TALLEST SKY8CIIAPE11 IN THE WHOLE WOULD. pyre ood ST HMhe0I5EATE In tviiuln if yon lake Ifond'H S;itN!ii;niIl;i. - Tins ;ir,it iiH'iliciiio ciiich tlmsit crujit imiH, i t it ill 'M ii 1 1 I Ihi'iIm UiiiL a'iciir nl all mmnoiih; IIIII'M HtTuflllil HOICM, Kill I lillillll HI' ' 1 1 1 : 1 inl.ils Itself i (H;illy Wi ll In, ainl also ciiieN, Iy h I'rphl.i ami all Miniiarli (muMcs ; iinrn iIhii iiiatism iuhI caluiili; ninn ihivoiih UoiiMrM, ilrliility ami llial tiivil firliiitfv 'I'llis h lilnvril 1 1 V llliiWllnltf . , . i . , M . report" icri-itt linncflt Vt liar llttln iih.iiuIm, l.y acliial o.iint, Hi tin; K,rl frm ,,,, ., H.r,rll(li ,,,,.,, l;isl (wo years -n n-i'nnl uiiiiTmkiiU:l inni i.r u.i efu.r i . ... ll(vk of Hint blond (mlamilng ilia- ill lilt' lllstdiy il lllCllKinc, man. ararln fnvnr. !l gave hxr alrmigth 11 . ...... 4 - i II M . c - Mi and fnnnwnl br-allh Tlmuaiinila of Hiiro p i. II.kxIh SamiiianlLi. ,.,,.,,,,,,. .rr ..,..,.,. IJiliilil or Inliltla, HA buses Olio Ilollar. of x rnfula. mil rlmum, vwmm, oXr.. N'rjjrirtlilii Milk, miuli- ut cuttuii nnil col I.mIIhii, W to l' in ii it ii fi 1 u i 'l In Mi'iliii mi it litrgn mnli'. Tin' i'"t I" "lily olio fifth t'i oiio liflri'iith of ri ul ailk. A l.l AM A S I I I II I I 111'. I nil III I . lliltll.K, HI li'l. Il. .Hum, rr.'Irn.lliiM I'llr lirim rum mi. HHII...IU. , ,, ! i.in.i ii, ..1,1 if I'A.o l N I ,M I ,N I la I. In rum In fi In II ilii) a. U; I i.iijiiu ,iTjimi u.iinf qiM uiinp m iw i i ) t I'l'""!" !.. t ; k.ui j.iij II J.i ,.1111111, ui( wi' lll (l M t II J.iHIII 1 1 1 1 ( illll.H MO ,'kk.ljll j.ii.i ui j .iktnii ni, ; u.nU lm, ( (I.. -IIV-IJJ I'll II l.'ixl Itlt.l lll Xl M j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H JilJ. mini ""I J.Mo i.iI(im. joiia ul 'niif j ...jui.rf)f Mothers will flint Mr-, Wlnslow's HorilMnf Prriip tlm Uil rrnipily in mo lot Itmlr chlMfcu during llio locllili.g (ull'i-l. A niw linriw dimnm" linn coiiip la 1'ng Innd from linlin l.y wny of Smilli Afilrn. It U cnlli'il r-1 1 1 . . t i l i n i ilui 1 1 ( 1 1 i m, nn. In virjr iiinliiiiliniM. TITO ruriiimifiilljr ( nrM. tin fitiior nrrTntiRniMui I I I u fl',i llii il ' ur ,.f It K llnr m iimt Smvi iln.irr. br ml fi.r I rem 1 UliO Im,iii at.. I lr,-ll. In. II. II. Klllm, 1.1.1. .Ml An h hi., I'Mlnlrll-hltt, I s. I 'rimiiiiTn In Miiri i luimt nj thn jioli, i iiuiu fur lu w.irk In taking llii'iu to jml. 'KC no r?T Don! wait! 25 ounces for 25 cents JAQUFS Chicago Th kniaiir " fir. u M.u "Tlio j iiiii of tln 1'iiht iimt Mi.lillo ct will fall hvit tlii'inselvt'S to ciiiiii' to tho l'ni i lu' Nnrtliwor-t when tiny find out how much lultir tin. . 1 1 1 1 1 11 to inul udviiiituKi rt uri'." Hurli Ik tlii w rlid'ii dtslruirnt of W. K. I'l'lvoll, who has been 1 1 v 1 1 K III Hit' l iuilk' .Sol Ui n ct t cl vo i'Kr, We Want Them "to Find Out" Ami the tt way to tell IIipiii Is to ml tliem our iiiltk'Htliiia: "Orrton, WathlnKlon, Idaho and Thtlr Rraourtrt." a rinihlnimcljr tllimtrntcil M-paxe liiHik , It-1 1 1 ii k a, I a'.. ml I he llirvn it lv. lour i enl In . -n I a. "What Tarmrra Have Dona In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, as Told by Themselves," two trnta In iilaiii'. "Hfilful Kcirrallon Rrsorls," ilcscrlpllvc of the stiiiiiniTlnK iUi'cs of tho Coluiulila rlvnr and I nasi, Iwu tenia In alamos. "The Columhla rtlvar Through lha Casiadea lo Ihe Paddc Oiean," largo pHiioraintc in li ut t. 0 lul ii in Ina r I vor, w It ti aiorv on rr vrrao alilti, four ci-uta large and aouralc Hall map nl (I'Pgnn, "aililiiglon n ml liliiho. crnta In stainpa. Handy potkel map ul drfgnn, WaahliiKlnn an. l.lnliu, still imvit, two tents. Kur any of t tin atiovo, ail'lroaa, cnclnslnii ilmiips hh Ktu'cil A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A., Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon) Write tu'luy Portlnnd, Oregon CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portldiid Trade Directory Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre sentative Uuslness firms. I'liol'ti HI'I'I'I.IKM: Ko.luk iIhvpIiiiiIiih nnil print lug; wrlia Inr prli i s. VA ,M.,li,r.l. t lm . I'o. il AdlVri.AN I KKNH WrlHier '., l'ortluml. Ixiweat prima un Ijtnli'rna anil Hllili a. hi. A Hilt) lloslKHY ; HnppnrlarH. Ilrnnn; Knll to rill fr niinjinruniant bluiika; wuiiiluril, t'lurku. JloltHKHnfa.il kliiila for anl nl vrry runJioiialila prli'ea. Inipilru i!7t hront HI. TltUHMKM it on approvnl; w guiiriinlM 111 lu iiiomI Ulllli ull ciuica; Wouilanl, Cliirkii A I'o. BWK.KT l'l'.AM Hi'inl Ilk-for prkK. aaatil Kiilr llolil .Mcilal pinn. J. J. HnUi r, lui I' lonl slri'ul. A It'll Kill A I, I'lYI'H; I'Viry nlimlc and Hlnip.-; na kiiriiiinnt ai nl un approval i uodaril, I lr.re t o I III' AM HKI'AHATtHlH-We nuiirnnl Il I'. H. hi paruior lo lif lln' IuhI. W rlln lur Iruu tulu og. Jlu.fli'il Co., 1' lull unit link. Al KN"HI'l.lTII I NO llnftiim . IVnillplon, aula UHi ins Allri'il lliinliiiiilii t'o.'a corii'i-t rlnlln'" Kvi ry ililng In iiicn a tnrnlNlilniia. Mornaon unit HKtli alreais. tippoail" poalolllia. ritKK LAND IN OKKIION nniliT llm Cnrcy I rrl- Juiliin ai l. ipiI d ri'nt Irnin staio. Wrll Imliiy. HKikli't anil innp In'''. . looku tt l o., Alilar slraul, 1'iirllmid, OrcgoiL I'OIII.THY KOOD If you want your liens to lay Diorargas writ us for Iri-a particulars ulioiil I'll ItiNA loil-iliY k.hlb-Acuia Alllla Co., J'orliaail, I'rrgon. TAILOIIH foliinibla Woolon Mills l'o Portland, lira !tet alylu rlolln s inaila lo mi'aaure cliuap, (lur sail iiH'aaiirriiiaiil syatriu luaurua perlucl lib Writ fur fru sainyli'S and prlwa. 1'IANtm k OIIO A NH Olilcsl piano house on I'a itllo eoast. Organs ami Tlanoa on eioiy payniHiiia. Writs Air Hal. lt ua quota you a price). AlleuA Ullbart-ltainakar lo., rurlluud, Oiagon. Uiiinaa HalrOooils Hwltclies, I'oinpailoiira, Man's luui.i is and Wlgss Iiisl (iiialltyi lowtial primal riuti for Iras price list: mall order a specially, axlg 11 air b ore, lu WaaUlngtou BU tal isse. lf tl'sff- Mm TMr.ii I,. Tliiiinpaoniif liaMon, Ilainili'itppril. Tlu Iiiictur Tin iiiimI li-iuo I -ft for you ilocni't oi'i'iii to lui Inul tin ilc hIii'iI i fTi i t. Il:iv( you tnkcii It ri-u liuly? 'I'lii I'ntli'iil (n j t An rt-Kuliirly mm I coulil, ilui'tur. You mi Id 1 hIiouIiJ tuko It uflrr null mini. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Hours tho Blguuturo of In Kotiora, Mi-ilro, nlmin, nliout fl'), (HiOiHMi of Ainrrirnti iiiniicy l n-iw lu eiitcil. n rt II K A nil. n IN liNK HAY T h i. I.A A I I S I. Ii Hi iv ig.ili.lnc I Kiiia. tirnir r ii rrnnxl in,, ut. tr it ful in ritr. K. W. 1 1 K' flltf lifttuni In (ill rucli tin I. !('. t'nrlo Allen. "No," Hi LI rc! Alli-ii Ri.nrk, "t U'nll't "'I IOC Il'Ik'Kllll I IIHMIIIIIIi'Ilt'll linr, but of nil tlir nu n I nui nriiim Intel wiili In- Ii.ik tin nnmt vivid rocolUctluu ut tliuik'o I lint never lmi.iL-iir'l." AlXfili3G POWDER ii the womleiful riliing powder of the Wjve Circle. Ihouundi of women are bringing greater health and better food into their hornet by using K C Baking fowder. Costs Just one-thiid what you always pay. If you have never used it you don't know what you've missed. All groccis. MFG. CO. IkHik of I'mnu1 rnj jr.L i.i;i ju.u j.nl j( Mif ii,iou 0j o I'.iMIJ.iJ IM. 'M)I( JO l(.M 'l''1!!' ItliM j. nl J-- a"Uo 'inpuj !iHl JO oiiMil oijl ixili trf ii i,ii'n.iotl fclliiK.Ii(l JO Jll() txxxa Nothing knocks out and disables like Lumbago and Sciatica Nothing' reaches the troublo as quickly as St. Jacobs Oil Known tho world over as Tho Master Cure 3 for PainsandAches j Prlot), 2 So. and flOo. tXXTTTTTTI XTTTTTTTTT TTXTTTd P. N. U. No, 15-08 w 11KN writing- to adTertls.ra pl.ase insillaa tula paper. ljcS MAHK. mm 1 1 w 1 1 17 ted i a 3 m I l.jr-w-1 I. '"J:-- "I 9i 1 1 V t 7 Ail "i r-' .M Pi Hi KiikIihhth, nrrlilti'ftH, ami IniildiTH tfVfryvvliere nro luterustrxl In the jlnns nutilc putillc from New York for n nkjHcrninT Hint will out kycrn'o nnytliliiic yet ttullt. Theno pliiiin wero flliil with the New York building de partment by Eraeat FIhrk. for tho proiH.NtM Singer bulldliiK- Nothing lm ire rudlcni linn ever lieen nttenipted on either sldo of the ocean than U enilHxlleU In the plans for thin struc ture. Tlm building Is to be forty Htorlen high and other buildings In New York and Chicago which now caune people to bt'cnino stiff -necked looking up ut them will, by comparison, nppear fXlllllll. Two of the tallewt Chicago buildings the MiikoiiIc Temple and the Majestic Theater, would be but one story high- ' er than the Singer building, If one ' wan placed on top of the other. There ' will be M3 feet of the structure above I ground and probably l-o feet of It ! below the street surface, so that, nil told, It will be ten feet longer than tho mammoth AmeiiUa, the biggest steaiu Hhlp Htloat. It wan BupiMisod the limit hnd leen reached In thin style of stmcture, but It seems not. Hefora long a fifty istory pllo may be expected to make alow go ing peoplo gimp. While Chicago was the pioneer In the erection of tall buildings, It has In the last few yearn been far outstrip ped by New York. Tho constantly In creasing population of Manhattan Isl and and tho Impossibility of Increas ing tho ground area for tho accommo dation of the people made It neces sary to run the buildings higher and higher until It Is Impossible to tell when the limit will be reached. Why riui-a Of (on Knll. "Tragedies only draw well In pros perous tunes. w nen money is ugui the peoplo want farees." Tho speaker, an actor, went on to ex plain : I "When tho public Is on Easy street, it ' la willing to be sympathetic, find It will , then go freely to a ead play. Hut when the public Is In hard luck, It wanta to forget 1U troubles, and It goes only to ' farces and musical comedies, for It I knows well that the woes of n sago ! tragedy would recall to It only too poignantly Its own woes." Ilia llrllllnut ltleu. Cholly Would you er caro to change your name, Miss Serogglns? DollyWhy, Mr. Nitwit I Well ah y yes, I believe I would. Cholly Well, It can bo done, y' know. You can petition tho legislature i or, by Jovo, you might get mariied. Why don't you? Cleveland lender. Tbe Point of View. "Now, that'e my Idea of a Joke," aald the editor, looking It over. "Not ou your life," responded tba waiting humorist i "It's my Idea, and It's worth $2." Philadelphia Ledger. Mra. Penham What made that hole In the curpett Deuham That's where I dropped ona of your biscuits. New York Press. ll.j i ? 1 c !l 9 ii : ! IBMfoF ALL TQMIC The hinin every part of the body, make it the greatest of remedy PURELY VECET A OLE a n d while tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it iu perfect condition during the depressing summer mouths that arc to follow. Spring is the season when most every one needs a tonic. It is nature's time for an effort to pull through the day. renewing and changing; and as everything puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, and all respond to Spring's call to purge and purify themselves, there is a great change also takes place in our bodies. The blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and accumulations which have formed in the system, and been absorbed by it, from the inactive winter life, and calls upon every member to assist in the elimination. The system is often unequal to the struggle, the appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, the spirits arc depressed, and a general run down condition is the result. Then the body must have assistance it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Beiner made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market, which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S- S. tones up the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S. gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season. It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy, and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needeHor the purification of the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well a3 for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one endorsed by the best people all over the country 5. S. S., THE GREATEST OF ALL TONICS. It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every point, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the condition, and S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. PUTNAM Color more Roods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c a package. Write for free booklet how to dye. bleach and mix colors. MONROE DRUG CO., Unionville, Missouri. Pulling Teeth notliiiiiT iimt inolt-rn ilciititry lm ueconi pMstMtl lt Ki-r-Htcr than f-xtra'-lliitc t-t 11 wttlioiil pain. W liuve ! y tars' vxpr: f ncf tn ilo:iifc th ft. We cun honestly t xtract a ire tooth without hurling you. I'r. h urdtvrtfit, tptclullat oil cli idrtii's tetta and rtfciiilttCi.g. WISE BROTHERS . f, Sv DENTISTS... j Via ii J j&smmmmimmm DR. w. a. wise. I Fail in K Hull. linn. Third and Waihlnj;toa A. M lo V I". M. Sundays V to li. Main '.V-M. AMAI Don t be frightened but be warned I Every Mother knows, or should know, that the terrible Mortality among little children Is caused by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colic, Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer Complaint, Measles, Rashes, Scarlet Fever even Mumps have their first cause In constipation. The Delicate Tissues of a Baby's Bowels will not stand rough treatment. Salts are too violent, and Castor Oil will on!;- grease the passages, but will not make ani keep them Clean, Healthy and Strong. There Is no other medicine as safe for a child as Cascarets, tho fragrant little Cand Tablet, that has saved thousands of families from unhappinsss. Tho Nursing Mother even In good health should always keep her own Bowels Loose, and her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking Cascaret at night before going to bed. No other medicine has this remarkable and valuable quality. Mama takes the Cascaret, Baby gets the Benefit. Cascarets act Uko strengthening Exercise on tho weak little bowels' of the growing babe, and mako them better able to get Ingredients that enter into and preparing them so that FADELESS DYES Is thP oldest of all di n:nl work. Hut all the Nourishment out of Baby's Natural Food. Larger children cannot always be watched, and will eat unreason ably. The Ready Remedy should ever be at hand Cascarets to take caro of the troublo when it comes. No need to Force cr Bribe chil dren to take Cascarets. They are always more than ready to eat the sweet little bit of Candy. Repulsive medicine forced on the ones does more harm than good. little Home Is not complete without the ever ready Box of Cascarets. Ten cents buys a small one at the Corner Drug Store. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk. Every tab let stamped " CCC." rrr tree, to our. friends! We want to send to oar Mends a beautiful French-deslened. GOLD PLATED BONBON BOX. hard-enameled in colors. It Is a beauty for the dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a measure of good faith and to cover cost of Cascarets, With whlchUiIs'Klnty trinket Is loaded. Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Ciucaito or New York. dr. t. p. wisr. Too Late? S. S. S. and the method of com. thev build up and strencrthcu all tonics. S. S. vS. is nature's it is restorini: the lost annc- 1 have used 8. 3. H. qnite extensively and unhesitating reoom nend It as the best blood purifier and tonio made. I am a machinist by trade and at one time my system was bo run down that by 10 o'clock; every day I would be com pletely exhausted, and It was with the greatest effort that I could pull through the balance of the day. Since taking 8. B 8., however, all this has disappeared. I am a strong, vigorous man, abundantly able to do my day's work, my appetite has been whetted np so that I cn eat anything, my sleep is sweet and refreshing, and I know farther that It has purified my blood and put it in i?ood condition. I cannot speak too highly of your great remedy, 8. 8. 8. 817 W. Broad .St., Columbus, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY. SHE FOUND IT THE BEST SPRING TONIC. On two occasions I have used 8. 8. 8. in the spring with fine results. I can heartily recommend It as a tonio and blood purifier. I was troubled with headache, indigestion and liver troubles, whioh all disappeared under the use of 8. 8. 8. My appetite, which was poor, was greatly helped. I can eat anything I want now without fear of In digestion, and my blood has been thoroughly cleansed of all impurities and made rich and strong again. As a tonio and blood purifier it 1b all you claim for it. 771 E. Mala St., Springfield, O, MRS. G. WIEGEL. Well Drilling Machinery, Drilling & Fishing Tools. Irrigation Plant, Hydrau lic Hams, Spray Pumps. Write Vn REIERrort MACHINERY CO. l-J-1-6 Morrison St. Portland Oregon Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL NOME TREATMENT Th vn1 rful Chi nea Pcct' r it rulli d great because he cures Iwople without opera lion that are Kive.i up to tile. He cures with Uioh wundi-rful Chi it s her as, roo;. biitW, bark and vegetables l tint ait eittireiy un known to medical sci ence lu thin country. 'I'hro.iKh iue usj oi ihos hit rail ess remt-d.es this Iaiuouh doctor knows tliewctloti nfover&K) d fert-m remedies which he successiully ues In tT.nVrvni disease-. Ha (.uurttnteeH toe nre catarrh, usihina, lumt, thr a. rht'unia Imii, nervoi.sne.M, tttomach, Itver; le d rti'.vs, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials, i tutrices moderate. 1 all and nee him. fall nl out of the city wrttt tor hkuikr and c rcnlarj. rn-ud slump. LO-N'sL 1. 1 A i'l ON a'tdvli. ideress THEC. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162'j first St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Meutimi rajier. PORTLAND. OREGON. W.L. Douglas ! SO. 50 P. 10.00 CUMTOFOR O CX 0 On UEaO.iN W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. W. L. DOUGLAS MA KES SELLS MORS MEM'S $3. BO SHOES THAN ANY OIHttt MAMUFAOTURER IN THE WORLO. (1 tl Unll REWARD to snyon who can $IU,UUvJ disprove thu sutemsnt. If I could lake you Into my three large factories t Brockton, Mass., and show you Ihe Inllnlte car. with which every pair of shoes Is made, you would realla why W. L. Doug-las SJ.80 shoe cost more to make, why they hold their shape, lit belter, wear longer, anil ar. ol greater Intrinsic value than any other S3. SO shoe. W. L Ooufflmm Strong Madm Shorn torn Mmn, $2.1) U. Days' School et Urm Shoo; S2.BO, 9 V, . 7 . I. BO CAUTION, Insist upon having W.X.loug. las siioes. Take no substitute. Is one genuine without bts name and prion stamped ou bottom. fatt Color ueleti umd ; thty will nut aveur b'utty. Write fur llluatrutml Cainlog. W. L. UOtGLAS. llrocktou. U. JSltl a?:f:H III1ICapital 'a.soQOQQ