Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 18, 1906, Image 1

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B04Ejlffl m NUGGET:
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Panning Jntcicsts of this Community.
NO. 13
And (kneral Mining New
(Inlhcrcd from lixclianxcs.
CV ly atf-inpt to Inli her of 1t just
i;h's. S n il n man d serves ti c
tip) "i I of ..i im, 1 ,-11 f.-n t
'I I'.Ulv helm;;,
Mrs. C. K. Jones lr!t for Roht nu 1
Monday, aud will cook f r oiir of
th mining cuuipi this tiinup r
W. H. Shaus come in from the
south on tli I. Uttd noon tiuiu
Tuesday ami will go up to camp mi
.1. M
'PI W flg t) II
ke I Ins, my
Albeit Ziuiker Irlt for Pob. mi ,
today ml will go to .ik oh tl .
Joliltii HI i.(itr lor 11 tunc. W. II
Mimic will woik with him n V ;it
I fj-crly, und later I oh tin n will
u l woik on tlx M 11. Ki'v,
Mr. Zimkct's pn t 1 .
Frank Kol el (H t' f 1 I 1 iii-s i'uW ,
fiom the YoMuvius that the now 0,
Almost gone mid that t! tump ,
MX'ii he tit for i;(ji I I .11 I woik.
Tic work 111 tho inn. ic J lo.iiss
iligliti'ily Hlid 1 KrtlM'K Icttir
Hiflley i Anocnl to Itrrmli.
Itvn 11 Votci
I Mi l l .in s ( J
' in t :
As 1 1 m ' 1 tn f 1 -i i 1 m 1 i u 1 1
clou- 1 1 inn! 11 i' to in
I1I1.1I 111 1,1 nl lii , 11
ll lri'i ! 11:' hi 1 11 11 well known
I" 1 Ih a 11 .-.joiitv 1 f 1 he voteis
h io lak-cn in,, J n,. intcii-t in the
t tn 11, ut 1 r. i.,iii 1 -in, us and lifter-
Ulipls "Kl'llr,!" t,(, IKilJiina.
ti' nw 'iid 1:,, 1!. Ui 111. Do not
"gain nude .,,,1, mistake, hut it
lei'd I In- 1 1 in in 1 I lo our duty.
I'll 1 h "' lv i 1 l 1 I i-,i s tll(
i j
livery Voter Should Cast His1
Vote House of Election
12 to 7.
I certainly the kind of nit oflir m tbs
! people need these h-i) s Umj qua
j Valley Ncn.
Tooe's Name i Linked with the Hit"
tory of Oregon Republicanism of
Twenty Years.
at 11 'I!
"1 ( ,n , ,; 1
1.1 1 '1 in
11 1
I.'. 1;
1 11, I
r... 1 l
the j ,
I' I .1 I !
I I -. T t . j
t . 1 . 1 1
1 a
lv v
In th
1 .! 111 I
, 1 ,
1 " :
lid 1 I .
I 'I llll-
I i 11K on t lie a fin
h ; . 1 nine 1 ii I 1. J
t' 1 wt in 1 ho n -
u : iiii.try law
( I y'el IP -V
" ' 1 . ih t( lllillc
Tl ' 1 fi ,le at-
a I !
the ( 1 I ion (if
1 1. 1 ! ' , s i - w .it 1 known
I I " 1 ie v , a ; ji: vi 1 1
li t i t , ! our poo I
Friday, tho 20th is tho primary
election, and is in reality conducted
the same an any other regular elec
tion, e-xi eptn-i; in the hours of vot
ing, J 1 heing threw judges, and
thiee elciks in each district, the
1 .1 r e printed ballot being u"-ed. In
order that voters may easily get to
the j oils the honrH of edectiou do
not 1im till 7 p. rn. Tho candj-
I m I m , I (ach jai'v elected dt thin
ciiii(ii!i(iii lot- the huih whose
1 1 ; 1 1 1 "i n. e.u r 11 tho fii al tiekd,
to hi! vote, I iijii.M at what is practh1- -,, tha . ou'u.
ally Hit-'i c'.ii'l or ngiihu Miction
Jni c It.
Only votirs who hae it y, itt 1 ( 1
tli- nr ui.fh r tie ji y law
itihnM me t'litithd to (j'.c.
Dr. Joh has totuc
Hainj.l ;n of ore w bidi
bin mine in Doula
tweeu (anvunville and
very I ni
i nine fioui
I'oonty, L -tl
e iio 11-
I I III hi li t- ,t.
J n l and it 1 1 1 1
! 'l ovid!.d ni
e:nii aiti 1 mil standilie;
hit, ve reciild and pint
le It. I. lie
'!,!' 'el.t
1 1 1. 1 1 '
a ii I 11 ii ii' inn-
' t the lextllt,
1 MIC ollt Hll'l
a in I v ( it e.
hue mine, l'ait of the out. hhvv I ll iiMiiin.,!
eorc gold auJ hok "' I he . t i 1 di i t 1:
led'o is o ffct wi le and is in a 1 'o inei U
largodyke. Asiet couiiaiativtlv ! the hi,hin
little work has lieeu done, hut what
Las been done make tli iloctot
mj jubilant.
expi i t.
'1 an ' i I i lid will in
. I Ml si;, h minuet
in ii'iru ,ih w hieli is
in inn, in one could
I. M. S11 1:1 r.i'.v.
Forrsatara Will Sualatn Band.
The Junior Ordtr of 1-oiiestcis
liare about decided to lake over the
management cf tha local baud, to (' it u(i. iti
employ a aalarid bandmanUr, uud 1 M r l oi "
to furouh the boys plenty of music oli d t
and moke an inducement for Hu m
to work tip a firat elm bund. Ti e
matter will b d fiuitcly s tiled
Thursday nigbt.
MkimoiIivI lv IxoicInc
Mr. Walter l. To- o will deliver
the Men, 01 111 I My a ldn hs for the
Cottnee ( 1 v t- (i. A. K. l'"t, and a
1 1111 tm
ft peci'l
a sin
can I e
is hi'in;,' ihuuied.
1. as for eais never
1 li'uss cnuc iipinoi ml
'. ami 111 c ir mijip m n is
ily lulaj't" d to make such an
I'.miv old Mii.Ii.T that
w id I e in attendance.
Hours of Primary Klcction
Twelve in to 7 j. in. 1'iidav the
VOTINCf 1 I.Ai .s
IC"Ht Colt'e (iJovc Mavfiiic h '!
West Cottage Orove Ma; Ip
hiiildintr, "jtli and Maio untti.
O. W. (iiiffin of Iii'jei:e was in
town Tuesday looking after his in
litical interest. Mr. Griffin is
making a hurd tight for the State
Attorney Central
A. M. Ciuwford of Uosehuig, the
present Attorney General inroiniug
Lafore the people for the Kepuhlii an
Domination has id enviable record.
He baa behl .sereral leims in the
legislature and waa an official of the
Land Oflice hs been befoie the
public for jtais and eerooo that
rpeaks of him .peaks in the hihect
rejard. jie is a man of the highest
intcrit J , ai able aud uecennful
lawyer and a man withal to Hive
the interests of his atate with even
sciatilla of strength and energy he
po-s'tees, fightinj to the last ditch,
Will Mi. riM 1 h.'h'i .
1 thai ' III ,1M,, ll.lts WMI.'t
( in1 d t li ii j s f, r our
Mm !av
dii'iiei at 1 Ik
IP .1. iv.
Kmh aoi 1n.11 ki t Sat
MpsO ivi Willaul let '.n ned Ik. 111
l'iis long A'oia'av, wliMeshc has
l.i en hr snme time.
'I lie Chi ist 'an Mmleaxor if tic
I'lef-I teiiaii I'liuu li vvi'd hold a
iiiuiki l 1 lay Siluidny in lh" acint
bui.'dii: next
tai her
Allorncv Cenrvl Crixwtord Mad Good
R ecord
Hon. A. M. Crawford deserves
the supp'itt of till men who admire
an official w ho does hid duty. A
recent example of bin determination
to server the peophi faithfully in af
forded lv the suit ho has brought
aeainst the powerful corporation
which owns t lie Do-ks at Oregon
C tv. The fiict arc: In lS7o the
Si te Uegi.shilurc passed a law giv-;
mg S'Joo.doo to the I.oi ks Cmni any
mi condition that ten per cent of
the in t cHinines should R" to the
common school fond of the state.
In iS-'l, ti e 1'iiet year in which the
h'eks tin op rated, the stute ic
ceiveil its ten per cent, hut nince
tin 11 mi vayni'Mit has ever heeu
made. Mr- Ci..vf'rd 1ms brought
Huit in toe name of the Hate against
the lM ks corporation, a powerful
comhitiation of cupitaliHts. now th.
(ieneral Klectrie Co. of Portland, to
proiute tor the state tho ten per
cent of the tut earnings since 1H7IJ.
A man having the moral courage
Mr. I,. T00.0 of Wood
burn was in town Siturday inter
eHting'iietdH in his behalf. He
mates that he fiels that it is the.
duty of the Republican voter to
j vote for him, as he has long been
a faithful and consistent worker
for the puty und up to thi time
without asking any favor of th
He is attorney h r the W. O, W.
of Oie-on ai.d exeits to have the
vote of the in: of the incinl ers
He has given cs-
jteiii tho ,'ht and attention for
cMh to the Medi and ta'e-i t,f the
ve't.-aus f f .ui' wara ni il has long
I'teu for;pi..'i n d their
fiiei-din the stale an I hopes, if
eh." te I tO I e libit: tO do ir.UfhtO
h' !; ihtm o-.t wi'h thtir p nsion.
" tic I .'is SIMM n to do in the past.
'1 sefiki: g of i is ct nv'is he u
! . i is PS II ow I 1- toil'-' 'lei) t(
'i : : -.1:11.11 I 1 hini.
.. . ., . j i;-
l: alio t I I C' Ol-tV lr
.sut-A- c "i-me i in ins list, thai
in. k .mas County, hk well
vt .tliern Oregon and the coa.-t
euunties a'e v.jy i r.,:; l.v.e I v.
for him. at-d iha; wh le Le In-..-cettain
of the notniuatiou, he wuats
every mau that can do to, to vote
for him.
The old soldiers who want their
claims looked after carefully should
look out for him and cunt their
votes for him.
The Woodmen should vote for
their atterrey and sew him sately
through to the cerjate.
Willamette Valley
Asks for a Thirty Year
Franchise in Cottage
i that it would not he possible for
'tho whole country surrounding here
1 to use enough current or power to
;nrn the interest on Much an iuvest
;nunt,ar.d that the company was
going through to build up the
country and create enterprise, and
j would have, to depend for their
omPan' earniu'-s riot uoon the small plants
: hut upon the larger oil's, atd their
, greater enterprises. In Eugene the
i compiiny is planning to spend $450,
000 in thir plants, and that the
company is not seeking to control
I the situation, but merely to make
At the adjourned meeting of the i themselves sure in their work.
council on Monday niirht. Iv. W
Hall of Portland and C. A Hardy
ofliugene were present in tho in
terests of a petition of the Willa
mette Val'ey Compi ny for the
granting ol a 1 ranch jse to that com
pany for a p'riodot thirty jears
frtiin thite. The petiiioii is ft ior.g
r'h the rights de-
artu-le settir,' :c
si led fci.d Httes
rii-'ht to supp
witiiin the city and nam
mum rate of 00 cents 1 er
I owe-r hi nip per n:o
'ancle power Lima
per Kiilowat for li-ht
t wishes the
ai.d jovvtr
ts a irjaxi
1 1 candle
tl;, 5.1 . I er .rl
und 20 cents
from 5 to 12 p.m. The application p
pi "vi.:es 11 tr.e i jstcm is ii-1
p n fi r a period of two tais the
i chi -e In srs.
'dr. I". W. Hall, af" r t' -
i of the petition ! t ' , t M
ci:t ai hi if - i ' o ' ...
i'j. ve Khctiie o. :. ie h had b-.-tn
tra isferred to the Willamette Val-
Juut ns Mr. Hardy finished speak
ing, Mr. C. H. Purkhohler heading
n committee from the Commercial
Club, ashed d the franchise ques
ti' n could be held over a we,ek for
discussion and investigation. The
council as favorable and the mat
ter was Nil over to tLe regular
meeting in May.
James Poi ter whs apr ointed fire
O. L. P.p.sous who formerly ran
the llohtmi 1 .-aioori. asked that the
the ti'y reiun 1 hi:u 'jo.jsj excess
iictLse fee, itatiLg l hat he took out
a iieense ui Icr the -f Soo fee, under
te?t, ai. th it
1 .
s ooonmarj mat p
i a'e, an 1 as i 1
aiiiom t piii to
o.jtK.U toe C
he was the only
nd at that
ieducti"ii of t:iJ
S400 rat-. On
ordered a war-
ian t' 1 0087 v illi i dis.sen-
, Uj , f V.". . ii gut--,
it-eilectnc ligL.ii g contract cf
.he city with the Cuttaee GroTe
tw ive M-am vet t
CO?:. 1 any in a.-kit.
c-' i" i'l ant Li.-e did i:ul
inn '.owl hit!
.Ul. .....
f.i a tl.ii t.
It ,11 the
AHpoii HastingK
simp lloir.e ei oktd lood.s to tat'Me Si) powerilll a comuiusuou
of all kiii'ls will be on sale. I just en the nppioach of election is
as i l- Company has yet about ten or j Electric Co. dattd Sept. 2S, '05,
tunning for five yeui from the hr?t
o: J'-nud.;- l'J'JG wu-. traL?fcrred to
the Wi laiiJt ttc Valley Co.
light of a ijion'. ply, that tLis fian-: The rropesed extention to the
thise was tot au exclusive one, but ' water system was taken up, but the
that it was to guarantee the men . contract price was objected to, some
who were putting their money into -of the council thinking it too high,
the woik, that tiny wculd have a CouLcilman Porter offered to vote
sufficient length uf time to make for it if the price wan put at $1200,
the investment a profitable one, that ! but Contractor Hart refused to make
the amount e f money invested here j that price- Tho matter was laid
would be very greatly in excess of 1 over to the next meetiug, with dis
what all the income that mi'ht be I sen ting votes by Hogate and John
derived froui is lianehise rights 'son.
and privileges in th:.-Mc tin mUhtj The improvement of Second street
eani in the way of nttrst for manj was taken up informally, a well x.
Co in pan y
1 1 gn at
I resent he
vulge, but
rtfootbers Httcntton!
We are showing a line of boys cloth
ing creditable to Portland ranging
in prices from $1.00 to $8.00. The
new styles, single and double
breasted, also the Buster Brown
Hose. We have also 40 styles in
Mens Suits.
IP 1
u U l vMl J)
Kvereince Walter L. Tooze be
gau his career in Oregon as a
country school teacher, and later
while a business man in Marion
county, he has beeu one of the war
horses of the republican party, and
has waged successful warfare for
the principles of the party aud the
ticket lor over -so years. i ver in
the forefront of battle, ready to snc
lifice time and money for the prin
ciples in which he believed, often
against the best advice of his neigh
bors and friends, he bottled for the
piinciples of the party of Liucoln,
Giant. McKinley and Roosevelt,
aud at no time, when many waiv
ered in their faith and followed off
after strange gods, did Tooze for
one instant depart from the straight
path of republicanism. When the
gold standard tiuestion oflSOG toie
nssunder party linrs in many places,
Tooze was on the stump for the
republican platform and piinciples,
and his voice was heard in every
precinct in the state when others
were supporting the policies and
platform of Bryan, and at no time
did he ask for a place on the ticket,
uordid he ever permit his name to
be used in connection with a nomi
nation. Now he asks for the nomi
nation for congressman, a place for
which by traiidog and education he
is eminently fitted, and the indica
tions are that the place will bo his
by one of the largest votes any can
didate can receive who has oppo
sition. A vote for Tooze on the
2oth day of April will be a vote for
the next congressman from the
first district. Albany Herald.
Mr. Tooze is a man of much
ability aud evidently one that has
given much time to the study of the
political situation, and is making a
strong fight for the place,
I t fa c tit f'r.ti , t. I 1 . -T ' I ti .
h i 1 men inte rest tl 1
thinrrs here, w hid) i. :
wns not Mt Iibei ty to
that mill their iirnt
it won'il take all 'he e; :
city of the o ar.t -o m
fair int rt-t, au i 'or
they wai.t'd the fianti:,
a period, lie .-1 ded i
towns ai -ug t'p
such rictus to
thiriy veuis and
that afier due
council would see
this franchise.
C. A. Hardy of Eugene sj o' e of
the upbuilding of the coast towns
by the various lines budding
through and projected, and said
that this company 111 sei kin;; a foot
hold here would give fail treat
ment, that it did not fee! that it
should be asked to pay tax, that
for maDy years with the many
thousands of dollars that are being
spent upon the plant and the other
plans which are being p eiaied,
tut- construction of a storm 6ewer
lo draiu the low nrea back of the
depot aud acioss Second street.
This matter was p.l! left to the
.street and light committees to be
in' cii a-; prepared to act at' the net regular
c-veu a J rtK-eting, also for them to approve
it itason! the plats and profiles of the pro
t r such j poatd grades far tie stieets, so that
it idl the ; the iit.v ordinances fur street im
provements could be passed upon
at tiic next meeting.
va'h y : 1 granted
tluui f'j. ' least
stated thai ; 1". U
c tisaJemtio the
tit to grant 1 11.
For State Sena'or uo better man
is befoie the people in Lane County
than G. W. Grittm of Eugene. He
has long served the people and
stands as an honest and able mau,
thoroughly versed in political sffairs,
a successiul merchant, with the
highest standing iu the county. A
vote for him is a vote for your interests.
Geo. Lea, with his wife and
daughter ICIsie, returned from an
exteuded visit in California, on
Fair Play.
Salem, Oregon, April 1-1, l'JOf!.
As u circular signed by ft well known populist is being circulated
in the First Congressional District by the coinpeditors of Prof. Haw
ley, the evident object of vhii Ii is to discredit Mr. Hawley with the
members of the ii. A. H, Hiid oil er putriotiecitizens, we, us veterans
of the Civil War nnd members of the ;. A. It., desire to publicly pro
test ngulust it as a utterly unjust attact upon a worthy mau. It is a
garbled and distorted statement cunningly worded to give an utterly
false impression.
Mr. Hawley ha9 been a resident of this community for nerrly
twenty years, and has frequently whown himself, In his addresses and
otherwise, to be a friend and champion of the old soldier. It Is Tur
Judgement that he will recel vealmost the solid vote of the veterans
of this community.
A. N.lill.UKKT
E. L. in;i(i;s
.1. i eioom:
1. W. MATlll.WS
W. I). PETTlN.ilLL
(S. M.S. 11 U I. ST EN
'11IOS. HO'a!'
Mr. R. Shaw of Liberty, whoso name Is use.l iu the circular herein
above referred to, has published a repudiation of all responsibility for
Its circulation and declares that such iPe ol 'a private letter, not In
tended for publication, Is ''a low method ofpoliticn that will dolts
uuthoi'H more harm than good."
Hundreds ol the clacuhus referred to, with other matter abusive
of Mr. Hawley, huvo been scattered over ihe Picti ict in envelopes
bearing the postmai ks of Portland and Woodbuin. .Mr. Huvvley's
friends have no comnieuts to make upon such political methods. They
simply submit tho whole matter to tho old veterans und all good citi
zens who believe in fuir play and clean und open methods, and will
accept their verdict, whatever It may be.
v ... ...... . W. m - . -S . ... - ' T