Hood's ;( I . t I ..M liu dii inc f V ,w . IT. . 1 f Mi .t.u s;i),un:.i ( ;,r:i I li.it m i m in I,,. .,1 i - i' (lllll'Jll II. m m m oas'saoai'i a Sir r . 1 wo me Mini ;is H'frrt S'" in. my cim i i.i i llfyolKl UK' lr.it I) (, Tlie answer U Wis, th.it this ;r.-.,t W;, jm. js rMa1,r, ,y the it uli.uity (,f its f i tnnl.t t ptodtK t- results imip j.i.kk lit I by any nth. r inclit in.-, this i-( uli.nily cnnsist a I I I i . ' in;: in Uir li.il.iin M i niibni.it p m (, tK. 1 r the hlutitl, livrr, I,ilhcys, sh.in.K h (nr the Ijiiiim WATER ON THE PLANET MARS. linniia i,l 4rnan hi 'I her Ocror on llm liirllt' rlnhlior, A l.t'iiullful Mfiitlflc story of ii''lili'wiiniii Unit miik I'm tint render 'jmi mIIi.ii tin ciiKiiy i,( tlm writer, or, lit li'll'tf, In ll.illlil ,H I'Xpi'l'tlltlnll of being tiilicn w rlniihly, U r r Ifil In IIh. .M-.nl My Weather ICcvlcw, tl.t. Jour ml I'uMlhli.'il ,y t,. . -i!t,.,i Ktatea He 1'iiriiiniit nf Agriculture. It refer to tin' riMcnt ih'ijiiImIiIiiiih (1f knowledge In I L- ! lit I.. II I I l ...... .....I ...I.II..I. . . ' '"' I -'I'M 1 "H'l I'llllllHII .iimi nouns, ll.lllli ly, '! c.,evi In to would t Very hr -l siri s ...,.. r.l..,l ... S II s. 111. II ill. I, Nlillihi'i.l. Yrllti'.c I) I - f,.r 'l"v-r I). Iimi ,y ii intiii ,, f r UntlfJc lit tllC llVtT. M.Uli I'.lkf. I '.Hiili'lim. liit ll... I I.I II.... I tnliilin-i.lM. Uim, JtiniM'f HiMiii-s, I'ipmsm'w.i; for tin- stunudi (Irnti.in, iM ( hnty I'.uk, 1'itt.r ()i,in:: I --! ; f(ir ihtj' Ixiwrls, Senna, M.imli ;il;r an. I I ).uitlt !i. m.' Si It 1 ly I it i ; ; i x t -. tvi lyulirit I'nii.tl f rn, hi' new f.iiin, t;il. ( ii t a lidttlr today, i, I'M) ),, I S out! Dull.ir. I inr'l IWnllh In l nri'ila. IeW iii.i' wiiii lnii' hut trnvrli-'l iiIkiiiI IIh. Kiim-i hi I'll, . in' inn 1 1 1 1 1 i; ; i ii Ik W I'lHIIlllc H It It Vteultli III Uiul.rr "WimmIi'Ii I!i.Ib" U lln" liiiini' npplii'l In tin' it " t f . r t nr. -Hi nf Itiw-li In l)uri.w lilii rin.r li.iirly .'i.hiiiimh norm, nr .'IH per r.'iit nf Hi.. I'tillic nr.'ii of tin- country. Iii Kip nIm li.iii-i'-t i , -1 1 1 1 nf liny other inaliil.il limn mmil nn- Itillioht llllk IKiU II otltslilf tin. rllli-a nti'l Vtnu.l culiM Utile, tlii. .t Iiii imI fni'l. Tin. ful i-t lirll rnlli il tlm " I n In hll.crlii. Hlrt-li lie In M illrii-t line f'uin tin. t'riiU In tlir I'.i. Hli- fur -t.ii iiiIIim ihhI In tunny .itrt-t N .'-"i mlli'-i ,r. :nt. All tliln U tin- I'f.ij.i'i ly .f tin' t ni. ltl.:in( I t for It. Tiir nr'-li'-xlrn, iimuir Injj of n .il;t,,t Mil it .iaiilt, .t...... ! r.'-t, mi, rlinlrinnii i.f tin- in.it ui r . .k :ii'.n I.i tii.-i In l fr.nil nf ih.i j. hi' f, , i in l,i 1 i f'T lll Ji'i'T I .III lllll ., ,,. tl.t II. "I'.-lltll'lm-ll," lir fill, "I klinry (,,,,v ,. Iinf nil l.ffti nii.iinrf fir t!u nt (if (.ii mluulii. Tlii l,,t l nir " " lr U )'! n if'.'i.t M i.' iv , ii (iniumi nt !" t n t r r j . . . 1 il, In l.nni v,, IiiiiiI. jflnriiif: nt I lie ii.nu pij-r. Il'fnil III limit. 'I In- fiirtM tint Inriri ly flu rnlt tf Ijht lit loliM imnli' tit IIk- l-'lttKNtiff ttlt tir.iil'iry, In Arl.nmi, wlildi Imvo kiiii I'll'llll'llll'.l till' flllMKlc KttJlll.'H of SflllflJI- iirt'lll of Ml In ii, win liilil tlm fotinili Hoim fur rurri'ht llii-orlitt nml kii'.wl flk'" of tlm fiirtli'H mnri-Ht iilitiivtar; iM'lKlittor. MmliTii nutrnriomlcnl tHjuliiiiifiit hm I il'iii't inlii'1 fnlii-t Ihiitow Iiih'," hmI'I It 1""I Mi' tn rf'oiilz' rlinriK Ml"H llmiifH, plniniHi ly, tn mi i,, i In tin1 M'ttNoiiH Hint tnki tlri(i Iii Mnm fiifinj uliu hh imyltiK Imt ii vNlt. i 'J'fu-Ho vnry iniu li In I n Ii-iihI ty nnnln-piu) "l.iit I'm- K'it tin iivifui trying wiiinnn iniiinliiiic -x i-rli'ii''. Hut It I" l"t tr f"i' ii in ij'lil.,,r Jn.t n.nv. Mil- Imrrovtn ! 'J'1"1" "i" iiiilli.ir Vfrl.ntlin In orliT tt fiir(, iju.-i r iMin-H I'm i,,,Mt ,,ut ! iijijirtH latt; tin: ftliimxt ) tnTeHtlc? illnroT Ci'iiif wiili lu r " cr!' of tint iii'mIitii tiHtrnnoitilcnl ob Mii'iiiH nil. I It.h.iiim nml the flour- hitvit. Ilcniytt: -J'lif infltliin of tin Krt'iit fli:liU of Know tirouinl tin) (ilntii't'l lur ri'Kloim, nit fficli Mnrtlnn wlntfi tluHi'tt mihI fnrliiK otitii'H iii, kIvih rln t Krt'iit htri'tiuiH of wnttr (wo mil II :iitT In tin- tiliHfiifit of nny flil!iir 'int mill ttn flnur- Htfl. r iukI limiliik; l.iiiml, I h'ium'," h.iIi i'1 ti' liiol known l!ff In u roiiiilry town. "M.T.y im-, don't en unt ttmli tlilnui:" t-Mij MI-h lloilci'M. "N,,r my llinl.i. ll.i ii.,- in y nm im; luilf... I UN to tin- K'MTlnV luitliro of tilt! flulil), .in ni'ikf hlilft to K.f ,,n w Kim ut 'fin 'nml tin tin-Kit utrvmim How townnl tli for n wliili- nny tinif. Hut when Kin- j 'jtiMtor ii litiml of Krri'ii, 1 1 k (cnum oi foil,,, omt to I orroNv my ilinry II t lur t ill.'iK', Hnntiil.t out on Ix.tli nldfft w il.iy, Mi'tt Kin- rout. I kii'p in fount of tin- thnt wt? Ftfiu Justlllfil In fonrlinllnji wfiillii-r im. I lu r hfiiH1 (Vk-M mill ho on tlmt tin- titniot-'iliiTf nml tint voK'i'fJitioii till Iht liiclinml .iiiiif luifk from r,i!l 'i,s will iih tin- fllmiit.; of Mars havt f'.nilii, hlii' Inning niwii Mm lnT-i t . Horn., niiiiloy with our own JnttIimI. imt .Ion i, lil-i i ,fns,'H nml h 1 j.: 1 1 1 in. "It H f,,n.. howovcr, v-ry Ktrnrn?o, M..H i In- f'iiM ...,y h.r r r.l In fioiu t,t wo flml no n firnnn. of floti.l on my l k In tin- rL'lil il,ii'c i fiiii.'ii it tin. fnj, hin nf ; I ili'i hn.' A f.roiifr In I jil.in I pulriti out tiir !,::ii Iiio.mi f.-i. t ii,. it nil ,,,!,, t:,,-r" ii v r y.ii a of u't r.iu lt c.til.-. u;.'.:i n J . 1 1 r i. i 'isJr.-. "'. ; n-'?"' " -k.ry A'-'tt.-..- rV c f i :-y -w r i aJ f.-'.'-f I lit- IvIikI it'll 1 1 .1 .ln I : 1 1 1 ur 1 1 1 li:ts Itornt. tlic fcifrnu turo il' (.'Imi. II. I If ( ln r, tiinl Ji;is Itt cit mailt' iimlrr liN i-roiml Miin rtNltiii fur mer '.U nars. Allutv no i tt iIimtKk juii in tlil". Cuimlf rTc Km, IiniiatiuiiH ami .liist-iiH-tMiil nri' Imt r ii rlniiTits. aiil t nilim-f r tho litiillli of C'Hiltlri'ii 1 Ixjic i ifiun itiilnxt l'i riiii'iit. What is CASTORIA Cii'.tnrlii It ii luiriiilH4 Milistltutt fur Castur Oil, l'aro l.ttrlt', ln'H ami S(Mililn;r Sunpi. It in IMfiisaiit. It contains inltlitr Opliiin, .M t r p h 1 1 to imr utlitr a root it? MiliHtaiit'c. Its niri Is Its 'iiiiraiitt't'. It ilftrojs irms nml allitjH fcM iislini sH. nri s I iiirrlit ii ami AViml Colli'. It rrli-'X'N 'I't't't liinir Truiiltlt's, t iirt H Constipation nml l'liitiiITif. It ii-.liiiil.it-s tin I'ouil, rriilatt's tlio Ntoniat'li nml i'.nM Ih, ;iiiitr lifiili liy ami nat urul bleep. 'J'lio ChlMri'it's I'anat'iM--Tlm .Mother's l'rientl, Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. THt tlMUUH OOtJPIIIlV, TT MUHHAT ITHIT, HtW VORN CITT yT"'T ' -' -1. , -I- III Get What You Ask For! S SlHER la a Frm-n nV.'hy tlio GooJ reopla cf America buy C.iscurcta as F.rt na Ihn Cli.-k Tirkn. Every Becotul coino one, !;,.inpw!iri", Is buying a litllo Tea -Cent Bx oi Ca--caicta. I. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (D times ti t!ie Minnie. ttO Minutes to tiio H nr. 0 li.urj nil Hour, 3o,000 Honrs a I Viy if Ten liouta, l,C30,(XX) Fiorea a Month. :uul l!,rn me. Think cf H-22J.0OJ I'eiplo t.ike a Cascarct tablet each i!ay. M.llioiia u-a Caacarets when ncccrary. The Judjjinrnt of Millions cf Prlnlit Americans Is Infallll le. They have leca Duyinp and Taking Cacareta at that rata lor over Six years. a true, faithful, kya! servant of Mankind. Over Five Millions of Dollars hava lera Spent to nuiko tha rnerlt3 of Cas r;ire !S known, and every cent of It would te l-T.t, dij not sound merit claim and l-.L'ld t!ie con-taut, ccntlnued friendship, I'.itr T:aca and Endorsement of well plca.cJ j ccple year alter year, Tl'.cro Is abo a Reison Why there are Karaites who attach t!.c:n:.elvt'S to tl.o Healthy Body of Ca3 Ciirct'a svicceaa Imitators, Counterielters, Sulstltutors. They we TiaJa Tlileves who would rob Cabarets of tho "Good Will" of tho people, and sneak unearned profits, earned and paid for ty Cascaret3. O llllffl that i'itit t, as thnlltjll It wore piwslMt' for water, miow, IrrlKatlotl and veicetn lion to exist without rloiuls or ruin. lf foiirsi' vnjior eoiilil tlllTusc from n ro irioii of water t olio of unnw, Imt not Iff versa. We must Mill study to find t ut whether this offiirs on Mars." 'J in' riaiM.'iff oIimtvits .lei'lare tliej fan tfll when the Marnnn winter Le clns hy tin1 niiis-nraiife of fields of hiihw or front, whlfh iii'!ir In the re floiis forrfMiiiilliii; to our polar areas. I.MMt year the 11 rst npi'i-amiiee of win I it wah oliMTved on May l'.l. the early winter relative to the earth's N'Iiik tint to a difl'i rent lnr llnatloij of M;irs' axlt of rit;itlin. IT TOUCHED HIM NOT. Ill Wlle'a Surraaiit Writ! I'twl Ilia llullftl lnra. Mr. Nippy Is remllti the evening pn per. He prftemls to Ihj Ustenlnn to tp0k f fsfs EY MAT jO YEMYjf MM ME as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and how conducive to health the amcs in which they indulge, the outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, hy an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial tor the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required 9 0 a i a 9 o 09 Am it Ktirliinnnn. "Why, K.'iehiii.'iiin U over feet hlffl I anil t.ro i, I in proportion! Iiidn't I un ( iliTstand you to nay he was a little fel low?" I "If you did you niisunili-rstood me. I ; said lie was a small politician." You Can Oct Allen's rooNEaar FREE. ll'.lt. i II... c t v - . . . . i a, ' i uic nniii n. .'in; nifu , IJV IIHT. P. 1.. IVI Mrs. Nippy h remarks coneernliitf tlm freo nam , u- cf lien ' K.s.t Kiie. It cun-i tflenholie L'irl. : iwcatinir. )i"t iwollen . achinir feet. It mmltes Mrs. N. And this inonilni?, went to eall mi the Kroivry (die kept uic gUuiMjllit. waiting half an hour. Said the line was Itiisy. I know it wasn't, hut there I hail to Ktatid. And nil the housework W lien J r,,rna l lorri iwln a w ai In unit tiiintiinit. Alldrtiff, Z-'-c. Jion't accent any substitute, i AVIth tin- t urrrut. "As to municipal ownership, for In itancp," Baid the doctor, "what do voj put hack ho far I haven't caught up yet. conceive to m the drift of public opiu- lsn't there a nianaifer or soinoltody toiion rexirt these things to? Mr. N.- Yes. Mrs. N. Will you do It for me to fiiorrow ? Mr. N. lu what? Mrs. N".- lttport the telephone girl. Mr. N.- - What for? Mrs. N'.- I've heen telling you what for this last half hour. You're not lis tc.ihi),'. Mr. N. Yes. I am. I'll attend to It. Mrs. N. And you might put In a complaint almiit the way she rings us up and calls me from nil parts of the house t answer, and then say It"s a mistake. It has happened three times a day ever Miice nicy ciiangtsi girls at central. Will you register n kick uhout that, too? Mr. N Mintn. Mrs. N. -And w ill you tell the suicr "Tire drift of puhlie opinion," Inter rupted the professor, "is the Coating vote." TO H IIK A t'HI.D IN (INK DAY Tuki I. A X ATI VK llln iMi'ClulnliH' Talileis. Urnc c:ni rvfiiiicl iimni')' ir It fl h to t-iirf. E. W. (SUVt's Blh'iiit'.urt.-Is oil i nch Ikix. sic. A 1'lnrc for It. "I have hopes," said ('holly Sappy, "of getting n joh In Mr. Merehaut's of- j flee, don't ye know." j "I wouldn't he surprised if lie (lid , i .find room for you," remarked l'epprey, 1 "he's very systematic." j "Aw hog pardon er why " j "Well, he believes In providing a place for everything ami everything In La place.' " I'hihtde lphia I'ress. j $100 Reward, $100. ; The renlors of this psper w ill bo pleaseit tc It'arn that lUero is at leant one tlrcaJe-i disease thai tcieuet) lias been able to cure in nil tut lanes, and that is t atarrh. Hall's Catarrh Ititelidcnt, or whoever he Is, that your j meaieal iraternity. ratarrn licm a constitu- luiiiai ulscuse, re.Uires a constitutional treat ment. Jl all's l atuirh t'u re It taken internally, aetliiR diret'Uy upon the I loo.l and niueoui eurlact'BoI the system, ttiert tiy d streyinn tha lounaaiiou oi ine tiist'Hso, ami Klvlntr tho pa- WET WEATHER COMFORT "I have used your FISH BRAND Slicker lor fiv years and can truth fully say that I never hav had anything give me so much com fort and satisfaction. Enclosed find my order for another one." (( AND ADOmSS ON APPUCATtO") You can defy the hardest storm with Tower's Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats. Highest Award World's Fair. 1901. OUR GUARANTEE 13 BACK OF THIS SIGN OF THE FISH . A.J. TOWER CO. 0WER3 Boston. U.8. A. j JLe. 10WER CANADIAN CO. lfJZ Limited TORONTO. CaHaD Bruins. iiMWAiiii k. !.... Ivillf. I iil.-riuliL I- i: wife Is marrlisl to an old, ftelflsli, retl he:tdetl deaf-mute? Mr. N'. I'm hum. Mrs. N. And that ho wears a glass tteut stromtth by buiMuiK up the constitution .... , ..,.i. , i,.,, ,,i .,i ...,t.. and asstsiitiK nature in dciiiK its work. The jo mid a wooden leg and falso teetlll proprietors have so much (Kith in its curative Mr. N. Y'es. powers that they otter one Huti.ired 1'ollari v. , ., . .. , , ., I tor any ease that it fulls to euro, Mrs. N. And yott might add tha ui ii"H,ini.i.i. bead for lut r rrHr' ' ,t si "iTiM "lsVp ysj "Si ik K j It la not an Experiment, not an Accl Jnnt or Incident, but a sound, Hone:;! Uuaineiis.bauedonl'iiiie-Trled-arM-TMcd Merit, never found wanting. Tliero Is a Rp"sr!j Cascarets are tlie Implacable foe of All Disease Germs; the Incomparable cleanser, purifier and strtfthener of tho entire Digestive Canal. They Act like Exercise on the Dowel Muscles, make them 6110115 and active able to Help Themselves do their work koep themselves clean, Cascarets are tho safe-f uard of Innocent Childhood against tha Dreadful Doath dealing Dangers that threaten the Lives of tho Little Ones. They uro Purely Vegetable, absolutely jlarmless, always Reliable and 'efficient, A Dii.honert Purpose means a Dishonest Trodtict and a Disiegaidof the Purchas ers' Health or Welfare, Beware of tho Slick Salesman and his ancient "Ju:t as Good'' story that com mon sense refutes. Caucaret3 are made only by the Sterlinjj Remedy Company, and the famous little Ten Cent "Vest Pocket" box Is hero Bhown. They are never sold In bulk. Every tablet marked "CCC." Do sure you get tho genuine. VIT FREE TO OUR FRIENDS! Wa want to send to oar friends a beautiful French-desiirned, UOLD-fLATEO BONBON BOX, hard-enameled In colurs. It is a beauty for the dicsslnit table. Ten cents In stamps is asked is a measure of good fall h and to cover cost of Cascarets, With whlth ilHiiiraFity trinket Is loaded. TiS Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address Sterunf Keuieuy Couipaay, CnlUKO or Mew Ywk. your wife's husband has tho measles, Will you do that, dear? Mr. N Yes. Mrs. N. That will be very kind of you. ltesldcs, It's the truth, Isn't It? Mr. N'. Sure. Mrs. Snippy smiles sartTonleally and picks up her embroidery. Mr. Nippy goes on with his reading In blissful Ig nora nee. N'ewa rk News. I A ldress. K. J. CHENEY dt CO.. Toledo, a Eold by drUKRists, ".".e. Hall s Family I'll Is are the best. It ox a Won a Fiend. "When the boss conies in do you hide j our box of cigarettes V" asked the call er. "Sure," responded the olllce boy w ith n grin. "Ah, you are afraid to let him catch you smoking?" "Taint dat; I'm afraid he'll ask nie for a smoke." CITQ Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousness ll 10 aft''rllrstitiiy'sii.si'iiriir.Klliif'8t.irftttXi'rve Itesinrt'r. k.mhI fur Tree 'J trlitl iH.itleanil trt-atlse. Dr.lt. 11. Kline, Ltd., UJ1 Arch t-t.. rhlladclphla, !' Itnrti Wood Monopolised. There U a firm of decorators and fur nlturo-makera In this city which stands In tho unl(juo position of owning every pleeo of ono kind of wood that la known to tho markets of tho world. It is called "eomlno," and wits brought Auiinir t on vcraittion. to this city by an expert In rare woods Yes," remarked the professor, "1 fiAin South America twenty-flvo years rntm'r l'fhle myself on tho discovery ago. He saw Its beauty and villus r ""other hypothesis." while It was In tho rough, and nftet "Indeed," replied Mrs. Cumrox, n lit buying all tho logs ho could lay his " doubt f til ly, "I hud an Idea thev Send Your Eastern Friends a copy of our handsomely illustrated 88-page book, ''Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Their Resources," which tells all about this section of the Union, where there are more openings in every line of industry than anywhere else in the United States. Four cents in postage. A. L CRAIG General PaBenger Agt. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company PORTLAND, OREGON Write for it today. iiv r Hfni CheniNt, ilvT. I. ml. 1 ; 10M. Nilvcr, 7V ; i ii-M. ; Im. nr ( ripiMT. 1. Viiiittjv t -t- Maiiii'ir nvfli p'-H ami j lull ri( f 1;M -nt pti' atiiui. t. tititrirl um I'm lional Hunk. Can You Buy Bemis Bags In Your Town? If not, let us know and we will see that you can. We are manufacturers and Importers of WOOL BAGS Wheat Bags Oat Bags Barley Bags Flour Bags Ore Sacks Hop Cloth and Burlap of All Kinds Bags of Burlap and Cotton Manufactured by Us BEMIS BRO. BAG CO. 1508-1514 Colorado St. SEATTLE, WASH. too CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre sentative Business Firms. PHOTO Hl l'l'I.IKS; Koilnk tl.-velnplnminil Print line; write lur prices. W'omiurit, Clark Co. MAUIC 1.A.N1 KltXS W.'lstt-r Co.. I'ortlituil. lx.vvvHt pru-t's tin Lantcrus uiut Sllil.a, ha mis on ho hud them brought to New York ami sawed up Into veneers, und then stored his treasure-away. Somo tlmo later ho Interested tlm head of the decorating tlrm In (h wood, anil tho latter took It all off his hands. Tho wood la now elowly hlna mado Into beautiful pieces of furnl turo that are tho admiration of ex perts principally for tho beautiful fin lsh the aurface of tho wood takes. It looks like a superb pleeo of light-brown satin that has been woven to resombls inolro. Aside from Its luterest from the viewpoint of beauty, the wood at- tracU tho attention of forestry ex perts owing to Us extrenio rarity. Now York Press. It Is better to make one man laugh , than to make a hundred weep. were quite extinct." Washington Star. A til'AUAN'I KI'.l) CCItli b'Olt PII.KS. ItchliiK, HPihI, lllo.'iliin,', PriiiruilliiR l'llt-a. I trutr CInIs art. iiiitlinrlst'tl In r.'liiml minify ir l'AZO OIN IMIiM rails to curu tua lo 14 days. Wc. Wumiiii's Voy. She Wtt never hear of any women after-dinner speakers. lie No, women can't wait until af ter dinner. They tell everything they kuow before dinner. Yonkers States man. Uotbers will And Mr, Wlnslow's Foothln g Pyrup tho best remedy to use for their children during tho teething period. Ctinjeel ural. "The Judge let you off on acootint of your youth and hecauso It was your first offense, hey? Told you to go and sin uo more, did he?" "I reckon so. When I hoard him say 'go,' I didu't wait to bear any more." CLASTIC HOSI Klty ; Supporters, llraees; Knit to it; tret uitasurt'iiit'iit blanks; Wootlurd, Clurke. IltUtsKS or all kin, In for aula at very reasonable prices. Inquire .73 1-roul bt. THCss-'8 sent on approval; we Kititrantee at la most tlilllcull eases; Wooilaril, Clarke .It Co. AHIIKKTAI, l:IS; eyery sliailx anil shitx ; as stiriment sent on approitl; oo.laril, Clarke Co W. L. Douglas 3J?&3SHOESa W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled atuny price. Clil AM SKI'AKATOlts We niliirniltee the I'. 8. i-i pnritlor to tie (tie dest. NN'ritu lor 1'ree catulotf. lliizelwood Co., I lllll nntl Oak. MKN'SCLOTHI Sit lluffiiin I'enilleton, sole HKems Aiireil llenitiiulu .V Co.'s correi't clothes. I'iv.-ryililui; in men's CuriiishttiKS. Morrison autl Sixth sireels. lipptiaite postulllce. UKK LAM) IN OltKUOM untler the Carey Irrl uution act. l'eetl iirecl front slate. Write totluy. T tiiiklei anil iiiitt tree. II. H. Cuoke tt Co., ii6l Altter street, 1'urtlaiitl, Oreitoiu 1'Ol'l.TltY KOOU If you want your liens to lay inure ettt;a w rite us lor fret, particulars about l'L It I N A l'Ol'LTUY ICEDS Acme Mills Co.. l ortiitutl, Ort'iion. TAll.Olts Columbia Woolen Mills Co.. Portlantl. Cre. latest style clothes uiiute to measure cheap, Imr sell measurement system Insures perfect hU Write for free suiiiplesautl prices. PIANOS . OlttlANM Oltlest piano litiuse on Pa cilie const. Organs autl Danes uu easy payments. Write tlir list. Let us quote you a price. Atteu Jl tillheri-itaiiiaker Co., r.,riluiitl. Oieuon. Human Hair tlooils tswllclies, I'ompuilours, Men's 'I'tnioeea autl W Iks; best tiuaiily; Itiwesi prices; send ftir Ire price 1st; mail orders a specialty. I nns Uair bloie, ttx Wushuigiuu bt. i-sl loss. ,. shocs i-; V'A. i all Trr W fHICSvJJ j ''ys, jIlI W. t. DOUGLAS MA KITS A SELLS MORE MLN'S $3. SO SHOES 1HANANY01Ht.fi MANUFAC1URER IM 1HE WORLD. $1 ft flfM REWARD to anyone who can 10 I U,UUU disprove this statement. If I could take you Into mv three large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you the Inllnit care with which every pair oi shoes I made, you would rculle why W. L. Douglua $..50 shoes cost mors to make, shv thev hold their hn lit better, wear longer, and are oi great! Intrinsic value than any other $.1.50 shoe. IV. L. Douglmm Strong Mmdm Shomm tor Mmn. fV.SU, fi.UU. Boy' School A Uromm Shoom. 92. 6U, $2, 9 1. 7 II, $ 1 .5J , CAU riON. Insist upon having W.L.Douii. las shoes, lake no suhstitute. None genuln without hla name and price stamped on bottom. fatt Color (utlels until ; they will not wear brusty. W'rita for llliistratetl Catalog. W. L. liUCGLAS. llrockton, Muss. P. N. U. No. 16-06 WHEN writing; to ad rertlsors please luentluu this papsr.