK'iiults, Aii.uit
w. o. w.
I'h lcmii I'mnp N. 2.
MccS ik h 1'iid.ty t venuij,'.
1' 0. iTtnnn, l'nul un.
e'li Mi.lV nburK'. Ml.
- O. E. S.
C t'.ic (Bi-vr I'haj'tcr No.
Mc tui;H held ou .mhI ami 4tlr'u
ihv of each mntli.
Mm. C. It lhiiUi.ddcr. V
V. S. I cniiett, W.
Mi Ccli" Butch, S.
11(1 II.HIH-'
tin- ( !;
Ii! I 'l
( .
1 nf P rtn.i uiiu .n.i'ii
J u m ii i u I.'-de No. 48.
Mtits viiy 1 ilnc-luy ni;lit.
I. W. linker. I'h:. 1 n'l!r Com.
Chav .m I Vtibin K . l l!.A S.
.. I'."
MiH.11 a 11 1 1'. ill 14 '''' "' '
.1, -Willi I'""-' n
,,rrs-n. J--ii'
Mil Ii I I t: n 1 11. 1 i"N
S i-aitt... 1 1 1 n l '
I .,,,,1 Ol!:..' .1 ' 1 1 - ' '
, K- IKiinol wlllrl I" ' 1 !
,, M h nil ""
PU i-.-il .'I I'" ' :" ''
i.r f .n ni" 1
nml ll.U. r at ' ' ' ' '.
Ki Mcbur. 'nv ". J"" ''" '
U (II KI ! II -I I ' I '
II. II V "'VI I r '' N u
1 s.. 11 : w
lie 1111...H !" ' t " !
,. - ii.l I
I rnlT I' J"" '
I'trd Min i. r. '
I!. TutL. I hiiI I. I
nut II i.l. r !
Iim 1
1 ,
in 1
I. I
I. O. O. F.
Culture (itoTf No.ti.S.
Mccliti ter Saiur.l.iv nij-ht.
: S. S. Mlotttl.lK'. N. Cm.
(5ns l. l'.ti, Secy.
. Royal Neighbors.
' Meets 4th Wrdncsuy ol
I each ii.on'.h.
i Kil.. 1 l!h. Oiacle.
I Mr-. C. W. Walhur, Bccoider.
M. W.of A.
Meetings i"t atul ;rd Tiu'Hday.
Be Boy WooiIp, CoiihuI.
C. W. Wall ate, Secy.
K. O. T. M.
Cascade No. C'.
Meets every ThuriHlay Dij;hL
U. II. V.atch, Ccm.
B. K. Bcnnii., Cooter.
L. O. T. M.
Lady Lnriihon IIic No. 4.
Meeta 2nd and 1th 1'riday of each
Mrs. Mary SchuiuU, I.. C.
Mi.s LdaSanford, K. K-
Cottage Crove No. '.'1.
MeetiuyH in, :jid ui d "lli I'riday of
each mouth.
1 ttu I'-aki r, N. (i.
Katie li. Vent h, Scry.
Modern Brotherh(o.l of Ancrira
Meetn 2nd and 4th Tecnlay at I O
O. 1'. Hall.
T. V. JeiikiuH.Sec.
Everxons ihoald nbacriba for
hU home paper, In order to get all
the local newt, but to kep In touch
with the world 'a daily etenta
hpuld ah;o read
The Evening Telegram,
Portbnd, Oregon,
The leading eveninf nowapaper of
the Pacific CoaHt, which baa .om
plete Ansociatcd Prc-w .-pcrtn and
apeclal lri.scd - wire service, with
correspondent in important r ewg
centers and in all th'. title: ard
principal town of the Nortl v;'..
Portland and suhurhu are coverr !
by a bright staff of reporteri, a- !
editorial, dramatic, society and
pedal writers. Saturday's edi
tion coi.sis's of 20 to 28 pages, a:d
has ecloied comic pacs, as v eil as
a department for child rot), colored
fashion puge, an IntereHtinj r,cr:al
oiory and other attractive fo.U urns
in cddilion to all the rews cf the
Ful' rlption P.atfs: Ore rior.lh
f,0 three irun'.h.-j Cl.Lfi; :i ;
ii.ontlm, ?!!..rC; n-.-lvi . n')m V"
Sa;up)e crpiia a.ailtii lr'D.
lhe New York Trihuue l'armer
a weekly Agricul-ural paper, free
to onymibHcriber that Pais a year's
subbcnption to the Nugget
At', I,! .
Ii,, 1 1 1 1, y 01 ycur tiona p . tcn.!o;;i.
cr lhe luxury ol a fi-t ( hss r;C; "j I
llKtlC I ill . , 1 o f r
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Nvlli-i ! I.Ti lit k :i ! '
4, nun- nl'l. II ' l'f" 1 . ' ' '
I ( fiirr-M 1 f J Ut-r ! v " .
An Art f-r ihf ."-ni.. ! I 1 1 I -
II, MaUn I 1 a .. ! 1. 1 ' -
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Or ; 1 1. 11 11 ft , r i ;
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"ftl'ICil tK-furr !liC l a I I.'
tIv j: C. s. Ijii,1 i'2;..-u i;
burt,)ruoti, '" .l:.-U 1. .
dar jjijr, iw,
lloinic n !'i.r4'
K. Unit, B. I'. lA:. '. . ..: .
S. M14, nil of l.lirfir, !-:,. I i
Oregi, ivtrr .1. l.wir .1 I : ,;
halQ, Hatrnui Co . W n-l
AIOj.J nil rr-.ii .1 :
vrrwvl.ljii iihui c ! n! .) .... , ,
rrquc t,, Rlr th.-.r In i .
office u,r U-fjrr n :t:. V,,
July, ix,
1 '. r l ! I vi ; I I :
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TIMHKI.AM. .. I .11 M :
No l l; 1 I I V- LP 1 1 1 1
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Huh, (rr.,ij, ; ;
Notice ,v ,.-11, ., (i., ,
l.tlauci. t,;. j.,, :.,,
Act of Con,.,, ,,f j ,. ; 1 .
tltl.'d "Aiivt f,,r tl... .'( . .
lauda In llxtnt,.,, ,,f ( l r .M. , .
Kon. Nevu.a, u .,. j , .
t.ry." ii.,.. t,, ,, , .
I4111.I NWUc,v Al.t ,,, ,.; t ;
I'B;i: J. ( I.AIIKI.
of 1 town or.v ,u..lUu:, .. t ., v
of hHtconnt-t(, i. r,..,,, ,
WanhliiKtoiiiM (.,! ,.,; ,, ,
office hln Mt.-ini !,i ,. , ,
f -r the. purch,. ,,f t,.. , , ,
Section No. UhU ,, , '
ISiuiKctt went,,,! will . 11. f ,,r'..' ,
"how that,j huh r- ,1 1, , ,,
vulimblo for lii n.i.or or' ,..., ,. v ,
tal.lhm hl.clni. , m ii I . I U.,1 Uf.
114-i.rlHter and B...... ... 1 .
"iy .r j oil . !-:
He iinuienaH ' I. 11 . .
I-.11U K. licin. niUn.H. M,,',,,, ,;i
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KohcbmKOre.,,,,,,.,,. ,,
.Notice Im hereby u, , , , , , '.
icxKr.-HH of wu,,,.' ',f( :V,V'
''An. nl for the Male 'V'." "
m iii si a 1 en ,,f cn
N", Wi.Hhlii '. '
a ex.l(,.,, , ,,, ' '
h'aten by m l of A, , , :
IOIIN! 1,0.'"" I ''-'
of 1jrane, cuiiil y 'of j. ' . ,
Territory, of Orco.,1,"' s,,tl '
lhdlathlHol,:.h.H ! ,,H1l,V:4 " "
No. WlO.for tho Jiun h ' h '! !','
Wo! Nation No. I in '"" vU
21 M, ita.iK,, N. 4 VV. u"' m,'1' N"
Proof to hIm.ii. ii 1. ' i1 will oil, 1
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fore u, i;,.KiMU,r ,, R,'. & S3 j 022 r;iMrrttifr
-mr m isw vew m WB m
l"is Alachinc for $25
..'-nnni IIIMI
H. Land oll, at BohcIm,,1 V',r "' 1
otiMonilay, the Ml, da '"'('"ii,
i juii, ' 'i .i a tie ,
He tin ini u i.u .. I. . .
. : 1 1 in
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r Lorain;, OreKon; L. ) u 'VI,I,H""
" Liai.e,(),(.K1). A., ' ..Tliiiion.
of Loraue, Oivg, "Tioj.-Nh,,
Any and Xm'wnw cluh
Vfl'Hcly , . ahovf-dcHc,' l i1'-' '"'
"'l"eMled to I.l,. ,1(.ir .... !, Ii'Ih are
June, I'mki. '' il iy ,,f
IthNAMlN L. J.;,
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II r .Hum liiurlilliH nnullU
mi' k. k I i,k you I' 'I ("I. All
II in I, nun I. u will, e.l I,
i . in hi.,,'. Nidi lur only
w,n,. .,, ... . , . ' ' monlhiy.
,., , , ' '" " IWS'IUSI UtllOtUI al,wlH
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I,., (..,. lirw tllBI ,,,.. ; "1'1lil nan. J
6.ivu u lurnlivro Company T V'
' -i-1 7 8 I li t.t St., I'OU'I I.ANI), UK. j A"1, I