New Arrivals This Week Selz Shoes Latest Styles and Creations Thompson's Glove Fitting Cor sets. New and pleasing styles. A large assortment Of Fine Glassware. Late Patterns. C. II. BURKIIOLER Corner Malrv Ctl 3rd Stccrt Vc rnrry a compMe line of farm and garden tools. Von cannot af ford to bo without our No. 4. Im ptoved I'lanct Jr. Ah n he Her this tool i accurate, niroplo, durable, re liable and cany rnnniiif, doing first c'.as work in every particular. ( l.itd''in rs and l''imerH wlio f' el that, haven't enough wr.ik for a dull lu l, will find thU com bined tool one of tlie most ui-cfiil mid efficient of "II l'el erH. Wynne Hdw. Co. ft TIES To Tic To. I'iim'mI llr.c of I,iili-H nnd (IciiH Tien ever H'cn ill II. limvc. I'rici- 1', Ik :!.", (111"'. Dress and Work Shirts 50c 75c and 90c Subsr ribo for the Nugg'-t. Rev. I). I'. (Hon married Tom Jenkins nnd Mr. fcc lait Saturday eve nintf- Mr. Jormie Kebbbbeek rnme up from Fall ('reek Saturday for a few days visit. Mis Stella Day of I'.wyvnc, nfjf-nt of the Green Stamp people, was a visitor n-ir thin week. Mrs. J. M. ('nip mid little daugh ter (lladjs, of Springfield visited in t lie Oiov'! over Sunday returning Monday Mrs. I'urmi) f 1 r y , the mother-in law of Hairy Metcalf liaa purchas ed the two lots adjoining h-r prop e ty on the north. John I 'a i ley of Springfield has rented the J. I'. I'rown pinto here and lias moved with his family, lie has charge af the. planer at the Chamhera Lumber Co. at DorenaJ Mm. Walker mother of Mrs. making uit daughter and change of weather lioHton chillinef-s. of Boston, Mass. ('. I'mil Jonea is i ... ... i a vimii witii ier noi rctiatts the here from the JTrifTJllHUI 8 BB6666BB5B5B8fl8fl0flfifl5TJBBlo8TIBTIffffirj hems of Interest in ami ahoui Collate (irou anil icinily . HOME NEWS 9.fiBflfiUfiflflflitaU8fi9BflBBB0a0t'fiP33BCB035tflP8C08))fl8fl8J3Jl. 1 )d not ft r (.' t to teci'er St til'1 new id ( nt runnier the Sewing mat bine fue nr mihu lady. Who i hIh-. Mens and boys ov tallH at I" f 1 . at the U.ia r. Kugene Steam I.aundrv, Allison nnd I lasting agents. lon't fad to notice who tb- con testants arc in the in in bine Kniti .1. I.iidw i;- planus :t ViaO'li - Liuv- l;...t. Snio r It !l fui Allan and V itland n Mum!. iv. A lioun- l iHid i-, tl t kind fr you to -inkc C ' i iiii w. I ' 1 1 in i it. i ii'at an- jii't the thing nnd dn't y n fr get it. i'al.y hiif;i' s !' the brM (Nnigns, L.i.l I.i i h Itm-liiiiK nnd I'.inlroirv ('ol io Id 1.1 relit encli. I llXllll 1 .1(1. Mew Tpo-Ceot Counter Palm and 1 Ini r IiIovi h to SOAP SOAP SOAP A. I!. Nnpllni, per liar llii.ltal SiiV'ili I '1'rui- I 1 i - Tar S . o 1 1 I'l ft' Tilt Sollp I'l I tH 1 I li- Toilet SolipM Mi rlmiile M (ilveel ine Soup Ciiiiner Minimi Snip The Bazaar. Sewing machine coupon rrct iv cd on Mihhfi iptions wIku vmi j'ny rot'ND A purse. Apply a t Nugget othce. identify advcitiHcini'nt. When you want a good mni.inej or pnper on a cluooing rate, liy your home pajier with it. The Iriee will Hntisfy you. Hllo Central (live us every one on the lino. We want to t 11 them u doll I the (ileal largaius at lie. llaaai rlionc I'M The New York Tribunu h'.umtr, n weekly AgrieuHui al paper, fiee to any auliHtrilier that pais n year's sutHcriptiu to the Nugget. The work on the Christian Church iH progressing rapidly and before long the partitions will he taken out and it will he made into ono room. Yea tch V Iiawaon have just put in a new Hiife for tho protection l their records ami papers, nnd a Mr. Yeatch taya ilia the cheapest kind of iiiHuraiu c on am h paper. The Hrowu Itumher Co. com lucneed Minning n 12 hour thilt on Monday, teginning work at '..'Id and working with half an hour nt noon until 7. Thia is puhirg tin. work along pretty well. Rev. C II. Wallace is getting the frame of hia house put up this week, lie is doing moat all of tho Spiiti; ! l.ui'd.n j 1 1-1 in rit1 h A I.'i son. !i.l t poi Im two pooo i . : .1 1 1...... :;l It-1 N'. . I. in" ' is i mtii i? down a iee;i '.V . i :. . i and j.av f. ,r ' ' ' ' ' i 1 1) Sew III i: it ii i :n li i ll III ihIviih e oil i-hirls, nilk and li oni c,o I" 9" cents is it" the ci .Hi t liouKe nachite cnupons miIisci ipl kii paid St e tll'i- e fill'- plain limit nt nt lie I! i.-iar. Mih. I.eKoV Weld. Wi Mian's SnlTr ii;e C I'.H tl.. lul 1 rl week. attended the ,hfi)tioii in Aillii'ls of Hewing umchines, hoth i;ew i r old at any old pi ice at Vealcll A Ii IHI-Oll's, K v. Lai c, Mpiscopal rector fiom Ios.-hiii I e'd a line church service heie ( ii Moiidav evening. O.le i 05c 10c Me Conger makes Oregon. tho best cigars in for a years e sub- iii' lis good photo :it cood i jci-s ti i A Hi' I i an i a ! I s and i nte in l ow ai let i exl . Home industry is all right when u u 'mi eel what you want at the i ight i ice, nich aa Coneis cjears. I'd! an cxpi it piano tuner and re pairer, call up h, Ij. W'ooiIm, Into of Kiiiilmll'H l'i.ino Factoiy. Chicago, on phone ,vA. Chicken fanciers get a Poultry Journal, and keep posted. The Northwest Poultry Journal and the Nugget for I.7"). Anna Ole.shy spent Sunday with her parenta, ami on Mouday returned to Yoncalla where she is mi the Yoncalla Imlo- Journal Now is work himself and wid have a very comfortable house for himself and 1 employed his wife when it is completed, in ' pendent. which to pasi the Inter years of i y. 11. Honians. chief timber in their lives. (spector from Washington, I). V. The local croamery made a ahip i has been in this locality for some inent of nine ensea of butter to the i time looking over tho timber re l,M1.u.d mnrket on Monday, nnd in serve, and left for the north on the making shipments every day now. ' Monday noon train. Mr. Stiller is much pleased with the way the creamery business is work ing out. Moie cream is being brought in each day, and still more in proapect. G. O. McOilvray has his force of men busily at work getting the pits I govcinorahip. dug for the foundation for the new electric plant engine, unloading brick, nnd getting ready for the construction of the new plant. The foundatiouB of the engine are to be Bunk deeper than first intended, and the bojb nie already down to tho water. When tho engine is mounted it will bo on a foundation made to stand for years. On Wedneaday a crew of men will go out ou Mosby Creek and load gravel on O. A S. K. cars for the foundations. Some little iiimcuny was found in sccuriug tho light kind of gravel in sufficient quanti ties, but it Is thought thut by fcrteaing the rock it can be gotten (ill right. UeportH from the Kastern Ore gon section indicate that Governor Geo. Chamberlain has u strong hold on tho affections of tho people over lher nnd that he will put up a ter- ror of a race to any aspirant for the Tlie Springfield News says that since the liooth Kelley company has 1 nihid tho wages of its men at that point it has secured a good crew of hard wonting, reliable men, and that if they continue paying such wapes they will have little difficulty in keeping a full crew. C. II. Purkholder is commenc ing a series of window displays in his store windows which have re cently bi cn enlarged and arranged for r bet Mr Knowing. The effect of the goods on display is very catch- ing and m a gnat improvement. Mr. Pin kholdcr is planning a num ber of other important changes which ho hopes to make mt time 100 coupons scription. The Saturday market--See Pen son's show window. All kinds of frrsh soda and oys ter crackers at the Paaar. FOR SALIC- Five room house and two lots, Inquire of C. P. Pru- lieau. 13 Cochran's studio is the place for you to p;et vr photograph. I'on't i'r get Cochran. Singer sewing machine agency at Yeatch & Paws-on's, also collect ing agency for same. Tim Kpwoith League market will have lots ol goodies at Person s I'harmaey .Saturday. Free with Nugget subscription. The New Yoik Tribune Farmer, a weekly apricultuial pnper. Garden seed just ai lived and opened nt Metcalf V Prunds. The best quality nl tho best prices. The Northwest Poultry and the Nugget for $1.75. the time while this special price is on- Yeatch & Lawson have jnst put in a line line of the latest baby bug- gies ot ine ceieoraieu iieywocu brand. Patronize a home industry that is building up a good trade by its gootl material. The Conger Cigar Factory. ICugene's water supply is much improved at the present time ac cording to tepoits by the State Poard of Health. Quito a good deal of work has already been laid out for the sum mer and it is hoped that a new winner will be made for the eam-p. Two Faigene ladies are out on a 60 mile ttnmp to Foley Spriugs nnd will undoubtedly have a rather muddy trip before they get through with it. Sheriff Fisk and Chiet of Tolice Farrington of Kugene made a good capture there on Friday when they secured Jack Mitchell, a noted crim inal for whom there is offered iffiooo reward. The Const I.engue bnsebnll season open Saturday with Portland play ing at riesno, where the score was I to o in favor of Portland. From now on tne ooys will 00 on eager watch for the daily scores. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walker enteitsined a num ber of young folks at their home in this city. A most delightful time was had by .ill present. The best ; of refreshments were served and al together U was voted it success. Departure was taken early in tho ! morning. Congressman Williamson, Yan Gcssncr and Pirgs are making a desperate fi'ht to avoid sentence, afor their conviction hist fall. A huge bill of exception covering some 160 pages was presented Mon day to Judge W. II. Hunt, of Mon tana in tli-i Federal court at Port land ami this bill has been denied signaturn because of incompleteness. A long and hard battle will be waged to escape the law. The United Stages Weather Pu reau commences this week to issue weekly bulletins in detail, which bulletins succeed the weekly crop bulletin issued last year. We note that the highest temperature of last week that was noted, was at Kose burg and at Drain, both K2 and the lowest at Forest Grove JH i)v Thursday and Friday the temper ature was higher than it had been previously recorded in 20 years. L, F. Orpurd returned frcm P rt laud on Saturday night's overland, after having had treatment from a specialist there for his eyes. A short time since he had a case of grippe which settled in his left eye and was driven from it, but later re turne 1 and settled in the risht 'e 60 suddenly and severely as to en tirely destriy the eight. He was taken to Por'lanJ where the eye was removed, and tl e other one treated. He is now practically re covered from the sickness, but is still exceedingly weak and feels the loss of his eye very much. Pot Hunters Pay High for Slaughter-! ing deer. ; Gamewarden Paker is much j gratified over tho airtst and fining of thrte men at Pendleton for Kill ing deer out of season It was al hged that three men, Fay Le Grow, Sain Paiiiburn and Fiank Orasty of Atheua killed 16 deer at one time iD a canyon in the mountains on the noith fork of Meaeham Creek, after having driven the deer into a cor ner so that they could not escape, and a Pendleton pnper says of it: This seems to be the culmination of unlawful deer killing which has been going on in the neighborhood of Meaeham and on the head water of Umatilla for a number of l'rH- The gamewarden has oeen nara U work 011 the case for a long time. and detailed Deputy J. D. v ilson of Yoncolla, who is one of the bet of his deputies to trace the matter and as a result me euuecce was louccl necessary i" setuic a conviction. ine men were mica 5125 each, after having plead guilty. Senator Fulton takes exception to the remonstrance of Cottage Grove s people against the open ing of lands in the Forest Peserve to the settlement, and seems to think that they know nothing about tho Peserve and intimates that their remocstracce will dg theiu uo good. Able Sons. Kx-Mayor Yeatch was down at Kugene recently to hear his son, who is attending the University, debate on the rate question. Along with him was au old friend, Mr. Galloway, whose 6on was also de bating and both men listened 10 the debate with great attention and interest, for they found in the speeches evidences of ability they had not imagined and each went away feeling rather as tUougn iney had mighty good renson to be proud of -their sons, such able and powerful boys as. they had found them to be. Mr. Galloway is the father of ChaB. V. Galloway of Corvallis who is a candidate for Congressional Representative. If you want to hear Mr. Yeatch talk about a good man, listen to him about Chas. V. Galloway, he says there is tho man and would like to see him win out, for he is an honest strong and powerful man, Tlie Bohemia nugget f fill the Nev5 fill the Time f Neat Job Work of All Kinds Done 4J . -1 -. -j Kiel! treat Vou Rigiu 9 The Real Safety Razor : .1 31 . -J Can be used in either hand and strops like any razor. r It cuts them off slick as a whistle. t Griffin & Veatch Co. mornindX won't catch cold! He drank 3(S0 x n r 9 wmmMmm mmmmmm Metcalf oc Brund. (woooooooiwooooooooowoooo o 000000 Chas. A. Stevens & Co. I Cliuau, III- s All tin lu'.v w Kit and "ill; ni!it'ri;il- f r suits, j ickei-i, skirls aii'l waists, t iai incuts in le to 01 -ilcr. Miitcri.ils by the yard. Linen shit t a i t suits. Silk and im icci iK. il petticont. 'flic Iciuitiiul new "t'rincos" and "lianzi" nilks in nil the lcadin,' -Ii idc-. No tioiililc tn i-hiiw i-ainplcs. A few patterns in div-s and cklrt leuutliH m lia nd. Agent, Mrs. OrpaSi Benson, Cult life drove. Oregon. Thane, Ala hi .I'M. 00MKH50000KKK)MOOOOCKiWCK000000 -OO-OOOOOOCOO For 1 Tho l'acific ilouicsU a I is .'1 good , . . . 1 -, i weekly farming p-iper, and c.n bq A pood reclining baby buggy in , 0 1 . , T bestot condition. H. O. Thcfmp- d at a reduced rato mi!, Miggej gon. I subscriptions,